Review of the project in kindergarten. Review of an educator's short-term educational research project. Review of the methodological development

  • 13.11.2019

Marina Pashina
Reviews of methodological developments


on the methodological development Quiz for children 5-6 years old "My favorite stories"

Represented methodical The manual is intended for preschoolers 5-6 years old. Quiz developed in order to consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, develop memory, thinking, observation, speech.

Developed the quiz brings up an emotional response to well-known and favorite fairy tales, friendship, helps to organize developing leisure time with children preschool age, contributes not only to an interesting pastime, but also broadens one's horizons, develops ingenuity, and also arouses interest in reading.

AT peer-reviewed development information and communication technologies are used. The first part of the quiz consists of questions and riddle pictures, which are shown using slides.

The second part of the quiz contains questions from which the child must choose the correct answer. Such questions develop the child's memory, thinking, create a favorable emotional background,

The third part of the quiz is a game for the child "Speak a word". Such tasks expand the child's vocabulary, develop interest in the artistic word, form grammatically and stylistically correct speech.

This methodical development can be recommended for use by preschool teachers educational institutions and parents in individual work with children, and can also be used as a basis for competitions.


on the methodological development

on the topic "Interactive didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Relevance of copyright development justified by the need for the formation of coherent speech in children, broadening the horizons and social and communicative development of preschoolers. At present, a separate place in the educational process of the preschool educational institution is given to computer didactic games. The brilliance and dynamism of this interactive game, sound design, game form, allow the child to play with enthusiasm, experience the joy of learning, and discover new things.

Represented methodical The allowance is intended for older children. Didactic game "The Fourth Extra" developed in order to consolidate the pupils' ability to find the fourth extra object and explain why it is superfluous. Methodical development the senior educator helps to activate the cognitive interest of the kids throughout the event, personality-oriented and differentiated approaches are implemented.

common priorities developments are: the development of verbal-logical thinking, the ability to classify, compare, generalize, establish cause-and-effect, logical relationships, the development of visual perception, monologue and dialogic speech, the cultivation of attentiveness, the ability to follow instructions exactly, concentration.

Developed didactic game helps to take not only free time child, but is also of great benefit to the process speech development, contributes not only to an interesting pastime, but also broadens one's horizons, develops ingenuity.

AT peer-reviewed development information and communication technologies are used. The use of computer technology helps to attract passive listeners to active activities; does educational activities more visual and intense; forms an information culture in children; disciplines the educator himself, forms his interest in work; activates thought processes.

Interactive didactic games contribute to the comprehensive development of the creative personality of the child. At the preschooler develops: perception, hand-eye coordination, figurative thinking; cognitive motivation, arbitrary memory and attention; the ability to build an action plan, accept and complete the task

This methodical development can be recommended for use by teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents in individual work with children.


on the methodological development

on the topic "Sports event "Cosmonautics Day"

Relevance of copyright development justified by the need to form in children healthy lifestyle life. Festive sports events, causing joyful emotions among pupils, at the same time consolidate children's knowledge about the world around them, develop speech, contribute to the formation of the child's personality, the formation of moral ideas, are an indispensable means of preventing and even treating various health disorders.

common priorities methodological development is: the implementation of a comprehensive solution to a number of tasks that contribute to the harmonious development child: development of logical thinking, voluntary attention, observation, education of moral and volitional traits character: purposefulness, perseverance, courage, will to overcome obstacles, education in children of a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, friendliness, consolidation: the ability to rebuild in motion, the knowledge of children about the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin, about the starry sky.

Author's development logical in structure, complete in content, useful in terms of practical use. The problems of the physical development of preschoolers are always relevant, and didactic material aimed at increasing the level of speech development and physical development of pupils will always be in demand by kindergarten teachers.

Development is of practical importance, since it provides methodological material : "Space Mysteries", a set of physical exercises, multimedia presentation "Cosmonautics Day", quiz "Space Training"

The high efficiency of the system of such work gives the right to implement it in educational activities.

Review of the methodological development

on this topic "Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers"

The theme presented in methodological development of experience is relevant,

because at present one of the most acute problems is the education of patriotism. To form in children the first idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world around them, their attitude to their native nature, their small Motherland, their Fatherland is an important task of the preschool educational institution.

The reviewed development contains a number of methodological recommendations, didactic games for the formation of moral and patriotic feelings among pupils, is a systematic consistent approach to solving this problem, tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: educational, in games, in work, in everyday life, in joint activities educator with children, work with pupils is divided into thematic blocks.

The relevance of this manual lies in the coverage of work with parents, in the use of various forms cooperation:KVN, "Round table", workshops, gatherings, competitions, exhibitions, game programs.

In order for students to better assimilate the material, this manual provides recommendations on the use of various technologies:

gaming, ICT, problematic, developing training, advisory, project.

This methodical development and didactic games are of practical interest - they can be used in working with children in the system of implementing tasks for the formation of moral and patriotic feelings in preschoolers.


on the methodological development

on this topic “Children are supposed to know the rules of the road”

Knowledge of the rules traffic is a hot topic of our time, because a large percentage of childhood injuries occur in road accidents. In order to reduce these figures, it is necessary to permanent job starting with preschool children. Based on the main activity of preschoolers, the author developed a number of methodological recommendations for teaching preschoolers the rules of the road in a playful way. Suggested by the author methodical recommendations will help not only teachers, but also parents in an accessible and exciting way to acquaint children with the rules of behavior on the street.

While learning the rules of the road movements:

The basic abilities of the child, attention, logical thinking develop;

Contributes to the assertion of self-confidence, gives the opportunity to test and use their abilities,

Stimulates the manifestation of independence, initiative and creativity.

Usage methodical recommendations allow to increase children's knowledge about behavior on the street and in public transport. AT methodical recommendations collected developed memos, game exercises, game situations, didactic games are selected, as well as poems and riddles


on the methodological development

on this topic

Methodical development"The role of small forms of folklore in the development of children's speech" completed by the senior educator of MBDOU No. 38 "Chamomile" Art. Alekseevskaya.

The work meets the requirements for the work of this genre: logical in structure, complete in content, useful in terms of practical use. The problems of speech development of preschoolers are always relevant, and didactic material aimed at increasing the level of speech development will always be in demand by teachers and kindergarten teachers.

Author methodological development demonstrated a scientific approach to the designated problem, knowledge methods speech development of preschoolers, the ability to work with scientific literature, conduct an experimental study, process the results and draw conclusions.

Experience characterizes a wide range of pedagogical search and can be recommended for preschool educators in the system of implementing tasks for the development of speech of preschool children.

How to write a review for research project student

Review - this is brief analysis and evaluation of the peer-reviewed work, identifying the degree of its compliance with the existing requirements of student research papers, determining the merits and weaknesses project.

For the successful defense of the project, such a review is necessary, which will create the most favorable impression among the members of the commission about the relevance, depth and elaboration of the issue, the research qualities of the student.

Of great importance is the objectivity of the review, the fairness of the assessment of its subject. The desire for objectivity of the review determines the features of its style. Excessive emotionality, the use of sharp vocabulary, incorrect comparisons are contraindicated for him. The objectivity of the review is ensured by its evidence. The author of the review needs to substantiate his attitude to its subject, and here the arguments are facts - indications of specific sections of the work.

Review sections

1. Relevance of the topicproject. In this section, you need to write whether the chosen topic is really relevant today, why it is interesting and attractive, what problems it solves.

2. Characteristics of the contentwork. Here the reviewer reflects the structure of the project, what chapters it contains, what was studied in the first, second, third chapters, what tasks were solved in each of them. To what extent the structure of the work corresponds to the goals and objectives of the project.

3. Positiveside of the project. Briefly describe how the peer-reviewed work differs from similar ones. What new challenges does it solve? What results have been achieved as a result of practical research.

4. Practical significance of the work. Here, be sure to indicate what is the significance of the study specifically for student, student community, interested in solving the problem of people. Should the findings be put into practice?

5. Disadvantages and remarks. Although this section is not very pleasant, it is still a must for any review. It is implied that any work (including professional level) reveals only a part of the properties of the object and can be considered in development.

In order not to spoil the impression of the work as a whole, some minor flaw is usually found and pointed out here. For example, it can be an excess of theoretical information, the insufficiency of the author's own conclusions, small grammatical errors and inaccuracies, etc.

6. Recommended rating. Here indicate what rating the author of the project deserves . It is advisable to indicate a score higher in order to create a "safety cushion". If the assessment does not have a traditional expression in a 5-point system, then the phrase: "The work deserves a high rating" is recommended.

Review must be signed.

Review example


for a research project of a student of grade 4 "B"

MBOU secondary school No. 5...

Ivanova Ivana.

WorkIvanova Ivana"Benefits of honey" is devoted to the properties of honey, its use by humans.

The relevance of this topic is beyond doubt. Modern world has a huge impact on the human body, and it is not always positive. Therefore, the topic of health care today is very important to consider.

The author set himself the goal of studying the beneficial properties of honey and the use of honey by humans. According to the author, this topic is useful for him:Ivan's knowledge will help schoolchildren resist the spread of viral infections.

Ivan conductedserious work on the study of types of honey, its composition and method of obtaining. It is also important that he turned to his doctor for advice. Andvanstudied in detail the use of honey by man in various industries. For answers to someequestions he had to turn to teachers of biology and chemistry.

In my workIvandescribes in detail the research step by step and shows the solution of the tasks with concrete examples.

The project under review is a serious and interesting work. It is executed at a high level, contains a number of conclusions of interest. The author, using concrete examples, proves that honey is a really useful product that has a positive effect on the human body.

The material is presented consistently and clearly. The conclusions and conclusions are correct.I believe that the research project of Ivan Ivanov can be presented at the school scientific and practical conference and deserves high praise.

Head of the school methodological

teacher associations primary school

MBOU secondary school No. 5 ...: _________________________________ / FULL NAME./

"___" ________________ 2013

The content of the manager's response to

Review structure for student research work includes a brief summary of the work as a whole, an assessment of the relevance of the topic, a brief description of the direction of the study, followed by an assessment of the content project, ends with a brief conclusion.

Feedback onstudent research work should contain in its title the name of the author and the subject of the project. The title of the review should stand out from the rest of the text.

A short summary that starts review, must contain overall score research work on content, scope and other regulatory requirements. Undoubtedly, the conclusion must be positive. The assessment of the relevance of the topic includes the opinion of the author of the review on how this topic in demand today, as well as its role within the scope of the study. Short description The direction of the research can be formulated as a description of the very essence of the phenomenon under study, category or object of research, or in the form of an assessment of the importance of the problems of the work.

Feedback on student research work has as its main purpose to evaluate the content of the project, so this part should occupy the largest volume within the review. It is desirable to make an assessment in accordance with the project structure, after which it is necessary to complete the feedback onstudent research workconclusion, clearly indicating the value of the study.

Tatyana Viktorovna Kolmakova
Review of a short-term educational research project of the educator

Educational project Kolmakova Tatyana Viktorovna "Sorceress Water" designed for kids preparatory group and wears short term. Its relevance is beyond doubt. Preschool children are naturally inquisitive environmental researchers. The child's need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of an inexhaustible tentative research activities aimed at understanding the surrounding world.

This project meaningful to all participants project:

Children develop skills of independence, activity, initiative in finding answers to questions, and applying their skills in games and practical activities. The stock of knowledge about the properties of water and its composition is expanding.

Teachers continue to master the method design- a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand educational space , give it new forms, effectively develop the creative cognitive thinking of a preschooler.

The author set herself the goal of enriching the children of the preparatory group with ideas about the meaning of water and its properties and states. Bring up careful attitude to water as a source of human life and all life on Earth. According to the developer, this topic is important at the present time - the experience gained by Tatyana Viktorovna will help children show respect for the excised source on our planet. The tasks set reflect the content project.

Peer reviewed project is interesting and promising work. Contained a large number of interesting methods, forms of work with children on this topic. All this is described in the provided implementation plan. projects by day of the week. Every day is a new discovery.

The material is presented consistently and clearly. There is an application that includes a final lesson and photos of children.

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