Marketing solutions in wholesale trade. Wholesale Wholesale its role in marketing

  • 08.05.2020

Faculty of evening and distance learning


in the discipline "Marketing in industries and areas of activity"

Marketing activities of a wholesale trading company


The course work discusses the theoretical and practical foundations marketing activities wholesale trade enterprise on the example of LLC "TD "Unit".

The first section reflects the theoretical aspects of the marketing activity of a wholesale trade enterprise, the concept of the concept of the marketing activity of a wholesale trade enterprise is analyzed in detail, and marketing solutions in the wholesale trade are considered.

The second section discusses the practical aspects of the activity of the object of study - LLC "TD "Unit", presents the economic and analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise in market conditions, as well as the practical aspects of making marketing decisions in LLC "Unit".

The third section formulates recommendations for improving the marketing activities of Unit LLC, including general recommendations for improving the activities of the marketing department, developed marketing strategies for Unit Trading House LLC to retain and increase market share.

The work was printed on 45 pages, including 2 appendices, using 25 sources, contains 5 tables and 4 figures.


2. 1 Organizational and economic characteristics of LLC "TD "Unit"


Annex A Comparative characteristics strategic marketing of a wholesale and retail trade enterprise

Annex B Assortment of LLC "TD "Unit"


Wholesale trade plays an important role in the development of the sphere of circulation of consumer goods. By transforming the production assortment into a commercial one, determining the structure and direction of commodity flows, acting on the market as an intermediary between industry and retail trade, wholesale enterprises and organizations thereby contribute to the harmonization of the country's single consumer market.

The changes taking place in the Russian economy required the heads of wholesale enterprises to find new ways to increase profits, develop and optimize their activities. Many modern wholesale enterprises have a whole range of problems: the needs of the end consumer are poorly taken into account, or they are taken into account with significant time delays; there are no long-term plans for the sale of goods based on a study of the effective demand of end consumers, its changes from various factors; there is no systematic analysis to identify new trade services that wholesalers can provide. All this leads either to an underestimation of the market volume - and, as a result, to losses from lost profits, or to overstocking - and to losses from a decrease in the turnover rate or from expiration. These problems are caused by the lack of clear ideas of what the marketing service can and should do, how the work and organization of such a service will affect the formation of final financial results what opportunities will open up for the wholesale enterprise and what dangers it will be able to avoid. In fact, this is the result of the wholesalers' lack of marketing strategies.

AT last years many heads of wholesale enterprises came to the conclusion that the use of new methods to increase the efficiency of commercial activities, obtaining sustainable competitive advantage and rapid adaptation to change environment, the transition to the formation of a trading range focused on the studied needs of specific consumer groups, which necessitated the organization of marketing work in trade in general and in wholesale trade in particular, since it is the competence of this type of activity that includes the formation of a range of goods and trade services that meets the needs of consumers and business partners.

The problems of marketing in the field of wholesale trade today are rarely studied by domestic specialists in marketing theory, while for practitioners working in this area, they are of considerable interest. This issue deserves detailed consideration due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the wholesale trade itself has a number of features that give the forms of implementation of the basic principles of marketing in it peculiar features that are seriously different from retail trade or production. Secondly, the wholesale enterprise performs a wider range of marketing functions, in comparison with other market participants, as an intermediary providing information about consumer preferences and market conditions not only to themselves, but also to their suppliers and customers. Thirdly, in Russia, in the field of wholesale trade, marketing is still dominated by the attitude towards marketing as a predominantly trade and sales or even promotional activities, which leaves strategic issues outside of attention, which cannot but be reflected in its results.

Thus, the relevance of the research topic "Marketing activity of a wholesale trade enterprise" is due to:

The impossibility of further effective development of wholesale trade enterprises only in an extensive way and the need to find new ways of developing enterprises;

Tougher competition and gradual saturation of the wholesale services market, including from emerging and developing retail chains;

The need to identify the features of marketing in wholesale trade;

The need to determine the order of formation and selection of effective marketing strategies for wholesalers.

The purpose of this study is to determine the features of the marketing activities of a wholesale trade enterprise.

Object of research: LLC "TD "Unit" - a wholesale trade enterprise.

Subject of research: marketing activities of the wholesale trade enterprise LLC "TD "Unit".

The purpose, object and subject of the study determined its tasks:

1. Consider the theoretical aspects of the marketing activities of a wholesale trade enterprise.

2. To analyze the features of the marketing activities of a wholesale trade enterprise on the example of LLC "TD" Unit ".

3. Develop measures to improve the effectiveness of marketing activities in LLC "TD "Unit".

The methodological basis of the study was a dialectical approach to the study of specific phenomena, events, facts based on the application of the main theoretical provisions in the field of marketing activities in trade.

The information base of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists in the field of marketing and management.

1 Theoretical aspects of the marketing activities of a wholesale trade enterprise

1. 1 The concept of the concept of marketing activities of a wholesale trade enterprise

All economic and commercial operations of a trading enterprise can be divided into two categories. large groups- wholesale and retail trade. Wholesale of goods, as a rule, is carried out to wholesale consumers who redistribute (resell) the totality of produced or repurchased goods, bring them to a retail network, which then sells them to direct consumers (individuals and legal entities). Therefore, by wholesale enterprises it is necessary to understand commercial organizations that ensure the normal and uninterrupted work of professional market participants, providing services to enterprises in the field of production and circulation; carrying out activities necessary to meet the needs of manufacturing and retail trade enterprises, both related and not related to the physical movement of goods and aimed at making a profit. The variety of forms of wholesale enterprises is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Types of wholesale trade enterprises

The marketing function as such is most pronounced in independent wholesalers. For example, in stock exchanges and wholesale markets, it is practically absent, for dealers and regional distributors of large manufacturers, marketing activities are centralized in the manufacturing company itself, and all wholesale and selling structures pursue the strategy that is defined in the central marketing service.

For independent wholesalers that acquire ownership of goods for the purpose of further resale, the basis for assessing the profitability of wholesale operations is the trade margin, the amount of which reflects the share of the wholesaler's profit in the price of the goods. A feature of this group of wholesalers is that they are completely free to make decisions regarding the choice of products, their suppliers and buyers. Based on this, such an enterprise is faced with the need to develop its own marketing policy, and, consequently, to study the competitive environment and consumers, position itself in the market, determine sales priorities, etc.

The dominant marketing activity in trade is commercial work, which makes it possible to consider it as an important component of the marketing system. The genesis of marketing functions in trade is largely due to the nature of the industry. In essence, we are talking about marketing functions in the provision of services to professional market participants in the implementation of commercial activities. All wholesale enterprises, to one degree or another, are engaged in the study of demand, the movement, storage and distribution of goods, the formation of an assortment and pricing, the implementation and promotion of sales. To a certain extent, the implementation of these and other procedures served as the basis for the formation of modern marketing management functions for the wholesale enterprise. Speaking about the most significant functions of marketing management for a wholesale enterprise, the following can be distinguished:

Marketing research;

Marketing planning;

Organization of marketing activities;

Marketing control.

Undoubtedly, performing marketing functions, the wholesale trade gives the product additional utility by sorting, packaging, transforming the production assortment into a trade one, providing the product at the right time and in the right place, i.e., providing a real convergence of the buyer (consumer) and the product. The commercial component is a decisive factor in the activity in the market with increased competition, which is typical for wholesalers.

The sphere of wholesale trade as a specific marketing environment has a number of features that fundamentally distinguish it from other sectors of the economy.

1. A special entity appears on the wholesale market - a wholesale consumer. Being a reseller of goods offered by a wholesale company, he actually acts not so much as a partner or competitor, but as an intermediary client who promotes goods to the final consumer.

The wholesale consumer is fundamentally different from the final consumer. If the latter acquires a product in order to use it for its intended purpose, to satisfy any of its own requests with its help, to realize consumer values, then for a wholesale consumer who buys a product for the purpose of resale, everything is much more complicated.

The consumer behavior of a wholesale consumer is expressed in the search, evaluation and use of the wholesaler's services for the provision of the main product, related products and services, services, consultations on its sale and use, etc., that is, in the end, the wholesale consumer receives not only the goods, how much business, profit opportunity. If the utility of a product for the end consumer is its ability to satisfy any need in accordance with the purpose of the product, then the utility of the product for the wholesale consumer is to generate income in the process of resale.

In our opinion, a wholesale consumer has a number of characteristics, the main of which are:

Less degree of independence. Since the ultimate goal of the wholesale consumer is business success, he is forced to “look back” at both the consumer market and suppliers (take into account the preferences of end consumers and delivery conditions);

The tendency to specialize in certain goods (product groups);

Predominance of meaning economic characteristics goods over consumer goods. For the wholesale consumer, the profitability of operations with the goods is much more important, and the quality of the goods, its safety, ease of use, etc., are of interest to him only in connection with the need to satisfy the needs of buyers;

The presence of own costs associated with wholesale consumption and business. These costs are not limited to the purchase price. To them are added other types of costs associated with the maintenance of storage facilities, transportation, administrative costs, etc. It is possible to carry out activities only if there are certain financial resources, allowing not only to carry out purchases, but also to conduct trading business with all its mandatory attributes, including marketing activities.

2. A significant part of the wholesale market entities (especially small and medium-sized wholesalers) act on the market in two roles at once, being both sellers and wholesale consumers. On the one hand, they sell goods to a retail network, on the other hand, they carry out bulk purchases themselves, so their strategy is divided into two sets of measures - sales organization and procurement optimization.

When developing a marketing strategy, employees of a wholesale enterprise actually combine work in two directions, corresponding to different needs that need to be investigated and satisfied - wholesale consumers (their direct customers) and end consumers, whose needs depend on the specific product that the wholesaler deals with. In the process of activity between the latter, contradictions are revealed that prevent the wholesale company from combining their interests and put it before the need to choose the priority of one side.

Firstly, the demand of end consumers is primary, therefore, it cannot be ignored. The idea of ​​wholesale buyers about it can differ significantly not only from the opinion of the wholesaler, but also from the truth, which, of course, requires adjustment. Another thing is that by focusing its strategy on the final demand - putting the needs of end consumers first - the wholesaler takes on a great responsibility. He will have to make efforts to educate, "educate" his wholesale consumers, to inform them about the preferences of end consumers. Each wholesale buyer does not always have sufficient marketing information, so the larger wholesaler must "help" him in some sense. At the same time, in the framework of marketing research of a large wholesaler, the population of its wholesale customers is a good source of information that should definitely be used, since it is “closer” to the end consumer.

Secondly, in a certain situation, the wholesaler and the wholesaler become competitors among themselves for the downstream market, and, therefore, the seller is forced to immediately determine whether the organization of work through other wholesalers is a priority of his strategy, or, if possible, he is ready to work with any buyers, up to retail sales. If he focuses only on large-scale sales, he determines the strategy precisely on the basis of the specifics of working with a well-defined contingent of wholesale consumers. If he is a part-time employee, then the difference in pricing and product policies for large wholesale and other sales methods will be so fundamental that it is generally problematic to talk about a single strategy.

Thirdly, when developing product priorities and analyzing different products, the wholesaler sometimes finds himself in a situation where, for the same product, the performance indicators for him and his wholesale consumer turn out to be fundamentally different.

3. One of the most important features of marketing in the wholesale trade is its two-way nature, which provides the trading company and its counterparties with information about the needs, motivations, preferences and demand of buyers. Wholesale firms provide marketing information not only to themselves, but also to producers and consumers, including retailers. Due to the fact that the sphere of wholesale trade is located between manufacturers and end consumers, it influences the consumer, his requests and needs on the manufacturer, which determines the volume of production and the assortment of manufactured goods. There are situations when part of the manufacturer's marketing functions are performed for him by wholesalers, leaving him the opportunity to focus on the volume and structure of their purchases, or simply informing him of consumer requests.

Naturally, manufacturers have more modest opportunities to study demand and influence it than wholesalers located closer to the buyer. The manufacturer cannot monitor the sales dynamics in detail and in a timely manner and promptly respond to changes in the market situation (primarily, the sales structure - for which product groups growth is slowing down, for which there is insufficient satisfaction of demand, etc.).

At the same time, wholesale consumers, especially sellers, who often work in a narrow niche, do not have a complete understanding of the market situation and cannot adequately take into account all developing processes in their own strategic marketing. A wholesale consumer cannot always perform all the necessary marketing activities, a significant part of which is generally possible only at a level not lower than a large wholesaler.

Thus, the successful strategy of a large wholesaler is also “useful” for its wholesale consumers (and does not infringe on their interests, as it might seem at first glance due to the fact that they allegedly “share” the total wholesale margin among themselves). This once again confirms the fact that, under normal conditions, a large wholesaler and its wholesale consumers are not competitors, but rationally distribute the amount of work among themselves, achieving success only under the condition of organized interaction.

4. Another feature of marketing in trade follows from the fact that the wholesale trade enterprise as a marketing intermediary is present in almost all distribution channels. In addition, unlike other market entities, the conditions of sale are of decisive importance for a wholesale enterprise: convenience, accessibility, organization, qualifications and friendliness of sales personnel, reliability, etc.

The internal marketing environment of a wholesale trade enterprise contains the potential that determines the possibilities for the effective functioning of a trading enterprise in a competitive environment. Therefore, a constant analysis of the internal environment should be aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

Features of the wholesale trade affect the work of the marketing service of the wholesaler in a decisive way, and their strategic implications affect almost all components of the wholesaler's marketing activities and give them significant differences from retailers. Appendix A compares the marketing of a wholesaler and a retailer.

According to Table A. 1 of Appendix A, the components of the marketing activities of wholesalers differ significantly from retailers, which, of course, affects the development and implementation of the marketing strategy of wholesalers. The strategic marketing of a wholesale enterprise solves a larger volume of tasks than in retail. Therefore, the strategy of a wholesale enterprise should be determined systematically, using modern scientific and practical approaches to marketing activities.

Orientation to the consumer is the most important priority in the activity of a modern trading enterprise. It is due to the complication of the economic, technological and competitive environment. For wholesale trade, consumers are professional market participants - retail and wholesale trade enterprises.

Another priority for the wholesale trade is to reduce distribution costs and increase profitability, which also shows the important role of marketing. This is facilitated by the focus on creating an effective system of sales and sales, commercialization trading activities, improving the organization and technology of trade processes and logistics. Under these conditions, it becomes a priority to identify demand for goods of a wholesale enterprise better than that of competitors, adapting to the needs of specific market segments.

For Russian wholesalers in modern conditions, new marketing priorities have also appeared:

Diversify your product profile;

Personalized solutions to consumer problems;

Search for new market segments;

Strengthening social responsibility;

Development of intra-company culture, etc.

The search for competitive distinctive features becomes the priority of the wholesale enterprise.

So, completing the analysis of the concept of marketing in the field of wholesale trade, we can draw the following conclusions. Firstly, the sphere of wholesale trade is a very specific marketing environment, the features of which are characterized by: the presence of special entities - wholesale consumers, whose specific needs must be met; the constant dilemma of the wholesaler: which of the levels of demand to focus his strategy (wholesale or end consumers), the search for a compromise in taking into account the interests of these market entities; the special role of the wholesaler as an unwitting marketing consultant to manufacturers and retailers; an important place for wholesalers in the territorial redistribution of resources and social distribution and exchange. Secondly, the characteristics of the wholesale trade affect the work of the marketing service of the wholesaler in a decisive way, and their strategic consequences affect almost all components of the wholesaler's marketing activity and give them significant differences from retailers.

1.2 Marketing solutions in wholesale trade

The position of a wholesale company or a manufacturer engaged in wholesale trade depends significantly on the chosen marketing strategy, marketing policy and the nature of marketing decisions, determined on the basis of the marketing tasks set. Typical tasks (functions) of wholesale marketing are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Marketing tasks in the wholesale trade system

Marketing tasks




Hold and Zoom market share; - designing sales channels;

Development of competitive behavior




Research of the professional sales market: competitors, small wholesale and retail chains;

Consumer research;

Supplier Market Research

Market segmentation

Segmentation of professional intermediary buyers; - segmentation of consumers;

Selecting target segments

Purchasing Marketing

Determination of the relationship between the nature of commodity demand and requirements

to purchases;

Marketing evaluation of suppliers;

Procurement policy development



Determination of buyers' requirements for the logistics structure of the wholesaler's distribution system;

Search for competitive advantages in the field of sales logistics

Sales Marketing Solutions

Pricing policy of the wholesale company;

Commodity and assortment policy;

Sales policy;

Service policy;

Communication policy



Organization of merchandising at the initiative of the manufacturer;

Organization of merchandising at the initiative of the wholesale company

Marketing audit of the distribution system

Organization of work with customer complaints;

Development of a marketing-audit sales program

Marketing strategies in the field of sales activities of the enterprise are developed in the case of expanding sales in the old market, entering new markets, when designing new sales channels, for example, when old system marketing is no longer effective.

In marketing activities, an enterprise inevitably encounters competing firms, and sometimes it specifically provides for competition between its own distribution channels (horizontal or vertical types). In relation to external competitors, a competitive strategy or a cooperation strategy is being developed. In the case of choosing a rivalry strategy, the enterprise determines the type of competition (price, non-price) and predicts the behavior of competitors.

The implementation of marketing strategies in sales activities requires a long time, significant financial costs, since, as a rule, investments in sales are required.

Marketing research conducted by a wholesaler covers, as a rule, the three most important areas:

Research of professional subjects of the sales market: competitors, retail network, other buyers of goods, for example, a restaurant catering system, cafes, small wholesalers operating in wholesale and retail markets, etc.;

Research of consumers - the population in order to obtain information from them about goods that are in demand, and about the level of dissatisfaction with different brands;

Market research of suppliers to solve their own problems related to procurement.

Other studies may be carried out, based on the strategic goals of companies.

The organization of marketing research depends on the qualifications and availability of marketers. In their absence, third-party researchers can be involved or a ready-made report compiled by a marketing firm based on previous research can be bought.

At the initiative of the supplier-manufacturer, it is possible to conduct various experimental studies to assess the consumer qualities of the goods.

Market segmentation is a mandatory marketing function of a wholesale enterprise. For example, to select target segments professional buyers and know the purchasing preferences of different segments of the population and their reaction to the goods supplied.

The professional sales market is segmented according to such criteria as purchase volumes, breadth of assortment, business reputation, solvency, conducted price policy etc.

If the consumer is the population, then various systems of indicators are used, choosing from them those that best characterize the consumer segment (social, demographic, economic, behavioral and other indicators).

Purchasing marketing serves to gain competitive advantages already at the stage of working with suppliers through the acquisition of goods that can satisfy the needs of end customers. In this case, the following tasks are solved:

Purchase goods that are in demand by the consumer;

The purchasing process should provide economic benefit to the wholesaler

(due to receiving discounts, deferred payment);

In case of non-conforming goods, the wholesaler should be able to replace them.

The procurement process consists of a number of sequential steps:

a) determining the needs for a specific product, a specific brand with the establishment of its quantity;

b) determining the needs in the assortment, which is desirable to buy from one supplier;

c) determination of the criteria that form the initial basis for assessing suppliers and negotiating with them (economic, marketing, technical, logistical requirements);

d) search and analysis of suppliers by methods of marketing research of the market;

e) selection of suppliers and organization of negotiations with them;

e) placement of trial orders;

g) evaluation of results;

h) conclusion of long-term contractual agreements.

It is possible to formulate the main requirements for suppliers, common in the environment of wholesale trade enterprises:

Popularity / notoriety trademark;



Interest in working together;

Understanding the role of marketing in promoting your products;

Minimum delivery time;

Take a share of the risk, for example, associated with transportation.

When selecting suppliers, the wholesale company decides:

stop at one supplier (principle of concentration of orders) or choose several suppliers (principle of dispersion of orders).

The advantage of concentrating orders with one supplier allows you to get big discounts due to the larger order size. This is also facilitated by close cooperation, including the implementation of joint projects for the production of new goods. The wholesale company can provide information about new demand trends, new products entering the market from other manufacturers.

However, working with a single supplier increases the risk of the wholesaler and limits his ability to quickly adapt to the requirements of the retail network. To reduce this kind of risk, the wholesale company works simultaneously with several suppliers. If suppliers are interested in working with a wholesaler, then this can be used to obtain additional benefits by extracting concessions from them.

The marketing logistics of a wholesale company is to develop such a transport and warehouse scheme that would take into account the requirements of procurement marketing and sales marketing. Like other enterprise structures focused on marketing approach in their work, logistics services must take into account the specifics of the behavior and requirements of retail trade enterprises that they impose on their suppliers - wholesalers. This is, first of all, the size of the consignment of goods and the speed of delivery.

Often such requirements lead to the fact that the wholesale company is forced to place trading warehouses closest to the stores. On the other hand, the wholesaler's own purchases of large quantities of goods from manufacturers forces him to solve the following problem: to have a central distribution warehouse or, bypassing it, to deliver goods to regional warehouses.

Marketing solutions in the distribution system are intended to support the implementation of the planned volume of goods in the local and regional markets.

Marketing information that fuels the sale helps to reduce the risk of the sales activity.

As can be seen from Table 1, sales marketing decisions cover the entire marketing mix.

Assortment decision: when making assortment decisions, it is necessary to take into account the degree of proximity between products of different product groups, the capabilities of the enterprise (financial, personnel, warehouse, etc.), customer requirements, and the presence of competitors. From a financial point of view, the formation of the assortment takes place taking into account the turnover of goods, the size of the turnover and the profit received. The expansion of the range is carried out for several reasons, including:

For some products of the main assortment, it is necessary to have complementary products (complement products);

The activity of a wholesale company with this assortment is unprofitable (small turnover);

Other marketing tasks are solved: new products are promoted, the company switches to larger retail segments, etc.

Pricing Decisions: In the vast majority of cases, when a retailer deals with a wholesaler, price, product quality, and payment terms are the primary factor. Therefore, the wholesale price should be profitable for the store, taking into account the nature of the demand for this product and the price offers of competitors.

Decision on distribution channels: Decisions about methods and channels of distribution are made in the same way as the manufacturer. A big advantage of the sales structure of a wholesale company is the ability to deliver goods to the retail network in small batches in a short time. In addition, sales should be aimed at finding new customers and developing new markets.

The decision on the location of the warehouse storage location: the wholesale company decides on the organization of a system of warehouses or one centralized warehouse, and possibly a combination of both. The starting points are the ratio between the costs of providing production activities warehouses and improved wholesaler customer service.

The decision of the wholesale company in the field of communications: the communication policy of most wholesalers is aimed primarily at the professional sales market. The most commonly used communication methods are: business advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion. Large wholesale companies also conduct PR campaigns.

Business advertising - placement in selected channels of a business proposal on the possibility of supplying goods at specific prices. Sometimes discounts and shipping conditions are also published. Advertising channels are chosen those that are used by professionals: prefabricated catalogs, specialized magazines, some popular newspapers and magazines.

Personal selling is carried out at all hierarchical levels of employees of the sales department: the director, managers and sales agents. Sometimes personal communications are performed by the heads of the wholesale company. For successful work sales department employees should have representative advertising in the form of business cards, souvenirs, branded folders, pens, etc.

The professional behavior of the seller contributes to successful negotiations, and his authority influences the formation of the image of the entire wholesale company.

Sales promotion in wholesale trade is carried out in three directions:

a) consumer incentives;

b) stimulation of intermediaries;

c) stimulation of own sales personnel.

Stimulation of consumers is carried out in order to attract

buyers to make a purchase of this particular product. The buyer is emotionally pressured through intense advertising. Specific methods and incentives depend on the type of buyers and the type of product. The most common incentives are:

Distribution of samples for display or for testing. This can be done in the form of posting, mailing, distribution in the store, attached to any product. For some foods, tasting is effective;

Coupons - give the right to purchase goods at a certain discount. Coupons can be sent by mail, attached to the first purchase, included in an advertisement. Coupons may be included in the package. They are effective in stimulating a product that is in its growth or maturity phase;

Quantity rebate when multiple packs or a set are sold at a discounted price different goods(set);

A premium is a product sold at a discount or free of charge attached to another product as an incentive;

Vouchers are a type of bonus that you receive when you purchase

product to receive a discount on your next purchase:

Free service (for example, home delivery);

Discount or free issue of goods upon presentation of a specified number of packages (lids, etc.) as evidence of previous purchases;

Rewards when buying goods for a certain amount. In this case, one of the attractive products available in the store is usually used as a premium;

The use of packaging that can be used for other purposes after the product is consumed, for example, a can of instant coffee in the form of a coffee pot, quite suitable for making this drink;

Money back guarantee if the product does not fit or you do not like it for some reason. The usual condition for this is the return of the goods in safety. At the same time, they do not require any explanation of the reasons for refusing the goods, and the procedure for receiving money is extremely simplified;

Acceptance of obsolete goods as a down payment for a new one when selling in installments;

Lottery coupons attached to the purchased product. Very expensive things often appear as a prize (prizes) - cars, fur coats, especially high-quality consumer electronics, etc.

The meaning of sales promotion measures is not only to increase sales and, accordingly, increase the mass of profits. An increase in sales means a decrease in storage costs, and this circumstance must be taken into account when determining the amount of the discount resulting from a particular event. In the practice of foreign firms, the usual size of such a discount is about 2.5%.

The main means of stimulating intermediaries are:

Providing discounts from the price for volumes (cumulative, non-cumulative discounts);

Providing discounts for the inclusion of a new product in the purchased assortment;

discount discount;

Providing distributor (dealer) discounts;

Provision of representative materials with advertising of the manufacturer's trademark;

Organization of professional meetings and specialized exhibitions;

Contests, lotteries, games for dealers and other intermediaries to encourage an increase in purchases;

Service organization;

Organization of training;

Consumer discounts (manufacturer price reduction to reduce prices in the entire chain of intermediaries);

Stimulation of buyers of industrial goods:

Supply of spare parts;

Installation, adjustment;


Repair of equipment;

Warranty and post-warranty service;

Reception of worn-out equipment.

The main stages of developing an incentive program:

goal setting;

Determining the intensity of stimulation;

Determining the conditions for the participation of the manufacturer in the incentive program;

Identification of channels for disseminating information about the incentive program;

Establishing the duration of the incentive program;

Timing for promotional activities;

Drawing up a consolidated budget for the implementation of the incentive program;

Evaluation of incentive results.

Before starting a full-scale incentive program, a preliminary test of the chosen method should be carried out.

Incentivizing your own sales force is just as important, since the success of your sales activity depends largely on how much the sales people are interested in the results of their work. To do this, the company must have a system of incentives for sales personnel. In the very general view the incentive system has a financial and non-financial basis. financial methods incentives involve a combination of a fixed part of the salary with a bonus, commission form of remuneration for specific results. Non-financial methods - material (free meals, payment for transport, etc.) and non-material (cups, certificates, etc.) incentives, which can apply both to an individual employee and to any group.

Service policy plays a big role when the product is technically complex and requires a large amount of after-sales service. Recently, the role of the service has greatly increased and this is a powerful marketing factor in a competitive market. Large enterprises, both manufacturers and intermediaries, create a network of service centers located as close as possible to consumers.

The manufacturer organizes service in two ways:

a) full service maintenance through the creation of their own (branded) service centers;

b) the manufacturer only undertakes to supply spare parts to an independent service company.

From the standpoint of marketing, the task of organizing service maintenance is to increase the value of the product. At the same time, it is assumed that the service is included as an important attribute of the product for the buyer, including its intangible, intangible component (attention, goodwill). Communication in the field of service is characterized by the individualization of personal communication, great flexibility, transparency of the production process (for example, the installation of a washing machine, an electric stove takes place in front of the buyer).

Orientation to the constantly changing needs of consumers leads to the need for interactive relations between the seller and the buyer, and in this case, the service plays an invaluable role. Specialists of service centers, periodically meeting with customers, are well aware of their product and the opinion of consumers about it. This can serve as the basis for developing interaction marketing principles.

Organization of merchandising. Merchandising is any activity of a manufacturer or wholesaler in a location retail to maximize turnover. Basic merchandising procedures:

a) placement of goods on the trading floor;

b) control over the timely replenishment of commodity stocks and, especially, over the presence of goods in the right quantity on the trading floor;

c) assessment of the fairness of the price of the goods indicated on the price tag.

Placement of goods on the trading floor involves determining the location

goods on the trading floor, by the height and length of the trading shelf. Specific recommendations depend on the type of product, which for merchandising purposes can be divided into four main groups:

Fast-selling goods that provide the store with a good turnover (meat, milk, etc.). average price the buyer is aware of such goods, so if the price is attractive to him, then he can become a regular customer of the store;

Standard goods (cereals, sugar, drinks), which the buyer expects to always buy in the store and if they are not available, he will go to another store;

Impulse products must be visible and attract attention. Placed on separate, bright racks, as well as at the checkout;

Special-purpose goods for which the buyer comes only to a specific store. A store that has these products is remembered by customers.

A merchandiser - a representative of a manufacturer or a wholesale company, of course, monitors his goods, seeking from the administration the fulfillment of the conditions agreed in advance for placing goods on the trading floor. Some manufacturers publish recommendations for displaying their products in special magazines intended for distribution to stores.

A marketing audit of the sales system should keep the sales system in a highly efficient state by periodically reviewing marketing decisions, especially with regard to the methods of distribution used, sales channels, the degree of their balance in the qualifications of sales personnel, and the content of complaints from partners. Of particular importance is financial audit sales: the state of accounts receivable and accounts payable, the level of bad debts, the turnover of inventory and working capital in general, the assessment of the possibility of theft, loss of goods, etc.

So, wholesale trade enterprises must solve a number of marketing tasks, the main of which relate to the development of marketing strategies (the formation of a market share, its retention and further increase; the formation of distribution channels; the formation of a competitive advantage); conducting marketing research of competitors; consumers; commodity producers and other suppliers; segmentation of the sales market by intermediary buyers and end users; marketing of purchases in terms of determining the relationship between the demand for goods and the nature of purchases, analysis and evaluation of suppliers, formation of purchases; marketing-logistics (analysis of interactions between a buyer and a wholesaler to find a mutually beneficial solution, development of a competitive advantage); sales marketing decisions, including selection target market, formation product range and a range of services, pricing, sales promotion, etc.; merchandising organizations; marketing audit of the sales system in terms of working with the retail network to consider complaints, resolve conflict situations.

2 Analysis of marketing activities in LLC "TD "Unit"

2. 1 Organizational and economic characteristics of LLC "TD "Unit"

LLC "TD "Unit" refers to large wholesale trading companies Volgograd, specializing in the complex supply of power cables and wires, lighting equipment, electrical installation products, insulating materials, NVA, electricity meters and much more.

LLC Trade House Unit was registered in 2000. PSRN: 1055638888885.

Trading house"Unit" is an independent trading and intermediary organization that purchases and sells goods on its own behalf and at its own expense. Trading houses are multifunctional organizations. Along with the acquisition and subsequent sale of goods, they carry out production activities for processing, packaging, packaging, sorting of goods sold, etc. They work on a wide range of goods.

Trading house "Unit" is built as a single legal entity or in the form of a contract association, i.e. bound by agreements on joint activities communities of trade, manufacturing, warehouse, transport and other organizations.

As the advantages of trading houses, as subjects of trading activities, we can note:

Rapid response to changes in market conditions;

Performing important additional functions in connection with the sale of goods;

Consolidation of small and medium-sized wholesale organizations, achieved on this basis, the reduction of distribution costs, the cost of marketing research and promotional activities.

In its organizational and legal form, the Trading House "Unit" is a Company with limited liability, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares belonging to its participants. This organizational and legal form has a number of advantages compared to others, which include:

The greatest "closeness" of information. There is no legal obligation to publish documents about its activities;

Doing entrepreneurial activity carried out on behalf of the company, and not on behalf of the founder;

The founders are not liable for the obligations of the Company. In case of problems, the founders of the LLC will lose only the authorized capital of the company;

A participant can simply leave the LLC at any time without looking for a buyer for his share. At the same time, the LLC is obliged to pay him

the actual value of his share or to give in kind property of the same value;

The charter of an LLC may contain a prohibition on the assignment of shares to non-participants of the company, which leads to a high degree of protection from a raider takeover of the company, etc.

LLC "TD "Unit" uses a linear control system, which is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Organizational structure of management of LLC "TD "Unit"

As follows from Figure 2, the head of the company is the General Director, whose functional duties include:

Analysis of the effectiveness of the commercial activities of the Trading House;

Participation in the development of the product range, brand creation;

General management of sales and supply activities of the trading house;

Coordination of work of all services;

Formation of a sales and marketing strategy;

Organization of the sales process and management of the activities of sales and marketing specialists;

Responsible for the preparation and execution of marketing and sales plans;

Development and implementation of measures to expand the sales market, etc.

The main tasks of LLC "TD "Unit" are the formation of a product portfolio and the main sales market. And its organizational structure is primarily focused on solving these problems. The company has not only a wholesale department, but also a marketing department, which employs highly qualified sales and brand marketing specialists. Direct participation in strategic issues of marketing and sales organization is taken by the General Director of the Trading House. For this reason, sales and marketing specialists report directly to him and work closely together.

The structure of the organization has a planning and economic department, whose duties include:

Development and preparation of annual, quarterly and long-term plans economic activities of the Company, as well as justifications and calculations for them;

Bringing the indicators of plans, cost estimates in accordance with the approved budget of income and expenses to CEO Trading house, and to all structural divisions, including branches and sales offices;

Conducting economic analysis economic activity Companies and the timely development of measures for the efficient use of financial resources, reducing the cost of goods and services related to the sales process, increasing profitability, increasing the profit of a trading house, etc.

disadvantage in organizational structure can be called the lack of a logistics department. Naturally, without efficient logistics, sales of even the best product can fail. Therefore, already at the first stage, it was necessary to attract a logistics specialist to the staff of the Trading House, who not only knows how to manage loaders and keep warehouse records, but also owns effective technologies in the field of warehouse zoning, inventory management, economical practices of processing and delivery of goods.

Evaluation of the economic activity of LLC "TD "Unit" is carried out on the basis of personnel documentation and financial statements of the organization for 2009-2011.

Table 2 shows the dynamics of the composition and structure of the personnel of LLC "TD "Unit" for 2009-2011.

Table 2 - Composition and structure of personnel by categories in LLC "TD "Unit"

As follows from Table 2, in dynamics the number of employees increased from 68 people in 2009 to 97 in 2011, which is due to the formation in 2010 of the marketing department, which was previously absent in the structure of the organization. The need to create a marketing department was due to changes in the organization of sales. If earlier each seller was responsible for selling the entire range, then, starting in 2010, “working groups” were formed in the sales department in the amount of 4-5 managers, each of which became responsible for a certain assortment group of goods. This reorganization improved sales efficiency by better knowledge the main product and related assortment groups. The task of the marketing department in these conditions was to determine the marketing objectives, on the basis of which recommendations were developed to improve sales for each assortment group of goods, to use certain marketing tools. The characteristics of the main economic indicators of Unit Trading House LLC are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Main economic indicators of the activities of OOO "TD "Unit"


Deviations 2011 to 2009


growth rate, %

Revenue from the sale of goods, thousand rubles

Cost of goods sold, thousand rubles

Gross profit (+), loss (-), thousand rubles

Commercial expenses, thousand rubles

Administrative expenses, thousand rubles

Profit (+), loss (-) from the sale of goods, thousand rubles

Interest receivable

Percentage to be paid

Other income, thousand rubles

Other expenses, thousand rubles

Profit before taxation, thousand rubles

Net profit, thousand rubles

As follows from Table 3, in the dynamics of LLC "TD "Unit" there is an increase in revenue by 291.04%, while the cost of goods increased by only 270.61%, which led to an increase in the gross profit of the organization by 126228 thousand rubles. Unfortunately, the growth of commercial and administrative expenses - by 57, 15 and 270, 39%, respectively, reduced the effect received from revenue growth, as a result, the organization's profit from the sale of goods increased by only 32,092 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the organization throughout the entire period paid interest on the organization's loan obligations (including commodity and commercial loans), the growth rate of which in dynamics was 439.04%, and only in 2011 did it itself receive interest for providing a commodity loan to the most to its large buyers in the amount of 836 rubles.

Also, the organization throughout the entire study period received other income, including: proceeds from the sale of fixed assets and other assets; fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of the terms of contracts; amounts of revaluation of assets; other receipts - as they are formed (identified); and incurred other expenses, such as expenses related to the sale, disposal and other write-off of property, plant and equipment and other assets other than Money and goods; costs associated with the payment for services rendered credit institutions etc. At the same time, other income of the Trading House in dynamics increased by 98.03%, and other expenses - by 136.96%.

As a result, the net profit of the organization decreased by 318 thousand rubles. (the rate of decline was 72.37%).

The composition and structure of fixed assets of LLC "TD "Unit" are presented in table 4.

Table 4 - Composition and structure of fixed assets of LLC "TD "Unit"

Types of fixed assets

Amount at the end of the year, thousand rubles

Structure, %

Changes in the structure of 2011 to 2009 (+, -)


Passive part of fixed assets, total

cars and equipment


Production and household inventory

Active part of fixed assets, total

Other types of fixed assets

As follows from Table 4, in the structure of fixed assets of the trading house, active fixed assets account for the most part, the share of which decreased by 9.5%, while the share of the passive part increased by 11.8%, there is also a decrease in the share of other types of fixed assets - by 2.3%. Such dynamics is due to the fact that in 2010 the trading house bought the building in which it is currently located and invested in access roads, loading and unloading overpasses, fences, stands, shop windows.

So, since 2010, the marketing department has been functioning in the organizational structure of the company, which can be described as a positive fact. At the same time, the organization does not have a logistics department, whose responsibilities are distributed between the head of the warehouse, the head of the economic planning department and the marketing department. Due to the reorganization of the sales process, the number of employees increased from 68 to 97 people. The organization has seen an increase in revenue by 1856188 thousand rubles, but taking into account all the financial transactions of the trading house, net profit decreased by 27.63%, which negatively characterizes economic activity organizations. In the structure of fixed assets of the trading house, there are significant changes in the direction of increasing the share of their passive part due to the acquisition of a building and the construction of facilities.

2. 2. General characteristics of the activities of the marketing department of LLC "TD "Unit"

The marketing department of Unit Trading House LLC, as mentioned above, was established in 2010. The purpose of creating the marketing department is to form and stimulate demand. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set for the marketing department:

Formation of the company's pricing policy;

Formation of commodity and assortment policy;

Formation of sales policy;

Formation of service policy.

During 2010-2011, the marketing department has established itself as an effective division. So, thanks to the marketing department, the sales process was reorganized, as already mentioned above. There have also been positive changes in the company's service policy. The marketing department developed and implemented various promotions, for example, “specialist for an hour”, which increased the popularity of the trading house among the population of Volgograd, as the client got the opportunity not only to purchase products from LLC “TD “Unit”, but also by ordering a specialist for an hour , acquired the opportunity to install the purchased electrical equipment free of charge as part of the promotion. This promotion is very popular, and during the periods of its implementation, the sales volume increases significantly.

As a sales promotion, the marketing department has developed a system of discounts and benefits for regular customers and VIP customers. But here the problem lies in the fact that in the trading house there was no assessment of the consumer and, accordingly, assigning him to any group that allows using the system of discounts and benefits. Criteria for inclusion in the privileged group were also not developed. Therefore, sales managers use them at their own discretion, which sometimes leads to conflicts with customers who believe that the discount system should apply to them, and they were unfairly “deprived”. As a result, such customers often go to competitors.

Pricing in LLC "TD "Unit" is carried out without taking into account marketing opportunities and is carried out by the accounting department of the company. The price is set as the sum of the purchase price of the goods and the trade margin, the maximum possible for this assortment group. Thus, the pricing process does not take into account the pricing policy of competitors, and therefore, for many goods, the price in a trading house is higher than in other similar organizations, which negatively affects consumer attraction.

The disadvantage of the marketing department, in our opinion, is that it acts strictly within the set tasks, ignoring other marketing opportunities to improve the efficiency of the organization as a whole, such as conducting marketing research (research of the professional sales market: competitors, small wholesale and retail networks; consumer research; supplier market research), which would allow, for example, to change suppliers, if possible, to reduce transport and procurement costs; develop the principles of marketing, pricing, service and other policies, taking into account the activities of competitors and consumers, etc.

There is no marketing of purchases in LLC TD Unit, which negatively affects sales volumes, since often there is no goods in the warehouse in the quantity required by the consumer, especially in remote sales offices of the company. In addition, the assortment of the trading house has a lot of branded products, and, as you know, its price includes not only the price of the product itself, but also the cost of the brand, which does not allow reducing the price of the product. At the same time, there are cheaper analogues of these products from other manufacturers, including domestic and Chinese, whose quality, technological characteristics and design are in no way inferior to branded ones. The introduction of such goods into the assortment would allow the trading house to offer the consumer goods in different price categories, which would certainly attract small wholesalers and the population of Volgograd.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the lack of delivery marketing in the trading house. So, in an organization there is a chaotic movement of goods between branches, warehouses are either overloaded with goods that have already lost profitability, or vice versa - empty, and as a result, not only the possibility of a successful transaction is lost, but also the company's image as a reliable partner is destroyed.

So, the marketing department does not fully function in LLC “TD “Unit”, as it operates within the framework of tasks strictly defined by management:

formation of price, commodity and assortment, marketing and service policy. As part of these tasks, the marketing department reorganized the sales process by assortment groups; in the company's service policy, the marketing department developed and implemented various promotions, for example, "specialist for an hour." A system of discounts and benefits for regular and VIP customers was developed, but the development of criteria for evaluating the consumer and the evaluation itself for attributing it to any group was not carried out. Pricing in LLC "TD "Unit" is carried out without taking into account marketing opportunities. Also, LLC "TD "Unit" does not conduct marketing research of the sales market: competitors, small-scale wholesale and retail networks; consumers and suppliers; there is no procurement marketing and supply marketing, which negatively characterizes the activities of marketers.

2. 3 Analysis of marketing decisions of LLC "TD "Unit"

As mentioned above, LLC "TD" Unit "carries out activities for the integrated supply of electrical equipment.

The product range of LLC "TD "Unit" includes more than 10,000 items. Today the company is a dealer, distributor, partner, representative of the interests of not only domestic manufacturers, but also manufacturers of European countries (through their Russian dealers) in the Volgograd region.

There are no plans to expand the product range in the future, since, in the opinion of the company's management, the range in the field of electrical equipment is presented in full, and expanding the range due to goods of a different specialization will require additional financial investments both for staff training and for the development of sales markets, the search for suppliers.

According to the experts of the marketing department, attention should be paid to the fact that European products are among the most expensive products in terms of price characteristics, and a tangible share of their price tag is the brand value. In addition, the price of products foreign countries includes the trade margin of Russian dealers. In this regard, marketers believe that it is necessary to place the main emphasis in the assortment policy on domestic products that are not inferior in quality to European standards, but are 2-3 times cheaper. In addition, over the past six years, Chinese electrical equipment has been especially actively supplied to the Russian market. These are modern products with quite good technical and design characteristics. The representation and range of products from China is expanding every year. Most of these products, manufactured under licenses or "copy" of Western companies, as a rule, are in the lower and middle price segments, which is also cheaper than European counterparts.

It should be noted that the company lacks supply logistics, as a result of which there is a chaotic movement of goods between branches, warehouses are overloaded with goods that have already lost profitability, or vice versa - they are empty and, as a result, not only the possibility of a successful transaction is lost, but also the company's image as a reliable partner is destroyed. .

At present, the consumers of the goods of OOO TD Unit are specialists from various fields: construction and installation organizations, design institutes, enterprises of the energy complex and housing and communal services, distributors of electrical and lighting products. Attracting new customers is one of the tasks of both managers of the sales department of the company's products and specialists of the company's marketing department. But, if the managers of the sales department are searching for new customers, then the marketer is considering a strategy for attracting them and gradually transferring them to the class regular customers. It should be noted that the consumer market for the products of Unit Trade LLC is quite stable, the number of regular customers is growing, the percentage of new customers is also increasing, as can be seen in the graph (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Dynamics of consumers of products of LLC "TD "Unit"

LLC "TD "Unit" provides pre-sale service to buyers (clients), which includes consulting clients about certain properties of the product and its areas of application; about novelties of the electrotechnical market and domestic analogues of European products, etc. This also includes informing customers about promotions valid at the time of purchase, about the benefits of ongoing cooperation. At this stage, contracts for the supply of products are concluded, where the methods and terms of delivery are specified. We note the growth of concluded contracts after the company began to provide free delivery of goods (only to large wholesale customers) to the destination (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - Dynamics of the conclusion of contracts with the provision of free delivery of products of LLC "TD "Unit",%

So, if in 2009 33% of customers used the service of free delivery of products, and 14 - self-delivery, then in 2010 and 2011 the number of the former increased to 51 and 70%, respectively, and the number of the latter decreased to 9 and 5% of customers, which indicates on the popularity of this service, and allows us to conclude that it has a positive impact on the growth of the company's popularity, its image, which, accordingly, increases its competitiveness.

In order to ensure the competitiveness of the organization, work is being carried out both to improve the quality of the goods offered, and to develop new types of services for pre-sales and after-sales services, etc. Here, one should pay attention not only to product quality, but also to price.

Improving the quality of service is provided through staff training, the development of new promotions and other sales promotion tools, etc. events.

The specifics of the organization's activities and a large range of products make it possible to develop prices according to the following principle: focus on competitors, but taking into account the basic principles of pricing arising from the "magic triangle" - the price must cover costs and bring sufficient profit, must be accepted by the consumer and withstand the strategies of competitors .

Having received information about the prices of competitors, the company decided to set prices at an average level. At the same time, when working with regular customers, the company applies a flexible system of discounts - cumulative volume discounts. Exclusive price offers are also possible, allowing you to attract consumers and turn them into the category of regular customers. The use of the discount system became possible due to the advantage of Unit Trading House LLC over competitors due to a smaller number of staff and smaller premises that require lower rental and maintenance costs.

Thus, the following tactics in marketing pricing are used in LLC "TD "Unit": a wide range of discounts for goods is established; the price for exclusive groups, which have no analogues in Volgograd, is set at the highest possible level (taking into account the interests of customers) in order to increase the profit of the organization. An analysis of the pricing policy of Unit Trading House LLC showed that this pricing tactic of the company (providing discounts on common product groups at the maximum price level for exclusive groups that have no analogues) justifies itself, and, in our opinion, changes in pricing policy are not required. .

So, marketing decisions in the field of product and assortment policy (attraction of domestic analogues of European products, expansion of the assortment due to Chinese-made products) are not accepted by the management, since, in his opinion, electrical products in the company are presented in full. The lack of procurement logistics in the company leads to a chaotic movement of goods between branches, warehouses are overloaded with goods that have already lost profitability, or vice versa - they are empty and as a result not only the possibility of a successful transaction is lost, but also the company's image as a reliable partner is destroyed. The sales policy of LLC "TD "Unit" is carried out in the following areas: search for acceptable product niches for the products offered; providing pre-sales and after-sales services to buyers (clients); ensuring the competitiveness of the organization itself. The pricing policy of LLC "TD "Unit" is based on the principle of a magic triangle: the price must cover costs and bring sufficient profit, must be accepted by the consumer and withstand the strategies of competitors. A flexible system of discounts - cumulative discounts for volume, exclusive price offers - allows you to attract consumers and turn them into regular customers.

3 Improving the marketing activities of LLC "TD "Unit"

3. 1 General recommendations for improving the activities of the marketing department of LLC "TD "Unit"

An analysis of the activities of the marketing department of Unit Trading House LLC allowed us to identify a number of problems. The marketing department does not fully function in Unit Trading House LLC, as it operates within the framework of tasks strictly defined by management: the formation of pricing, product and assortment, sales and service policies. As part of these tasks, the marketing department reorganized the sales process by assortment groups; in the company's service policy, the marketing department developed and implemented various promotions, for example, "specialist for an hour." A system of discounts and benefits for regular and VIP customers was developed, but the development of criteria for evaluating the consumer and the evaluation itself for attributing it to any group was not carried out. Pricing in LLC "TD "Unit" is carried out without taking into account marketing opportunities. Also, LLC "TD "Unit" does not conduct marketing research of the sales market: competitors, small-scale wholesale and retail networks; consumers and suppliers; there is no procurement marketing and supply marketing, which negatively characterizes the activities of marketers.

In order to eliminate the above problems and shortcomings of the marketing department, it can be recommended to define the responsibilities and tasks of the marketing department more specifically, taking into account the specifics of the company's business processes and marketing as a practical science that contributes to the strategic development of the company. It is necessary to present the functions of a marketer in the job description as follows:

Analysis of the level and trends of demand, % of consumer provision with our products for each group (range) separately;

Analysis, identification and forecasting of fundamental trends in the regional market;

Definition of market segments for major groups marketable products, their shares and positions in each market segment;

Analysis of the effectiveness of offsetting operations and search for ways to optimize these chains;

Market analysis of the main types of electrical products and forecast of possible trends;

Analysis of the causes of unsatisfied demand for the company's products and development of proposals to reduce its size;

Creation and operational maintenance of databases "Consumers" and "Competitors";

Determination of sales saturation points for product groups and / or its individual consumers;

Development and formation of short-, medium- and long-term forecasts for the sale of products by their types and / or market segments, and / or quarters;

Development of proposals for the development of new market segments and proposals for diversification;

Development of proposals for the development of new types of goods that meet the needs of consumers;

Selection of the most promising regions in order to create branches in them, participation in the development of the procedure for relations with branches and in their creation (participation in the development of a standard Agreement that determines the procedure for relations with them);

Development of concept proposals pricing strategy, including the search for suppliers with more than great deals, development of new supply chains, reduction of transportation costs, discount system in the framework of sales promotion programs, etc.;

Development of proposals for the main and alternative sales plan (in case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, seasonal changes in market conditions, etc.);

Development of proposals for the concept of a strategy for achieving sales goals and organizational measures for its implementation. Detailed action tactics and scheduling WHO?, WHAT?, WHEN? WHERE? does and FOR WHAT? bears personal responsibility;

Development of proposals for the creation / adjustment of elements corporate identity, their correct use in the design of internal and external premises of the enterprise, as well as in all advertising media;

Development of proposals for the formation / adjustment of a positive image of the enterprise in the minds of consumers and a unified corporate culture, direct participation in their practical implementation using advertising media;

Development of proposals on the procedure for information interaction between the marketing service and others structural divisions enterprises;

Development of proposals for the formation of a marketing plan for the current period;

Development of proposals for improving the organizational structure of the company in order to effective solution tasks in accordance with the adopted marketing plan;

Systematization, analysis and control of the marketing plan.

So, to improve the activities of the marketing department

3. 2 Development of marketing strategies in LLC "TD "Unit" to retain and increase the market share

In connection with the identified inaccuracies in the reports of the marketer, we conducted an analysis marketing environment LLC "TD "Unit" using the SWOT analysis method, the results of which are based on a group discussion of the company's leaders and are presented in Table 5.

The task of a SWOT analysis is to give a structured description of the situation regarding which a decision needs to be made. After determining the main critical factors and key success factors, based on the analysis, the main goals are formed and strategies for the further development of the company are developed.

The conclusions drawn from it are descriptive without recommendations or prioritization.

SWOT analysis helps answer the following questions:

Does the company use internal strengths or differentiating advantages in its strategy?

If the company does not have distinctive advantages, what potential strengths could be?

Are the company's weaknesses its competitive vulnerabilities and/or do they prevent it from taking advantage of certain favorable circumstances?

What weaknesses require adjustment based on strategic considerations?

What opportunities give the company a real chance of success when using its skills and access to resources?

What threats should the management of the company be most concerned about and what strategic actions should be taken to ensure good protection?

On the basis of the SWOT analysis of the marketing environment of LLC "TD "Unit", the company's capabilities were identified, which it can use to maintain the stability of the company in the market, increase competitiveness and further strategic development.

Table 5 - SWOT-analysis of LLC "TD "Unit"


1. Experience of successful work.

2. A stable financial position that ensures the availability of own funds for the implementation of a particular program or action.

4. High qualification and competence of the personnel.

5. Good image of the organization among the majority of customers.

6. Using economies of scale, cost advantage

Weak sides

1. Lack of analysis of consumer information.

2. There is no information about the situation on the market, except for prices.

4. Lack of systematic staff training.

5. Insufficient interest of company employees in improving quality services.

6. Lack of a clearly defined strategy, inconsistency in its implementation

Opportunities 1. Growth in purchasing power. 2. Gaining market share from competitors.


1. 1. Growth in the level of demand for services and goods of society due to the high quality of services.

1. 2. Price reduction due to stable favorable financial position, low probability of bankruptcy. 1. 3. Gaining market share from competitors due to individual working conditions with each client; complete set of facilities with electrical equipment; operational level of service; free delivery of products; active promotion of the product through effective advertising campaigns and sales promotion

1. 4 Reliable market analysis will help you find your bearings in time when the market situation changes.

1. 1. The loss of market share can be eliminated by active promotion of products, consumer confidence, improving the quality of products and services.

1. 2. Low prices of competitors can be compensated by the high quality of goods and services.

1. 3. High barriers to entry in certain markets will not become a threat due to the availability of free financial resources. 1. 4. Rapidly developing competitors will not cause harm due to stable favorable financial position, low probability of bankruptcy, product and service quality, high consumer confidence.

1. Availability a large number competitors.


1. 1. The development of various promotions will eliminate the advantages of a competitor.

1. 2. Price reduction due to a stable favorable financial position, low probability of bankruptcy 1. 3. Gaining market share from competitors due to consumer confidence, high image.


1. 1. Low mobility and reaction to change external environment may result in loss of the company's market share.

1. 2. Relatively high prices for the goods and services offered compared to competitors' prices may result in a loss of market share.

1. 3. Rapidly developing competitors can take advantage of low mobility and lack of measures to effectively use competitive advantages

Based on the data in Table 5, the capabilities of Unit Trading House LLC, which can be used to develop the further strategic development of the company, include:

Improving the quality of services;

Reduced prices for the offered goods;

Gaining market share from competitors due to individual working conditions with each client; complete set of facilities with electrical equipment; operational level of service; free delivery of products; active promotion of the product through effective advertising campaigns and sales promotion;

Image growth;

Research of market subjects: competitors, suppliers, consumers.

So, the conducted SWOT-analysis of the marketing environment of LLC "TD "Unit" revealed the following opportunities for maintaining the stability of the company in the market, increasing competitiveness and further strategic development: improving the quality of services; reduction in prices for the offered goods; gaining market share from competitors due to individual working conditions with each client; complete set of facilities with electrical equipment; operational level of service; free delivery of products; active promotion of the product through effective advertising campaigns and sales promotion; image growth; research of market subjects: competitors, suppliers, consumers.


The sphere of wholesale trade is a very specific marketing environment, the features of which are characterized by: the presence of special entities - wholesale consumers, whose specific needs must be met; the constant dilemma of the wholesaler: which of the levels of demand to focus his strategy (wholesale or end consumers), the search for a compromise in taking into account the interests of these market entities; the special role of the wholesaler as an unwitting marketing consultant to manufacturers and retailers; an important place for wholesalers in the territorial redistribution of resources and social distribution and exchange. Secondly, the characteristics of the wholesale trade affect the work of the marketing service of the wholesaler in a decisive way, and their strategic consequences affect almost all components of the wholesaler's marketing activity and give them significant differences from retailers.

Wholesale trade enterprises must solve a number of marketing tasks, the main of which relate to the development of marketing strategies (the formation of a market share, its retention and further increase; the formation of distribution channels; the formation of a competitive advantage); conducting marketing research of competitors; consumers; commodity producers and other suppliers; segmentation of the sales market by intermediary buyers and end users; marketing of purchases in terms of determining the relationship between the demand for goods and the nature of purchases, analysis and evaluation of suppliers, formation of purchases; marketing-logistics (analysis of interactions between a buyer and a wholesaler to find a mutually beneficial solution, development of a competitive advantage); marketing solutions for sales, including the choice of the target market, the formation of a product range and a range of services, pricing, sales promotion, etc.; merchandising organizations; marketing audit of the sales system in terms of working with the retail network to consider complaints, resolve conflict situations.

The object of this study is Unit Trading House LLC, which specializes in the integrated supply of power cables and wires, lighting equipment, electrical installation products, insulating materials, NVA, electricity meters and much more. The marketing department has been functioning in the organizational structure of the company since 2010, which can be described as a positive fact. At the same time, the organization does not have a logistics department, whose duties are distributed between the head of the warehouse, the head of the planning and economic department and the marketing department. Due to the reorganization of the sales process, the number of employees increased from 68 to 97 people. The organization has seen an increase in revenue by 1856188 thousand rubles, but taking into account all financial transactions of the trading house, net profit decreased by 27.63%, which negatively characterizes the economic activity of the organization. In the structure of fixed assets of the trading house, there are significant changes in the direction of increasing the share of their passive part due to the acquisition of a building and the construction of facilities.

The marketing department does not fully function in Unit Trading House LLC, as it operates within the framework of tasks strictly defined by management: the formation of pricing, product and assortment, sales and service policies. As part of these tasks, the marketing department reorganized the sales process by assortment groups; in the company's service policy, the marketing department developed and implemented various promotions, for example, "specialist for an hour." A system of discounts and benefits for regular and VIP customers was developed, but the development of criteria for evaluating the consumer and the evaluation itself for attributing it to any group was not carried out. Pricing in LLC "TD "Unit" is carried out without taking into account marketing opportunities. Also, LLC "TD "Unit" does not conduct marketing research of the sales market: competitors, small-scale wholesale and retail networks; consumers and suppliers; there is no procurement marketing and supply marketing, which negatively characterizes the activities of marketers.

Marketing decisions in the field of product and assortment policy (attraction of domestic analogues of European products, expansion of the assortment due to Chinese-made products) are not accepted by the management, since, in his opinion, the electrical products in the company are presented in full. The lack of procurement logistics in the company leads to a chaotic movement of goods between branches, warehouses are overloaded with goods that have already lost profitability, or vice versa - they are empty and as a result not only the possibility of a successful transaction is lost, but also the company's image as a reliable partner is destroyed. The sales policy of LLC "TD "Unit" is carried out in the following areas: search for acceptable product niches for the products offered; providing pre-sales and after-sales services to buyers (clients); ensuring the competitiveness of the organization itself. The pricing policy of LLC "TD "Unit" is based on the principle of a magic triangle: the price must cover costs and bring sufficient profit, must be accepted by the consumer and withstand the strategies of competitors. A flexible system of discounts - cumulative discounts for volume, exclusive price offers - allows you to attract consumers and turn them into regular customers.

To improve the activities of the marketing department of Unit Trading House LLC, we recommend specifying the functions and responsibilities of a marketer in the job description.

The conducted SWOT-analysis of the marketing environment of LLC "TD "Unit" revealed the following opportunities for maintaining the stability of the company in the market, increasing competitiveness and further strategic development: improving the quality of services; reduction in prices for the offered goods; gaining market share from competitors due to individual working conditions with each client; complete set of facilities with electrical equipment; operational level of service; free delivery of products; active promotion of the product through effective advertising campaigns and sales promotion; image growth; research of market subjects: competitors, suppliers, consumers.

List of sources used

1. Akulich, I. A. Fundamentals of marketing / I. A. Akulich, E. V. Demchenko. - Minsk: Higher School, 2010. - 380 p.

2. Vidovich, S. Yu. Marketing in the work of wholesale trade enterprises: dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of economic sciences / S. Yu. Vidovich. - Kyiv: Naukgrad, 2009. - 132 p.

3. Gamov, I. V. Marketing in the real work of a commercial enterprise / I. V. Gamov // Marketing and marketing research. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 12 - 16.

4. Gerchikova, I. N. Marketing: organization, technology / I. N. Gerchikova. -M.: Infra - M, 2011. - 289 p.

5. Golikov, E. A. Wholesale trade. Management. Marketing. Logistics. Finance. Security / E. A. Golikov. - M.: Exam, 2010. - 352 p.

6. Danko, T. P. Marketing management: textbook / T. P. Danko. - M.: Infra - M, 2009. - 334 p.

7. Dichtl, E. Practical marketing: a study guide / E. Dichtl, H. Hershgen; per. with him. A. M. Makarova; ed. I. S. Minko. - M.: Infra - M, Higher School, 2011. - 255 p.

8. Dubrovskaya, M. E. Some methodological aspects of managing sales activities in wholesale trade / M. E. Dubrovskaya // Bulletin of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. - 2011. - No. 5. -S. 186 - 188.

9. Dudakova, I. A. Market research as a factor in the development of the wholesale market / I. A. Dudakova // Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin. - 2010. - No. 11. - S. 51 - 59.

10. Durovich, A. P. Marketing in entrepreneurial activity / A. P. Durovich. - Minsk: Finance, Accounting, Audit, 2010. - 401 p.

11. Zhabina, S. B. Marketing logistics as a tool for managing flow processes in trade structures / S. B. Zhabina // Bulletin of the Astrakhan State Technical University. - 2012. - No. 4. -S. 148 - 153.

12. Zhilkina, M. Some aspects of strategic marketing of wholesale enterprises / M. Zhilkina, A. Khovanov // Marketing and marketing research in Russia. - 2010. - No. 5. - p. 23 - 29.

13. Kotler, F. Fundamentals of marketing. Short course / F. Kotler and others - M .: Publishing House "Williams", 2012. - 646 p.

14. Leonova, Yu. G. Evaluation of the effectiveness of wholesale trade organizations in consumer goods, taking into account the principles of marketing: dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences / Yu. G. Leonova. -M.: Nauka, 2010. - 136 p.

15. Naumov, V. N. - Sales marketing / V. N. Naumov. - St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 2009. - 52 p.

16. Pankrukhin, A. P. Marketing: Textbook / A. P. Pankrukhin; Marketing Guild. - 3rd ed. - M.: Omega - L, 2011. - 656 p.

17. Peshkova, E. P. Marketing Analysis in the activities of the firm / E. P. Peshkova. - M.: Os - 89, 2011. - 189 p.

18. Popov, I. V. Marketing: theory and practice / I. V. Popov, L. N. Kosova. -M.: MGUP, 2010. - 119 p.

19. Prazyan, E. M. Marketing approach to maintaining long-term relationships with consumers / E. M. Prazyan // Bulletin of the Volgograd State University. Series 3: Economy. Ecology. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 120 - 132.

20. Romanov, A. N. Marketing: textbook / A. N. Romanov. - M.: Banks and Exchange, 2012. - 97 p.

21. Svirina, M. A. Modern methods strategic analysis the internal environment of marketing in wholesale trade / M. A. Svirina / / Bulletin of the Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 49 - 51.

22. Tkach, A. V. Marketing in the trading system / A. V. Tkach, N. S. Nechitailova // Issues of regional economics. - 2012. - T. 11. - No. 2. - S. 44 - 48.

23. Tkhamitlokova, Z. O. Theoretical aspects marketing management in wholesale trade / Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences. - 2011. - No. 6. - S. 87 - 89.

24. Khovanov, A. A. Optimization of distribution channels as part of the marketing of a wholesale trading company / A. A. Khovanov // Marketing and marketing research. - 2010. - No. 6. - S. 43 - 45.

25. Khovanov, A. A. Some aspects of strategic marketing of wholesale trade enterprises / A. A. Khovanov, M. S. Zhilkina // Marketing and marketing research. - 2010. - No. 5. - S. 23 - 29.

Annex A (informative)

Comparative characteristics of strategic marketing of a wholesale and retail trade enterprise

Table A. 1 - Comparative characteristics of the strategic marketing of a wholesale and retail trade enterprise


Wholesale business

Retail business

The study



One of the basic directions of marketing activity. Includes a large-scale study of the behavior of end consumers plus wholesale consumers. The behavior of end consumers certainly matters and must be investigated. However, a significant drawback is the laboriousness of these procedures, given that for the wholesaler himself, its results are more of an auxiliary nature.

The behavior of wholesale consumers is characterized by a high degree of involvement in the procurement process and a rational approach. Wholesale consumers of the company use the intellectual method of cognition in their behavior. When making a purchase decision, they go through the chain of "learn" - "feel" - "do". First, they look for and analyze the available information (“learn”), then they are imbued with trust in the supplier (“feel”), then they make a purchase decision (“make”). At the same time, the emotional component is minimal, since we are talking about a business buyer, and the cognitive one is maximal and manifests itself in the analysis of the most important characteristics of the supplier and his offer (price, assortment, terms of cooperation, additional services, etc.). In addition, the behavior of individual consumers depends on a number of factors influencing behavior, including the following: environmental factors (level of primary demand, economic outlook, business regulation conditions, competitor activity, etc.); factors of the characteristics of the organization (its goals, policies, structure, methods of work, etc.); factors of interpersonal relations; factors of personality traits

It is carried out and used in a limited way: ideally, it should cover the entire end-user market, however, as a rule, it is limited to a narrower circle - its direct customers and customers of its closest competitors. There is the possibility of using the results of research conducted by the wholesaler, offered as an addition to the product

Formation of demand and communications

Very wide opportunities for demand formation. A means of generating demand - a system of external communications, including information support and consulting of wholesale consumers. In addition, two options for demand expansion strategies can be used - “push” and “pull”

The formation of demand degenerates into sales promotion through advertising and marketing activities. It is possible to talk about the formation of demand as a systemic action only when it comes to at least a single large network of retail outlets


There are alternatives for choosing channels and increasing distribution of products, including through fewer direct customers, but more intensive consumption.

They are the final link, so expansion of distribution is possible only by increasing the number of outlets


Often, wholesale enterprises operate (spreading their influence) over a large territory - in a country, region, region, city

The profitability of retail trade depends on the location of the outlet, as a rule, one outlet serves a limited area


I mainly buy goods for resale and can vary significantly depending on the specialization in product groups and the type of trade. General trend: the larger and higher in the wholesale chain the wholesale enterprise, the more pronounced specialization it has, and the more it seeks to sell in large quantities. Smaller wholesalers tend to work with a large number of product groups and do not limit their customers in terms of the minimum lot size.

end users of the product. Buying a product to satisfy a need. More attention is paid to consumer characteristics of the product


The basic selection criteria are price, quality, supply stability, assortment. The influence of these factors for different categories of wholesale enterprises is different, as is the weight of each factor. For small buyers, the price is decisive, for larger ones - the quality and stability of supplies. In addition, a number of transactional factors have an impact: preferential rights and benefits when working with a particular supplier, additional services for regular customers, established business ties, etc.

For a retailer, everything that has been said about the choice of a supplier by small wholesale firms is true: often the main criteria are price and breadth of the assortment, or the presentation of payment deferrals. Plus, any free additional services (for example, delivery) matter.



The larger the wholesaler, the narrower its assortment and specialization. The strategic task is to create an optimal assortment structure,

designed for a certain circle of wholesale consumers


It is carried out on the basis of managing the "price - quality" ratio and with a focus on the activities of competitors. Specificity - low trade margin, but fast turnover of inventory and invested funds

Very often costly pricing, providing a certain rate of return. High trade margin but slow turnover




It is of decisive importance, since the well-established work of warehouses is in itself a strategic advantage, and disadvantages contribute to the departure of wholesale buyers to competitors

No strategic value



The wholesaler has three alternative options for the brand strategy: trade brandless goods, trade branded goods, the trademarks of which are determined by the manufacturer or wholesalers of a higher level; create and promote your own brands

More often it occurs in the form of selection of brands of goods accepted for sale. Recently, however, their own retail mari have emerged.


It is crucial in the shift towards personalized communications: not only the volume of sales, but also the level of strength of business ties with wholesale buyers, fame of own brands, etc.

They are local in nature positive influence for sale, especially if their action is combined with positive effect from wholesale supplier advertising



The right strategy determines the professional level of the wholesale trade enterprise, the possibility of attracting and retaining customers, since the importance of personal contacts with the buyer is great.

Matters in terms of sales growth

Annex B (informative)

Assortment LLC "TD "Unit"

Table B. 1 - Assortment of LLC "TD" Unit "

Product group

Main Products

Cables, wires

Wires for overhead power lines Power cables

Power and control cables for fixed laying Control cables

Power cables for non-stationary installation

Power cable NYM

Power installation wires

Connecting wires, cords

Communication cables and wires

Enameled wires

cable tool

Lighting products

General purpose luminaires Luminescent luminaires Street luminaires, searchlights Light sources Light sources "OSRAM"

Ballasts for lamps

Cable Laying Systems

Ferrules for cables and wires

Wiring products

Wiring accessories

Junction boxes

Low voltage equipment (NVA)

Automatic switches (AB) modular

AB VM 40, AB VA60-26, AB VA16-26, AB VA 47-29

AB VA 47-29M, AB VA 47-100, AB VA88

Automatic switches (AB) and load switches

AB AE1031, AB AE2044, AB A63, AB AE2043, AE2046, AB AP50, AB AE2053, AE2056, AB BA51-25, AB BA21-29, AB BA51-35, BA57-35, BA57F35, BA52-37, BA04-36 , АВ А3790, АВ ВА51-39, АВ ВА55-41, ВА55-43, АВ АВ2М АВ «ELECTRON»

Differential switch VD1-63 Fuses PPNI

Switching devices and accessories

Devices of control, management and signaling

Electrical measuring instruments

Electric motors, crane equipment


1. Theoretical aspects of wholesale marketing

1.1 Classification of wholesale trade

1.2 Forms of wholesale trade

1.3 Marketing solutions in wholesale trade

2. Analysis of wholesale trade on the example of ALC "Arlon"

2.1 Brief description of the enterprise

2.2 Marketing activities of ALC "Arlon"

2.3 Development of measures to improve the efficiency of marketing activities of ALC "Arlon"


List of sources used


Wholesale trade provides services to manufacturers of goods and retailers. As a result of its activities, the product approaches the consumer, but does not yet fall into the sphere of personal consumption.

The most important task of wholesale trade is to systematically regulate the product offer in accordance with demand. The objective opportunity to successfully solve this problem is due to the intermediate position of wholesale trade: a significant part of commodity resources is concentrated in it, which makes it possible not to be limited to passive operations, but to actively influence the sphere of production, retail trade and, through it, the sphere of consumption.

Relevance of the topic term paper is that wholesale trade, like no other link associated with the sale of goods, is able to actively regulate regional and sectoral markets through the accumulation and movement of goods. This line of work should occupy a decisive place in all its activities. Wholesale enterprises are called upon to improve the links in the movement of goods, to develop centralized delivery and circular delivery of goods. Currently, along with the positive in the activities of wholesale enterprises, there are significant shortcomings. Often, the terms of delivery of goods are not observed, contractual obligations are violated in terms of the volume, assortment and quality of the goods supplied.

The efficiency of the functioning of the entire national economic complex, the balance of the domestic market, and the satisfaction of the growing needs of people largely depend on the work of wholesale trade. Under the new economic conditions, the scope of wholesale trade will be significantly expanded. The strengthening of the role of commodity-money relations is associated not only with the development of wholesale trade in consumer goods, but also with the transition to wholesale trade in means of production. These two forms are becoming the most important channels for the planned movement of material, technical and commodity resources.

The aim of the work is to study, generalize the experience of analyzing wholesale trade in enterprises and develop recommendations for ensuring a higher level of efficiency of this type of marketing using the example of ALC "Arlon".

To achieve the formulated goal, the following tasks were solved in the work:

¨ summarizing the theoretical and methodological aspects of wholesale marketing;

¨ studying the marketing activities of ALC "Arlon";

¨ analysis of wholesale trade marketing at ALC "Arlon" and development of recommendations to improve its efficiency.


From the position of a manufacturing enterprise, wholesale trade is an important link in distribution, which can and does solve its marketing tasks.

From the point of view of marketing, the role of wholesale trade is to meet the needs of retail enterprises to the maximum, supplying them with the necessary goods in certain volumes and on time. Usually located in large settlements(cities), wholesale companies are also well aware of the needs of end customers. Therefore, they, on their own or with the help of a product manufacturer, are able to organize powerful marketing support for retail trade.

As modern experience shows, wholesale companies in most cases carry out marketing functions better than the manufacturer, since they have well-established ties with retail trade, as well as a good warehouse and transport base. Today, wholesale companies provide their customers not only with goods, but also with a wide range of related services: advertising at the point of sale, organization of sales promotion events, delivery of goods, pre-sales preparation, including packing and packaging of goods under the brand name of a retail enterprise or retail network. In the market of technically complex goods, wholesale companies organize, with the support of manufacturers, service centers.

Solving the problem of satisfying the interests of manufacturers, on the one hand, retail trade and end customers, on the other hand, has led to a variety of methods and forms of wholesale trade.

by breadth of assortment

wide assortment (1-100 thousand items);

Limited range (< 1000 наименований);

The range is narrow< 200 наименований);

a specialized assortment

by delivery method

delivery by own transport;

sale from a warehouse (self-delivery);

degree of cooperation

· horizontal cooperation for joint purchases and organization of wholesale markets;

· vertical cooperation for the purpose of marketing and competition with retailers for the end-user market;

in relation to the marketing system

· exclusive sales system: the manufacturer provides a license to trade under the terms of franchising;

· selective sales system: distribution and dealer agreements between the manufacturer and wholesale companies chosen by him;

· intensive sales system: work simultaneously with all intermediaries;

by turnover

Large wholesalers

medium wholesalers;

Small wholesalers

There are three general categories from a wholesaler's point of view:

wholesale trade of manufacturers;

wholesale trade of intermediary enterprises;

wholesale trade carried out by agents and brokers.

Wholesale trade is carried out by manufacturers with the help of their own sales bodies, for which a subsidiary wholesale company is created. However, the activities of such a company will be justified if the volumes and range of products produced are sufficient. Otherwise, it is advisable to transfer the functions of wholesale trade to independent companies.

Independent wholesale companies are organized in accordance with the above classification, depending on the requirements of the retail trade and their own capabilities.

A detailed classification of the types of wholesale intermediaries is given by F. Kotler.

The choice of the form of wholesale trade depends on the specific product, its position on the market (in demand; demand is not great, the degree of market saturation), on the specific transaction of the wholesale company with the seller of the goods.

There are two main forms of wholesale trade:



In the transit form, goods are delivered from the manufacturer to a retail chain or another wholesale company (smaller or located in another city), bypassing the warehouse of the intermediary wholesaler. This form has the advantage that turnover is accelerated, logistics costs are reduced, and the safety of goods is increased.

Transit delivery is used if intermediate preparation of goods for quality, packaging, sorting, etc. is not required. In this case, the intermediary wholesaler does not have the opportunity to form an assortment, except for what the manufacturer shipped.

There are two types of transit delivery settlements with manufacturers:

with payment for a transit consignment of goods;

b) without investing own funds by receiving an intermediary interest (commission).

In the second case, the wholesale company performs organizational functions and is not the owner of the goods.

In the warehouse form, a batch of goods from the manufacturer enters the warehouse of the wholesale company, and then is distributed through various distribution channels to retail. Despite the increased logistics costs, in this case, the needs of trade in pre-sales preparation are better met.

The rhythm of supplying shops is also improving, including in small batches, which is convenient for them. It opens up the possibility of forming the product range required for each store.

The most common types of wholesale trade from a warehouse are:

a) personal selection of goods in the warehouse;

b) upon a written request (for example, sending a fax) or an oral request by phone from the store;

c) through field sales representatives (agents, sales managers);

d) using active calls from the control room;

e) trade at wholesale exhibitions and fairs.

The choice of the type of trade for the wholesaler is determined taking into account the desire and size (capacity) of the retail enterprise.

Wholesale trade with personal selection is advisable when a retailer wants to quickly make a purchase (stocks are running out), expects to form an assortment on the spot, select new products, and receive discounts for pickup.

Personal selection is often used in the purchase of fabrics, garments and knitwear, fine wines, furs, etc.

To demonstrate some goods, novelty goods, the wholesale enterprise equips a demonstration or showroom.

During personal selection, marketers of a wholesale company can conduct a survey of visitors, test products, take into account comments from both the retailer and customers.

For many standard products, personal selection is organized using self-service. To move the selected goods, small-scale mechanization means are used: cargo carts, roller conveyors, stackers, etc.

Wholesale trade on a written request or by telephone is carried out on the basis of a pre-signed agreement between the buyer and the seller. The terms of payment for each order are also stipulated there. Delivery of goods to the store can be carried out by the transport of the wholesaler or the store. In the first case, the time of the store employee is saved, who does not need to go to the wholesaler for the goods, but the time of delivery of the ordered goods to the store may increase.

Wholesale trade with the help of traveling sales agents and managers has become widespread as the most active form of marketing.

To do this, the wholesale company organizes an agent network to search for buyers - legal entities(smaller wholesalers and shops). Traveling agents maintain contact with their customers, monitor the availability of goods on the trading floor of the store, control the timeliness of payments for goods, etc.

For better coordination of sales agents, the latter can be assigned to a certain territory, to a group of customers, or to sell only certain products.

Wholesale through active (outgoing) calls from the office or sales department. For this, a dispatcher is organized, where specially trained sellers work. Dispatchers-sellers transfer the received information about potential buyers to sales managers. The dispatch service can also take orders from old customers, perform marketing telephone surveys, and keep sales statistics.

Wholesale trade at exhibitions and fairs allows you to conclude supply contracts during a visit to the exhibition by representatives of the buyer or to conduct preliminary negotiations. Exhibitions and fairs attract a large number of professional market participants (manufacturers, intermediaries, consumers), so here you can conduct a large amount of marketing research, get the latest information about new products. The exhibition must be attended by authorized representatives of the sales service, responsible for the efficiency of work at it.

The position of a wholesale company or a manufacturer engaged in wholesale trade significantly depends on the chosen marketing strategy, marketing policy and the nature of marketing decisions.

The tasks (functions) of wholesale marketing are presented in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1

Marketing tasks in the wholesale trade system

Marketing tasks Content
Development of marketing strategies

retaining and increasing market share;

marketing channel design;

development of competitive behavior.

Carrying out marketing research

research of the professional sales market: competitors, small wholesale and retail networks;

consumer research;

supplier market research.

Market segmentation

segmentation of professional intermediary buyers;

consumer segmentation;

selection of target segments.

Purchasing Marketing

determination of the relationship between the nature of commodity demand and procurement requirements;

marketing evaluation of suppliers;

development of procurement policy.

Marketing logistics

determination of buyers' requirements for the logistics structure of the wholesaler's distribution system;

search for competitive advantages in the field of sales logistics.

Sales Marketing Solutions

pricing policy of the wholesale company;

commodity and assortment policy;

marketing policy;

service policy;

communication policy.

Organization of merchandising

organization of merchandising at the initiative of the manufacturer;

organization of merchandising at the initiative of the wholesale company.

Marketing audit of the distribution system

organization of work with claims of buyers;

development of a sales marketing audit program.

Marketing strategies in the field of sales activity of the enterprise are developed in case of expansion of sales in the old market, entry into new markets, when designing new sales channels, for example, when the old sales system has ceased to be effective.

In marketing activities, an enterprise inevitably encounters competing firms, and sometimes it specifically provides for competition between its own distribution channels (horizontal or vertical types).

In relation to external competitors, a competitive strategy or a cooperation strategy is being developed. In the case of choosing a rivalry strategy, the enterprise determines the type of competition (price, non-price) and predicts the behavior of competitors.

The scale of competitive rivalry can extend to the world market, the market of a particular country, within the same city, in one or more segments. Finally, there may be a struggle for ownership of a niche.

The implementation of marketing strategies in sales activities requires a long time, significant financial costs, since, as a rule, investments in sales are required.

Marketing research carried out by a wholesaler covers the three most important areas:

research of professional subjects of the sales market: competitors, retail network, other buyers of goods, for example, a restaurant catering system, cafes, small wholesalers operating in wholesale and retail markets, etc.;

research of consumers - the population in order to obtain information from them about goods in demand, and about the level of dissatisfaction with different brands;

market research of suppliers to solve their own problems related to procurement.

Other studies may be carried out based on the strategic goals of companies.

The organization of marketing research depends on the qualifications and availability of marketers. In their absence, third-party researchers can be involved or a ready-made report compiled by a marketing firm based on previous research can be bought.

At the initiative of the supplier-manufacturer, it is possible to conduct various experimental studies to assess the consumer qualities of the goods.

Market segmentation is a mandatory marketing function of a wholesale enterprise. For example, to select target segments of professional buyers and to know the purchasing preferences of different segments of the population and their reaction to the supplied goods.

The professional sales market is segmented according to such criteria as: purchase volumes, breadth of assortment, business reputation, solvency, pricing policy, etc.

If the consumer is the population, then various systems of indicators are used, choosing from them those that best characterize the consumer segment (social, demographic, economic, behavioral and other indicators).

Purchasing marketing serves to gain competitive advantages already at the stage of working with suppliers through the acquisition of goods that can satisfy the needs of end customers.

In this case, the following tasks are solved:

purchase goods that are in demand by the consumer;

the procurement process should provide economic benefits for the wholesaler (due to obtaining discounts, deferred payment);

in the case of substandard goods, the wholesaler should be able to replace it.

The manufacturing enterprise makes purchases of raw materials, parts of components, also taking into account the required quality of the goods produced. The procurement process consists of a number of sequential steps:

a) determining the needs for a specific product, a specific brand with the establishment of its quantity;

b) determining the needs in the assortment, which is desirable to buy from one supplier;

c) determination of the criteria that form the initial basis for assessing suppliers and negotiating with them (economic, marketing, technical, logistical requirements);

d) search and analysis of suppliers by methods of marketing research of the market;

e) selection of suppliers and organization of negotiations with them;

e) placement of trial orders;

g) evaluation of results;

h) conclusion of long-term contractual agreements.

We can formulate the main requirements for suppliers:

Popularity (brand awareness)


· availability;

interest in working together;

Understanding the role of marketing in promoting your products;

minimum delivery time;

· to take a share of the risk, for example, associated with transportation.

When selecting suppliers, the wholesale company decides whether to choose one supplier (principle of concentration of orders) or select several suppliers (principle of dispersion of orders).

The advantage of concentrating orders with one supplier allows you to get big discounts due to the larger order size. This is also facilitated by close cooperation, including the implementation of joint projects for the production of new goods. The wholesale company can provide information about new demand trends, new products entering the market from other manufacturers.

However, working with a single supplier increases the risk of the wholesaler and limits his ability to quickly adapt to the requirements of the retail network.

To reduce this kind of risk, the wholesale company works simultaneously with several suppliers. If suppliers are interested in working with a wholesaler, then this can be used to obtain additional benefits by extracting concessions from them.

The marketing logistics of a wholesale company is to develop such a transport and warehouse scheme that would take into account the requirements of procurement marketing and sales marketing. Like other enterprise structures focused on a marketing approach in their work, logistics services must take into account the specific behavior and requirements of retailers that they impose on their wholesalers. This is, first of all, the size of the consignment of goods and the speed of delivery.

Often such requirements lead to the fact that the wholesale company is forced to place trading warehouses closest to the stores. On the other hand, the wholesaler's own purchases of large quantities of goods from manufacturers forces him to solve the following problem: to have a central distribution warehouse or, bypassing it, to deliver goods to regional warehouses.

Marketing solutions in the distribution system are intended to support the implementation of the planned volume of goods in the local and regional markets.

Marketing information that fuels the sale helps to reduce the risk of the sales activity.

Sales marketing solutions cover the entire marketing mix.

product line decision

When making decisions on the assortment, it is necessary to take into account the degree of proximity between goods of various product groups, the capabilities of the enterprise (financial, personnel, warehouse, etc.), customer requirements, and the presence of competitors.

From a financial point of view, the formation of the assortment takes place taking into account the turnover of goods, the size of the turnover and the profit received.

The expansion of the range is carried out for several reasons, including:

for some products of the main assortment, it is necessary to have complementary products (complement products);

the activity of a wholesale company with this assortment is unprofitable (small turnover);

other marketing tasks are solved: new products are promoted, the company switches to larger retail segments, etc.

Pricing decision.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, when concluding a deal with a wholesale company, the main factor is the price, quality of goods and payment terms.

Therefore, the wholesale price should be profitable for the store, taking into account the nature of the demand for this product and the price offers of competitors.

Sales channel decision.

Options for decisions about methods and distribution channels are made in the same way as the manufacturer.

A big advantage of the sales structure of a wholesale company is the ability to deliver goods to the retail network in small batches in a short time. In addition, sales should be aimed at finding new customers and developing new markets.

Experience: In Minsk, small companies deliver goods to many shops in the city - carriers or private individuals in their cars.

Deciding on the placement of a storage location for inventory

The wholesale company decides on the organization of a system of warehouses or one centralized warehouse, and possibly a combination of them.

The starting points are the ratio between the costs of maintaining the production activities of warehouses and improving the wholesaler's customer service.

Below is an example of a warehouse location for a wholesale company.

Rice. 1.1 Organization of wholesale company warehouses

wholesale marketing merchandising


2.1 Brief description of the enterprise

ALC "Arlon" has been operating in the food market of the Republic of Belarus for almost 55 years. For more than half a century, the base has gone through different stages of its development.

Until February 17, 2003 ALC "Arlon" was a state-owned enterprise. As a result of denationalization and privatization, the base was transformed into ALC "Arlon". To date, the holder of 88.5% of the shares is the state.

The main activities of ALC "Arlon" is the organization of wholesale and retail trade.

Main activities:

Wholesale through agents;

Wholesale trade in fruits and vegetables;

Wholesale of meat and meat products;

Wholesale of dairy products;

Wholesale of tobacco products;

Wholesale of coffee, tea and spices;

Wholesale of other food products;

Retail trade in non-specialized stores;

Organization of cargo transportation;

Creation of a customs warehouse type A;

Other activities.

2.2 Marketing activities of ALC "Arlon"

Marketing as a set of methods that have developed in world practice for studying markets, identifying ideas, new needs of buyers and materializing them in the form of new products, marketing as a tool for the skillful organization of a sales system for goods, conducting advertising events, etc. is of interest to economic science, and for economic organizations of our country. The marketing program allows you to predict changes in needs and market fluctuations and, with varying degrees of probability, determine the required range of goods, production capabilities, the structure of the commodity-producing network, promotional activities, the necessary changes in the structure of the enterprise as a whole. In addition, based on the principles of marketing, it is possible to form a market for the company's future products, to organize in the minds of buyers a direct link between the solution of their problems and the company's products. That is why the management of marketing activities in ALC "Arlon" is given great importance.

At the enterprise, the commercial work on the sale of goods (marketing decisions) is carried out by the marketing management department, the sales department (trading department). The marketing management department performs the following scope of work:

Organizes the introduction of progressive forms and methods of selling goods, expanding additional services provided to customers;

Examines the premises of existing stores, their layout and equipment from the point of view of the convenience of customers;

Monitors the availability of reviews and suggestions books, control and sanitary journals in stores;

Together with the commercial department organizes control over the constant availability of sufficient consumer goods for sale;

Draws up development plans and supervises the work of a small retail trade network;

Organizes competitions-reviews of traveling trade during city events.

Boss sales department performs the following functions:

Prepares contracts and necessary materials for the conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods with enterprises of various forms of ownership, monitors the fulfillment of contractual obligations;

Controls the quality and assortment of incoming goods; the course of their implementation, takes prompt measures to ensure the constant availability of a sufficient range of goods in the shops of the enterprise;

Provides rational supply and the necessary conditions to fulfill the plan of turnover and improve the quality of customer service;

Considers letters, applications, complaints of buyers on issues related to its competence and makes proposals for their resolution.

The accounting service monitors the income and expenses of the enterprise, helping commercial services to assess how well they are achieving their goals.

Other departments of the enterprise are also actively involved in the implementation of the marketing program. For a trading enterprise, this is, first of all, a team of sellers. Sales employees are salespeople. The selection and placement of personnel, as already mentioned, in the ALC "Arlon" is carried out on the basis of qualification requirements to all employees.

Buying different goods and services, consumers behave differently. A marketer needs to understand how they make decisions, what stages the decision-making process goes through.

Researching customers for a wholesaler is the study of customers, typical ways of using the offered product, characteristic of customers, incentives that make them buy goods of this kind, and much more.

In order to study customers, ALC "Arlon" periodically conducts customer surveys; letters, statements, complaints of buyers are always carefully considered.

One of the main goals of studying demand in the company's stores is to identify buyers' suggestions for improving trade. Firstly, it allows you to avoid complaints and complaints about the organization of trade in stores, and secondly, and most importantly, to increase the volume of trade at the expense of goods required by buyers.

Special questionnaires are conducted once or twice a year for this purpose. As a result of such a survey, it is revealed how many buyers apply for this product, and how many do not. By comparing these data with the total number of visitors to the store, you can get information about the degree of satisfaction of customer demand and the compliance of the range of goods available in the store with customer demand, and on this basis, determine the need and quantity of a particular product, select certain suppliers.

In individual stores, the demand of the population is studied mainly in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply of goods of high quality and in the assortment that the population needs. This work is carried out mainly in the process of selling goods.

Data on the progress of the sale of goods, the demand for certain types of them are used to present reasonable orders to suppliers for the supply of food products, to intensify the struggle to improve the quality and improve the range of products.

Based on the study of demand, prompt measures are taken to ensure the constant availability of a wide range of goods.

The activities of ALC "Arlon" in the food market have been carried out in recent years in the context of a sharp increase in competition between trading enterprises of various forms of ownership, which led to a decrease in the volume of wholesale turnover in the company as a whole.

To attract customers, the company adheres to the methods of price competition. Due to the presence of several outlets, Arlon ALC has the opportunity to purchase significant consignments of goods at a discount, which makes it possible to calculate the prices of goods based on the selling price of manufacturers or wholesalers, taking into account the established trade markups for socially important goods.

Wholesale prices for food products are formed in ALC "Arlon" in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the formation and application of prices and tariffs, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Economy of April 22, 1999 No. 43, with amendments and additions, with the exception of certain groups of goods for which fixed prices are set.

Wholesale prices for goods (products sold to the population) are formed by a retail enterprise based on:

Selling price of the manufacturer or importer's price;

Paid wholesale surcharge (when purchasing them on the territory of the republic from wholesale suppliers).

For certain groups of goods, the Ministry of Economy has the right to make a different decision on the application of trade markups.

The procedure for including value added tax in the wholesale prices of goods is determined by the Clarification on Certain Pricing Issues in Connection with the Introduction of the Offset Method for Calculating the Value Added Tax, approved by the Ministry of Economy on January 11, 2003, the Ministry of Finance on January 11, 2003 and the State Tax Committee January 12, 2003 (per. No. 8/2603 of 01/19/2000). According to the specified regulations price based on the selling price of the manufacturer or importer (for agricultural products - purchase price), the paid wholesale and trade mark-up, not exceeding the prescribed limit level, and the amount of value added tax at the established rate.

Marginal trade markups are set for socially significant goods, including a wholesaler's markup and expenses for using a bank loan. These allowances are charged as a percentage of selling prices formed by a business entity that purchased goods outside the republic.

The procedure for dividing the trade allowance between wholesale and retail trade enterprises within the established limit is determined by agreement of the parties, and if agreement is not reached, the allowance is divided equally. Based on the established practice of ALC Arlon, the wholesale markup is, as a rule, 7-12%.

In general, a low price tactic is used in order to attract the maximum number of buyers and gain a larger market share.

The main consumers of the company's products are the population. Alcoholic products, beer are distributed by the Department of Trade and their delivery is made by funds.

When choosing distribution channels, the company adheres to a policy of limiting the participation of intermediaries. Marketing intermediaries are firms that assist a business in promoting, marketing, and distributing its products to a clientele. These include:

Resellers are business firms that help a company find customers and directly sell its products to them;

Firms-specialists in the organization of commodity circulation - help the company to create stocks of their products (commodity stocks) and promote them from the place of production to the destination;

Marketing services agencies—market research firms, media advertising agencies, and marketing consulting firms—help a business more accurately target and promote its products to their right markets;

Financial institutions - banks, credit, Insurance companies and other organizations that help the enterprise finance transactions and insure against risk in connection with the purchase or sale of goods.

The need to resort to their services arises in cases where accumulation, sub-sorting of batches is required, the transformation of the production assortment into a trade one, the preliminary preparation of goods for sale, when the places of production are significantly removed from the places of consumption and seasonality of production or consumption is observed.

If circumstances require the participation of intermediaries in the supply of goods, it is important that their number be minimal.

In each case, the choice of supplier and the way of movement of goods are based on a deep analysis of specific conditions and efficiency calculations.

Accepted in terms of quantity, quality, completeness, products are to be moved to storage areas and placed in places of permanent storage. The Company has two wholesale warehouses and a logistics warehouse, where such types of goods as eggs, confectionery, groceries, soft and alcoholic drinks, canned fish and meat are stored, which are then delivered to the Company's stores.

Currently, there is a wide variety of advertising media. This often makes it difficult to choose specific tools for promotional activities.

Practically all the main means of advertising distribution are used in the activities of ALC "Arlon".

Widely used advertising in the press is represented by advertisements and publications of an overview and promotional nature in the newspapers Zarya, Vecherny Brest, Brest Kuryer, which are very popular among the population of the city and the region. Advertisements are published most often on the eve of holidays. Due to its efficiency, repetition, wide coverage, advertising in the press is one of the most effective.

From advertisements in the press, you can indicate the range of goods sold in food enterprises, services Catering(reception of pre-orders, production of banquet dishes on orders, home delivery of dishes, organization of show programs).

Daily and weekly newspapers, despite their short life, allow you to make advertising relevant, and also make it possible to place an ad on any convenient day. Ad sizes play an important role. They are determined by the need to repeat it, the amount of funds, the characteristics of the advertising message, the intended goals, etc. It must be borne in mind that a one-time publication of a large-format ad in a newspaper is ineffective. A series of smaller publications in the same publication is practically more effective and often cheaper.

Print advertising is the most widely used and most effective. In ALC "Arlon" print advertising (announcements, inserts, memos, menu design, waiters' bills) does not require large expenses, is simple, affects a person directly in content and form.

Radio and television advertising are perhaps the most popular means of advertising distribution in terms of consumer coverage. The most common types of radio advertising are radio commercials, radio ads, and radio ads. They are most effective when advertising goods and services designed for the general public. Radio advertising is usually used to inform and remind. Its preparation in most cases requires the participation of experienced specialists in this field, who have to do a lot of work from developing a suitable script to translating it into an audio recording.

In ALC "Arlon" from the means of radio advertising, advertising radio announcements are most often used with information about the operating mode of the enterprise, the extension of the operating mode on pre-holiday and holidays, about exhibitions and sales, about goods and services sold.

Television advertising has a number of specific features. First of all, television has ample opportunity to have a targeted impact and cause the desired response from the audience. Through the combination of image, color, movement and sound, high degree attracting attention. In addition, television provides wide coverage, as well as good geographic and demographic selectivity.

An effective medium for presenting consumer goods is outdoor advertising. It is designed, first of all, for the perception of the general population.

Among the variety of species and varieties outdoor advertising ODO "Arlon" uses illuminated advertising of the facade, illuminated signs, signboards, shop windows, elements of internal advertising (pointers, information boards, price tags, etc.), overalls service personnel. Window showcases decorate not only the enterprise, but also become an element of street design.

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a special place in the arsenal of funds advertising impact, as they provide very wide opportunities for demonstrating advertised goods and establishing direct contacts with direct buyers and business partners. Exhibition events are especially effective in combination with a complex of other advertising media. Trade shows are one of the most effective forms of advertising. They demonstrate all the products that are sold by the enterprise. However, they are carried out periodically, which reduces their effectiveness.

2.3 Development of measures to improve the marketing activities of ALC "Arlon"

In general, in order to improve the efficiency of managing the marketing activities of Arlon ALC, we can offer:

1) study the markets for goods, their segments, the choice of possible suppliers in accordance with the trade and technological process, since the key link in marketing management is the definition of a marketing strategy and market research for goods sold. The results of the study should reflect the real demand for food products, which should contribute to making informed decisions about the appropriateness of purchases. specific types products and volumes of their sale. At the same time, attention should be paid to determining the suppliers of the required trade and technological equipment, its technical characteristics and cost, and terms of delivery. Responsibilities for the study of sales markets to assign to the department of marketing research.

2) a comprehensive analysis of all technical and economic processes for the sale of goods should cover the period of time from the initial calculation of the required investments to determine the effectiveness of their investment and rational use. Therefore, economic calculations should be related to:

Rationale innovation strategy increase the efficiency of sales,

The amount of capital necessary for the development of trade,

Efficiency of capital investment in fixed and revolving funds, labor resources;

The main areas of distribution and use of profits.

These marketing management functions should be carried out by the marketing management department (trade organization), based on the data provided by the departments of the commodity nomenclature, sales departments, accounting information and the planning and economic department.

3) based on the study of the sales market and competitors, calculate the volume of wholesale turnover in the annual context, at the same time determining the amount of investment, planning distribution costs, forming financial strategy. It is advisable to apply the methods of simulation modeling of sales management and profit management problems. This function should be performed directly by the marketing management department in order to more clearly define the strategic directions of the firm's marketing activities.

Focusing on long-term success in its production and commercial activities, ALC “Arlon” must evaluate the effectiveness of its marketing activities at certain intervals. Such an assessment is intended to provide a marketing audit carried out as part of strategic control.

All retailers, without exception, like to have recommended retail prices in their price lists, in addition to the selling price. This partly speeds up the decision-making process and aligns with their perception of brand owner endorsement and positioning.

The next feature is the requirements of networks for exhibition samples and their presentation. It all depends on the nature of the positioning of the network itself. If it's a hypermarket-type multi-brand, it's unlikely that you'll be allowed to use POS materials, since multi-brands usually sell a product, not a specific brand.

As for regional chains, which clearly differ in the system of organization and store formats, they, on the contrary, will gladly accept all visual aids that will help to inform the consumer about the benefits of goods as fully as possible.

Products of elite categories, as a rule, inspire respect at all levels, these products are pleasant to sell, and almost always these products provide a good margin (from 50 to 100%) and retail chains are happy to organize small promo "islands" and even organize and the design of a “shop within a shop”.

Determine the budget for the proposed activities (Table 3.7).

According to the author, taking into account the current trends, the economic effect of the proposed measures to develop a program to improve the marketing mix is ​​an increase in sales. Economical effect from the increase in sales is achieved by reducing the share of semi-fixed costs in the costs of the enterprise, and, accordingly, by increasing the amount of profit per ruble of output. According to the author, the increase in revenue due to the proposed activities in 2010 compared to the option without the activities will be 3%.

Table 2.1

Event budget

Name of the event Expenditures Budget, thousand rubles
1 2 3
1. Sale of related products Costs for organizing the purchase of goods 5000
2. Implementation of a flexible system of discounts at the enterprise Development of Regulations on discounts 200
3. Creation of the enterprise website Website development by Urbis Internet development studio (Brest) 1400
4. Sales of the company's products in the regional markets of the Republic of Belarus Annual payroll of an additional employee of the marketing department with deductions 13500
5. Acquisition of own transport for the delivery of goods to the consumer

Purchase of tractor MAZ-5432A3-322

Purchase of semi-trailer MAZ-975830-3021

Total for the event

Total - 243200

Let's calculate the increase in gross profit due to the development of activities in table 2.2.

Table 2.2

Calculation of gross profit from events

Name of indicator year 2009 2010
1 2 3
Revenue in current prices (excluding taxes and deductions from revenue), million rubles 25891 26668
Total cost, million rubles 24602 24919
- variable costs 10579 10896
- fixed costs 14023 14023
Increase in production cost -
Profit, million rubles 1289 1748
Product profitability, % 5,2 7,0
Increase in profit due to increased sales compared to 2009, million rubles - +459

Calculations show that the annual sales volume will increase by 777 million rubles compared to the option without the implementation of measures. (or 3.0%) in 2010. At the same time, the cost of sales will increase by 317 million rubles due to a decrease in the share of semi-fixed costs. Thus, the annual gross profit due to the activities will increase compared to the actual level of 2009 by 459 million rubles.

Conclusion: the program for improving the marketing mix of ODO "Arlon" proposed by the author is real and cost-effective. For each ruble of costs invested in activities (310.4 million rubles), the enterprise will receive 338.6 million rubles in 2010 and subsequent years. growth net profit or an average of 1.091 rubles of net profit per 1 ruble of costs for these activities.


As modern experience shows, wholesale companies in most cases carry out marketing functions better than the manufacturer, since they have well-established ties with retail trade, as well as a good warehouse and transport base. Today, wholesale companies provide their customers not only with goods, but also with a wide range of related services: advertising at the point of sale, organization of sales promotion events, delivery of goods, pre-sales preparation, including packing and packaging of goods under the brand name of a retail enterprise or retail network. In the market of technically complex goods, wholesale companies organize, with the support of manufacturers, service centers.

And since the activity of any intermediary increases the cost of goods, the task of the wholesale link in the distribution system is to form a minimum wholesale margin (due to the rationalization of trade and logistics operations) or to provide the product with additional values ​​for the buyer, who will perceive the set price as fair.

According to the results of the calculations, it can be concluded that the proposed measures to improve the efficiency of the marketing activities of ALC "Arlon" are cost-effective.


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