Intelligent brain game ring presentation on ecology. Ecological game for teachers “Brain - ring. What are the most numerous birds on earth?

  • 07.03.2020

Sometimes, when drawing animals, we paint over their fur with one solid color. The wool is smooth and slick. How can you convey the fluffiness of animal fur or the bulk of the surface? There are several ways to do this. One of them is with the help of poking with a hard brush. Special fluffiness or pricklyness is obtained only when using a completely dry brush with a small amount of paint. Therefore, it is very important that the child pick up gouache only at the tip of the pile and start drawing from left to right, leaving no gaps. Materials: Landscape sheet of paper, a simple pencil, gouache, hard and soft brushes, a jar of water, a rag. Progress of work: We draw a contour image of an animal with a simple pencil (for older children, the contours of animals can not be outlined). We collect quite a bit of gouache of the desired color on a dry hard brush and, holding the brush vertically (the brush knocks with the “heel”), we make “pokes” on top, placing them inside and along the edges of the silhouette of the animal. When the paint dries, draw the animal's eyes, nose, mouth, mustache and other characteristic details with the tip of a soft brush. Variants of work: with a poke of a hard semi-dry brush, you can draw a kitten, a dog, a sheep, a goat, a hedgehog, a lion's mane, a snowman, snow, a Christmas tree, a pine tree, a forest, the sun, flowers (dandelions, sunflowers) and much more.

Wax crayons + watercolor Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Progress of work: the child draws with wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted.

Drawing method plasticineography Material: cardboard, plasticine (preferably wax), stacks, plasticine board, wet wipes. Progress of work: On the cardboard with a pencil, draw the outline of the plot and fill it with plasticine. You can use various techniques: smearing, laying out balls, sausages, etc. At the end, the work should be covered with hairspray to better preserve the picture. Work options: flowers, butterflies, sea, trees, fish, landscapes, animal world and etc.

Chinese cabbage painting method Material: Beijing cabbage leaves, gouache, toothpaste, brushes, white paper. Progress of work: We mix any "cheap" toothpaste with gouache. It turns out like a watercolor for artists (well, approximately). Then, together with the child, we apply it with a brush on a cabbage leaf, carefully turn it over and put it on a clean sheet, clap our hands. And we get ... a picture. Work options: flowers, butterflies, sea, trees, fish, etc.

Grattage drawing method. Material: thick paper or cardboard, watercolors or wax crayons, a candle, black gouache paint or ink, any liquid detergent (shampoo), stacks. Workflow: Color a sheet of paper or cardboard with multi-colored wax crayons. Don't feel sorry for the wax crayons, they should cover the paper in a thick layer! The only color that cannot be used is black. In the event that you do not have wax crayons, use watercolor paint. Cover the paper with watercolor paint, let the paint dry, and then rub the paper well with a candle. You should get a multi-colored sheet of paper covered with a thick layer of paraffin. Add a little liquid soap or shampoo to black gouache or ink, mix well and cover the prepared sheet with this mixture (liquid soap helps to evenly apply the paint). Let the paint dry thoroughly. Well, now the fun part! We scratch the drawing with any sharp object (for example, a toothpick or a knitting needle). A picture of colored or white strokes is formed on a black background. Work options: space, northern lights, animals, trees, flowers, houses, etc.

Method of drawing with fingers and palm. Material: thick paper, gouache or finger paints, wet wipes, sponges, brushes, jars of water. Progress of work: 1. The child dips the tip of the finger into the paint. Make sure that the baby superficially lowers his finger into the jar of paint. 2. Show your child how to put dots on a sheet of paper with your finger, draw strokes, draw lines. If necessary, take the child's hand in yours and draw a few dots. 3. When changing color, wash the finger in a bowl of water and wipe it with a napkin. Options for work: There are several techniques for drawing with a finger: - We draw with our fingers, namely: we put dots with our fingertips, draw lines with our fingers, apply fingers (we color 1-2 fingers and attach them to paper - stars, trees, bushes will come out), we will collect fingers in a bunch (thus, we get flowers and winter snowflakes); It will be more interesting for the child to decorate pre-drawn objects with dots (sunflower, fly agaric, ladybug, draw circles on a dress, etc.) or supplement plot pictures (draw falling rain, polka dots for a cockerel, etc.). - We draw with a fist from the side of the thumb (beautiful roses, snails, shells will come out) - We draw with a half-open fist, for example, this way we can draw a rainbow, bananas, etc. - We draw with a palm, while the fingers can be closed (we apply the butterfly vertically to two painted palms on paper, one palm of a fish, applied horizontally to the paper).

Method of drawing with dots (pointillism). Material: gouache paint, wooden sticks with a cotton end or cotton buds, white paper, paintings by artists, samples of works made by technique - dots. Progress of work: On paper, draw a plot outline with a pencil and use a stick to draw dots. We put each color on different sticks. Options for works: flowers, landscapes, still lifes, wildlife, etc.

Method of drawing with electrical tape. Material: cardboard or thick paper, construction tape, scissors, gouache, sponges. Progress of work: Using electrical tape, apply a pattern to paper, apply gouache with a sponge, when the pattern dries, peel off the tape, the pattern is ready. Work options: houses, trees, flowers, snowflakes, transport, etc.
Leaf printing method. Material: Gouache, watercolor, brush, pencil, paper, as well as: leaves of different trees, flowers; Progress of work: We will collect various fallen leaves, spread each leaf with gouache from the side of the veins. The paper on which we will print may be colored. Press the sheet with the shaded side to the paper. Carefully remove it by taking the petiole. Spreading the sheet again and applying it to the paper, we get another print, and so on. Work options: flowers, butterflies, trees, landscapes, fish, etc.
Drawing method using hatching and eraser. Material: paper, simple pencil, eraser. Progress of work: We shade a sheet of paper with a simple pencil, then with the help of an eraser we draw the intended drawing. At the end of the work, draw strokes with a pencil. Job options: flowers, trees, houses, animals, people, etc.


  • development of intellectual abilities in the field of ecology, creativity and ecological culture of schoolchildren
  • fostering a sense of community


  • contribute to the deepening of students' knowledge of ecology, show the importance of environmental problems in nature, the impact on the ecological situation of each person
  • to develop in students the ability to independently obtain knowledge from various sources of information
  • develop students' speech, cognitive activity.

Equipment and auxiliary materials:

Leading: Good afternoon, dear participants, masters of thoughts! Connoisseurs of everything and everyone! We are glad to welcome you in this hall at the Ecological Brain-ring! I am glad that we all have gathered, today we have an unusual event .. an event dedicated to the natural craving of young people, and of a person in general, to Knowledge .. Knowledge of the world, Knowledge of Life, knowledge of Oneself.

Name of the game brain ring came from English. brain - brain

And our main actors in this hall will, of course, be teams of experts from environmental associations.

Well, let's welcome the masters of thought, the teams that will participate today.

(each team enters to the music, waving their hands, taking their places)

Knowledge, the ability to think broadly, listen to your team, take risks and find the right answer - this is all that you will need today.

I now ask the captains to present their teams in the following order:

1.Team name,

2. Team captain

3. Team motto

Let's support the team with applause!

So, the acquaintance took place, but before we start, we will introduce, of course, a highly respected and competent jury, on whose shoulders lies a very important mission - evaluating your, dear teams, answers. (The jury includes teachers primary school biology, geography)

And now, attention to the rules of the game:

  • The game is played by a team of 5 people.
  • The game consists of 2 rounds which contain questions on different topics related to ecology
  • In accordance with the established order, each team has the right to choose one question.
  • You have 60 seconds to think about your answer. (stopwatch)
  • After 60 seconds, the team that chose the question answers. In case of an incorrect or incomplete answer, the question is played between the 2 teams that first pressed the button. You can press the button during the 60 seconds provided for considering the answer. Accordingly, the team whose signal lamp lights up first will be given the opportunity to be the first to announce their answer, and so on. Depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer, the number of points awarded also changes.
  • The order in which the team responds is as follows: The captain gets up calls his team and represents the person who will answer the question, for example: “Team“ ...... ”, Ivanova Ekaterina answers the question” (it is advisable to give full names). Only ONE person can speak, there should not be any prompts from the team.
  • Only the first three teams that pressed the button the fastest have the opportunity to submit their version of the answer.
  • The use of telephones and other means of information retrieval is prohibited.
  • In the case of transferring information about the correct answers to other teams, all teams are disqualified from the tournament.

Please follow the rules of the game!

So let's go! Now it's time to start playing. We wish everyone success in the competition. May the strongest win!

Attention to the screen! The team ..... chooses first the topic of the question, then the score.

In the first round, questions are played on the topics: "Water around us", "Plants", "Humor", "Ecological calendar"

Water around us



Ecological calendar

"Water around us"

5 points- Can a person live without water for 100 days (no)

10 points - Which animals are 90% water (jellyfish)

15 points- Is it always possible to quench your thirst if there is a lot of water around? (No, it can be salty)

20 points - What animal can drink 250 liters of water at a time?



5 points - What are the stones in the sea? (wet)

10 points - Which fields do not grow grass? (On the brim of a hat)

15 points - Why bottled water? (Behind glass)

20 points - What do pine, poplar, aspen have, but birch does not have? (letter o)


5 points- What tree is called the symbol of Russia? (Birch)

10 points - Which coniferous tree sheds leaves for the winter? (Larch)

15 points - What flower is still considered a symbol of Japan and the Sun itself? ( Chrysanthemum)

20 points What tree leaves flutter even without wind? (Aspen).

"Environmental Calendar"

Musical pause

Like an apple on a saucer
We have only one Earth.
Take your time people
To exhaust everything to the bottom.
It's not hard to get
to hidden secrets.
Loot all riches
For future ages.
We are grains of common life,
One fate relatives.
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand it people
Like your own command.
Otherwise the Earth will not be
And each of us.

In the second round, questions are played on the topics: "Animals", "Proverbs", "Riddles", "Man and Ecology".



Man and ecology


5 points - What are the names of animals whose body is covered with feathers? (Birds).

10 points - The biggest monkey? (Gorilla)

15 points - When do owls have owlets? (June)

20 points - When do squirrels begin to gnaw nuts and cones for the first time? (on the 40th day)


5 points - Complete the proverb: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn ...


10 points - Complete the proverb: “Whoever did not plant a tree should not lie in ... ..” (shadow)

15 points - Explain the meaning of the proverb "A lot of forest - take care, little forest - plant"

20 points - Explain the meaning of the proverb " Do not protect the shoots, do not see the tree"


5 points - The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

10 points - Here is a barrel with a hat,
Fell from the tree.
A year has passed - and a tree
He became small. ( Acorn).

15 points - Here in the grass are conspicuous
Multicolored hats.
Remember their name
But don't eat it raw! (Russula).

20 points - Waves carry to the shore
Parachute is not a parachute
He does not swim, he does not dive,
Just touch it - it burns. (Jellyfish).

"Man and Ecology"

After listening to the information, give an answer - what is at stake:

5 points-

1. Always black.

2. There is a lot of this in the city, especially where there are plants and factories.

3. It is very harmful.

4. It causes illness in a person, and his clothes become dirty.

5. This is a lot when burning. (Soot)

10 points-

1. A lot of toys are made from it.

2. It comes in many colors and is very difficult to make.

3. Items made from it weigh little.

4. If you set it on fire, a lot of black smoke appears, which smells bad.

5. It cannot be thrown away, because it does not decompose in nature by itself.


15 points-

1. It was invented by the Chinese.

2. We get it from wood.

3.It burns easily.

4. It produces a lot of garbage.

5. They usually draw or write on it.


20 points

1. It is made from sand.

2. Most often it is transparent.

3. When it falls, it breaks.

4. If it is heated, it becomes viscous, like dough.

5. Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


Full text of the material Ecological brain-ring; 4th class see in the download file.
The page contains a snippet.