What to write in a presentation about yourself. How to make an interesting self-presentation: examples and tips. Possible problems with self-presentation

  • 27.04.2020

Self-presentation is, first of all, the ability to influence the audience with the help of impressions. A spectacular performance can not only influence the audience, but also allows the speaker to get what he needs. The most popular example is getting a job. In the case of the correct self-presentation, the applicant can be sure of a successful career advancement. The impression of you depends on the very first interview, so it is important to take self-presentation seriously. However, there are several ways to make a self-presentation. Let's consider them.

Making a self-presentation

Self-presentation can be divided into several parts. The first is an introduction. The second is the main part. The third is the final part. The first part is the most important, as it allows you to interest the listeners. The introduction should be short, informative, and highlight the main points of your speech. In the introduction, you will connect with the interlocutors, set a time frame, and also explain to them why this information important.

  1. Story about yourself.
  2. Own description in 3rd person (how others see you).
  3. Previous place of work.
  4. Reasons why you left your last job.
  5. Description of bosses from a previous job.
  6. Information about a new job that you heard somewhere.
  7. Your advantages over other applicants for this job.
  8. Your strengths and weaknesses.
  9. Duties you like and dislike doing.
  10. Your purpose of life.
  11. Your description in a few years.
  12. Your hobby.
  13. Your preferences for the size of the salary.

The main goal of self-presentation is to demonstrate your strengths and turn weaknesses into advantages. You should also always be prepared for tricky questions from the employer.

Self-presentation in public: rules

Public self-presentation is needed if, for example, you want to get a job or introduce yourself in a new team. For successful self-presentation, the following rules should be observed:

  • Preparing a text or speech in advance. Before speaking, you need to reread it several times, but do not memorize it so that the speech seems natural. Don't forget to improvise too. The text plan ideally consists of three parts: a bright, light introduction, the main part with your portfolio, and a conclusion.
  • Record your speech on a voice recorder and listen. This will make it easier to identify its shortcomings in order to correct them.
  • You should always be ready for tricky questions. To do this, you need to study in advance the people who will listen to you. An example would be a teacher who, in the first lessons, gets to know the students, then notes the weak and strengths, defines methods to get them interested, and then starts teaching.
  • Emphasize your good manners.
  • A good "life hack" for gaining the trust of the listeners is friendly gestures. It allows you to more clearly convey the idea to the audience.
  • One of the main rules is appearance. It is better to wear a classic suit or dress to show your authority and dominance. But sometimes it happens that a classic suit may be inappropriate, in which case you can replace the trousers from the suit with dark jeans.

Types of public speaking

There are 4 types of public speaking:

  1. Protocol and etiquette.
  2. Persuasive.
  3. Having an entertaining character.
  4. Bearing informational character.

Protocol and etiquette self-presentation has been considered the basis of oratory since ancient times. Basic rules for the preparation of protocol and etiquette self-presentation:

  • brevity.
  • Energy.
  • Emotionality.
  • Inspiration.
  • Awakening positive emotions in listeners.
  • Dominant self-presentation

In the self-presentation of the personality, the main emphasis is on dominance. To do this, it is enough to identify yourself as an informal leader in front of the audience. this moment time. But this technique may not be suitable for all types of listeners, since there may be leaders among the interlocutors who will not perceive you as a leader. With dominant self-presentation, a very important emphasis is placed on the appearance of the speaker, his gestures, manners, speech, and ability to communicate with the public.

Choose the type of self-presentation

Self-presentation is a special method of presenting oneself as a person with positive sides, as well as attraction to its benefits. It is very important to control feelings and emotions when preparing it. In fact, every person encounters this. We adapt to this or that situation, we control our speech, manners, behavior.

  1. So, the first type of self-presentation is adjusting to the people around you. This is a rather complicated technique, but quite feasible. For example, if you want to get to know a company, you first need to know its behavior, manners, topics for conversation, speech from the outside. This helps to feel people more strongly, to find a common language faster. After that, there is only one thing left - to join the company and become part of it.
  2. The second way of self-presentation is leadership, dominance and authority. This method is much more difficult than the first, because the speaker is required to comply with a much larger number of rules and conditions.


First, the person who makes the self-presentation must look elegant. To do this, you do not need to buy some expensive, special things, it is enough to emphasize elegance with the help of the right clothes. For example, a fitted shirt, a slightly fluffy tie is suitable for a man, and a dress that emphasizes her waist, soft jewelry and a neat hairstyle are suitable for a woman.

Thirdly, it is necessary to highlight and emphasize strengths. The sign of a leader is the transformation of a disadvantage into an advantage. For different companies different strengths are possible. For example, a girl understands cars, a man cooks deliciously, and a woman knows martial arts. You need to find your "zest" to stand out from the crowd.

Fourthly, you need to present your personality, inner qualities. But self-presentation should be unobtrusive, as well as focusing on common interests. The best action will be to immediately show your nature, and not a mask, so that in the future there will be no disappointment on the part of the interlocutor.

It is important to remember that self-presentation in the first place helps to greatly develop self-confidence and one's abilities. The audience is like metal, which, when heated and certain actions, takes the form that the blacksmith needs. Therefore, do not be afraid, because if you try, you can take control of any audience.

It is also worth remembering the importance of visual images, since a person perceives most of the information with the help of the eyes. Try to give and create more visualizations, use technology to present information more accurately.

Possible problems with self-presentation

Very often, a person may have problems associated with psychological trauma, psychological barriers, as well as the fact that he does not know himself. All this can affect not only the conversation, but also the communication with the interlocutor.

Therefore, an important rule in compiling a self-presentation will be taking into account one's own characteristics, i.e. hiding them or, conversely, emphasizing them.

Self-presentation will give the maximum result if it is exciting, informative, but not drawn out for a long time. At the same time, it is very important to listen and hear someone else's opinion, to think over your words and actions, to fully control the situation.

People often have to talk about themselves: when entering prestigious schools, when applying for a job, in a friendly or informal setting, and sometimes without a specific immediate goal. Most often, self-presentation is carried out orally; less often in the form cover letter or section in the questionnaire. But in any case, before the performance, it is necessary to write the source text - beautifully and as briefly as possible.

Creating a high-quality presentation of oneself is no more difficult than, however, it should be borne in mind that this is more creative work. The author will not only have to answer a number of standard questions, but also reveal his own personality, briefly describe preferences and convince listeners of his irresistibility. The following will be step-by-step instruction on writing a self-presentation and a few small examples of successful work.

What is self-presentation?

As the name implies, self-presentation (it can also be called auto-presentation) is a person's presentation of himself. The author of the presentation acts as a narrator, hoping to make the right impression on the listener or reader.

There are no clear divisions according to the temporal purpose of self-presentation. Since the narrative is in the first person and does not in principle concern the personalities of the listeners or readers, it can be oriented:

  • for one particular person- when applying for a job or personalized attempts;
  • for a few specific people- when performing from the stage or the first acquaintance with the team;
  • on virtual recipients of information- if the auto-presentation is written to create the necessary image in the future or is laid out in the public domain.

The latter is especially characteristic of the practice of business or informal communication on the Internet. It is much easier for a person who does not have the goal of attracting the attention of a particular individual or group to make a small presentation and post it on his pages on social networks or in the profiles of specialized sites than to send the same information to everyone.

When should you write a self-presentation?

It is impossible to list all the cases in which it may be necessary to compose and conduct an auto-presentation. Modern life is too changeable and unpredictable, and therefore, in order not to suddenly find yourself without the right words, it makes sense to write a small universal blank in advance.

Most often, self-presentation is required to be carried out:

  1. Upon admission to the prestigious educational institution . Preparation is especially important for adults who already have higher education. It is unlikely that the admissions committee will be too strict with a presentation made by a school graduate or a person who has not previously tried his hand at universities.
  2. When applying for a job. It is also quite uncommon in domestic realities, but a common phenomenon for Western countries. The more responsible (and paid) position the applicant intends to take, the more seriously you need to approach the drafting of the text. Its style will depend on the profile of the company and its traditions.
  3. When meeting a new team. Present yourself here, if required. corporate ethics, will have both only the head who has taken the position, and a simple employee. In the vast majority of cases, speeches are made orally from the pulpit, from the stage or directly at the workplace. Both the boss and the employee should not use a cold business style when communicating with other people.
  4. Looking for lenders or investors. Both novice and experienced entrepreneurs from time to time have to look for borrowed funds or people who are ready to invest in the next project for the promise of a part of the profits in the future. , which can interest future business partners or lenders, is a complicated matter, but quite familiar. But to prepare a competent auto-presentation in writing and then effectively present it is a task no less important and much more non-standard. When speaking to or writing to prospective investors and creditors, one should Special attention to devote to their past commercial successes, do not hesitate to show off: often the decision of the listeners depends on the first impression.
  5. When trying to get, private or public funds. Unlike the previous situation, we are not talking about loans or investments, but about gratuitous cash injections: donations, grants or even scholarships. To get the right amount, the applicant or applicant will have to try hard, making the auto-presentation not only exciting and informative, but also as convincing as possible.
  6. At informal communication . In the company of friends, self-presentation is unlikely to be needed: even the newcomer to the team will be told much more eloquently by the friends who brought him in than their own presentation. But when it comes to a company consisting of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people, it makes sense to tell a little about yourself, without being carried away by describing successes at work and in business, but by focusing the attention of listeners on interesting aspects of your personality. Self-presentation in an informal setting is usually carried out in the form of a speech, although if communication began on the Internet, it can also be written.
  7. When communicating in global network . If the interaction, formal or not, continues in the same virtual environment where it began, each of the participants who wish to introduce themselves should prepare a small self-presentation. As a rule, a text version is also sufficient, but if time permits and there are technical possibilities, it would be quite reasonable to record a small informative video about yourself. The information should be in the public domain so that everyone can get acquainted with it - otherwise the author will have to constantly deal with mailing lists, which is not very convenient.

Another situation in which it would be good to write an auto-presentation is the restoration of a good name. It does not matter whether a person's reputation has been damaged as a result of slander or his own careless actions; What happened needs to be corrected, and the sooner the better.

Varieties of auto-presentations

Before you start writing text for an auto-presentation, you should decide on its focus, taking into account:

  • target audience;
  • the situation for which the presentation is being made;
  • number of listeners;
  • way of addressing the audience;
  • ultimate goal.

The first two points have been discussed in the previous sections. Self-presentation, no matter how specialized it may seem to the author and no matter how skillfully composed, must be strictly focused on the audience and fully correspond to the situation - otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Depending on the size of the audience, all presentations are divided into:

  1. Private. Designed for one or more particularly influential people. Both the text and the speaker's speech should be structured in such a way as to attract the attention of this particular small group. Auto-presentation may contain personal appeals, references to circumstances known to both parties or uniting them, and, if the situation allows, informal turns.
  2. Chamber. In this case, the audience size is from three to ten people. Auto-presentation in an oral format is carried out in small rooms or offices; in writing - by targeted mailing or communication in a corporate chat. Although a well-written text may still contain personal appeals to one or more listeners, you should not get carried away with them, as well as talking about common interests.
  3. public. Designed for a wide, diverse and emotionally poorly controlled audience. The speaker (or the author, if we are talking about a written auto-presentation) should not linger on irrelevant details or talk to someone from the audience - this is a waste of time. It is best to immediately turn to the facts, presenting your interests, pluses, minuses and requests to listeners or readers as clearly as possible.

According to the way of communication with the audience, auto-presentations can be divided into:

  • Written- made out on paper or in the form electronic document, sent to one or more potential readers;
  • Oral- a person who wants to introduce himself, he speaks to the public.

Important: although the first option involves less time, it is not very convenient in terms of feedback. The author of the text sent to the addressee or posted in the public domain cannot promptly respond to everyone who wants to ask a question or make adjustments. Therefore, there is a high chance of missing profitable proposition or lose the opportunity to respond to a clear provocation, which in the end will have a bad effect on the author's reputation.

According to the ultimate goal, the presentations are divided into:

  • Promoting. They are intended to obtain a commercial effect, tangible or intangible benefit. These include speaking to potential investors, creditors, donors, philanthropists, and others who have the right amount of money and may be willing to part with it. When writing a promotional presentation, if the project is of a financial nature, it should focus on the ability of listeners to make a profit (as part of future income or in the form of a loan returned with interest) or to make a socially significant act (to help a foundation, charitable organization or a specific needy) . If we are talking about non-material benefits, for example, career advancement or getting a job, you need to make it clear to listeners or readers that, having made the right choice, they will receive a competent, purposeful specialist, a promising student, and so on - it all depends on the purpose of self-presentation.
  • Informational. They are created when it is necessary to convey to one or more readers (or listeners) important information about the personality, interests, habits or virtues of the author. Usually informational presentations are held when meeting with the team or a new social group that is not directly related to the receipt of benefits. On the one hand, it is easier to compose them, since you can not focus on the commercial component of the text; on the other hand, it is more difficult, because the text is focused not on quickly getting what you want, but on establishing long-term warm relationships.

How to make a self-presentation about yourself?

Regardless of the ultimate goal, the size of the audience and its composition, the text of a correctly and beautifully written self-presentation consists of seven mandatory blocks. Their content and fullness can be varied almost without restrictions, but the compiler is strongly advised not to neglect any of the parts - otherwise the presentations will look incomplete or frankly a failure.

  1. The first block of any self-presentation is the introduction. Its purpose is to show readers or listeners who they will be dealing with in the next few minutes. The section should include the following information:
    • surname, name, patronymic (or just the name and patronymic) of the applicant;
    • a few words of welcome;
    • a small compliment to the audience as a whole or to several listeners individually;
    • the main details of the narrator's biography: where and when he was born, studied, where he works, what he does and is interested in;
    • the purpose for which the author addresses the audience: obtaining a loan, investment, new position, places of work, studies, intention to quit friendly relations and so on.
  2. The second block is the type of activity of the presenter. Here you can develop the theme outlined in the first section, telling readers or listeners in more detail about your own professional duties and skills. The biggest mistake would be to speak badly about your current or past employers, clients or customers. Even if it comes to each of them separately, it is necessary to maintain a benevolent or neutral tone, without entangling the audience into your life problems. Do not focus on the complexity, danger of work and other negative factors: it is better to find more appropriate ways to let readers or listeners understand what a responsible position the speaker occupies. If a the target audience consists of specialists, it is enough to list their job responsibilities, making it as not boring as possible. If not, also list them, but providing each item with a small explanation.
  3. The third block is the education of the storyteller. Where he studied and what successes the author of self-presentation achieved at that time will be interesting even to casual listeners, not to mention employers and colleagues. It makes no sense to start the story from school: in domestic conditions, they are all almost the same, and the division into "elite" and ordinary is a mere convention. But the institute or university that gave the narrator a higher education is already a topic worthy of attention. As before, you should not focus on negative memories associated with your studies. They are of little interest to listeners or readers and do not carry any semantic load. It would be much better to mention participation in various olympiads, prizes in sports competitions and, finally, getting a diploma with good marks. If the speaker gets a job in the profile, it is important to talk about the successes achieved during the undergraduate practice: often they are more important than the very fact of receiving a diploma.
  4. The fourth block is achievements. Here you can either summarize the previously described successes in study and work, or provide additional facts. They should be interesting to the audience, but not necessarily related to professional activity. The official part ended on the third block; further, the author's acquaintance with readers or listeners continues. It is quite possible that they will enjoy the story of sports victories, participation in major creative projects or about the creation of a pretender charitable foundation. Well, if these stories do not cause interest, it does not matter, you can proceed to the next section of the auto-presentation.
  5. The fifth block is personal qualities. By continuing to freely communicate with the audience, the narrator can acquaint her in more detail with her habits, preferences, virtues, and even, if this does not damage her reputation, shortcomings.

Advice: remembering that any self-presentation (even in an informal circle) is designed for a first acquaintance, you should not immediately devote readers or listeners to all your secrets. It is unlikely that they will be interested that the narrator does not like to wash dishes or knows how to iron trousers better than anyone in the neighborhood. But the really important restrictions, such as the inability to be in touch on Fridays or climb up the stairs, should be mentioned if this is related to the topic of the presentation. As in previous cases, you should focus on the positive aspects: your creative, professional, physical or intellectual abilities, leaving aside the insignificant for an adult. You can brag, the main thing is not to get too carried away and fantasize and give the audience really exciting details; then success is guaranteed.

  1. The sixth block is a summing up with a re-formulation of the main idea:
    • the employer should once again be made clear what a wonderful specialist he has the opportunity to hire;
    • the admission committee - that as a student, the storyteller, who already has a number of achievements, will be simply incomparable and will bring good fame to the university;
    • investors or creditors - that the business is really profitable, and if they now refuse the opportunity to invest in it, in the future such a decision will result in lost profits and disappointments;
    • philanthropists - that by agreeing to the request of the author, they will do a truly good deed, which will favorably affect the reputation of each of them;
    • to future buddies, friends, or an indefinite (virtual) audience, that the narrator is a competent and pleasant person who deserves trust and respect and has nothing against a warm relationship with the team.
  2. The seventh block is the final one. The narrator should say goodbye to the audience, thanking them with another compliment and assuring them that they are ready to answer any questions that may arise. It would be nice to conclude with your contact details (in a letter) or tell where and how listeners can communicate with the customer (in an oral presentation).

Self-presentation about yourself - sample text

To get an idea of ​​the rules for writing a self-presentation, it will be useful for a novice author to familiarize himself with three small examples: when applying for a job, communicating with investors, and meeting a mixed audience.

Example #1

Hello! My name is Rybakov Vladimir Leontievich. I would like to thank everyone who has gathered here for the opportunity to tell a little about myself. I am honored to address such a pleasant and competent audience. Let me tell you why I'm applying for the position of senior developer in the modern technology department.

I'll start with my professional skills and responsibilities. I am an electronics engineer with more than fifteen years of professional experience; I got my first job right after graduating from university. Job Responsibilities- development electronic circuits, checking projects of subordinates, studying and adapting foreign technologies and training young professionals. During his work, he participated in ten competitions of regional and two - federal significance. I have certificates, awards and letters of thanks.

He studied successively at the technical school №23 of Karaganda and the University of Electronics named after Volodarsky (Nizhny Volochek). From the first year he took part in olympiads and interuniversity sports competitions. I have an honors degree.

I am fond of cooking and skiing. I have a certificate of a universal confectioner, as well as the title of a master of sports in the corresponding direction.

Assembled, organized, self-confident. I have long term planning skills. A good organizer, as evidenced by letters of recommendation from a previous job. The subject of my pride is the creation of a private charitable foundation "Let's help in any way we can", which has been operating since 2015.

Please consider my candidacy. I assure you that in case of a positive decision, you will get a dedicated and competent employee with organizational and production skills.

I will gladly answer all your questions. Thank you for attention; It was a pleasure to speak to you.

Example #2

Good afternoon, gentlemen investors! My name is Andrey Vasilyevich, and today I will tell you about my new project. It's nice to see familiar faces again, and to everyone with whom I have not yet had the honor to meet - thank you very much for your attention! The topic of my presentation is the production of batteries for remote controls.

Now to business. I have been promoting energy-saving self-charging batteries for TV remote controls for the past five years. During this time there were both successes and small failures. Nevertheless, we were able to establish production and last year received a state-recognized quality certificate.

The idea of ​​producing special batteries for remote controls came to my mind while studying at the Tesla Institute, more than ten years ago. My undergraduate practice was devoted to this topic, and later - the diploma itself, which I defended with honors.

The scope of my personal interests coincides with my professional one: it is the introduction of new energy-saving technologies into life, which in the future will make human life easier and nature cleaner.

Help me in the development of the project and personal qualities: perseverance and the ability to move forward, no matter what. I process new information around the clock and think through technological schemes to make our planet greener and our common air more pleasant.

I invite you to participate in the financing of my new project, which you can familiarize yourself with by looking at the attached brochures. You will receive a guaranteed reward six months after the start, and in the future you will be able to invest in business development again.

I sincerely thank you for your attention. If you have questions, ask; I enjoy talking to smart people.

Example #3

Hi all! My name is Alexey, and now I will be part of your team. We are still strangers, but I already feel sympathy for you and have no doubt that we will become friends. To this end, I will tell you a little about myself.

I am currently working at the Levkovsky Research Institute of Cardioelectronics. Prior to that, he was a practicing doctor at the Central Samara Hospital No. 1, and later taught at the Medical University of the same city.

I also graduated from it at one time - with a red diploma and several thanks from the internship. While studying, he participated in interuniversity competitions in volleyball and artistic gymnastics, as well as several Olympiads in the specialty and humanitarian disciplines.

AT free time I am engaged in sports walking and knitting. I also like to read books and listen to classical music. I will not say that I have achieved noticeable success in at least one of my hobbies; they just give me pleasure.

The main quality that I appreciate in myself is friendliness. I hope that immediately after the end of my short speech, you will be able to verify it.

I am sure that we will find common topics for conversation and will be able to enjoy communication for more than one year. Thank you very much for listening to me. If you have any questions feel free; I will be glad to talk with new acquaintances.

How to present yourself for 5 plus - video

Summing up

To make a self-presentation about yourself, you need to determine its purpose and decide to whom it will be addressed. The text should depend on the size of the audience, the intentions of the narrator, his professional and life experience. The presentation should be capacious, captivating, beautifully and well-written.

Any auto-presentation consists of an introductory part, the author's story about his achievements, hobbies and successes, a goal statement and a conclusion. A person who is often faced with the need to talk about himself is recommended to draw up several universal samples in advance. In the future, they can be freely modified, adjusting to the current situation.

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Slides captions:

Presentation about yourself "You see, mom, I'm a teacher." Maslennikova Irina Valerievna Mathematics teacher, secondary school p. Zaprudnoye of the Pitersky district of the Saratov region

Hello! My name is Maslennikova Irina Valerievna. I live in the village of Zaprudnoye, St. Petersburg District, Saratov Region. I work as a mathematics teacher in a secondary school. I am 41. Teaching experience - 18 years. I love my job and agree with the judgment that teaching is not a profession, but a way of life. I was born and raised in a small village where the school was the only cultural center. Therefore, the attitude of people towards the school was special, reverent, and the way of life of the teacher was considered the standard of a correct, righteous life. It seemed to us children that teachers knew everything in the world. And I, for some reason, also wanted to know everything. After leaving school, she entered the Saratov Pedagogical Institute named after Fedin at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. I studied with passion. Even in my student years, I realized how multifaceted the profession of a teacher is. This is also evidenced by the entry in the diploma: "... the qualification and title of a teacher were awarded."

And here: “Hello, school!”, “Hello, children!”. The words of F.I. Buslaev express my pedagogical position: "Variety is a good sign of good teaching." I try to be creative in every case, I develop creativity in children. My teacher's credo: “The student is unique, unrepeatable, original. He is looking for recognition, respect. My task is to tune in to the inner world, to become his assistant. My principle is to work with every student, regardless of whether he is successful or lagging behind. For me, the First of September is not only a holiday of Knowledge, but a kind of date of the chronology. And, of course, the years spent with the children whom you brought up from grade 5 to grade 11 as a class teacher are considered special milestones in school life.

Since 2007, I have been the head of the school methodological association of teachers of the natural-mathematical cycle. Topic: “Improving the quality of education in subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle through the use of pedagogical technologies” Purpose: Continuous improvement of the level of pedagogical skills of teachers, their erudition and competence in the field of the natural and mathematical cycle

"Productive" was 2009-2010 academic year: My guys performed successfully.

Both in class and extracurricular activities I educate in children an interest in my subjects

As a class teacher, I bring up respect for elders. I bring up respect for nature, love for the Motherland

Asya Gorskaya from the city of Chelyabinsk wrote well about our teacher's problems: All memorized, even for future use Not a simple “open” lesson ... The guests quickly scribble notes. The director himself is surprised: The Angles are watching from their desks, God is at the pulpit, near the cards. You do not believe in such lessons! Today, children are not angels - devils, And the teacher - when he could! - He would not let the guests into the lesson .. He speaks muffledly today, His show is burdensome. Hurry to face to face: Only he - and a favorite class. Your work is hardly a standard For the Ministry of Education. From God you have been given patience. Teach children the mind and steadfast principles. And the ministry... Can it Know about everyone living in the provinces?..

http://lit.1september.ru/articlef.php?ID=200800305 - Asya Gorskaya's poem "Open Lesson" Materials used in the presentation: http://lit.1september.ru/articlef.php?ID=200800309 - hardly a standard ... "Asya Gorskaya http://www.mv74.ru/ot7do17/e107_files/mediagallery/images/gorskaya.jpg - portrait of Asya Borisovna Gorskaya Photo from the personal archive of Maslennikova Irina Valerievna Stanislavsky K.S. Sobr. cit., T. 3. - M.: Art, 1955, p. 304. http://miranimashek.ucoz.ru/photo/30-0-1089 stars

We are often asked to tell about ourselves in a nutshell: at an interview, when meeting, at trainings, in questionnaires social networks. This seemingly simple task baffles many people. Indeed, a story about one's life is difficult to put into the format of a short presentation, and it is not clear where to start the story, what is important and what is not. Today we will talk about self-presentation and how to talk about yourself correctly, how to talk about yourself briefly, beautifully and with humor. We will also consider examples of self-presentations.

What is self-presentation

Self-presentation is the ability to independently build a story about yourself based on the needs of the listener. You must understand what the one to whom you will tell about yourself wants to hear from you. That is, in essence, you must understand the needs of your listener. But strangers ask you to tell about yourself, how can you understand their need? There is for this.

It's simple: we tell a cat lover about cats, a dog lover about dogs. Just like that and not vice versa. Any person has something to tell for both of them, you just need to learn to look at yourself from the outside and see what you are doing. Well, the most difficult thing is not to be shy about talking about it.

Goals of self-presentation

In fact, only 2 things are important to everyone - who you are and how you can be useful. Nothing else is needed from you. Any connections between people serve to satisfy needs, long-term connections can be established if needs are met mutually. This can be called symbiosis, although in last years The word synergy is being used more and more often. Therefore, remember that - each dialogue has a goal, each interlocutor has a need.

Let's look at what goals we are pursuing by conducting self-presentation. Speaking very broadly, then we, that is, your interlocutor will like it. The interlocutor’s attitude towards you develops in the first 30 seconds of communication. In the next 3 minutes, it strengthens. Changing attitudes after the first three minutes of dialogue is very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible. Therefore, you must clearly set a goal for the first 30 seconds and the first 3 minutes of communication.

First 30 seconds of dialogue

During the first 30 seconds of the dialogue, it is important not to cause a natural rejection of everything new. Rejection is a natural process, what, in the opinion of a person, he does not need, he rejects, he accepts what he needs. Each person has his own filter for dropping out everything “not needed. All people have this mechanism and it is formed throughout life under the influence of life experience. This experience can be divided into two parts:

  • Unconscious experience - to a greater extent formed in early childhood, usually up to 3 years, although it may be later. It differs in that we cannot explain it and we ourselves do not understand that we are acting on the basis of unconscious experience. Each of us has a self-foe defense mechanism, we discussed it in the article;
  • Conscious experience is our principles that were formed at a later age. As a rule, it is comparable with the life values ​​of a person. A person can describe these principles, explain the logic of these principles and tell other people about them;

The unconscious experience is very similar in different people, and in order to please people unconsciously, you need to understand the mechanisms once, follow the rules of etiquette, choose the right clothes and take care of your appearance. The most important thing is to have a rich experience of communicating with people, the more you communicate, the better you get at it. People who are liked unconsciously are called charismatic. You like them right away, but often after talking with such a person for a longer time, you begin to lose interest in him.

First 3 minutes of dialogue

In order to please a person, you really need to be able to convey a useful semantic load. Everyone likes cheerful people, but they will not have business with them. Therefore, in the first minutes of the dialogue, it is important to achieve the following goals:

  • Show that you have common interests. When people have a common topic of conversation, it brings them closer;
  • Demonstrate your usefulness to the interlocutor. Show that with the help of you he can achieve his goals;
  • Offer a good deal. If you make an interesting offer, then they will communicate with you;
  • Show that you understand the person. This is important, often acquaintances are made precisely due to the fact that you share the views of your interlocutor;

Preparing for self-presentation

Remember that the best improvisation is a prepared improvisation. If you collect information in advance about who you will present to. Think about what the interlocutor wants to hear from you, the task will be greatly simplified. In fact, almost all the moments of the story about yourself can be thought out in advance. And when the crucial moment comes, you will clearly know what you have to talk about.

You know about 90% of self-presentations in advance. For example, when going to an interview, be sure that you will be asked to tell about yourself. When you have your first working day and you need to get acquainted with the team and colleagues, you will also be asked about yourself. If you go to a conference to establish business connections, you will have to say something about yourself.

Despite the obvious need to prepare, many people do not. Why do I think so? Simply because I have been interviewing and meeting new people every week for the past 10 years. That 10 years ago, that now most people do not even prepare answers to the most common interview questions.

And it's not hard to get ready. It is important to answer the questions:

  • Who will I communicate with?
  • What does a person expect from communication with me?
  • What can I give?
  • Who are my competitors?

This is peculiar. How well you understand the needs of the interlocutor depends on how much a story about yourself will be interesting to him. If you have found the answers to these questions, all that remains for you is to think over the thoughts that you will convey during communication and prepare specific phrases and formulations. For example, if a company is looking for a crisis. Then at the interview it is worth talking about how you got out of difficult situations, what skills and knowledge and experience will help you to solve problems. Well, you definitely shouldn’t say that you are looking for a quiet job, without overtime.

Types of self-presentation

Modern man is forced to communicate with a large number of people. Moreover, the success of a person directly depends on how much he maintains business and personal contacts. The phrase “do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends” very accurately reflects reality, money comes and goes, and reliable connections will serve you faithfully for many years. Let's find out where and in what life situations most often you have to talk about yourself.

"About me" in resume

What to write about yourself in a resume is a question relevant to anyone who has ever looked for a job. The item may be called "personal qualities" or " Additional Information". There are different opinions about the usefulness of this line in the resume. In fact, less than half of recruiters view the "About Me" section. Obviously, no one will write anything bad there, but the absence of this item or outright nonsense in it will show your incompetence in matters of selling yourself and finding a job. This is unacceptable for managers and salespeople, but not at all critical for working specialties.

As we discussed earlier, it is necessary to analyze the vacancy and the company in which you are applying. Almost all the necessary information to fill in the "about yourself" column is indicated in the vacancy in the "requirements" column. You can just change what is there. Good information is contained on the websites of employer companies. Go to the site and read about the values ​​of the company.

It is important not to overdo it and not write too much. It is not worth pointing out all the buzzwords that you read on the Internet. Also, be prepared to back up what you wrote in the interview. For example, if you write that you are stress-resistant, you might hear questions like:

  • What is stress tolerance?
  • Tell me, when did you show resilience to stress?
  • Why do you consider yourself stress resistant?

Such questions will easily let you know if you thought about what you wrote. And believe me, they may want to catch you, because there are phrases that are boring and pretty annoying. According to statistics, such qualities are most often indicated as 34% responsibility, 30% sociability, 16% stress resistance, 14% purposefulness.

Telling about yourself in an interview

At any big company The first interview is conducted with an employee from the HR department - a recruiter. This employee conducts an initial screening of candidates, removing frankly weak ones. One of the most common questions in such an interview is to tell us about yourself in a nutshell.

Let's take a look at what a recruiter evaluates by asking this question:

  1. Understand the employee's motives, why he needs a job, what he expects from it. Usually a person says the most important thing from his point of view. And the employer just wants to understand what is important to you. Each candidate is trying to embellish reality, and the employer is trying to understand how things really are;
  2. The ability to present oneself, confidence, literacy of speech, the ability to formulate one's thoughts. If you are going into a position related to communicating with people, you should answer this question not just informatively. But also interesting;
  3. Find out what you can do and what benefits you will bring to the employer.

Be sure to mention the following points:

  • Marital status age, here should be brief and concise;
  • Education, do not limit yourself to the name of the university, indicate the specialty, if the vacancy is specialized, then you can indicate the faculty and the topic of the thesis;
  • Work experience. The most important point, indicate the important stages of your development. If you have 20 years of experience, you do not need to list everything, indicate that you have 20 years of experience and tell us about the experience that may come in handy;
  • Your strengths, preferably with examples;

That is, it is important for you to show that your interests coincide with the interests of the employer. This is very important, for example, if you are looking for a job for 2.3 months, because then you leave for another city. And the employer wants to get an employee for a long time, then your true intentions are better not to say.

Do not talk too much about your personal life. It’s better to get by with phrases: married, have two children, so you need money or you’re single, you don’t have a girlfriend, nothing distracts you from work. Remember that every minus can be presented as a plus, and vice versa. Collect all the veils from your life that you will talk about and think about how they can be presented.

The fact is that no one takes everything that you wrote on your resume for granted. Unless, of course, you have experience in famous companies. If you have written that you have worked as a manager for 5 years, this does not mean that you are a good manager. Only facts from life can prove this, this is the most reliable and proven way to make a positive impression. For example:

“...I worked as a regular sales representative for only six months. During this period, I became the best 4 times out of a team of 20 people. I got noticed because I effectively replaced the head during the holidays and was appointed supervisor for a new area ... "

I have underlined facts that can be gleaned from the story. The most important thing is that the logic is observed here and the recruiter will understand why you were promoted. Such facts are usually not indicated in the summary. And it is about them that we should first of all talk. This, by the way, will help you put in the best light the negative points of your resume. For example, if you did not graduate from high school:

“... in the family in which I grew up there was an acute shortage of money, because my father was sick. And my mother earned a little. Therefore, when I was offered a job, I immediately decided to go trumpeting. And now I receive higher education by correspondence form of education ... "

Do not be silent about the obvious facts, they themselves will emerge. Therefore, it is better to show that you are not hiding the problem. On the contrary, you see it and decide.

You should not inflate the story about yourself very much, it is best to collect as many facts and examples as possible into it. And try to remove all the water.

Example of a brief self-presentation

A short self-presentation is useful when meeting, everyone should make it. I strongly recommend that you print it in Word and try to shrink it, throwing out everything unnecessary. After that, rehearse her pronunciation in front of a mirror. Pay attention to facial expressions, gestures and intonation - this is a very important component of your image.

Example of a short self-presentation of the seller

Good afternoon! My name is Arkady, I have been working in sales for 5 years. In this short period of time, I have acquired the knowledge of sales to individuals and legal entities. I have experience of communicating with myself large corporations, and with ordinary customers of stores. Even at the beginning of my career, I really liked to train young salesmen and I did it well. Therefore, now I am actively developing as a sales coach, not forgetting to increase my experience and knowledge.

An example of a short self-presentation for friends

Good afternoon! My name is Arkady, I am 21 years old, I have a girlfriend and big plansJ! I am a web developer and I love my job. In my free time, I travel and develop my blog about tourism. Over the past year I have made more than 50 trips to nature, the most interesting are Altai and Chukotka. I plan to visit the Caucasus this year. I am looking for those who love nature and are ready for joint trips.

AUTOBIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY My name is Mikhailova Maria Alekseevna. I was born in the village of Sugaikasy, Kanashsky district of the Chuvash Republic on January 11, 1996. I study in the 8th grade of the Sugaikasinskaya secondary school. My father Mikhailov Alexey Vasilyevich. He was born in the village of Sugaikasy in the Kanashsky district of the Chuvash Republic in 1972. My mother Mikhailova Olga Nikolaevna was born in the village of Basurmany in the Morgaushsky district of the Chuvash Republic. There are two children in the family. My name is Mikhailova Maria Alekseevna. I was born in the village of Sugaikasy, Kanashsky district of the Chuvash Republic on January 11, 1996. I study in the 8th grade of the Sugaikasinskaya secondary school. My father Mikhailov Alexey Vasilyevich. He was born in the village of Sugaikasy in the Kanashsky district of the Chuvash Republic in 1972. My mother Mikhailova Olga Nikolaevna was born in the village of Basurmany in the Morgaushsky district of the Chuvash Republic. There are two children in the family. As a child, I loved to dance and play with dolls. AT Kindergarten did not go. Favorite toy is the Rex poodle. I dreamed of having a big doll and a stroller for her. The brightest event at school is how I gave the first bell on Knowledge Day, and in life - the victory in the Rising Star competition in the Golden Voice of the School nomination. Back in 2008, I became Miss Autumn 2008. I was happy. At the age of 7-9 I wanted to become a fashion model, a hairdresser, a veterinarian, an accountant, a designer and fashion designer. I received my first diploma in the 4th grade for active participation in school event. As a result of life experience, I concluded that everyone has a talent. My father had a great influence on me. Because he is very strict with me. The turning point in my life happened when my sister Dasha died. My relationship with my parents and friends is normal. I am interested in dancing, singing and playing the flute. I need to improve in school subjects in order to become an excellent student. My favorite school subjects are geometry and mathematics. The subject that I need to master the profession is drawing. I have almost all fives in this subject. As a child, I loved to dance and play with dolls. I didn't go to kindergarten. Favorite toy is the Rex poodle. I dreamed of having a big doll and a stroller for her. The brightest event at school is how I gave the first bell on Knowledge Day, and in life - the victory in the Rising Star competition in the Golden Voice of the School nomination. Back in 2008, I became Miss Autumn 2008. I was happy. At the age of 7-9 I wanted to become a fashion model, a hairdresser, a veterinarian, an accountant, a designer and fashion designer. I received my first diploma in the 4th grade for active participation in a school event. As a result of life experience, I concluded that everyone has a talent. My father had a great influence on me. Because he is very strict with me. The turning point in my life happened when my sister Dasha died. My relationship with my parents and friends is normal. I am interested in dancing, singing and playing the flute. I need to improve in school subjects in order to become an excellent student. My favorite school subjects are geometry and mathematics. The subject that I need to master the profession is drawing. I have almost all fives in this subject.

ACHIEVEMENTS ACHIEVEMENTS I achieved a lot in school……. I achieved a lot in school……. I study well and attend two circles: choral and vocal. I study well and attend two circles: choral and vocal. My main achievements I consider "Miss Autumn 2008" and "Golden Voice of the School" My main achievements are "Miss Autumn 2008" and "Golden Voice of the School"