Information technology in business. From which area to choose a business idea when using information technology Information technology in business and production

  • 02.06.2020

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    The article attempts to show the importance of information technology in the successful development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the composition of their functions and the functioning algorithm.

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    Today modern technologies significantly changed the work of most companies, making changes in its structure and technologies with high productivity. A division was made into micro-enterprises, small, medium and big business, as well as transnational corporations(TNK). And companies began to compete in the struggle for customers (consumers). The market has become bigger and more international. In addition, a new meaning has emerged that was not so important before: information. The saying became very relevant: "Who owns the information, he owns the world." Global markets need new approaches to managing the logistics and production of a company, which can be reduced to management. Information technology has long had a very important place in the management of large enterprises. Especially for solving the problems of transnational companies and large companies, expensive information systems have been created that are designed to simplify the management and ownership of information resources. In these companies, IT solutions are reduced to just one of the software and hardware systems that require significant effort to maintain and develop. One of the leading high-level software vendors - Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, which offer ready-to-use solutions, the starting price is approximately 20,000 US dollars. This price is more suitable for large companies that want to invest much more in information technology (IT), and in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, these solutions are not available. It is also worth noting that important aspect is not only a purchase, but also quite complex services for the maintenance of the service by the enterprise's own efforts. For small businesses, there are practically no integrated solutions now. The reasons for this situation may be a rather complicated model for achieving economic recovery and a low rating of the head of a small company who does not consider it necessary to introduce such a system into the activities of his company.

    According to the article "Modern tools for effective management in small business", in order to be in demand in small businesses, an information system must meet certain characteristics:

    • Ease of implementation and use;
    • There are no features that are not required;
    • budget;
    • Probability of working on the Internet;
    • Russified system interface;
    • Technical support by phone in Russian;
    • Integration with existing systems.

    The main tools that are available for IT implementation and meet the above characteristics can be considered:

    • VPN technology;
    • Enterprise messaging server (corporate E-mail server);
    • CRM system;
    • Virtual PBX and multichannel telephone number.

    And, I believe that these are absolutely correct characteristics that information technology must meet, since this is quite logical and such characteristics are necessary for effective work in the enterprise.

    Network is a generalized name for technologies that allow one or more network connections (a logical network) to be provided over another network (for example, the Internet). Similarly, secure access via the Internet to existing resources in local network. With this technology, small businesses can afford the following benefits:

    • integration of several offices in different cities;
    • recruitment of employees, as well as the full-time work of employees who are located in different cities or work at home;
    • The manager has access to all documents of his organization anywhere in the world where the Internet is available;
    • Work during internal system from any place where there is an Internet connection, you can also not be afraid for the security of confidential information.

    This is just one of the main features that VPN technology can provide for small businesses. As for the cost of this solution, the initial investment in its configuration and connection will be approximately 7,000 rubles. You will have to pay monthly for services (about 600 rubles per month). The technology configuration and implementation period can be extended during the working day. The actual connection process and configuration is of medium complexity, the process is well documented, but there may be technical issues that require expert intervention.

    Corporate Messaging Server - This technology is based on a domain name owned by a company that can improve its image and promote its recognition. Within the system Email company each employee of the company is assigned an email address while they work for the company. Thus, email addresses that are known to customers belong to the company, not to a particular employee. In addition, the company, using its own corporate messaging system, has received a very effective tool that promotes quality of service and prevents leaks and finds commercial information. These goals can be achieved through the parameters of the messages that come in via e-mail and the ability to collect all the information received and send it to the specified address, controlled routing. In addition, your own message domain is very beneficial to the corporate image. At this stage of creating an email server company, there are several ways:

    • Use the website of the postal service;
    • Creating your own server or renting;
    • Transfer of mail service to the Google or Yandex website.

    The best solution can be last option when a company sends a professional services messaging server. In addition, based on the site's solution, Yandex has a number of advantages: stability, one of the best in the Russian segment of the Internet, spam and antivirus protection, while it is free and has no additional restrictions. As for the installation and implementation time, you can take one business day. The actual connection process and configuration is of low complexity, the process is well documented, and if you have technical difficulties, you can always ask for free support.

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy for attracting (selecting) and managing customers, aimed at optimizing their value in the long term. CRM implies the presence in the organization of a philosophy and culture focused on the client, aimed at the effectiveness of work in the field of marketing, sales and service. CRM applications make effective customer relationship management possible, provided the business has the right goals, strategy, and culture. Nowadays, if a company wants their work to be efficient, they absolutely need a CRM. The reason is competition, which obliges the company to improve the level of service to its customers.

    Currently, the following solutions for small businesses are offered on the CRM systems market:

    • Software installed on a PC;
    • cloud CRM solution;
    • The server system that is used for the corporate server.

    One of the best solutions for small businesses is one that is based on the principle of cloud systems.

    We can fully agree with the website data on the pros and cons of cloud systems.

    Advantages of cloud CRM systems:

    • theoretically, in cloud systems, the amount of disk space, random access memory and the number of processors is absolutely unlimited;
    • users do not have to spend their time installing and configuring software, a web browser or smartphone is enough to access cloud services;
    • no need to purchase expensive equipment;
    • significantly saves time and effort of employees (and sometimes the space occupied by equipment) to perform certain tasks;
    • payment is made only for the used computing power and transactions;
    • the company does not need to allocate money for infrastructure deployment;
    • there is no need to waste time on training, since almost all users know how to use web browsers, as well as Internet services, as a class of services;
    • cloud systems are serviced mainly by highly qualified professionals, which in turn has a very positive influence on software service quality.

    Cons of cloud CRM systems:

    • due to constantly emerging security issues, it becomes clear that not all data can still be entrusted to a third-party provider (by the way, this applies not only to storage, but also to the processing of some data);
    • the possibility of losing data, for example: due to a technical failure at the service provider;
    • the inability to "fasten" additional functions, taking into account the business processes of the enterprise;
    • Internet access required. Of course, on the one hand, this is quite convenient, but on the other hand, sometimes the Internet "disappears" from several hours to several days.

    In addition to the economic benefits of this technology, it can be said that it is effective, which is quite obvious, as it helps to solve problems such as customer experience control, training, and integration of remote offices. Low-cost solutions, again, depend on the service provider. The technology configuration and implementation period is extended by five working days. The actual connection process and configuration is of medium complexity, the process is well documented, can support service developers, but may require assistance with technical issues at the connection point. This article describes technologies that are easy to understand and apply and that will greatly improve the efficiency and competitiveness of any small business. In other words, these are technical innovations that facilitate the transition of business management skills to new level. In the next period, we should expect the appearance of completely new systems and services in the domestic market, which will be focused on small and medium-sized enterprises. The basis for these solutions are technical innovations combined with company methodology and effective management information. But these solutions have a distinctive feature - the company will have to restructure its business processes within the framework of the needs of the system, and not vice versa. In fact, small businesses will be externally influenced and optimized to improve productivity, competitiveness, and overall management efficiency. The novelty of these systems lies in the fact that they are available to small businesses and are being implemented in small businesses through standardization using the management principles necessary to operate in large companies, consultants of external systems and complex systems.


    1. Modern tools for effective management in small business. V.Yu. Golovin, Ya.D. Gelrud, V.G. Mokhov. 197 c.
    2. VPN. Wikipedia. [Electronic resource] URL:
    3. Gilyarevsky R.S. Information management: management of information, knowledge, technology: textbook. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2009. - 303 p.
    4. What is CRM? 14 expert definitions [Electronic resource] URL:
    5. Cloud VS off-the-shelf CRM solutions. What to choose? [Electronic resource] URL:

    Actual problems of aviation and astronautics. Information Technology

    V. V. Krinitsyna, L. N. Sidorova Supervisor - A. P. Bagaeva Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk


    The role of information technology in business is considered and an analysis of popular programs that automate business processes in enterprises is carried out.

    Today, information technology has an impact on all aspects of business. Many firms are involved in the development of information technologies and high profitability of projects in the industry. High-quality information support of any management process economic activity is possible only with the full use of all the achievements of scientific and technological progress. First of all, this concerns the application in the practice of analysis of the latest information technologies: computer equipment, software and telecommunications.

    The main objective of this work is to consider the main programs that automate work in business.

    The information system is a system information service employees of management services and performs technological functions for the accumulation, storage, transmission and processing of information. An automated information system is a collection of information, economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, software, technological tools and specialists, designed to process information and make management decisions. The use of automated information systems is especially important in the management of the financial division of the company. The use of automated information systems allows you to: optimize work plans; make decisions quickly; maneuver clearly financial resources etc. .

    The main component of an automated information system is information technology. The development of information technology has increased the number and level of databases on CD-ROM and online, providing both quantitative, in particular statistical and detailed financial information(eg Datastream, FAME, Eurostat, nOmIS) and qualitative information such as market and competitor information provided by news services (eg Nexis, McCarthy, Reuters Business Briefing). The number of sources of information is growing at an incredible pace, and in the process of finding information, firms rely on the use of online search tools such as Lycos, created by Carnegie Mellon University, WebCrawler, or InfoSeek. The quality of information depends on the quality of the information system and the professionalism of the people responsible for the inputs.

    data . The coordinated work of all devices of the information system and their interaction with a person is ensured by the software of the automated workplace of the analyst. Software is divided into general software and functional software. The basic software tools for creating functional software for an analyst’s workstation are software tools for preparing texts (text editors or word processors), software tools for preparing spreadsheet documents (spreadsheet processors or electronic statements), software tools for automating work on creating and maintaining databases. data, search for the required information for the preparation of various documents. In practice, integrated functional software packages have become widely used, including a word processor, a spreadsheet processor, a DBMS, as well as a specific command file for setting the software for a specific information processing mode. This allows you to organize the work of an economist at an automated workplace in the “menu” mode with maximum consideration of his professional requirements, combining holistic processing of numbers, texts and graphics, as well as other business information.

    Holding financial analysis large organization"manually" does not seem to be efficient, but very important. Currently, there are many programs on the domestic market that allow you to automate the process of organizing and conducting financial analysis.

    A comparison was made of three common programs that automate financial analysis: "Audit Expert 4", "INEK-Analyst", "1C: Rarus: Financial Analysis 1.1.". The program "1C-Rarus: Financial Analysis 1.1" is used to: analyze the indicators of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise; formation of arbitrary reporting in the form of tables, graphs and diagrams. The program "INEK-Analyst" differs significantly from software products of a similar class in that the result of working with it is both a comprehensive financial and economic analysis of the current state of the enterprise, and a well-prepared one that meets the requirements of leading Russian and international financial institutions business-

    Section "Information and economic systems"

    plan. "Audit Expert 4" ensures the preservation and use in the work of all previously obtained results of financial analysis and all implemented methodological developments. Thanks to this, the program can be successfully used as the optimal solution for analyzing the financial condition of large companies, banks and auditing practice. An analysis of the three most common software products in the domestic financial IT market, which allow automating the financial analysis procedure, suggested that the Audit Expert 4 program is more intended for large enterprises due to its great potential.

    Any software production company designs, develops and implements complex solutions for automating business processes in enterprises. Automation of business processes is, first of all, automation of management, which allows you to increase the efficiency of each individual employee and the entire organization as a whole, monitor customers, statistics, speed up internal and external business processes through a single management environment, control financial

    cash flows, forecast demand and plan supply. All the considered programs have similar functions. New technologies provide new sources, methods for delivering and exchanging information, and new ways of manipulating information. As information technology continues to change the nature of transactions and other business transactions, it provides the possibility of chain communication through e-commerce and promote collaboration and alliance building, it is becoming increasingly important to develop the skills to manage information as a resource and a commodity.

    1. Titorenko G. A. Automated information technologies in the economy. M., 2008.

    2. Grabaurov V. A. Information technologies for managers. M. : Finance and statistics, 2009.

    3. URL:

    © Krinitsyna V. V., Sidorova L. N., Bagaeva A. P., 2010

    UDC 669.713.7

    O. A. Lishutina, A. A. Paramonova Supervisor - A. P. Bagaeva Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk


    The work contains material about information technologies, brief description new information technologies and systems used in the field of management.

    The main direction of the restructuring of management and its radical improvement, adaptation to modern conditions there was a massive use of the latest computer and telecommunications equipment, the formation of highly efficient information and management technologies on its basis. New technologies based on computer technology require radical changes organizational structures management, its regulations, human resources, systems of documentation, fixing and transfer of information. Of particular importance is the introduction of information management, expanding the possibilities for companies to use information resources. The most obvious way to increase the efficiency of the labor process is its automation.

    The purpose of this work is to study new information technologies in the field of management and to find out the areas of their most effective application.

    To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated:

    1) find information about technological support;

    2) identify new information technologies and systems;

    3) give a brief description of these technologies;

    4) find out in which areas it is best to apply these systems;

    5) name the advantages of each of these systems.

    The object of research is information technologies and systems in management.

    New possibilities of information systems in management appeared in connection with the intensive development of information technologies. The basis of the new information technology is distributed computer technology, "friendly" software and advanced communications .

    The concept of new information technology should be based on three main principles: integration, interactivity and flexibility.

    To apply this explanation-oriented approach additional benefits for the business and core activities of the organization from the use of IT, several concepts and approaches can be used. It is probably impossible to enumerate all the possible tools to structure the discussion and exchange of views between business and IT leadership. We present only some of options. Of course, the approaches listed here will not replace the full depth of analysis that can be achieved by professional business consultants, but they give some idea of ​​the possible tools for such analysis.

    In seeking answers to the questions formulated above, it is important to determine the relationship between the organization's business strategy, information technology architecture, and IT strategy.

    We will use the word "strategy" so often that one involuntarily wants to resort to the help of the classics in defining this term. Here is Porter's definition of strategy as "... an integrated set of actions aimed at improving the well-being of an enterprise in the long term." Those. is a concept that helps managers to transform the daily chaos of various events and decisions into some orderly way of understanding the position of the enterprise in environment. In this regard, the strategy consists of a set of informed choices and compromises and provides a general direction in decision making.

    The business strategy should identify the direction of business development (the main area of ​​activity) of the organization and the reasons for movement in this direction. The IT architecture must identify those information systems that are required to support the business strategy. The IT strategy should show how these systems can be implemented in the organization and what technologies are needed for this. By considering these factors, you can get an idea of ​​the contribution that each application system makes to the business organization.

    An IT strategy defines how technology will be used in an organization. At the same time, the IT architecture is a link that, on the one hand, reflects today's and tomorrow's business needs, and on the other hand, is ensured by the implementation of the plans prescribed in the IT strategy.

    Rice. 1.7.

    When justifying the benefits that an organization receives from the implementation of IT in accordance with the principle of "Benefits in return for invested funds" (Value-for-Money), it must be remembered that additional value and benefits are obtained at the interface of "Business - IT Architecture" and, before all in the field of applied systems. At the same time, it incurs costs associated with the creation and development of this IT architecture, which is the result of the implementation of the IT strategy.

    The correct approach is to focus on the side of this relationship that is associated with obtaining additional value, benefits (Added-Value), because business management, when it understands the benefits derived from the implementation of IT projects in a deep enough way, usually has a much better idea of ​​what means it is ready to invest in these projects. This approach increases the chances that IT projects will have real support from business management. This is what is called to have project sponsor. As soon as a project "rolls" exclusively into the field of information technology, its success and support will often not correspond to the real goals of business management.

    It should be noted that the relationships in the diagram above are not only top-down. New business opportunities can emerge as a result of the use of IT, so formalized processes are also needed to find these new potential business opportunities associated with new information technologies.

    A powerful tool for describing plans related to the use of IT in an organization is the Application Portfolio. It describes investments in application systems and services (those that are available, planned and possible for future consideration) not in terms of how they will be implemented, but in terms of their Roles and Contributions into business.

    Each IT system is placed in a quadrant that reflects the importance of the system from a business perspective.

    The strategic quadrant contains those systems that are critical to the implementation of the future business strategy. The High Potential Applications Quadrant contains those applications that may be important for future success. The Key Operational Applications quadrant contains the systems that the organization relies on today to achieve its results. Enabling applications are those systems that are important but not critical to success.

    Rice. 1.8.

    Rice. 1.9.

    The nature of the advantages that various information systems bring depends on their positioning in this classification. Generalized sources of benefits for different types of applications are shown in

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