Sample letter of application for project funding. Application for funding to an international financial corporation. Brief information about the applicant

  • 07.12.2019




In order to properly organize the budget process in the Republic of Mordovia, I order:

1. Approve:

the form of a budget application for financing expenses provided by the main managers of budgetary funds to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Mordovia in order to include them in the register of expenses for subsequent amendments to the law of the Republic of Mordovia on the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia for the current financial year and for planning period, according to Appendix 1 to this order;

the form of the budget application for financing the costs of interbudgetary transfers, provided by the authorities local government municipal formations of the Republic of Mordovia to the main managers of budgetary funds in order to include them in the register of expenses for subsequent amendments to the law of the Republic of Mordovia on the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia for the current financial year and for the planning period, in accordance with Appendix 2 to this order.

2. The main managers of budgetary funds and local governments of municipalities of the Republic of Mordovia to ensure the submission of applications for financing expenses in the forms, in accordance with Annexes 1 and 2 to this order.

3. This order comes into force from the date of its signing.

Government - Minister of Finance
Republic of Mordovia

Annex 1. Budget request for financing expenses

Attachment 1

Republic of Mordovia
dated 05.06.2014 N 74

(name of the main manager of budgetary funds)

Details of the regulatory legal act of the Republic of Mordovia, establish his spending obligation of the Republic of Mordovia

Details of the normative legal act of the Republic of Mordovia, implementing the budget obligation

The amount of funds provided for by the law of the Republic of Mordovia on the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia for the current financial year and for the planning period (thousand rubles)


This year

Planned period

This year

Planned period


Head of Executive

body state power

Republic of Mordovia ____________/__________________________/

signature (signature decryption)

Chief Accountant ___________/___________________________/

signature (signature decryption)


Appendix 2. Budget request for financing expenses on interbudgetary transfers<*>

Annex 2
to the order of the Ministry of Finance
Republic of Mordovia
dated 05.06.2014 N 74

from _______________________________________________
(Name municipality Republic of Mordovia)

Name (direction) of expenses

Details of the regulatory legal act of the Republic of Mordovia, establishing the expenditure obligation of the Republic of Mordovia to provide interbudgetary transfers

Details of the regulatory legal act of the Republic of Mordovia, implementing the budgetary obligation to provide interbudgetary transfers

The volume of interbudgetary transfers provided for by the law of the Republic of Mordovia on the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia for the current financial year and for the planning period (thousand rubles)

The amount of funds required in addition to the amount of funds provided for by the law of the Republic of Mordovia on the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia for the current financial year and for the planning period (thousand rubles)

The amount of funds provided for by the decision on the budget of the municipality of the Republic of Mordovia (thousand rubles)

The amount of funds transferred from the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia as of 20__ (thousand rubles)

The amount of funds transferred from the budget of the municipality of the Republic of Mordovia as of 20__ (thousand rubles)

Indicators of the budget classification of the Russian Federation


This year

Planned period

This year

Planned period

This year

Planned period


Head of the municipal

formation of the Republic of Mordovia ____________/_________________________/

signature (signature decryption)

Head of Financial Department ____________/_________________________/

signature (signature decryption)


<*>Provided to the main manager of budgetary funds, indicated in column 16 of the budget request, after agreement with the relevant sectoral public authority.

<**>The note must indicate the rationale for the allocation of additional Money from the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia." width="82" height="83 src=">

Funding Application Form

under the "Program for Supporting the Development of Municipalities on the Territory of the Russian Federation using information and communication technologies,


(RMO-ICT Program)

2nd round

"Introduction best practices energy saving at the municipal level"

The deadline for submitting Applications for the competition is March 2012.

The program is funded by the US Agency for International Development
under the Cooperation Agreement with the Sustainable Development Foundation (FSD)

Attention: The application is made in accordance with the "Guidelines for preparing an application for funding under the "Program for Supporting the Development of Municipalities in the Russian Federation using information and communication technologies,"

(RMO-ICT Program), 2nd round.

An incorrectly completed Application or the absence of any information may result in its rejection.

2. Brief description of the region of work

2. Involvement of the population in the process of solving energy saving problems;

3. Improving the efficiency of informing the residents of the settlement about the possibilities of using energy-saving technologies and the work of the dispatcher information center;

4. Reduction of expenses for fuel and energy resources and expenses of the settlement budget for heating and maintenance of social buildings by 30% (240,000 rubles per year or 120,000 kWh);

5. Documenting savings for reinvestment in social development programs;

6. Based on the results of the project implementation, it will be possible to replicate successful experience and results in other settlements of the region to ensure a sustainable impact on improving the life of the local community.

5. Explain what ICT will be used in the project and what effect it will have

1. On the basis of the established dispatch center, a specialized website will be developed to inform the residents of the settlement about the costs and opportunities for saving energy and resources, regular content of the site and its further development will be ensured.

2. A general access information terminal with an interactive portal and a database on the use of energy-saving technologies and energy efficiency will be installed in the dispatch center. All social institutions and residents of the settlement will have access to the information base on the use of energy-saving technologies and energy efficiency.

3. The project provides for the distribution of information about the implementation of energy saving measures in social institutions, organizations of housing and communal services .

That is, industrial and social ICT will be created, capable of solving urgent problems of residents, institutions and organizations on the territory of the Khomutovsky municipality of the Irkutsk region.

6. Justify why your project

can't do damage

environmental conditions

The project is not dangerous for the environment, as it does not use technologies that can harm it

7. Areas of distribution

Khomutovskoe municipality of the Irkutsk district of the Irkutsk region

8. Duration of the project (number of months, but no more than 12)

10 months

9. Project start date
(should be the first day


9. End date of the project
(must be the last day of the month, but no later than March 31, 2013)


Conducting an energy audit

Acquisition of an information terminal with an anti-vandal screen

11. Applicant's fee (in USD)

salary of the project executors, including deductions to the Funds, costs for the production of printed materials;

Purchase of energy-saving appliances

Carrying out activities based on the conclusion of the audit to improve the energy-saving class of buildings (wall insulation, elimination of air leaks, proper placement of energy appliances).

12. Funds from other sources (in USD)

6,600 (see list of letters of support)

MUP "Agrobytservis" - installation of an information terminal, delivery and materials (720 dollars).

MUK Cultural and sports complex - installation and configuration of the interactive, the premises of the information center, utility bills, communication services, etc.

13. Total cost of the proposed project (in USD)


A. Organization Information

1. Organization
(full legal name according to registration documents)

Administration of the Khomutovsky Municipal Formation Administration of the Rural Settlement of the Irkutsk District

2. Status of the organization
(government, non-profit or commercial)

3. The direction of the organization
(goals or nature of the work most related to the topic of this project, no more than 30 words)

municipal government, the municipal authority in the territory

4. Responsible executive organizations
(in full Last name First name Patronymic, position)

Deputy head of administration of the settlement

5. Project accountant

(Full Surname First Name Patronymic)

6. Work phone of the Project Accountant

7. City (location of the organization)

With. Khomutovo

8. Full postal address of the organization
(zip code, region, city, street, office number)

9. Actual address of the organization

Irkutsk region, with. Khomutovo, st. Kirova, 7/a


Purchase of equipment - information terminal with anti-vandal screen

April May

1 terminal

Settlement administration

April May

Terminal and dispatch center software

Settlement administration

Terminal installation

May June

1 terminal

MUP Agrobytservis

3. Performance of works on energy inspection (energy audit)

April June

Library buildings, sports complex building, recreation center

3. Website development

April June

Settlement administration

Creation and equipment of a dispatching information center (hereinafter referred to as the dispatching center)

July - September

dispatch center

Conducting training seminars for employees involved in the project

July - September

2 seminars

Settlement administration

Holding gatherings of citizens informing about the project, placing information in the media

July - September

At least 1 run

Settlement administration

Preparation of energy passports of buildings, development of recommendations

Aug. Sept

3 passports

Administration of the settlement (involved specialized organization)

6.Production and printing of a brochure

July August

400 copies of 10 pages

5. Filling the site

July - September

Settlement administration

Commissioning of the dispatch center

dispatch center

Development of an energy efficiency settlement program

Energy Efficiency Program

Settlement administration

Purchase and installation of energy-saving equipment

October November

October November

Administration of the settlement, MUK KSK

8. Brochure distribution

October December

1 brochure

MUK KSK, dispatch center

5. Filling the site

October December

Works on entering data, updating information

Settlement administration, dispatch center

7. Carrying out activities for energy saving of buildings

Administration of the settlement, MUK KSK

8. Brochure distribution

1 brochure

MUK KSK, dispatch center

Replication of the results of the project - articles in the media, posting data on the Internet

2 publications in the media, publication in electronic journal FUR, data on the website

Settlement administration, MUK KSK, dispatch center

9. Preparation of the final report

Final report

Settlement administration

4. Partnerships

______________________________________ (Name regional office International Finance Corporation) address: _______________________________ from ___________________________________ (name or full name of the applicant) address: ______________________________, telephone: __________, fax: __________, address Email: _____________ Application for funding Applicant _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (name, location address, PSRN, details of the document confirming the fact that information about the legal entity was entered into the Unified State Register legal entities, indicating the address of the location of the body that carried out state registration/FULL NAME. individual entrepreneur, address of his place of residence, data of the document proving his identity, OGRNIP, data of the document confirming the fact of entering information about the individual entrepreneur in the Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs, indicating the address of the location of the body that carried out state registration, TIN, data of the document on the applicant's registration with the tax authority) is the initiator (or: representative of the initiator, etc.) of the investment project ___________________________________________________ (name reflecting the essence of the project) (hereinafter - "investment project"). 1. Brief description of the investment project: ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (essence of the project, place of implementation, contract scheme, main technical and financial parameters and characteristics, including short description industry, risk allocation and economic efficiency, environmental and social effects) (If available: 2. List of co-investors - ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________.) (names, full name, addresses, type of activity of each, description of their assets, financial condition, experience in implementing similar projects, roles in the project, the estimated investment period and the conditions for exiting the project) (If available: 3. List of partners - _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________.) (names, full name, addresses, type of activity of each, description of their assets, financial condition, implementation experience similar projects, roles in the project) 4. The management team of the project - _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (Full name, positions, experience in implementing similar projects, education, scientific degrees, additional training courses - MBA, CFA, etc., diplomas and certificates and a brief description of the main achievements in professional activity) (If available: 5. List of contractors for external, including technical, assistance - _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________.) (names, full name, addresses, type of activity of each, financial condition, experience in implementing similar projects, roles in the project, conditions for exiting the project) 6. Project management structure - __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (description of the management structure, divisions, distribution of levels of responsibility, heads of departments and the number of employees in them, basic provisions personnel policy; for outsourcing of certain functions - the names of contractors, as well as the main details and the deadline for the implementation of the relevant contracts) 7. Marketing and sales, the commercial strategy of the project for the sale of manufactured goods or for the provision of services - ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (main markets for sales of goods produced within the framework of the project, services provided within the framework of the project: local, domestic, regional, export; unit prices, sales targets and expected market share, potential consumers products and distribution channels; dynamics of development of demand and prices, as well as competition over the past 3 - 5 years; forecast of market development for the duration of the project, taking into account the possibility that the market will be saturated with substitute goods and other factors that determine the potential of the market; regardless of the volume of the concluded contracts, detailed conclusions of specialized consulting companies on the analysis of these market segments and their forecasts are submitted) 8. Commercial strategy for the purchase of basic raw materials and materials necessary for the implementation of the project - ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. (strategy for the acquisition of the main components of the production of goods, raw materials, materials, services, indicating volumes and prices, other main conditions of long-term contracts for the sale of goods and services planned for conclusion, a description of the planned main suppliers of raw materials and materials, an analysis of the risks of monopoly behavior of such suppliers ways to reduce the dependence of the project on suppliers, the risks associated with their default on deliveries, and ways to reduce them; the history of the execution of supply contracts in the past for each supplier; regardless of the volume of contracts concluded, detailed forecasts of the development of prices for the main supplied materials are presented, raw materials, services performed by specialized experts in the field of project implementation, tariff barriers or import restrictions affecting the project) 9. Technical aspects of the investment project and the proposed technical solution - __________________________________________ __________ ________________________________________________________________________. (main aspects of the technical solution, rationale for the choice of technical solution, its advantages over other potentially possible solutions, examples of other projects where such a solution has been successfully used, all the technical risks of the project at each stage and ways to neutralize or reduce them) Detailed technical documentation is attached to the business plan of the investment project. 10. Technical feasibility, availability of labor force, raw materials and environmental issues: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (short description production process; the need for know-how and special qualifications; availability of labor force and infrastructure facilities - transport and communications, electricity and water supply, etc.; distribution of estimated operating expenses by main items of expenditure; sources, price and quality of raw materials and relations with subcontractors; import restrictions on required raw materials; the intended location of the enterprise in relation to suppliers of components, sales markets, infrastructure facilities and settlements- sources of labor; the anticipated size of the enterprise compared to other such enterprises; potential environmental problems and ways to solve them) 11. Analysis operating costs , description of contractors for the operation, maintenance and repair of facilities, the main conditions of the contracts for operation and repair planned for conclusion - ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (the main conditions of contracts for the operation of facilities planned for conclusion, a summary of information on counterparties for the operation, maintenance and repair of facilities, including a description of their previous experience, the main risks associated with the operation of the project, and ways to reduce them; forecast of the cost of equipment maintenance for not less than the maturity of the requested investment, including agreed prices and operating and maintenance conditions confirmed by technical experts) 12. Needs for investments, project financing and profitability: 12.1. Estimated total costs for the project, broken down into rent / purchase of a land plot, construction, installation of equipment, working capital requirements, indicating the currency component - ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (detailed calculation of capital expenditures and sources of their financing, revenues, operating expenses, payments to repay attracted loans, loans, as well as interest on them, payments to co-investors, forecasts of the financial statements of the initiator - income and expense statements, balance sheet, cash flow; all parameters characterizing the project are summarized in a detailed financial model in *.xls format, including related forecast reporting forms - profit and loss statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement, completed for the life of the project, all risks are taken into account in the financial model; all basic forecasts are based on the terms of the concluded contracts and on the reports of consultants on price development forecasts) 12.2. The proposed financial structure of the enterprise, indicating the proposed sources and conditions of equity and debt financing - ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (name, full name, address, type of activity of each; name, currency and amount of funds by sources of financing; terms and schedules for repayment of loans and (or) credits; cost, terms and other basic conditions for securing obligations) In support of the specified information, the application is accompanied by documents on the intention to enter into loan agreements, draft decisions on the issuance of securities and draft prospectuses of securities, documents confirming the availability of the necessary internal permits and resolutions approving the investment in the project. The sum of all confirmed sources of funding for the project is equal to the sum of the costs of the project, and all funds will be available to the initiator at the time of the financial closure of the project. 12.3. The logic of the financial model and the assumptions used is _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (guidelines for using the financial model, which includes an overview of the model, a description of the logic of complex calculations, macro calculations with links to technical documentation, documents on the terms of financing) 12.4. Type of IFC financing (IFC) - _________________________ ______________________________________________________________, including (loan, equity, quasi-equity financing, combination of several financial products, etc.) capital - ______ (________________) ________________ for a period of __________________, quasi-equity financing - _______ (_________________) _________________ for a period of __________________, other forms - ______ (________________) ___________ for a period of _______________. 12.5. Financial forecast, information on profitability and the amount of return on invested capital - _____________________________________________. 12.6. The most important factors on which profitability depends - _________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (priorities, sources of financing and refinancing in cases where the funds are not enough to fully repay the debt under the project) 12.7. Currency and interest risks - _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (initiator's strategies for hedging currency and interest risks at all stages of the project, including risks in relation to the main loan agreements concluded, sales contracts, construction contracts, maintenance and repair contracts) 12.8. Analysis of situations when the proposed financing will not be available in the planned volume or its conditions will be different, and the consequences of this for the financial and economic characteristics of the project - _____ ________________________________________________________________________________. (description of each situation according to the scheme "circumstances - pessimistic, optimal, optimistic scenarios of response") 13. Methods for monitoring the impact of the project on environment, compliance of the project with the legislation Russian Federation on environmental protection - ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (technical aspects of the project related to the impact on the environment and meeting the requirements of local, regional, federal legislation on environmental protection; improvement of the environmental situation in the region as a result of the project; environmental benefits of the project and environmental risks of the project, indicating measures aimed at managing such risks and their mitigation; conclusion of an organization with experience environmental research; a brief description of the results of all studies conducted earlier at the request of international financial institutions or presentation of additional requirements to the procedure for assessing the impact of the project on the environment) 14. Assessment of the social significance of the project, including the creation of new jobs, etc. - ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (justification of the positive social effect associated with the implementation of the project - the creation of new jobs both in implementation phase, and during the operation of the project, both within the framework of the project itself and in related areas, for example, with the counterparties of the initiator, the introduction of new modern and more economical technologies, improving the quality of life, etc.) 15. Information about the main licenses and permits, necessary for the initiator to implement the project, including both construction and subsequent operation, - _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. (indicating the duration of licenses and permits related to the status of their renewal processes, as well as the risks and mitigating factors associated with situations where such licenses and permits are either not obtained or renewed as expected) 16. Government support and current legislation: 16.1. Compliance of the project concept with the state economic development programs and state investment programs - _____ __________________________________________________________________________. (program details) 16.2. Benefits and other state support for the project or its individual parts - __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (links to regulations) 16.3. The expected contribution of the project to the development of the economy is __________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. 16.4. a brief description of current legislation in the field of currency control, conditions for the import and export of capital - _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (links to regulatory legal acts) 17. Available material base for the implementation of the investment project - _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. (availability on the right of ownership or on other legal grounds of real estate objects necessary for the implementation of the project, certified control and measuring equipment, production and testing equipment with supporting documents) 18. Computer programs, technical and technological documentation, methodological documents necessary for the implementation of the project - ______________ ________________________________________________________________________. (list and details of supporting documents) 19. Estimated schedule for the preparation and implementation of the project - ___________ ________________________________________________________________________. A business plan for an investment project with a detailed justification of the economic feasibility, volume and timing of investments, including the necessary design and working documentation, a description of practical steps for the implementation of investments will be developed and submitted in case of fundamental interest in the project within ______ days. Based on the foregoing, the applicant asks to consider the possibility of providing investments for the implementation of the project "_________________" in the amount of ______ (________________) ___________ with a payback period of _______ months on the terms agreed by the parties. (If the applicant wishes: Please send information on investment issues in electronic form.) Applications: 1. Copies of constituent documents legal entity(or a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur). 2. Copies of documents confirming the availability of specialists in the staff of the applicant or project initiator and their qualifications (appointment orders or extracts from work books diplomas, certificates, certificates). 3. Copies of title documents for the premises intended for the implementation of the project, the rights to which are not registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to real estate and transactions with it (if such rights are registered in the specified register, information about these premises). 4. Copies of documents confirming the right of the applicant or project initiator to computer programs and databases planned for use in the implementation of the project. 5. Documents containing information on the availability of production, testing and control and measuring equipment, information security tools and other means necessary for the implementation of the project, with copies of documents on verification and marking of control and measuring equipment, as well as documents confirming the right of the applicant or initiator project for the use of the specified equipment and facilities. 6. Documents containing information about the available technical documentation, national standards and methodological documents necessary for the implementation of the project. 7. Copies of documents confirming the existence of a production control system, including a quality management system. 8. Power of attorney of the representative from "__" ___________ ____, N ______ (if the application is signed by the representative). 9. Copies of documents confirming the powers of the sole executive bodies (authorized persons) of the initiator to make transactions on behalf of the initiator, the chief accountant of the initiator (decision on election, order on appointment, order on taking office, employment contract, power of attorney, etc.), and certified sample signatures of the indicated persons and the seal of the initiator. 10. Certificate of the initiator stating that insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings have not been initiated against him in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on insolvency (bankruptcy). (If available: 11. Documents characterizing the credit history of the initiator.) 12. Inventory of attached documents. "__"___________ ____ Applicant (representative): __________________________ (signature)