Toys for registration of trading floors. Equipment for toy shops. Shop administrative equipment

  • 10.05.2021

When designing a store for children, one should be very careful in choosing furniture installations. The right one can go a long way in increasing sales and attracting potential buyers. In our online store you can buy equipment that allows you to effectively lay out products and make optimal use of the area. Universal furniture:

  • Made from reliable and high quality materials.
  • Mobile and compact.
  • Convenient and does not require special skills to use.

Our company offers a wide range of designs for children's stores, so you can choose a model that will fully meet the requirements and needs. Our managers will provide individual advice and help resolve all organizational issues.

Equipment Features

When decorating a room, Special attention give to the interior and equipment for the toy store. The main structures for equipping the area are:

  • Counters. These devices are used as workplace seller and are mainly installed in the checkout area. The upper part of the structures is made of glass, which in turn provides an optimal view of the toys. Also, modern counters differ in size and shape, and can be deaf, demonstration, corner, cash, radius, transparent.
  • Showcases. Trade structures are placed along the perimeter or in the center of the premises. Exhibition devices allow you to store and place various goods and, thanks to glass doors, provide good review products. According to the shape of the design, universal showcases are divided into island and wall-mounted.
  • Shelving. This commercial equipment for toys is the most commonly used. They can be used to place and store a wide variety of goods. Modern models of commercial equipment are made from quality materials and may vary in design. (classic wall, models with baskets, corner, island).

Shop equipment specifics

When combining different racks and showcases, you should be careful in choosing colors premises. Children's goods most often have a bright design, so the trade designs for the store should be plain. Also modern models must meet the following requirements:

  • Safety. Constructions for a toy store must be reliable and durable, as well as have high stability. When designing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you should not install models that contain fragile shelves and sharp protruding corners.
  • Functional features. Shop equipment for a toy store should be placed in such a way that small buyers and their parents can conveniently view the goods. In this case, the right choice would be to order furniture that will differ in shape and size.

Our company provides only high-quality furniture that fully complies with individual requirements buyer.

Opening a toy store is half the battle. There are many aspects of running this business, and one of them is to choose the right shop equipment for children's stores. It allows you to literally and figuratively decompose all the goods offered on the shelves.

Help a customer make a purchase from you!

Today, any competent entrepreneur realizes that a good assortment is not enough for successful sales growth. It is important that the buyer does not get lost in its abundance, immediately sees what is there, can quickly visually highlight the categories of goods and find what he needs. Modern shelving for a toy store helps a lot with this.

For the potential client himself, this process of mental sorting of goods occurs subconsciously. And your task is to help him with this by using such a tool as a good, compact shop equipment for toy store. Then he will not leave because he could not choose from a large assortment or, on the contrary, find the right toy.

Do you think that the role of a navigator should be performed exclusively by sales assistants? But this is not always reasonable! A large percentage of people do not want to buy anything at all when an obsessive manager tries to help him. Especially if he is limited in finances and is afraid not to meet the amount that he set aside for the right thing. In this case it is shop equipment for children's goods will play the most important role at the first acquaintance with the assortment: it will guide a person in the search. And then he will be much more interested.

toy rack

People should be allowed to explore the store themselves if they want to and do not accept active help. Let them examine the rack for the sale of toys, its entire range, take a closer look at the goods. In the end, touch it, read the composition ... But at the same time, it is important to be careful in the design, which is what helps children's trade equipment. The only exceptions are second-hand shops, where customers are allowed to delve endlessly in the mountains of clothes, and sometimes even toys. But even there lately they are trying to maintain order.

Sell ​​what's stuck...

It is also important to help the buyer notice what he did not need before he saw it... In this case, we are talking about promotions and other similar ways to convey information to the client. Such equipment for the sale of children's goods, such as promotion zones, is suitable. They are available in almost every store and are designed specifically to draw attention to a particular offer. Although the offers themselves are usually created in order to sell a product. Or lure new customers.

Rack for children's goods

The promotion zone is a kind of rack for children's products, made so that they are visible from all sides. Thus, the things located on it immediately stand out against the background of others, attracting attention simply by their location. It can also be a toy rack. There are many models, it all depends on what kind of product is to be exhibited. Promotions, sales, discounts - everything that creates popularity for the store is carried out with the help of such structures.

Complete solution for the store

In how conveniently and beautifully things are arranged, an important role is played by quality equipment for children's clothing store and toys. We offer you:

  • Shelving for books
  • Separate shelves of various sizes
  • Comfortable modern counters
  • Product promotion zones
  • Island and wall shelving

When ordering equipment for the sale of toys and children's clothing in a complex, you save yourself from unnecessary trouble. By doing everything at once, you get the opportunity to design a store in the same style, as well as save time and money on transportation.

Our commercial equipment for toys - great way make the interior of the store as attractive as possible!

Trading equipment for toys should take into account the specifics of the store and meet the most stringent safety requirements: be durable, stable, functional, and also help create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Children's toys themselves are very bright, with a predominance of saturated colors, so it is better to choose solid-color commercial furniture for them so as not to overload the visual perception of the presented goods.

Toy store equipment is usually shelving non-standard forms, racks, island systems with various hinged components (shelves, handrails, brackets). Pay attention to the racks of the "Cube" series. The atypical shapes and symmetry of the shelves will undoubtedly draw the attention of customers to the displayed goods. The "Sphere" and "Z" display cubes will help you create whimsical compositions for the presentation of toys that will look great both in the window of a toy store and in the center of the trading floor. Racks "Expo" will also fit perfectly into the center of the hall. We advise you to choose racks and racks with shelves made of chipboard, as they are safer and non-traumatic for overly restless children.

Chrome-plated mesh racks "Style" complete with chrome-plated metal shelves and baskets will help you conveniently place balls, boxes with play sets, and soft toys.

Toy equipment also provides for all kinds of display racks related products, such as batteries, key chains, children's cosmetics, shelves for cars, etc. For this purpose, both perforated metal racks and wall-mounted trading systems, mesh modules with various attachments - hooks of different lengths and brackets are suitable.

Near the exit of the store, you can put a basket or a rack with baskets for goods sold at a reduced price. The low height of the baskets will allow the child to choose the toy he likes. In the most prominent place, place a bright stand with new toys. The final note in the arrangement of the toy store will be the reception, which serves as both a counter and a workplace for the seller.

Trade furniture and equipment for a children's goods store should be approached with particular care.

Not only is the equipment for baby store must meet the requirements of increased security, it is also necessary that it look original and attractive.

Children's shops are of two types. The first ones sell a narrow list of goods - clothes, strollers or toys, the second ones offer a wide range: from food to various accessories for pregnant women. When choosing retail equipment, you should take into account the specific interior of a children's store.

How to equip a children's store?

Since children's stores are very often visited by parents with their kids, their main difference is a bright and non-standard interior that attracts attention and creates a festive atmosphere. However, it is important not to overdo it here, so that overly bright colors do not tire the children. Moreover, children's products themselves usually come in saturated colors, so it is better for the equipment to be contrasting, but solid.

Equipment for children's shops is, as a rule, all kinds of designs of non-standard shapes with various decorative elements. The design of equipment for a children's store and the interior may include, for example, images of cartoon characters.

But beautiful appearance- far from the main requirement for toy stores. Counters, showcases and shelving must be durable, stable and functional. Small fidgets can hit the rack, so there should not be even a small chance that it will tip over. In addition, in the design of the trading floor of a children's store, it is better to avoid sharp protruding corners and fragile shelves.

When choosing racks and showcases, it must be taken into account that the weight and height of goods, even from the same group, can vary greatly. This is especially true when it comes to toys or sports equipment. Therefore, retail racks for a children's store must certainly have shelves of various heights and depths. It is best if the height of the shelves is adjustable.

Children will surely like such an arrangement of shelves on the racks, in which they themselves, without the help of adults, will be able to choose and examine the goods. However, expensive or fragile items are best placed in glazed display cases.

Good day! I continue to write expanding articles for and today we will talk about how to choose equipment for a children's toy store.

Equipment for a children's store

Considering the issue of equipment for a children's toy store, I will divide it into 3 groups:

  1. Administrative equipment of a toy store for children;
  2. Trade equipment for the sale of children's toys;
  3. Consumable equipment and materials.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these points:

Shop administrative equipment

In this paragraph, we will add all the equipment that is required for the automated operation of a children's toy store:

  • (NPM). In order not to constantly write out cash receipts or sales receipts, we will buy this device for printing checks, you can use it. By and large, this is the same cash register only without fiscal memory, it does not need to be registered with the tax office and serviced (which will significantly save your money);
  • Money box. Of course, you will need a box for money, the cost of a new one is 1500 rubles;
  • Payment terminal for plastic cards. Recently, people have almost stopped carrying cash with them. A plastic card is convenient in all respects. Today I was in my store and the trend is that over the past week there have been more payments through plastic cards than in cash. In order to receive a terminal for payment by plastic cards, it is necessary and it will be given to you for temporary use free of charge. From each sale, the bank takes 1-1.5%;
  • Notebook. Of course, you can also have a computer, but I'm leaning towards a laptop. Their cost is not so great. You can buy a new laptop for 20,000 rubles. and its power is enough to work in a children's toy store;
  • high speed internet . It will be required for the smooth operation of the terminal for payment by plastic cards. Also for suppliers, ordering and other business correspondence, it is also possible that you connect remote access to the current account (I recommend) and will be able to manage your account without visiting the bank (you will only go to it to put cash on the current account);
  • Printer. I recommend an MFP (printer-scanner-copier) black and white, laser, the model does not play a big role, but I use Samsung. , announcements, invoices from suppliers, etc.;
  • Buyer's corner. Be sure to order for your children's toy store (you can do this at any advertising company);
  • . When working with suppliers, you will need to print upon receipt of the goods (toys) documentation will come in 2 copies: and. One of the copies will need to be signed and stamped. Moreover, a seal will be required to open a current account in order to receive a payment terminal with plastic cards.

This is the administrative equipment you should have in a toy store.

Commercial equipment for children's toys

With regard to commercial equipment, the situation is not so unambiguous. The fact is that commercial equipment must be purchased based on.

So I will simply list what kind of commercial equipment for selling toys you will need, and you will have to decide on the quantity yourself:

  1. Vendor's table. Since they are standard and all 800 mm wide, it is better for a toy store to purchase 2 pieces so that it can fit both the FIM, the terminal and the laptop. There is also a place for issuing purchased children's toys;
  2. Metal racks with shelves. The height can be 1800 mm, 2000 mm, 2200 mm, what height to take them already look at the height of the ceilings in the room. Place these racks along the walls. If the room is not standard (that is, a square or a rectangle), then there are special corners for these same racks. Decide on the quantity already on the spot;
  3. glass shelving. They can be of different heights, a good option would be to purchase glass racks of the same height as the seller's table; in this case, you can install perforated panels or economy panels behind the seller;
  4. Economy and perforated panels. They are placed behind the seller and children's toys are hung on special hooks. Hooks are not included, so you can buy them separately from the same company;
  5. Chair or armchair for salesperson. If you are planning to trade on your own for the first time (I recommend), then purchase a comfortable computer chair, if there is a seller, then an office chair will suffice.

Here are the main positions of commercial equipment for a children's store. Of course, there are many other equipment (these are just my recommendations) and you can consider any that you like. The last word is naturally yours.

Consumable equipment and materials

In any trade, as well as in a children's toy store, there are consumables that will be required for work:

  • Stationery: pens, pencils, notebooks, rulers, erasers, markers, glue, etc.;
  • Paper and cartridges for the printer;
  • Household chemicals: powder, soap, liquid soap, wipes, etc.;
  • Cleaning equipment: mop, broom, dustpan, bucket, rags, etc.

Perhaps this equipment for a children's toy store can be limited.

I recommend purchasing administrative and commercial equipment via the Internet, so you can save from 30% to 50%.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in my group in contact "