Picturesque portraits of Russian peasants from a hunter's note project. Presentation on the topic of verbal didactic games in kindergarten. Planned learning outcomes

  • 27.04.2020

PROJECT of 6th grade students of the MAOU "Aland Secondary School" Coordinator - teacher of literature Moiseenko A.A. Verbal and pictorial portraits of peasants According to the stories of I.S. Turgenev "Notes of a hunter" Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev on the hunt. Sketch by the artist N.D. Dmitreev-Orenburgsky. 1879 The first story in the collection Khor and Kalinich (1847) presents two types of peasants. Khor - a wise owner - successfully conducts his business, grows rich, brings up children correctly. The author half-jokingly-half-seriously compares him with the great financier. The ferret judges deeply about people and circumstances, so it is interesting for a young hunter to talk with him. Kalinich represents a different type of people. He is an artistic nature, subtly understands and feels nature, therefore, with pleasure, without any self-interest, he wanders through the forest with his master-hunter.

In the story "Singers" (1853), Turgenev shows an extremely gifted singer from the people Yashka Turk. This young factory sings in such a way that it touches the listeners to tears - the regulars of the Pritynny tavern and the author himself, an educated person who has heard excellent professional singers in his lifetime. Yashka did not study anywhere, but by nature he has an extraordinary musical talent, which manifested itself in a competition with a hawker (as they call a secondary contractor who is responsible for only part of the work) from Zhizdra. All the listeners present in the tavern are simple, uneducated people, but the author notices what a soul they have that is responsive to beauty. They all smile and even dance when they listen to the hawker's cheerful dance song. And then, listening to the drawn-out lyrical song of Yashka the Turk, they sob, responding to the sad melody. The listeners unanimously, including the self-confident dapper hawker, recognized the victory of Yashka the Turk. Why? Maybe they intuitively felt the difference between true talent and craftsmanship. Or maybe a Russian person is closer to “bright sadness” than carefree fun.


  • In the middle of the room stood Yashka the Turk, a thin and slender man of about twenty-three, dressed in a long-brimmed blue nanke caftan. He looked like a dashing factory fellow and did not seem to be in excellent health. His sunken cheeks, large restless gray eyes, a straight nose with thin, mobile nostrils, a white sloping forehead with light blond curls thrown back, large but beautiful expressive lips - all this face betrayed an impressionable and passionate person.
"Bezhin Meadow"
  • The story is dedicated to the peasant boys of an old serf village in the middle of the 19th century.
  • It was not by chance that the story was created after the story "Singers" that appeared before it. In them, the Russian peasant world is shown in its giftedness and spiritual beauty, and at the same time, the tragedy of the situation is laid bare.
FEDYA, PAVLUSH. ILYUSHA, KOSTIA AND VANYA - FIVE BOYS. WHO GUARD THE HERD NEAR THE RIVER SNEZHED IN THE BEGIN MEADOW. EACH OF THEM IS A CHARACTER, IN EVERYONE IS A UNIQUE SOUL, ILYUSHA's face “was rather insignificant: hook-nosed, elongated, short-sighted, it expressed some kind of dull, painful solicitude; his pursed lips did not move. The shifted eyebrows did not diverge - he seemed to squint from the fire. His yellow, almost white hair stuck out in sharp plaits from under a low felt cap. Which he kept pulling over his ears with both hands. He was wearing almost new bast shoes and onuchi. A thick rope twisted three times around the waist. I carefully pulled off his neat black coat. Kostya - “a boy of about ten, aroused my curiosity with his thoughtful and sad look. His whole face was small. Bad, freckled, pointed at the bottom. Like a squirrel; lips could hardly be distinguished; but a strange impression was made by his large ones. Black eyes that shone with a liquid sheen; they seemed to want to say something for which there were no words in the language - in his language, at least -. He was of small stature, puny build, and rather poorly dressed. FEDYA “... was a boy, with beautiful and thin, slightly small features, curly blond hair, bright eyes and a constant half-joyful, half-scattered smile. ... he was wearing a colorful cotton shirt with a yellow border; a small new coat, put on in a sledgehammer, barely rested on his narrow coat hanger; a comb hung from a pigeon belt. His boots with low tops were like his boots, not his father's. Pavlusha's hair was tousled, black, his eyes were gray, his cheekbones were wide, his face was pale and pockmarked. The mouth is large, but correct, the whole head is huge, as they say, with a beer cauldron, the body is squat, awkward. The small one was unsightly - to be sure - ... he looked smart and straight. And there was power in his voice. He could not flaunt his clothes: all of it consisted of a simple sackcloth shirt and patched ports. "Biryuk" "I looked at him. Rarely have I seen such a young man. He was tall, broad-shouldered and well built. His mighty muscles protruded from under his wet zamashka shirt. A black curly beard half covered his stern and courageous face; small brown eyes peered boldly from under unibrows. I.S. Turgenev more than once had to observe the humiliation of the human person. Biryuk is a gloomy, gloomy, unsociable, lonely person with a gloomy and gloomy appearance. He is poor and unhappy, left with two children when his wife ran away. Biryuk, "a forced man", lets the peasant go, knowing that not for the sake of self-interest, not for the sake of profit, but out of hopelessness, he went to the atrocity. His sense of duty conflicts with sympathy. Describing a bonded and destitute people. , the writer shows that the hero was able to save his heart, his soul, the ability to empathize and respond with his whole being to kindness and affection .. A hopeless life does not kill humanity in people. The story “BURMISTR” (1847) describes a completely hunted old peasant Antip, whom the steward Sofron drives to despair: he recruits all three sons of Antip, takes a cow for arrears, and beats his old wife. Antip cannot resist Sofron, he hopes for a fair decision from the master and really complains about the steward to Mr. Penochkin, kisses his hands and cries. However, the master is in no hurry to judge fairly his two slaves - the poor Antipas and the steward Sofron. So Turgenev shows the ordinary life of the peasants, sad and hopeless. There is evidence that the Hunter's Notes played a big role in Alexander II's decision to free the peasants.
  • The writer himself wanted the words to be engraved on his monument after his death that his book “Notes of a Hunter” served the cause of the liberation of the peasants. "
  • Annibal's oath" of the writer was fulfilled.
“It was necessary for me to move away from my enemy so that from my own self I would be given a stronger hatred and attack on him ... This enemy was serfdom. Under this name, I gathered and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never to be reconciled. It was my Annibal oath." I.S. Turgenev.


Another category of persons depicted by Turgenev in the Notes are peasants who must pull the strap of serfdom. In this case, the author showed the Russian society a new world in all its nakedness, the world of people on whose labor powerful Russia was based.

The types of men drawn by the author are poor, untidy, careless and lazy. But as soon as they get out of their plight, they become industrious masters. Being narrow-minded and rustic in appearance, the man in fact turns out to be cunning. The man is phlegmatic, but at the same time stubborn, rude, and sometimes cruel. If he manages to achieve a higher position, the peasant often treats his younger brother proudly and even with contempt, but constantly reverence for the master and always expresses slavish obedience. True, ignorance and a tendency to drunkenness bring him to death, but he is indifferent to everything: to his own and others' grief, and even to death. But in a peasant one can easily notice the sympathetic side of the “hidden virtue”, therefore he arouses sympathy, pity.

Turgenev perfectly understood why the character of the muzhik developed in this way and not otherwise, and therefore his work served as an ardent protest against serfdom, against the despotic attitude of landowners towards serfs, against the abnormal position of the peasant, and, mainly, against the widespread opinion that the muzhik is not capable of feeling that he is not human. Some peasants achieved a comparatively better financial position and became quite prosperous owners. These are practical peasants, such as Khor in the story "Khor and Kalinich" and Nikolai Ivanovich, the hero of the story "Singers".

Turgenev speaks of Khor as follows: “Khor was a positive, practical man, an administrative head, a rationalist; he ... settled down, saved up some money, got along with the master and other authorities; Khor spawned a large family, submissive and unanimous, Khor saw through and through Mr. Polutykin ... Kalinych loved and patronized him ... Khor spoke little, laughed and understood to himself ... ”The master himself calls Khor a smart peasant; and indeed, he turns out to be a far-sighted person. Khor is clearly aware that it is better for him to be away from the master and, thanks to his resourcefulness and common sense, he receives permission to settle in the forest, in the swamp. Khor is fully convinced that the master only dreams of getting as much dues from him as possible, and Khor regularly pays the landowner a hundred rubles a year. Trading in "butter and tar", Khor saved up some money, but he does not redeem himself because of special calculations.

He believes that it is more profitable for him to be behind the master, "you will end up in completely free people - then whoever lives without a beard will be the greatest Horyu." It should be noted that Khor does not like to express his opinions about freedom, and the author says about Khor: "You are strong in your tongue and a man of your own mind." With contempt, he looks at women, who, in his opinion, should be constantly completely dependent on men. hallmark Khorya is his relationship to the landowner. He seems to recognize the injustice of the abnormal relationship between the master and the peasant.

So, Khor argues with Kalinich, proves to him that the master should give Kalinich for boots, since he constantly drags him to hunt. In a conversation, Khor treats the author of the story somehow condescendingly and ironically. “And what, you have your own patrimony?” - There is. - "Well, you, father, do you live in your patrimony?" .; I live. - “And do you have more, tea, with a gun?” - Confess, yes. “Okay, father, you are doing it. Shoot grouse for your health, but change the headman more often. Khory's conclusion is very simple: a gentleman's life is very easy in the world; he has nothing to do, because others do it for him; let yourself have fun.

Nikolai Ivanovich, the hero of the story "The Singers", serves as a striking type of practice-owner. Turgenev says of him that “he has a lot of common sense; he is well acquainted with the life of the landowner, and the peasant, and the petty-bourgeois. He knows a lot about everything that is important or entertaining for a Russian person: in horses and cattle, in the forest, in bricks, in dishes, in red and leather goods, in songs and dances. Nikolai Ivanovich is known throughout the neighborhood as a friendly and good-natured host, and therefore you can always find many guests in his tavern. With his handsome features, Nikolai Ivanovich won himself favor environment and even enjoyed a certain influence. So, "his neighbors respect ... he forced the famous horse thief to return the horse, which he brought from the yard of one of his acquaintances, reasoned with the peasants of the neighboring village who did not want to accept a new manager."

However, from the "Notes of a Hunter" it is clear that nothing guaranteed the practical peasant from various vicissitudes of his dependent position. An example of this is Akim Semenov in the story "Inn". He started with a cart, got rich, started an inn, but the passion for women was the main reason for his unfortunate fate. Being already a completely elderly man, Akim Semenov suddenly fell in love with a young lady's maid and married her almost against her will. The life of the couple flows peacefully and calmly, but suddenly a misfortune falls on Akim Semenov, the culprit of which is a petty merchant Naum Ivanovich. The latter managed to seduce Akim's wife, and later this villain, using Akim's money demanded from Avdotya, buys his mistress an inn owned by Akim, and the bill of sale was written in her name. This circumstance makes a depressing impression on Akim, who is completely at a loss; his own inn, which for several years was his only source of income, passes into the possession of a stranger with his own money. In addition, a stranger buys property not from him, but from his landowner, who shamelessly uses a very dubious right to the property of her serfs. This grief finally knocked Akim off his feet. Akim cannot get anything from his landowner, he believes that he is not able to correct the trouble.

With grief, Akim drank for two days with the sexton Ephraim, who happened to meet him, a desperate drunkard. Under the influence of wine vapors, Akim decides to take revenge on the new owner and intends to set fire to the courtyard, in which Naum Ivanovich and his employees have already moved. The latter turns out to be too far-sighted: he is a light sleeper and catches Akim at the crime scene, and immediately there is a smoldering brand and kitchen knife. Akim is put in the cellar for the night with the intention of taking him to the city the next day. Akim sobers up, and during the night a coup takes place with him: he no longer makes claims to Naum Ivanovich, but he attributes all the misfortunes that have befallen him to personal sins, which he expresses in the following words: “My old years, it’s time to think about your darling. The Lord himself enlightened me. You see, I’m an old fool, I wanted to live with my young wife for my own pleasure ... No, old brother, you first pray and tap your forehead on the ground, but be patient, and fast. Here is what he said to Avdotya. And what? Akim leaves Naum Ivanovich alone and indulges in a wandering lifestyle. “Everywhere where pious Russian people flock, one could see his emaciated and aged, but still handsome face ... He seemed completely calm and happy, and those people who managed to talk with him spoke a lot about his piety and humility.”

Akim becomes devoutly ideal; he completely forgave Naum Ivanovich and Avdotya, to whom he gave all the remaining property, and the mistress. Another category of people are idealistic peasants, dreamers who do not care at all about improving their financial situation and are quite content with the fact that they have the opportunity to live and contemplate the beauty of God's world. These include two types drawn by Turgenev in the Notes: Kalinich and Kasyan with a Beautiful Sword. Both of them are poetic natures in the Russian people. Kalinich has a good-natured, clear look, an eternally cheerful and meek disposition; he is an idealist, a romantic, a perfect child of nature. He doesn't know people and never will. His noble and tender soul demands affection.

He respects and loves Khory, and takes care of the master like a child. Feeling in him overpowers all other spiritual forces. He speaks with passion about all subjects. Kalinich does not take care of the household, as he is distracted by hunting with the master, to whom he treats with respect and reverence. Kalinich is completely satisfied with his position, he blindly believes that everything should be so and that everything is fine. Mind Kalinich requires food; but he did not receive an education, and he looks at nature in a peculiar way. He blindly believes in various phenomena of nature, since there is no one to ask about their true meaning. Kalinich knows how to speak blood, fear, rage, drive out worms; his bees do not die, his hand is light. Kalinich has no will of his own. He feels good under the auspices of Khor, for whom he has respect and love. So, “Kalinych entered the hut with a bunch of wild strawberries in his hands, which he had picked for his friend, Khory.

The old man greeted him warmly. I looked at Kalinich in amazement: I confess, I did not expect such unzoology: “The blood of the fish is cold - the fish is a mute creature. She is not afraid, does not have fun; fish creature dumb. The fish does not feel, and the blood in it is not alive. It is a sin to kill every forest, field, river, swamp, and meadow, and riding, and grassroots creature - let it live on earth to its limit. In general, Kasyan does not treat a person with special respect, not because “there is no justice in a person”, but he believes and is even convinced that there is somewhere a blissful country, “where the sweet-voiced Gamayun bird lives, and there is no leaf from the trees even in winter it rains down, not in autumn, and golden apples grow on silver branches, and every person lives in contentment and justice. Kasyan cannot reach this country in any way, even though he has come a long way, looking for justice, like "many other peasants in bast shoes walk, roam the world, looking for the truth." Kasyan is literate, although, of course, uneducated. With education, he probably would have suffered more from his position. He teaches his daughter Annushka to read and write. But he is quite upset and upset. Among other peasants, Kasyan was suddenly relocated from his homeland to a new, alien place. “There,” says Kasyan, “with us, on Krasivaya, on Swords, you will climb the hill ... and Lord, my God a!. And the rivers, and the meadows, and the forest! And there is a church. And there again the meadows went. Far away, far away! That's how far you can see. Look, look! Oh you're right!. »Here, in cramped quarters, cut off from his native nest, Kasyan was completely lost. But, despite all this, Kasyan is a philosopher, a poet, a doctor, and he knows how to speak. He knows the property of some herbs and heals, but his medical beliefs have much in common with the widespread theory of the self-healing action of nature. So, he says: “What kind of a doctor am I, and who can heal? It's all from God. But there are ... there are herbs, there are flowers: they help for sure.

From these words it is clear that Kasyan admits that healing occurs by itself, and a person can only help or hinder it, putting it in certain conditions. If a person does not recover, then nothing can be helped: Maxim the carpenter, for example, could not be helped, since he was “not a tenant on earth ... What kind of person does not live on earth, the sun does not warm him like another, and bread is not for the future, as if something is calling him back. Kasyan treats conspiracies with great caution. “And they help, but it’s a sin,” he says about unclean herbs: “and it’s a sin to talk about them. Even with prayer. Well, of course, there are such words… And whoever believes will be saved.”

Since Kasyan did not have the opportunity to change his position, he harbored spiritual strength in himself and lives more in a dreamy world than in a real one, which does not satisfy him at all. He dreams of finding himself in those countries where the sun shines more friendly, and “God knows a man better, and that fall is sung”, where expanse and God's grace, where every person lives in justice and experiences complete pleasure. Such is Kasyan, but even he is the property of the landowner. The third group consists of peasants who have not been touched by civilization at all. Such is Biryuk. Broad-shouldered, tall, he has great physical strength. The men are afraid of him. He does not let the bundles of brushwood be dragged away.

At whatever time the peasants try to steal something, Biryuk is always right there, and nothing can bribe him. Biryuk does not show himself cruel towards the peasant: he is only severe and strict. “There is no trace of stealing,” he reads a notation to a peasant caught at the crime scene, although deep down, no doubt, he sympathizes with the poor man, whom “need” and “hunger” pushed to steal. Biryuk lets him go, but not immediately. He knows that he, too, is a forced person, and they will punish him. The main task of Turgenev in creating these images was to prove that the peasant is the same person as the landowner or any representative of the upper class, that he also understands and feels. If this man is dirty, hungry, rude, ignorant; if this village dweller is more or less alien to the concepts of morality, aesthetics and ideal virtue, then it is not he who is to blame, but the one who, having no right to do so, took possession of him, turned him into his own property, inspired him with a sense of slavish obedience and in at the same time he has developed in him all sorts of shortcomings and, like a spider, sucks the juices out of him and thrives on his work. For example, let's take a tragic scene from the story "Biryuk".

Here we meet a ragged, hungry peasant, whose extreme need forced him to go to a strange forest for a tree for sale, but Biryuk caught the thief. From the dialogue between Biryuk and the peasant, we hear the words of the latter: “Let go ... from hunger ... let go ... The clerk ruined ... do not ruin. You know yours, it will seize, seize, how ... Let go, by God, from hunger ... the children squeak, you know. It’s cool how you have to ... A horse, at least her, one stomach is ... let go! What a heavy picture of bitter peasant life rises before us during this conversation.

Each of them is right in their own way. Biryuk is relentless, since he often has to listen to such explanations, but Biryuk has one answer to everything: stealing is not a trace for anyone. A surprisingly pretty type of peasant girl is a sketched portrait of Akulina in the story "Date". Akulina is burdened by her village situation, although she has not seen another, but only heard from her lover, the valet of the barin Viktor Alexandrovich, about the wonders of St. Petersburg. “Society, education is just amazing,” he says. Akulina listens with devouring attention, slightly opening her lips like a child, and he tries to prove that she is not even able to understand this, but she objects: “Why, Viktor Alexandrovich? I understand; I understood everything". Terribly sorry for this nice, loving and inquisitive girl who becomes the victim of a depraved "educated" city lackey.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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ELECTRONIC ALBUM "VERBAL AND PAINTING PORTRAITS OF RUSSIAN PEASANTS (from the cycle" Notes of a hunter ")" PROJECT OF STUDENTS OF THE 6A CLASS MOU "Secondary School No. 9", Saransk Republic of Mordovia Teacher Sazonova L.P. "Notes of a hunter" Turgenev called a whole series of stories about hunting, about nature, about his observations "Notes of a hunter". There are 25 stories in the cycle. I.S. Turgenev is a recognized master of landscape, but the portraits of the heroes of the stories from the "Notes of a Hunter" amaze with the accuracy of the characteristics, attention to detail. The characters appear before the reader as if alive.

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Khor and Kalinich “Once, while hunting in the Kaluga region, I met with the local gentleman Polutykin. He, like me, loved hunting ... Khor lived in a separate house with six sons and was distinguished by prosperity. In the morning we went hunting, taking with us the cheerful peasant Kalinich, without whom Polutykin could not imagine hunting. I went to live with Khory. Stayed there for three days, learned that Khor and Kalinich are good friends. I became very attached to them, but I had to leave.

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Ferret A bald, short, broad-shouldered and stocky old man. Reminds me of Socrates: a high, knobby forehead, small eyes and a snub nose. The beard is curly, the mustache is long. Movement and manner of speaking with dignity, slowly. He speaks little, but "understands to himself."

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Kalinich A man of about forty, tall, thin, with a small, bent-back head, good-natured, having a swarthy face, in some places marked with mountain ash. The face is soft and clear. He speaks a little through his nose, smiling, screwing up his light blue eyes and often taking hold of his thin, wedge-shaped beard. He walks slowly, but with large steps, lightly leaning on a long and thin stick. Explains with passion.

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Yermolai and the Miller's Woman I went hunting with the neighbor's serf Yermolai. He was quite carefree, Yermolai had few duties. This hunter was married, but practically did not appear in his dilapidated hut. We hunted all day, in the evening we decided to stop for the night in a mill. During the night I woke up from a quiet conversation. Arina, who was a miller's wife, spoke with Yermolai. She told her story that she served with Count Zverkov. His wife, having learned about Arina's pregnancy from the footman Petrushka, exiled the girl to the village. The footman himself was sent to the soldiers. In the village, Arina married a miller, and her child died.

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YERMOLAY Ermolai, 45 years old, tall, thin, with a long nose, narrow forehead, gray eyes and wide, mocking lips. He served with the narrator's neighbor, who was a landowner. The landowner rejected him as a man unfit for any work.

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Raspberry water. He was a freedman and served as a butler to a tradesman. I decided to talk to them. Savelyev talked about his former master, the Count. Suddenly we saw a peasant walking. He was returning from Moscow, where he asked his master to reduce the dues that his now deceased son paid for him. The bartender kicked him out. The traveler lamented that there was nothing more to take from him. After a while we went each in our own direction. I again went hunting one of the August days. The heat made me thirsty, and I got to a spring called Raspberry Water. Not far from the key decided to lie down in the shade. Two old men were fishing near me. One of them was Stepushka. Nothing was known about his past. Stepushka hardly spoke to anyone. Mikhailo Savelyev was another fisherman.

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Stepushka Styopushka busied himself silently and busily, like an ant, and all for the sake of food. He had a small face, yellow eyes, hair down to the eyebrows, a pointed nose, large and transparent, like a bat's ears, and a sparse beard. Styopushka busied himself silently and busily, like an ant, and all for the sake of food. He had a small face, yellow eyes, hair down to the eyebrows, a pointed nose, large and transparent, like a bat's ears, and a sparse beard.

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Death In I.S.Turgenev's story "Death" it is told how amazingly Russian people die.

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Avenir Sorokoumov Avenir Sorokoumov is a wonderful, noble man. A greenish face, thin blond hair, a meek smile, an enthusiastic look, a weak and gentle voice. He was a teacher in the house of the Great Russian landowner Gur Krupynikov, taught his children Foma and Zezya, although he was a half-educated student. He was a good friend and therefore everyone loved him. He liked to smoke a pipe in the evening or read. Loneliness, illness, the unbearable slavery of a teacher's title ruined him

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My neighbor Radilov Yermolai and I went hunting in the linden garden. As it turned out, its owner was the local landowner Radilov. When we met, he invited me to dine with him. The landowner lived with his mother and sister, his deceased wife. A week after dinner, the news reached me that Radilov had left with his sister-in-law, leaving his elderly mother behind.

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Olga Olga (the sister of Radilov's wife) had a resolute and calm expression on her face, a wide white forehead, thick hair, brown, intelligent, clear, lively eyes. She spoke little (like all county girls), her face had an expression of emptiness and impotence, her eyes were calm and indifferent.

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Radilov Radilov (a landowner and a steppe dweller) served in an infantry regiment, talked about everything (about the economy, about gossip, about mowing, about the war, ...), had no attachments, did not pretend to be a gloomy person, was not handsome, but knew how to win over by conversation and secret attractiveness in gestures.

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Fyodor Mikheich Fyodor Mikheich (a ruined landowner) - he looked about 70 years old, thin, bony with a small bald head and a sinewy neck. He liked to drink alcohol, played the violin.

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Old woman Old woman (Radilova's mother) is a thin, old woman. Silent. She held on her knees a thick radiculum in the form of a bag.

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Ovsyannikov Ovsyannikov (mysterious one-palace) is an old man of high stature, broad-shouldered and dense.

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Kasyan with the beautiful Swords Barin rode with a coachman on a cart, and a funeral procession rides in front of them (it’s like, the author says a bad omen), suddenly the axle of the cart breaks and you have to look for someone who will fix it. In the nearest district they met Kasyan - an old dwarf. Kasyan agreed to take them to the cuts on his cart. While the cart was being repaired, the master decided to hunt, but did not catch anything. Saying goodbye to the author, Kasyan apologizes for frightening the game, so he didn’t catch anything. The master did not argue and simply left.

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Kasyan As the author describes Kasyan, “about fifty with a small, swarthy and wrinkled face, a pointed nose, barely noticeable brown eyes and curly black hair.” The dwarf was extremely frail and Thin. Kasyan walks unusually nimbly and jumps up and down as he walks; it is not for nothing that his fellow villagers call him a flea. On the way, the dwarf whistles with the birds, bends down, plucks grass, puts it by his collar and looks at the author

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TWO LANDSHOPS I would like to introduce you to two landlords I happened to hunt with. The first, retired Major Vyacheslav Khvalynsky. Kind but bad owner. Lives alone and tries not to remember the past. The other, Mardariy Stegunov, on the contrary, has a cheerful disposition, although he also lives a bachelor life. When I visited them, I realized how different people can be.

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Vyacheslav Illarionovich Khvalynsky. The man is tall and once slender, now somewhat flabby, but not at all decrepit, not even outdated, in adulthood. True, the once correct and now still pleasant features of his face have changed a little, his cheeks have drooped, frequent wrinkles are radiantly located near the eyes, there are no other teeth anymore, blond hair, at least all those that remained intact.

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Mardariy Apollonich Stegunov Stegunov was in no way like Khvalynsky; he hardly served anywhere and was never considered handsome. Mardarius Apollonich is a short, plump, bald old man, with a double chin, soft arms, and a decent paunch.

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Tatyana Borisovna and her nephew After the death of her husband, Tatyana Borisovna moved to live in a small estate. She did not have the opportunity to get a decent upbringing, since she was born in a poor family. But this did not prevent her from contracting the usual ailments that small-scale ladies suffer from. Tatyana Borisovna is a sane person who freely keeps herself in society. Her house is always happy to have guests, especially young people, she communicates little with her neighbors. Everyone who comes to her house feels warmth and comfort. There is no one who could better console in grief than Tatyana Borisovna. Somewhere about 8 years ago, in the house of Tatyana Borisovna, her nephew Andryusha lived, a 12-year-old boy who became an orphan.

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Tatyana Borisovna A woman of about 50, with large, bulging gray eyes, a somewhat blunt nose, ruddy cheeks, and a double chin. Her face breathes with greetings and affection.

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Andrey as a child Andryusha had large, bright, moist eyes, a small mouth, a regular nose, and a beautiful raised forehead.

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Andrei after his arrival from St. Petersburg Upon arrival to his aunt, Andrei has changed a lot. He became short-shouldered, fat, his face became broad and red, curly and greasy hair.

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Tchertop-hanov and Nedopyuskin Upon learning that I belonged to the nobility, the new acquaintance introduced himself as Pantelei Tchertop-hanov and allowed me to continue hunting. The horseman took off his horn, blew it, and rode away. I had not yet come to my senses from an unexpected meeting, as a new rider appeared from the thicket. Having learned where Tchertop-hanov went, the stranger trotted on his horse after him. I learned from Yermolai that the second rider was Tikhon Ivanych Nedopyuskin, who lives with Chertop-hanov and is his friend.

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Pantelei Yeremeich Chertophanov. He was small, blond, with a red upturned nose, a long red mustache and pale blue glassy eyes that darted like a drunk. A pointed Persian hat covered his forehead to the very eyebrows, a horn hung over his shoulder, and a dagger protruded from his belt.

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Tikhon Ivanovich Nedopyuskin A plump man of about 40 on a small black horse. His plump, round face expressed shyness, good nature, and meek humility; his round, blue-veined nose betrayed a voluptuary; his narrow eyes twinkled affectionately. There was not a single hair left on his head in front, and thin blond braids stuck out behind him.

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Description of the slide:

Masha Chertophanova Beautiful woman about 20 years old, tall and slender, with a gypsy swarthy face, brown eyes, a black braid and a face that expressed wayward passion and carefree prowess. Big white teeth sparkled from under full and red lips.

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Description of the slide:

Singers The village of Kotlovka is located on the slope of a bare hill, which is dissected by a deep ravine, which is located in the very middle of the street. At the beginning of the ravine there is a hut, this is the Prytynny tavern. There are more visitors here than in other establishments, and the reason for this is the kisser Nikolai Ivanovich. He has been living in Kotlovka for more than 20 years. He is not very kind, not very talkative, he has a gift for attracting guests. From the conversation between Stupid and Morgach, I understood that a competition of singers would take place in the tavern. The best of the singers was Yashka Turk. There were already a lot of people in the tavern, and Yashka was also there .. A man was standing near him, his name was Wild Master, and Yashkin’s rival was sitting opposite him, he was a hawker from Zhizdra. The action was ordered by the Wild Master. Also in the tavern was Evgraf Ivanov, aka Stupid, who was a bachelor on a spree. He could neither dance nor sing, but not a single drinking party could do without him. He was very fond of singing.

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. verbal didactic games in kindergarten Completed by: teacher-speech therapist of the 1st qualification category Shasherina G.P. Games without a toy and without a picture, games with a word have long been known in pedagogy, both in folk and classical. Everyone knows folk games - nursery rhymes "Ladushki", "Magpie - a thief", "Goat horned", etc. They are the first and favorite "lessons" of young children in their native word. For older people, folk pedagogy has created other games, more difficult, such as: “Loaf”, “Geese - geese”, “Paints”, “Fants”, in which children, playing with the word, practice pronunciation of words, in their correct use. At first, in the practice of kindergartens, verbal didactic games were borrowed from the treasury of folk pedagogy: “At the bear in the forest”, “Paints”, “The sea is worried”, “Shine - shine clearly” and others. Then word games appear in various collections of didactic games created for kindergarten teachers. Word (speech) games are used to solve all problems speech development. They consolidate and clarify the vocabulary, contribute to the ability to change and form words, exercise in making coherent statements, develop explanatory speech. Vocabulary games help the development of both specific and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized meanings. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use the acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. They are manifested in the words and actions of the players. Speech games are an effective means of consolidating grammatical skills, since due to the emotionality of the conduct and the interest of children, they make it possible to exercise the child many times in repeating the necessary word forms. Verbal didactic games play a significant role in the enrichment and development of the vocabulary. It is in the didactic game that the child gets the opportunity to improve, enrich, consolidate, activate the dictionary. They also form auditory attention, the ability to repeat sound combinations and words. The importance of speech games for the development of children cannot be overestimated. During such games, important tasks: education of sound culture of speech formation of the grammatical structure of speech enrichment of vocabulary development of coherent speech From an early age, children learn to perceive oral works folk art : nursery rhymes, jokes, fairy tales, in which even the smallest feel rhyme, rhythm. In work with young children, the works of modern authors, A. Barto, are also used. Poems attract with their dynamism and content. They are easy to illustrate with toys. The main goal of word games for kids is to develop speech activity, the ability to correlate actions with the word of nursery rhymes, poems, understanding the meaning of words, and the ability to pronounce them correctly. Playing with the word, children learn to understand their native language, master colloquial speech. So, in order to teach children to listen to the teacher’s speech, correlate the action with the words of the nursery rhyme, answer questions, catch the rhythm, exercise in the correct pronunciation and expressive reading, you can conduct such word games as: Ladushki, Magpie, Horned Goat, Hare, Cockerel, Corydalis. Game actions in word games (imitation of movements, actions on a verbal signal, onomatopoeia) encourage repeated repetition of the same sound combination, which trains kids to pronounce sounds and words correctly. The teacher strives to ensure that the children listen carefully, accurately and correctly name objects. Teaches children by volume to determine who owns the voice. For example - an adult animal or its cub. Games and exercises with young children“What is this? Who is it?" , “Where?”, “The whole and parts”, etc. Games to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds “Show how Lyalya cries”, “Airplane”, “Horse”, “Lyalya’s teeth hurt”, etc. Use onomatopoeia: the mouse squeaks - pee-pee; the car hums - beep-beep-bee; the frog croaks - kva-kva-kva; the hammer knocks - knock-knock-knock; the pipe blows - doo-doo-doo; let's ride a horse - but -but-but; the kid laughs - ha-ha-ha; the bell rings - ding-ding. Didactic word game "In the poultry yard" Remember how geese, chickens, ducks, etc. scream. Our ducks in the morning - "quack - quack - quack!" Our geese by the pond - "ha - ha - ha - ha"! And the turkey in the middle of the yard - "ball - ball - ball"! Our buns above - "gru - gru - gru!" The development of speech in children of younger preschool age is especially fast: vocabulary is replenished quickly, like at no other age, the sound design of words improves, and phrases become more detailed. At this age stage, it is necessary, first of all, to teach kids to pronounce clearly and correctly, as well as to hear and distinguish sounds in words. The voice of younger preschoolers is also unstable: some of them speak very quietly, barely audibly (especially if they are not sure of the correct pronunciation), others - loudly. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that words can be pronounced at different volumes (whisper, softly, moderately, loudly), teaches children to distinguish by ear how others speak loudly and themselves. It is necessary to use games to develop children's auditory attention, correct perception speech, to teach kids to correlate a sounding word with a picture or an object, to clearly pronounce one-, two-, as well as three-, four-syllable words, answer questions; loudly and quietly reproduce onomatopoeia. Guess what it sounds like. A wonderful bag. Score. Take a toy. Say it like me. Purpose: to teach children to speak loudly, quietly, in a whisper, and also to develop auditory perception (to distinguish between the degree of loudness of spoken words). Verbal didactic game “Compare different animals” Didactic task: to teach children to compare different animals from fairy tales, highlighting the opposite signs. Verbal and didactic game "Kids and Bunny". Didactic task: To teach children to come up with a new ending to a familiar fairy tale. The verbal and didactic game "Ryabushka Hen" based on the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" Didactic task: To develop speech activity in children, work out interrogative intonation with them, exercise them in the correct sound pronunciation. “Guess the toy”, “Name as many objects as possible”, “Tell me which one?”, “Who will name more actions?” and others. In the middle group, the teacher conducts word games, based on the children's ideas about the environment. At first, the teacher can use word games that are already familiar to children in the younger group, the purpose of which was to develop speech, mental and motor activity, and then proceed to games with a more complex task. This section offers a number of such games, many of them folk, known to educators since childhood, as "Geese-geese", "Where we were, we will not say ...", etc. Games are held both with the whole group and with small groups of players. The teacher encourages independent word games of children. In the fifth year of life, there are noticeable changes in the development of word-formation methods. The child plays with words, enjoying it, noticing a variety of forms, therefore such word games are necessary. Games for mastering the categories of gender, number, case of nouns, aspect and mood of verbs: a walk?”, “Cafeteria”, “Atelier”, “Petrushka's teams”, “Do you want? - We want", "Hide and seek", "The postman brought postcards", etc. Word-building games: "Scary Beast", "Pooh's Birthday", "What kind of animal? ”, “Shop of dishes”, “Whose, whose? My!" and others. Games to develop an understanding of the semantic side of the word: “What did we do”, “Who are you?”, “Who is playing with Tanya?”, “What is Pinocchio doing?”, “Find a leg”, “Who has such an object”, “It happens - it doesn’t happen”, “What, what, what?” etc. Speech situations. They do not give a ready-made answer, but encourage the activation of knowledge, ideas, make them perform verbal-logical operations (find the right word). “Say the opposite”, “Who is attentive?”, “Name it affectionately”, “What can animals do?” “I’ll start, and you continue”, “Who knows another word?”, “Help Petrushka choose a word”, “Say the opposite”, “Disenchant the picture”, “Complete the sentence”, “Correct Dunno’s mistake”, “Choose a word” and etc. Word games. Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on their existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them. Since in these games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental tasks; describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess by description; find signs of similarities and differences; group objects according to various properties, attributes. These didactic games are held in all age groups, but they are especially important in the upbringing and education of older preschool children, as they help prepare children for school: they develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, quickly find the answer to the question posed, accurately and clearly articulate their thoughts, apply knowledge in accordance with the task. For the convenience of using word games in the pedagogical process, they can be conditionally combined into four groups. Word games can be combined into four main groups: 1 group - this group includes games that form the ability to highlight the essential features of objects and phenomena: "Shop", "Radio", "Yes - no", etc. 4 group - here games on development of attention, quick wits, quickness of thinking, endurance, sense of humor: “Broken phone”, “Paints”, “Flies - does not fly”, “Do not name white and black”, etc. Group 3 - games with which the ability to generalize develops and classify objects according to various criteria: “Who needs what?”, “Name three words”, “Name it in one word”, etc. Group 2 - games used to develop in children the ability to compare, compare, notice differences, make correct conclusions : “Looks like - not like”, “Who will notice more fables?” and others. Word games: they differ in that the process of solving a learning problem is carried out in a mental plan, on the basis of ideas and without relying on visualization. With their help, an emotional mood is created, speed of reaction is developed, the ability to understand humor (rhymes, jokes, riddles, shifters built on dialogue). Games are also interesting because children solve a game problem (learn the time of year, signs, etc.) when perceiving fragments from literary works (verses by A. S. Pushkin, I. Nikitin, D. Rodari). They teach children to listen, bring up aesthetic experiences, develop imaginative thinking. In the younger and middle groups games are aimed at developing speech, educating the correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating the vocabulary, developing the correct orientation in space. preschool age children actively begin to form logical thinking and games are selected in order to form mental activity, independence in solving problems. There are such tasks in games for junior groups, but still more often they are used in preparing children for school: children must quickly find the right answer, accurately and clearly form their thoughts, apply knowledge in accordance with the task. With the help of word games, children are brought up with a desire to engage in mental labor. Word games are the most complex: they are not related to the direct perception of the subject, in which children must operate with ideas. These games are of great importance for the development of a child's thinking, since in them children learn to express independent judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions, not relying on the judgments of others, and notice logical errors. Of the word games, the guess games are very interesting for the development of speech: “What would be ...?” or “What would I do...”, “Who would I like to be and why?”, “Whom would I choose as a friend?” and others. These games help develop in children the ability to make assumptions, ascertaining or generalized evidence. The first includes the assumptions: “It would become dark”, “It would be impossible to play”, “You cannot read, draw”, etc., which children express based on their experience. 1. The teacher must clearly understand the purpose of the game, its course, his role in a particular game. The choice of the game is determined both by the level of mental development of the children of the group, and by the tasks of education. When choosing a game, you should always remember that it should not be too difficult or too easy, only in this case the game will bring benefits and joy to children. General methodological advice for conducting verbal didactic games 2. At the beginning of each game, you need to create a game mood. First of all, the educator himself tunes in to the game mood. "Children, do you want to play?" or: "Guys, let's play!" he suggests. If it is necessary to divide the players into two groups, two leaders are chosen according to the counting rhyme. The counting rhyme is also used in the distribution of roles (the announcer in the Radio game, the seller in the Shop game, etc.). The rhyme introduces children to the game, brings up endurance, auditory attention, helps to observe justice. 3. It is necessary to make games entertaining, to preserve what would distinguish the game from classes and didactic exercises. Amusement should consist both in the rules that make the child think, puzzle, and in the wide use of game elements: counting rhymes, collusion, competitions, playing forfeits, etc. 4. It is necessary to create conditions for the mental activity of all children. Games should be designed in such a way that it does not happen that two are busy, and the rest are waiting for their turn. All the players are preparing to answer, and the choice falls on one person; in this case, a thrown ball, a counter, a passed object are used. It is very good when mental activity is combined with motor activity. This is especially important for the development of young and middle-aged children. The game with the word is accompanied by movements in the rhythm of the poem. 5. In each game, options should be introduced with the complication of tasks so that children, having mastered one or another method of solving, could apply it with different content, in other conditions. The teacher himself can come up with various options, knowing what ideas and skills the children have formed. 1. The teacher must clearly understand the purpose of the game, its course, his role in a particular game. The choice of the game is determined both by the level of mental development of the children of the group, and by the tasks of education. When choosing a game, you should always remember that it should not be too difficult or too easy, only in this case the game will bring benefits and joy to children. 6. The choice of a word game is determined by the tasks of educational work with children in this group, so it can take a different place in the pedagogical process. You can use games during class hours (“Looks like - not like”, “Where was Petya?”. “Who screams like that?”), Some can be used as part of the lesson. For example: having introduced the children to vegetables, the teacher ends the conversation with the game “Tops - Roots.” All children take part in such games. But most often, word games should be held with a small group of children so that each player has the opportunity to participate in it. Such groups should include more active children with less active ones. The latter try to imitate their comrades and cope with tasks more successfully. You can also use word games during hours of entertainment, for example, competition games “Who is faster?”, “Hunter”, “Answer quickly”, etc. direct perception of the object, in them children must operate with ideas. These games are of great importance for the development of a child's thinking, since in them children learn to express independent judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions, not relying on the judgments of others, and notice logical errors. Of the word games, the guess games are very interesting for the development of speech: “What would be ...?” or “What would I do...”, “Who would I like to be and why?”, “Whom would I choose as a friend?” and others. These games help develop in children the ability to make assumptions, ascertaining or generalized evidence. The first includes the assumptions: “It would become dark”, “It would be impossible to play”, “You cannot read, draw”, etc., which children express based on their experience. 7. The role of the educator in the process of word games varies depending on the age characteristics of the children. If with the kids the educator acts as an initiator, leader, teaching game actions and finishing the game, then with older children he is more of an adviser, assistant, fair judge. Word games are the most complex: they are not related to the direct perception of the subject, in which children must operate with ideas. These games are of great importance for the development of a child's thinking, since in them children learn to express independent judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions, not relying on the judgments of others, and notice logical errors. Of the word games, the guess games are very interesting for the development of speech: “What would be ...?” or “What would I do...”, “Who would I like to be and why?”, “Whom would I choose as a friend?” and others. These games help develop in children the ability to make assumptions, ascertaining or generalized evidence. The first includes the assumptions: “It would become dark”, “It would be impossible to play”, “You cannot read, draw”, etc., which children express based on their experience. 8. When conducting verbal didactic games Special attention should be given to the rules. Any didactic game contains certain rules that guide the game, organize the behavior of children. The teacher, introducing the children to the new game, also tells about its rules. Explaining the rules is the first step in teaching children through didactic play. The success of the game depends on how clearly the rules are explained. At the beginning of the game, the teacher observes how the children have learned the rules and reminds that if they are not followed, the game will be interrupted. I wish you continued success in your work! Materials used: 1. A. K. Bondarenko. "Word games in kindergarten." 2. A. K. Bondarenko. "Didactic games in kindergarten" 3. Internet resources.


A simple man - in the front portrait. The artists made it possible, centuries later, to see the representatives of the masculine gender of Russia as they were in their essence.

Ivan Kramskoy. Portrait of a peasant. 1868

Despite the fact that Kramskoy was a portrait painter of the intelligentsia of Russian society and painted the most popular and respected figures at that time, up to the emperor, in his gallery " the best people he included this peasant as well. The artist, seeing in him the originality and strength of personality, executed his portrait with the solemnity characteristic of the ceremonial portraits of "great people". His "Peasant" is a kind of research practice: the desire to understand what primary elements make up the national character, national psychology.

Nikolay Yaroshenko. Peasant. 1879

Yaroshenko - a military man by education and service, passionately loved art, especially its pompous and tragic side. Joining in 1878 as a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, he exhibited with genre paintings. In peasant faces, he could always find what he was looking for for inspiration - pure emotion, realism, rigor, depth and the history of a simple person. In the paintings, his heroes fall into the toughest life situations- from prison to funeral - and it becomes clear that only a strong and humble peasant can survive what Yaroshenko wants to show.

Viktor Vasnetsov. "Portrait of a peasant I. Petrov." 1883

The peasant Ivan Petrov of the Vladimir province depicted here served as a prototype for Ilya Muromets, the hero of the legendary painting Bogatyr. Vasnetsov made this study in 1883, and finished the heroes themselves in 1898.

Ilya Repin. Peasant's head. 1882

Repin lived a lot in the countryside and well represented both village life and village customs. Therefore, in the sketch in which he worked on the head of the village headman, the artist depicted an open man with a tough temper, irreconcilable and tough. He has a stern, piercing look from under frowning eyebrows, a raised head, narrow pursed lips, hiding under a lush mustache. This is still a young man - this is evidenced by his chestnut lush hair without gray hair, his chin is shaved. The rough-skinned face is stern, pointed and wrinkled, like those of those who work in the fields.

Philip Malyavin. Portrait of a bearded man in a sheepskin coat

Even when depicting peasants, Malyavin moves away from concrete images to more and more collective ones: the subject certainty in his paintings is replaced by a free, almost self-sufficient play of colorful spots. He achieves a bewitching saturation of color, designed to embody the elemental power of folk types, to convey a diverse scale of feelings - from unrestrained fun to gloomy concentration.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Portrait of a peasant I.D. Golubev. 1914