What is a multimedia presentation. multimedia presentation technologies. Audio saving formats

  • 23.04.2020

Dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Shvedova. (The basis of any presentation technology is: storyline, script and navigation structure. And it is the navigation structure that is a distinctive feature of presentations, since it provides the user with the advantage of interactivity - the ability to directly interact with multimedia.

The undoubted advantage and feature of the technology are the following presentation possibilities, which are actively used in the presentation of information:

· possibility of magnification (detailing) on ​​the screen of the image or its most interesting fragments, sometimes in twenty-fold magnification ("magnifying glass" mode) while maintaining the quality of the image. This is especially important for the presentation of works of art and unique historical documents;

the possibility of comparing the image and processing it with various software tools for research or educational purposes;

the possibility of highlighting "hot words" in the text or other visual material accompanying the image, for which reference or any other explanatory (including visual) information is immediately obtained (hypertext and hypermedia technologies);

the possibility of implementing continuous musical or any other audio accompaniment corresponding to a static or dynamic visual range;

· the ability to use video fragments from films, video recordings, etc., the "freeze frame" function, frame-by-frame "scrolling" of the video;

Possibility of connection to the global network Internet;

Ability to work with various applications (text, graphic and sound editors, cartographic information);

· the ability to create your own "galleries" (selections) from the information presented in the product;

the ability to automatically view the entire content of the product ("slide show") or create an animated and voiced "guide-guide" for the product ("talking and showing user instructions"); inclusion of game components with information components into the product;

· the possibility of "free" navigation through the information and access to the main menu (enlarged content), to the full table of contents or even out of the program at any point in the product.

Despite the versatility of presentation technologies and the almost unlimited possibilities of their use, the most optimal and effective option is to develop special types presentations designed for a specific target audience.

At the same time, the main advantage of using a highly specialized multimedia presentation is a clear focus on motivation, psychological characteristics, requirements and preferences of a certain segment of consumers (Table 2):

Table 2 - Varieties of multimedia presentations

As can be seen from the table, presentations can be divided into several types depending on the type of use and the purpose of creating a particular presentation.

Thus, the presentation is indispensable as the basis of a business conversation; it can serve as an addition to an already held business conversation; in full.

1.2 Presentation technology

When creating various kinds of presentations, or as they are also called - multimedia, interactive, animated presentations, it is necessary to clearly understand the technological capabilities and approaches for developing a presentation. The format of interactive presentations allows you to integrate sound, video files, animation, interface (menu system - controls), three-dimensional objects and any other elements into the presentation without sacrificing quality. The indisputable advantage of presentations is the possibility of introducing virtually any format into them - Power Point presentations, PDF presentations, Flash presentations and video presentations. Using a convenient menu system, you can make it possible to download various files, up to automatic exit to the site of the presentation object. In fact, presentations can be image-based, i.e. as an image video (animation video), find excellent use at presentations, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and any other events, and can easily replace a sales manager, speaker or lecturer, an advertising catalog or a company website. Technological possibilities presentations allow you to cope with almost any task. The balanced use of information, namely the alternation or combination of text, graphics, video and sound, all this makes multimedia presentations as comfortable and easy to use as possible. Such high-tech presentations (interactive presentations) are essentially an effective marketing tool, demonstrating a high level of professionalism and quality of work of specialists in any field of human activity. The use of such presentations favorably emphasizes compliance with modern creative innovations.

As mentioned above, presentations allow you to combine several formats - Power Point, PDF, etc., but for the most part the most best examples these presentations are 100% based on Flash (flash).

Flash presentations is a universal product that allows you to most harmoniously combine advertising information with a bright non-trivial design and animation, achieving maximum return on presentation. Flash presentation is the ability to create a presentation in a single file, without folders and downloading additional documents, it is the ability to set the presentation to autostart when the disk is loaded, it is the ability to use the brightest rich animation. Moreover - Flash presentations allow not only to create interesting videos, but also to equip the presentation with a menu - an interface that allows you to independently manage the presentation. Another huge plus of flash-based presentations is the relatively small weight of the presentation, which allows you to place such presentations in global networks or donate on mini discs.

Another type of presentation technology can be called with a degree of relativity 3 Dpresentations, that is, presentations designed in three-dimensional graphics (3D animations). hallmark of these presentations is the ability to show an object, product, product literally from all sides (in a three-dimensional image), concentrating the audience's attention only on it. Otherwise, they can also be easily supplemented with all the elements inherent in presentations.

Any presentations can not only be shown on screens, downloaded from the Internet, but also presented (presented) on various media, this is especially convenient for presentations weighing 25-30 megabytes, which are difficult to download and are not intended to be sent via e-mail. On the this moment the most common formats are CD presentations, DVD presentations, used everywhere. These can be either CD business cards or full-fledged DVD presentations using all the features provided by the format.

power point is a presentation program included in the Microsoft Office package. In terms of the number of visual and animation effects, it is not inferior to many multimedia authoring tools. Contains tools for creating a flexible presentation script and recording the soundtrack for each slide. The presence of the Russian version allows you to successfully work with texts in Russian. Built-in web support allows you to save presentations in HTML format, but the animated components require the installation of a special PowerPoint Animation Player add-on. Allows you to create complex software add-ons in the Visual Basic for Application programming language, which significantly expands the capabilities of the program.

Any presentation requires preliminary preparation of a show plan. For each slide, design is carried out: the content of the slide, size, composition of elements, ways of designing them, etc. are determined. Data for use in slides can be either prepared manually or received as a result of the exchange from other software systems.

Starting to create a presentation, you should adhere to the following steps of its creation:

Preparation of technical specifications;

Creation of the program part of the presentation;

Creation of a graphic layout;

Providing a presentation layout;

Providing a list of changes that need to be made to the layout;

Making the necessary changes to the layout;

Assembling a presentation on any medium.

In some sources you can find the following recommendations for presentation development:

Presentation templates: design templates, content templates

Presentation Structure

Slide design. Collection of professional design templates

Adding and changing text

Add shapes, diagrams, and charts

Add pictures, photos, WordArt, and media

Adding a company logo and making changes to all slides at once

Adding tables, organization charts

Once the purpose of the presentation is determined, it is necessary to determine the logical sequence of the presentation of the material: what needs to be included in the presentation and how to do it. It is necessary to highlight the main topic of the presentation, for this you need to select a few of the most important points that will help achieve the goal of the presentation. It is also necessary:

Write the main ideas and group them into categories;

Clarify the content of each item of the program;

Determine the duration of the presentation by time;

After all of the above, indicate the items that need to be included in the display, build them in a logical sequence in which they most naturally follow each other.

If we take the entire presentation as 100%, then the main part accounts for 80% of the information, the introduction is 10%, the conclusion is 10%.

The introduction describes the purpose of the presentation, the main ideas. In the main part, the topic of the presentation is revealed. In the final part, the results of what has been said are summed up and directions for further development are presented.

When starting to create a presentation, you also need to know the editor's view mode in which the presentation will be carried out. PowerPoint, for example, offers six document display modes:

Normal mode - is the main operating mode in the process of creating a presentation. Its convenience lies in the fact that it has three panels: in one of the panels (on the left) the text of the slides is edited and their list is displayed; the second panel is used to show the slide layout (upper right); and the third panel allows you to enter comments on it and notes (bottom right).

Structure mode is in some way a transformation of the normal mode with an exaggerated emphasis on the structure of the presentation. It is convenient to use when the presenter decides to rearrange the order of the slides in the presentation.

Slide mode focuses the speaker's attention on appearance the slide itself. It makes sense to use it when adjusting the placement of text and graphics to ensure the greatest visibility.

Pebench pressslide sorter allows you to evaluate the appearance of the presentation as a whole. It displays on the screen in miniature all the slides following one after the other in the desired order.

Slideshow mode is used for preview, rehearsals finished presentation, as well as for a real display of the finished presentation.

In note page mode the panel of the window responsible for making notes of the speaker is exaggeratedly highlighted. This mode differs from others in that there is no corresponding button for it in the scroll bar in the lower right corner of the program's working screen.

There are the following ways to create a presentation:

With the help of the autocontent wizard, which prompts you to select a presentation with certain typical content and design as the source material. The autocontent wizard presents several sample presentations on various topics;

Based on a proposed design template that defines its composition but does not include content;

Using a blank presentation, or, in other words, creating a document from scratch.

The way to create a presentation using the AutoContent Wizard can be considered the easiest, but the most standardized. The master, like most masters, asks questions, collects the necessary information and, based on it, offers a set of slides on a specified topic. At the first stage, the Wizard offers to choose the type of presentation, then its style, and then the title page is designed.

Creating a Presentation Based on a Design Template (PowerPoint) offers two types of templates - Presentation Templates and Design Templates. Presentation templates are similar to standard templates in Word: they are called "Business Plan", "General Meeting", "Diploma". These templates contain the most appropriate and accepted standards for each topic and serve as the basis for creating standard presentation types.

Design templates have no analogues in other applications of the office suite. They are created by professional designers and serve to give presentation slides a uniform aesthetic design. Each of the templates has a specific color scheme, background, style, contains a variety of graphic elements and special effects.

When choosing a way to create a presentation, it should be borne in mind that presentation templates and design templates are not interchangeable things, but complementary. In practice, it turns out to be convenient to first create presentation slides, and only then proceed to the final design in a single color scheme. In any presentation, the first slide should be the title page, after which you need to set the necessary types of markup for new slides and type content. The presentation (slides, structure, lecturer's notes) can be printed in color or black and white. The press of any material is made according to the standard scheme.

The presentation is prepared for display using a computer, because it is with such a presentation that you can realize all the advantages of an electronic presentation.

Demonstration and publication of the presentation:

Modes PowerPoint programs: normal, slide sorter, slide show;

Slide show on the screen;

Colored and black-and-white transparencies;

Issues on paper - cards;

Speaker notes;

Publishing on the Internet as Web pages;

Additional features

Features of the graphic editor

Animation. Effects. Sound

Interactive settings

If the audience of listeners is small, then the display can be carried out from the computer screen. For large audiences, either large screens or projectors are used, and when preparing a presentation, one must take into account the capabilities of the devices (resolution, brightness, contrast) on which it will be shown. The final step is the slide show. When conducting a show, it is necessary to highlight the content. Tools(animation, transitions, etc.) are used to emphasize certain aspects of the information being communicated, so they should not divert the attention of the audience to special effects.

Thus, presentation technologies imply an interactive method of presenting information, the ability to view any slides, or demonstration of objects, directly in front of the audience or individually. To date different kinds Presentations are one of the most comfortable and effective ways to familiarize the target audience with the promoted object, whether it be a product, product or service. A presentation is also a convenient way to demonstrate the achievements or capabilities of a company, describe production methods or properties of products (goods), inform about trends or development plans, and possibly attract investment. With the help of a presentation, you can easily implement the communicative task of training employees, business listeners of a seminar or lecture, increasing the loyalty of customers and business partners. In any case, the advantageous difference between a presentation and other marketing tools is the ability to present information visually, voluminously and “lively”.


2.1 Software for creating and playing presentations

Software (software)– along with hardware, the most important component information technologies, including computer programs and data designed to solve a certain range of tasks and stored on machine media.

There are three classes of software products:

system software - ensures the operation of the PC and the execution of application programs, also performs various auxiliary functions, for example, creating copies of the information used, issuing background information about the computer, checking the health of computer devices, etc.;

application software - programs designed to perform certain user tasks and designed for direct interaction with the user;

tool software - software designed for use in the design, development and maintenance of programs.

The full composition of the required software is presented in Table 3

Table 3 - Software that ensures the functioning of the system for creating presentations

Software name





Microsoft Internet Explorer

programming toolkit

To develop interactive presentations, a lot of different software products have been created today, the most famous of which are Macromedia Director, DemoShield and Matchware Mediator.

The most popular product is PowerPoint. With a simple and friendly interface, you can create professional-level presentations. Presentations that can be used both at regular events and during presentations at exhibitions, seminars, etc. usually do not require special interactivity (slide shows with high-quality graphics, texts, diagrams and tables and

the ability to stop and resume the show during the discussion and return to a specific slide if necessary).

Updated Presentation Viewer Staroffice impress StarDivision GMBH supports file compression features that allow you to compress presentations, along with their associated files, and save them across multiple floppy disks. Support for Webcast technology allows you to export your presentation to Webcast format using Peri or ASP scripts.

The background of the presentation slides can be changed both for individual slides and for the entire presentation as a whole. In addition, filters for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations have been significantly improved. StarOffice Impress allows you to transfer your presentation and viewer to any computer and display your presentation without having to install the StarOffice software.

Program corel presentation Corel makes it possible to create high-quality slide presentations, primarily due to improved options for converting, importing and exporting files from other software applications to create presentations. Enhanced Album gives you quick access to frequently used images and photos, and graphics editor makes it easy to modify images. An advanced editor for preparing Internet publications gives step by step instructions for publishing a slide presentation on the Internet.

Among the features of Presentations 9, as well as other main Corel's Office applications, is a real-time preview function that reformats the document on the screen while the user experiments with fonts, changing formatting options, or with colors, charts and other graphic design elements.

As for solving compatibility problems, it should be noted that in addition to the fact that the program successfully operates with Corel's Office application files, Corel Presentations 9 also imports and exports PowerPoint files and contains new tools for controlling brightness, contrast and other bitmap attributes.

Package Macromedia Director designed exclusively for professionals and designed to create complex interactive network multimedia applications, including presentations.

The application provides almost unlimited possibilities in the field of processing multimedia materials and supports most popular formats of video, sound, raster graphics, 3D models and vector drawings. Users have at their disposal two scripting languages, support for the DVD-Video format, and tools for publishing materials on various platforms. In addition, the proposed solution is tightly integrated with the Flash MX 2004 package.

The new version is supplemented with support for playing DVD videos and the ability to execute JavaScript scripts. Director fully supports the updated Flash MX 2004 format, includes the Flash MX 2004 component set, and lets you run and edit Flash and Fireworks content. Flash content can be integrated into Director projects with better compatibility and accuracy, and at a faster rate than in earlier versions. Using the built-in Lingo language, you can control the script without limit, draw and create visual effects of any complexity, embed streaming audio and video into the project, and optimize the development process through new language features.

Macromedia Director MX allows you to create bright, meaningful websites and multimedia products, including presentations using audio and video data, raster and vector graphics, text and animation materials. Director MX audio and video management tools support RealMedia streaming formats. You can use this feature to adjust the panning and volume of RealMedia streaming audio or, for example, create unique video effects using the Lingo language, far beyond the capabilities of RealVideo technology. Dynamic animation and geometry creation tools provide control over the position, rotation and scale of models, lighting, grouping, camera placement, textures and individual scripting blanks. The Particle Systems Effects tool provides spectacular, fast-loading special effects such as fog, flames, water, rain, and more. The Multi-Resolution Mesh technology allows you to control the number of polygons used when displaying an object, depending on the amount of data loaded, the distance to the camera, the frame rate and other conditions. Interactive physics effects implemented in the Havok Rigid Body Dynamics Xtra module provide high realism when simulating movements and mechanical interactions.

DemoShield is a multimedia software that will help you quickly and efficiently create a multimedia interactive presentation of any type and is designed for those who are professionally involved in preparing presentations. The projects created in its environment can be either structured tours (Quick Tours), during which the user will be shown all the features of the software product (including screenshots and cursor movement with a parallel explanation of the actions performed using pop-up text boxes), or non-linear presentations, where the user will be able to choose what he needs to see. At the same time, DemoShield now supports the mode of hints that will appear in pop-up windows when you hover the mouse cursor over various objects.

The intuitive interface makes creating high-quality demos easy and convenient. The new Demo Program Wizard is the easiest and fastest way to design presentation projects, with which you can easily create a simple demo program and start working on its content in just five minutes. Wizard assistants, over 140 templates with background images, buttons and sounds, multimedia libraries and the ability to easily and quickly move video, audio and graphic components with the mouse significantly speed up the work on projects. The Advanced Media Library contains sound effects, illustrative inserts, buttons, graphic components, and background images that can be added directly to a presentation. Any objects created by oneself can be placed in the gallery to be used in other projects - the presence of the gallery greatly simplifies the work on collective projects and allows you to reuse various components.

Special Viewer Demo Viewer allows you to quickly view all the slides and, if necessary, change their organization using the mouse. All animation frames can be strictly synchronized within the Timeline Editor environment; at the same time, the time of the appearance of the object on the screen is adjusted by moving it along the timeline with the mouse.

DemoShield has a built-in module to automatically check the integrity of the program and Internet compatibility and allows you to quickly notice any errors even at the editing stage.

The created presentation can be packaged in a format that is most suitable for the user's purposes - this is a format for the Internet, a self-extracting archive, an autorun program for CD, DVD, a reusable installer, etc. If desired, it is easy to place the presentation on the Internet or in corporate network by pressing just a few buttons. In addition, it is possible to send questionnaires, order forms, survey results, etc. by e-mail.

Package mediator by MatchWare is one of the simplest yet most complete presentation packages. The program is released in three versions: Mediator 7 STD (not for commercial use), Mediator 7 PRO and Mediator 7 EXP. The first two are focused on creating Flash, HTML and interactive CD presentations, and Mediator 7 EXP is complemented by programming capabilities. Compared to the PowerPoint package, which is aimed at the usual slide show, Mediator allows you to create complex multimedia projects with navigation through hyperlinks.

The program uses the classic scheme for creating presentations both in the form of your own projects and based on various templates - in the form of a sequence of slides, to move between which a rich library of effects is intended, which allows you to create unique presentations that resemble interactive video. And the simplicity and friendliness of the interface, together with an intuitive set of menus and tools, make it possible for even non-professionals to achieve quick success.

A presentation can combine text, images, video, sound, animation, interactive elements, variables, and inputs that affect the course of the demonstration. In addition, you can add Flash objects, change their size and rotate them in an arbitrary way, adjust the degree of opacity of Flash objects, etc.

Mediator has powerful tools such as the ability to create scripted scripts. Users of this package have access to VB and JavaScript to enhance the functionality and originality of their presentations. The program includes the ability to add animation and ActiveX to the application being created.

Presentations can be either saved to a CD-ROM with its autorun setting, or intended for placement on the Internet.

Opus presenter is a very promising professional product for creating both interactive business presentations and interactive training courses. Extensive opportunities in terms of interactivity allow you to create presentations not only in the form of slide shows like PowerPoint presentations, but also with a set of dialog forms that allow the user to fully control the progress of the demonstration. The latter makes it possible to create interactive learning materials in the Opus Presenter environment, through which, for example, you can become more familiar with the technology or product being presented. Therefore, this product can be considered a full-fledged replacement for PowerPoint, as it rivals the latter in terms of friendliness and ease of use and surpasses it in interactive multimedia capabilities.

With a simple and user-friendly interface, reminiscent of the interface of PowerPoint, this program does not require additional training and at the same time allows you to quickly create presentations that are amazing in their capabilities. Thanks to the BrainStorm editor, slides can be created literally from scratch - simply by formulating the main ideas, and then dragging the result onto the appropriate slides with the mouse.

Seemingly simple, Opus Presenter contains powerful multimedia tools that allow you to use sound, graphics, animation, video, text and Flash with animation and all sorts of effects to create amazing multimedia presentations that can impress potential customers.

The created presentation can be burned to a CD with autoload for CD, published on the Web, previously saved in a special, more compressed format, or exported to Flash.

Program TwinPlayer is designed to create full-fledged interactive multimedia presentations for CDs or the Internet from an existing set of audio, video files, images, which can include animation and text. Thanks to its intuitive interface and a series of wizards, this program will be useful even for beginners and is ideal for demonstrating a particular product or product.

Presentations are created by simply filling in the reference "grid" with the desired fragments, and hot zones can be assigned to each fragment and specific events can be associated with them, which will make the presentation interactive. And at the end, it remains only to choose the option to save the presentation, depending on its purpose.

Basic version of the package RoboDemo allows you to record everything that happens on the screen in the form of a demo video in Flash format, which will be an excellent presentation illustrating the features of the software product. To record a video, deep knowledge of Macromedia Flash technology is not required, so even a beginner can handle the preparation of a presentation video.

The created applications load quickly enough; the function of importing files in Flash format helps to use existing materials to save time and create dynamic videos. Users can import Flash files as individual frames or as objects within an existing frame. In addition, the RoboDemo package allows you to run the Macromedia Flash package from the RoboDemo environment for quick changes.

As for the new version of the package in the form Macromedia Captivate, then it allows you to add interactive elements (survey tools, text input fields and hot spots that respond to clicks), since it is more focused on the preparation of educational materials.

Demo Forge Studio is an ideal tool for creating presentation videos. In most cases when creating presentations this direction resort to the development of Flash-movies, but in reality a Flash-movie is nothing more than a slideshow of screenshots, supplemented by an animated cursor between frame changes, hints, titles and descriptions. In turn, DemoForge Studio allows you to actually record everything that happens on the screen in a special super-compressed dmf format. Since DemoForge videos are more than ten times smaller than Flash ones, DemoForge is indispensable for creating commercials that demonstrate the capabilities of a particular program.

Having considered software packages designed for creating and viewing presentations, we can conclude that the best solution for advertising goods and services offered by a company can be an interactive presentation that talks about its brand, contains catalogs of products or services and contact information, and also gives the user the ability to view the presentation in any order.

2.2 Technical support to create and demonstrate presentations

The choice of presentation equipment is largely determined by the tasks and the nature of the presentation. So the presentation can be a presentation of the speaker at the blackboard with a demonstration of various graphic images. Today, in addition to the usual show boards, copy boards are used for this purpose, allowing you to save written information, and electronic boards equipped with a device that tracks the movement of tools on the surface of the board and converts the information received into a file that can be transferred to a computer and displayed on collective display devices during presentations.

Currently, more and more preference is given to presentations using projection equipment. Widely used traditional slide projector, which is preferred mainly because of its low cost.

Also popular are overhead projectors. With their help, images made on a transparent film are projected onto the screen. Overhead projectors are great because the objects on display can be prepared in advance or applied during the performance, which gives the presentation more dynamism. In addition, the brightness of the image that overhead projectors provide is enough to make a presentation without darkening the room.

With growth digital technologies multimedia projectors are gradually gaining recognition. With their help, such tasks are solved that neither a slide projector nor an overhead projector can handle. Many are attracted by the versatility multimedia projectors: you can connect any computer sources (personal or laptop computer, workstation, computer network) or video signal sources (VCRs, DVD players, camcorders, TV tuners, satellite television systems) to them. For example, when connected to computer network during the presentation, it is possible to contact the Internet representation of the company and get some fresh information from the site.

With the help of multimedia projectors, presentations are built containing both text, photographs, and drawings, slide shows, sound design, narration, video clips and animation, three-dimensional graphics. Thus, the viewer is influenced simultaneously through several channels of perception, which contributes to better memorization of information.

Sound reproduction is carried out due to the audio system built into the projector, the power of which is usually sufficient to provide normal sound accompaniment to a presentation in an audience of 50 people. When working in a large hall, full-fledged audio accompaniment is achieved by connecting speakers.

Most multimedia projectors have lenses with variable focal length. This makes it possible to change the size of the image depending on the size of the room and the area of ​​the screen. So a portable projector allows you to get an image ranging in size from 60 cm to 9 m diagonally.

Another big advantage of multimedia projectors over slide projectors and overhead projectors is the convenience of working with large amounts of information. So just one disc can fit several hours of video, or from 12 to 48 hours of sound information, or about 5000 full-screen illustrations, and the volume text information can be equal to the contents of a bookshelf.

The remote control, with which you can control the projector and the computer attached to it, greatly increases the degree of freedom of the presenter.

When choosing a multimedia projector, characteristics such as luminous flux and resolution are of great importance. The luminous flux depends on the size of the screen, the size and illumination of the room. Resolution - the number of pixels that form an image. The higher the resolution of the projector, the more detailed image it can display.

Depending on the area of ​​application, there are 4 main groups of multimedia projectors: for a video theater, portable for mobile presentations, universal projectors and projectors for large halls and various entertainment events.

Universal projectors are the most widely used because they are compact, have various interfaces, high resolution and sufficient light output, allow installation of additional

lenses, ceiling mount, projection to the light, and also have a satisfying set of presentation features.

Document cameras- the most easy-to-use tool for quickly obtaining electronic images of documents from printed originals, photographs, slides, as well as for visual reproduction of small objects.

The simplest cameras have a miniature camera head mounted on a convenient desktop stand, which can be rotated on the so-called flexible “neck” or on a special hinge. Often a microphone is built directly into the camera head, which is very practical for video conferencing. Adjustment of parameters such as sensitivity, color balance, is carried out automatically, and focusing - manually.

Entry-level cameras have composite and 5-video outputs. Some models are equipped with accessories that expand the scope of their application: adapters for microscopes, adapters for 35 mm slides.

More sophisticated document cameras provide special features - color balance is adjusted both automatically and manually, zoom lenses are used that change the image scale, there is a negative mode for viewing, for example, a negative film in a positive image, you can choose manual or automatic focus. Additional illumination for opaque and transparent originals is built directly into the base of complex chambers. As a rule, there is an input switch for quick switching of several video sources, as well as a component video signal output. Some models are equipped with a memory unit capable of storing one or more images and transferring them to a TV or projector of your choice.

Video conferencing- a technology that uses various types of communication lines to transmit visual and audio information: both conventional telephone and more advanced ISDN or IP networks. Modern video conferencing equipment allows not only to see and hear the interlocutor, but also to quickly exchange images, for example, paper documents, photographs or video clips.

For presentations, a significant set of equipment can be used, in which interactive (electronic) boards firmly occupy their place among other means of displaying information. All marks, comments, signatures made during the presentation can be saved to a file on the computer that controls the entire process.

Electronic boards capable of working in two modes: in normal mouse mode and in annotation mode. The first mode makes it possible to manipulate objects on the screen, open new windows, change images, slides, run programs in the computer OS. The second mode involves using an electronic pen specifically for writing on the projected image, and everything that will be added with it can be saved to a file, removed from the screen and returned again. Electronic boards can last from five to ten years.

This device is connected to a PC via two COM and USB ports; some devices provide communication with a PC via a radio channel.

Electronic boards, like conventional screens, are divided into two classes: frontal and rear projection. Frontal boards have become more common than rear projection boards, probably due to the difference in price and some inconvenience that arises when using boards working "through the light." Electronic touch boards based on analog-resistive technology have an elastic, soft surface covered with matte plastic. It is wear resistant. The resolution of such surfaces is several times higher than the same parameter even for the most expensive projectors, so you can choose an electronic board for almost any projector. Electronic whiteboards of this type respond quickly enough to pressing with a marker and in this regard are excellent for use in presentations.

When working with analog resistive whiteboards, it is not necessary to use only the supplied markers. The speaker can use a pointer. Analog-resistive boards have a sufficiently reliable surface that can maintain its properties for a long time. However, for such surfaces, contact with conventional markers and felt-tip pens is not desirable, traces of which will be difficult to remove from them. It is also necessary to avoid pressing a large area on the surface of such a board: with the wrist, shoulder, etc.

Solid surface devices are manufactured using electromagnetic technology. If in the previous device, pressing on the surface of the board connected two layers, and thus a signal was formed, then in the case of electromagnetic electronic boards, the contact of the surface and the tip of the pen is not necessary, since the marker itself contains an inductor. The advantage of this approach is the following: the tip of the pen does not have to touch the surface of the electronic board, which makes it possible to use paper images on its surface, for example, posters.

Electronic whiteboards based on laser technology are among the most expensive and inconvenient to use. The very concept of "board" in this case is nominal. The main thing in such an interactive system is an electronic marker, and any suitable surface can play the role of a board. The marker is powered by an autonomous source - a battery in the device case. The device works with fewer errors if it is directed perpendicular to the screen surface. Signals from the marker are transmitted via ultrasound, so the presence of obstacles on the way from the marker to the receiver is critical. Poorly positioned in relation to the marker, the speaker can completely block his work. But such devices allow you to work with images on a paper basis.

In systems using eBeat technology, the use of a special marker that emits ultrasonic and infrared signals is also a prerequisite for functioning. They are received by microphones and sensors located at the corners of the board. In this case, the material of the board is also not important, so the manufacturer may not offer the screen itself, but will limit itself to a set of receiving devices and a special converter. The main disadvantage of this kind of devices is the mandatory use of a special battery-powered marker.

When choosing an interactive system, you should pay attention to the specifics of the supplied software, on his functionality, understandability of the interface, support for the Russian language.

Thus, the main task of presentation equipment is to communicate audio-video information to a large number of listeners. It is the universality of the means of displaying information that allows the most flexible and functional organization of various events. This is especially important when a large amount of data is analyzed or various information carriers are used. Therefore, presentation equipment must be compatible, including its integrated management.


Today, multimedia presentation technologies are firmly established in many areas of human activity.

Summing up, we can note the possibilities and areas of application of presentation products and technologies. The main purposes of using products created in multimedia technologies are:

· promotional and entertaining (CDs are used as home libraries on art or literature, as multimedia postcards and congratulations).

scientific and educational or educational (used as teaching aids and curricula and complexes, advertising projects and business solutions).

research - in museums, archives, libraries, etc. (used as one of the most advanced carriers and "repositories" of information).

According to the CIA news agency, a global technological revolution is scheduled for the next 15 years. Its foundation will be bio-, nano- and information technology, in including multimedia presentation technologies.

Information technologies will become the fundamental and connecting link of all technologies, but it is difficult to predict the situation with them. For example, it is almost impossible to predict what the Internet will be like in 15 years. One thing is clear, that in a fairly short time, presentation technologies have become an integral part of every person's daily life.


1. Averbakh V.S. Creation of WWW resources: textbook. allowance. Samara: SGEAKA, 2005. 124 p.: ill.

2. Analysis of the possibilities of interactive and computer technologies to improve the quality of education [Electronic resource]. - URL:


multimedia presentation lesson educational

Modern education cannot be imagined without multimedia technologies, which includes a set of computer technologies that simultaneously use several information media: graphics, text, video, photography, animation, sound effects, high-quality sound accompaniment, that is, in all forms known today. Educational establishments provided with modern computers, electronic resources, Internet access. This contributes to the introduction of new pedagogical technologies in the educational process. Multimedia lessons, therefore, most optimally and effectively correspond to the triune didactic goal of the lesson:

Educational aspect: students' perception of educational material, comprehension of connections and relationships in the objects of study.

Developmental aspect: the development of cognitive interest in students, the ability to generalize, analyze, compare, enhance the creative activity of students.

educational aspect: the upbringing of a scientific worldview, the ability to clearly organize independent and group work, the upbringing of a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Modern science does not stand still. Often, new knowledge, and even more so new technologized generations, require new forms of presentation and processing of educational material. One of such forms in education can be multimedia presentations. Computer presentations, most often created using the Microsoft PowerPoint program, have already firmly entered the process of teaching various academic subjects.

However, presentations are not only a teacher's tool, but also a way of self-expression that is available to every student. The use of new opportunities in the work of a teacher involves student-centered learning that combines different pedagogical technologies - learning in collaboration, multi-level learning, problem-based learning, research method, project activity, which is based on the development of cognitive skills of students, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, develop their critical and creative thinking, the ability to see, formulate and solve a problem.

The concept of "Multimedia presentation"

So, multimedia teaching aids (a set of visual, audio and other means of displaying information integrated in an interactive software environment) are increasingly being introduced into the educational process of Russian schools, among which multimedia presentations occupy an important place. What does the term "presentation" mean?

multimedia presentations is a way of presenting information using computer programs, which combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold attention the longest. A presentation is a set of sequentially replacing each other pages - slides, on each of which you can place any - text, drawings, diagrams, video - audio fragments, animation, 3D - graphics, using various design elements.

This multimedia form allows presenting the material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. The purpose of such a presentation of educational information, first of all, is to form a system of figurative thinking in schoolchildren.

Multimedia presentations are used so that the speaker (student or teacher) can clearly demonstrate on a large screen or monitor Additional materials to your message: video recording of physical and chemical experiments, photographs of field surveys, drawings of buildings and structures, calendar charts temperature measurements, a chronology of events supported by key dates. These materials may also be supplemented by appropriate sound recordings.

Every teacher knows how information is memorized: if information is perceived only by ear, 20% of its volume is assimilated; if only with the help of vision, 30% of the material is remembered. With a combined combination of "turning on" the auditory and visual channels of information, the student is able to assimilate up to 60% of the information. And the use of multimedia allows you to combine text, sound, graphics, video, and also animation (animation) beloved by children. Thus, the use of multimedia significantly contributes to the assimilation of educational information by each student.

The systematic use of a computer, in particular multimedia presentations, in the classroom contributes to:

Improving the quality level of the use of visibility in the classroom

increase in the productivity of the lesson;

implementation of interdisciplinary connections;

Logization and structuring of educational material, which significantly increases the level of knowledge of students;

· changing the attitude of schoolchildren to the computer: they begin to perceive it not as a modern toy, but as a universal tool for effective work in any area of ​​human activity.

The use of presentations in the educational process provides the opportunity to:

give students more complete, reliable information about the studied phenomena and processes;

Satisfy the needs, desires and interests of students;

saves study time than when working at a blackboard.

With the help of presentations, many didactic and educational tasks are effectively solved. Especially:

when studying new material, presenting new information;

when consolidating what has been learned, developing training skills and abilities;

· in case of repetition, practical application of acquired knowledge, skills;

when generalizing, systematizing knowledge.

May 23

What is a multimedia presentation? Example of multimedia presentation

Today we will try to deal with multimedia presentations, which are becoming more and more popular. Already, there are many companies that earn money by creating multimedia presentations for various customers. But what is the difference between a regular presentation and a multimedia one?

Let's start to understand

Multimedia presentations can have different properties and appearance depending on the goals that need to be achieved using a particular presentation. For example, a presentation might advertise a company's new product or be used in an educational process.

The word Presentation - (lat. praesentatio) - the presentation of something new. It turns out that a multimedia presentation is a presentation of something new using . There are different approaches for creation, presentation and distribution multimedia presentations, which we will discuss next.

Elements of a multimedia presentation

A multimedia presentation differs from a standard presentation in that it usually contains combinations of the following main elements:

  • Video.
  • Audio.
  • 3D models.
  • Drawings, photographs.
  • Text.
  • Animation.
  • Navigation.

These elements can be presented in completely different combinations. Some of the presented elements may be missing and this is quite normal.

Interactive multimedia presentation

Also, a multimedia presentation can be interactive, in this case, the user who views the presentation can somehow influence the material displayed at one time or another. For example, when viewing a presentation, there is a menu that you can click on to navigate to different sections of the presentation, or there is an option to change the language of the presentation.

Multimedia presentation formats

There are several multimedia presentation formats. For example:

  • Adobe Flash presentation- as a rule, this is a swf file, in which all the main elements of a multimedia presentation can be present. This presentation can be placed directly on the web page of the site. Such a presentation can be created using Adobe Flash CS5, Adobe Flash Builder.
  • PowerPoint presentation- we all know the ppt format from Microsoft, consisting of slides. Also, today you can easily include multimedia elements in your PowerPoint presentation. Below, in the article, there will be an opportunity to download my example of this type presentations.
  • Video file– a regular video file can also serve as a multimedia presentation if it contains a sequence of information, for example, about a new company product.

Showing or presenting a presentation

Showing or presenting a presentation can also be done in a variety of ways.

  • In an auditorium or room on a screen.
  • Through the Internet, in real time. Webinars. For example, during a web video conference. For more details, see the article about.
  • On the website. The user views a presentation, for example, on a company website. It can also be a recorded video of a Webinar held, for example, in or Adobe Connect.
  • Saved presentation. The user downloads and views a multimedia presentation on their computer.
  • Electronic media with presentation. For example, a flash card or disk.

If someone has a desire to watch other multimedia PowerPoint presentations, just type in Google, "Microsoft PowerPoint Multimedia Presentation Templates". By clicking on the first link in the search engine results, you can find and download various templates for multimedia presentations that you can use for free.

In this article, we did not discuss the effectiveness of multimedia presentations in a given situation, I plan to write about this another time. One thing I can say for sure is that there are cases when multimedia can play a negative or distracting role. There is also no doubt that today multimedia presentations are becoming an effective way of presenting information in business, education, and more. etc. This concludes my overview article about multimedia presentations. See you!

Below is a picture of a Microsoft website page with examples of multimedia presentation templates.

What is multimedia? Multimedia are interactive (dialogue) systems that provide simultaneous work with sound, animated computer graphics, video frames, static images and texts. Relatively young branch of new information technologies. Multimedia - "many environments" (multi - many, media - environment) Simultaneous impact on the user through several information channels. Game programs– multimedia products

Computer Tutorials - What student information channels are used? Benefits 1. Help to better understand and remember educational material. 2. The interactive mode allows the student to influence the pace of learning, check the degree of assimilation of the material, Return to the repetition of incomprehensible fragments of the lesson Electronic reference books Dictionaries Encyclopedias Art and music albums

Interactive presentation Dialogue between user and computer. The presentation is controlled by the user. In this mode, the student works with the training program. For individual work, a multimedia projector is not required. Property: Event driven.

Scripted presentation Slideshow under the control of the presenter (speaker). May contain: running titles, animated text, diagrams, graphs and other illustrations. The order in which the slides change is determined by the presenter. He's doing the presentation. It is used in educational and extracurricular work of schoolchildren.

Presentation development program Each of the existing programs of this class has its own individual capabilities. General: 1. Built-in animation creation tools. 2.Sredstviya adding and editing sound. 3. Means of importing images, videos. 4. Means for creating drawings.


(NRU "BelSU")





“The use of information and communication technologies in primary school»


Groups 02041204

Full-time education

Fomin S. A.



The need to use ICT in a modern school, goals and objectives. 3

What is a multimedia presentation? 5

Benefits of using multimedia presentations. 7

methodical rules. eight

Directions for the use of computers. 9

Opportunities for the practical implementation of ICT. ten

Use of presentations in primary school in various lessons. eleven

The use of ICT in the interaction of specialists of preschool educational institutions and parents in the framework of preventive and educational areas. fourteen




The need to use ICT in a modern school, goals and objectives

The 21st century is the century of high computer technologies. The modern child lives in the world of electronic culture. The role of the teacher in the information culture is also changing - he must become the coordinator of the information flow. Therefore, the teacher needs to master modern methods and new educational technologies in order to communicate in the same language with the child.

Today, when information is becoming a strategic resource for the development of society, and knowledge is a relative and unreliable subject, as it quickly becomes obsolete and requires constant updating in the information society, it becomes obvious that modern education is a continuous process.

One of the main tasks facing the elementary school teacher is to expand the horizons, deepen knowledge about the world around us, activate the mental activity of children, and develop speech.

The rapid development of new information technologies and their introduction in our country have left their mark on the development of the personality of a modern child. Today, a new link is being introduced into the traditional “teacher-student-textbook” scheme - a computer, and into the school consciousness - computer training. One of the main parts of informatization of education is the use of information technologies in educational disciplines.

For an elementary school, this means a change in priorities in setting the goals of education: one of the results of education and upbringing at the first stage school should be the readiness of children to master modern computer technologies and the ability to update the information obtained with their help for further self-education. To achieve these goals, it becomes necessary to apply the work of a teacher in practice. primary school different learning strategies junior schoolchildren and, first of all, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process.


What is a multimedia presentation?

One of the most successful forms of preparing and presenting educational material for lessons in elementary school can be called the creation of multimedia presentations.

Multimedia is a means or tool of knowledge in various lessons. Multimedia contributes to the development of motivation, communication skills, the acquisition of skills, the accumulation of factual knowledge, and also contributes to the development of information literacy.

Multimedia presentations are a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time. Simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and vision) can achieve a much greater effect. It has been proven that a person remembers 20% of what he hears and 30% of what he sees, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time. Thus, facilitating the process of perceiving and remembering information with the help of vivid images is the basis of any modern presentation.

You can use presentations at all stages of the lesson. This is both during the actualization of knowledge, and when explaining new material, and when consolidating. A more effective use of multimedia in each lesson will be when we use not the entire lesson, but fragments of more complex questions.

The use of rich graphic, sound and interactive capabilities of the computer creates a favorable emotional background in the classroom, contributing to the development of the student, as if unnoticed by him, effortlessly.

Methodical force multimedia lies precisely in the fact that it is easier to interest and teach a student when he perceives a coordinated stream of sound and visual images, and not only informational, but also emotional impact is exerted on him. Moreover, the presentation allows the teacher to independently compose the educational material based on the characteristics of a particular class, topic, subject, which allows you to build a lesson in such a way as to achieve the maximum educational effect. When developing a presentation, it is taken into account that it:

quickly and clearly depicts things that cannot be expressed in words;

arouses interest and diversifies the process of information transfer;

enhances the impact of the speech.

Multimedia also brings an ethical component - computer technology will never replace communication between students. It can only support the potential of their joint pursuit of new resources and is suitable for use in various learning situations where students, while studying a subject, participate in a dialogue with peers and teachers regarding the material being studied.

The use of ICT in the classroom enhances the positive motivation for learning, activates the cognitive activity of students.

The use of ICT in the classroom allows you to fully implement the basic principles of enhancing cognitive activity:

1. The principle of equality of positions

2. The principle of trust

3. Principle feedback

4. The principle of taking a research position.