Murmansk management companies say goodbye to the "051" service? Management companies say goodbye to "051

  • 03.04.2020

14.05.2012 17:41

Management companies say goodbye to "051"

In their opinion, it is more profitable to create your own emergency dispatch service

The New Year began for the residents of the Leninsky District with a surprise. So far, however, it is not clear whether it is good or bad. The management company "Sevzhilservice" has created its own emergency dispatch service. Now residents of 416 Murmansk houses serviced by this company can complain about a broken pipe or poor work of a janitor on a round-the-clock phone that symbolically ends in "051": 631-051. Now the traditional complaints about non-working elevators, uncleaned entrances and leaky roofs to the 051 unified duty and dispatch service from Leninists will not be accepted. The city service will listen to Murmansk residents served by Sevzhilservice only if the call concerns people's safety. And, for example, a tenant with a complaint about a clogged garbage chute will be sent to the Sevzhilservis emergency room.

I wonder if after such an innovation the quality of the provision will improve utilities"Sevzhilservice"? After all, this "manager" has a lot of complaints, and her name now and then pops up with an unkind word in all the city's media. For example, last autumn there was a big communal scandal with this company. Just before the start of the heating season, Sevzhilservice unexpectedly refused to service more than 80 houses, of which 32 elevator units were dismantled. Because of this, warmth came to the houses of Murmansk residents at the wrong time. Then the city administration had to intervene. In the case of this company, there were no human injuries. That same autumn, in one of the houses serviced by the Criminal Code, a woman fell into a hole under the porch. Therefore, it is still difficult to say that after the introduction of the "emergency gang" everything will improve.

However, Sevzhilservice is not a pioneer in the case of creating its own dispatch service. The manager followed the path of another company - Murmanremstroy, which had its own emergency dispatch service last year, the phone number of which also has a beautiful ending - 696-051. Why is there such a situation that management companies say goodbye to the service "051"?

Intrigues of enemies?

Our mayors are also aware of this “flight” of management companies. And they agreed to comment on the situation.

This is another indicator that our management companies are not always responsible for the changes in the life of our city, - began the head of administration Andrei Sysoev. - And for some reason they decided that they could organize their information emergency services. It is not right. To my deep regret, this affects the speed of information on all sorts of troubles in the housing and communal services. Moreover, EDDS (single duty dispatcher
service - Ed.) is an element of the security system, it is part of the emergency system. And so now we are working very carefully with our rescuers, with our firefighters, in order to return our management companies to the fold. Not in order to load them somehow, but so that information is centrally received in the city and all emergency services and the entire emergency system can work effectively.

The editors of "Management House" will immediately explain to readers the difference between the city's dispatch service and the emergency service of the management company. In the first case, dispatchers only accumulate and transmit information about incidents to the appropriate authorities, and in the emergency dispatch service they also perform work to eliminate them.

Meanwhile, the head of the municipality, Aleksey Veller, considered this act of the Criminal Code to refuse the help of "051", as they say, "an intrigue of enemies."

The question is, why do some CCs move in this way? After all, the financial burden for which our service "051" serves is extremely small. I think that creating your own services is even more expensive in terms of financial costs. And, to be honest, there is only one assumption - so that the administration of the city of Murmansk does not receive that information of an operational nature, but what is still happening in the housing stock subordinate to these management companies, - Alexei Borisovich believes. - After all, one must understand that when information is received from “051”, all complaints are taken under the control of the administration. But when Management Company, as they say, bends the path, the city leadership does not see this current stream of complaints. apparently, the Criminal Code is counting on the administration to somehow become slightly blind and deaf. This is a wrong step, we will try to find leverage so that the Criminal Code will abandon this reckless step.

What does the city dispatcher do?

The former director and creator of the unified dispatch service "051" Valery Barmin agrees with Weller and Sysoev. After all, if earlier, when the 051 service served, its dispatchers not only recorded complaints and sent them to management organizations, they also controlled the work of housing services. The system for monitoring the execution of orders made through "051" is very strict: urgent orders must be completed within a day, the rest - within three days. Service "051" transmits information about violations to the district administrations, Rospotrebnazdor, the State Housing Inspectorate, and the prosecutor's office. In a word, everything is under control. Will Sevzhilservice and Murmanremstroy also promptly send information?

Our service was created so that applications from the population are not lost, in order to track their execution, so that they can be analyzed in this way. "051" has an electronic base. And since the establishment of the organization - since 2005, not a single application has been lost. And try to find them in the housing department! - Says Valery Barmin. - I also want to say that maintaining such a service in a management company is a very expensive pleasure. For example, there was not enough money for the "051" service. Why did we bring it under GOChS (Civil Defense of Emergencies - Ed.)? To have at least some help from the budget, because not all management companies were in a hurry to conclude service contracts with us. Of course, this help from the city is not big - only 30-35 percent. Given that this money went through a competition, the organization could well be without budgetary funds.

By the way, "Murmanremstroy" left the service "051", according to Valery Barmin, because of resentment.

Due to the fact that the dispatching service did not take their side in disputes over houses, - says Valery Yuryevich. - And how could "051" independently decide where whose houses are? There was an agreement with the management company that serves the house and, therefore, applications were transferred to it. This continued until there was an official court decision, how the dispute over the houses was resolved. I, as the head of the service, could not independently change the contract and start transferring applications to another manager.

Management companies cooperate with "051" by paying a subscription fee (20 companies, see "Note").

Our service was created in order to just control the work of the housing department (“051” was created at a time when all housing departments were municipal enterprises, that is, the city controlled its own employees. Now the situation has changed - Red .), - says Valery Barmin. - When we created "051", the number of complaints about housing and communal services decreased by 70 percent. Because people knew where to call and knew who to swear at. Of course, our dispatchers accepted all the negativity, but what can you do - such a job.

Alternative or hindrance?

We also got through to the head of Murmansk emergency dispatch service, Andrey Romantsev.

If, for example, a resident cannot directly call the management company, then we accept the application. After all, about 40 percent of calls from Murmansk residents get to our service, which speeds up the response to emergencies. We write down the application in our operational log and ourselves transfer it to the housing department and we have it under control. For example, in winter, glass must be replaced according to the rules within three days. And we mark the deadline in the journal, - Andrey Stanislavovich explains. - "051" transmits by e-mail, and we personally and necessarily record to whom the information was transmitted, that is, all events are reflected in our own database.

Consequently, information about incidents in this case is also not lost, as in the case of calls to "051". The necessary data can be easily raised upon request.

The statement of this ADS includes cold, hot water, electricity, heating and sewerage. But it can also help with the situation of cleaning the entrance. Previously, only the city dispatching service dealt with this issue.

We serve three districts, - Andrey Romantsev continues. - Residents of those houses for which we have concluded contracts can contact us,. These are, for example, such large ones: Zapolyarye Service, MetiA, Stroytekhresurs, Oktyabrskoye ZhEU, MUP MUK. There are also a number of homeowners associations.

The advantage of “emergency gangs” is that you can call them directly and around the clock. Specialists will come to you at any time of the day or night. And in the case of "051", for example, which, although also round-the-clock, in some cases, you will have to wait a long time for specialists. While they complete the application, they enter it into the computer and send it to the mailing list to the necessary departments. And imagine if a pipe burst at night, there is absolutely no time to wait. After all, the amount of compensation that will have to be paid to neighbors is growing every minute ...

Information, in my opinion, should go through the "emergency number" that serves the housing stock, because we know better on the spot and we can offer more control. Thus, the intermediate link disappears - EDDS, which needs to be paid for the transfer of information (transit), and repair work anyway, we do it, - says Andrey Stanislavovich.

As for costs, let's say a small company with 25 serviced houses will pay EDDS about 20 thousand rubles a month, which is not much. Based on a tariff of 0.13 kopecks per meter of living space. However, if there are more buildings, then you will have to pay more: for 150 houses - 120 thousand, here you can already think about your own service, or conclude a contract directly for emergency maintenance. This is what homeowners associations and housing cooperatives do, saving every penny. We should pay on the fact of work performed at the scene of the accident.

By the way, some management companies conclude two contracts at the same time: with "051" and the emergency service. Consequently, the city dispatcher cooperates with the emergency gang. But it is much more efficient, and even faster, to call the emergency dispatch service directly and call a specialist than to wait until your application goes through a large circle through various authorities and reaches the right one. Moreover, as Andrei Romantsev rightly said, it is always clearer in his subordinate housing stock what problems there are.

And, of course, an important plus is that their own emergency services will not actually hide any information with all their desire. After all City Administration can always request a report on the applications received and the work done. Conscientious emergency dispatch services must record everything in their own database. Therefore, you should not be wary of them.

Dispatch service "051" and emergency dispatch services of management companies are not really mutually exclusive. The latter in this case looks like a good alternative. The negative attitude of the city heads towards them can probably be explained by a tribute to fashion, following current trends the so-called political PR, when the authorities, by their excessive abuse of the Criminal Code, create the appearance that they think about the people and are trying for them. This position has its advantages: there must certainly be municipal control, but you shouldn’t organize a “witch hunt”, there should be a measure in everything.

Victoria Egorova

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“Radishcheva, 37 - a large ditch along the road”, “How long on the street. Gagarin will there be large bags of garbage?”, “Who cleans the coastal part of the Ice Lake? It's very dirty there.” Where do Murmansk residents call with these questions? That's right, in a single duty dispatch service "051", which has been operating in the polar capital for the eighth year. True, now the townspeople are increasingly faced with a situation where they are answered in “051”: “Sorry, we can’t help, your management company refused our services.” Why this is happening, Komsomolskaya Pravda tried to figure it out.

Moving away from transparency...

The services of the unified duty and dispatching service "051" were refused by this moment 6 management companies. But first of all, the residents lose from this, according to "051".

Most of the management companies that leave "051", as a rule, cease their activities in the near future or lose part of the housing stock. This is Zhiltsentr - once the largest company in Murmansk, housing and communal services of the Oktyabrsky district (45 out of 150 houses remained), MZHEK, Murmanremstroy, Zhilspetsstroy are following the same path. Recently, Sevzhilservice refused to cooperate ... So, the level of service for houses by most of these management companies is getting worse, - the deputy is sure. director of EDDS "051" Vladimir Stern. - By refusing our services, they exclude the transparency of their activities. Companies are afraid that information about violations or poor quality work on their housing stock will be used against them. And normally operating management companies only welcome transparency, because they receive objective information from us about the work of their contractors. If they did not work well, there are repeated applications, then the Criminal Code can fine them.

By the way, the system for monitoring the execution of applications made through "051" is very strict: urgent applications must be completed within a day, the rest - within 3 days. The service "051" transmits information about violations to the district administrations, Rospotrebnazdor, the State Housing Inspectorate, and the prosecutor's office. In a word, everything is under control.

At one time, many Criminal Codes tried to tell us: “Guys, I pay you money, and therefore information about me is confidential,” Vladimir Yuryevich continues. - They were always told that we municipal organization, and if they want to use our services, then within the limits that the municipality requires of us. Six months later, a year, the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the mayor's office ask us for statistics: how many houses were frozen, how many accidents, incidents in the housing stock - thereby obtaining an objective picture of the work of the Criminal Code. In general, there should be an on-duty dispatch service in every organization that manages the housing stock of Murmansk, similar to those in Gorgaz, Vodokanal. However, the emergency dispatch services organized in a number of UCs do not have such an operational base, nor trained personnel, nor technical means, like we have. And their waiting time on the line is minutes, ours is 9 seconds.

…or save residents money?

There are 2,560 residential buildings in Murmansk, three-quarters of which are under the control of "051". And residents of 621 houses must contact the dispatch services of their management companies. Naturally, companies that have broken with 051 have their own arguments.

The decision to terminate the contract with EDDS "051" and create its own emergency dispatch service was made in order to remove residents of other areas from the queue and thereby reduce the waiting time for their residents. Moreover, the creation of your own service will save significant funds paid by the owners of the premises. apartment buildings, - commented and. about. CEO OOO UK Murmanremstroy 1 Alexander Zhivoderov. - As a result of the transition from EDDS "051" to our own emergency dispatch service, it became possible to respond more quickly to emergencies, more accurately plan the implementation of current work, control the quality of services provided, interacting directly with repair work performers.

What savings Money? - they are surprised in response to "051". - We pay only 15 kopecks per square meter. So, if a person has a “three-ruble note” of 66 meters, then he must pay only 10 rubles a month, from a kopeck piece - 5 re. This is 900 rubles per 6 thousand square meters. meters. Serving the house, the management companies collect 240 thousand rubles, can they really allocate 900 rubles from them?

It seems that there are more arguments in favor of "051". However, the tenants do not care: with what dispatch service their "managers" have an agreement. The main thing is that the result was. But this is sometimes very difficult to achieve ...


Where to call with problems?

Unified duty-dispatching service " 051 » - tel. 051

Emergency dispatching service of "Sevzhilservis" - tel. 631-051

Emergency dispatch service "Murmanremstroy" - tel. 696-051

Emergency service of the Oktyabrsky district (this is called by residents whose houses are serviced by the housing and communal services of the Oktyabrsky district and the management company "MZHEK") - tel. 44-64-52

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