Ethical marketing examples. Socio-ethical marketing. Stages of organizing marketing campaigns with a social bias. Peculiarities

  • 13.11.2019


social marketing - a direction that uses marketing tools to improve the lives of both individuals and society as a whole. Initially, social marketing was aimed at persuading people to exercise, eat right, quit smoking, practice "safe sex" to prevent the spread of AIDS, join the ranks of donors, etc. Nowadays, the term "social marketing" also refers to the work of commercial companies aimed at simultaneously promoting the brand and social values. The key elements of such marketing, along with the study, formation and satisfaction of the needs of buyers, are the development, implementation and control of social programs aimed at promoting social ideas, movements or implementing practical actions. For the first time the term "social marketing" was used in the early 70s of the XX century and denoted a set of activities aimed at solving social problems and social turmoil. Currently, social marketing is considered as one of the elements of targeted marketing and there are three key components in it: fundraising, sponsorship (brand promotion), sales promotion. At the beginning of the 21st century, a serious tool of social marketing was the creation of special versions of company products aimed at charity.

Despite the fact that social marketing is aimed at social values, all the same, this is a method of marketing, and, above all, the goal of marketing is to ensure the required level of profitability.


The concept of social and ethical marketing emphasizes that the principle of social responsibility is not only to meet the needs of consumers, but also to ensure the well-being of society as a whole.

Social responsibility means that any organization is part of society and is responsible to it for its actions.

As in the case of ethical issues, it is rather difficult to reach a consensus on the nature and scope of social responsibility due to the diversity of value orientations inherent in different social business and corporate cultures.

The concept of social responsibility includes 3 components:

    profit responsibility;

    responsibility to stakeholders;

    responsibility to society.

Ethics and business touchpoints

The solution of social problems not only does not contradict the interests of business, but, on the contrary, is in direct relationship with the latter. For example, improving the welfare of the population by saving resources provides an increase in effective demand for other goods.

It should be noted that such factors come to the fore in the conditions of developed markets with a high level of competition, when demand is determined, first of all, by the personal preferences of the buyer. If we are talking about an economic space with a low level of competition, then the problem of generating demand and its additional stimulation simply does not arise for the manufacturer.

Profit Responsibility. According to this concept, the obligation of the company is to provide maximum profit for its owners and shareholders.

Responsibility to stakeholders. This concept refers to the obligations an organization has to groups that can influence the achievement of the organization's objectives. These groups include the organization's customers, employees, business partners, suppliers, and distributors.

Responsibility to society. This concept provides for the organization to:

    obligations to the public;

    obligations related to the protection of the natural environment.

This concept is also called "green marketing". This concept provides for the direction of marketing efforts towards the production and sale of products that do not harm the environment. This also includes waste recycling, as well as containers and packaging. These are voluntary measures taken by the company as a response to the exacerbation of environmental problems and are not usually associated with additional costs to the consumer.

Activities that increase social responsibility are increasingly involving the general public (consumer society, environmental organizations), representatives who act as consultants, experts and public monitors, and a practice called public charity marketing has also become widespread, which is used in situations where charitable donations are directly are linked to the income received from the promotion of one of the company's products.

The program is carried out within the framework of public charitable marketing, is based on all 3 concepts of social responsibility and is aimed at responding to emerging social problems, meeting consumer needs and increasing the level of sales and profits of the organization.

Examples of implementation in world practice

Most clearly, the need to introduce social and ethical marketing is demonstrated by big brands with a wide consumer audience.

One of the striking examples is the McDonald's trademark, which, in order not to lose a significant part of its customers, was forced to take quite costly measures to ensure environmental friendliness of production. Within the framework of this strategy, the problem of waste disposal and saving natural resources:

    used vegetable oil began to be collected in special containers and later transferred to the production of biofuels,

    plastic sticks and cups were replaced with recyclable wooden ones, and the cups and plates themselves were made thinner,

    special holders allow you to get only one napkin at a time, thereby saving a huge amount of wood for their production,

    The company managed to reduce electricity costs through the use of energy-saving equipment and alternative energy sources - wind farms.

In addition, McDonald's is actively involved in solving social problems orphans through ongoing charitable events. And accusations that the food of this distribution network causes enormous harm to the health of the buyer, led to the appearance of new, healthier dishes on the menu.

Under the changing needs of consumers, Coca-Cola had to rebuild. After the data was made public that harmful components were used in the recipe of the drink (some of them were even banned in the United States), the recipe that had been tested over the years had to be significantly corrected. And, of course, save the situation through charity.

Due to the fact that significant financial resources big business can be accumulated to solve social problems, in the minds of an ordinary consumer, those brands that pay attention to those in need of help acquire special value. Accordingly, it is these companies that have the right to count on an increase in sales, and, as a result, additional profits.

The Concept of Socio-Ethical Marketing and Interaction Marketing

Socio-ethical marketing (socio-ethical marketing, social marketing) is a complex interaction of a commercial company operating in the market with customers, contractors, various public institutions, based on the recognition of the decisive role of the company's social responsibility.

Purposeful formation of a system of methods for improving the company's contact with target audiences;

Using the entire set of tools marketing communication(advertising, exhibitions, fairs);

Development and consistent implementation of a strategic image concept based on real, not imaginary, achievements of the company;

Anticipation of information crisis situations (development of development scenarios, at least “known crises”, preparation of a crisis headquarters, miscalculation of the most likely topics of “compromising evidence” by competitors and (or) opponents of the corporation in power structures);

Awareness by the top management and the personnel core (ideally - by all employees of the company) of the public mission of the company;

Adherence to universal moral standards.

PR within the framework of social and ethical marketing is an activity that combines elements of management and social technologies, contributing to business success and meeting social needs. PR techniques are used at all stages of working with a product or service. Already at the design stage, the wishes and comments of consumers are taken into account.

In production, not only the interests of the consumer are taken into account, but also the need to fulfill state orders, export activities, import substitution, and the production of goods for socially vulnerable groups of the population. The price is dictated not only by the ratio of supply and demand, but also by social, environmental, geopolitical factors. The search for a place in the market, the marketing policy of the company must take into account the state of the market infrastructure, the psychology of consumers, socio-cultural realities.

Socio-ethical marketing involves meeting the needs of consumers without prejudice to the interests of other consumers and society as a whole. In the conditions of the formation of the post-industrial era, the ability of an enterprise to prolong its existence and its success depend on the timely consideration of development external environment, i.e. from marketing, and from the continuous growth of its information potential (in the broad sense of the word), the ability to flexibly adapt to market requirements. To do this, it is necessary to timely create and introduce new products on a market basis, studying and forecasting not only the market, but also the trends of socio-economic development, the achievements of scientific and technological progress. It is obvious that it is necessary. performance of all the functions of marketing and management does not mean that the company must have the appropriate services (divisions). Competition gives rise to aspirations for monopoly, which lead to a clash of interests and separation of economic entities. However, in modern economy operate and integration processes leading to the achievement of alignment of interests and integration of production and management.

Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting needs and requirements through exchange.

Social marketing is a process that includes the management of an organization and all its activities from the moment when the idea of ​​the organization's main product arises to its production and communication to the consumer.

Socio-ethical marketing is the study and formation of the needs of customers, and satisfying them more effective methods than competitors, subject to an increase in the well-being of all members of society.

Welfare - a set of material, spiritual, social benefits that the subject of well-being owns and uses to meet his needs.

Social marketing is a mechanism for reconciling the needs and interests of consumers, the needs and interests of the enterprise and the needs and interests of society.

The manufacturing concept of marketing is that consumers will only buy products that are widely available and that are affordable to them.

The concept of product improvement states that consumers will buy only those products that have the best performance properties, are of the highest quality and, most importantly, the company must take into account any wishes of the client, on the basis of which they improve the quality parameters of the product

The marketing concept states that customers will not buy enough goods if the organization does not make appropriate (large) efforts in sales promotion and demand stimulation.

The concept of social and ethical marketing is the study and formation of the needs of customers, and their satisfaction with more effective methods than competitors, subject to the improvement of the well-being of all members of society.

Reasons for the emergence of the concept of social and ethical marketing - protection problems environment, the energy crisis radically affected the social and ethical and, as a result, the managerial attitudes of managers.

A concept is a system of views, one or another understanding of phenomena, processes.

Consumer demand is a desire, the intention of buyers, consumers, supported by a monetary opportunity, to purchase this product.

A production-oriented organization is an organization that believes that its output will find a market in an ever-expanding market.

A marketing oriented organization is an organization that takes into account environmental aspects, legislation, public health and public opinion.

The concept of social and ethical marketing is a traditional marketing concept that takes into account the needs and interests of the company, but not every company currently uses this concept. The fact is that marketing in practice seems to be extremely challenging task, the solution of which requires a large amount of planned calculations, training, significant additional costs.

In addition, there is doubt not about the practical benefits of the concept of marketing, but about the legitimacy and legality of its application in relation not to consumers and individual firms, but to the whole society, i.e. doubt whether marketing contributes to the satisfaction of individual needs and the long-term interests of society; whether the company's desire to satisfy the needs of consumers does not lead to undesirable consequences in society.

It is clear that the fears are not unfounded. Suffice it to say that the traditional concept of marketing aims at the constant stimulation of needs and demand, and this leads not only to the satisfaction of the needs and desires of customers, but also to the emergence of a desire for unstoppable profit growth, which, as practice shows, often leads to a violation of the requirements of rational consumption. , to a shortage of raw materials, energy resources, growing environmental pollution. In order to rationalize consumption, humanize production and protect society from undesirable production processes, a new concept has emerged to replace the traditional concept of marketing. new concept F. Kotler called the concept of social and ethical marketing, which involves achieving the goals of the company, taking into account the satisfaction of the needs of both the individual consumer and society as a whole.

The prerequisites for applying the concept of social and ethical marketing are:

1) the presence of the main goal of the company, which should be to meet the various needs of customers in accordance with the interests of society;

2) the need to constantly search for new products that better meet the demand, ensuring the interests of consumers. The firm must be ready to innovate products in accordance with

the interests of buyers;

3) the presence of constant contact with consumers supporting the company, and the manifestation of concern for the satisfaction of their needs.

Interaction marketing is not the only concept a firm can use. Depending on the dominant species marketing activities, factors competitive advantage, the sensitivity of buyers to price changes and the level of integration of marketing for the penetration of its ideology into other functional units of the organization, one of the six marketing concepts or their combination can be used. Interaction marketing increases the importance of the individual, personal contacts in the system of effective communications. Moreover, it distributes the responsibility for making decisions in the field of marketing to the entire staff of the company, since it requires the participation in marketing activities not only of marketing specialists, but also of employees of other departments of the company, including top managers. It is the company's management apparatus that becomes responsible for the formation and development of long-term mutually beneficial relationships in the process of interaction between the company and customers and customers.

Interaction marketing considers communications in a broader aspect - as any relationship between a company and its partners that contributes to generating income. In industrial marketing, for example, buying and selling is seen as a long-term and continuous process mutually effective interaction of the firm-seller with firms-buyers, since business entities, as a rule, deal not with retail, but with wholesale consumers, which are smaller and larger. Since customers do not lend themselves to unambiguous segmentation with clearly defined boundaries, and most of them require an individual approach, the effectiveness of using the classic, traditional marketing concept, based on the development of a standard marketing mix (recipe) for the average consumer, is significantly reduced.

As the name implies, interaction marketing includes, of course, the extraction of benefits, but subject to a more detailed personification of the client. The success of this strategy on the Internet lies precisely in the fact that anonymity and dullness are widespread on the Internet, and each person has a need to stand out, to be unique, everyone craves attention to himself. Interaction marketing is suitable for all areas of life, including blogging.

2. A publishing company analyzed the volume of sales of its weekly magazine, which has a circulation of 10,000 copies. Data on the sale of part of the circulation for 16 weeks of the year: 9720, 9664, 9680, 9730, 8921, 9517, 9624, 10000, 9421, 9507, 9320, 9419, 9300, 9217, 9102, 9280

a) what is the trend in the dynamics of the sales volume of the circulation of the weekly, what is its nature, what is the forecast for the sales volume of the circulation at the end of the year;

b) what marketing activities should be offered to increase demand for the weekly.

The main purpose of marketing is to increase the profitability of the enterprise. Let's make a schedule for 16 weeks of the year:

And now, based on the chart, we can conclude that the growth trend of the weekly is not great. For the first four weeks, the demand for weeklies was uniform, then on the fifth week it dropped sharply, then it began to increase again and all the time was in an abrupt movement.

Perhaps this is due to a decrease in the general interest of the country's inhabitants, especially young people, in the print press due to the rapid development of online media. In general, as regards the general situation on the market of weeklies, it is better than on the market of dailies.

Weeklies today in every Russian region have at least 1-2 serious competitors.

The first set of measures is associated with a passive impact on the consumer, but sometimes its implementation is more important than active impact. Namely:

Measures to improve the display of goods (correct location on the shelf, increase in the number of displays);

Arrangements for the design of the place of display;

Measures to facilitate the search for goods in point of sale(placement of pointers, garlands, etc. in such a way as to unmistakably lead the buyer to the desired shelf);

The following set of measures are measures of active influence on the consumer directly at the point of sale:

Sampling (upon presentation of a receipt for the purchase directly at trading floor the consumer is rewarded with another weekly or a branded gift from the manufacturer);

Prize draws at points of sale (promoters accept packages or tickets with winning signs and give out a valuable prize on the spot).

Thus, it is possible to carry out a large number of events directly at the point of sale. All of them allow you to achieve certain goals.

Thus, it is obvious that the role of promotional activities at the point of sale is very important. Such programs allow, in combination with other methods of product promotion, to achieve marketing goals at various stages of the product's life. A particularly important point is the comprehensive planning of all marketing activities.

We must not forget what the wrong setting of goals can lead to. For example, if the level of sales is too high, there may be a shortage working capital, the cost of selling will increase, which will absorb all the proceeds received. It is very important that the growth rate of sales of products correspond to the demand for these products in the market. The task of marketing is to identify controllable factors and influence them to obtain the desired result.


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Socio-ethical concept of marketing

Socio-ethical marketing is a very recent phenomenon.

The concept of social and ethical marketing states that the task of the organization is to establish the needs, requirements and interests target markets and delivering desired satisfaction in more efficient and more productive (than competitors) ways while maintaining or enhancing the well-being of consumers and society as a whole.

The concept of social and ethical marketing is born of doubts about the relevance of pure marketing to our time with its environmental degradation, lack of natural resources, rapid population growth, worldwide inflation and neglected state of the sphere. social services. The concept of pure marketing bypasses the problem of possible conflicts between the needs of the buyer and his long-term well-being.

Let's take Coca-Cola as an example. It is considered a high-quality corporation that produces excellent non-alcoholic beverages that satisfy the tastes of consumers. However, consumer advocacy groups and environmentalists accuse her of the following:

  • 1. The drink Coca-Cola provides consumers with little nutritional value.
  • 2. The sugar and phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola are harmful to teeth.
  • 3. Brominated vegetable oil used in cola drinks is excluded from the list of harmless products.
  • 4. Caffeine in cola drinks has been reported in a number of cases to cause seizures, insomnia and other health problems.
  • 5. The use of saccharin is prohibited by the Office of Control food products.
  • 6. The soft drink industry is increasingly using non-negotiable, non-returnable bottles. Many of the non-negotiable bottles are made from non-biodegradable materials and are often environmental contributors.

These and similar circumstances gave rise to the concept of social and ethical marketing. This concept requires market actors to link 3 factors within the framework of marketing policy. Initially, firms based their market decisions primarily on profit-making considerations. Then they began to realize the strategic importance of satisfying consumer needs, resulting in the concept of marketing. Now, when making decisions, they begin to think about the interests of society. The concept of social and ethical marketing requires a balance of all 3 factors: the company's profits, consumer needs and the interests of society. By adopting this concept, some companies have already achieved significant sales and revenue growth.

The modern concept of holistic marketing

social ethical holistic marketing

In the article, we will analyze in detail the concept of modern marketing, which at first glance bears the incomprehensible name "socio-ethical marketing" or "holistic marketing". After reading this complex and slightly "tedious" title, I no longer want to dive into the study of this topic. And it even already seems that this is another concept invented by theoretical professors in an attempt to create something new. But believe me, the first impression is wrong.

The concept of socially ethical (holistic) marketing is a modern and highly effective approach to managing marketing in a company. And if we exclude from it all the "loud" and "pathetic" statements, then we can draw up a clear plan for the development of the company in modern markets.

What is the point?

Essence modern concept holistic marketing consists of two statements:

  • Do not just think about the consumer, but correspond to their values ​​and help develop
  • Success lies in the right interaction and the right partnerships with the participants in the marketing process

In other words, today it is no longer enough to simply satisfy the basic needs and desires of the buyer that motivate them to buy a product. Competition has taught all market players to do this at a fairly acceptable level. Today it is important to help the consumer develop, realize their ambitions through the purchase and interaction with the company's product. And of course, in a world of open communication, freedom of information, it’s not enough to just have a cool marketing department that, closed in the office, will come up with a great strategy for building a brand and capturing market share. Today, each member of the company must be the bearer of the marketing values ​​approved in the marketing strategy. Each business partner involved in the creation, delivery or advertising of goods must broadcast the quality and image of the company, and not destroy it.

The concept of holistic marketing laid the foundation for the development of 4 areas of marketing activity: relationship marketing (relationship marketing), integrated marketing (integrated marketing), internal marketing (internal marketing) and performance marketing ( performance marketing). Consider each of these concepts of modern marketing in more detail.

#1 Relationship Marketing

Relationship marketing is about activities and programs that help establish long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with people and companies that can have an impact on the company's business. There are 4 groups of such people and companies: consumers, employees, marketing partners (advertising and research agencies, raw material suppliers, distributors) and the financial community (shareholders and investors of the company).

Why is it necessary to spend extra effort on these groups? Then, to reduce the risk of adverse situations that can significantly reduce the image of the product or affect the profits and sales of the company. For example:

  • negative customer reviews can lead to a general decrease in demand for the product and the abandonment of a trial purchase
  • Poor working with agencies is more costly and can lead to simple mistakes due to lack of proper briefing
  • delay in deliveries from a supplier can lead to direct loss of sales
  • Incorrect display of goods or pricing at the distributor can lead to a decrease in the overall attractiveness of the product
  • misunderstanding of the company's goals by the main shareholders of the company can lead to insufficient funding for "complex" projects

The result of the correct use of interaction marketing is partnerships with key groups of people that affect the company's profits, reducing the overall costs of working in the industry and terms of work.

Relationship Marketing Tools

Now that we understand the importance of relationship marketing, we need to understand how to set it up and set it up in a company. Two tools are responsible for this: CRM (customer relationship management) and PRM (partner relationship management).

CRM (customer relationship management) is responsible for building a customer base, increasing customer profitability, and strategy for attracting and retaining customers in a company. CRM manages the perceived value of a product and overall customer satisfaction.

PRM (partner relationship management) is aimed at reducing costs and risks when working with partners, involving partners in the process of creating product value.

#2 Integrated Marketing

The concept of integrated marketing says that all actions for the development and promotion of goods are carried out in a coordinated manner, complement each other and are aimed at achieving a single marketing goal.

Integrated marketing means that each advertising campaign about a product, packaging, product features, Internet marketing programs, promotions emphasize a single product image, do not contradict each other, and optimize the budget. The result of integrated marketing is that all marketing programs are synergistic and more effective than either one alone.

#3 Internal Marketing

Internal marketing is very similar to the concepts of relationship marketing, only the goal of this marketing concept is the company's own employees. Company employees see the process of creating a product differently, think about the company's product in their own way, and often may not be enthusiastic about the quality and effectiveness of the product. Internal marketing creates employee motivation, it develops employee pride and motivates them to take a direct part in the development and creation of the product.

#4 Effective Marketing

The concept of performance marketing says that every marketing initiative and program must have a clear goal and result. Performance marketing began to develop due to the lack of a clear understanding among companies about efficiency. advertising campaigns, promotions and other marketing activities, on which a significant part of the company's profits is spent.

By evaluating each marketing program, the company begins to understand:

  • What gives back and what doesn't give back
  • How much revenue each marketing program brought to the company
  • What needs to be done to increase the effectiveness of marketing investments

There are two types of evaluations of marketing activities: evaluation of the impact of marketing on financial indicators companies and assessing the impact of the company's marketing on improving the welfare of society.

The first group of assessments is the growth of market share, product profitability, quantity and loyalty of the customer base, and the second group of assessments helps to "humanize" the company's brand, distinguish it from competitors and increase knowledge and image among the target audience. The second group of ratings works like advertising and is needed only if the target audience shares these values.

What is social performance marketing?

In order to better understand what is social programs in performance marketing, here are a few examples:

  • Support for donation or vaccination campaigns
  • Sponsoring a zoo to demonstrate animal care
  • % deduction from sales to support hospitals or other projects
  • Humanitarian aid to orphanages
  • Organization of free meals during major cultural events
  • ・Environmental protection and landscaping works

Socio-ethical marketing - marketing commercial organization? which should be guided by a combination of the long-term interests of consumers and the long-term interests of society as a whole.

Cultural organizations should only support social needs that are appropriate for growth. social welfare in perspective. Socially ethical marketing should provide long-term benefits of "socially useful" goods and services without reducing their attractiveness.

Socially ethical marketing has a variety of goals:

  • Achievement of understanding
  • urge to take immediate action
  • the desire to change behavioral habits;
  • change in fundamental ideas.

When developing strategies for social change, the usual process of planning marketing activities is used: the goals of social change are determined; further, an analysis of beliefs, attitudes, value ideas and behavioral manifestations of a certain social stratum is carried out; options for communicating with this social stratum, bringing the planned events to it are evaluated; Finally, a marketing plan is developed and a marketing organization that implements and controls its implementation.

The concept of socially ethical marketing states that the task of an organization is to establish the needs, needs and interests of target markets and provide the desired satisfaction in a more efficient and more productive (than competitors) ways while maintaining or enhancing the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

The concept of socially ethical marketing is born of doubts about the relevance of the concept of clean marketing to our time with its environmental degradation, lack of natural resources, rapid population growth, worldwide inflation and the neglected state of the social services industry. Does a firm that senses, serves, and satisfies the needs of customers always act with the long-term benefit of consumers and society in mind? The concept of pure marketing bypasses the problem of possible conflicts between the needs of the buyer and his long-term well-being.

This concept requires market actors to link three factors within the framework of marketing policy. Initially, firms based their market decisions primarily on profit-making considerations. Then they began to realize the strategic importance of satisfying customer needs, which resulted in the concept of marketing.

Now, when making decisions, they begin to think about the interests of society. The concept of socially ethical marketing requires a balance of all three factors: the company's profits, consumer needs and the interests of society. By adopting this concept, some companies have already achieved significant sales and revenue growth.

A characteristic feature of the concept of social and ethical marketing is that the company proceeds not only from the interests of obtaining momentary benefits through market sales goods and services most needed by the consumer, but at the same time takes care of the common good of people, avoiding the use of production technologies, the production and sale of goods that can harm a person, society, and nature.

Social ethics does not allow violating the norms of social relations in the name of obtaining benefits, it requires a high level of social responsibility of producers and sellers who are called upon to think about the consequences of their actions for society. Compliance with the concept of social and ethical marketing can give the company wide popularity, secure a good name for it, create an image of decency, which contributes to long-term commercial success.

Socio-ethical marketing is the first conscious attempt to find a possible compromise between the main subjects of exchange: man and nature.

Socio-ethical marketing is a very recent phenomenon.

The concept of socially ethical marketing states that the task of the organization is to identify the needs, needs and interests of target markets and to provide the desired satisfaction in a more efficient and more productive (than competitors) ways while maintaining or enhancing the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole.

The concept of socially ethical marketing is born of doubts about the relevance of the concept of clean marketing to our time with environmental degradation, lack of natural resources, rapid population growth, worldwide inflation and neglected social services 13 . Does a firm that senses, serves, and satisfies the needs of customers always act with the long-term benefit of consumers and society in mind? The concept of pure marketing bypasses the problem of possible conflicts between the needs of the buyer and his long-term well-being.

Take the Coca-Cola Company as an example. It is considered a highly responsible corporation that produces excellent non-alcoholic beverages that satisfy the tastes of consumers. However, consumer and environmental groups have charged her with the following accusations:

1. The drink Coca-Cola provides consumers with little nutritional value.

3. Brominated vegetable oil used in cola drinks is excluded from the FDA's list of "generally harmless" products.

4. Caffeine found in cola drinks has been reported in a number of cases to cause seizures, insomnia, gastrointestinal disturbances, and possible damage at the cellular level.

5. The use of saccharin, which is part of the Coca-Cola Diet Soft Drink Tab, is prohibited by the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Administration.

6. The soft drink industry is increasingly using non-negotiable, non-returnable bottles. Non-negotiable bottles are a huge waste of resources. After all, 17 non-returnable bottles are required, while a reusable bottle could go through 17 seller-buyer-seller cycles before it becomes unusable. Many of the non-negotiable bottles are made from non-biodegradable materials and are often environmental contributors.

These and similar circumstances gave rise to the concept of (socio-ethical marketing 14 . This concept requires market actors to link three factors within the framework of marketing policy (see Fig. 5). Initially, firms based their market decisions mainly on profit considerations. Then they have become aware of the strategic importance of satisfying customer needs, which resulted in the concept of marketing.Now, when making decisions, they begin to think about the interests of society.The concept of socially ethical marketing requires a balance of all three factors: the profits of the company, consumer needs and the interests of society.Thanks By adopting this concept, some companies have already achieved significant sales and revenue growth.

Goals of the marketing system

We know that marketing affects interests in one way or another; everyone, be it a buyer, a seller or an ordinary citizen. But these people may have goals that contradict each other. Consider the following example.


(welfare of the people)


(Satisfying needs) (Profit)

Rice. 5. Three factors behind the concept

socially ethical marketing

BUYER. College student John Smith wants to buy stereo equipment. In a large radio store, he sees different blocks for a stereo kit. Several questions immediately arise:

Is the choice of brands wide enough?

Do any of these brands have the features I need?

Is the price acceptable?

Does the salesperson appear helpful, accommodating, and honest?

Is there a warranty and is there a well-established post-warranty service system?

John Smith wants the market to offer him high quality products at reasonable prices and in convenient places to shop. The marketing system can do a lot to satisfy the person who is the buyer.

SALESMAN. Bill Thompson is a marketing manager for a stereo company. To work successfully, it needs to solve several problems:

What characteristics do consumers expect from stereo equipment?

What groups of consumers and what specific needs should the firm strive to satisfy?

What should be the design and price of the product?

What warranty and service should be offered?

Which wholesalers and retailers should I use?

In preparing to go to market with their offer, the seller will have to make a number of difficult decisions. The market is very demanding, and in order to develop an offer that attracts and satisfies customers, you need to think in terms of modern marketing.

CITIZEN. Jane Adams, a state senator, is specifically interested in marketing entrepreneurs. As a legislator representing the interests of citizens, she is concerned about the following issues:

Are the products offered by manufacturers safe and reliable?

Do manufacturers accurately describe their products in advertisements and on the packaging?

Is there competition within the market to ensure that there is sufficient choice of products in terms of quality and price?

Are retailers and service workers treating consumers fairly?

Are the activities associated with the production and packaging of goods harmful to the environment?

Jane Adams plays the role of consumer advocate and advocates for consumer education, information and protection. The marketing system has a big impact on the quality of life, and legislators want it to work as well as possible.

Marketing touches so many people in so many different ways that it inevitably creates controversy. Some actively dislike the activities of modern marketing, accusing it of destroying the environment, bombarding the public stupid advertising, creating unnecessary needs, infecting young people with a sense of greed and a whole range of circles of sins. Consider the following statements:

For the past 6,000 years, marketing has been considered the realm of easy money hunters, scammers, scammers, and junk sellers. Most of us "succumbed" to impudent persuasion, and all of us were repeatedly pushed into acquiring all sorts of "tricks" that we, in fact, did not need and which, as it turned out later, we did not really want to have. What does a person really need? A few pounds of food every day, warmth, shelter, six feet to lie down, and some kind of work activity that makes you feel accomplished. And this is all from the material side. And we know it. But our economic system constantly brainwashes us until we find ourselves buried under a grave mound of reminders of due dates, mortgages, ridiculous knick-knacks, toys that distract our attention from the realization of the utter idiocy of a charade solved all our lives.

Others vehemently defend marketing. Consider the following statements:

Aggressive marketing policies and practices are largely responsible for America's high material standard of living. Today, thanks to mass, low-cost marketing, we are using products that were once considered luxury goods and are still considered as such in many countries. foreign countries 17 .

Advertising nourishes the consumer abilities of people. It generates the need for a higher standard of living. It sets the goal for a person to provide himself and his family with the best housing, the best clothes, the best food. It stimulates his diligence and productivity. It combines into a fruitful marriage union such things that in other circumstances simply would not agree with each other.

What should society expect from the marketing system? This question is relevant, because the authorities different levels are increasingly resorting to the regulation of the marketing activities of firms. In some cases, government intervention can literally go to extremes.

In India, some government officials would like to ban branding of sugar, soap, tea, rice and other staples. They argue that branding, packaging, and advertising drive up the retail price of goods.

In the Philippines, some government officials are advocating a system of public pricing, namely price containment of basic commodities through government price controls.

In Norway, some government officials are calling for a ban on personal ownership of certain "luxury items" such as swimming pools, tennis courts, airplanes and luxury cars. In their opinion, Norway's resources are too limited to be spent on such purposes. These officials advocate "collective consumption" expensive goods and services.