Project-based learning in elementary school, federal state education and the course "project activity" n.y. Pakhomov, head lab. information support for the development of MIOO education, - presentation. Thus, according to the definition of N. Pakhomova Pakhomova, educational design

  • 09.12.2019

Using the project method in music lessons

One of the directions of my pedagogical activity is the use of the project method in the learning process.

I started my activity on the implementation of the project method in 2009, with the study of theoretical literature:

    N.Yu. Pakhomov "Method of the educational project",

the manual presents the didactic possibilities of the educational project and the features of the methodology for its implementation, which will allow the teacher to better understand and effectively use the psychological and pedagogical factors of this method in practical work.

    I.S. Sergeev "How to organize the project activities of students"

The book outlines approaches to organizing student project activities at school: what is the project method, what are the main requirements for the project, how to properly plan project activities in the classroom and on a school scale, what are the main problems and difficulties of the project method, and more. others

With the help of the project method, I develop the cognitive interest of students, form the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and develop critical thinking. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, I turn into an organizer of the cognitive, research activities of my students. Organized by me project activity goes beyond a simple lesson.

Practice has shown that the project method is applicable to music lessons, arouses the interest and lively reaction of children, and makes it possible to develop the creative abilities of each child.

As one of the aspects of my methodological work in the 2009-2010 academic year, a creative project “What is the transformative power of music lies in?” was developed jointly with children.

The project activity was aimed at the research work of creative groups of students:

-1 group "Historians"- the purpose of their work was to find out the history of the emergence of music and its role in human life.

The report was presented in the form of reports: "The emergence of music" and "The role of music in human life."

- Group 2 "Musicologists"- the purpose of the work: to find out by what means of musical expression music tells. What is the power of transformative music.

The reports were presented in the form of presentations: "Means of musical expression" and "The transformative power of music."

In accordance with the design technology, the project stages were developed:


    definition of the topic, project ideas

    formation of working groups and distribution of work into groups

    search for information, visiting the library, observation, survey

    processing of information and analysis of the obtained results

    research topics: the history of the emergence of music; the role of music in human life; means of musical expression; the transformative power of music

    Final stage:

    work on the creation of the UMP "The transformative power of music"

    final conversation using UMP


Project "What is the transformative power of music?" was presented at the district competition "Information technologies in the hands of a teacher" in the nomination "Educational and methodological project". The work took  place.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, the following research project was implemented: "The history of the emergence and manufacture of musical instruments"

Objective: to study how musical instruments developed in the history of musical art, and make several instruments yourself.

The relevance of the work is that it implies the demand for knowledge from physics and other areas of natural science. The close interdisciplinary connection of such sciences as music, physics, technology is the novelty of the research work.
The study "In the workshop of musical instruments" helped the children to expand their knowledge in the field of music history (the origin of musical art, attitude to music in different eras and in different cultures), in the field of physics (properties and characteristics of sound), in the field of technology (practical production of musical tools).
In the course of the work, the students put forward a hypothesis - given that the first musical instruments were made in the distant past by people without special training having learned from what improvised materials these musical instruments were made, having studied physical properties sounds, we can make several musical instruments by ourselves.

The hypothesis that it is possible to make several musical instruments on your own was fully confirmed.

The practical result of the work was the musical instruments made by the students.

For their manufacture, the guys used various improvised materials.

The main goals of introducing the project method into the practice of teaching music:

    show the ability of an individual student or a group of students to use the research experience acquired at school;

    realize your interest in the subject of research, increase knowledge about it;

    demonstrate the level of education and knowledge in the field of music;

When organizing work on a project, I try to fulfill the following conditions:

    the theme of the musical project should be relevant;

    the problem offered to students is formulated in such a way as to orient students to attract facts from related fields of knowledge and various sources of information;

    it is necessary to involve all the students of the class in the work, offering each task, taking into account the level of his musical competencies.

The project method allows students to move from mastering ready-made knowledge to their conscious acquisition.

The project is valuable because in the course of its implementation, students learn to independently acquire knowledge, gain experience in cognitive, educational and research activities.

Teacher: Palenaya E.V.

Research project: "The history of the emergence and manufacture of musical instruments."

Regarding the first musical instruments, as well as about the origins of music, there are many hypotheses based on archaeological finds and research results of modern human tribes that are at low stages of social development.
So, a stone, a bowstring, a shell and a reed could become the ancestors of all existing musical instruments, which, by the very nature of sound, are divided into main groups: percussion - from a stone and a hollow tree, strings - from a singing bowstring, brass winds - from a sea shell and woodwinds - from the reed.
Only one thing is undeniable: the entire evolution and improvement of musical instruments is organically intertwined with the evolution of mankind, its culture and, in particular, musical culture.
The purpose of the work: to study how musical instruments developed in the history of musical art, and to make several instruments on their own.
1. To study the history of the appearance of the first musical instruments.
2. Study the characteristics and properties of sound, conduct experiments.
3. Find the connection between the art of music, physics and technology.
4. Invent and make musical instruments from natural materials and household items.
Hypothesis: given that the first musical instruments were made in the distant past by people without special training, having learned from what improvised materials these musical instruments were made, having studied the physical properties of sounds, I will be able to make several musical instruments on my own or with the help of adults.
The relevance of the work is that it involves the study of the field of science, integrating the knowledge gained at school in the lessons of music, musical literature, literature, history; it also implies a demand for knowledge from physics and other areas of natural science. The close interdisciplinary connection of such sciences as music, physics, technology is the novelty of the research work.
The study "In the laboratory of musical instruments" helped me to expand my knowledge in the field of music history (the origin of musical art, attitude to music in different eras and in different cultures), in the field of physics (properties and characteristics of sound), in the field of instrumental science (evolution and classification musical instruments), in the field of technology (practical production of musical instruments).
The hypothesis that it is possible to make several musical instruments on your own was fully confirmed. The practical result of the work was the musical instruments we made: ratchet, tambourine, maracas, shaker, “rain noise”, bamboo flute. For their manufacture, we used various materials: tin cans, bottles, bamboo stalks, plastic decorative plates, coconuts and much more. Great scope for imagination was needed at the stage of decoration of finished instruments.
Masters who make musical instruments put their soul and all the experience gained over the years into their creations. And we can only admire how they turn ordinary air waves into beautiful music!


Head of the Ministry of Defense Deputy Director for resurrection slave. Head teacher

I.V.Yatsenko _______A.P.Postoyuk _____E.V.Zaitsev

Protocol No. _____ Order No. _______


Municipal budgetary educational institution"Novoivanovskaya secondary school" municipality Chernomorsky district of the Republic of Crimea


for extracurricular project activities

mug "Connoisseurs"

for grade 2

elementary general education

Yatsenko Inna Viktorovna

2015/2016academic year


Working programm compiled on the basis of: Pakhomova N.Yu. The program of the course "Project activity". Grades 2-4 / N.Yu. Pakhomov. - M .: OOO "Russian Word - Textbook", 2013. - 104 p. - (FSES. Extracurricular activities).

Instructional design is an important element modern system education. But before the teacher can use educational design as a didactic tool, it is necessary to prepare students for independent work within the framework of an educational project, to form elementary design skills and abilities in them. By developing project skills and carrying out holistic projects, it is possible to improve the project activity as a whole. Initial design training lays the necessary foundation for the further development of project skills and the use of educational projects to organize independent acquisition of knowledge by students in subject classes and their more effective assimilation, as well as the formation of students' competence and solving educational problems in high school.


aim course "Project activity" is the formation of junior schoolchildren design skills of a minimum level of complexity. The course allows, starting to master educational design in primary school, by the 7th-8th grade of secondary school to reach the level of formation of project activities among students required by the new educational standards. Initial training is aimed at developing the fundamental skills of instructional design.

The main objectives of initial design education (grades 2-4) are the formation of the following skills:

 plan their activities and carry them out in accordance with the developed plan;

 plan the work of another (others) to achieve a certain result;

 analyze available resources for future activities, including own knowledge;

 set a task for the formed goal for subsequent solution;

 analyze the result obtained for compliance with the requirements of the task or the goal;

 Present and present the progress of the work done and its results.

The course "project activity" in elementary school is built on the basis of a knowledge system. Tasks are given with successive complication, the composition of the formed design skills is expanding. Classes are organized on an activity basis with a gradual increase in the independence of students in the application of project skills mastered in the process of completing assignments.

Work on tasks is carried out in a group form of organizing classes. The exceptions are control tasks where students work in pairs or individually. The number of children in the group is negotiated for each lesson.

The formation and development of the ability to analyze the available resources for future activities, including one's own knowledge, go through all the years of project-based learning, and form the basis of reflective activity. The ability to analyze the result obtained for compliance with the requirements of the task and the goal begins to be formed by joint work an adult with children, first with the leading role of an adult, then step by step with greater independence and responsibility of children. The formation of this skill should be achieved by the end of the third year of study on the course, that is, by the end of elementary school.

The ability to present and present the progress of the work done and its result begins to take shape from the first steps of mastering the course "Project activity" in the process of completing assignments. This skill is based on the acquired skills oral speech, the ability to make an oral message on a given topic, answer questions on the topic, use visual illustrative material in the story.

The formation of project skills is carried out first in the conditions of group organization of classes. Then, with the assimilation of new ways and means of organizing activities, increasing the degree of independence in the application of the skills being formed, there is a transition to working in pairs. And finally, when the formation of a skill reaches the level of internalization, individual form work. When working together in a group, the plan is not only a means of performing all the operations included in it, but also a means of solving new problems - the distribution of work, the establishment of elementary production links.

In addition to activity group classes, the course includes classes with a frontal-presentative form of work, frontal analysis of the situations presented and discussion of the plans and results of the work presented by the groups, explanatory-illustrative and control-evaluative forms.

Classes on the course "Project activity" are held in the form of lessons and are part of the traditional class-lesson system. However, they differ from traditional lessons in a greater degree of independence of students, in the activity basis of the organizational form and in the focus on mastering the ways of actions and activities. The lesson has several components: front-interactive, activity-group and presentation. Each lesson (or two consecutive lessons in the plan, depending on the amount of content) is built on the basis of the task.

The task is given to perform (full or partial) all the necessary design actions and is presented to students in the form of a situation containing a problem that needs to be solved. In the design process, students must propose their project (idea), that is, find a way to solve the problem. Further, the project is carried out practically or presented at the presentation. Most often, in educational design, it is not always possible to implement the project (concept), however, the goal of "teaching design" is achieved. The problem situation necessarily contains in its formulation a description of the problem and the conditions for its existence and is formulated with elements of game and practical significance.

An important component of the lessons is the presentation - the presentation of design results and introspection. In order for all groups of students to have the opportunity to speak, practice presentations (to form students' presentation skills), special time is provided in the lesson and, if necessary, methodological assistance in the form of questions, a presentation plan.

Evaluation of the work of students in the lessons of the course "Project activity" is unmarked. In group work, the work of the whole group is evaluated, in pair and individual work, pair or individual work, respectively. Selection criteria the best work are simple: for a positive assessment, it is necessary first of all to make the right plan and carefully note the operations performed in the course of work. The product must meet the requirements of the task. As the skills of analysis and presentation are formed, the quality of the presentation and reflection of group work during the presentation is added to the evaluation criteria. Lastly, the accuracy and aesthetics of the product are evaluated. Based on the results of the assessment, students are rewarded with stickers, or medals, or certificates.


Training course"Project activity" is implemented as part of the introduction of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO for extracurricular activities. According to curriculum educational institutions The Russian Federation for the study of the course "Project activity" must be allocated 1 hour per week - 34 hours per year.

1. Pakhomova N.Yu. Project activity: a methodological guide for a teacher primary school. Grade 2 M., 2013.

2. Pakhomova N.Yu. Project activity: workbook. Grade 2 M., 2013.

3. Pakhomova N.Yu. Project activity: handout. Grade 2 M., 2013.

Forms of organization of the educational process and their combination: individual, group, collective.


by the end of 2nd grade.

Required skills:

    Skill present and introduce the progress of the work done, and its result.

    Skill analyze and evaluate group work.

Ability to plan:

    Number of details;

    The choice of shape and color of parts;

    Location of parts on the product;

    Sequence of operations;

    Distribution of operations among group members;

    Distribution and sequence of operations to optimize the work on time.

Ability to analyze:

    My knowledge (I know or don't know);

    Terms of quantitative and quality characteristics products;

    Conditions for the selection of materials, parts for the performance of work;

    The composition of the operations necessary to perform the work;

    Correspondence of the course of work to a previously drawn up plan.

Ability to present:

    Ability to present the product;

    Ability to talk about the work of the group and each participant for a common result;

    Ability to talk about the achieved result;

    Formation of ideas about the ethics and aesthetics of the presentation of the product.

by the end of 3rd grade.

    highlight a problem and conditions from the problem situation;

    formulate a problem in the form of a question, but based on the problem, define goals and objectives for its implementation;

    plan and plan your work

    present results work done (projects) i.e. make a presentation, make introspection.

by the end of 4th grade.

    Plan the work of the group taking into account time and make the best plan, use encoding and decoding to record the plan, and perform work according to the plan.

    Analyze the problem situation A that contains the problem and conditions.

    Formulate the problem and goal, define tasks that need to be solved to achieve the goal, drawing up a project. Set educational and research goals.

    Formulate the expected result, fix the project in the form of a table, diagram, layout, booklet, algorithm, sketch, etc.

    present the results of the work done (projects), i.e. make a presentation.

    to do self-analysis (to conduct a reflection of one's own activity).


personal results course study are the education and development of socially significant personal qualities, individual-personal positions, values ​​that reveal the attitude to work, the system of norms and rules interpersonal communication that ensures success in joint activities.

Self-determination: readiness and ability of students to self-development; the internal position of the student on the basis of a positive attitude towards school; motivated participation in intellectual competitions and projects of various levels; social competence as a readiness to solve moral dilemmas, stable adherence to social norms in behavior; initial adaptation skills in a dynamically changing world.

Meaning formation: a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in the unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions; empathy is understanding the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

Moral and ethical orientation: respect for a different opinion, culture of other peoples; skills of cooperation in different situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations.

Metasubject outcomes course study is the development by students of project skills of a minimum level of complexity, universal methods of activity used both within the educational process and in real life situations.

Regulatory universal learning activities:

Goal setting: formulate and hold a learning task; transform a practical task into a cognitive one; put new learning objectives in collaboration with the teacher.

Planning: choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the sequence of intermediate goals and their corresponding actions, taking into account the final result; draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Implementation of learning activities: perform educational actions in materialized, hypermedia, loud speech and mental forms; use speech to regulate their actions. Forecasting: anticipate the possibility of obtaining a specific result when solving a problem.

Control and self-control: compare the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard; carry out final and step-by-step control on the result; carry out ascertaining and predictive control on the result and on the method of action.

Correction: make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the mistakes made; adequately perceive the proposals of teachers, comrades, parents and other people to correct the mistakes made.

Grade: establish compliance of the result obtained with the goal; correlate the correctness of the choice, planning, execution and result of the action with the requirements of a particular task.

Self-regulation: concentration of will to overcome intellectual difficulties and physical obstacles; stabilization of the emotional state for solving various problems.

Cognitive universal learning activities:

General education: independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal; to navigate in a variety of ways to solve problems; choose the most effective ways to solve problems; control and evaluate the process and results of activities; pose, formulate and solve problems; independently create activity algorithms for solving problems of a different nature; consciously and arbitrarily build messages in oral and written forms, including creative and exploratory ones; carry out semantic reading; choose the type of reading depending on the purpose.

Sign-symbolic: use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving problems; to model, that is, to single out and generally fix the essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems.

Informational: search and selection of the necessary information from various sources in various forms (text, figure, table, diagram, diagram); collection of information (extraction of the necessary information from various sources); addition of tables with new data; information processing (definition of primary and secondary information); information analysis; information transfer (oral, written, digital); assessment of information (critical assessment, reliability assessment).

Brain teaser: subsuming under the concept on the basis of object recognition, highlighting essential features; bringing under the rule; analysis; synthesis; comparison; seriation; classification according to specified criteria; establishment of analogies; establishing causal relationships; construction of reasoning; generalization; the use of basic subject and meta-subject concepts to characterize the objects of the surrounding world.

Communicative universal learning activities:

Initiative cooperation: to be active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive tasks.

Planning for Learning Collaboration: ask questions necessary for organizing your own activities and cooperation with a partner; determine the goals, functions of participants, ways of interaction; agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities.

Interaction: to formulate own opinion and position; to ask questions; build statements that are understandable for the partner; build a monologue; conduct oral and written dialogue in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language; listen to the interlocutor.

Communication Management: to argue your position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in joint activities; predict the emergence of conflicts in the presence of different points of view; resolve conflicts based on the interests and positions of all participants; coordinate and take different positions in interaction.

Speech means and means of information and communication technologies: compiling a reasoning text; selection of evidence to support their point of view; the use of generalizing words and concepts.

semantic reading: mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives; conscious construction of a speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication; compiling texts in oral and written forms.

Various ways search and use of information: search for the meaning of a word in the directory; "reading" information presented in different ways.

Students will learn :

Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using reference and educational literature;

Use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving problems;

Build a speech statement in oral and written forms;

Extract essential information from different types of texts;

To carry out the analysis of objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features;

To carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts;

Carry out comparison, seriation, classification according to specified criteria;

Establish causal relationships;

Build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and relationships;

To generalize, that is, to carry out generalization and derivation of generality for a whole series or class of single connections on the basis of highlighting an essential connection;

Establish analogies;

Plan your action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;

Allow for the possibility of people having different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the position of a partner in communication and interaction;

Adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks, build a monologue statement, and master the dialogical form of speech.

Students will have the opportunity to learn :

To carry out an extended search for information using the resources of libraries and the Internet;

Create and transform models and schemes to solve problems;

Consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral and written forms;

To carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts, independently completing and completing the missing components;

Carry out comparison, seriation and classification, independently choosing the grounds and criteria for the indicated logical operations;

Build logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;

Consider different opinions and interests and justify your own position.

Auxiliary content is the content of the presented problem situations in the course assignments. The objects of the situation and everything that the students know about it are the content on which the educational process unfolds in activity. This is that part of the content with which various actions and operations will be carried out when performing the task, which should be sufficiently known, understandable, familiar from the personal life experience of students or previously studied in other subject classes.

When developing the ability to work with alternative sources of information, content is drawn from reference books, encyclopedias, the Internet in compliance with the principles of accessibility, relevance to the topic, and brevity. For some topics, the content is selected by the developers, but not adapted. In other tasks, texts are selected by students on a given topic. Somewhere texts are compiled (composed) by students for the production of an information product, letters, etc.

Features of the first year of design education (grade 2)

In the first year of project-based learning, in the second grade, the goal is to teach how to plan work according to a given result. In each task of the course, the result of a simple self made or resolution of a simple everyday situation. While working on the task, the children think over their work, determine the plan and fix it (the number of parts, the quantity and quality of the parts, the distribution of operations between the children of the group, the time for performing operations and the task as a whole), and optimize the plan. At the same time, the analysis of the results of the work, the quality of the plan drawn up and the performance of work in accordance with the plan is carried out constantly in the course of work on each task.

Work on tasks is organized in a group form. Exceptions are control tasks, where work is carried out in pairs or individually. The number of children in the group is negotiated for each lesson.

We begin to form the ability to analyze the available resources for the upcoming activities, including our own knowledge, already in the first half of the 2nd grade, creating a situation of choosing the necessary materials from a obviously greater variety. The formation and development of this skill goes through all the years of project-based learning and forms the basis of reflective activity.

We begin to form the ability to analyze the result obtained for compliance with the requirements of the task and the set goal through the joint work of an adult with children, first with the leading role of an adult, then step by step with greater independence and responsibility of children. The full development of this skill in the second grade will not yet be achieved. It must be achieved by the end of the third year of study, that is, by the end of primary education.

We begin to form the ability to present and present the progress of the work done and its result from the first steps in the course "Project activity" with the help of course assignments. This skill is based on the formation of the skill of oral speech, the ability to make an oral message on a given topic, answer questions on the topic, combine the story with the display of illustrative material.

In the course "Project activity" in elementary school, the system of tasks is built with a gradual complication and expansion of the composition of the formed project skills. Classes are organized on an activity basis with a gradual increase in the independence of students in the application of project skills mastered in the process of completing assignments.

In the 2nd grade, work planning is mastered gradually with an increase in the complexity of both the plan itself and the methods of fixing it. Also, the ability to analyze and present the results is gradually increasing. independent work.

Stages of work on the project



1st stage - immersion in the project


Carry out:

1) project problem;

10 personal appropriation of the problem;

2) plot situation;

2) getting used to the situation;

3) purpose and objectives.

3) acceptance, clarification and concretization of the goal and objectives.

2nd stage - organization of activities.

Organizes activities - offers:

Carry out:

1) organize groups;

1) breakdown into groups;

2) distribute roles in groups;

2) distribution of roles in the group;

3) plan activities to solve the problem of the project;

3) work planning;

4) possible forms of presentation of the results.

4) the choice of the form and methods of presentation of the expected results.

3rd stage - implementation of activities.

Does not participate, but:

Work actively and independently:

1) advises students if necessary;

1) each in accordance with his role and together;

2) unobtrusively controls;

2) consult as necessary;

3) gives new knowledge when students need it;

3) "extract" the missing knowledge;

4) rehearse with the students the upcoming presentation of the results.

4) prepare a presentation of the result.

4th stage - presentation.

Accepts report:


1) summarizes the results obtained;

1) understanding of the problem, goals and objectives;

2) summarizes the learning outcomes;

2) the ability to plan and carry out work;

3) evaluates skills:

* communicate;

* listen;

* justify your opinion;

* tolerance;

* and other.

3) found a way to solve the problem;

4) focuses on the educational moment:

* the ability to work in a group for a common result.

4) reflection of activities and results;

5) give a mutual assessment of the activity and its effectiveness


the date

Lesson topic

Content elements

Types of activities of the student



1. Plan and planning.

Problematic introduction of the concepts "Plan", "Planning".

Group work on the task; frontal analysis.

2. Box decoration.

Consolidation of the concepts of "Plan", "Planning". Planning training.

Group. Planning by number of parts.

3. Hat decoration.

Formation of the ability to draw up and implement a plan when planning the number of parts and their location on the product. Carry out work according to plan.


Planning according to the number of details location.

4. Christmas tree decoration.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the number of parts and their placement on the product; perform work in accordance with the plan; introduction of a new plan entry.

Group, independent planning according to the number of details and location. , solo presentation

5. Apples on an apple tree.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the number of parts and their placement on the product; perform work in accordance with the plan; fixing the tabular form of the record.

Work in pairs, independent Tabular plan for operations.

6. Flower of desires.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the distribution of parts and operations among group members; perform work in accordance with the plan; the introduction of a distributed presentation of the product and the progress of the group.

Group, group presentation.

7. Dress up the doll.

Introduction to work with the condition of selecting parts; strengthening the ability to draw up a plan for the distribution of operations among group members; strengthening the ability to present the product and the progress of the group.

Group. Work on a given condition. Independent planning, collective presentation.

8. Greeting card.

Consolidation of work with a condition and complication of choice (holiday theme, attributes); strengthening the ability to draw up a plan for the distribution of operations among group members; strengthening the ability to present the product and the progress of the group.


Distribution of work in cooperation.

9. Zoo.

Consolidation of work with the condition and complication of the choice (comparison of two sets: animals and cubs and the choice of two pairs); strengthening the ability to draw up a plan for the distribution of actions among group members; strengthening the ability to present the product and the progress of the group.


Detailed planning

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the number of details, fix the plan in tabular form and perform work in accordance with the plan; fixing the plan in the form of a sketch.

Individual; sketch, decoding Self.

11. Mosaic from parts of a square.

Formation of the ability to draw up an assembly order plan with a designation on the sketch, to perform work in accordance with the plan. Introduction to work geometric shapes and their parts.


12. Mosaic from parts of a rhombus.


13. Fantasy from parts of a rhombus.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the number of parts, the order of assembly of the product. Distribution of work in a group, the ability to perform work in accordance with the plan.

Group planning. Individual for the manufacture of mosaics.

14. Ornament-application.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the number of parts, the order of assembly of the product. Distribution of work in a group, the ability to perform work in accordance with the plan.

Pair-individual. Planning the assembly order, number and type of geometric shapes according to a given ornament scheme.

15. Application of a little man.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the number of parts, the order of assembly of the product. Distribution of work in a group, the ability to perform work in accordance with the plan. Formation of the ability to make the selection of the necessary stencils for the selected picture.

Group. Planning the assembly order, number and type of geometric shapes according to a given ornament scheme. Issue presentation.

16. The house of my dreams.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the number of parts, the order of assembly of the product. Ability to get the job done

Individual. Sketch, type and number of geometric shapes, assembly order, reflection, presentation.

17-18. Recreation area in the park.

Consolidation of the ability to plan (comprehensive planning). Distribution of work in a group in a situation of large complex work.

Formation of the ability to present the result of work, reflection of group work and the types of planning used.

Group. Integrated planning, reflection, presentation.

19-20. Train.

Introduction of the concepts "Planning by time", "optimal plan"; decoding. Formation of the ability to plan the simultaneous work of group members in operations and carry out their group activities in accordance with the plan.

Formation of the ability to plan the simultaneous work of group members in operations and carry out their group activities in accordance with the plan.

Group. Drawing up an optimal plan with the help of a teacher.

21. Table and chair.

Group. Independent optimal planning.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for operations and perform work in accordance with the plan;

Formation of the ability to plan taking into account the time and draw up an optimal plan; decoding.

Work in pairs. Independent optimal planning.

23. Machine.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for operations and perform work in accordance with the plan;

Formation of the ability to plan taking into account the time and draw up an optimal plan; decoding.

Work in pairs. Pair planning

24. Teapot.

Introduction of the concepts "Situation", "problem", "conditions", "possible actions"; strengthening the ability to draw up a plan as a sequence of actions; introducing coding and using it when recording a plan.

Individual. Writing a plan in the form of instructions.

25. Draw water from the river.

Introduction of the concepts "Situation", "problem" and "goal" in their relationship, formulating the problem in the form of a question, formulating the goal as the expected result; development of the ability to plan when drawing up a plan-instruction.

26. Vinaigrette.

Formation of the ability to analyze and formulate a problem situation, problem and goal; determination of the composition of actions and the sequence of their implementation to solve the problem; Introduction of the concepts of "recipe", "plan-instruction in the recipe".

Group when performing planning; individual. Writing a plan in the form of instructions.

27. Lilac bush under the window.

Working with the concepts of "situation", "problem", "goal"; Formation of the ability to formulate a problem in the form of a question; strengthening the ability to draw up a plan-instruction; writing a plan using abbreviated notation.

Individual. Write instructions in the form of a diagram.

28. Garland.

Formation of the ability to analyze and formulate a problem situation, problem and goal; determination of the composition of actions and the sequence of their implementation to solve the problem; drawing up instructions and their implementation; Introduction of the concept of "repetition in instructions".

Group. Write instructions in the form of a diagram. Loop instruction.

29. Safe street crossing.

Working with the concepts of "situation", "problem" and "goal"; formation of the ability to formulate briefly the situation and the problem; strengthening the ability to draw up an action plan, a plan, as an instruction; introduction of the concept of "rule".

Individual. Write instructions in the form of a diagram. Rule-instruction with a condition.

30. Safe street crossing-2.

Consolidation of the concepts of "situation", "problem", "goal" in their relationship; ; Introduction of the concepts "algorithm", "algorithm with a condition"; development of the ability to work in accordance with the goal; draw up a plan.

Individual. Write instructions in the form of a diagram. Algorithm with 2 conditions.

31. Counterfeit coin.

Consolidation of the concepts of "situation", "problem", "goal" in their relationship; Introduction of the concepts "algorithm", "algorithm with a condition"; development of the ability to work in accordance with the goal; draw up a plan-instruction, an algorithm with a condition and an algorithm within the algorithm. Introduction of the concepts of “algorithm within an algorithm”

Individual. Write instructions in the form of a diagram. Algorithm within an algorithm.

32-34. Reserve lessons.

At the discretion of the teacher.


Lesson topic

Content elements

Types of activities of the student

1. Mushrooms in a basket.

Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for the number of parts, the order of assembly of the product. Distribution of work in a group, the ability to perform work in accordance with the plan.

Group. Planning by number and location of parts.

2-3. Doll furniture: bed and bedside table.

4-5. Doll furniture: round table and chair.

Strengthening the ability to isolate a problem from a problem situation; define the goal and solutions in the form of tasks, perform network planning, perform work in accordance with the plan.

Group. Network planning using coding.

Strengthening the ability to isolate a problem from a problem situation; formulate a problem and a goal; set cognitive tasks for yourself (find a way to acquire new knowledge); present the progress and results of the work done.

Group. Work on the problem and tasks.

Individual. Research project.

7-8. Pet.

Strengthening the ability to isolate a problem from a problem situation; formulate a problem and a goal; set cognitive tasks for yourself (find a way to acquire new knowledge); present the progress and results of the work done. Formation of the ability to generalize the results of work in the form of a memorandum.


1-Formulation of the task for the study, description and instructions for caring for the animal.

2-Presentation and memorandum.

9-10. healthy image life.

Strengthening the ability to isolate a problem from a problem situation; formulate a problem and a goal; set itself educational and research goals. Self-analysis and comparison. Presentation.


1- Work on the problem and tasks.

2- Individual. Report presentation.

11. Safe street crossing.

Strengthening the ability to isolate a problem from a problem situation; formulate a problem and a goal; set tasks for yourself. Consolidation of the ability to draw up a plan for action, a plan as an instruction, a rule.

Individual. Drawing up instructions, algorithm.

12. Route.

Strengthening the ability to isolate a problem from a problem situation; formulate a problem and a goal; set tasks for yourself. Introduction to drawing up a plan as diagrams and instructions.

Group. Drawing up a diagram.

13. Mittens for Dunno.

Isolate the problem and goal, formulate the expected result-action plan, algorithm

Individual. Working with a condition-branched algorithm.

14. New Year's holiday.

Formation of skills: to analyze a problem situation containing conditions; clarify the conditions, isolate the problem and set a goal; formulate the expected result, make a plan.

Group. Event planning: the program of the holiday and the plan for its preparation.

15. Invitation card.

Formation of skills: to analyze a problem situation containing conditions; clarify the conditions, isolate the problem and set a goal; formulate the expected result, draw up a plan and write it down in the form of a layout.

Group. Presentation.

16. Reflection-1.

Formation of the methodological base of project lessons, consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities of the design process; introduction of the concept of "reflection"


17-18. Mat.

Formation of the ability to determine the composition of actions and operations, draw up a plan for the number of actions and operations, distribute work in a group and perform it in accordance with the plan.


1-Determination of the composition of actions.

2- Presentation.

19. Playground.


1-Scheme, coding, sketch, instruction.

2- Presentation.

20-21. Lazy dumplings.

Formation of skills: to analyze a problem situation containing conditions; clarify the conditions, isolate the problem and set a goal; formulate the expected result; determine the composition of actions and operations, draw up a project.


1-Planning technological process, sketch.

2- Presentation.

22-23. School travel agency.

Formation of skills: to analyze a problem situation containing conditions; clarify the conditions, isolate the problem and set a goal; formulate the expected result; determine the tasks for the preparation of the project; fix the project in the form of a diagram, booklet.


1-Route sheet with the development of a tour of the school.

2-Booklet, presentation.

24-25. Crackers.

Formation of skills: to analyze a problem situation containing conditions; formulate a problem and a goal; define tasks to achieve the goal. Present the progress and results of the work done.


1-Setting goals, drawing up a business plan.

2-Package layout presentation

26. Reflection-2.

Identification of the degree of formation: the ability to build a plan for speaking at a presentation, ideas about the stages of design; development of problem solving skills.


27-28. Phytodesign class.

Formation of skills: to analyze a problem situation containing conditions; formulate a problem and a goal; define tasks to achieve the goal; participate in a collective presentation with a demonstration of the poster.


Researching information about plants, compiling instructions. Drawing up a table with the entry of information about the care of plants; using a poster in a presentation.

29-30. Professions of our parents.

Control and consolidation of project skills. Formation of ideas about the design of a sociological survey.

Collective. Frontal work on repetition of design methodology.

Individual. Independent.

31-32 Quiz.

Formation of a complex distribution of work between class groups with the subsequent combination of the results into a single whole (mosaic presentation)

Group. Distribution of work, presentation-mosaic.

33. reflection-3.

identification of the degree of formation of ideas about design.


34. Reserve lesson.

At the discretion of the teacher

At the discretion of the teacher


1. Aquarium.

Formation of the ability to set a task for planning group work; distribution and performance of work in the group in accordance with the plan; introduction of reflective readiness

Group. Integrated planning. Reflection of the stages of work, the course of planning, discussion and decision-making

2-3. Magic chest.

Strengthening the ability to make an optimal plan. Presentation with reflection of the work done. The introduction of the concept of "optimization by the number of transfers


1-Network planning. Analysis of the plan for the presence of the transfer of details in the process.

2-Drawing up an optimal plan and its implementation.

4. Magic chest.

Formation of the ability to make an optimal plan. Analysis of the course of drawing up the plan, its optimality in terms of the number of transfers in the process of its implementation.

Work in pairs

Individual. Drawing up the optimal plan.

5-6. Tuesok.


1- Network planning.

2- Presentation.

7-8. vase.

Strengthening the ability to draw up an optimal plan with different optimization factors. Using coding. Formation of reflective skills - analysis of work according to the plan.


1- Network planning.

2- Presentation and reflection of the progress of the group's work.

9-10. Conveyor.

Formation of the ability to draw up an optimal plan for the brigade and conveyor; Formation of the ability to reflectively analyze the work of the brigade according to the plan. Poster presentation.


1- Network planning.

2- Presentation with a poster. Simulation of the work of the brigade (role-playing game)

11-12. Construction.

Formation of the ability to compose schedule the work of the brigade, taking into account the time of delivery of parts; Formation of the ability to reflectively analyze the work according to the plan. Layout presentation.


Optimal Planning

13-14. Carnival.

Formation of the ability to draw up a plan as a result of design; Formation of the ability to reflectively analyze the work of the group for discussion and choice; input of criterion evaluation.


1-Designing the preparation of a mask-character, performance at the competition, implementation of the project.

2-Reflection and self-assessment.

15-16. Reflection-1, Ice cream.

Theoretical and practical development of reflective skills

1- Individual. Independent

2- Individual. Independent

17-18. Information from printed sources.

Formation of design skills; Formation of the skill of reflective analysis; strengthening self-esteem skills.


Self-assessment by criteria; compiling a catalogue.

19-20. Board game.

Group. Game design.

Self-assessment by criteria; presentation.

21-22. School bus.

Formation of the ability to design with dividing the problem into subproblems; draw up technical tasks-instructions; Formation of the skill of reflective analysis; strengthening self-esteem skills.

Group. Designing a solution to the problem of drawing up the optimal route, project implementation

23-24. School sports day.

Formation of the ability to design with dividing the problem into subproblems; draw up technical tasks-instructions; Formation of the skill of reflective analysis; strengthening self-esteem skills.


2- self-assessment, presentation.

25-26. Who to be?

Formation of the ability to design a choice of profession, Formation of the ability to reflectively analyze one's abilities; Formation of the ability to draw up an action plan to prepare for the profession.


1- Independent design.

2- self-assessment, presentation.

27. Research.

Acquaintance with research methodology, conducting experiments, recording observations; Formation of the ability to set and conduct research; introduction of the concept of "hypothesis".


Research activity.

28-29. Acid rain.

Formation of design skills; Formation of the ability to set and conduct research in the framework of design.


Comparison of design and research, formulation of research projects. Conducting an instrumental experiment and its description.

30-31. Our class.

Consolidation of the ability to design with dividing the problem into subproblems; Formation of the skill of reflective analysis; strengthening self-esteem skills.


Implementation of design in conditions of independent group interaction.

32. Reflection-2.

Formation of reflective skills; identification of the degree of formation of ideas about design.


Practical development of reflexive actions.

33-34. Reserve lessons.

At the discretion of the teacher

At the discretion of the teacher


Unmarked assessment. In group work, the work of the whole group is evaluated, in pair and individual work, respectively, pair or individual.

Evaluation criteria:

    Completion of the task in accordance with the requirements of the task (correctness);

    Qualitative presentation of group work during presentation and reflection;

    Aesthetics and accuracy;

Students are encouraged with special badges (at the discretion of the teacher). The award is marked in the notebook. It is possible to use the "Screen of success" (an introductory table on the achievements of students)

Control is exercised for each lesson:

Activities in projects

creative reports

Work presentations

Analysis of current success dynamics (Success Screen)


The training course "Project activity" is implemented using the teaching materials.

1. Pakhomova N.Yu. The program of the course "Project activity" grades 2-4. GEF. "Russian Word" - M, 2013

2. Pakhomova N.Yu. Project activity: a manual for a primary school teacher. Grade 2 "Russian Word" - M., 2013.

3. Pakhomova N.Yu. Project activity: workbook. Grade 2 "Russian Word" - M., 2013.

4. Pakhomova N.Yu. Project activity: handout. Grade 2 "Russian Word" - M., 2013.

"Project activities of students" - Results. Main (Practical) September 2009-2011 Create a separate page of the school site as part of the project activity. Summarizing 2010-2011 Studying proccess. Inconsistency of the level of formation of key competencies of students with the new quality of education. Expected results: Formation of a system of special knowledge and skills of students.

"Design of educational activities" - March subject monitoring. Subjective possession of the subject. Activity design. Digits of the first multiplier. March day. Student profile. Tasks. Area and perimeter of a square. Maths. Approaches to building monitoring. Choose the length of the sides. Tasks of Grigory Oster. Verification work.

"Designing pedagogical activity" - Activity character. Toolkit for evaluating starting opportunities. New results. Control and evaluation independence. Evaluation (examination) of the conditions for the implementation of the BEP. Teen actions. The main elements of the system. Individual educational achievements. Formative assessment. child's actions.

"Technology of project activity" - Skills and skills of the "communication" position. Project portfolio content. Skills and abilities of the position "Presentation". Advantages. Information project. Project presentation. Development of self-education skills. Stages of the educational project. Skills and abilities of the position "management". Introduction. Design technology. Creative project.

"The value of project activities" - Discussion of the work plan of students. Traditional learning. Meaning design technology. Fundamentals of project activity. Forms of class-lesson education system. Preparation of presentations on the report on the work done. Involving students in early research, search activity. Formation of groups for research.

"Organization of project activities of schoolchildren" - Research projects. Organization of project activities of schoolchildren. Family culture. The study of theory. Dominant type of activity in the project. Creative projects. human activities in nature. Project activity. Types of project activities. English language. Information projects. specific features.

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

N.Yu.Pakhomova, head. lab. methodology and information support for the development of metropolitan education MIPKRO,
candidate of pedagogical sciences

In this material, I would like to address the methodologists who support the educational process in a mass secondary school. In my opinion, the role of a methodologist in our education system is greatly underestimated. In experimental and innovative educational institutions, they are perceived as carriers of ossified conservatism, alien to anything new and progressive. Like small children protecting their heuristic discoveries that have not yet matured, the results of pedagogical experiment and innovative transformations, innovators literally close the doors to methodologists. And no wonder. In a situation where a methodologist comes, for example, as an expert during the certification of a teacher, and he is shown a live lesson on the topic "Dough", where 4 groups of students work with four different types of tests, the choice of which occurs in the lesson itself, he is not ready for understanding of what is presented to him. He stubbornly demands lesson plan, refuses to get acquainted with the concept and direction of development and search for innovators of this school. It all ends with the easily recognizable phrase: "Don't teach me how to live."

I apologize if my sketches from life turned out to be like a caricature. Not all Methodists are so stubborn in their ignorance. For methodologists who are sensitive to grasping healthy trends in the development of pedagogical thought and heuristic innovative search, standing between pedagogical science and innovative practice, or between innovative and mass educational practice in order to fulfill their important mission, my attempts to systematize in the methodology of educational projects are intended.

Methodology is the science that studies the most general issues descriptions and analysis of the effectiveness of the application of methods and techniques. The issues of the methodology of the educational project include the following problems:

  • Definition of a learning project.
  • Classification of educational projects.
  • Methodical analysis of the educational value of the educational project (educational characteristics of the educational project).
  • Methodology for conducting work on a training project.
  • Methodology for analyzing the progress of the educational project.
  • Methodology for the development of an educational project.
  • Methodology thematic planning courses with the inclusion of educational projects in the educational context.

At this stage of the development of the project method by the forces of domestic pedagogical science and practice, the scientific and methodological literature well shows the possibilities of this method, its advantages in achieving a qualitatively new level of education and upbringing. Known to us by international conferences projects developed by American and European universities are still examples of what is called "haute couture" for us. But innovative teachers, having once tried to work with the project method, cannot refuse it - this is not the force of attraction of this method, but the opportunities that allow students to learn, and teachers to teach without coercion, fun and interesting. The number of apologists is growing. In the absence of a sufficient number of scientific developments of educational projects, the teacher comes up with his own, tries to adapt for himself, those that he has become aware of from his colleagues. In this matter, the teacher has the right to expect help from the methodologist. The methodologist should be armed with knowledge in the field of methodology of the educational project.

Positive pedagogical experience in its dissemination needs scientific and methodological support: comprehension, generalization, classification and delineation of the framework for its effective application. The rapid development of innovative practice and the counter movement of pedagogical science have already led to significant achievements. These include:

  • a wide variety of educational situations of successful use of the educational project;
  • attempts to classify educational projects;
  • creation of methods for the implementation of educational projects depending on their types;
  • building new courses with the introduction of educational projects in the educational context;
  • organization of an educational institution, where the educational project is the leading educational form subordinating the educational situation of the educational institution.

The definition of an educational project is basically the same for different authors. The characteristics of the educational project included in the definition do not depend on the type, they are invariant. At the same time, there is a great variety of educational projects. From a project for one lesson to a project for the entire academic year. Course design in pre-professional training. Designing is individual, group and of different ages, school-wide, interschool and international in terms of composition of participants. Projects for the study of various subject topics and inter-subject, out-of-subject and out-of-school.

In the future, from timid single cases of using the project method, we will have to move on to constructing new system educational work, where the specific skills of project activities, developed and used in the educational project, will be considered as general educational ones. The gradual development and consistent development of these skills will be built.

It is known that work by the method of projects requires a fairly high pedagogical skill from the teacher. Therefore, teachers who offer their own developments of educational projects are more than innovators, they are applied scientists and methodologists in this field at the same time. A teacher of mass pedagogical practice, the method of projects, of course, can do it, but after special training. Training of teachers of project activities - necessary condition to put into practice the method of educational projects.

Teaching the project method cannot take place in a lecture-seminar form - the traditional form for adult education. Understandably, students of our refresher courses find it difficult when they are asked to develop a project after they have heard about the method and the training project only by word of mouth. Just as you cannot learn to swim without entering the water, so you cannot learn project activities without working with the project. And for a teacher who teaches children to design, first of all, you need to master the design yourself. In addition, a teacher working with the project method must be fluent in the methods and technologies that students must use in the course of working on a project.

The unsolved problem of the present stage of the development of the method of educational projects is the methodological issue number three in the above enumeration of the problems of methodology. This is a question of how to describe an educational project for its subsequent cultural use in the educational system of a mass secondary school.

Those projects that are supposed to be used within the class-lesson subject system, in my opinion, should have characteristics that determine the place and time of its use in the educational process. These characteristics could form a methodological passport of the educational project. It should be noted that any project acquires something unique and personal when it is implemented in a new environment and with other children, and any attempt at a formal description of the project coarsens the understanding of the essence of the pedagogical work performed with its help. Nevertheless, a description of the educational characteristics of the educational project is also necessary to decide how exactly this project is appropriate, how it can be adapted for use in a particular situation, what conditions for its application should be in order to obtain the expected success. Without pretense of a finally successful solution, I want to offer the following option.

Methodical passport of the educational project.

Addressing (to whom it is intended, when it can be used - to determine the place in the educational and thematic plan - the educational characteristics of the educational project )

  1. Topic(s) of the curriculum of the subject/subjects
  2. Goals: educational, educational, developing
  3. Educational and pedagogical task (per class, group, each student)
  4. Age of students (grade)
  5. Project time
  6. Working mode


  1. Material and technical and educational equipment
  2. Additional involved (participants, specialists, information and material and technical resources)
  3. ZUN and general learning skills necessary for students to work independently
  4. Motivation for knowledge, work

    Estimated increments:

  1. New content for each topic
  2. New Practices
  3. Generalizing concepts, ideas, knowledge, which the result of the project is aimed at
  4. Skill development:
  • independent work with:
    • source of information
    • tools and technologies
    • independent decision making
    • communication in:
    • information exchange
    • in role play
  • mental activity when:
    • designing
    • planning
    • analysis
    • synthesis
    • structuring, etc.
    • introspection and reflection

15. Education of tolerance

16. Broadening your horizons

Education project status

  • Author-developer
  • User experience (testing)
  • Degree of distribution: No. of schools.


  1. Pakhomova N.Yu. Pedagogical Findings: Nine Facets of the Computer Science Teacher Experience. - M.: Enlightenment, 1994. - 159p.
  2. Pakhomova N.Yu. A technique for using study projects to study a single topic or a large block of content. - Sat. reports of the scientific-practical conference "Global Telecommunications in Education" January 20, 1996 Moscow, INT and the Methodological Center of the Eastern Educational District. - p.98-109.
  3. Pakhomova N.Yu. Method of projects in teaching computer science. //Computer science and education. 1996. No. 1, 2.
  4. Pakhomova N.Yu. project method. //Computer science and education. International special edition of the magazine: Technology education. 1996.
  5. Pakhomova N.Yu. Methodology of the educational project.//Teacher. 2000 No. 1, 4.

Project-based learning Project-based learning is a category that combines the idea of ​​using students' project activities to solve various educational problems, including the formation and development of students' project-based activities (project competence). Educational design - a category denoting the use of design for educational purposes, which has specific features, unlike design in other areas of human activity, is also an educational process, which is based on the use of an educational project as a didactic tool.

Meta-subject outcomes set by the Federal State Educational Standards SOO The Program for the Development of Universal Learning Activities (UUD) provides for "the formation of students' competencies in the use of ... project activities." It is aimed at "forming in students the foundations of a culture of research and project activities and skills in the development, implementation and public presentation by students of the results of research, a subject or interdisciplinary educational project aimed at solving a scientific, personal and (or) socially significant problem." "... the formation of skills for participation in various forms of organization of educational, research and project activities." The project activity of students is evaluated as a planned result. Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education [Text] / Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation. – M.: Enlightenment, – 48 p. – (Standards of the second generation). - S. 26,

Meta-subject results set by the GEF IEO Before students can work independently in educational projects to solve any problem, project skills (problem competence) must be formed at least at the level of minimal complexity. The advancing solution of the problem of the formation of project competence during the period of education in elementary school allows then to build the competence-based components of the educational process in the primary and senior secondary schools using the organizational and motivational framework of the educational project and project competence.

In order to find a way to form readiness for project activities, we made an attempt to identify a system of actions and operations that allow us to carry out project activities, and a model for the implementation of project activities was built, its properties and characteristics were established.

To form readiness for project activities, it is necessary to form: individual project skills, the ability to perform project actions in technologically determined sequences, complete technological complex holistic design skills. It is necessary to master the technological stages of design and complete the design cycle

The ability for any activity as a personal neoplasm is formed in activity and manifests itself in it (S.L. Rubinshtein) To form project skills and ability for project activity, a system of tasks has been created to organize the educational process on an activity basis.

The priority of the formation of design skills The main, central element of the design technology is the construction of a scheme for applying the necessary actions. In the simplest case, this is the sequential execution of actions that solve the projected problem - a chain of actions.

We begin our education in the 2nd grade of elementary school. In accordance with the age characteristics of the students - the leading gaming activity, tasks were selected for work in the form of a game. Based on these games, we form actions and operations, which then allow us to form the ability to build actions in chains that lead to some result.

Step by step in a playful way, complicating specially organized purposeful activity, we help students to master: planning, goal setting, problematization, analysis of the conditions for the existence of a problem with the allocation of possible and necessary actions in the problem field, as well as elementary reflexive and presentation skills.

Building up design elements in compliance with technological stages Gradual formation of a complete design cycle: the ability to plan the ability to set a goal and plan, set a problem, goal and plan set a problem, goal and tasks, plan. For independent work, students from lesson to lesson are allocated more and more complex and complete actions and operations, and even stages in the full design cycle.

Didactic system of project-based education in elementary school Purpose: to form readiness for project activities (project competence, problem-solving competence) of a minimum level of complexity. Content: methods of action when designing a solution to a problem of a minimum level of complexity, design technology. Methods: activity method, problematic method, reflective method, etc. Principles: activity organization of the educational process; reflection of the completed project actions and activities; use of presentation actions and self-assessment; group organization of work; playful and practically significant variable meta-subject content; formulation of tasks in the form of problem situations; control of internalization of actions and activities through exteriorization.

Pedagogical technology course "Project activity" Achieving the goal of the didactic system of project-based learning through the execution of a sequence of tasks - you cannot skip any task in the chain of tasks step-by-step achievement of the goal Methods are due to the didactic principles of the didactic system of project-based learning Control of the achievement of results is set by the didactic system itself

The integrity of the didactic system of project-based learning means that: it is impossible to split up and snatch out its individual parts, replace the goals and sub-goals of individual tasks or lessons, violate the principles, organizational forms and methods that make up the system, disrupt the technological chain of tasks.

Pedagogical technology Technology differs from methods in its reproducibility, stability of results, and the absence of many if. (Kushnir A.M.) Technology is designed based on a given result. This is a set of ways to organize the educational and cognitive process or a sequence of certain actions, operations related to the specific activities of the teacher and aimed at achieving the goals (technological chain). * * Baykova L.A., Grebenki on L.K. . M.: Ped. Society of Russia, 2001, p. 9.