Order for 12 hour working day sample. What does a sample order to change the work schedule look like. Additional agreement on changing working hours

  • 07.12.2019

The working time schedule is documentation type, which is used to clearly and consistently describe the duties and options of each employee in order to prevent them from misunderstanding their own functions and purpose.

This document must include specific and clear presentation for ease of implementation and use in the workflow. It is important to avoid incomprehensible and ambiguous phrases in these formulations.

The procedure for establishing a work schedule

Today, this term is commonly used descriptive features of running processes within the framework of local documentation. Such descriptions can be a large number of, it is very problematic to confine ourselves to one regulation, a standard.

It is this order that acts as the main paper on the basis of which the workflow is built. This is a kind of metronome, which will allow you to smoothly and clearly perform official duties and work as a team.

A rationally planned procedure for establishing a work schedule allows you to ensure high-quality and productive solution of the following tasks:

  • the general focus of the team on opening new horizons and achievements;
  • synchronization of all actions of employees;
  • continuous and balanced flow of the process even in case of failures and unforeseen circumstances.

As a result of using this technique, the team proceeds to coordinated and harmonious work. This is facilitated by the formation of a single circle of concepts, requirements for inputs and outputs, and the availability of information.

In simpler terms, work regulations are a set of rules related to the decision-making by executors in different situations, into a single document. Such papers, related to the upper level, contribute to the display of the overall principles of the enterprise, as well as goals and boundary marks.

As for the documents of the lower level, they include ready-made options that can be achieved in the course of a set of activities.

Normative base

If you go through the Labor Code Russian Federation, you can find out that during the working day or shift, the employee has the right to lunch, rest, which will last not less than 30 minutes and not more than two hours.

This time has nothing to do with the work process. The exact duration of this period of time is strictly regulated by the employer. In the "lion's" share of organizations, lunch takes away 1 hour, and since it is not paid, it can be used strictly at the discretion of the employee.

If everything becomes more or less clear with the main lunch time, then with five minute breaks the matter is more complicated.

It is difficult to imagine a situation in which office worker does not perform his duties at the computer. It is in connection with this that there are certain “vents” within the framework of his working day. The law recommends that in order to prevent fatigue of employees using PCs, it is necessary to provide a regime that would allow alternating the format of work.

If the format and mode is such that it involves constant interaction with a personal computer, then breaks lasting 10-15 minutes should be organized hourly.

Of course, you need to take breaks in order to reduce the rate of neuro-emotional stress, relax the visual muscles and ensure the fight against occupational diseases. As a facilitating factor, there is a walk along the corridor, a cup of tea, communication with colleagues.

In the ideal view of any employer, the work of all employees is carried out strictly for the benefit of the company, and each of them strives for productive work and high-quality performance of their duties. But between the ideal picture and the real world there is certain abyss.

In office life, for example, all workers can be divided into two categories - those who like to work tirelessly, and those who constantly go on smoke breaks. It is clear that if the representatives of the first group are proactive, constantly setting themselves certain tasks, then the inhabitants of the second world are lazy and lack enthusiasm.

Consider the organization of labor in such an organization on practical example. For employees who perform duties using a computer, such breaks can be 50-90 minutes, provided that the working day in the office is 8 hours.

Traditionally, data on such breaks are present within the framework of the organization's regulations in the form of a special order or norms. work schedule. So in the process of hiring new employees, you should inform them about the rules of work and rest, taking a written assurance.

It is best to prescribe breaks in advance. You can strictly specify their periodicity, for example, at the beginning of every second hour, or make these elements floating. In order to control the time of an absent employee, are used various time tracking services- from programs that are installed on a personal computer, to information systems corporate plan.

If the staff smokes, the situation is much more difficult with them. Is it possible to attribute the time for a smoke break to the total number of breaks or count it separately? And how can permanent absences of smokers be prevented?

The fight against this phenomenon is a certain amount of ways. Employers sometimes impose a ban on smoking while working, but this is tempting to leave the company for a while. And to reduce wages only on this basis means violating the rights of employees who smoke.

The most optimal way is to make an additional payment to non-smokers or extend the working day of smokers for the duration of the smoke breaks.

sample order

Working time regulations are accompanied by the drawing up orders. It must include a specific set of requirements and regulations:

  • data on employees and their positions for which this document is generated;
  • the time during which employees have the right to rest throughout the working day;
  • the period that must be strictly worked out;
  • signature of the chief / manager who compiled this document;
  • date of the document.

The order is paper, which confirms the decision of the management team on the regulations for the working hours of employees. It is compiled for each position separately and may include several individual points.

Features for the enterprise, store

At an ordinary enterprise working time regulated through special document, which contains data on the time of work and rest of employees.

For a classic working day from 8.00 to 17.00 or from 9.00 to 18.00, a lunch break is assumed from 13.00 to 14.00 or at other times. In addition, there are several five-minute breaks that need to be arranged every hour. They should be aimed at ensuring that the employee is distracted from the main work and takes time for his own rest.

As for the store, here the situation looks similar. Employees should have a full lunch break and small "five minutes". Leisure involves a lack of interaction with clients and privacy (i.e. should not take place in trading floor, but in the administrative room or in the staff room).

The rest period is 5-15 minutes depending on the type of employment and the direction in which the store operates.

Working week length

The working week should not be more than 40 hours. If this indicator is more important, then we can talk about overtime days, which must be paid separately or as part of an increased tariff.

Types of recreation

For employees of enterprises of various fields of activity, it is provided several classic varieties of recreation:

  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • small charge;
  • tea drinking;
  • communication with colleagues;
  • relaxation and meditation;
  • listening to music.

Large promising enterprises are currently engaged in active promotion of this policy and offer their employees a combination of all these types of holidays.

For more information on breaks during working hours, see the video.

When employed, each employee not only signs an employment contract with the employer, but also goes through the procedure of familiarization with the internal routine and working hours of the enterprise. At the same time, the maximum allowable number of hours per shift is regulated by Article No. 91 of the Labor Legislation of Russia, according to which an eight-hour working day is established.

The right to decide when the work shift begins, when it ends and how long the break lasts is vested directly in the head of each specific organization. The employer has the right to make changes to the working time schedule at its discretion. These innovations must be legally fixed by a special administrative document - an order to change the regime. How to properly draw up this act, and will be discussed in the material presented.

How to change the working hours for an employee?

Only the employer has the right to change the working schedule. The procedure for changing working hours is as follows:

  • The manager decides to make adjustments to the shift schedule.
  • The employer issues an appropriate order, which establishes the following temporary norms:
  1. Start of the shift (at what hours and minutes the employee should come to the shift);
  2. End of the working day exact time when the employee leaves his workplace);
  3. Start of lunch break (hours and minutes);
  4. End of lunch.
  • All employees of the enterprise are familiarized with the issued order and the new regime;
  • Employees sign that they have familiarized themselves with the innovations from the management;
  • The new order comes into force from the date indicated in the order document.

Thus, according to the current labor law, the document does not enter into force from the moment it is signed by the management, but after all employees of the organization have been familiarized with it.

Hours Change Warning

As mentioned above, the management of the enterprise, when making changes to the daily routine, is obliged to inform all its employees about this. A warning about the adjustments made is carried out orally, but the employee must give his written consent (signature) to the innovation. This act prescribes the reason for the changes, the period for their introduction and information about the consequences of the specialist's refusal to work according to the new requirements.

If an employee is absent from work for any reason at the time of issuing the order, he is informed of the changes made by means of a special notification, which can be sent by mail. In addition, familiarization with the work shift schedule occurs at the time of the employee's employment and signing of the relevant contract.

How to issue an order to change the working hours?

Working hours can be of three types:

  • The daily routine, drawn up for everyone and regulated by the internal regulations (PVTR);
  • A work regime that is uniform for the entire team and enshrined not only in the PWTR, but in the contract with the employee;
  • The order made exclusively in the employment contract.

When making any changes to the shift regulations, the manager writes an order. This document is compiled in accordance with established administrative requirements and contains the following information:

  • Business name;
  • Type of act (order);
  • The exact date of writing the paper;
  • Order number;
  • The content of the document;
  • Director's painting.

This document comes into force from the moment of its publication and acquaintance with it by all employees of the enterprise.

Sample order to change working hours

In order for the order to be issued in accordance with the established administrative standards for this type of document, the manager can use a ready-made template for filling out.

Additional agreement on changing working hours

In accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the new labor regime will be valid for the employee from the moment of signing the corresponding additional agreement with him. This document contains the following details:

  • Information about legal entity(enterprise, organization);
  • Information about the employee, including his passport data (number, series, by whom and when the passport was issued, etc.);
  • The number of the agreement and the exact date of its preparation;
  • Data on the employment contract concluded with the employee (date, number);
  • The essence of the agreement (the introduction of a new routine with an exact indication of the beginning and end of the shift, as well as the duration of the lunch break);
  • Signatures of the parties.

The agreement is attached to the contract after the issuance of the order of the employer.

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The schedule of working time and rest according to Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation should be spelled out in the employment contract if there are any differences in the regime for a particular specialist.

For the rest of the staff, it is enough to apply the Internal Regulations, where the work and rest regulations are written.

If you need to change the working schedule, then this can be done by issuing an order, a sample of which is offered for download below.

In order to save money on wages the manager can reduce the number of working hours. If necessary, on the contrary, increase the shift of a specialist for a certain period (seasonality, urgent order).

Changing the operating mode is allowed in the following cases:

  • with the consent of a specialist (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • at the suggestion of the employer (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • at the request of the employee.

You may find these examples helpful:

The mode of operation may change for various reasons, while the registration procedure will be slightly different.

Below are the most popular reasons.

By agreement of the parties

Depending on which normative documents the regulations for work and rest are indicated, appropriate amendments are made, an order is being prepared.

Before signing the order, it is necessary to notify the employee (s) about the change in the working day. The notification must be given to the employee no later than 2 months before the deliberate decision and contain the following data:

  • reason for the change;
  • the rights and obligations of the employee;
  • the term for making a decision by a specialist;
  • the consequences of accepting or refusing future changes.

If the company has employees whose working hours are specified in the employment contract, then it is required to conclude an additional agreement to it. A full, detailed record is made indicating the new work schedule.

If the regime is fixed in the Internal Regulations, when it is changed, new rules and an order for the enterprise are drawn up. Just familiarizing specialists with the order is not enough, they must record their consent. This can be done through an agreement signed by the manager and each employee.

At the initiative of the employer

In the presence of improved technology and production techniques, structural reorganization of production, changes in the conditions of the work schedule are permissible at the suggestion of the director of the company (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), labor function specialist remains the same. The employer is obliged to support his actions with reasoned arguments.

According to the employee

Initially, an application is written to the name of the head of the enterprise from a specialist with a request to change the working hours, in which the desired work schedule should be indicated with the obligatory indication of the reasons (family circumstances, health status).

In case of a positive response from the management, an order and an additional agreement to the contract are issued.

How to make an order?

The order to change working hours contains the following items:

  • details of the enterprise, its name;
  • place, date of preparation of the document;
  • the reasons for introducing the new rules;
  • the abolition of the old and the introduction of a new regime with an indication of a specific time;
  • listing the names and initials of employees whose working hours change;
  • the date of validity of the changes made, their duration;
  • the procedure for remuneration;
  • signatures of the director and familiar employees.

Changing the operating mode of the organization: order (sample)

From this material you will learn how to draw up an order on the mode of operation of the organization (a sample is given). We will tell you how to set a full-time employee with part-time work.

The mode of working time and rest time is one of the mandatory conditions of the employment contract provided for in Article 57 Labor Code.

The employer can change the working hours for an employee:

  • or with the consent of the employee- in the manner prescribed by Article 72 of the Labor Code. In this case, you need to issue an additional agreement to employment contract and issue an order
  • or unilaterally, by notifying the employee in writing two months in advance, indicating the reasons for the need for the change, in the manner prescribed in Article 74 of the Labor Code. Then you will need to draw up an order on the mode of operation of the organization (see sample below).

We will consider the documentary registration of a change in the working hours unilaterally in more detail.

When is it possible to change the mode of operation unilaterally

Unilaterally, the employer has the right to change the employee's work schedule when the organizational or technological working conditions change, when the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be saved. For example, if changes have occurred in production technology, in the event of a structural reorganization of production, or for other reasons (part 1 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Documentation of the change in working hours

To change the employee's working hours, the employer needs to take some actions and draw up a number of documents.

Notifying an employee of a temporary change in his working hours. The employer must notify the employee in advance - no later than two months in advance - about the upcoming temporary change in his working hours.

The notice must include:

  • the reason for the temporary change in the employee's work schedule;
  • the rights and obligations of the employee during the notice period;
  • the period by which the employee must make a decision;
  • the consequences of the employee's consent or refusal to continue working in the new conditions.

This will help avoid labor disputes in the future.

If the employee for some reason does not agree to change the working hours, the employer may offer him another job ( vacant position corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, or a lower position, or a lower paid job), which the employee can perform taking into account his state of health (part 3 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In the absence of other work or the employee's refusal to do so, the employment contract is terminated in accordance with paragraph 7 of part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code. This procedure is established in part 4 of article 74 of the Labor Code.

Example 1
JSC "Fortuna" has a 40-hour working week. L.I. Parusova works part-time (6 hours a day, five days a week).

In connection with production necessity the employer plans from September 15 to October 15, 2014 to transfer L.I. Parusov full time. How to notify an employee?

There is no unified form of notification of changes in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties. The employer can draw up a document in free form(see sample 1 below)

Notification of changes in the terms of the employment contract (sample)

Employee response. The employee can express his decision in the notification, if there is a special field for this, or in a separate document - an application (see sample 2 below).

Consent to change the mode of operation (sample)

Example 2
Let's continue the example. L.I. Parusova received a notice from her employer about a temporary change in her working hours. In what form should she tell him her answer?

The employee sent a written response to the employer in the form of an application (see sample 2).

Additional agreement on changing the terms of the employment contract. After sending a notification to the employee and obtaining his consent, expressed, for example, in a statement, the employer must first conclude an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract.

Example 3
Let's continue examples 1 and 2. L.I. Parusova works part-time. Due to business needs, she agreed to work full time from September 15 to October 15, 2014. It is necessary to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract with the employee.

The employer will issue a change in the employee's working hours with an additional agreement to the employment contract (see sample 3 below).

Fragment of an additional agreement to an employment contract (sample)

On the basis of an additional agreement to the employment contract, the employer must issue an order on the temporary establishment of a full-time working regime for the employee.

Order for a temporary change in the mode of operation. There is no unified form of such an order; it is drawn up in an arbitrary form. Let's show an example how to make it.

Example 4
Let's continue example 3. It is necessary to issue an order to temporarily change the mode of operation of L.I. Sailing.

The employer will issue an order on the mode of operation of the organization (sample 4).

Order on the mode of operation of the organization sample (sample)

How to pay an employee after changing his working hours

Let's figure out how the employee's salary will change due to the fact that he is temporarily set to full-time, that is, the daily duration of work is increased.

Overtime. According to part 1 of article 99 of the Labor Code, overtime is recognized as work performed by an employee on the initiative of the employer outside the working hours established for the employee ( daily work(shifts)).

When an employee is transferred from a part-time work regime to a full-time work regime on the basis of an additional agreement to the employment contract, additional hours of work cannot be considered overtime.

If a company has a 40-hour work week, working 40 hours per week will not be overtime.

Full day transitionin the table. In the time sheet in the form of No. T-12 or a form independently developed by the company, part-time work is marked with the letter code "NS" or digital 25.

Example 5
Let's continue example 4. An employee of JSC "Fortuna" L.I. Parusova works for the company on a part-time basis (6 hours a day, five days a week). The company has a 40 hour work week. Due to production needs, from September 15 to October 15, 2014, L.I. Parusova will work full time.

How should the periods of part-time (6 hours a day, five-day work week) and full-time (8 hours a day, five-day work week) work be reflected in the September 2014 time sheet?

The duration of the work of an employee of OJSC "Fortuna" L.I. Sailing in part-time mode at the initiative of the employer in the report card in form No. T-12 will be indicated by the letter code "NS" or the number 25 (see sample 5).

Fragment of the time sheet: transition to a full day

Salary after transition to full time. When an employee works part-time, remuneration for his work is made in proportion to the hours worked. Let's use an example to show how to calculate a salary for a month in which an employee's working hours changed in accordance with an additional agreement to an employment contract.

Example 6
Let's continue example 5. An employee of JSC "Fortuna" L.I. Parusova worked one part of September (10 working days) part-time - 6 hours daily, and the second (12 working days) - full-time - 8 hours a day. By production calendar this month 176 working hours. The salary of the employee is 23,000 rubles. per month. How much will she receive in September?

For the period worked in the part-time mode, the salary of L.I. Sailing is equal to 7840.91 rubles. (23,000 rubles: 176 hours × 10 working days × 6 working hours).

The salary for the period of full-time work will be 12,545.45 rubles. (23,000 rubles: 176 hours × 12 working days × 8 hours). In total, for September, the employee will be credited 20,386.36 rubles. (7840.91 rubles + 12 545.45 rubles).