We introduce children to the profession of a salesman. Summary of the lesson on cognitive development “Introduction to the profession - Salesman. Extracurricular activity plan

  • 13.11.2019

Target: development of pupils' cognitive interest in the world of professions.

Program tasks:


  • introduce children to several types of professions, show the importance labor activity In human life;
  • arouse interest in the work of adults of various professions;
  • to form in children realistic ideas about the motives and results that drive people in work;
  • clarify, summarize and expand children's knowledge about the characteristics of the profession of a hairdresser, cook, doctor, seller, artist and teacher.


  • to promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson;
  • to form the need for children to respond with full common sentences.


  • cause respect and desire to imitate adults, work constantly and conscientiously;
  • create conditions for a good attitude towards people of different professions.


  • pictures with images of people of different professions (I used slides);
  • tools for a hairdresser and a doctor;
  • products and goods for the store;
  • cards for the didactic game "Find an extra item";
  • audio recordings for musical accompaniment.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizing time.


Invented by someone simply and wisely
Greet when meeting:
- Good morning!
- Good morning! - sun and birds.
- Good morning! - smiling faces.
Let everyone become kind, trusting,
And good morning lasts until evening.

- Guys, today guests came to our lesson to look at our work. Wish them good morning.

  1. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Introductory conversation.

Educator: Guys, you will all someday become adults, finish school, then college, find a profession in which you will work. How do you understand what a profession is?

- AT explanatory dictionary said that "Profession is the main occupation of a person, his labor activity."

— Of course, choosing a profession is not easy and very responsible. After all, choosing it, you choose a business for life. And this means that the profession should suit you in all respects.

- And today I suggest that we all go on a short trip to the country of professions.

  1. Introduction to the profession of a hairdresser.

Educator: And what is the first point of our journey, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

This sorceress, this artist,
Not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors.
She has a mysterious power:
Whoever touches, he will become beautiful.

Educator: That's right, it's a hairdresser. The hairdresser is a very interesting and creative work because the hairdresser does different hairstyles every day. What else do hairdressers do? (Cut, dye, curl and style hair.)

In a word, they bring beauty. People of this profession must be neat, polite and hardy, because they spend the whole day on their feet.

  1. Introduction to the medical profession.

He heals all diseases
Known to everyone since childhood.
Have fun look around
He is the best friend of the kids.

Educator: That's right, it's a doctor. This is very important and necessary work. If there were no doctors, people would often get sick and could die from various diseases. Doctors are different. What doctors do you know? (For example, a pediatrician treats children, a surgeon performs operations, a dentist treats teeth, an ophthalmologist checks eyesight.)

“Doctors must be brave, determined and strong.

Educator: Each profession has its own tools, that is, special items that are needed to complete its professional activity. Of course, both the hairdresser and the doctor have such tools. Now I suggest you split into two teams: Team 1 - a team of hairdressers and Team 2 - a team of doctors.

The task is: from the presented tools, the guys from the first team need to select those tools that are needed for the work of a hairdresser and, if possible, explain how to use this or that device. And the guys from the second team need to choose the tools that are needed for the doctor’s work and also try to tell us what they are for.

There are various accessories on the table, the children choose the necessary ones and explain.

  1. Introduction to the profession of a chef.

Educator: To find out who meets us at this point, we must work hard. Let's play the yes-no game.

Children formulate questions, the teacher answers “yes” or “no”.

Educator: That's right, it's the chef. This is a very important and necessary profession. The cook knows how to cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes, knows how to bake cakes and pies. There is a cook in our Center, and at school, in a hospital, at a factory, in a cafe. Any chef should love his job. After all, if the chef cooks with love, with pleasure, then the food turns out to be unusually tasty, nutritious and, of course, healthy.

  1. Introduction to the sales profession.

In the store, dad with Nastya
They buy sweets for tea.
Chocolate cake "Whimsical"
Loves Aunt Luda very much.
Three eclairs, five rings
Wrapped them...

Educator: This is very interesting job, because sellers communicate with different people every day. People in this profession should be friendly and attentive with customers. The seller must tell about the goods and help buyers choose them.

Educator: Now I suggest that each of you be in the role of a seller and help your buyer choose the right product. There are various products in front of you. I will describe to you the qualities of a certain product. You need to guess it and put it in the shopping cart.

  1. Tasty, healthy, can be cow or goat. (Milk)
  2. Sweet, sometimes milky, black and even white. (Chocolate)
  3. Invigorating, fragrant, may be green or black. (Tea)
  4. Milky, fruity, with pieces of peaches, very tasty. (Yogurt)
  5. Red, ripe, juicy. (Apple)
  6. Sour, yellow, oval. (Lemon)
  7. Orange, round shape, sweet and sour, tasty. (Orange)
  8. Green, elongated, refreshing, juicy. (Cucumber)
  9. Delicious, crispy, honey, with nuts. (Cookie)
  10. Introduction to the teaching profession.


Chalk writes and draws,
And he fights with mistakes.
Teaches to think, reflect,
What's his guys name?

Educator: That's right, it's a teacher. If there were no teachers and schools, all people would be illiterate. But teachers are not only at school. Our first teachers are mom and dad. They teach us the main rules in life. At school, teachers will teach us to read, write, count and much more. A good friend can also be a teacher. You need to love and respect your teachers.

Educator: Now I invite you to play game "Smooth circle". You will need to name the profession that owns the tool that you will get from the wonderful bag.

Children stand in a circle and, holding hands, say:

In an even circle one after another
We go step by step.
Stand still, stay together
Answer us like this!

The child takes out a tool from the bag, names an object that belongs to a particular profession.

Educator: Our journey continues. We have approached another destination. Attention, mystery:

We must fight fire
We are bold and brave.
We are very much needed by all the people.
So who are we?

  1. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Educator: So our journey to the country of professions has come to an end. And now let's remember what professions we met today in our lesson. And what can we conclude.

- All the professions that we talked about today and those that we did not have time to talk about are very important and necessary for all people. It is impossible to single out more necessary and less necessary professions. They are all needed. No profession can exist separately from another. Many are connected and help each other. For example, a doctor and a nurse, an educator and an assistant educator.

“But the most important thing I would like to tell you is that you can be anyone: an excellent doctor, a skilled hairdresser, a knowledgeable cook, a driver, a teacher, but if a person has an evil heart, if he is envious and selfish, such a person will not brings joy with his work. Therefore, I first of all wish you to be kind and sympathetic people. And it seems to me that you will choose the right profession, wisely, at the call of your heart.

Let's talk today about the profession of the seller. Imagine that you and your mom go to the bookstore to buy a book for a friend.

There are no books here! All books are divided into sections.

Here is the children's book section.

There are many books in elegant bright covers, with color pictures. There are fairy tales, stories, collections of poems for children.

You start leafing through the books on the counter, and a bookseller comes up to you immediately. He knows everything about the books of his section! And who is the author of this book, and by what publishing house it was published, and what year of its publication.

The seller smiles at you, he is friendly, talkative. No wonder they say that "a book should be sold with a conversation!"

The seller can advise you on which book to choose, what other books are in the store on this topic.

Here he is handing you a beautifully published book about space. This is a deluxe edition. Just what you need. After all, your friend dreams of becoming an astronaut, he will be pleased to receive as a gift a magnificent book with vivid illustrations, which tells about the stars, constellations, about the flights of people into space.

You leave the bookstore happy with your purchase!

The profession of the seller is divided into several specialties. There are sellers non-food items(clothes, shoes, furniture, books, electrical equipment, household goods etc.) and sellers of food products (vegetables, fruits, confectionery and other goods).

Listen to the poem.


The seller is great!

He sells goods

Milk, sour cream, honey.

And the other - carrots, tomatoes,

He has a wide selection!

The third sells boots,

Shoes and sandals.

And the fourth - a table and a wardrobe,

Chairs, hat hangers.

Sellers of goods know

Don't waste time for nothing.

Anything we ask will be sold.

This is their usual work!

What does the job of a salesperson really consist of?

Sellers come to the store before it opens. They need to have time to prepare the product for sale, put it on display and on the counter.

The seller must know his product perfectly, its properties, remember the prices, sizes, location of goods.

So, the seller needs a good professional memory!

In addition, sellers of electrical equipment - televisions, tape recorders, music centers, etc. must know how these electrical appliances work and explain to the buyer how to use them correctly.

The appearance of the seller is also important! His overalls must be immaculately clean, his hair neat. But the main thing, of course, is a kind respectful attitude towards people, politeness, tact, a charming smile.

Agree, you don’t want to buy goods from a gloomy, sloppyly dressed seller!

What kind of people should choose the sales profession?

For those who love to interact with people. After all, most of the time the seller is in public. The ability to maintain an even calm mood in any situation, restraint, tact, polite speech, a friendly smile and, of course, good health - these are the qualities a salesperson needs.

What character traits should a salesperson have?

What do you think the food vendors sell?

What should a book seller know?

Why is it said: "The book should be sold with a conversation"?

What should a seller of electrical goods, household goods, a seller of shoes and clothes know?

What difficulties do you see in the work of the seller?

What attracts you to being a salesperson?

Would you like to become a salesperson in the future?

Abstract of the lesson on cognitive development

"Introduction to the profession - Salesperson"

Target : To introduce preschoolers to the profession of a salesperson.


1. Arouse children's interest in the world around them.

2. Introduce children to the profession - the seller

4. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of people.

5. Develop cognitive activity

Lesson progress:

caregiver : Dear guys, today we will talk with you about an interesting profession, look at the picture and guess who we will talk about today.

In the store, in the market, and finally in the buffet,

Everywhere, wherever you go, you are met (seller)

Educator: You have already encountered this profession when you were shopping with your parents. What does the seller do? (children's answers)

Educator: The profession of a seller is associated with the sale of goods to people, assisting buyers in choosing goods. Let's remember what stores are.

The profession of a salesperson is divided into several specialties, depending on which store he works in: there are sellers of non-food products (clothes, toys, flowers, etc.) and sellers of food products (food products: vegetables, fruits, sausages, and etc.) Listen to the poem:

The seller is great!

He sells goods

Milk, sour cream, honey.

And the other - carrots, tomatoes,

He has a wide selection!

The third sells boots,

Shoes and sandals.

And the fourth - a table and a wardrobe,

Chairs, hat hangers.

The sellers of the goods know.

Don't waste time for nothing.

Anything we ask will be sold.

This is their usual work!

Educator: What is the job of a salesperson? (children's answers)

Employees come to the store before it opens. They need to have time to prepare the product for sale, put it on display and on the counter. The seller must know his goods perfectly, remember the prices, sizes, location of goods. So, the seller needs a good memory!

Physical education "Professions" . Perform movements in the text.

We played in the profession -

In an instant, we became pilots!

They flew in an airplane

And suddenly they became drivers!

The steering wheel is now in our hands -

We're going fast, here's the class!

And now we are at the construction site

Lay bricks straight.

One-brick and two, and three -

We are building a house, look!

caregiver : Of considerable importance in this profession is his appearance! The overalls of a trade worker must be clean, the hairstyle must be neat. Agree, you don’t want to buy goods from a gloomy, sloppyly dressed seller!

Educator: But the main thing, of course, is a kind respectful attitude towards people, politeness, a smile.

What kind of people should choose the sales profession? (children's answers).

For those who love to interact with people. After all, most of the time the seller is in public.

Trushnikova Alena Viktorovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MK preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 222"
Locality: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region
Material name: Development of a role-playing game
Topic:"Pedagogical project "Profession - salesman"
Publication date: 09.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Compiled by: Denisova N.V. Trushnikova A.V. Municipal government preschool educational institution“Kindergarten №222”

Pedagogical project "Profession - salesman"

Project type:
short-term, research and creative.
Project duration:
2 weeks Project participants: children preparatory group, parents of pupils, educators.
Relevance of the problem:
In the older preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by labor is of particular importance for the full development of the child's personality. Familiarization with professions ensures the further entry of the child into modern world, attaches to its values, directs to the development of cognitive and gender interests of older boys and girls preschool age. An in-depth study of professions contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work. The right choice of profession determines the life success of each person. The theme of the developed project was chosen taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, the age characteristics of older deaf and hard of hearing children and the amount of information that they can learn.
Objective of the project:
Creation of conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of implementation educational project
"profession - salesman"
expansion and generalization of children's ideas about professions, tools, labor actions. Development of interest in various professions, taking into account gender education.
Project objectives:
1. Expand knowledge and ideas about the professions of their parents (place of work, the importance of their work, pride and respect for the work of their parents). 2. To ensure the activity of the child in the complex process of becoming him as a person. 3. Develop figurative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent. 4. Generate interest in the world around you. 5. Develop communication skills; 6. Activate attention, memory, vocabulary enrichment, develop speech. 7. Help parents properly organize joint family leisure.
Expected result:
- Children learn about the professions of their parents and in particular about the profession - the seller. - Children will replenish their vocabulary on the topic and will actively use the learned vocabulary in speech.
- Children will develop knowledge and ideas about the profession, the tools of the equipment seller, about the creative component of his profession. - Parents will have an active life position on the issue of familiarizing children with the topic “Professions”. - An exhibition of children's works will be arranged. - Presentation of an album on the development of speech and familiarization with the environment
" profession -

" - Performance multimedia presentation for the development of speech
"profession - salesman"
- Presentation of a photo album about the work of children with teachers at the stages of the project
" profession -


Preliminary work:
1. Search work on the selection of illustrative material and photographs on the topic

profession - salesman
2. Design and equipment of the “shop” corner. 3. Production of attributes for the role-playing game “shop”. 4. View presentation
"profession - salesman"

Family collaboration:
1. Consultations “Introduction to the professions of mom and dad”, “How to organize an excursion to the store”. 2. Involving parents in participating in the project, organizing excursions, designing an album with drawings, photographs.
Interaction with specialists:
1. Physical entertainment“smart salesman” 2. View presentation
"profession - salesman"
3. Competition for creative activity “Young seller. “
Project activity product:
1. role-playing game store; 2. Excursion to the store; 3. 3. A story about the profession of a salesperson based on a multimedia presentation; 4. Recorded with parents story with children's illustrations about the profession
our parents; 5. Didactic games“What is superfluous”, “Who will collect faster”; 6. Exhibition of children's works "Young seller"; 7. Physical entertainment "The most dexterous seller"; 8. Design of the album "Profession - shop". Section of the program Types of children's activities Program content Social and communicative development Role-playing game shop Development of free communication with adults and children about professions; - development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogic and monologue forms); activate the vocabulary on the topic store. Develop interest in and respect for the sales profession. Familiarity with the rules of conduct. Ability to independently develop the plot of the game; agree on a topic distribute roles. To promote the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the assimilation of role-playing relationships. To form the right relationships of children in the team. Cognitive development Excursion to the store. Didactic games. “What is superfluous?”, To give children knowledge about the work of the seller, about his work. Continue to use didactic games for various purposes of mental education. To learn to group objects according to a certain attribute, to find
Action plan within the framework of the project

"profession - salesman"

"Who will collect faster." an extra item, put an item out of several parts, find a pair. Encourage children to be independent in the game through an emotional positive response to the game action; education of creative independence. Develop communication and speech skills. Speech development of GCD "Profession - salesman". GCD on multimedia presentation "Profession - salesman". Expand children's ideas about professions. To consolidate knowledge about the profession - the seller, the tools used in the work and the importance of this profession in people's lives. Name and use in your speech words on the topic “store” orally or orally-dactyl; to activate the dictionary on this topic, answering the questions: What is it? Who is it? Where does…? work, what does…? do, what does it do? orally conjugated, reflected and independently pronounce all speech material; find the right captions for the pictures. Development of free communication with adults and children; - development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogic and monologue forms); Perceive the material auditory-visually, by ear, from the lips, from the hand. Develop auditory perception. Develop oral speech and the desire to use it. Continue to introduce children to verbal art: listen carefully to riddles and guess them; memorizing short poems. Artistic and aesthetic development Children's competition of drawings and crafts “Young seller”, “Professions of our parents”. Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, satisfaction of the needs of children in self-expression; development of productive activities of children (drawing, application, art work); development
Design of the album "Profession - seller". children's creativity. Development of children's musicality, the ability to emotionally perceive music; development of musical and artistic activity; development of skills in dance movements, the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of the music. Physical development Physical entertainment "Merry Salesmen". To form in children the need for physical activity and physical improvement. Continue to develop in children the ability to act in an imaginary game situation. Establish ground rules and act in accordance with them. To educate in children dexterity, endurance, purposefulness, resourcefulness.

The role of an adult is great, who draws the attention of the child to how this or that profession appeared and developed, to the importance of the work of representatives of any profession for the life of society. , stimulates the desire of children in the future to receive interesting and the right profession and engage in useful work for the benefit of their homeland.

Acquaintance of children of senior preschool age with the world of professions involves solving various problems of labor education.

In the process of acquaintance, it is necessary to adhere to a certain system, forming in children clear ideas about:

- the name of the profession;

- the place of work of a person of this profession;

- material for labor;

- tools of labor;

- labor activities;

- the results of labor;

personal qualities important for a representative of this profession;

- the benefits of labor for society.

We bring to your attention a lesson to familiarize children of senior preschool age with professions.

Lesson "Many different professions"

Program tasks: to acquaint children with the diversity of the world of professions in society, the history of their appearance; to form a cognitive interest in working people and their professions; expand horizons; to cultivate respect for work and people of any profession.

Material and equipment: Znayka costume, board, .

Lesson progress

Educator (V.). Guys, listen to the poem.

Nothing ever comes out by itself:

The letter itself does not come to our house,

The grain itself is not able to grind,

Cloth itself cannot become a suit,

Itself does not know how to cook jam,

The poem itself will not be written.

We have to do it all ourselves

With my head and with my hands.

V. Lunin

What is this poem talking about? (Children's answers.) Nothing will be done by itself, the work of people of different professions is needed. Today we will learn a lot of interesting things about professions. Znaika came to visit us. (An adult appears in the form of Znayka.) He is well acquainted with various professions and can tell us about them.

Znayka. Hello guys! Do you know what the word "profession" means? (Children's answers.) What professions do you know? To remember and name what professions exist, let's take a little trip with you. Now we are with you in kindergarten. People of different professions work here. Who takes care of the children and educates them? (Educator, assistant teacher.) Who prepares food for children? (Cook.) Who does the laundry? (Laundress.) Who cleans the territory kindergarten? (Street cleaner.)

In the evening your parents will come to take you home. What are your moms and dads doing? (Children's answers.) Together with your parents, you will go home, maybe visit the store. Who works in the store? (Seller, cashier.)

The teacher on the board places illustrations depicting the relevant professions.

AT. You get on the bus, who drives it? (Driver.) You enter the house. Who built it? (Builders.) Before going to bed, your mother reads a book to you. Who wrote it? (Writer or poet.) That's how many different professions we could remember in just one small trip.

Now let's check how well you know the professions and the labor activities of people in these professions.

Didactic game "Guess the profession by labor actions"

Target: improving the ability of children to correlate the actions of people with their profession.

Game progress

The teacher with the children becomes in a circle, in the center of which is the child. Everyone goes around and says:

What are you doing, we don't know.

Let's take a look and guess.

The child in the center imitates labor actions, showing them not only with movements, but also, if possible, transmits them with sounds. For example, vacuuming the floor, driving a car, cutting hair, washing clothes, spinning in a dance, singing into a microphone, etc. Children guess who is doing it and name the labor action.

Znayka. What do you guys think, professions have always been? (Children's answers.) In ancient times, men were engaged in hunting, fishing, making tools for hunting and labor, and building a home. Women gathered fruits and berries, worked in the field, sewed clothes from animal skins, cooked food, maintained a fire in the hearth, and raised children.

Over time, craftsmen appeared: some of them made weapons well, others made dishes, others sewed clothes. This is how professions were born. Over time, they became more and more. Some professions appeared, while others disappeared. So, at first there was a profession of a digger (this is a person who dug holes, trenches with the help of a shovel). But excavators appeared, and with them the profession of an excavator, and the profession of a digger disappeared as unnecessary. For a long time there was a profession of a cab driver (this person drove a wagon in which horses were harnessed), but cars appeared, with them the profession of a driver, and the profession of a cab driver disappeared.

AT. And today there are a lot of professions. All of them are important and necessary because they benefit people. How should people of different professions be treated? (You need to respect people of all professions, appreciate their work.)

Let's play with you now.

Didactic game "Do not miss the profession"

Target: the development in children of the ability to single out from a variety of words those that denote the names of professions.

Game progress

AT. We become in a circle. I'll call different words. When the name of the profession comes up, you jump on the spot. Listen carefully: lamp, doctor, scissors, driver, talker, rose, builder, architect, fantasy, sparrow, painter, autumn, thunderstorm, leaf, hairdresser, salesman, sledge, mouse, librarian, stone, milkmaid.

Znayka. How does a person choose a profession? Why does one want to become a teacher, another a builder, a third an astronaut? (Children's answers.) That's right, a person chooses a profession depending on what he likes. Some from childhood choose their own future profession dreaming about her. Guys, what do you want to be when you grow up? (Children's answers.) What does a person need to do to make his dream of a profession come true? (You need to study well, know a lot, strive to fulfill your dream.)

AT. What does a person need to be appreciated and respected by people? (Become skillful, the best in your profession, so that people say: “He has golden hands”, “He is a master of his craft.”)

Znayka. There are many different and interesting professions. Each of you, when you grow up, will decide what to do and what profession to choose.

There are many different professions in the world,

And people need them all

From the simplest to the most important,

All of them are important in life.

S. Masincher

It is very important that a person chooses a job for himself. Happy is the one who does what he loves and earns money, who has chosen the right profession for himself.

AT. Let's remember what professions we talked about today? (Children's answers.)

N. Litvina, E. Smoler