Terminological dictionary of marketing conclusion. Explanatory dictionary of marketing terms. Positioning the product on the market

  • 01.12.2019
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Knowledge base- a systematized database containing information about the subject area: facts, observations and generalizations of specialist experts, statistical data, as well as the rules according to which these data can be used in decision-making.

entry barrier— resistance of the market environment to the penetration of new actors.

Brief- in the advertising business, terms of reference for planning a sales promotion campaign, containing information about the goals of the campaign, its duration and geography, target audience, product characteristics (price segment, competitive advantages, etc.), expected results, in some cases - the mechanics of the action, etc.

Brand(brand) - from lat. - brand, brand - a sign that in ancient Rome was used to brand livestock. The closest image of the brand of a given product (service) in the mind of the buyer, which distinguishes it from the list of competitors and inspires special confidence. It is divided into brand-name - the verbal part of the brand, the verbal trademark after its corresponding legal registration and brand-image - visual image brand, formed by advertising in the perception of the buyer.

Branding- creating a long-term consumer preference for a particular brand (brand).

Brand management- the principle of management, in which each brand (or trademark) represents an independent marketing object.


Vertical Marketing System- a combination of a manufacturer, one or more wholesalers and one or more retailers, acting as a single system, in which one of the channel members either owns the others, or grants them trading privileges, or has the power to ensure their full cooperation

secondary data- information collected at any time for any purposes not related to the current task.

Sample- a group of objects under study. Sampling methods: 1) random: according to random routes or based on lists of addresses, according to lists of firms and companies, according to lists of employees, with a given step, for example, selection of every 5th buyer, apartment. In the event that the rules of random selection of respondents are strictly observed, such a survey can guarantee the representativeness of the information received. The size of the sampling error in a random survey is inversely proportional to the sample size: the larger the sample, the smaller the error; 2) pseudo-random: the “first comer” method, the “snowball” method (acquaintances of acquaintances are interviewed). When using pseudo-random samples, behind the apparent selection of random respondents lies the danger of obtaining unrepresentative research results. For example, when selecting random passers-by on the central streets, there is a possibility of interviewing non-residents.


Population- a hypothetical set of elements united by a common characteristic, for example, all owners of television receivers in a certain locality.

In-Depth Interview- a semi-structured personal conversation between the interviewer and the respondent in a form that encourages the latter to give detailed answers to the questions asked. During the interview, the researcher receives very detailed information from the respondent about the reasons for his actions. Unlike a regular survey, an in-depth interview plan is simply a list of questions on which the interviewer needs to get the opinion of the respondent. As a rule, in-depth interviews are used to solve the same problems as focus groups.
The main disadvantages of the in-depth interview method are related to the difficulty of finding interviewers whose personality and professionalism greatly affects the quality of the results; and the complexity of processing and interpreting the data obtained during the interview.
The advantages are that with the help of in-depth interviews, you can get more complete information about a person’s behavior, about the reasons for such behavior, his deepest motives, which is not always possible in a focus group, where respondents put pressure on each other and it is difficult to determine who exactly gave one answer or the other.


Delphi method of expert assessments provides for a multiple questionnaire survey of the same group of experts using scaled estimates. The method is characterized by the following features: a) anonymity of experts; b) regulated feedback, which is carried out by conducting several rounds of the survey, and the results of each round are reported to the experts; c) a group response, which is obtained using statistical methods and reflects the generalized opinion of the participants in the examination.

Diversification horizontal- replenishment of the company's assortment with new products that are not related to those currently produced, but may arouse the interest of the existing clientele.

Diversification conglomerate- replenishment of the assortment with products that have nothing to do with either the technology used by the company or its current products and markets.

Diversification concentric- replenishment of the range with new products that are technically and / or marketing similar to the existing products of the company.

Tasting— one of the BTL events, which includes, in addition to the story about the product, the opportunity for a potential buyer to taste the product. It is used to promote food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, etc.

Demarketing- activities aimed at reducing demand by, for example, raising the price of a product or service, minimizing advertising and sales promotion activities; usually used for prestigious and expensive goods and services, the volume of production of which is small.

Decile- One of the nine points of the conditional scale, which divide the distribution of points into 10 equal parts.

Direct mail(direct mail) - direct mail advertising, distribution of advertising materials to potential consumers by mail.

Market volume- the volume of goods that the market can consume or consumes. There are potential and actual capacities (also called absolute and current potential market).

Life cycle- the life curve of a product or service, which includes 4 main phases: the introduction of a product to the market, the exponential phase (or growth phase), the stationary phase (or maturity-saturation phase) and the decline phase.

Completion of a sentence- a questionnaire containing a series of sentences that survey participants must complete with the first words that come to mind. The responses are used to evaluate perceptions about the subject of research.

Request a need backed by purchasing power.


brand fame- the ability of the buyer to identify the brand.

impulse buying- purchase without hesitation and preliminary search.

Staged Purchase- see Mystery Shopper.

Interviewing with a computer A survey method that uses computers to control the sequence of questions and record responses using a computer keyboard.
There are at least four ways for computer-assisted surveys:
1) telephone surveys in which each interviewer has a personal computer; 2) personal interviews, in which the interviewer brings a laptop and uses it when interviewing the respondent; 3) surveys in which the respondent sits in front of a computer in a shopping mall or research lab; 4) mail surveys, in which questionnaires are sent on a diskette by post to respondents who answer questions using their own computer and return completed diskettes by mail.
This type of survey can be extremely useful in industrial research, since most business people work with a computer, as well as consumers who own a personal computer.
Main advantages:
- the computer displays the questions in the order the researcher wants, which simplifies the procedures associated with the transition or branching of further answers and protects against changes in the sequence of asking questions.
- computer support programs for surveys increase the accuracy of the results. People respond more truthfully when interacting with a computer. They probably think that the computer provides them with a greater degree of anonymity. This helps to improve the quality of the responses.
— personalization of questions. During the interview, the computer takes into account all previous answers and can use, for example, the name of the respondent in subsequent questions. This increases the level of trust and contributes to a better survey.
— modernization of questionnaires. Key information obtained earlier in the interview can be used to tailor the questionnaire for each respondent.
— the process of collecting data and processing tasks is accelerated. Pre-aggregation of responses is provided immediately after the last entry because the responses are already stored in machine memory.


desk research(desk research) - information is collected from available sources of secondary information: government statistics, materials published by manufacturers and trade organizations and associations, print and electronic media, reports from research agencies, news feeds from information agencies, etc. The information obtained can be further analyzed by specialists, professionally working in the studied markets. Advantages of the method: desk research is based on various sources of information, which allows you to obtain large amounts of data, compare and analyze the results. Many of the materials used for this kind of research are inexpensive or simply free. Desk research is usually carried out in a fairly short time (in contrast to the collection and analysis of primary data).

Distribution channel- a set of firms or individuals that assume or help transfer ownership of a particular product or service to another on the way they move from producer to consumer.

Cannibalism- competition between two brands of one manufacturer, "devouring" one brand of another. This means that buyers change their previously preferred brand to a new one, and as a result, the overall market share of this firm does not increase, despite the efforts and costs made to create a new product.

Qualitative Research It does not allow you to get very detailed data about the behavior, opinions, attitudes, attitudes of a very small group of people, answers the questions “how” and “why”. The data obtained cannot be quantified (with rare exceptions), but gives a good idea of ​​the mindset of consumers. Qualitative research is indispensable in the development of new products, advertising campaigns, the study of the image of firms, brands and other similar tasks. Basic methods of qualitative research: focus groups, in-depth interviews, protocol analysis.

Apartment survey- a personal interview conducted at the place of residence of the respondent. Allows you to implement a sample representing the population of the city. The familiar home environment and the availability of free time makes the respondent's answers more relaxed and complete, the survey can last quite a long time. There is an opportunity to show visual materials. At the same time, the answers may be influenced by nearby third parties, the respondent may be distracted by extraneous matters.

Clipping (clipping)- a selection of media materials about the organization, product, brand, personalities (information is usually provided in the form of copies of printed materials and fragments on audio and video cassettes).

Quantitative research answers the questions "who" and "how much". This type research, in contrast to qualitative research, allows you to obtain quantified information on a limited range of problems, but from a large number of people, which allows you to process it with statistical methods and distribute the results to all consumers. Quantitative research helps to assess the level of awareness of a company or brand, identify the main consumer groups, market volumes, etc. The main methods of quantitative research are different kinds surveys and audit of retail trade (retail audit).

Competitive advantage- the properties of a product or brand that create a certain superiority over its direct competitors.

Content analysis- analytical perception of information from the point of view of a specific research problem; systematic numerical processing, evaluation and interpretation of the form and content of the information source. The objects of content analysis can be the content of newspapers, films, public speeches, television and radio programs, public and private documents, social interviews, responses to open questions questionnaires, etc. Content analysis consists in the fact that easily countable semantic units are distinguished in documents and then analyzed: concepts expressed in words or terms (for example, market, buyer); a theme expressed in whole semantic paragraphs, parts of the text, articles; names of large companies or trademarks, specific products. The unit of account can be not only the frequency of mentions, but also newspaper space, air time, etc.

Product concept— determination of the physical and perceived characteristics of the product and the benefits from it for a certain group of end users.


Personal interview(face-to-face) - a survey in the form of a personal conversation between the interviewer and the respondent. A personal interview is indispensable in the case when the respondent during the survey needs to present a significant amount of visual information.
Personal interviews differ: by the type of respondents: interviews with individuals and legal entities, experts; at the venue: at home, in the office, at points of sale of goods.
Personal interviews are a reliable method for studying consumer preferences. The face-to-face interview is most often used for:
— studying consumers (defining a portrait and describing consumer behavior, studying consumer attitudes towards products, brands, manufacturers, segmenting consumers and choosing a target market);
– market research (determination of the volume and market share, its characteristics and development trends);
– development of a marketing mix (search for vacant niches and development of a new product, assessment of the compliance of an existing product with market requirements, determining the optimal price, testing advertising materials, researching communication channels, evaluating effectiveness advertising campaign, the study of distribution channels).
The main disadvantages of face-to-face interviews are:
- high price;
- there is an influence of the interviewer on the respondents;
- a large team of qualified interviewers is required;
— it is quite difficult to ensure the proper level of control over the work of interviewers.
The main advantages of a personal survey:
– there is an opportunity to demonstrate the product, advertising module, logo and other visual materials;
- it is relatively easy to keep the respondent's attention for a long time - it is possible to conduct a rather long interview;
- it becomes possible to listen to live speech and comments of the respondent;
- a small number of refusals to be interviewed by respondents;
- it is easy to ask complex questions, as the interviewer can additionally clarify the misunderstood question to the respondent.

Logo- the characteristically designed name of the product or its manufacturer.

Buyer loyalty- Degree of loyalty of the buyer to the brand.

brand- name (name), term, sign, symbol, picture (symbolic image) or a combination of them, designed to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate them from the goods and services of competitors.

Marketing differentiated— performance in several market segments with the development of a separate offer for each of them.

Marketing concentrated- the concentration of marketing efforts on a large share of one or more submarkets, as opposed to focusing them on a small share of a large market.

Mass Marketing- mass production, mass distribution and mass promotion of the same product for all buyers.

Place Marketing— an activity undertaken to create, maintain or change attitudes and/or behavior. relating to specific places.

Marketing undifferentiated- addressing the entire market at once with the same offer, as opposed to focusing on one segment.

Marketing public (social) - development, implementation and control over the implementation of programs aimed at achieving the perception of the target group (or target groups) of a public idea, movement or practice.

Organization Marketing— activities undertaken to create, maintain or change the attitudes and / or behavior of target audiences in relation to specific organizations.

Individual Marketing— activities undertaken with the aim of creating, maintaining or changing attitudes and / or behavior in relation to specific individuals.

Database Marketing– tracking and analysis of consumer behavior of buyers using a database for subsequent targeted mail advertising sent to prospective buyers to further meet their needs.

Product-differentiated marketing- production of two or more goods with different properties, in different design, different quality, in different packaging, etc.

target marketing- delimitation of market segments, selection of one or more of these segments and development of products and marketing mixes based on each of the selected segments.

Observation- a method of collecting primary information by direct and immediate registration by the researcher of events and conditions in which they take place. Observations, unlike interrogation, do not depend on the readiness of the observed object to report information. The subject of observation can be the properties and behavior of individuals (buyer, reader, seller, etc.) and things, goods, processes (study of the flow of buyers, the use of various devices, machines, etc.). The main areas of application of observation can be: the behavior of buyers when buying goods; momentary observations to analyze the characteristics of communication (mindfulness, courtesy, courtesy); physiological measurements of psychological manifestations (variables); the effect of satisfaction, impression or dissatisfaction with communication. Depending on the participation of the researcher, observations are participatory (active) or simple (not active). With participatory observation, the researcher “introduces” into the environment under study and conducts an analysis “from the inside”. For example, studying the attitude of consumers to a product, the researcher can play the role of a seller. In the case of simple observation, the researcher registers events from the outside. Field observations are mainly used to study the behavior of an object in its normal environment, setting. Laboratory observations are carried out by creating an artificial environment for the object close to the actual conditions of its behavior. Disadvantages - inability to guarantee representativeness of data due to practical coverage difficulties a large number phenomena and, to a large extent, errors in the interpretation of events in terms of the motives and motivations of the actors. Therefore, it is used in combination with other methods of collecting information. The main advantages of this research method are: the impossibility of the observer's participation in choosing the observed object; in some cases, it is not possible to study all the characteristics of the observed object simultaneously; the impossibility to register the subjective factors of the behavior of the object under study; when conducting participatory observation, the behavior of the subject under study may influence the observation process.

Omnibus- see multi-sponsored studies.

Oligopoly- a small number of competitors or a situation of fundamental dominance in the market of several firms, which leads to their strong mutual dependence.

Interview- finding out the opinion of the respondent on a certain range of questions included in the questionnaire through personal or indirect contact of the interviewer with the respondent.
Polls may vary:
- by the method of contact with the respondent: in person, by phone, by mail (including by e-mail) and via the Internet;
- by type of respondents: survey of individuals, survey of legal entities, survey of experts;
- at the place of the survey: at home, in the office, at points of sale;
- by type of sample: survey of a representative or target sample.

Panel is a sample of wholesale, retail trade networks, various groups of consumers (panel elements), which are interrogated at certain intervals according to a previously developed scheme in order to replenish and destroy primary information about the market of goods of interest. The panel should include typical sellers or consumers of the analyzed products so that the conclusions drawn from the results of the survey can be generalized to the entire population under study. Panel elements are presented if they reflect the structure of the market in terms of the most important parameters: geographical location, demographic factors, socio-economic characteristics, consumer customs and traditions.

Primary data- information collected by the researcher specifically to solve a specific problem.

Positioning- determining the position of a product or service in target segment, an image that distinguishes a product or service in the minds of target consumers from competing products.

Potential market capacity- this is the volume of sales that could be achieved if each potential consumer of the product was a real consumer, used the product at every opportunity to use it and at every use - in the optimal amount.

Post survey- sending questionnaires and receiving answers to them by mail. A mail survey does not require a large staff of interviewers, but it does require a professional approach to sampling. A variation of the mail survey is a press survey. Its difference lies in the fact that the questionnaire is not distributed, but printed in some publication. A press poll is usually used in two cases: when the editorial office would like to know the opinion of readers about its publication, or when the attitude of a certain population group to any topical and important issue is clarified through the press. Recently, commercial firms, together with periodicals began to conduct a kind of advertising and research campaigns.
The main disadvantages of mail survey:
- Low return rate. Usually, the return of questionnaires during a mail survey does not exceed 30-50%;
- “self-selection” of respondents: depending on the topic of the survey, either young people, or pensioners, or housewives, etc. can take a more active part in it. In addition, people who have a peculiar relationship to the problem under study often participate in the mail survey. Thus, when conducting a mail survey, there is a real danger of receiving "biased" information.
The main advantages of the mail survey:
- cheapness of the survey: mail survey is one of the cheapest methods of collecting information;
- ease of organization of the survey: there is no need to train a large staff of interviewers and control their work;
- mail survey allows you to interview residents of the most remote regions that are inaccessible for telephone and personal surveys;
- the respondent chooses the time to fill out the questionnaire, which means that he can calmly deal with all the difficult questions.

projection method is a term used to describe a questionnaire containing hidden incentives that force the respondent to rely on their own emotions, needs, motivations, preferences, and values ​​in formulating a response.

Counter marketing- measures aimed at reducing the demand for goods or services, the demand for which may be recognized as irrational, in order to ensure the well-being of the consumer.

Professiogram- a system of requirements for knowledge, skills, skills of a specialist, as well as personal qualities.

Direct Marketing- the practice of personal selling, when the product is presented orally during a conversation with one or more potential buyers. The most expensive way to influence the buyer, therefore, it is usually used to sell expensive or elite goods.

Business process reengineering- creation of completely new and more efficient business processes without taking into account what was before.

recruiting- selection of personnel (sometimes - selection of participants in the study).

Remarketing- activities aimed at reviving demand for a product or service that becomes unpopular as a result of, for example, "aging" (see "product life cycle").

Representativeness- the property of the sample population to reproduce the parameters and significant elements of the structure of the general population. The requirement of representativeness is reduced to reproducing significant elements of the structure in the sample and determining the volume sufficient to test meaningful hypotheses.

Respondent- a member of the sociological marketing research.

Reference group- a group of persons that has a direct or indirect influence on the formation of opinions, attitudes, human behavior.

Retail audit(retail audit) is the monitoring of changes in various product parameters (price, assortment, level of representation in retail outlets, variety of packages, sales volumes) in a changing market situation and taking into account the activities of competitors.
To the benefits this method can be attributed to the relative simplicity and accuracy of the data obtained. Disadvantages include the difficulty of obtaining data (administrative obstacles).
Retail audit data allows you to get:
— a database of market operators (by manufacturers, product categories, brands);
- the structure of the market of the product under study (market shares of manufacturers in value and natural terms);
- comparative analysis pricing policy market operators of the product under study;
— comparative analysis of the assortment policy of market operators of the studied product;
– analysis of the advertising activity of market operators of the studied product;
- indicators of distribution of the market of the studied product.
The main tasks solved using the service "Retail audit":
– obtaining information about the current state and trends of the market of the studied goods (in the context of product categories and brands);
– determination of volumes and market shares of goods, as well as development trends;
– determination of volumes and dynamics of sales of goods;
- evaluation of the positions of various goods;
— obtaining information about the indicators of distribution of goods;
- obtaining information about the assortment, price and advertising policy of the goods;
— assessment of the strength of the positions of various market participants.

Market segment- a homogeneous group (or groups) of consumers who have similar preferences and react similarly to marketing offers.

Segmentation(segmentation) of the market / or audience - the process of dividing the market / target audience into homogeneous groups on certain grounds (geographical, demographic, socio-psychological, income level, etc.) with the allocation of the target audience - a segment that potentially promises to give the largest sales volume of this product / service.

Behavioral Segmentation- a method of market segmentation, which consists in grouping consumers on the basis of their attitude to the product, the frequency of its use or purchase, etc.

Benefit Segmentation- a method of market segmentation, which consists in determining the benefits of the product sought by consumers: low price, high quality, prestige, speed, sexual attractiveness, etc.

Marketing Information System- a constantly operating system of interconnection of people, equipment and methodological techniques, designed to collect the classification, analysis, evaluation and dissemination of relevant, timely and accurate information for use by its managers in the field of marketing in order to improve the planning, implementation and control of marketing activities.

word association- a questionnaire containing a list of words to which the respondent, after reading them, must add the first word that comes to mind. All the same responses are grouped to reveal variations of interests, ulterior motives, or stereotypes. Answers are evaluated in three directions: by the frequency with which each word is mentioned in the course of answers; by the average period of time that passes before receiving a response; by the number of respondents who did not answer the keywords at all after a certain time. It is often possible to categorize associations as preferred/unwanted, pleasant/unpleasant, modern/old-fashioned, and so on, depending on the problem at hand.

Making up a story- a method of collecting data during the survey, based on visual stimuli, such as cartoons, photographs or pictures, on the basis of which the survey participant is asked to write a story. The answers are used to assess attitudes towards the subject of the study, and not to characterize the personality of the respondent.

Demand- the total volume of sales in relation to the product market within certain geographical and temporal boundaries.

User status- a way to segment the market by type of product users: former or ex-users; potential and regular.

Life style- an interconnected set of ideas, opinions, tastes, inclinations, habits and behavior of a person or group of people.

Sales promotion(sales) - additional measures promotion of sales along the entire marketing route - from the manufacturer through the distribution channels to the consumer in order to accelerate the process of selling goods.

Brand value- the actual financial value of the brand as a price that can be assigned, for example, when it is sold.

store check(store checking) - involves a survey of outlets - retail and small wholesale, aimed at studying the range and price characteristics of goods and brands; monitoring the availability and prices of various brands; the study commercial offers advertising and business media. Methods for collecting primary data: personal interviews, observation, questionnaires at points of sale, telephone surveys, etc. The sample size for a store check is determined by research objectives, research budget. Studies of this kind allow us to estimate the shares of the local market consumer goods belonging to various trademarks (manufacturers, distributors, suppliers). The methodology allows obtaining reliable data in a situation where traders refuse to provide information about their performance. You can get information on a wide range of issues: the range and structure of the sales offer (by names, product groups, brands, manufacturers, dealers and distributors, types of outlets), the prevalence of brands; differences between wholesale and retail prices; the spread of brand prices in retail and wholesale trade depending on various criteria (for example, type of outlet, region); trading strategies of competitors; indirect estimates of market share and sales volumes of goods of different names, manufacturers, brands, etc. As a rule, store-check is used as part of a comprehensive analysis of the state and development prospects of a particular sector of the consumer goods market (along with qualitative methods, expert surveys, consumer surveys ).

Strategic planning— the managerial process of creating and maintaining a strategic alignment between the goals of the company, its potential opportunities and chances in the field of marketing.

Marketing strategy- a set of coordinated measures used to achieve promising long-term development goals of the company, guided by which the organization expects to solve its marketing problems and which includes specific strategies for target markets, the marketing mix and the level of marketing costs.

Strong market penetration strategy- the practice of setting a relatively low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers and conquer big share market.

Brand expansion strategy- any attempt to use a successful brand name when introducing product modifications or new products to the market.

Cream skimming strategy- the practice of setting the highest possible price for a newly invented product, which makes it profitable for the perception of the novelty only by some segments of the market, and allows the company to receive the maximum possible income.

Stratification- (lat. stratum - layer and facio - I do) the location of individuals and groups from top to bottom in horizontal layers (strata) on the basis of inequality in income, level of education, amount of power, professional prestige, etc.

Sampling- a method of promoting a product, in which potential buyers are given test samples of the product.

Mystery Shopper(Mystery Shopping) or a staged purchase is a research method that involves assessing the level of service with the help of specialists acting as fake buyers (customers, clients). The assessment is made on the basis of pre-developed criteria, in accordance with detailed scenario Buyer behavior. Selection of Buyers (matching) is carried out on the basis of the characteristics of the target consumer in this market (socio-demographic, psychographic or behavioral), which ensures that the Buyer is not recognized by the staff. The information obtained allows us to solve the following problems. Firstly, staff motivation: according to the results of monitoring based on Mystery Shopping, a single index of service quality is calculated, for individual workers or teams. Addiction wages personnel from the index (various options are possible: a rigid link to the main salary, link to a part of the salary, a bonus for the highest index, etc.), ensures the interest of the staff in improving the quality of service for each client. Secondly, the results of the monitoring reveal specific shortcomings in customer service and allow the training to be focused on these areas. In addition, monitoring based on Mystery Shopping makes it possible to evaluate the overall effectiveness of ongoing trainings. Thirdly, the method allows you to evaluate the activities of various companies (customer and competitors) from the consumer's point of view. Based on the results of the mystery shopping study, models are built market advantages and shortcomings of the Customer in comparison with competitors, as well as the competitive environment is analyzed.

Tactics- specific actions of the company, designed to ensure the achievement of its strategic goals in the field of marketing.

telephone survey- a survey in the form of a telephone conversation between the interviewer and the respondent. Telephone interviews differ according to the type of respondents: interviews with individuals; interviews with legal entities. In the course of a telephone survey, the level of brand knowledge, the level of brand consumption, brand loyalty are studied; it is possible to receive operational information about the reaction of the market and consumers of the actions of the enterprise and its competitors. A telephone survey allows, without large financial costs, to measure the market before, during and after an advertising campaign and, by comparing their results, evaluate the effectiveness of promotional activities. In the case of a telephone survey of legal entities, it is possible to receive prompt information on questions that can be answered in organizations by low-ranking employees (secretary, assistant, operator, etc.).
The main disadvantages of a telephone survey:
- short duration: the average duration of the interview should not exceed 15 minutes. Therefore, using the telephone it is impossible to collect in-depth information or the opinions of respondents on a wide range of issues; restrictions on the number and complexity of interview questions;
— the impossibility of presenting visual information to respondents; in a telephone survey of legal entities, it is almost impossible to obtain reliable information on some issues, especially if they relate to the income of the company, its suppliers and customers;
- telephone surveys are usually not suitable for interviewing high-ranking executives (general director, commercial director).
The main advantages of a telephone survey:
- relative cheapness (compared to other methods);
— efficiency of data acquisition;
- the ability to control the work of interviewers.

Testing- means testing, testing, checking, etc., to identify advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other similar products. Quantification allows you to get the same type, easily comparable answers to an identical set of questions about the product being tested. Qualitative assessment makes it possible to get more detailed ideas of respondents about the qualities of the product, to understand the underlying reasons for their attitude to certain characteristics of the product. Testing can be carried out both in a specially equipped room, and in a store, and at home.

Product concept testing allows you to get respondents' assessments of the very idea of ​​​​the product, its purpose, whether it is really necessary and how it satisfies people's needs. At this stage, it is important to assess the respondent's reaction to the concept of the product, their expectations associated with the product, and how fully the idea of ​​the product is implemented in the product itself is also important. As a result of this type of testing, the most optimal product concept is evaluated and selected.

Product (brand) testing gives an opportunity to directly assess the consumer properties of the product / brand, and also allows you to compare competing brands. Product (brand) analysis can be carried out:
1) blind testing method (The attention of the study participants is focused directly on the product as such. In this case, everything that can have a side effect, for example, the name of the product, color, form of its packaging, price, etc., is excluded. So, when testing wine respondents are offered the same transparent glasses with identification numbers);
2) open testing method (In this case, the product is tested in its original packaging. In this case, the so-called side effects are present and have their effect - design, product brand, etc. Such a test turns out to be closer to real life).

Advertising testing is carried out at various stages of the development and implementation of an advertising message to determine its attractive and annoying elements, to assess their perception, etc.
1) Pre-test - tests of advertising messages at the stage of their development are usually focused on determining the reaction of consumers to the proposed advertising products, identifying positive and negative ratings, analyzing how advertising is convincing and consistent with the main idea, etc. Such tests help to make the necessary adjustments to promotional materials before they are posted.
2) Post-test - tests of the effectiveness of an advertising message are designed to analyze whether the advertisement has achieved its goal. During advertising post-tests, the following parameters are usually studied: fame, memorability, recognition, image characteristics of the advertised product, etc.

Packaging testing allows you to evaluate the information content, attractiveness, distinctive properties, as well as general consumer properties of the design / packaging of various goods. When testing packaging, the main attention is paid to the following characteristics - product protection, convenience and ease of use, information about the product, the ability to attract the attention of consumers.

Substitute product- a product that performs the same function for the same group of consumers, but based on a different technology.

Trademark- a brand or part of it, provided with legal protection. Protects the exclusive rights of the seller to use the brand name and / or brand mark (emblem).

Durable goods— tangible products that usually withstand repeated use.

Non-durable goods- material products that are completely consumed in one or more cycles of use.

Specialty Goods- products with unique characteristics and / or individual branded products, for the acquisition of which a significant part of buyers are willing to spend extra effort.

Goods of passive demand- goods that the consumer does not know or knows, but usually does not think about buying them, the need for which may arise when a certain special situation occurs (say, an insured event).

FMCG- goods that the consumer usually buys often, without hesitation and with minimal effort to compare them with each other.

Products preselection - goods that the consumer in the process of choosing and buying, as a rule, compares with each other in terms of suitability, quality, price and appearance.

Outlet- retail business trading network, shop, supermarket, kiosk, etc.

Trademark— any words, names, symbols, or combination thereof, adopted and used by the manufacturer or commercial organization to identify their products and differentiate them from products manufactured or sold by other companies.

You read books, articles. Take part in discussions.

And you always come across some marketing buzzwords, the meaning of which is a mystery to you.

Well, there is such a horde of people who love to splurge with words that a maximum of 30% of readers can understand.

We ourselves sometimes met such words that frankly introduced us into a stupor. And feel stupid...

But ... This is more a question for those who use them and why, if he understands that the “smart word” will be incomprehensible to the majority. After all, the gratitude and sympathy of the public cannot be earned with such a show off.

Nevertheless, for our part, we decided to prepare a selection of abstrusely artsy marketing words and to present for them simple folk explanations devoid of the style of an encyclopedia.

These will be words that are often found in various sources - both in English and in Russian.

By the way, if you notice that some newfangled word is missing from the list, write about it in the comments and provide its transcript.

So, meet 50 newfangled marketing words and expressions:

We hope that this selection has brought some clarity, opened our eyes to something and will be useful in work and communications.

About marketing "human language". The purpose of this glossary is to explain marketing concepts in a way that is easy to understand, without breaking the scientific definition. Other spellings in Russian and English are given in brackets.

AT this moment The dictionary is under development, so I apologize if some definitions are missing.

Basic definitions

Marketing(marketing) makes the consumer want to buy exactly your product/brand.

Product(product) - a product or service, an object of sale or exchange. Sometimes the term "product" is used as a synonym for a product, but in the classic version, a product is a product that can be dropped on your foot. The English term product can mean a service.

Need(need) - the basic desire of a person, not denounced in a material form, for example, the need for a pleasant pastime or the need to warm up.

Demand(demand) - how much goods X buyers are willing to buy price R. Demand arises when a potential consumer realizes need and sees product, which can satisfy this need, for example, the need for holes in the walls creates a demand for drills. It is correct to use in combination "demand for goods".

Market(market) - sellers, buyers and their relations in the process of buying and selling a certain goods. For practical purposes, "market" is often understood as a combination of geographical area and product group, for example, the market for used foreign cars in Moscow.

Market size(market volume) – how much of a specific goods, bought / sold in a certain territory for a certain period of time, expressed in monetary units. Sometimes the market size can be expressed in physical units, but it is "bad taste" to mean physical units. Proper use: the volume of the market of water taps in Moscow and the Moscow region for the first quarter of this year amounted to X thousand rubles. Misuse: market capacity (capacity means limited, the maximum possible volume), you can read about the capacity of the market and the clogging of marketing terminology with it.

Market share(market share) - the company's sales in this category, divided by market size this category.

Price(price) - how many currency units the consumer must pay per unit goods. Discounts and other promo options can add a bit of confusion to this simple concept, so let's define some other price types. Retail Price - the price before discounts and other promotions. The market price is the price that the buyer usually pays for the product (after discounts). Average Unit Retail - the average price (after discounts) paid for a unit of goods.

Product life cycle(product lifecycle) - a model for the development of a market of a certain goods describing the penetration (penetration) of the product among consumers, market size and sometimes change prices and profitability.

Competitor(competitor) - another company offering product/brand, claiming the same consumer money (satisfying the same need) as yours. Most often, competitors operate in the same markets (geography + product category), but sometimes they can operate in different markets, for example, when people looking to buy a Jaguar car were asked where they would spend this money if they did not buy this brand, one of the most popular responses was "for a boat/yacht". A special case of competition is competition between products/brands of the same company. Some companies support this practice, as Procter & Gamble is notorious for allowing its brands of laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid to compete with each other, with the result that Procter & Gamble brands dominate these categories.

Brands and branding

Brand(brand, brand) - a trademark with stable associations (image).

Branding(branding, brand management, branding, brand management) - the same as marketing, but in relation to the brand (not just a product).

Trademark(trade mark) - a registered name that the company that owns it can use both for its products and give this right to use to other organizations.

private label(private label) - a brand owned by a retailer. Private labels range from basic products such as sunflower oil or milk from a grocery store brand to highly differentiated products sold in specialty stores such as Victoria's Secret lingerie.

Target audience/group(target audience / group) - those people whom you imagine as buyers of your product. You need to understand the difference between the target audience and real buyers, since in many cases a product designed for one target audience can attract completely unexpected people. Usually the target audience is described in demographic terms (age, income), but many brands can describe their audience in psychographic terms such as lifestyle, hobbies, interests, e.g. hikers, gardeners, fashionistas.

Positioning (positioning) - a single description of the brand idea: who is it the target audience what the brand is, what needs of the target audience it satisfies and how, how it differs from competitors, and so on. Embodied positioning is obtained only when the brand's target audience can adequately describe this brand (attributes / benefits) and its differences from competitors. Correct use: brand positioning (not a company and not a product!!!). You can read more about how to develop brand positioning.

Differentiation(differentiation) - measures to create and maintain differences from competitors. Usually associated with the concept of positioning - differentiation is one way to implement positioning. You can read more about how to develop brand positioning.

Brand Attributes/Benefits(brand attributes / benefits) - brand associations (those descriptive characteristics that are marked by buyers as describing the brand). Quite often attributes are classified into technical, functional and emotional according to their position in the positioning pyramid. In details about brand attribute types can be read.

Logo(Logo) - visual display of the brand. Like the name, it is used as a brand identifier for buyers. Many unscrupulous agencies will tell you that the logo plays a key role in brand success - don't believe them. Instead, remember that the key to brand success is good positioning; Also, don't forget to ask the agency if they have at least once assessed the impact of the logo on sales by purely experimenting, when the same brand is launched with different logos in different markets, its sales are compared. I think this will end the conversation.

Linear brand extension(line extension) - the simplest brand extension, usually meaning a new taste, smell, ingredient, purpose, etc. It does not have its own registered name, so it is usually described in simple terms. Is one part of a brand or sub-brand. Examples: Pantene Pro-V for dry hair, L "Oreal Excellence platinum blonde, Tide with active oxygen. You can see more information about brand extensions.

Sub-brand(sub-brand) - an extension of a brand that has its own name, while maintaining a connection with the parent brand. Typically, sub-brands are collections of products (or a specific product) that differ in some way. According to the degree of "remoteness" from the parent brand, the sub-brand is further than the linear expansion, but it has not yet become a separate brand, since their main characteristics are the same. Sub-brand names are recommended to be registered in the same way as brand names. Examples: Ford Mustang, Courtyard by Marriott, HP Pavillion, HP LaserJet, L "Oreal Excellence, Nescafe Classic. You can see more information about brand extensions.

umbrella brand(umbrella brand) - a brand present in various product categories. The umbrella brand is very general concept, and it can mean both brands that have various types of extensions, and those that do not. The umbrella brand can be called the Yamaha brand, which does not have its own sub-brands and unites all product categories under one name, also, the umbrella brand is the Sony brand, which uses both the parent brand and sub-brands for different categories (Walkman, PlayStation, Wega), and the Hewlett Packard brand, which assigns its own sub-brands to each product category (Pavillion, LaserJet, DeskJet). Since the value this term very vague, many experts use it in different, often conflicting meanings. Therefore, every time the expression “umbrella brand” is used, it is recommended to clarify what exactly is meant by it (the presence of extensions, sub-brands, entering new categories). More information about brand extensions can be viewed.

Repositioning(repositioning, repositioning) - a change in brand positioning. There are usually two main types of positioning - changing what the brand means (most often its associations / attributes / benefits) and changing the target audience (for example, expanding the target audience). According to most experts, the spelling "repositioning" is the most correct.

Rebranding(rebranding) - changing the name, logo, visual design of the brand without changing the positioning.

Marketing research

Marketing research(market research, marketing research) help to obtain information about the market (consumers, competitors, products) necessary for making marketing solutions.

Primary Research(primary research) - studies in which the researcher collects new data (also called primary) and processes them.

Secondary Research(secondary research) - studies in which the researcher uses data obtained as a result of other studies, for example, as a result of other primary studies, industry reviews, syndicated studies.

Quantitative Research(quantitative research) - research, the results of which are measurable, that is, representable in a quantitative form, for example, in the form of percentages, averages, etc. In order for the data to be presented in a quantitative form, several conditions must be met: collection data must be standardized (e.g. standardized responses), sample research should be representative, the number of objects under study should be sufficient to be able to calculate the measurement error. Quantitative research is carried out for hypothesis testing, the definition of which is the first step to the correct conduct of a quantitative study.

Qualitative Research(quialitative research) - research, the results of which are presented only in a qualitative form, for example, in the form of descriptions, epithets, stories, diagrams. In practice, qualitative research is most often carried out to develop hypotheses, which can later be tested such as quantitative research. The most common types of qualitative research include focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations and e tnographic research.

Interview(survey) - the most common type quantitative research. When conducting a survey respondents answer formalized questions presented in the form questionnaires.

Questionnaire(questionnaire) -

Focus groups(focus groups)

In-Depth Interviews(one-on-one interview)

Population(universe) - in marketing research, the general population is understood as the whole set of objects that you want to explore. Sometimes the population is small enough (for example, customers who visited the store on opening day) and you can ask a research question to each of them, but the number of objects is very large, in which case you have to sample from the population.

Sample(sample) -

Representative Sample(representative sample) - in quantitative studies, a representative sample has the same properties that are important for the researcher as the general population. For example, if you want to know what are the most common advantages and disadvantages of your product (the research question), your sample should contain the same percentage of satisfied and unsatisfied customers as the population (in this case, all customers).

Testing(hypothesis testing, hypothesis testing) is a quantitative research method that allows you to evaluate and compare the objects of interest to the researcher according to the specified parameters. Often used in marketing to evaluate marketing decisions and select the best alternative. In such a case, it must be remembered that testing on consumers should be carried out in the context of real consumer behavior, for example, when testing packaging, the product must be placed on a shelf next to another product so as not to attract undue attention and not change the initial impression (then it can be removed), respondents should be selected from among those who are currently interested in the tested category. Testing, like any other quantitative research, requires a representative sample, that is, that it matches your target audience in terms of important parameters.

Tracking(tracking, tracking) - a type of periodic quantitative research designed to track changes in consumer attitudes and behavior over time. Usually, consumers are periodically interviewed on the same questionnaire so that the results are comparable.

patterning(patterning) - a type of quantitative research, usually referring to the collection of information about competitors. This study collects information about the assortment of competitors, breaks it down by significant parameters for further analysis and comparison with the assortment of the company conducting patterning.

Mystery Shopper(mystery shopper) method of obtaining information about the work of retailers. It usually aims to either assess how well the implementation of the business model matches its idea or to collect information about the atmosphere and service experience in a particular company. The essence of the method is that people representing the target audience are hired to make a control purchase and fill out a questionnaire based on the results of this experience. The main danger of this method lies in the fact that many researchers do not understand that the "mishandled Cossack" is not a real buyer, so his impression can be very different from the behavior of real buyers and their requirements. In several years of working in large (more than 1000 stores) retail chains, I have never seen confirmation of the effectiveness of this observation method for assessing how the actual quality of service meets company standards. However, the method can be of great value if used as a qualitative (not quantitative) method of collecting information about possible problems service and merchandising.

Demographic characteristics(demographics) - gender, age, income, education, other relatively constant features of the audience. In marketing, it is often assumed that consumer behavior largely depends on these signs. However, for many categories of goods, consumption is increasingly explained by lifestyle or the so-called. psychographic signs.

Psychographic signs(psychographics, pronounced "psychographics") - signs that unite people that are not directly related to demographics, such as beliefs, style, taste, hobbies. Oftentimes, people identify their type of consumption by these cues, which is why psychographics can influence buying decisions more than demographics.

Segmentation(segmentation) association of objects into groups according to common features. Consumer segmentation is usually done according to similar needs. Segmentation research usually involves the study of the needs of buyers and their subsequent association into groups (clusters). When conducting segmentation research, a marketing specialist should pay special attention to the selection of segmentation features. You can check how good your segmentation is by looking at the results between segments on other grounds (for example, if segmentation by education and age gives different average income between segments).

Marketing communications

Marketing communications(marketing communications) – various types

Advertising(advertising, tv / radio commercials) - marketing communications that 1) are created and most often paid for by the company that gives this advertisement 2) using mass information channels such as television, radio, outdoor billboards, newspapers, magazines, etc.

ETC(public relations, PR, public relations) –

buzz marketing(buzz marketing, guerrilla marketing, guerilla marketing) is a method of using public opinion (rumors, word of mouth) to spread information about the brand.

Reference groups, innovators, trend-setters(innovators, early adopters, trend-setters) –

product placement

Promotion, promo, sales promotion activities(promotion) -

ATL/BTL(above the line/below the line)


Discount(discount) - price reduction, expressed as a percentage or monetary units.



Loyalty(loyalty) - a measure of how willing the buyer is to continue to deal with a particular brand (product or service) and is not ready to replace it with another brand. Usually measured as a share this brand in consumption category. For example, an absolutely loyal juice buyer “Ya” will always buy juice “Ya” when he buys juice (100% of consumption belongs to one brand). The concept of “loyalty” is often confused with the concept of “good attitude”, this is not true, because a good attitude can be one of the reasons for the appearance of loyalty (another reason, for example, may be the absence of other alternatives in this category).

Loyalty programs (loyalty programs ) - special programs, the purpose of which is to encourage the consumer to make a repeat purchase of your brand. In this area, the most well-known loyalty programs are airlines, retail stores, hotel chains. These programs often include the following methods: direct mail to the client base (with and without special offers), loyalty cards (often cumulative), discount cards (usually used to collect information about consumer behavior, discount is only a fee for use). Among the most successful are airline loyalty programs (American Airlines, British Airways) and Neiman Marcus stores (see their website for a description).

CRM(customer relationship management, customer relationship management) - grouping objects into groups according to common features. Consumer segmentation is usually done according to similar needs. Segmentation research usually involves the study of the needs of buyers and their subsequent association into groups (clusters). When conducting segmentation research, a marketing specialist should pay special attention to the selection of segmentation features. You can check how good your segmentation is by looking at the results between segments on other grounds (for example, if segmentation by education and age gives different average income between segments).

Try(trial) - the first purchase of a particular product.

Repeat purchase(repeat purchase) - the purchase of a product by a buyer who has bought this product at least once before. It is understood that a repeated purchase indicates that the buyer liked this product, and he is again ready to make a choice in favor of it. It would seem that this term could be simpler, but in practice, many companies define this event in different ways. For example, would you consider a repeat purchase if the previous one happened a year ago? Three years ago? Five years ago? Will you consider a repeat purchase if the buyer does not remember that he has already bought this product (bought from you)? Repeat purchases are important because the number of returning consumers usually determines important indicator business like loyalty. While measuring the number of first-time purchases (by research or data base) is not difficult, measuring the return rate for repeat purchases is somewhat more difficult. One of the indicators, the percentage of yesterday's (a year ago, a month ago) buyers who returned for a repeat purchase, suffers from the fact that this is a historical indicator and strongly depends on how much time you spend on making a repeat purchase. Another commonly used metric, the percentage of today's (this week, month) customers who have already purchased a given product in the past is difficult to interpret - if it has decreased, does this mean that you are attracting new customers or that your loyalty has dropped?

Direct marketing(direct marketing) -

Transactional databases(transactional databases)

Other definitions

Retail(retail) - sale of goods to individuals. It can be carried out both through the store and directly (direct), usually through a catalog or through a web site.

POS(Point of Sale) –

Merchandising(merchandising) - deals with the presentation of goods in a retail network. It is divided into visual merchandising (visual presentation) and buying - making a decision to purchase a specific product, for example, seasonal.

Distribution(distribution) -

Supply chain(Supply Chain)

Distribution channels(distribution channels)

Assortment policy(assortment architecture)

Range breadth(assortment width)

stock(sales stock, inventory, in-stock position)

Commercialization(commercialization, new product commercialization) - the process of managing the launch of a product on the market, from idea to store shelf.

Product/product launch(product launch)

SWOT analysis(SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) –

Those who regularly visit the Internet and spend there at least one hour a week

Repetition of homogeneous consonant sounds in a phrase, line, stanza of an advertising text.

in advertising, a method of presenting a product in which it is given human features. It is often used in cases where the individual properties of the product are poorly highlighted and the product differs little from its competitors.

1) a rectangular tablet made of plastic, cardboard or paper, suspended in a showcase;

a system in which for every 100 impressions of other people's banners on their site, a BC member receives 100 impressions of their own banner on the websites of other BC members minus the commission percentage (ranges from 10 to 50% depending on the BC), which, in turn, is used by the host BS (for promotion of own projects or for sale).

Those who themselves do not have any experience with the Internet, but who among their friends have at least 3 regular Internet visitors.

brandmower - a blank wall of a building used for advertising.

browser - a program for viewing the contents of websites. According to statistics, the most popular browsers are MS Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

brand name or well known product. Positively perceived by the majority of society

The whole system of marketing and PR actions aimed at creating a brand. From an existing unknown product or company to "everyone is on the buzz".

graphical representation of an object as a set of vectors (not at all suitable for representing photographs, but very good for layouts, for example, business card or signs).

display of goods, separated from the consumer by a transparent partition.

appearance, writing font.

All those people about whom a conclusion is made on the basis of sociological surveys. The description of the GS includes the main ratios of age, gender and other sociological characteristics that are relevant to this study.

Those who themselves do not have any experience with the Internet, but who among their friends have at least 1 regular Internet visitor.

necessary indicators in the preparation advertising programs, marketing research focused on certain markets or their individual segments. These descriptions include the following characteristics: gender, age, marital status, number of children, etc. The concept of sociological characteristics is broader. see below

branch of modern applied sociology associated with the study of public opinion through questioning.

Sale of goods at prices significantly below the average market level, the so-called "junk", sometimes below cost. Many Western countries have anti-dumping laws that protect the profits of domestic producers and often prevent the import of goods from other countries offered at reduced prices due to lack of competitiveness.

a specific, independent stage of marketing research, necessary for the formation of a more complete and accurate idea of ​​the internal motives of competitors' behavior.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

1. Type of commodity strategy, in accordance with which the company expands the number of products produced.

2. Simultaneous expansion, development of two or more unrelated types of production in order to conquer new markets and obtain additional profit. Apply horizontal, vertical and hidden diversification strategies.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

replenishment of the company's assortment with new products that are not related to those currently produced, but may arouse the interest of the existing clientele.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

replenishment of the assortment with new products that are similar from a technical or marketing point of view to existing products of the company.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

market capa city - in marketing: the total effective demand of buyers, the possible annual sales volume of a certain type of product at the current price level. Depends on the degree of development of this market, elasticity of demand, from changes in economic conditions, price levels, product quality and advertising costs.

a certain period (cycle) of time, reflecting the main stages of product development from the moment of its development to the withdrawal from the market; the profit level of the seller (producer) at each of the stages (stages) of the cycle directly depends on it. In the process of developing sales of goods and making a profit, five stages are usually distinguished: the stage of product development (pre-market), the stage of bringing the product to the market, the stage of increasing sales of the product, the stage of maturity (saturation), the stage of decline in sales or elimination of goods from the market.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

is registered simultaneously with the verbal trademark and is used to protect it from imitation. For example, for the well-known trademark ADIDAS, ABIBAS, ADIBAS, AIDAS, ADIDA, and the like could be registered as a protection mark.

the minimum time interval that should be between advertisements of firms competing with each other. In international practice, the protective pause reaches 15 minutes. In domestic practice, due to the insufficiency of the legal framework, the concept of a protective pause is absent.

exact reproduction of any manuscripts, handwriting, etc. It is used as an artistic technique in visual advertising.

image of a product, similarity, reflection, idea of ​​something. A socio-psychological phenomenon closely related to the economics of the commodity market. The identity of a product is associated with the reputation of the product, trademark, enterprise, and country of origin.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

overturning. Rearrangement of words in a sentence to enhance the semantic significance of the "forward" word.

1. Means of increasing the efficiency of development, creation and use of marketing technologies.

2. A set of tools and methods, which is an integral technological system, which is designed to ensure the effectiveness of planning, organizing and managing the process marketing activities, at one or another hierarchical level of the economy due to the cumulative effect of integration and interaction of elements information technology such as computer systems, computer networks, intelligent terminals, a set of tools and methods for organizing data arrays, encoding and searching for information, etc.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

graphic decoration. Most often in the form of a shield, panel, tablet, on which advertising text is placed, decorative elements.

publication or site containing a systematic set of links to other sites.

Product quality

a set of product properties that determine its ability to meet the specific needs of consumers, meet the requirements. In sales contracts, the parties agree on quality indicators, the procedure for its verification, the submission of documents certifying that the quality of the delivered goods meets the agreed requirements, if necessary, the conditions for the delivery and acceptance of goods in terms of quality are fixed, as well as the provision of guarantees for quality and shelf life or storage of goods.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

conditional font size, the distance from the bottom of the lowercase letter p to the top of the capital letter P. Measured in points (one point is 0.35 mm).

click) clicking on a banner with the mouse, and generally clicking on a link, a button on the screen, etc.

traveling representative of a trading company. Often acts as a simple intermediary or acts on behalf of his client. Usually supplied with product samples, promotional items and materials. He receives remuneration from his clients in proportion to the volume and efficiency of sales made with his help.

1. A promising course of action for the enterprise and the presence of such a reasonable strategy for using a complex of communicative means (communicative mix) and organizing interaction with all subjects of the marketing system, which ensures stable and effective activity in generating demand and promoting goods and services to the market in order to meet needs customers and profit.

2. Development of an incentive complex, i.e. measures to ensure effective interaction between business partners, organization of advertising, methods of sales promotion, public relations and personal selling.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

consists of a population that does not visit the Internet itself, but has friends among those who regularly visit the Internet. Assessments of the communicative environment of the Internet audience make it possible to imagine the extent of the influence of the Runet audience on the rest of the country's population through friendly ties.

a person, a group of persons or an organization from which information directly comes in the communicative process.

an abbreviated summary of the main provisions.

1. A set of quality and cost characteristics of a product that ensures its advantage in the market over competing products in meeting a specific need.

2. The ability of a product to be the first to be bought on the market of competing products. 3. The ratio of the beneficial effect from the consumption (use) of a product to the costs of its acquisition and operation (consumption price).

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

1. Rivalry in any field between individuals interested in achieving the same goal, each for himself personally, in particular, between entrepreneurs - for a large share of profits, for sales markets, for sources of raw materials.

2. economic process interaction, interconnection and struggle, communications of subjects of the market system in the process of creation, marketing and consumption of material and spiritual goods.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

consumer protection movement. It is realized in the formation of societies, public speeches, in the boycott of firms, shops, etc. The development of this movement led to an increase in the degree of self-control in advertising, taking into account consumer protection in all advertising activities.

use of a trademark without the consent of its owner.

advertising paid jointly by the manufacturer and its marketing agents, i.e. between dealers and manufacturers. Advertising funded jointly by multiple advertisers - national, local, etc.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

appeared as a reaction of consumerism to unfair advertising. It is implemented in the publication of information messages on behalf of regulatory authorities involved in the protection of consumer rights. They report inaccuracies and misinformation contained in the materials of advertisers. It is especially widely used in the USA and the Scandinavian countries, where corrective advertising is paid for by the perpetrators.

an ad placed after an error in an advertisement that caused misinformation about the advertised product or company. AT advertising practice contracts with advertising agencies include clauses on the publication of corrective ads.

any active activity to involve potential and real consumers of goods in communication and receive feedback and information about their desires, needs, interests with a focus on long-term relationships. Personal selling includes identifying prospective buyers and getting to know them personally, regular face-to-face communication, and getting opinions about improved and new products.

All visitors to the Internet, including those who have had at least a single experience of visiting the Internet.

name, term, sign, symbol, drawing or combination thereof, identifying the goods or services of one or more manufacturers - the manufacturer's mark, as well as sellers - the trademark, and distinguishing them from competing goods and services.

organization and management of the process of identifying, taking into account and satisfying the requirements and desires of the consumer with a profit for his company

strategic tasks related to the development of the company and the sale of goods. Such as planning the product range, sales and trading operations, pricing, organizing advertising, sales promotion and distribution of goods, their storage and transportation, management of sales and commercial personnel, service provision, etc. the main objective- create conditions for adapting production to consumer demand and market requirements, develop a system of measures to ensure the promotion of goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer.

systematic and objective collection and analysis of information related to the sale of products and the offer of services. Conducting research increases the likelihood of applying the most effective marketing actions. Research is often undertaken as a response to an existing problem, although marketing information can also be used as a basis for forward planning.

1. An integral part of the potential of the enterprise.

2. The total ability of the marketing system (enterprise) to ensure the constant competitiveness of the enterprise, the economic and social situation of its product or service on the market through the planning and implementation of effective marketing activities in the field of demand research, product, price, communication and marketing policy, as well as organization strategic planning and control over the behavior of the product, competitors and consumers in the market.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

2. The whole set of means of audio, television and visual communication

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician


a psychological term that speaks of the difference in perception between people, their assessments and views, due to lifestyle, upbringing, education, culture. It is taken into account when preparing advertising appeals and arguments for market consumers.

stimulation trading activities, creating the interest of the sales network in the sale of goods.

scientific prediction based on the analysis of the actual data of the past and present of the object under study. By the magnitude of the strengthening period, short-term forecasts (up to 1.5 years) are distinguished; medium-term forecasts - (5 years); long-term forecasts - 10-15 years, based on a system of forecasts of various components. According to the form of presentation, forecasts are divided into quantitative and qualitative; according to the scope of forecasting of the object of study, forecasts are general and particular.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

methods used in the formation of prices for products and services. There are three methods of pricing - based on costs, based on the line of buyers, based on competitors' prices.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

1. The process of intensifying the motives of an individual or their group in order to intensify their actions to make a decision to satisfy some need.

2. Encouraging actions that influence the activity of the buyer in the process of making a purchasing decision.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

small form of printing, produced on a self-adhesive basis.

Those who regularly visit the Internet and spend there at least n hours a week

unfair, unreliable, unethical, knowingly false and other advertising, which violates the requirements for its content, time, place and method of distribution established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

small typographic font (2.25 mm).

element corporate identity, trademark in volumetric version. For example: a bottle of Coca-Cola. Subject to general registration.

the most common type of printing. Particularly beneficial for large print runs.

a method of making deep engravings by chemical etching of the surface of a metal plate.

the number of members of the target audience who have come into contact with a particular medium of advertising or a combination of communication media, during a certain period of time.

Public Relations - communicative activity (including indirect advertising) aimed at creating harmonious relations with society, usually openly paid and used as an addition to advertising, carried out in order to inform the public about the company, its products, gain trust and create a favorable image.

promotion, publicity. Actions to get attention.

the representative of the applicant, who is registered with the Patent Office and who is entrusted with the conduct of cases related to the registration of trademarks. The powers of a patent attorney are certified by a notarized power of attorney.

publications that come out at regular intervals: newspapers, magazines, etc.

small typographic font (3 mm).

pixel - an indivisible point in a raster graphics image.

text added at the end of each outgoing emails, set in the mail program by the user. Contains full name, position, place of work and other information about the sender.

1) a special site on which, by keywords, you can get links to sites corresponding to these words;

2) a computer that searches for new sites and indexes them by keywords for further quick issuance of a list of links on request for keywords.

plastic material for the manufacture of outdoor advertising.

legal or natural persons to whose attention the advertisement is or may be brought, which results in or may result in a corresponding effect of the advertisement on them

Positioning the product on the market

formulating a marketing mix that has selective appeal for the selected segments and determining the place of the brand in the minds of consumers. Positioning can be based on the features of the product, the benefits from it, the possibilities of buying and using services, types of users, comparison with competitors.

Promotion - promotion of sales, marketing.

socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics of potential buyers.

All Internet visitors except those who have had a single Internet experience or have been on the Internet only one or a few times in the last three months

disseminated in any form, by any means, information about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and undertakings (advertising information), which is intended for an indefinite circle of persons and is designed to form or maintain interest in these individuals, legal entity, products, ideas and endeavors and promote the realization of goods, ideas and endeavors

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

organizing and managing the process of planning, creating, producing, bringing advertising messages to the target audience and monitoring the effectiveness of promotional activities.

a combination of the main types of consumer audience, its willingness to purchase the advertised product. As its readiness increases, the following stages are distinguished: ignorance, awareness, knowledge, goodwill, preference, purchase, re-purchase.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

a large-scale long-term program aimed at solving the most important advertising goal. The development of an advertising strategy involves the definition of the following elements: target audience; product concept; mass media and / or advertising media used to transmit an advertising message; development of an advertising message.

legal or individual, which is a source of advertising information for the production, placement, subsequent distribution of advertising

a legal or natural person who carries out full or partial reduction of advertising information to a form ready for distribution

a legal or natural person that carries out the placement and (or) distribution of advertising information by providing and (or) using property, including technical means broadcasting, television broadcasting, as well as communication channels, airtime and other means

sociological term. A sample of people from the general population, allowing with a high degree reliability ~ 4-5% to transfer the survey data of a representative sample to the general population. It is characterized by the same percentage composition of the main sociological characteristics as the general population (gender, age, social and marital status, etc.)

in psychology: the group in which the individual would like to be, the lifestyle, values, manners, fashion of which he approves and strives to imitate them.

division, breakdown of the market into clear groups of buyers, each of which may require separate products and / or marketing mixes.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

Segmentation can be based on geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics.

Sales Promotion - direct sales promotion. In the broadest sense, it represents all types of activities related to the provision of information, including commercial advertising about a product or service, their characteristics, the degree of compliance with the conscious needs of the consumer, as well as all types of marketing communications.

one of the stages of planning marketing activities. It is a thorough analysis of the internal and general marketing environment of the company, as a result of which its strengths, weaknesses, dangers and additional features expecting the firm as a result of one or another course of events in the external marketing environment. The result of the situational analysis may be the choice by the firm of one of the alternative strategies for its development: growth, reduction or merger.

the general name of materials in the press and works of art containing positive, commercially important information for a particular company.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

additional funds of the company for solving various problems of market activity. They are used in personal selling, public relations and sales promotion events. These include printed matter in the form of flyers, booklets, brochures, postcards, etc., as well as films, trade shows, portable samplers, annual reports, and point of sale designs.

newspapers, magazines, radio, television

a category inherent in the commodity economy and manifested in the sphere of exchange, trade. S. expresses the constantly changing total social need, presented on the market in various goods, consisting of many specific requirements of the mass of consumers, which are very diverse.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

habits, features of the way of life and behavior of people who form certain groups of the population.

assessment of each market segment and selection of service segment/s in order to select the most promising one for a focused advertising impact.

Tabledot is a common dining table in boarding houses, large canteens and restaurants. Often used to advertise products.

a type of marketing, the implementation of which is based on the use of telecommunications and the Internet, allowing potential consumers to quickly search for and purchase goods and services in real and virtual markets.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

commercial competition. Used to select partners. For example, an advertiser announces a competition among several advertising agencies to solve a specific advertising problem.

a set of activities and strategies focused on setting and achieving entrepreneurial goals, which include the entry of a new product or group of products on the market (innovation), the modernization of products already on the market (variation) or the withdrawal from the production program of the manufactured product (elimination), as well as assortment politics.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

1. The main principal directions of the product policy, following which the company can ensure a stable sales volume and profit at all stages life cycle product. To commodity strategies usually include: innovation, variation, elimination of a product or service.

2. Development of directions for optimizing the product range and determining the range of products that create conditions for stable competitiveness and efficient operation firms.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

a word, name, sign, symbol, or combination thereof, artistically designed and used to individualize and distinguish manufacturers, selling organizations or goods from competitors.

the main feature, characteristic or property inherent in the subject of advertising, which distinguishes it favorably from competitors and is attractive to consumers

the unity of constant artistic and textual elements in all advertising developments and advertising media of the company.

Organization and information support of events at client sites, consultations on the formation of PR services and other information structures

a market selected as a result of a study of markets for a particular product or service, characterized by minimal marketing costs and providing the firm with the main share of the result of its activities

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

a specific group of people potential consumers goods (customers and customers) to which the advertising message is directed.

Reception of a personal sale, based on letting the product be held in the hands or leaving it for some time with the future owner. It got its name because it is difficult to give away a puppy that you took in your arms.

Elasticity of demand

Elasticity - in marketing, the degree of change in one variable for a small relative change in another, for example, a change in demand for exported manufactured goods due to a change in the exchange rate or a change in demand as a result of price changes. Goods are said to be less elastic if price changes have little effect on the demand for them.

degree of impact advertising media on consumers in the interests of the manufacturer or intermediary. It is determined before and after the transmission of the advertising message. Determining the impact of advertising on sales results ( economic efficiency) is carried out by a relative comparison of advertising costs and the volume of sales of goods based on the results of activities in the past. The accuracy of the latter method is not high, since sales results are influenced by many other factors besides advertising.

Bagiev Georgy Leonidovich, Academician

Those who regularly visit the Internet and spend at least three hours a week there.