Rostekhnadzor electrical safety testing program. Training program for electrical personnel for independent work. Negative effect of electric current on. Basic knowledge of general electrical engineering. Knowledge of electrical circuits

  • 05.04.2020


Electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical measures and means to protect people from the harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static electricity (GOST 12.1.009-82. SSBT. Electrical safety. Terms and definitions).

The electrical safety system covers the stages of design, installation, operation, repair of electrical installations and electrical equipment. The main regulatory framework of the system:

Electrical Installation Rules (7th ed.);
- Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers, approved. Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6;
- Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF No. 328n dated July 24, 2013 (POTEU);

For the direct fulfillment of obligations for organizing the safe operation of electrical installations, the employer by order appoints a person responsible for electrical facilities and his deputy. These persons are appointed from among managers and specialists after testing their knowledge and assigning them the IV group for electrical safety in the operation of electrical installations up to 1000 V and V group - above 1000 V.

Given the increased danger to humans of electrical energy, only qualified service personnel are allowed to operate electrical installations.

Pre-examination training of electrical personnel (III, IV electrical safety groups)

The degree of personnel qualification is determined by the amount of knowledge about the danger of electric current and the ability to provide first aid in case of accidents, in accordance with which an electrical safety group is established: from I - the lowest to V - the highest (for work in electrical installations above 1000 V).

To conduct a knowledge test and assign electrical safety groups to employees, the employer appoints by order a commission consisting of at least 5 people. During the verification procedure, at least three members of the commission must be present, including the chairman (or deputy chairman) of the commission. The chairman of the commission (deputy) must have group IV - for consumers with electrical installations only up to 1000 V and group V - up to and above 1000 V.

All members of the commission must have a group on electrical safety, and the chairman and two members of the commission must pass a knowledge test in the commission of the Energy Supervision Authority.

Each employee's knowledge is checked individually. Based on the results of the check, an electrical safety group is established for the personnel, an entry is made in the Logbook for checking the norms and rules of work in electrical installations, and a certificate of the established form is issued. When performing official duties, the employee must have a certificate with him.

Checking the knowledge of employees is primary and periodic (regular and extraordinary). The primary knowledge test is carried out for employees who first entered the work related to the maintenance of electrical installations (preliminary training is mandatory), or when there is a break in the knowledge test for more than 3 years.

The next inspection should be carried out within the following timeframes:

For electrical personnel directly organizing and carrying out work on the maintenance of existing electrical installations or performing adjustment, electrical installation, repair work or preventive tests, as well as for personnel entitled to issue orders, orders, conduct operational negotiations - 1 time per year;

For administrative and technical personnel not belonging to the previous group, as well as for labor protection specialists admitted to inspect electrical installations - 1 time in 3 years.

An extraordinary knowledge test is carried out regardless of the period of the previous test:

When the Consumer enters into force new or revised rules and regulations;

When installing new equipment, renovating or changing main electrical and technological schemes(the need for an extraordinary inspection in this case is determined by the technical manager);

Upon appointment or transfer to another job, if new duties require additional knowledge norms and rules;

In case of violation by employees of the requirements of normative acts on labor protection;

At the request of state supervisory authorities;

According to the conclusion of the commissions investigating accidents with people or violations in the operation of the energy facility;

When increasing knowledge to a higher group;

When testing knowledge after receiving an unsatisfactory grade;

When there is a break in work in this position for more than 6 months.

Description of the programs of pre-examination training in electrical safety for 3, 4 groups.

The program is intended for electrical personnel of enterprises.

Full-time form of education. Training is conducted in Russian.

Electrical personnel - personnel with the right to sole maintenance, inspection, connection and disconnection of electrical installations from the voltage network up to and above 1000 V. The 3rd and 4th groups are assigned only upon reaching the age of 18. For specialists (engineers) in labor protection, experience in production is required, at least 3 years in any position.

The main goal of training under the program is to improve and (or) acquire new competencies necessary for professional activity, and (or) professional development within the existing qualifications.

The main task of training is to update and systematize the knowledge of the personnel of organizations of various industries (regardless of their organizational and legal forms) about working with electrical installations, ensuring safe work, consolidating first aid skills in case of electric shock, training in briefing and monitoring subordinates in compliance with the norms and rules of labor protection (electrical safety

The pre-examination preparation program consists of 40 academic hours of lecture material, with intermediate certification carried out in the form of a test. Final certification is carried out by Rostekhnadzor

More information about the program can be found in the Annotations.

Upon completion of training and a qualifying exam, the student receives a certificate confirming the electrical safety clearance group.

Pre-exam preparation programs for 3.4 electrical safety groups

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On State Energy Supervision". The system of state energy supervision in the Russian Federation. Tasks, functions and structure of Mosgosenergonadzor. Relations between state energy supervision authorities and consumers of electricity. Features of training and testing the knowledge of electrical personnel. Objectives, content and sequence of the course. Guidelines preparation for the knowledge test and registration of the results of the test.

Section 1. Electrical Management

Topic 1.1. Training of personnel for the operation of electrical installations

Duties, responsibility of consumers for the implementation of the rules and regulations for the safe operation of electrical installations. Selection of electrical and electrotechnological personnel. Periodic medical examinations of employees. Conducting safety training and fire safety. Training and testing of knowledge of electrical and electrotechnological personnel. Ensuring the labor protection of personnel, environment during the operation of electrical installations. The procedure for appointing a person responsible for electrical facilities and his deputy. Features of imposing the duties of the person responsible for the safe operation of electrical installations on the head of the Consumer. Responsibilities of electrical and electrical personnel. Assignment to non-electrical personnel of group I for electrical safety. Assignment to electrical and electrical personnel of group II (III, IV, V) for electrical safety. Mandatory forms of work with electrical and electrical personnel. Types of knowledge checks. Requirements for the commission to test the knowledge of electrical and electrical personnel.

Topic 1.2. Electrical management system

Organization of development and maintenance necessary documentation on the operation of electrical installations. Organization of operational maintenance of electrical installations and elimination of emergencies. Operational development of the consumer's power supply scheme to meet its needs for electricity. Improvement of energy production and implementation of energy saving measures. Implementation and development new technology, technology of operation and repair, efficient and safe methods of organizing production and labor. Operational management of electrical facilities. Use in the power industry ASUE. Compilation procedure general schemes power supply. Acquisition of jobs in electrical installations.

Section 2. Electrical installations

Topic 2.1. Basic provisions of electrical engineering

DC electrical circuits. Classification of electrical circuits. Potential distribution in an electrical circuit. Sources of electricity. Ohm's law. Kirchhoff's laws and their application. Calculation methods and properties of electrical circuits.

Electrical circuits of alternating current. Representation of sinusoidal functions in various forms. Electrical elements and parameters of electrical circuits. Circuit power. Three-phase circuits. Multiphase power supplies. Parameters of a three-phase electrical circuit. Power balance. Branched electrical circuits. Rotating magnetic field. The principle of operation of electrical machines.

Electrical circuits of non-sinusoidal current. Nonlinear electric and magnetic circuits. Symmetrical components of a three-phase system. Measurements of electrical quantities.

Topic 2.2. General provisions rules for the installation of electrical installations

Terminology in the electric power industry. Alphanumeric and color designations in electrical installations. Classification of premises in relation to the danger of electric shock to people. Categories of electrical receivers to ensure the reliability of power supply. Classification of electrical installations in relation to security measures. Characteristics of electrical installations of TN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, IT, TT systems. Protective measures against direct contact. Protective measures for indirect contact. Grounding devices of electrical installations. Insulation of electrical installations.

Topic 2.3. Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings

Introductory devices, switchboards, distribution points, group shields. Internal wiring. Internal electrical equipment. Protective security measures. General requirements to electric lighting. Implementation and protection of lighting networks. Emergency lighting. Internal lighting. Outdoor Lighting. Illuminated advertising, signs and illumination. Lighting control. Lighting and electrical devices. Electrical installations of entertainment companies, clubs and sports facilities. Electrothermal and electric welding installations.

Topic 2.4. Electrical equipment of switchgears of substations and electrical networks. Mobile electrical installations

Electrical equipment of switchgears in electrical rooms, industrial premises and outdoors. Open and closed switchgears and substations. Converter substations and installations. Installation of electrical equipment in electrical rooms. Protection and automation of electrical networks, telemechanics. Secondary circuits of electrical installations.

Cable power lines (choice of laying method; choice of cables). Connections and terminations of cables. Laying cables in the ground, wells, tunnels and cable structures.

Overhead power lines. Wires and fittings. The location of the wires on the supports. Dimensions, intersections and convergence. Passage of overhead lines in populated and uninhabited areas. Security zones VL and KL. Mobile electrical installations. Features of connection to mobile electrical installations of electricity consumers. Portable electrical receivers. Classes of electrical receivers. Features of connecting portable electrical receivers to electrical network. Electrical equipment of special installations.

Section 3. Operation of electrical installations of consumers

Topic 3.1. Technical operation of electrical installations

Maintenance, repair, modernization and reconstruction of electrical equipment. Drawing up annual schedules for the repair of major equipment. Technical diagnostics. Provision of the Consumer with spare parts and materials. Operation of power transformers, reactors, switchgears and substations, overhead and cable power lines, electric motors, relay protection, electroautomatics, telemechanics and secondary circuits, grounding devices, electric lighting. Technical operation of electrical installations for special purposes. The procedure and standards for testing electrical equipment and devices of electrical installations of the Consumer.

Topic 3.2. Admission of electrical installations to operation, elimination of accidents and failures in the operation of electrical installations

The procedure for admitting new and reconstructed electrical installations into operation. The procedure for the admission of electrical installations with a seasonal nature of service. Acceptance tests of electrical installations.

Instructions for the investigation and accounting of violations in the operation of energy facilities of consumers of electricity. Types of accidents at energy facilities. The procedure for eliminating accidents in electrical installations. Accounting for accidents and other violations of the normal operation of electrical installations. Failures in the operation of electrical equipment. Organization of repair of electrical equipment.

Section 4. Methods and means of protection in electrical installations

Topic 4.1. Methods of protection in electrical installations

Application in electrical installations of the main insulation of current-carrying parts. Compliance with safety distances to live parts. The use of protective and closing devices. The use of blocking devices and enclosing devices. Ensuring reliable and fast automatic shutdown of the emergency mode of electrical installations. Application of proper voltage in electrical installations. The use of devices for signaling the strength of electric fields to acceptable values. The use of warning signals, inscriptions, posters.

Topic 4.2. Means of protection in electrical installations

Classification of means of protection. Use of protective equipment and devices. The order of maintenance, control over the condition and use of protective equipment. Requirements for protective equipment and devices. Periodicity and standards for testing dielectric protective equipment. Requirements for electrical laboratories. Means of protection against electric fields of increased intensity. Individual protection means. Rules for the use of protective equipment. Standards for the acquisition of protective equipment.

Section 5. Electricity metering and energy saving

Topic 5.1. Electricity use

Limits of responsibility between the consumer and the power supply organization. The content of the contract for the use of electricity by a subscriber with an energy supply organization, a subscriber with a sub-subscriber. Power cut conditions. Responsibility of the power supply organization to the subscriber. Obligations of the subscriber when using electricity. The procedure for connecting to a personal household network. The procedure for limiting or stopping the supply of electricity to the consumer. The procedure for paying for electricity. Electricity tariffs, the procedure for their regulation.

Topic 5.2. Electricity metering

Power quality indicators. Permissible calculated contribution of the consumer to the quality of electricity. Features of consumption (generation) of reactive energy. The program for organizing power quality control. Electricity metering devices, requirements for them. Organization of operation of electricity metering devices. Metrological supervision of electricity metering devices.

Topic 5.3. energy saving

Law of the Russian Federation "On Energy Saving". Federal program "Energy Saving of Russia". Energy efficiency indicators. Directions for improving the efficiency of energy use in the organization. Renewable energy sources. Alternative fuels in the energy saving program.

The duration of the internship is set individually depending on the level vocational education, work experience, profession (position) of the student.

During the internship, the employee must:

- learn the requirements of the rules of operation, labor protection, fire safety and their practical application in the workplace;

- study diagrams manufacturing instructions and instructions on labor protection, knowledge of which is mandatory for work in this position (profession);

- work out a clear orientation in your workplace;

- to acquire the necessary practical skills in the performance of production operations;

- to study the methods and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of the serviced equipment.

Occupational Safety and Health

On-the-job training program for an electrician repairman

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The internship is carried out under the direct supervision of experienced and qualified

employees and specialists of the enterprise, who are appointed by order of the enterprise.

The employee during the internship must learn:

design features, the principle of operation of complex equipment and installations

methods and rules for regulating the operation of complex electrical machines, electrical apparatus and electrical appliances

techniques and methods for dynamic balancing of anchors of electric machines of all types with the installation of balancing weights.

An employee in the process of internship, under the guidance of a qualified employee, must learn:

Accuracy testing, testing and regulation of complex electrical machines, electrical apparatus and electrical appliances.

Dynamic balancing of anchors of electric machines of all types with the installation of a balancing weight.

Testing and adjusting electrical remote control systems

In addition, the internship program includes familiarization of the employee;

  • With a workplace.
  • With the territory adjacent to the workplace.
  • With equipment, fixtures, tools that are used in the work.
  • Instructions with safety requirements from manufacturers of equipment on which the employee will work.
  • The main production factors that arise in this process.
  • Dangerous zones of machines, mechanisms on the site.
  • Instructions of the enterprise on labor protection.
  • Instructions of the enterprise with fire safety.
  • Instructions of the enterprise on electrical safety
  • Overt means of individual and collective protection.
  • Requirements of the internal labor regulations.
  • Location of fire extinguishers.
  • The location of the medical kit.
  • The place of emergency disconnection of equipment from the mains.
  • Safety requirements when working with lifting equipment.

The employee during the internship must:

  • Learn and practice safe techniques and methods for preparing the workplace.
  • Learn and master in practice safe methods and techniques in the process of performing work.
  • Learn and master in practice safe techniques and methods of work after the end of the main work.
  • Learn and learn safe techniques and methods of their actions in the event of a fire and emergency situations.
  • Learn and master safe methods and techniques for releasing the victim from the action of electric current and providing first aid.
  • Learn the device and learn the principles of operation of primary fire extinguishing equipment and learn how to use them.
  • Practically learn safe techniques and methods of work without violating the requirements of labor protection.

Compiling an internship program at the workplace - a sample

Workplace internship program sample This document is often required by personnel officers. It describes in detail the knowledge and skills that the employee should receive during the internship. Let's figure out what is needed to create such a program.

When are internship programs by profession required?

The need for an internship is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Yes, Art. 212 of this code, among other duties that are assigned to the employer, mentions the need to train the employee in safe ways of working, including through briefings, internships and a final test of the acquired knowledge and skills. It should be noted right away that an internship is an obligation not only of the employer, but also of the employee: Art. 214 of the code indicates that the employee is required to undergo labor protection training, including an internship.

Internships are divided into 2 types:

  1. Mandatory by law. It must be passed by workers of professions to which special requirements for security measures are imposed. In accordance with paragraph 2.2.1 of the Procedure for training in labor protection (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003 No. 1/29), employees engaged in working professions must undergo training. At the same time, clause 2.2.2 of the same act indicates that the internship is carried out where there are harmful or dangerous conditions work. Also in this matter, you can be guided by the norms of the current GOST 12.0.004-2015 (approved by order of Rosstandart of 06/09/2016 No. 600-st).
  2. Established by internal regulations of the organization. The management of the enterprise has the right to tighten measures related to labor protection, and accordingly expand the list of professions that require internships before starting independent performance of duties.

The internship can be carried out both during the initial employment and during the transfer to new job, the execution of which regulations requires an internship. For example, when training drivers, the governing document RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 of the Ministry of Autotrans, adopted in the RSFSR, is used. Despite the fact that the document was approved back in 1986, it is still in use, since it has not been canceled or replaced. For example, Supreme Court RF, issuing a decision on the administrative case dated September 22, 2014 No. 34-AD14-5, among other acts, was also guided by the provision approved by this governing document.

In order to conduct an internship, it is required that the enterprise has a program in place according to which employees are trained. Moreover, the program is necessary in all cases, because without it it is impossible to competently and correctly determine the stages of the internship and its content.

Standard procedure for conducting an internship

Regardless of the reasons for which an internship is required, it is usually carried out as follows:

  1. An employment contract is drawn up with an employee in accordance with the rules established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is also allowed to design additional agreement to employment contract if the employee is not accepted for an open vacancy, but is transferred within the organization to a position that requires an internship.
  2. Briefing is provided regarding the methods and methods of safe implementation of labor functions. Unlike an internship, the briefing should be carried out for all employees of the enterprise, and not just for those who are busy in hazardous work.
  3. An order is issued by the head to send the employee for an internship. The same order appoints a curator (head of the internship), under whose control this event will be held.
  4. The internship itself is carried out. Its duration is determined by the internship program at the workplace, approved by the enterprise, the passage is recorded in the occupational safety journals.
  5. At the end of the internship, the employee takes a knowledge test theoretical foundations safe work in office.
  6. If the exam is passed, an order is issued to allow the employee to work. It is this document that allows him to carry out labor functions independently, without the supervision of a curator.

How is a typical internship program designed in the workplace?

In order for the program to be applied, it must be developed and approved by the management of the enterprise. At the same time, the specific procedure for its development and approval is not determined by law.

In practice, this usually happens as follows:

  1. The subdivision of the enterprise in which the internship is to be carried out develops a draft document.
  2. The project is coordinated with the labor protection unit (or with a specific employee responsible for compliance with safety regulations, if there is no such unit in the structure of the organization).
  3. The agreed project is approved by the order of the enterprise management.

A different procedure is also allowed - in accordance with the rules of office work in force at the enterprise. The main thing is that the program be approved by the director or another person acting on behalf of the organization.

The content of the internship program, the stages of the internship by the employee

State regulations do not contain requirements regarding what exactly the internship program should contain and what structural parts it should consist of. In practice, a certain approach has been formed, according to which such a program includes sections describing:

  1. The purpose for which the internship is carried out. Usually it is indicated here that the goal is to familiarize yourself with the structure of the unit in which the labor activity employee, and the technological and production processes. Also mentioned among the goals are the development of skills for safe execution. job duties and consolidation of theoretical knowledge related to safety.
  2. General requirements. This section of the program indicates a list of what the employee must study during the internship (safety instructions, hazards when doing work, etc.). It also states that the internship is conducted under the guidance of the head (curator) of the internship, appointed by order of the organization from among the managers or specialists of the enterprise, and also determines the procedure for admitting an employee to an internship.
  3. The content of the program itself, indicating the number of hours or shifts during which the internship should take place.

electrical safety or Electrical Safety ( EB) - system organizational measures and technical means that prevent harmful and dangerous effects on workers from electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static electricity.

Electrical safety rules are regulated by legal and technical documents, regulatory and technical base. Knowledge of the basics of electrical safety is mandatory for personnel servicing electrical installations and electrical equipment. Normative base RF establishes mandatory rules and security measures while working on electrical equipment.


Electrical safety requirements apply to all industrial and non-industrial enterprises. Occupational Safety and Health and electrical safety are two components that underlie energy security and industrial security.

Only those personnel who have passed the special education and has a certain level of training. To check the level of knowledge and training, electrical safety certification is performed. Function attestation commission bears Rostechnadzor.

Electrical Safety Online Exam compiled and developed on issues and topics that are used for self-training in the system Olimpox, when passing the exam in Rostekhnadzor. Questions from the Olympox examination system for 2016, 2017 and 2018 were used in the electrical safety exam for business leaders and to test knowledge for the electrical safety group.

Certification, training of managers and specialists industrial enterprises conducted without registration. Testing and online exam for the electrical safety group can be retaken.

Electrical safety approval - 2, 3, 4, 5 group, is carried out by a commission at the enterprise with the completion of a knowledge test protocol.

Checking knowledge of PTB and PTE for electrical personnel is carried out once a year.

*All information provided on the site is for informational purposes only and is not an official source.

In accordance with the norms of the current legislation, employees working with electrical installations are required to have a sufficient level of knowledge and practical skills. Qualification is checked regularly by the commission of the enterprise or an institution authorized by the state supervision bodies. Based on the results, a group is assigned (from I to V). This fact is confirmed by an entry in a special journal and the issuance of a personal certificate. It is a documentary evidence that provides access to certain work. In this article, it is proposed to consider the issues of preparation and receipt by the staff of gr. II.

Sample personal certificate

Primary requirements

Most of the rules and regulations are set out in the "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers", approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of 13.01.2003. additional information on the topic is in the rules of labor protection (Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, order No. 328n of 07/24/2013) and the operation of power plants, networks (Ministry of Energy of Russia, order No. 229 of 19. 6. 2003). Useful information contains IEC 61140-2000, which entered into force on 01.01.2002, other GOSTs.

But in order to pass the exam for obtaining gr. II. it is not necessary to study the entire array of information. Enough knowledge that fits this category. The distribution by groups is included in the standard questions of the attestation commission, their definitions are as follows:

  • The first is assigned to those employees official duties which do not contain a direct relation to electrical installations, but the risk of electric shock is present. They must understand what the dangers are, be able to handle the devices in strict accordance with the rules of operation.
  • The second group has more serious requirements. These personnel are allowed to work with electric tools, installations. Employees must be able to properly work with parts of equipment that conduct current, but it is not their responsibility to ensure that electrical safety measures are established by standards.
  • The third group includes electricians who have the right to independently perform work in electrical installations.
  • The fourth, in addition to electricians, is necessary for administrative and technical employees of the enterprise, organizers of the relevant work. They are required to have full knowledge of the standards and regulations regarding the equipment being serviced, as well as on fire safety measures, labor protection.
  • The fifth group is assigned not only to practicing electricians, but also to senior administrative personnel. These people are generally responsible for the electrical facilities of the enterprise, or its large divisions. Such specialists have the right to supervise work in installations with high voltage (more than 1,000 V).

Second group

This information will be useful to optimize the training program:

  • This category is the maximum, which is assigned to employees aged at least 18 years.
  • If the exam is not passed, gr. I, regardless of previous status.
  • The primary restriction for admission to attestation is the practical experience of profile work from 1 month or more, which determines the level of education. If there was no specialized training, then it must be completed.

Performance of work in the presence of gr. II allowed under the supervision of a specialist

  • In the presence of the second gr. it is allowed to carry out electrical installation and adjustment work without making electrical connections, preferably under the supervision of an experienced specialist with a higher qualification.
  • The presence of this group is required not only for electricians, but also for technological personnel working with electrical installations.
  • The person who is being tested forIIgr., you should know:
  1. general parameters and rules for the operation of electrical installations, real threats to health that arise from electric shock;
  2. measures to prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations in the process of working with electrical equipment;
  3. what needs to be done to provide proper medical care.

The last point implies the presence of practical, practiced skills. It is for this reason that special mannequins are used in specialized training centers.

First aid training on a mannequin

electrical safety

The term "electrical safety" means a set of technical and organizational measures that, when used in combination, provide reliable protection against electric shock. Adverse effects occur for the following reasons:

  • When current passes through the tissues of the human body, their temperature rises. This provokes the appearance of burns, other thermal damage.
  • The presence of acidic and alkaline components in the blood and other physiological fluids creates suitable conditions for electrolytic reactions, which worsens the normal chemical composition.
  • The passage of an electric current shortens muscle tissue. Such exposure, in particular, can disrupt the heart rhythm.

Specific injuries are not limited to visible damage. Prolonged exposure to strong current is fatal. The specific path of its passage, the electrical resistance of the body, also matters. It should be noted that a negative result can cause not only the current of the damaging level. Already at 1 mA there are frightening and painful sensations. This can provoke "secondary" injuries, for example, when falling from a great height.

There are three levels of current, differing in the strength of the impact:

  • from 0.8 to 1.2 mA there are unpleasant sensations;
  • at a level of 10 mA and above, the muscles contract, so self-release can be difficult;
  • from a value of 100 mA, the current level is considered amazing.

Some of the safety measures are to reduce the voltage using special transformers. Such solutions are used to power power tools, local lighting devices. But you need to know that even a relatively small voltage of the car's on-board network can cause harm. A strong current with an appropriate circuit can cause damage to the eye retina, burns.

The dangerous duration of exposure to current is individual. It depends on the pulse. The more frequent the contraction of the heart muscle, the higher the likelihood of a lesion. It increases with hypertension, after smoking, drinking alcohol, in other cases.

The damaging effect of electric current on the heart

The resistance of the human body is also not a constant value. Its total value varies over a wide range, increasing/decreasing tenfold. The internal component can be considered constant (about 0.7 kOhm). But essential is the moisture content of the skin, the integrity of the epidermis. A small cut on an electrician's hand can be an extremely unfavorable factor that exacerbates the negative effects of electric current. The value has the exact path of its passage. Resistance decreases with the presence of alcohol in the blood.

If the current passes through the circuit from one leg to the other, then it will not affect the heart muscle, respiratory organs. This option is less dangerous than hand-to-hand, hand-to-foot paths.

When passing the exam for obtaining gr. II inspectors may ask about "step voltage". They call the value between the points that the legs of a person touch. The greater this distance, the greater the current under otherwise identical conditions. This path of flow in itself is not deadly. But, if a person falls, then the situation may change. As protective measures, mats and stands made of dielectric materials, boots and other individual means are used.

In the event of an emergency, the area of ​​possible damage must be left using the minimum step width for this.

Preparation for certification

The previous section dealt with the dangers of electric current. It is equally necessary to study other sections, namely:

  • open and closed switchgears, receiving, switching and other types of electrical installations;
  • features of carrying out work operations with power off and without power off. How to properly disconnect the power supply;
  • designation of the place of work, fixing warning signs and other measures technical type capable of creating an adequate level of security. Prohibitions to be observed by personnel;
  • technology for installing grounding and removing it with a voltage check;
  • There is enough information on the Internet for self-preparation for the exam. Complete data is in the "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers" and other official documents. It will not be difficult to find methodological manuals on electrical safety, tickets with questions that were asked by state commissions and authorized organizations when testing knowledge on gr. II. Such a method of studying this topic is quite acceptable for quickly improving one's own skills and increasing the value as a professional in the labor market.

Every person who has chosen a profession related to electricity and energy should periodically check their knowledge of electrical safety. It is mandatory for everyone and there are no exceptions. Thanks to the observance of this rule at the enterprises of our Motherland, people do not die and are not maimed en masse.

Knowledge testing is carried out by a person or a special commission. These people are well trained and have many professional knowledge and qualities.

As a rule, when testing knowledge, the test-taker is asked to pass test tasks in writing or orally answer certain questions of the evaluators. It will not be possible to automate oral certification yet, because we need a quantum computer and artificial intelligence that understands the answers and the meaning of the questions asked, and the execution Test tasks you can automate without problems.

There are many software solutions on the Internet for this, but not all of them will be able to satisfy picky users in terms of interface and functionality. Software for electrical safety testing should be convenient and understandable to any person undergoing testing.

We have our own development on this site, suitable for many power engineers, electricians and electricians -. This electrical safety testing program contains almost all the necessary functions for conducting quality certification, these are:

1. Juicy minimalistic interface, in which there is nothing superfluous, all controls are located in the correct position and the user will never get lost in them.

2. The use of a variety of databases with tests will allow testing with different questions and tickets.

3. The test editor is made as a separate application, using it you can create your own test databases.

4. The program can use several testing modes: Exam (testing with the output of the result), Preparation for the exam (in this mode, all available questions in the test are given for their subsequent solution), Work on errors (the mode is available after the exam, in which the user answers to previously incorrectly answered questions), Preliminary preparation for the exam (a mode in which the test-taker is given literature that he can read a certain time before the exam).

5. and more…

Watch this video showing how to install and work with the electrical safety testing software: