Educational project in dow. Educational portal. Stages of implementation of finished projects in kindergarten

  • 13.11.2019

Unfortunately, in modern society many parents leave the upbringing, education and development of their children at the mercy of educational institutions. Often, parents have little interest in the success of their children. It is very difficult to interest them, but to attract them to joint activities almost impossible. But it is in joint activities that the full development of the child takes place. Preschool age is a period very receptive to everything that happens around. Everything, absolutely everything that happens to a child under 5 years old, leaves its mark on his whole future life. It is during this period that children especially need the attention of their parents. What was lost at this time will never be replenished.
Each child has his own Zone of Proximal Development - this is what the child already knows how to do with an adult, but is not yet able to do on his own. It is these skills that the child is ready to master in the near future. In order to teach a child something, you need to do it with him. And do it a few times. At first he will just look, then he will make his minimal contribution, and then he will be able to do it himself. And in this the main role belongs to parents.
It is very difficult to convey to modern, educated and very, very busy parents the idea that a child should not only be fed, clothed, put to bed, but also communicate with him, teach him to think, think, empathize. And how great it is to do everything together - play, walk, talk different topics, share secrets, invent different stories, do crafts, read books and even watch cartoons. For a child aged 3-4 years, an adult is a whole world, so mysterious and unknown. He is interested in everything that mom and dad do, what they talk about, etc. And if the parents do what the baby needs and is useful, then the baby will perceive this as the norm. It is also useful for the formation of adequate self-esteem of children. After all, when a child receives praise from a significant adult, he feels really important and valuable, he understands that he did not try in vain. And when his mother helps and guides him a little in the process of joint creativity, he understands that nothing is impossible, there would be a desire.
Working in kindergarten with children, I came to the conclusion that one of the main stages of the teacher's activity is to find mutual understanding with parents.
Working with parents is one of the conditions in the development of creative abilities in children. preschool age. Creative tasks for parents, organization of competitions, participation in project activities, joint activities aimed at developing the creative abilities of children - all this contributes to the establishment of trusting relationships between the kindergarten and the family, and also opens up opportunities for parents to participate in the educational process. That is why I decided to create a long-term project "We are together."
The project is ultimately focused on solving one main problem - the involvement of parents in joint activities with children and participation in the upbringing and educational process.

The relevance of the creation of the project
Often, modern parents do not know what to do with their child, and even more so what to do with a 3-4 year old baby. Most parents do not want or are afraid to participate in joint activities in kindergarten. Many do not understand why, for what and for whom it is necessary. But this is exactly what they and their children need, because what older child, the further in his interests he becomes from parents who did not take part in his "gardening" life. And how confident in himself and his abilities is a child who will always come to the aid of mom or dad. How nice it is for a child to see and feel the support of a loved one.
Employees educational institutions should communicate this information to parents in an accessible way and conduct a sufficient number of activities with the involvement of parents so that parents understand by experience the importance of joint activities with children.
That is why the development of the project "We are together" becomes relevant.

The upbringing of a modern child and his cognitive abilities is a priority, the most important task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions, since any country needs knowledgeable, confident in themselves and their abilities, constantly developing people who will be successful in business, diversified and, in a word, interesting personalities.

Goals, objectives, expected results and products

Strategic goal: Strengthening the relationship of parents with children through joint creativity in a preschool institution.
Tactical goals:
1. Creation of a plan for conducting master classes with approximate topics.
2. Creation of conditions for parents to attend events in the DU.
3. Formation in parents of the right attitude towards the upbringing and education of their child.
4. Organization of events for the participation of parents in them together with children.
1. Involve parents in the educational process.
2. Encourage parents to interact with their child.
3. Encourage parents to support the interest and curiosity of children.
4. Involve parents in joint activities with children.
5. Increase parental readiness for development creativity child.
6. To develop the literacy of parents as educators of the cognitive activity of the child.
7. To form skills, abilities to organize joint activities with children.
8. Develop communication between an adult and a child, the ability to find common interests.
Expected results:
1. Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents.
2. Participation of parents in the educational process, in the activities of the educational institution.
3. Strengthening the relationship between parents and children.
4. Establishing trusting relationships between the kindergarten and the family.
1. Presentation-report on the results of the events.
Ways to solve the project:
Make a plan for holding creative workshops and events with the involvement of parents.
Take into account the requirements and opinions of parents on the time period for conducting master classes (day of the week, time of holding).
Take into account the age characteristics of children in preparing for events and compiling notes.
The project implementation is designed for 9 months: from September 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017.
No. Stages Purpose Timing
1. Preparatory and design stage
Draw up an action plan, think over the tasks to be solved for each event.
Select materials for creating abstracts. 09/01/2016 – 10/01/2016
2. Practical stage
Conducting master classes, achieving the tasks set at the first stage. 01.10.2016 – 15.05.2017
3. Presentation of the project
Report on the work done. 05/15/2017 – 05/31/2017

Action plan.
No. Month Direction Theme of the event Form of holding
1. October "Artistic and aesthetic development" "Golden Autumn" (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative parent-child works
November "Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Social and communicative development" "Plate for grandmother" (drawing in non-traditional ways on a paper plate) Master class for parents with children
December "Artistic and aesthetic development" "Winter patterns" (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative parent-child works
December "Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Social and communicative development" "Soon, soon New Year» (production of gift packaging in the form of a candy from a sleeve from toilet paper) Master class for parents with children
January "Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Social and communicative development" "Drawing while playing" (drawing with grits and pva) Master class for parents with children
January "Physical development" "Come on moms!" (sports competitions) Participation in the interdistrict stage
February "Physical development" "On a visit to Tuzik" Open class on physical education for parents
February "Physical development" "February 23" Leisure with the participation of fathers of pupils
February "Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Social and communicative development" "Gift for dad" (making a boat from cleaning materials: rags, sponges) Master class for parents with children
February "Social and communicative development" "Sweet fantasies" (exchange of experience on how to create a tasty and healthy dish for a child) round table
March "Physical development" "Come on moms!" (sports competitions) Competitions between families of pupils of the gymnasium
March "Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Social and communicative development" "Spring mood" (making flowers from colored napkins, creating a collective composition) Master class for parents with children
April "Cognitive development" "Journey on a magic train" Open lesson on FEMP for parents
April "Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Social and communicative development" "Landscape" (drawing using non-traditional methods) Master class for parents with children
May "Artistic and aesthetic development" "Victory Day!" (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative parent-child works

This project on the intellectual development of older preschoolers through the game contains methodological developments, practical material. The practical significance of the project lies in the creation of a developing environment, which includes an area for independent play activities. The project is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents.

Project passport

Project name"Play and Grow"

Educational areas: socio-communicative, cognitive, speech development, artistic and aesthetic, physical.

Project type: group, creative

Project implementation timeline: 10/01/2014 to 05/31/2015

Project focus: complex (different types of children's games).

Project type: creative.

Duration: long-term, intended for children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old)

Fundamental principles project implementation principles of the federal state educational standard preschool education:

  • support for childhood diversity; preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person;
  • personality-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction between adults and children;
  • respect for the personality of the child;
  • implementation of the program in forms specific for children of this age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

The relevance of the project.

Life in the twenty-first century poses many new problems for us, among which the most urgent is the problem of the intellectual development of a preschooler.

Probably, there are no such parents on the globe who would not dream of their baby growing up as a healthy, intellectually and comprehensively developed child.

Every child is inquisitive and insatiable in the knowledge of the world around him. In order for the curiosity of the baby to be satisfied, and he grew up, all adults are interested in constant mental and intellectual development.

The federal state educational standards for preschool education (FSES) provide for the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual features and inclinations, the formation common culture the personality of children, including the values ​​of the intellectual development of a preschooler. All five educational areas Federal State Educational Standards are aimed at developing the intellectual abilities of a preschooler.

It is at preschool age that it is very important to stimulate the development of thought processes: the ability to compare, learn, generalize, draw conclusions for a painless, smooth transition of a preschooler from preschool to school.

Working with children of senior preschool age, I noticed that the child's intellect develops best during the game, when he is unconsciously absorbing new knowledge about the world around him. I take this fact into account in my work, but I try not to overdo it, not to extinguish the cognitive interest in the child. In order to effectively stimulate the intellectual development of the child in the game, I offer him options for continuing the game started by the child on his own initiative. I offer children new interesting activities, I support their lively interest in all new objects and phenomena, but their preferences remain the main factor in choosing educational games and exercises.

By celebrating each achievement of the child, encouraging him with kind words and affection, we thereby increase his self-confidence and desire for new results, and these qualities are simply necessary for the intellectual development of the child and his success in the future.

Purpose and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project: creating a comfortable gaming environment for the development of an intellectually developed personality.

Project objectives:

  1. To develop in children the desire for self-improvement.
  2. To instill in children a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.
  3. Strengthen the skills acquired in the game.
  4. Replenish and enrich the subject-developing educational environment.

Project participants: children , educators, junior educator, parents.

Target group of the project: The project is intended for children of preschool age.

Main forms of project implementation traced in the educational process and are divided into:

  • Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of activities,
  • Educational activities carried out during sensitive moments.

Organized educational activities includes:

  • Games aimed at the comprehensive development of the child;
  • Reading and discussion of fiction;
  • Creation of pedagogical situations;
  • Examination and discussion of subject and plot pictures, illustrations;
  • Productive activity;
  • Listening and discussion of folk, children's music;
  • Games and exercises for the texts of poems, nursery rhymes, songs;
  • Comprehensive-game classes in all educational areas

Group, intergroup and general garden events:

  • Thematic leisure;
  • Holidays;
  • Intellectual KVNs;
  • Open days;
  • Theatrical performances.

Expected results of the project.

For kids:

  • apply acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new problems;
  • plan their actions aimed at achieving a specific goal;
  • master the universal prerequisites for learning activities;
  • solve intellectual problems adequate to age.

For parents:

  • rallying parents, children and teachers on issues of intellectual development.

For teachers:

  • increasing knowledge on improving intellectual skills in children of senior preschool age;
  • rallying parents, children and teachers on issues of intellectual development;
  • equipping a subject-developing educational environment didactic games, manuals, methodological developments for the development of intellectual abilities in children of senior preschool age.

Project activity product:

  • photographic material;
  • development of methodological recommendations;
  • project presentation.

List of the main directions of the project

Equipping the subject-developing environment of the senior group of the kindergarten:

Corner decoration:

  • formation of elementary mathematical representations,

2. Production of teaching aids.

3. Make a selection of games for intellectual development.

Methodical piggy bank:

  • compose perspective plan work on the intellectual development of older preschoolers.
  • develop outlines of classes, entertainment and leisure activities.
  • pick and arrange methodical material on the development of intellectual abilities in older preschoolers.

Working with parents:

Increasing the competence of parents in the development of intellectual abilities in children of senior preschool age through individual consultations, workshops, conversations, master classes, parent meetings, intellectual KVN.

Brief description of the project by stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory.

October 2014

Diagnostics at the initial stage of the project helps to identify the degree of activity of parents in organizing games for the development of intellectual abilities in children through a questionnaire. In the follow-up, diagnostics help track the dynamics and effectiveness of project activities. Diagnosis is carried out by educators.

Stage 2 is the main one.

November-March 2015

Includes the implementation of a detailed work plan for all activities with children; joint educational work with children, parents to solve the tasks; a selection of works of art, nursery rhymes, riddles, various games on this topic, logical tasks, exercises, direct educational activities in five educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Stage 3 is the final one.

April–May 2015

Summing up the work on the project; questioning

parents and children survey; project presentation.

Resource support

No. p / p Resource base name Quantity
1. Playroom 1
2. Game material, including non-traditional In sufficient quantity
3. Technical means:
  • record player,
  • multimedia presentation projector
4. visual material:

picture material (illustration, poster),

demonstration material (didactic toys),

didactic aids, cards

In sufficient quantity
5. Methodical material:

general developmental program of preschool education,

calendar - thematic plans for educational areas,

developmental program for older children "Intellectual development of children through mathematical games"

In sufficient quantity

Project Implementation Plan

Preparatory stage

(October 2014)

Events goal members terms
1. Selection of material on the topic of the project Systematization of the received material educators 1 week of October
2. Diagnostic examination Planning activities for project implementation Educators, children 1st week of October
3. Planning activities on the project topic Drafting calendar plan work educators 2-3 week of October
4. Interaction with parents aimed at the implementation of the project Introducing the project to parents educators,


4th week of November

main stage

(November 2014 - March 2015)

Activity content Tasks Resources Performers and co-performers Implementation timeline

Social and communicative development:

1. Plot-role-playing game "We're going to visit."

2. "Birds in a trap."

3. "Revived toys."

4. "Dandelion".

5. We have order.

6. Excursion to school, library.

To develop interaction and communication of the child with adults and peers.

Involve parents in creating conditions for role-playing games.

Classes, excursions, didactic and educational games.

Story-role-playing game

Children and educators


November December

January February


cognitive development

1. "Letter from Dunno".

2. "High - low, far - close."

3. "Ryaba Hen".

4. "Quickly collect."

5. "Find the same one."

6. "Bats".

7. "What we do."

8. "Mysterious prints."

9. Logic tasks, puzzles, crosswords.

10. Games with Gyenesh blocks

To develop interest, curiosity, cognitive motivation To form primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships Classes, didactic, developing desktop, word games, logical tasks. Story-role-playing game Children and teachers, parents According to the plan of the educational process.

Speech development

Finger games - draw numbers, letters with fingers;

Exercises for the development of mobility, strength and flexibility of the fingers;

Riddles (reading, writing, concepts of time, plants, etc.)

physical education minutes

in class, etc.

Develop coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech. Learn to speak as a means of communication and culture Use in the classroom of poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings, etc. game training for the development of speech, theatrical games Children and teachers, parents According to the plan of the educational process.

November December

January February


Artistic and aesthetic development

Logic exercises:

Continue the series, finding errors, conclusions.

Modeling "Russian nesting doll", "I have a friend with a mustache, a cat Matroskin striped"

Application "Christmas fun", "Kitchenware"

Drawing "Mommy dear, my mother"

"Good Doctor Aibolit"


independent creative activity when drawing various hatching objects, etc., when modeling from plasticine, appliqué

Notebooks with assignments, exercise books for the development of the child's hand, fun homework, graphic dictations, modeling books and do-it-yourself applications Children and

educators, parents

According to the plan of the educational process.

(in the first half of the day)

November December

January February


Physical development:

Runaway games:

"Fifteen", "Rockets"

Jump games:

"Running in bags", "Jumping rope"

Ball games:

"Fifteen with the ball", "Relay with the transfer of the ball"

Word games:

“Repeat - ka”, “Let the crow get wet”

Riddles - folds; tongue twisters and tongue twisters; Folk games; "Paints", "Breaking the Chain"

Develop physical qualities in a child. Strengthen the gross and fine motor skills of the hands in the physical exercises included in each lesson and in the free activities of children folk games,

Dynamic pauses, psycho-gymnastics, physical education, outdoor games

Children and teachers, parents According to the plan of the educational process.

(in the first half of the day)

November December

January February

Working with parents

Holding The content of the work Methodological support
1 October Diagnostics:

“Does a child need a game and why?”

"Research of game activity"

Journal - "Handbook of the senior educator before

2007 #6-8

2 november Consultation for parents: "Intellectual development of a preschool child" L.I. Sorokin

Site for teachers of preschool institutions mail. en

3 December Meeting with parents at the round table. Speech by parents about the experience of organizing games for children at home
4 January Together with parents, work on the organization of the "Center for Entertaining Mathematics" Games: "Find a Pair", "Make a Picture", "Logic Lotto", etc. E.V. Serbina "Mathematics for kids"
5 February Consultation for parents "The importance of entertaining material for the development of children" Z.A.Mikhailova "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers
6 March Joint competition with parents of savvy "Hurry up, don't make a mistake"

The final stage

(April-May 2015)

Events Target Members Timing
one . Diagnostic examination:
"The development of mental processes in a preschooler". Identification and educators May
Questionnaire "The attitude of parents to the intellectual development of their child." determination of the effectiveness of implementation Parents Children,
Questioning of parents "Play and develop". project.
2. Create a folder for teachers:
"Card file of games for the formation of intellectual abilities in a preschooler"

"Entertaining physical education minutes";

"Games that teach"; "Relaxation games", "Developing handles";

Increasing the competence of teachers in terms of the development of mental health in children Teachers Educators April
"Games in the air, with water"; Outdoor games.
3. Intellectual marathon:


Consolidation and generalization of the material covered. educators 15.05.2015
4. Creation of a folder for parents: "Preschool childhood - the first period of the child's mental development" (memos, recommendations, booklets, consultations). Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents

the issue of intellectual development





1. Belousova, L.E. Amazing Stories[Text]: library of the program "Childhood" / L.E. Belousova. – M.; Enlightenment, 2003. - 214p.

2. Buktakova, V.M. Games for kindergarten [Text]: a guide for educators / V.M. Buktakov. - S. - P.; Sphere, 2009. - 168s.

3. Kolesnikova E. V. I solve logical problems [Text]: Tutorial/ E.V. Kolesnikov. – M.; TC Sphere, 2015. - 48s.

4. Matyushkin A.M. Thinking, learning, creativity [Text]: A.M. Matyushkin. - M.; Voronezh, 2003. - 85s.

5. Mikhailova Z.A. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers [Text]: a guide for educators / Z.A. Mikhailov. – M.; Enlightenment, 2007. - 287p.

6. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents [Text]: a guide for teachers / ed. N.S. Leites. - M., TC Sphere, 2010 - 205s.

7. Mikhailova Z.A. Logical and mathematical development of preschool children / Z.A. Mikhailova, K.A. Nosova - St. Petersburg. LLC Publishing House Childhood - press, 2013. - 128s.

8. Sorokina L.I. Intellectual development of children, 5 - 6 years old:

[Text]: a guide for teachers / L.I. Sorokina.-VLADOS Humanitarian Publishing Center, 2014 - 145p.

9. Yuzbekova E.A. The place of play in the intellectual development of a preschooler [Text]: Moscow, 2006. - 256 p.

The full version of the work is available.

Relevance: in the older preschool age, matured children self-establish themselves, are approved in the team of children, are formed friendly relations and the ability to cooperate, attention to a peer is increased as a partner for joint activities and communication.

Problem: in the course of long-term observations of the behavior and independent activities of children, of life in a group during the educational process, regime moments, we noted that many children do not know how to communicate with peers, negotiate, solve problem situations peacefully, defend their point of view without quarrels, insults and fights. Children put their own priorities ahead, regardless of the opinions and needs of other children.

Project scope: short-term (2 months).

Purpose: introducing children to the established norms of social behavior and the rules of relations with peers, creating ideas about friendship.

1. Generalize, expand and deepen children's knowledge about friendship and friends.

2. Encourage children to collective activity, promote the emergence and accumulation of positive communication experience and develop social and communication skills (responsiveness, kindness, empathy, compassion, empathy, friendliness, the ability to negotiate with each other).

3. Systematize children's information about the culture of behavior in society and relations between people.

I. Preparatory stage:

1. Reading “Feast of Friendship” by I. Vachkov, discussion, conversation and questions on content.

II. Implementation stage:

1. Conversation about friendship and friends “What is a friend?”, “What is friendship?”.

2. Reading: Victor Dragunsky "Childhood Friend". Discussion and conversation on content.

3. Proverbs and sayings about friendship and friends.

4. Reading the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes."

5. Reading V. Oseeva "Three Comrades".

6. Reading poems about friendship: Y. Entin “About friendship”, A. Kuznetsova “Girlfriends”, T. Agibalova “Now I have a friend”, V. Berezhnaya “Friendship is a warm wind ...”, L. Kvitko “Two friend”, V. Viktorov “Children of the whole Earth are friends”.

7. Compilation of the story "My best friend."

8. Conversation - reasoning "Why do we need friends?".

9. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox."

11. Watching the cartoon "The Biggest Friend", discussions and conversation on the content.

12. Productive activity: drawing "Portrait of a friend", application "Gift to a friend", paper construction "Toy for a friend".

13. Listening and memorizing songs about friendship "Real true friend", memorizing the poem "We advise everyone to be friends."

14. Resolution of the problem situation "Who offended whom?".

The final stage:

1. Drawing up the rules of friendship.

Final event: quiz "About friendship and friends".

Expected result: children classify information about friendship and friends, norms of behavior and rules for relations with peers, the atmosphere in the group will improve.

Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Project activity, Senior group

Position: educator
Place of employment: MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 410"
Location: Perm, st. Kapitanskaya 21

Project activity is a method of implementing an individual approach to learning, using the productive, creative, cognitive or research activities of pupils of preschool educational institutions, during which preschoolers broaden their horizons, vocabulary, gain new knowledge and learn to find practical application for them. Children's interest serves as a source of inspiration for the implementation of serious and exciting tasks. - the result of joint activities of adults (parents and teachers) and children, aimed at:

  • development of subject skills and knowledge in preschoolers;
  • formation of competencies necessary for successful study at school (analyze one's own capabilities, set tasks, find ways and optimal means of solving them);
  • harmonious development of the child's personality (children learn to work in a team, find compromises, achieve their goals, demonstrate leadership qualities and initiative, behave confidently in a situation of uncertainty).

Finished projects in kindergarten: characteristics of pedagogical innovation

Method finished projects in kindergarten allows you to fully develop the creative abilities and cognitive initiatives of children, with the participation of adults to solve cognitive and practical problems. The innovation, which appeared relatively recently in the pedagogical piggy bank of preschool education, today is focused on unlocking the potential of children, the synthesis of educational areas, theoretical and practical knowledge. Paradoxically, project activities are equally important for both children and adults, as they stimulate creative thinking, improving professional skills and the quality of education in general.

Project activity involves the integration of several types of activities under the auspices of a single thematic plane of the problem posed, a deep and comprehensive study of the problem. Thanks to it, new methods of education and training appear in the pedagogical process, new ideas are introduced, and preschoolers form a single picture of the world, and the kindergarten implements developing, educational and health-saving technologies. The main goal of children's projects in preschool education according to GEF consists in:

  • gaining experience in creative activity, imagination, development of a free independent personality;
  • contributes to the formation of general educational skills, the practice of collective creativity and cooperation with peers, family members and teachers;
  • creating an emotional-valuable attitude to the environment;
  • stimulation of cognitive abilities, thinking;
  • involvement in the implementation of tasks of increasing complexity that have practical value;
  • communication development.

Since the family is most often a comfortable and vital environment, interaction with family members of pupils is a necessity to achieve the goals and harmonious development of the personality of a preschooler.

The methodology is based on the principle “I learn what is useful to me, and I know where and how I can apply the acquired skills and knowledge”, which ensures a balance between theoretical and practical skills. It allows you to activate the natural curiosity of children and direct it in the right direction. At the same time, the child always remains “leading”, and the teacher is assigned the role of “slave”, obeying the interests and desires of the preschooler, but supervising his activities. This makes it possible to abandon authoritarian pedagogy in favor of the principles of cooperation in joint activities.

Application practice projects in the activities of the preschool educational institution proves that the pupils she:

  • gives flexibility of thinking and independence in decision-making;
  • stimulates the use of sensors in solving problems in practice;
  • allows you to recognize the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.
  • Educators also feel positive dynamics, because:
  • practice search professional activity;
  • learn to plan work in accordance with the interests and abilities of children;
  • independently plan the educational process.

Unfortunately, teachers of preschool education often need methodological assistance, consultations, master classes on advanced design technology, because they often demonstrate insufficient awareness of the principles of implementation and features of project activities, unwillingness to abandon the usual educational system, lack of motivation to improve professional skills and display initiative. Not everyone understands the difference between design and research activities: a project is a way of organizing work that ends with a concrete solution applicable in practice.

Project activities in the preschool educational institution has the following characteristics:

  1. Project work is designed to solve not educational, but life problems that are of interest to one pupil or a group of children. That is why it is important that the problem under study is relevant for the kids, and not imposed by the teacher.
  2. Using the project method, it is advisable to solve only those problems that do not allow a linear (simple) solution. Since design is an intellectual, labor- and resource-intensive method, it is used to solve really complex and important problems.
  3. Each project combines resource constraints, deadlines, and strict requirements for the finished product. It is easier for children to tune in to business, knowing that they operate in "adult" conditions and solve important problems. So, kids should understand how to allocate their time and the time of the educator, how much paper, paints, pencils or plasticine will be required to complete the project, what should be the result of the work (something material that you can imagine, touch, see). The last point is very important, since the completion of the project is the product, and the result of the activity is the skills and competencies that the children have received. It is impossible to mix the concepts of product and result, as well as create projects for patriotism, friendship, understanding. Such projects are acceptable, but in a different vein: to instill a sense of patriotism, you can study the family tree of the family, study the life of great fellow countrymen, and for friendship, make a collage of photos with friends, collectively perform an important task - take care of plants, make a bird feeder to make friends in the process. The product of the project activity of preschoolers must be socially and financially significant.
  4. Project activity at all stages of childhood involves teamwork. Team building allows children to understand how to interact with parents and caregivers, who to involve as support.

Project activities in kindergarten: varieties of finished projects

Before embarking on the implementation of project work in kindergarten, it is important for educators to understand the difference between the following activities:

  • research - allows you to learn more about a problem or a phenomenon (subject) of interest, to find the truth;
  • productive - involves the simplest solution to the problem;
  • project - implies not only the solution of the problem, but also the development of the situation, therefore, within the framework of the project, preschoolers can use productive, research, and educational activities, but all of them should lead to the creation of a certain product.

In this way finished projects in kindergarten according to GEF differ:

  1. the presence of a problem that cannot be solved by direct action;
  2. social or personal motivation of all participants in the process;
  3. the targeted nature of the task.

Each project expands children's knowledge in a certain area, forms the necessary skills and abilities in them, and allows enriching the life experience of a preschooler. Children learn to make independent decisions, set goals and achieve them, develop thinking, cooperate and negotiate with other group members.


In the "Handbook of the senior educator preschool» published guidelines on the implementation of project activities in kindergarten, which will help not to face common difficulties

Depending on the topic of projects in kindergarten, they are divided into:

  1. Research - preschoolers conduct experiments and experiments, finding out the nature of things and the essence of some phenomena, which are subsequently drawn up in the form of exhibitions, presentations, albums or newspapers. They are distinguished by the social significance of topics, the relevance of the problem, the presence of a clear structure and goals.
  2. Game - carried out with elements creative games in which children become fairy-tale characters, solving the tasks assigned to them. Between the participants of the project activity, roles are strictly distributed among themselves, acting within the framework of role-playing activities, presenting themselves fairy tale character, animals, heroes of literary works or cartoons.
  3. Informational - preschool children choose a topic and its implementation in accordance with their social interests. In the course of work, children collect and analyze information, and then, on its basis, prepare a product and present it. As a result, they learn to generalize and analyze, work with information, share the information received about a phenomenon or object with others.
  4. Creative - implemented in the format children's holiday, theatrical performance, interior design, fairy tale or competition. Often they do not have a strictly thought-out structure, the actions of the participants may not be distributed. They reflect the nature of the relationship between children in kindergarten, children and parents, preschoolers and society, the outside world, and teachers. All projects of a creative orientation are divided into categories according to the form of presentation of the result, according to the dominant variety of creativity, according to the motive.
  5. Practice-oriented - reveal socially important problems, the result of the activity has a social color. Such projects are implemented under the condition of a well-thought-out structure, a qualitative distribution of roles and proper organization at each stage of execution.
  6. Open - most often used within different groups DOW, which allows you to bring the design to new level. When work is carried out within the same age group, all participants in the process know the personal and social qualities each other, the creative possibilities of children. Contacting children different ages, pupils of the preschool educational institution expand the spheres of communication, improve communication and social skills. Joint activities give them new emotions and impressions, younger and older children learn from each other's experience.
  7. Leisure activities - the implementation of entertainment and sports activities.
  8. Complex - in their content combine several types at once.

Any projects in preschool education according to GEF help increase children's self-esteem by recognizing the value of children's achievements and are divided according to the timing of implementation into short-term, implemented within several classes, as well as medium-term and long-term (the latter are studied and implemented within six months or a year). By the nature of the participation of the child, he can be a participant, performer, customer and appraiser in project activities. Since children cannot develop and implement a project on their own, educators, music directors and parents, who are assigned the role of mentors, come to their aid. Consequently, according to the number of participants, all projects are divided into individual, pair, group (project participants - 3-12 people) and frontal (performed by the entire team of the preschool educational institution group).

  • Individual design contributes to the enrichment of the cultural and social experience of a preschooler, allows him to take the initiative, express his thoughts and experiences, demonstrate abilities, make mistakes and achieve.
  • Collective projects realize the desire of children to act together, the desire to participate in collective work, solving problems. All this contributes to the emergence of skills of collective cooperation, which are formed through involvement in the implementation of general works. Carrying out project work, pupils of the preschool educational institution unite, discuss the problem, look for ways to solve it, distribute duties and responsibilities, and help each other.
  • Pair projects are carried out by pairs of children, which contributes to the establishment of friendly and partnership relations, allows them to form the skills of cooperation, compromise, solution challenging tasks through joint activities.

By the nature of the relationship projects in a group in a preschool educational institution are divided into tasks within the same age group, with the involvement of older or younger children, the participation of parents, representatives public organizations or institutions.

Method of projects at different stages of preschool childhood

They involve the joint work of adults and children on a specific topic or a selected problem within the framework of cognitive activity. The design methodology is recommended for use in senior and preparatory groups DOW, despite the fact that it can be used with children of an earlier age. It is important for the teacher to take into account that the age characteristics of preschoolers directly affect their role in design:

  • observation is predominantly characteristic of younger preschoolers, and therefore simple short term projects, mini-projects that are carried out together with parents or with their active participation;
  • in the middle preschool age, children are more ready for partnerships, because they can carry out medium-term projects that reveal problems of interest to them;
  • older preschoolers can better hold interest, stop, concentrate on a specific task, and therefore they are more suitable for longer-term projects that they implement in positions of cooperation with adults.

The project method assumes the equality of adults and children, and therefore parents and educators do not have the right to evaluate or control the activities of kids. Teachers strive to form in children key learning competencies and personality traits that will be indispensable in the future.

Methodists distinguish three stages of using projects that are typical for different age groups of pupils of preschool educational institutions:

  1. Imitative. Children 3-5 years old actively imitate adults in their actions, they are characterized by diligence, therefore, in the implementation of projects, they are assigned a second role. Pupils perform tasks, imitating an adult (teacher or parent), or act according to the proposed example.
  2. Developing. Preschoolers 5-6 years old can already actively cooperate with their peers (find compromises, coordinate actions, distribute functions), they have experience in joint activities. Kids at this stage are distinguished by developed self-esteem and self-control, an objective assessment of their own and other people's actions, therefore they can independently propose topics for project development, set goals and find means (methods) for their implementation.
  3. Creative. Children 6-7 years old to exercise projects in senior group DOW they need to create certain conditions for the development of creativity, but at the same time they easily set goals, determine the content of their activities, choose ways to implement the task.

During the implementation of project activities, it is not the ideal product that matters, but the quality of the result, the skills that children receive in the process of work, the activation of curiosity, cognitive activity, perseverance and other useful competencies.

Tasks The nature of personality development
At preschool age
  • under the supervision of a teacher, preschoolers enter a problem situation;
  • the teacher encourages them to search and research work, experimentation;
  • thanks to practical experience, the beginnings of research activity appear in children;
  • preschoolers join the process of cognition, they form various competencies, emotional interest, develop imagination, thinking, speech;
  • educators involve children in figurative reproduction, help them get acquainted with phenomena, objects and their application;
  • children learn to understand the goal, to look for ways to achieve it, taking into account new knowledge and past experience.
  1. physical development - motor abilities are stimulated, children realize the importance of taking care of their health (the ABC of Health project);
  2. social development - preschoolers are looking for ways to communicate, to know their place in society, their history (project "Me and my family", "Family tree");
  3. cognitive development - ideas about the world around us expand, children learn to apply sensory sensations in practice (projects "The World of Nature", "Favorite Tales");
  4. aesthetic development - mastery of artistic activity, acquaintance with works of art and emotional and value awareness of them (finished projects in the preschool educational institution "Hello, Pushkin!", "World of Theater", "In the Tretyakov Gallery").
At senior preschool age
  • prerequisites for intellectual and search activity appear;
  • preschoolers supervised by an adult effective methods solve the problem, and then do this work on their own, applying methods to complete the tasks;
  • pupils preschool senior age tend to communicate with adults on an equal footing, use special terms, carry out joint activities;
  • children develop the skills of modeling, experimentation, demonstrate intellectual and search initiative, take the first steps in predicting changes, use generalized algorithms for mental work;
  • children need awareness of the picture of the world, the implementation of productive activities and constructive communication;
  • they are able to identify the problem, find a solution to it, productively using the available methods, and then analyze the results.
  1. physical development - the attitude to one's own health becomes conscious, there is a need to lead healthy lifestyle life, motor abilities develop (projects “Secrets of Ilya Muromets”, “A healthy mind in a healthy body”);
  2. social development - a positive self-esteem is formed, self-knowledge develops, children master the necessary communicative competencies, realize the meaning and power of speech (projects "Know yourself", "Tales of love", "Who am I?");
  3. cognitive development - the knowledge system becomes more structured, which contributes to the development of creative and cognitive abilities, the implementation logical operations, the desire for modeling and experimentation (“Merry Astronomy”, “Magic Country”, “Heroes of the Russian Land”, “Underwater World”);
  4. aesthetic development - preschoolers become familiar with the world of artistic images and art, master various types of creative activity and methods of aesthetic assessment ("Book Week", "World of Theater", "Great Masters of the Brush")

Stages of implementation of finished projects in kindergarten

The goal is not finished projects, but the process of their implementation, during which teachers instruct, help, stimulate the interest and active participation of children, and they, in turn, respond with involvement. Work on any project in kindergarten goes through four stages:

Implementation stages Characteristic
I. Immersion and topic selection

The teacher, together with the preschooler, chooses the most interesting topic for the children, and plans cognitive work. Methodists recommend using a system of three questions: What do I know? What do I want to know? How can I find out?

It is important for teachers not only to support the child in his desire to study this or that issue, but also to create conditions for cognitive activity, to organize a dialogue with him. To successfully select a really relevant topic, educators often use the method of creating a problem situation, the awareness of which will help to choose the direction and purpose of project work.

As a topic, you can also choose a section of preschool educational program, but it is much more important that the idea of ​​a future project comes from a child who would express surprise, interest, formulating it through open question that can be the beginning of a successful research work, joint for adults and children.

II. Planning The teacher plans the process of implementing project activities, the content, sets educational tasks, thinks over the types of activities, and collects materials. Then, together with the pupils, he collects Interesting Facts concerning the subject of design, develop a work plan using the example of a thematic diagram, a drawing in which the child will be able to make suggestions. Ideally, the children would take over the planning of the project, and the educator would take on the role of facilitator.
III. Implementation

At the implementation stage, the teacher is assigned the role of an assistant, but not a leader. It is important for him to create the most comfortable conditions for the implementation of the planned, to involve as many types of activities as possible, which will contribute to the comprehensive development of children, their personal, social and educational competencies. In the course of a problematic discussion, the research activity of children, the desire to analyze, compare, experiment, and draw conclusions are activated. In the process of work, children are initiators and active participants in activities: they carry out search work, comprehension, transfer of experience, discussion, practice communication, creative and research activities. Children should have a sense of independent choice, for this the teacher must subtly guide, supervise, but not dominate the decisions and choices of pupils.

Other specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, music director, physical education instructor) may be involved in the implementation of the project in the preschool educational institution.

IV. Presentation

Most often, the presentation of the finished project is carried out in the format of a round table, tea party, holiday, performance, exhibition, vernissage, to which parents or family members of the pupils can be invited.

V. Reflection

The final stages of work on project in kindergarten is the reflection of all participants in the project activity: the teacher at the teachers' council or in a personal conversation with the parents of a preschooler talks about changing his own position in the course of the task. As a rule, there is a gradual change from the teaching and organizing role of the educator at the beginning of work to the corrective and guiding role at the stage of product presentation.

Children need praise and encouragement, it is important for the educator to discuss the results achieved with them, to help them realize what skills and abilities they have received in the process of work. In the course of communication with a preschooler, it is important for a teacher to show the socially important effectiveness of his work, to show that the entire path of the project was not in vain and it can be used in the future. Employees of the scientific and methodological service also take part in the collective analysis of the results of project activities, who supervised and advised the teacher throughout the work.

The duration of the individual stages of the project implementation depends on the chosen topic, the age of the children, the nature of the project activity, and the number of participants. It is important not only to develop a project, but to bring it to the creation of a finished product that can be presented to the public. The presence of the result will allow children to feel a sense of pride, will stimulate initiative, the ability to analyze, plan, set goals and achieve them. The society receives socially active, creatively developed children marked by civic-patriotic feelings.

Positions of participants in project activities in kindergarten

Project activities in preschool educational institutions are part of a progressive educational process. Since, due to age and lack of relevant experience, children cannot independently find a contradiction, set a goal, plan their activities, the implementation of projects in kindergarten is based on the principles of cooperation between children and adults that accompany each stage of work. Children's projects in kindergarten are implemented in several stages, which involve the following actions for adults and children:

Actions of the educator Activities of preschoolers
The teacher helps to determine the goals and themes of the project, to formulate the product of the project activity, and through the game situation he designates the tasks to choose the final product (presentation, performance, exhibition of works, wall newspaper). Kids get used to the problem through the game situation, realize the goals and objectives of the work, complement the tasks, so they learn to independently search for interesting things.
The teacher stimulates the activity of the kids, helps them plan their work, evaluates necessary resources, selects information, equipment and materials, contributes to the formation of a favorable environment in the team, consults with specialists, discusses a plan for the implementation of long-term projects at the parent meeting or during an individual conversation with parents - short-term ones. Pupils are divided or combined into groups, distribute roles within groups, agree among themselves, divide the stages of work.
The teacher gives advice and recommendations on the practical implementation of projects, controls and directs the work, within the main part project activities in kindergarten conducts observations, special classes, walks, games, gives appropriate tasks to children and their families, to find materials and new ways to implement the project, encourages the initiative of children and their parents. Children acquire a variety of skills and knowledge, master skills in the course of implementing projects in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The educator presents the results of project activities by designing an album or book (together with the pupil), organizing a leisure event, a holiday, a separate lesson.

Preschoolers help the teacher in preparing a presentation, and then demonstrate the product of collective activity to educators or parents.

The results of work with children are summed up, summarizing the pedagogical experience or speaking at the teachers' council.

Kids reflect on the topic of finished projects in kindergarten, expressing their impressions of the work, evaluate the results of project activities.

In order for the child to realize his needs, reveal his abilities, form a subjective position, the teacher who supervises his project activity should:

  • represent the child in the role of a researcher, a full partner with his own opinion and goals;
  • minimally interfere in the process of identifying problems and defining a topic (it is enough for the teacher to listen carefully to the children, to record and analyze their words);
  • competently and in an accessible form to justify the use of the chosen methods to the parents of pupils and other teachers;
  • take into account, first of all, the interests of children, their needs, experience, and then the necessary resources and the necessary time frame;
  • creates a sense of independence for children, guiding them in project activities, helping them come to the right conclusions, see mistakes and right decisions to develop the optimal algorithm of work;
  • find contacts with parents and, if necessary, with other specialists (a psychologist, observing the process of project implementation, will be able to draw conclusions useful for children);
  • stimulates the interest and activity of the child, helps to use resources correctly, distribute the load, smooth out conflict situations, helps to find compromises so that children can show their best qualities.

Regardless of whether long-term or short-term projects in kindergarten, to finished projects brought the greatest result, it is important for the teacher to provide comprehensive assistance to his pupils, forming a children-adult community based on the principles of partnership. The success of the finished project and the resulting competencies, as well as the activity of the child and his success not only in education, but also in later life. There are three forms of organization of partnership between teachers and children:

  1. Joint-individual - each participant performs his part of the work on the project separately, but at the final stage it turns out to be part of the overall product.
  2. Joint-sequential - the result of the work of the previous participant is used for the activities of the next one.
  3. Joint-interacting - participants agree on actions at each stage of the project.

In order for ready-made projects in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which can be downloaded from the link, to fully cover the topic, this integration method is based on numerous methodological techniques. The desire of preschoolers for knowledge is the driving force behind project activities, which are carried out under the guidance of teachers or parents. Children reveal their potential, learn how to plan work, control each stage, predict and evaluate results.

Parents may be interested in what is incomprehensible and difficult to do, help the child find the right source of information, highlight the most interesting, arrange it, help decorate the finished product. But at the same time, adults are forbidden to perform any of the stages without the participation of the child, explaining their initiative by his carelessness, inexperience or incompetence.

Development of the project method: experience of advanced preschool educational institutions

A high degree of adaptability of advanced pedagogical technologies in a modern kindergarten ensures the widespread use of a promising method of integrated learning (project method) in preschool educational institutions, where it allows you to increase creative thinking, educational and research activity of children, ensures the openness of the educational system for parents.

In the process of implementing project activities, children become more socially adapted, attentive and sociable, their play activities become structured and varied. Parent-child relationships are also changing: the child is interested in new things, puts forward ideas, asks questions, which makes it more interesting for parents. Algorithms undergo changes interactions and families: family members of pupils become direct participants in the educational process, feeling a sense of satisfaction for the success of their children and their involvement.

The prospect of the project activity lies in the fact that it:

  • creates a cultural niche for stimulating productive children's initiative that is not provided for by traditional pedagogical methods;
  • attracts parents to productive activities as much as possible, allowing them to become closer with their children;
  • allows preschoolers to observe and analyze, compare and generalize, learn to draw conclusions, receive information, develop their communication skills, creativity and thought processes.

Nomination " Methodical work in DOW "

Project type:Game. Creative.

Objective of the project:Organization of children's own activities in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Own activity is the activity that the child wants to engage in and in which he: does, listens and hears, looks and speaks.

Project objectives:

1. To develop in children the skills of elementary self-control and self-regulation of their actions, relationships with others.

2. To develop the individuality and ingenuity of children.

3. To form the skill of well-coordinated work in children.

4. Promote the accumulation of children's play experience by offering them various stories and ways to interact with peers.

Project participants: children; teachers; parents; representatives of society.

Educational area:"Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition", "Fiction", "Music", "Artistic creativity", "Safety".

Expected Results

  • Children know how to listen and hear each other, negotiate, come to an agreement;
  • children develop speech interaction, memory, thinking, attention, imagination.
  • a positive attitude towards the world around, other people, oneself, and peers is formed;
  • children learn to defend their position, reasonably and kindly object to adults;
  • they lose their fear of making a mistake.
  • teachers and parents try to maintain friendly relations with children, do not interfere with the exercise of independence, create conditions for children to communicate with each other.

Directions of work, stages. Planning

1. Preparatory stage

Working with teachers.Goals:

  • arouse interest in the project among teachers;
  • to get to know his tasks;
  • lead to a vision of your place in the project;
  • provide teachers with everything they need to successful project

Interaction with parents.Goals:

  • parents' interest in the project;
  • give an idea of ​​how you can participate in it;
  • direct them to joint play activities with children.

Target:expand the ideas of preschoolersabout plot - role-playing, creative, intellectual and theatrical games.

2. main stage

Working with teachers.Goals:

  • increasing the theoretical and practical level of professionalism of teachers;
  • increasing the competence of preschool teachers in organizing gaming activities (acquaintance with new role-playing and other games)

Interaction with parents.Goals:

  • increasing the level of pedagogical culture of parents in the field of "Socialization" of preschool children.
  • parents' interest in the problem of transferring gaming activities to the family, organizing a single gaming space.

Educational activities for preschool children.Goals:

  • help children diversify, reflect the richness of the actions of the person portrayed by the child, clearly highlight the actions aimed at different characters in the game. deploy actions in a sequence that strictly recreates the real logic.
  • development of cognitive interest in preschoolers, development of thinking and imagination, enrichment of children's emotions through the game.
  • formation in children moral qualities: kindness, sympathy, honesty, gratitude;
  • fostering a respectful and caring attitude towards loved ones, sympathy, empathy;

3. Final stage

Working with teachers.Goals:

  • improving the quality of gaming activity, and through it, the development of interest in cognitive activity;
  • systematization of the accumulated pedagogical experience;

Interaction with parents.Goals:

  • joint family games, watching performances, cartoons with children, enriching the children's home library;
  • involvement of parents in the preparation of costumes and scenery for theatrical games

Educational activities for preschool children.Goals:

  • development of children's creative abilities, to consolidate their desire to express in play activities (theatrical games based on a fairy tale), productive (exhibition creative works children "My favorite game", collective work on the design of the "Palace of the Beast", plasticine "We play"), acquired knowledge, skills, skills, to expand moral ideas about the manifestation of good and evil;
  • understand the connection between the present and the future of the native land (D / I “Journey to the Past”, C / R game “Experts of the Sengileevsky Mountains Reserve”, “Walking along the streets of the city of Sengilei”, “Journey along the Volga”);
  • effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler (literary quiz "Fairy tales at our place", intellectual game "Asterisks").

Before the implementation of the project, parents referred to being busy, not knowing and not being able to do anything about the content of the project, but the following work was carried out with them: conversations with parents: “The role of play in the development of a child’s speech”, “The role of a fairy tale in raising children”, “Family theatre".

A survey was conducted “Do you like theater?”, “What games does your child play?”, consultation: “To cope with childish disobedience will help the game in fairy tales", "Education of industriousness, obedience and responsibility through the game", round table "Theatrical games as a means of developing children's speech", a competition of joint creative works of parents and children on the topic "My favorite game", Parent meeting The role of play in the upbringing of children.

In the corner for parents was placed a folder - the "Theatrical Warm-up" with photographs of children engaged in musical and theatrical activities, a memo for parents "A Bedtime Tale".

Parents helped set up a dressing room with costumes fairytale heroes, purchase in a group of coloring in Russian folk tales, board games based on fairy tales. They always helped in making scenery and costumes, bought tickets to visit the puppet theater. Parents were very active in visiting our "Theatre Lounge", where they watched musical performances, entertainment, concerts, celebrating the success of their little artists: overcoming shyness, self-confidence, improving the clarity and expressiveness of speech.

The work on the project was carried out not only with parents, but also with social partners: employees of the library, museum, store, registry office, cinema post office. Children spoke at a pedagogical conference, at the anniversary of the Sengileevsky district, where they read poetry, sang songs and danced, watched a fun performance.We often go to the local museum, where we are introduced to the past of our city, with its customs and traditions.

Project report

In the group "A" preparatory to school, a game is implemented, creative project“Playing - we learn, playing - we learn!”, within the framework of which the skills of playing activities are formed in children, the practical and playing experience of the child is enriched, independent play encourages preschoolers to creatively reflect reality, moral ideas about the manifestation of good and evil expand.

Continuing to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand educational space, to give it new forms, the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler effectively develops.

The implementation of the project is based on the implementation of the principle of the unity of the activities of children and teachers, cooperation with specialists from preschool educational institutions and families of pupils, cooperation with social partners.

The project covers different kinds play activities of preschool children. Cognitive speech activity includes role-playing games, theatrical and intellectual games, excursions, targeted walks, stories, conversations, classes on topics included in the content of the project; reading the works of local writers. In chapter visual arts talks are held about the wealth and beauty of the native land, talks about the work of local artists with viewing paintings, illustrations, excursions to the museum. Children implement the acquired knowledge in playing and productive activities: didactic and plot-role-playing games. drawing with colored pencils or paints of the choice of children “Favorite game”, designing from paper “Theatre of Flowers”, appliqué using non-traditional materials “The Tale of a Pumpkin”, modeling using non-traditional materials “Theatre for Babies”, etc. Children do not attend music classes only listen and learn songs and dances, listen to the classics, but also play music games, come up with new dance sketches for fairy-tale characters.

Parents have expanded opportunities for cooperation with their children, they began to listen to their opinion. Parents began to realize themselves more competent in organizing joint play activities for children.

The project is playful, creative, long-term. Implemented within the framework of the preschool educational institution with the involvement of the family and society (library, museum, shop, post office, children's art school, art house.) Work with social partners continues. Children show the need to visit the library, museum, theater.

The project is interdisciplinary, as the game is included in the GCD for each area of ​​education, in unregulated activities, in walks. In everyday life, in the classroom, on a walk, while watching TV shows, looking at illustrations, the child learns the purpose of objects, the meaning of people's actions, the essence of their relationship, he forms the first emotional and moral assessments. All this serves as a source of the idea of ​​the game, the constant enrichment of its content.

A timely change in the playing environment, the selection of toys and game material that contribute to the consolidation in the child's memory of recent impressions received in educational games, aim the preschooler at an independent, creative solution to game problems, encourage different ways of reproducing reality in the game.

We try to change the subject environment taking into account the practical and gaming experience of children. New toys for the theater, connected by a teacher and parents, new clothes for "Studio". A new multifunctional screen: this is a stand for a theatrical game, and a screen for an adult puppet theater, a window in a screen for a children's puppet theater, it is also a scenery for a performance.

The child in the project is a participant from the birth of an idea to the result. Each child makes his own contribution to the common cause, children show initiative, individuality, see themselves in the project, evaluate their personal participation, and are convinced of the benefits of common efforts to achieve a common goal.

In order to achieve a game that is genuine, emotionally rich, including the intellectual solution of game problems, we try to comprehensively manage its formation, namely: to enrich the practical and game experience of the child, we organize the activities of preschoolers in increasingly difficult problematic game situations, taking into account their specific practical experience, as well as the game environment. .

The project included role-playing games developed by me: “Invitation”, “Katya’s doll’s birthday”, “Magicians of our group”, “Walking through the streets of the city of Sengiley”, “Connoisseurs of the reserve “Sengileevsky mountains”, “Journey along the Volga”, Theatrical game based on Aksakov's fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower”, based on the fairy tale by B. Grimm “The Hare and the Hedgehog”, a continuation of the fairy tale by A. Volkov “Ellie and Her Friends”. Scenarios are interesting intellectual games: "Asterisks", "Clever and clever", quiz "Fairy tales are visiting us."

Application. Project.