Current professional standards in the housing sector. Why is it so difficult to introduce professional standards in the public sector? Professional standards in the field of housing and communal services

  • 07.05.2020

"On the approval of the directory of those in demand on the labor market, new and promising professions, including those requiring an average vocational education The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation approved specialties for which employers are recommended to take into account special requirements when implementing personnel policy and training of employees.

What are professional standards

The directory consists of the names of professions with their brief description and educational and work experience requirements. To develop these professional standards should be guided by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 831 of 02.11.2015 "On approval of the list of 50 most demanded in the labor market, new and promising professions requiring secondary vocational education."

Professional standards are developed in accordance with Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This handbook contains the characteristics and qualification requirements for workers in the housing and communal services sector. The directory contains a list of job titles for workers in the housing and communal services sector and the management of MKD with reference to the regulatory legal acts regulating them.

On July 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 122 of May 2, 2015 "On Amendments to Labor Code Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

This the federal law establishes an obligation for employers to apply these professional standards to the qualifications of an employee necessary for the performance of their duties, if this is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the data professional standards will be advisory only.

The document clarifies the concept of professional standard. The term is understood as “a characteristic of the qualification necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity, including the fulfillment of certain labor function”.

Also, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to oblige to apply the requirements of professional standards for state non-budgetary funds, state (municipal) institutions and unitary enterprises, public corporations and companies, as well as business companies with the share of the state (municipality) over 50%.

Clarifications of the Ministry of Labor

The Ministry of Labor on the mandatory application of professional standards refers to paragraph 3 of article 1 of the Federal Law No. 122 of 02.05. 2015, according to which the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be supplemented with Article 195.3 "Procedure for the application of professional standards".

This article states that the characteristics of qualifications contained in professional standards and the mandatory application of which is not established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other Federal Laws or legal acts should be taken by employers as the basis for determining the requirements for qualifications of workers. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the duties performed by employees in the workplace.

You can get acquainted with the content of professional standards in the relevant Register maintained by the Ministry of Labor. The register is posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor, as well as other information about professional standards.

The professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation are regulatory legal acts . The obligatory application of the requirements of professional standards is established for the cases provided for in Articles 57 and 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of ownership of the organization and the status of the employer. In other words, only in terms of the requirements established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other Federal Laws, other legal acts, the requirements professional standard are mandatory.

The entry into force of professional standards does not serve as a basis for the dismissal of employees. But the employer can conduct certification of employees. For example, when applying qualification guides and professional standards, employees without special training or the required work experience, but with sufficient practical experience, who conscientiously carry out the scope of work assigned to them in full, on the recommendation attestation commission are appointed to appropriate positions equally to employees with special training and work experience.

For non-application or incorrect application of professional standards, an employer may be issued an order to eliminate identified violations. labor law. In case of gross violations, the employer may be brought to administrative responsibility according to Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine:

Professional standards in the field of housing and communal services

In the field housing and communal services also approved professional standards for the following professions and specialties:

  • Specialist in assessing the compliance of elevators with safety requirements (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 756n dated 12/20/2013)
  • Expert in assessing the compliance of elevators with safety requirements (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 753n dated 12/20/2013)
  • Electrician for elevators (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 754n dated 12/20/2013)
  • Operations Specialist elevator equipment(Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 18n of 17.01.2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of solid fuel boilers (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 192n of 04/07/2014)
  • Specialist in the field of waste management (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 203n of 04/07/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of water treatment plants (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 227n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of outdoor low-pressure gas pipelines (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 224n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Housing management specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 233n of 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of equipment elements for house gas supply systems (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 242n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation and maintenance of MKD (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 238n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of boilers for gaseous, liquid fuels and electric heating (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 237n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Operations Specialist pumping stations water supply (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 247n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of pipelines and equipment for heating networks (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 246n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of water intake facilities (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 245n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of wastewater treatment plants (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 232n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Customer Service Specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 243n of 04/11/2014)
  • MKD management specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 236n of 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of transformer substations and distribution points (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 266n of 04/17/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of overhead and cable municipal power lines (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 620n of 09/08/2014)
  • Organizer of construction production (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 930n dated 11/21/2014)
  • Installer of ventilation and air conditioning systems (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 959n dated 11/28/2014)
  • Installer of boiler room equipment (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 929n dated 11/21/2014)
  • Lift operator for maintenance of elevators and lifting platforms (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1082n of December 22, 2014)
  • Supervisor construction organization(Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1182n dated December 26, 2014)
  • Dispatcher of the emergency dispatch service (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1120n dated 12/25/2014)
  • Supervisory control equipment specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1123n dated 12/25/2014)
  • Installer of elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled, floor escalators (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1144n of December 24, 2015 Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1076n of December 21, 2015)
  • Boiler room equipment repairman (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1042n dated 12/21/2015)

All of the above professional standards should be applied in the housing and utilities sector and MKD management when building the personnel policy of the managing organization, hiring qualified specialists and attesting employees. They contain the characteristics and qualification requirements of a particular specialty. We will tell you more about professional standards in the field of MKD management in the following articles.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us for advice. We also help management companies to comply 731 of the RF PP on the Information Disclosure Standard(filling the portal Housing reform, website of the management company, information stands) and Federal Law No. 209 (). We are always happy to help you!

The article provides an organizational and methodological mechanism for the preparation and application of professional standards at housing and communal services enterprises. The main tasks and functions of the process participants at the federal, regional and municipal levels, including industry enterprises, are presented.

Change in professional requirements for professional training of housing and communal services workers

On July 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 122-FZ of May 2, 2015 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”” came into force. In accordance with Art. 195.3 of this law, professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia for certain professions (positions) are mandatory for organizations in those sectors of the economy where federal laws or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation (orders of federal ministries and departments) establish requirements for the qualifications necessary for an employee to perform labor function. Now every employer is obliged to set requirements for professional qualifications, education and work experience of an employee or applicant for a particular position in strict accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

The concepts of qualification of an employee in the SF (level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience) and professional standard (characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity) are defined in Art. 195.1 of the Federal Law No. 236-FZ of December 3, 2012 "The concept of employee qualification and professional standard."

You can learn more about the topic in our advanced training courses:

A professional standard is a multifunctional regulatory document that, within a specific area of ​​professional activity, for example, in housing and communal services:

  • describes business processes to achieve the goals and objectives of a particular type of professional activity (for example, water supply and sanitation or management and operation apartment buildings);
  • determines the requirements for the content and working conditions, qualifications, knowledge, skills and competencies of employees at various qualification levels (from handyman to the head of the organization);
  • is a mechanism for self-regulation of the labor market, in particular in housing and communal services, and a means of ensuring the quality of human resources in the industry.

The requirements for the qualifications of employees, acquired by them as part of continuing education or at work, are constantly increasing. Federal Law No. 238-FZ of 03.07.2016 “On Independent Assessment of Professional Qualifications” established in principle new approach to the definition (confirmation) of professional qualifications of workers in the labor market and housing and communal services. Now their knowledge, skills and abilities must meet the requirements of professional standards. The evaluation procedure is based on the trust of employers and citizens in its quality.

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 584 dated June 27, 2016 “On the Application of Professional Standards in Part of the Requirements Mandatory for Application by State Extra-Budgetary Funds of the Russian Federation, State or Municipal Institutions, State or Municipal Unitary Enterprises, as well as State Corporations, State Companies and Business Companies, more than fifty percent of the shares (stakes) in the authorized capital of which is in state property or municipal property” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 584). This bylaw obligated enterprises (organizations) to approve plans for organizing the application of professional standards. In such plans, a list of professional standards to be applied is determined, the need for vocational education (training) and (or) additional vocational education of employees is established based on the analysis qualification requirements contained in professional standards. The plan should also provide a list of local regulations to be changed at the enterprise, taking into account the requirements of professional standards, and other documents of the organization relating to the issues of assessing the qualifications of employees. The plans are discussed with the workers' representative body.

Thus, professional standards in the housing sector have become part of the state personnel policy. From July 1, 2016, they began to be introduced at enterprises and organizations in various sectors of the economy.

Decree No. 584 addresses its instructions directly to state corporations and municipal enterprises. Nevertheless, other normative legal and methodological documents regulating the development of professional qualifications (including documents of the Government of the Russian Federation, the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for professional qualifications, the Ministry of Labor of Russia) indicate that this process should involve sectoral ministries and departments, all-Russian sectoral associations of employers and trade unions, administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. At the same time, each side of this multifaceted process must solve a very specific task assigned to it.

  • Assessment of professional competence of state and municipal employees

Tasks for professional housing and communal services standards at the federal level

At the federal level, the main regulatory legal and methodological documents are adopted that ensure the application of professional standards in the field. A list of professions most in demand in a particular industry is formed, and development and approval of professional standards are organized for them. In the housing sector in 2012-2014 this was done by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, and then by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers "Union of Communal Enterprises" and the All-Russian Trade Union of Essential Workers. Since 2014, the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Housing and Public Utilities (SPK Housing and Utilities) has taken over the coordinating function for the formation of a sectoral system of qualifications in the housing and communal services. The Council was established by the decision of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications dated July 29, 2014 (Minutes No. 3) and is empowered to:

  • on monitoring the labor market, the emergence of new professions, changes in the names and lists of professions in the housing sector;
  • on the development, updating and application of professional standards in the field of housing and communal services;
  • on the development, application and updating of the sectoral qualifications framework and qualification requirements in the field of housing and communal services;
  • on organizing and coordinating activities for the assessment of professional qualifications in the housing and communal services sector in accordance with approved professional standards and other established qualification requirements;
  • on participation in the development of state educational standards for vocational education, updating vocational education and training programs, as well as in organizing activities for professional and public accreditation educational programs in the housing sector.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia, the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers "Union of Communal Enterprises" and the All-Russian Trade Union of Essential Workers signed a cooperation agreement on December 21, 2015, which ratified the said decision. The structure of the SEC housing and communal services included competent representatives of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Utilities, all-Russian industry associations of enterprises (water supply and sanitation, public utilities, management of apartment buildings, funeral business, etc.), as well as representatives of industry education and science; all-Russian and regional associations of employers and trade unions. The Council created favorable conditions for the introduction of professional standards at the enterprises of the housing and communal services sector.

During the work of SEC housing and communal services:

  • developed and approved:

46 industry professional standards;

99 new professional qualifications;

trained and certified in accordance with the Requirements for the members of the Qualification Commission of the Center for Qualifications Assessment in the Housing and Utilities and the Requirements for the Center for the Assessment of Qualifications in the Housing and Public Utilities, approved. decision of the SEC housing and communal services dated July 28, 2015 (minutes No. 3)*:

37 experts in the assessment of professional qualifications;

51 technical experts to work in the regional Qualification Assessment Centers (CSC Housing and Public Utilities).

* All these documents are posted on the website of the Council for Professional Qualifications in Housing and Public Utilities

Together with the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications, 65 sets of assessment tools (KOS) are being developed, agreed and approved - the main tool for assessing the professional qualifications of employees of enterprises in the housing and communal services sector in the process of conducting a professional exam.

  • In what cases is the use of professional standards mandatory?

Tasks for professional standards of housing and communal services at the regional level

On the basis of the regulatory and methodological framework formed by the SEC housing and communal services, the regions are implementing professional standards at industry enterprises. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation create commissions under the ministries of housing and communal services (committees, departments) for the application of professional standards at the enterprises of the housing and communal services of the territory. They include representatives of regional associations of employers and trade unions, industry enterprises and other institutions and organizations engaged in the formation and development of professional qualifications in the regional labor market - the regional ministry (committee) for labor, employment services, educational institutions, etc.

Commissions in their activities are guided by:

  • federal laws:

No. 236-FZ dated 03.12.2012 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation””;

No. 122-FZ dated 02.05.2015 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation””;

No. 238-FZ dated July 3, 2016 “On independent assessment of qualifications”;

  • Decree No. 584;
  • regulatory and methodological documents of the SEC housing and communal services.

The main tasks of the commissions:

  • organization of the application of professional standards at the enterprises of the housing and communal services of the territory in accordance with Decree No. 584;
  • control of the Center (s) assessment of qualifications in the housing and communal services and its (their) divisions ( examination centers- EC) independent evaluation qualifications of employees of enterprises in the industry and graduates of educational institutions, applicants from the labor market;
  • control of professional and public accreditation of educational programs for the training and retraining of specialists for the housing and communal services sector for compliance with professional standards.

To solve the assigned tasks of the commission:

  • coordinate the organization of the development and implementation of action plans for the application of professional standards at housing and communal services enterprises in municipalities;
  • participate in conducting a professional exam at the Center (s) for assessing qualifications in the housing and communal services and its (their) divisions (EC), as well as in the procedure for professional and public accreditation of educational programs for the training and retraining of employees of housing and communal services enterprises;
  • organize monitoring of the labor market, assessing the need to develop new professional standards or update existing ones to determine the need for qualified personnel for the housing and communal services sector;
  • contribute to the formation of public information resources containing information about the activities of the commission.

Commissions have the right:

  • to request, in accordance with the established procedure, from municipal authorities information on the progress in the development and implementation of action plans for the application of professional standards at housing and communal services enterprises of municipalities, necessary for the work of the commission;
  • invite representatives of municipal authorities, housing and communal services enterprises, other institutions and organizations engaged in the development of professional qualifications in the regional labor market to the meetings of the commission for participation in its work;
  • involve experts in the work of the commission on issues subject to consideration by the commission, as well as create working and expert groups to solve problems related to the competence of the commission;
  • publish information about the activities of the commission on the official website of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the territory.
  • The commissions are obliged to submit a quarterly report on their activities to the ministries of housing and communal services, as well as to provide information on their activities at the request of the legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, the commission consists of a chairman, deputy chairmen (no more than two) and members of the commission. The number of the commission is determined by the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities. You can learn about its activities from open sources. On the official website of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the commission places:

  • information about the activities of the commission, its personal composition, location (postal address, address Email, contact phone number);
  • grounds for the application of professional standards at housing and communal services enterprises;
  • requirements for the procedure for assessing professional qualifications and professional public accreditation of sectoral educational programs of educational institutions.

SEC HUS approved the Procedure for selection and termination of powers of the Qualifications Assessment Center in the HUS and the Requirements for the Center for the Assessment of Qualifications in the HUS (Minutes No. 3 dated 28.07.2015). 29 CSCs are accredited in various areas of housing and communal services: in the republics of Tatarstan and Crimea; in Moscow and St. Petersburg; in Altai, Stavropol, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk territories; in Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Samara, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and other regions. In accordance with the decision of the SEC of housing and communal services, two models for the creation and operation of centers for assessing qualifications are being implemented in the regions.

The first model is sectoral, when the CSC is created for one type of activity in the housing and communal services, for example, water supply and sanitation or funeral business.

The second model is multi-sectoral, when the CSC carries out activities to assess professional qualifications for several types of activities in the housing and communal services.

The development of these models is due both to the presence in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of regional industry associations of employers in housing and communal services (ROOR of housing and communal services) and their interest in creating a CSC for housing and communal services, and the authority of all-Russian industry associations (RABB, Roskommunenergo, the National Association of Real Estate Managers, the Association of the Funeral Industry), which initiate the creation of industry-specific CSCs.

Tasks for professional standards of housing and communal services at the municipal level

At the municipal level, professional standards are being introduced at housing and communal services enterprises.

The decision on the application of professional standards at the housing and communal services enterprise entails the development of an action plan for the implementation of professional standards at the enterprise (Resolution No. 584). To do this, the management of the enterprise issues an order to create a working group for the implementation of professional standards and approves the corresponding action plan.

Plan goals:

  • organization of work on the introduction of professional standards at the enterprise;
  • transfer of employees of the enterprise to an effective contract;
  • bringing job descriptions in line with the requirements of approved professional standards;
  • bringing the names of the positions of the staff list and job descriptions of the employees of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of professional standards;
  • determination of the need for professional training, retraining and / or advanced training of employees of the enterprise based on an analysis of the qualification requirements specified in professional standards;
  • development and implementation of a plan for confirmation by the employees of the enterprise of the compliance of professional qualifications with the requirements of professional standards in accordance with the positions held in staffing by passing a professional exam in the CSC (s) of the housing and communal services and their divisions (EC);
  • drawing up a cost estimate for vocational training, retraining and / or advanced training of employees, as well as for confirmation (assessment procedure) of the professional qualifications of employees of the enterprise in the CSC housing and communal services for compliance with the requirements of professional standards.

When developing an action plan, the relevant departments of the enterprise should proceed from the following. The register of professional standards* includes more than 800 professional standards (PS) approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor and registered by the Russian Ministry of Justice. Many of them are sectoral, that is, they reflect the specifics of the activities of a particular sector of the national economy: construction, engineering, finance, hospitality, etc. There are 46 such professional standards in the housing and communal services (see Appendix). The remaining professional standards are multi-industry, i.e., they can be applied in various fields of activity. For example, professional standards: “Turner”, “Welder”, “HR Specialist”, etc. It is necessary to find out if there are professional standards in the Register with the names of positions similar to those given in the current staffing of the enterprise.

* The register of professional standards is posted and updated on a permanent basis on the specialized website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia "Professional Standards".

  • The development of professional standards is a requirement of the time


At one of the water supply and sanitation enterprises, when comparing the staffing table and the Register, it was found out that 118 professional standards are subject to application, including 17 industry standards.

The names of positions, professions and specialties from the current staff list of the enterprise were established according to the unified tariff and qualification reference books for work and occupations of workers, the unified qualification reference book for the positions of managers, specialists and employees. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the identity of these names with the names of positions, professions and specialties from professional standards relevant to the enterprise - both industry and inter-sector.


In the staff list was the position of "Technician-supervisor". In the PS "Specialist in the management of an apartment building", this position is called "Technician of an apartment building of the II category."

Such new job titles in the housing and communal services have been developed, approved by the National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation for all 46 professional standards of the housing and communal services (minutes No. 15 dated July 28, 2016) and posted on the page Federal Register professional qualifications.

The action plan should consist of sections and names of measures with an indication of the timing of their implementation.

1. Determination of the list of professional standards to be applied at the enterprise. Deadline - 2016

A procedure for establishing identity is carried out and a table is compiled indicating the number of professional standards and the number of employees by position / profession.

2. Familiarization of employees of the enterprise with the content of professional standards, clarification of new terms and requirements. Deadline - 2016

Professional standards are issued in the form of separate brochures and are discussed at methodical councils, at general meetings of employees, etc. Managers (heads of services and divisions) inform their direct subordinates about the implementation of the PS. Also, the necessary information is posted on the stands in structural divisions enterprises, "corners" with materials "Professional standard" are made out. The page "Professional standards" is placed on the company's website.

3. Making changes to local documents enterprises to bring them up to professional standards. Deadline - 2016

For the period 2016-2017 a schedule is being developed for making changes to local regulations enterprises that regulate social and labor relations: in a collective agreement, job descriptions, labor contract (supplementary agreement to an employment contract).

4. Determination of the need for professional training, retraining and / or advanced training of employees of the enterprise based on an analysis of the qualification requirements of professional standards. Deadline - 2016

The number of employees for whom professional training, retraining and/or advanced training is required is determined.

An estimate of the costs of conducting vocational training, retraining and / or advanced training is compiled and submitted to the founders of the enterprise for approval and inclusion in the budget for 2017-2018.

A schedule is drawn up for the employees of the enterprise to undergo vocational training, retraining and / or advanced training in 2016-2018.

  • The role of certification in improving the skills of housing and communal services workers

5. Development and implementation of a confirmation plan (qualification assessment) in the CSC housing and communal services by employees of the enterprise of professional qualifications in accordance with their positions in the staffing table. Deadline - 2016

The number of employees is determined to assess their qualifications for compliance with the requirements of professional standards.

A schedule is being drawn up for assessing the qualifications of employees of the enterprise for compliance with the requirements of professional standards in the CSC for the period 2017-2018. (by years and months).

An estimate of the costs for assessing the qualifications of employees for compliance with the requirements of professional standards in the CSC housing and communal services is being compiled.

The founders of the enterprise approve the cost estimate for assessing the qualifications of the employees of the enterprise in the CSC housing and communal services.

The schedule and the cost of assessing the qualifications of the enterprise's employees for compliance with the requirements of professional standards are agreed with the CSC housing and communal services.

5.1. Notification of an employee/specialist about the date of the qualification assessment at the CSC housing and communal services and about the transition to an effective contract.

Two weeks before the start of the assessment of qualifications in accordance with the schedule agreed with the CSC housing and communal services.

Not subject to certification:

  • pregnant women;
  • persons who are on parental leave until they reach the age of three;
  • specialists who have worked in the organization (at their position) for less than a year;
  • persons who returned to work after long break at work for a good reason.

6. Drawing up individual development plans professional competence employees and specialists of the enterprise. Deadline - 2016

Programs for improving the professional level of employees / specialists of the enterprise are determined (developed).

7. Collection of documents for assessing the qualifications of employees for compliance with the requirements of professional standards in the CSC housing and communal services. Deadline - 2016-2018.

A list of documents for the CSC housing and communal services is compiled in accordance with the Procedure for assessing professional qualifications. Preparation of documents is carried out in accordance with the schedule for the assessment of qualifications, agreed with the CSC housing and communal services.

Control over the implementation of Decree No. 584 is entrusted to the State Labor Inspectorate. For failure to comply with the requirements of this resolution, administrative responsibility is established: a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine. For a legal entity, the amount of the fine is 250-500 thousand rubles.


List of professional standards approved in housing and communal services

Professional standards in the housing and communal services system are necessary. At a minimum, so that residents and management companies do not doubt the professionalism of their plumber, electrician or elevator repairman. And also to ensure that the prices for the services displayed in our bills are motivated and understandable to every tenant, informs

But how to measure whether all the fighters of the huge army of housing and communal services correspond to the level of modern professional standards? After all, in St. Petersburg alone, the industry employs more than 40 thousand employees of more than a hundred different professions.

Here in front of me lies an order, approved by the Ministry of Labor, on the introduction of a professional standard. One of the specialties is called "specialist in the field of pricing and regulation in housing and communal services." As a professional, this definition confuses me, - says Irina Boguslavskaya, deputy chairman of the committee on tariffs of the administration of St. Petersburg. - We conducted a survey of representatives of management companies. They stated that they do not use this professional standard and cannot use it. After all, the specialty concerns four important sectors (gas supply, heat and water supply, electric power industry). Each of these has its own industry legislation. Can you imagine what a versatile lawyer an economist must be who, in management company deals with pricing? At the same time, there are no departments or special services focused on this. There are no programs in universities that would train specialists with such qualifications.

As a result, many have to act at their own peril and risk.

Another problem with the use of professional standards in the housing sector is the lack of regulation of their application. No one can clearly answer the question: what is the advantage of an employee who has confirmed his qualifications over those who have not done this? Another related question remains unanswered: how to motivate an employer to apply a system for assessing the qualifications of its employees?

Nina Leontyeva, chairman of the trade union of life support workers in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, notes:

Today we have two concepts confused: job description and professional standard. It is believed that if the employee performs job description, he is ready to confirm the level, he can be assigned an advanced qualification.

At the same time, the employee does not receive any additional payments for an increase, as they used to say, "of his own category". And there is no money in the budgets of management companies for retraining of personnel, for advanced training of employees. A reasonable question arises: where to get them from? Really from tenants of serviced houses, raising prices for services?

Nina Leontyeva emphasizes that an employee should be interested in advanced training. But his employer should be interested in the same. Because it is the one who runs the business who is responsible for the quality of the services provided.

The introduction of professional standards in housing and communal services began from above. Alexander Kozlov, Chairman of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Housing and Utilities Sector, emphasizes:

The National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation has given the Housing and Utilities Council for Professional Qualifications (SQC) the authority to organize an independent assessment of qualifications. Now work is underway to create on the basis of regional industry associations of employers in the housing and communal services centers for assessing qualifications (CSC).

The Council has been in operation for four years. 52 professional standards have been developed, more than 120 professional qualifications have been described, 31 qualification assessment centers have been established in the regions, and 268 experts have been trained. But... The practical results of this work are still measured in units. Nina Leontyeva gave examples of passing exams to confirm professional standards. The number of "graduates" who passed the assessment of the CSC in St. Petersburg is hardly measured in dozens of people. And this is from the 40,000th "army"!

The reasons for such a modest result, in addition to all of the above, are also the fact that technologies in the housing and communal services sector are developing faster than the system for evaluating the work of workers in the industry. Experts admit that there is already a need to update those assessment kits that were compiled only 2-3 years ago.

The specificity of the industry is also affected.

What does the professional standard tell us? What is the welder who welds polypropylene pipes in the housing office, he must be able to cook bridge trusses and the ship's hull, - Nina Leontieva is indignant. - But these are completely different specialties! So, we need to think about some subgroups, industry divisions. In addition, today the water utility of St. Petersburg is different from the water utility of Vologda or Pskov. And it is hardly correct to develop a single professional standard for all regions.

It is for the settlement of such issues that the SEC HCS came up with the initiative to create coordinating councils in the regions. And they are already operating in 60 regions of Russia. But not in St. Petersburg.

Experts also say that it would be right to introduce an assessment according to professional standards at the very initial stage, when a future employee of the housing and communal services sector is just taking final exams at a university or college. However, as noted by Pavel Mikhailov, the rector of the Water Academy, it has not yet been possible to achieve mutual understanding with the Ministry of Education on this issue.

This means that such gaps must be compensated by additional professional education, - he says.

So far, experts agree on one thing: professional standards are the measure by which an employer will recruit employees in the near future. Making it convenient and usable is the task of today.

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"On Approval of a Directory of New and Promising Occupations in Demand on the Labor Market, including those Requiring Secondary Vocational Education" The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation approved specialties for which employers are advised to take into account special requirements when implementing personnel policy and training employees.

What are professional standards

The directory consists of the names of professions with their brief description and requirements for education and work experience. To develop these professional standards should be guided by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 831 of 02.11.2015 "On approval of the list of 50 most demanded in the labor market, new and promising professions requiring secondary vocational education."

Professional standards are developed in accordance with Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This handbook contains the characteristics and qualification requirements for workers in the housing and communal services sector. The directory contains a list of job titles for workers in the housing and communal services sector and the management of MKD with reference to the regulatory legal acts regulating them.

On July 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 122 of May 2, 2015 "On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" comes into force.

This Federal Law establishes an obligation for employers to apply these professional standards to the qualifications of an employee necessary for the performance of their duties, if this is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the data professional standards will be advisory only.

The document clarifies the concept of professional standard. The term is understood as “a characteristic of the qualification necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function”.

Also, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to oblige to apply the requirements of professional standards for state non-budgetary funds, state (municipal) institutions and unitary enterprises, state corporations and companies, as well as business entities with a state (municipality) share of more than 50%.

Clarifications of the Ministry of Labor

The Ministry of Labor on the mandatory application of professional standards refers to paragraph 3 of article 1 of the Federal Law No. 122 of 02.05. 2015, according to which the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be supplemented with Article 195.3 "Procedure for the application of professional standards".

This article states that the characteristics of qualifications contained in professional standards and the mandatory application of which is not established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other Federal Laws or legal acts should be taken by employers as the basis for determining the requirements for qualifications of workers. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the duties performed by employees in the workplace.

You can get acquainted with the content of professional standards in the relevant Register maintained by the Ministry of Labor. The register is posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor, as well as other information about professional standards.

The professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation are legal acts. The obligatory application of the requirements of professional standards is established for the cases provided for in Articles 57 and 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of ownership of the organization and the status of the employer. In other words, only in terms of the requirements established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other Federal Laws, other regulatory legal acts, the requirements of the professional standard are mandatory.

The entry into force of professional standards does not serve as a basis for the dismissal of employees. But the employer can conduct certification of employees. For example, when applying qualification handbooks and professional standards, employees without special training or the required work experience, but with sufficient practical experience, who conscientiously perform the work assigned to them in full, on the recommendation of the attestation commission, are appointed to the appropriate positions equally to employees with special training and work experience. .

For non-application or incorrect application of professional standards, an employer may be issued an order to eliminate identified violations of labor legislation. In case of gross violations, the employer may be brought to administrative responsibility according to Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine:

  • for officials - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Professional standards in the field of housing and communal services

In the field housing and communal services also approved professional standards for the following professions and specialties:

  • Specialist in assessing the compliance of elevators with safety requirements (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 756n dated 12/20/2013)
  • Expert in assessing the compliance of elevators with safety requirements (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 753n dated 12/20/2013)
  • Electrician for elevators (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 754n dated 12/20/2013)
  • Specialist in the operation of elevator equipment (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 18n dated 01/17/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of solid fuel boilers (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 192n of 04/07/2014)
  • Specialist in the field of waste management (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 203n of 04/07/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of water treatment plants (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 227n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of outdoor low-pressure gas pipelines (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 224n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Housing management specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 233n of 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of equipment elements for house gas supply systems (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 242n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation and maintenance of MKD (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 238n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of boilers for gaseous, liquid fuels and electric heating (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 237n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of water supply pumping stations (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 247n of 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of pipelines and equipment for heating networks (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 246n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of water intake facilities (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 245n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of wastewater treatment plants (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 232n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Customer Service Specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 243n of 04/11/2014)
  • MKD management specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 236n of 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of transformer substations and distribution points (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 266n of 04/17/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of overhead and cable municipal power lines (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 620n of 09/08/2014)
  • Organizer of construction production (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 930n dated 11/21/2014)
  • Installer of ventilation and air conditioning systems (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 959n dated 11/28/2014)
  • Installer of boiler room equipment (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 929n dated 11/21/2014)
  • Lift operator for maintenance of elevators and lifting platforms (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1082n of December 22, 2014)
  • Head of a construction organization (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1182n dated December 26, 2014)
  • Dispatcher of the emergency dispatch service (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1120n dated 12/25/2014)
  • Supervisory control equipment specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1123n dated 12/25/2014)
  • Installer of elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled, floor escalators (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1144n of December 24, 2015 Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1076n of December 21, 2015)
  • Boiler room equipment repairman (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1042n dated 12/21/2015)

All of the above professional standards should be applied in the housing and utilities sector and MKD management when building the personnel policy of the managing organization, hiring qualified specialists and attesting employees. They contain the characteristics and qualification requirements of a particular specialty. We will tell you more about professional standards in the field of MKD management in the following articles.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us for advice. We also help management companies to comply 731 of the RF PP on the Information Disclosure Standard(filling the portal Housing reform, website of the management company, information stands) and Federal Law No. 209 (). We are always happy to help you!