How to open a household store. How to organize a store of household goods, what and how to sell: drawing up a business plan, assessing the benefits and priorities. What will the room be like?

  • 27.03.2020

Having studied all the nuances of the topic of how to open a hardware store, you can become the owner of a profitable startup. Our article will help you with this.

♦ Capital investments – 300,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1–1.5 years

Today, in the field of sales, such a situation has arisen that complex stores of household goods have practically disappeared.

There are, of course, huge supermarkets that sell everything from clothes to dishes.

There are also small shops with a narrow specialization, where you can buy either household chemicals, or garden tools, or some household goods.

But there are few complex hardware stores of relatively small sizes today.

That is why, having studied all the nuances of the topic, how to open a hardware store from scratch, you can become the owner of a profitable startup.

What is a hardware store and how to open one?

The older generation remembers that in the Soviet Union there were shops called "1000 little things" - the prototypes of modern hardware stores.

With the collapse of the USSR, they began to close and entrepreneurs were in no hurry to open something like that, preferring more profitable business: food products, clothes.

And even now, when this niche has become free and promising, few are interested in the question of how to open a hardware store.

How to open a hardware store: competitive advantages

"Business is an exciting game in which maximum excitement is combined with a minimum of rules."
Bill Gates

Yes, there is little competition in your sector, there are not so many specialized stores for household goods, but there are supermarkets and markets, and they will become your main competitors.

The competitive advantages of your market can be:

  1. Seasonal sales.
    For example, in late winter or early spring, you can arrange a sale of garden tools, in November - winter fishing tackle etc.
  2. Form a reasonable pricing policy so that your prices are at least on par with competitors, ideally lower.
  3. Make the widest possible range of goods so that the client, having come to your store, can buy everything he needs.
  4. It is convenient to locate your shop, so that you do not have to look for it for a long time.
  5. Work seven days a week and according to a schedule convenient for customers, for example, from 8.00–20.00.
  6. Hire qualified sellers who would be well versed in the product they sell and, at the same time, be extremely polite and friendly.
  7. Encourage people to shop at your hardware store by giving out discount cards to loyal customers and giving discounts to those who buy in bulk.

How to open a hardware store: calendar plan

The time frame for launching a startup depends on many factors: what form of registration you choose, how big a store you want to open, whether the premises you have chosen need a major overhaul or just need to be equipped, whether you have the necessary amount of capital investment, and many others.

The minimum time required to open a hardware store is 4 months, although starting a business may well take six months or more.

Registration and more
Rent and repair
Equipment installation
First purchase

How to open a hardware store: step by step implementation

It’s not enough just to have an idea how to open a hardware store.

We need to start gradually implementing the launch of a startup.

The main stages of the formation of this business are: registration, premises and repair work in it, the formation of an assortment of goods and their purchase, recruitment.

Naturally, for all this you will need money and - quite a lot.


The first thing you need to start implementing a business plan is by registering your outlet.

You can choose two registration forms: sole proprietorship or LLC.

It is better for novice businessmen to limit themselves to individual entrepreneurs, since the registration procedure for this form is simple, and taxes can be paid as UTII or under the patent system.

When registering, choose OKVED codes that match your hardware store profile.

In order not to re-register papers later, choose maximum amount codes:

  • 44.2 (dishes, household utensils, glassware, ceramics, porcelain, etc.);
  • 47.3 (stationery and paper);
  • 46.6. (garden and construction tools);
  • 48.31 (household chemicals, detergents, etc.);
  • 48.39 - other groups of household goods.

In parallel with the registration procedure, start bringing the selected premises in line with the requirements of the Fire Service and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, because you still have to receive permission from them to operate it.


The ideal place to open a hardware store is sleeping quarters that are far from the markets.

Look for a place near which there would be no large supermarkets - your direct competitors.

You need to locate the store either on the ground floor of a multi-storey building, or in a separate room.

It is better to choose a room in good condition, otherwise overhaul of a future hardware store can significantly increase the amount of initial investment required to open it.

If you want to form the widest assortment range, then you should look for a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50 squares.


Specialized shop equipment You don't need to open a hardware store.

You can limit yourself to a standard set: open and closed shelves, racks, showcases.

The cost of purchasing equipment for a hardware store with a total area of ​​50 sq. m. will be something like this:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:150 000 rub.
Glass showcase-counter
20 000
open shelving
10 000
shelf opening
10 000
Warehouse shelving and cabinets
20 000
Cash machine
10 000
Laptop + printer
30 000
Other50 000


If you want to open a hardware store that works seven days a week, then hire two shifts of sales assistants.

If the area of ​​the trading floor is from 30 square meters or more, then there should be two sellers on one shift, because it will be impossible for one to cope with a large number of customers.

It is better to hire men as sellers in a household goods store.

Firstly, the assortment of the market is such that a man will learn to understand it faster, and secondly, he will not have to hire additional movers to unload the next batch of products.

In addition to salespeople, you need to hire a cleaner (or better yet, 2, one per shift) and a part-time accountant (an alternative would be an agreement with an outsourcing company).

Leave administrative functions, control of the work of employees, purchases, advertising, and so on.

How much does it cost to open a hardware store?

The amount of the initial investment, as well as the required monthly expenses, depends on the city in which you are going to open your hardware store and on the size of the future market.

The larger the project and the larger the city, the more money you will need.

For example, to open a business in a small locality, it is enough to have 700,000 rubles.

In the metropolitan area, this amount increases significantly.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:700 000 rub.
Registration20 000
Repair work in room150 000
Equipment150 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods300 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses70 000

To maintain the work of such a hardware store at the proper level, you need to spend at least 200,000 rubles a month.

How rich can be the assortment of goods in a hardware store,

see in the video:

How much income can a hardware store generate?

Possible profit is the first thing that interests businessmen who decide to open a household goods store.

The owners of such startups should remember that their profit directly depends on the number of buyers.

If you make a mistake with the choice of a place for the market, become too overpriced or incorrectly form a product line, then do not wait a large number customers, and consequently - and a large revenue.

In order for a household goods store not only to cover the mandatory monthly expenses of 220,000 rubles, but also to give its owner a good profit, it is necessary that the daily revenue at the box office average about 10,000 rubles.

Then at daily work market, your monthly income will be from 300,000 rubles, net - 50 - 80,000 rubles.

Such indicators can be reached after 3–6 months of work, that is, the return on capital investment will be 1–1.5 years.

If you can improve these indicators and earn more than 10,000 rubles a day, or if you reduce your monthly expenses, then your household goods store will become self-sustaining in a shorter time.

For some entrepreneurs, an income of 50-80,000 rubles is enough to start studying the topic in more detail, how to open a hardware store.

If you are not one of them, then you can look for a more attractive startup.

Fortunately, today the choice of business projects is huge.

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The demand for household goods has always been significant, and such relevance parameters remain to this day. Accordingly, it becomes clear that if you want to open a business, the option of selling goods of economic importance must certainly be considered. Let's say right away that such a business option should be carefully thought out, since certain investments will be required. It is for this reason that you should work out a business plan and draw it up with all the necessary calculations, study all competitors in detail, and most importantly, think over the structure of the sale of goods that would attract the attention of potential customers. Only a competent approach to the issue of organizing a business can lead to the fact that you will receive a significant increase in customers, be able to form your unique customer base, and be able to quickly recoup your investment.

Remember that if you do not have enough cash capital to start a business, you can always count on getting a loan. In this case, it is very important that you correctly complete the plan for opening and developing a business. In fact, it is he who acts as a kind of guarantor of your subsequent opportunity to return funds to the bank. Here you need to follow all the basic rules, and the plan itself should be quite voluminous, meaningful and informative. That is, you must work on it yourself, or, if necessary, turn to specialists who can calculate it for you. Let's say right away that you can use standard document samples to modernize it to suit your requirements and individual characteristics.

In order for your business to really develop intensively, you should correctly approach the issue of choosing a room, as well as its location. You must understand that the room must be spacious enough, as well as spacious, so that potential visitors feel comfortable here. You also need to purchase specialized equipment and furniture so that the placement of goods is competent - it takes up a minimum amount of space and at the same time, so that customers have the opportunity to evaluate and see it. The most ideal location for a store of this format is a densely populated area. And in this case, you will certainly have to evaluate all the competitors that are located nearby. In essence, this way you can be sure that your store will be visited, which means you can get a corresponding payback. Immediately, you need to immediately evaluate the issue of acquiring retail space. Of course, the best option is an acquisition, since you will not have to pay rent for your area. However, for an aspiring entrepreneur who is just trying to try his hand at business, it is more profitable to carry out the rental process.

If you have chosen to rent, you should definitely evaluate the opportunity to work in a large supermarket or shopping center. The thing is that in this situation, you will receive a certain percentage of visitors from the number of those who visit shopping center. According to statistics, in a city where more than three hundred thousand people live, at least 8 thousand people visit the shopping center every day. Accordingly, you will be able to get your customers. In the case when renting in a fairly large supermarket is an expensive investment for you, then it is best to use the option of renting a place in the market. Also a great option, given the continued trend of visiting the market by residents of the city. In fact, you will get the same influx of customers that you would get in a large shopping center. Keep in mind that for successful development, within a few outlets from you, the same store should not be located. If there is a supermarket nearby that sells household goods, it is better to rent a place further away, as the business will not be as successful anyway. In fact, you will have little chance of active development.

When choosing a room for rent, it is recommended to give preference to an object of at least 50 sq. meters. In this case, half of the area will be allocated directly for trade, the second - for organizing a warehouse. For such a territory of the store, you will need one seller who will work every day. Or two salespeople working in shifts.

Where does the business start?

  • First of all, you should properly work out a business plan. Remember that such a store will actually require serious financial investments from you. It is for this reason that it is very important that you rationally manage your funds and correctly approach the issue of investing. By creating a business plan, you will immediately calculate all the investment options that you encounter. Also, you can calculate the amount of expected profit. Do not forget that at the moment it is very important to provide a properly drawn up plan to the bank if you are carrying out the procedure for obtaining credit funds;
  • Be sure to find a retail space. Experts recommend in this case to consider two main aspects of success - placement in a densely populated area or a visited place, as well as the absence of competitors. In fact, you can locate your store on the outskirts, the most important thing is that there should be a lot of people in the area, and there should be no competitors at all;
  • It should also be said that you will have to carefully evaluate all the nuances and features of the choice of suppliers. You have to find cooperation options that involve the possibility of obtaining a wide range of goods from different suppliers. Moreover, many intermediaries provide the opportunity to purchase goods in installments. In fact, you take the product and pay for it only after a few weeks. Such a structure of cooperation will allow you to significantly reduce costs;
  • You also need to go through the process state registration. Initially, it is necessary to correctly carry out the process of choosing a taxation system and a form of business. To do this, you should study in detail all the information provided on this issue and calculate in which case you can pay taxes in the minimum format. Only a competent and detailed approach to this aspect can become an indisputable basis for your success;
  • After registration and registration of the business, the process of signing contracts with suppliers is carried out. Next, the process of arranging the premises begins. Be sure to use marketing research on the correct display of goods. Your task is to attract customers and provoke them to make a purchase;
  • Carefully consider the issue of choosing a seller. Remember that a lot depends on this aspect. If the seller is inattentive and does not satisfy the needs of the buyer in consulting, then in this situation, customers will leave you. Therefore, it is better to set the payment structure in the form of a rate and a percentage of the sales made. This payment method shows its effectiveness;

Think also about the issue of promotion by advertising. The best time to do this is before the store opens. Indeed, in this situation, you will be able to provoke the maximum interest of potential customers, and you will also be able to provide them with certain promotions in the first days of your work, that is, to hook and interest.

These simple rules form the structure successful business. Therefore, you certainly need to act exactly as we indicated. After all, such a path will certainly lead you to prosperity.

Working out a business plan: step by step instructions

To open your own business, you definitely need to invest in it. a certain amount of funds. You must clearly know how much money you need to open a hardware store. You also need to calculate the payback, costs and expected income. Only such an approach to business will really help you rationally use available funds, and, if necessary, apply to a bank for a loan.

  • General data description

You must take into account all the factors that may affect the business, as well as indicate all the nuances of investing:

  1. Determine the location of your store, for example - a retail space in a shopping center;
  2. Specify the size of the area - 50 sq. meters;
  3. The number of residents in the city must be indicated so that later it will be possible to calculate the approximate number of visits per day and profit per month, in our example there will be 500 thousand inhabitants;
  4. Be sure to indicate what funds will be used to implement the business. For example, 70% personal funds, 30% credit. Be sure to include in the business plan detailed description schedule of payments on the loan, as well as the amount of the overpayment;
  5. Indicate all the nuances that relate to the need for arranging the premises - the purchase of equipment, cosmetic repairs, the purchase of racks, etc .;
  6. Indicate the number of people who will work in the store and indicate the amount of wages and pay structure;
  7. Be sure to provide all the data on the advertising. That is, if you produce advertising company, then indicate which advertising options will be optimal and effective for you;
  8. After that, you need to draw up a full-fledged calculation of the plan, and in the general data you should reflect the amount of initial expenses, monthly expenses, estimated profit, and determine the payback of the business.
  • Description of main expenses

You must immediately identify all the expenses that will start your business. Remember that the more detailed and accurate your calculations are, the more rational your investment will be. If you plan to apply for a loan in the future, then you need to approach the issue of calculating expenses and justifying them very clearly and in detail, since the bank will check in detail all the data provided. As a rule, the following expenses are taken into account:

  1. To pay rent - 20 thousand rubles;
  2. Repair work - 50 thousand rubles;
  3. Purchase of specialized equipment - 150 thousand rubles;
  4. Purchase of goods - 500 thousand rubles;
  5. Conducting an advertising campaign - 20 thousand rubles;
  6. Registration and registration - 10 thousand rubles.

These are preliminary expenses, which in total amount to 750 thousand rubles. If you incur additional expenses, for example, arrange your own resource, then in this case you will need to include in the business plan all the expenses that will arise as a result of this.

  • Monthly expenses

In addition to the basic expenses, it will be necessary to carry out the process of calculating those expenses that will arise monthly:

  1. We indicate the remuneration in the amount of - 20 thousand rubles;
  2. We take into account the need to pay rent - 20 thousand rubles;
  3. Utility payments - at least 10 thousand rubles;
  4. Payment of taxes and other fees - 10 thousand rubles;
  5. Additional expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

It turns out that you will need to spend another 70 thousand rubles on certain expenses that will be formed as a result of your activities.

  • Calculation of preliminary income

Immediately determine the exact monthly expense, taking into account the purchase of goods. We recommend that you indicate the amount of 200 thousand rubles for the purchase, plus the amount for expenses, it turns out that every month you will spend at least 270 thousand rubles. To calculate the amount of profit received, you will need to calculate the number of people who will visit your premises based on statistical data on the number of visitors to a shopping center or market. Of the total number of residents, 10% are calculated as visitors to the central part of the city or the shopping area. 3% count as visitors to your establishment. The number of people is calculated, after which it is taken into account that only half will make an acquisition for an average amount of 500 rubles. We multiply the number of people by the amount, multiply the resulting value by 30 days, and we get the final figure of the income received. Remember that income should be twice as much as expenses - this is ideal. But, at the first stages of development, the most important thing is that the expense does not exceed the level of income.

  • We determine the assortment

In order for your store to be visited, you will certainly need to carry out the process of correctly identifying the most relevant and in-demand products. In this case, it is recommended to study social surveys, look at competitors' websites, visit competitors' stores in order to know exactly which products are the most in demand, and which should not be taken at all, since they do not have significant demand. If you want to attract customers as much as possible, give them the opportunity to order goods from the catalog. Thus, you will significantly expand your assortment without taking up valuable - free space. And most importantly, you will always be ready to meet the needs of your potential customers.

  • Advertising budget

The issue of advertising is considered quite complex. Someone is sure that a well-executed advertising campaign at the beginning is the basis of success, but even then you need to arrange certain promotions in order to significantly expand the number of potential customers. Remember that competent advertising is the basis of the influx of customers. Accordingly, it is necessary to include in the calculation of expenses the amount of funds that will be subsequently spent on advertising.

How and what to sell?

The issue of assortment is one of the important elements in the formation of a successful business. The thing is that often novice entrepreneurs make a very significant mistake, giving priority to the purchase of an exclusively affordable product. Remember that in household goods, buyers try not to save. It is believed that it is better to buy a little more expensive, but still a quality product. Accordingly, when forming a list of assortment, you will certainly need to competently approach the study of demand, as well as evaluate customer reviews and comments about a particular product. Of course, you must provide customers and available options goods, but they must be a minimum quantity. Focus on quality.

It is also not necessary to make the assortment narrowly focused. For example, don't just make a household chemicals store. Remember that potential customers are more loyal to those outlets where you can buy all the necessary goods for everyday life. Accordingly, the assortment should be quite diverse. These can be additional options with dishes, bowls, buckets, household chemicals, personal hygiene products, cosmetics, etc. That is, it is this range that can actually attract the maximum number of customers. Believe me, the client will give preference to your store if he can immediately purchase everything he needs from you.

An equally important point is the competent display of goods. Many interesting articles have been written on this issue, because the correct provision of the assortment is the key to attracting maximum attention. In addition, consider the need to rationally use the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. In no case should you load the space with various interior details. It is better to make all the arrangement of the room functional and modern, use modern style. Use modern racks that allow you to install the maximum amount of goods in a minimum space, and so that it will catch your eye and instantly attract attention.

Procurement needs to be well organized. Of course, wholesale suppliers will become the most rational and optimal option for cooperation. But, most often, entrepreneurs give their preference and attention to the work that is directly related to the manufacturer. Such cooperation is beneficial. It should not be forgotten that the purchase of goods in warehouses can be extremely profitable, but most often new entrepreneurs are extremely wary, respectively, you are unlikely to be able to provide the best prices. Most likely, you will receive an offer with an inflated price, such offers should be rejected immediately.

What is the right way to sell? Remember that in the work of such a store important has a sales assistant. Service should be unobtrusive, and the service should be attentive and of high quality. Often such a structure is formed that customers come to the store precisely for the reason that the seller will be able to advise, and in general such communication leaves only a pleasant impression. Therefore, the choice of the seller must be extremely careful and detailed.

Business Benefits

It must be said that such a business has an incredible many advantages:

  • The main quantity of goods has a significant shelf life, which allows you not to worry that it is not sold too quickly;
  • At the current time, a very significant number of suppliers are working, which allows you to find and select those cooperation options that will be of interest to you;
  • It is possible to register a business under a convenient tax system, which will allow you to minimize your expenses for paying certain fees;
  • You can purchase a significant amount of goods, which will expand your assortment and become the basis for significant customer acquisition;
  • It is possible to use the most affordable options advertising campaigns;
  • Although the competition is significant, the demand for such a product is very significant;
  • It is possible to independently administer the store and consult customers. This approach provides increased profit parameters, as customers receive exactly the service they need;
  • The payback of such a business is no more than one and a half years, while, throughout the entire time, you will also receive a stable income, as well as free funds will be formed that can be invested in more intensive business development.

Important points and nuances

Not only at the opening, but throughout the work, the main emphasis should be placed precisely on the ideal interaction with potential customers. You need to use:

  • A wide range of;
  • Attentive service;
  • Additional attraction elements.

As additional elements You can use the home delivery option. Moreover, you can make the service paid if the purchase was made for a small amount and provide customers with a profitable delivery option if the purchase amount was significant. You can provide options for obtaining discounts from a certain amount, which will certainly interest customers and provoke them to new purchases. You can go through the process of compiling a catalog of those items that you can purchase from suppliers and manufacturers and provide such a substantial range to customers. Practice shows that it is this option that provides phenomenal aspects of development.

Also pay attention to the possibility of creating a representative resource. On the site, you can provide a detailed description of all materials and goods, which will help customers make a choice remotely. Offer the option of remote purchases with subsequent delivery of the purchase to your home. Such a service in our modern time will be in high demand, as it allows potential customers to benefit from significant time savings.

Of course, the business of selling household chemicals is a very, very profitable business, and anyone can organize it if they wish, with the only caveat that start-up capital is needed.

A person is always washing, ironing and cleaning, which means that the demand for bleaches, stain removers, dishwashing detergents will always be high. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: you can make good money on this, the main thing is to competently approach the organization of the business.

Of course, many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in the question of how to open a household goods store from scratch. Naturally, it requires detailed consideration, and the recommendations described below will certainly be useful for everyone who plans to trade in household chemicals.

Write a business plan

But before moving on to practical analysis the question of how to open a hardware store from scratch, it should be noted that any commercial business requires a business plan. It will be the main financial document of your trading enterprise.

A business plan for a hardware store should reflect all its prospects in terms of profitability, an estimate of all costs incurred in connection with the opening of a store, as well as the amount of profit that you are going to ultimately receive.


Before you open a hardware store from scratch, you must register your entrepreneurial activity. This is what the tax office does. The best option for you would be to register as individual entrepreneur. Fill out special forms, pay the state fee and 3-5 days after submitting the application you will receive Required documents.

However, these are not all the procedures that you have to go through in the offices of civil servants. You must obtain permission to do business from some supervisory authorities: the sanitary and epidemiological service, Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate.

If you are doing business for the first time and have no idea how to open a hardware store from scratch, at this stage it is better to resort to the services of professionals who will help you get the necessary documents in a short time. Their list is quite extensive, so we list only a few of them:

a) basic sanitary and epidemiological document;

b) special permission from Rospotrebnadzor;

c) the conclusion of the fire inspection;

d) an agreement on the disposal of mercury lamps;

e) agreement on waste disposal;

f) documents on the need to timely comply with disinfection, deratization and disinfestation.

What is the initial capital

A well-designed business plan for a household goods store will show that the minimum required for the project is about 100-120 thousand dollars. It all depends on a number of factors, for example, on how much it will cost you to buy equipment and rent a retail space.

As practice shows, the outlet after the expiration of six months will bring about 4-6 thousand dollars a month.


However, it should be noted that the amount of profit directly depends on where your store will be located. The choice should be made in favor of territories characterized by “good traffic”.

Those who are first faced with how to open a household goods department should know that it is best to rent a retail area in one of the commercial complexes located in a residential area of ​​​​the city.

Given the fact that the bulk of cafes and restaurants are located in the central part of the city, it should be noted that the residents who live there have a limited choice of washing powders, soaps or toothpastes.

This is explained by the fact that in local retail outlets there is a meager assortment of household chemicals that are sold on the territory of grocery markets and shops.

If you open in the area small shop, which sells exclusively household goods, you will not lose, because the competition there is not too big, and it will be easier for business to develop.

Your main advantage should be precisely the wide selection of goods and their reasonable price. The recommended area of ​​the trading floor should be approximately 40-50 square meters.

Once your business is making a solid profit, you can consider expanding the premises so you can offer customers a more diverse range of products.


For an outlet selling household goods, it is allowed to use counters, both closed and open type. Of course, there is a risk of product theft, but the self-service system usually brings good profits. To minimize the likelihood of theft of goods, it would be useful to equip fake video surveillance cameras in the trading premises.

If you rented a room with large dimensions for trading, then it is imperative to equip it with real controls and specially provide a button emergency call security services.

Those who are going, but do not know how to open a hardware store, should clearly understand that when using the self-service principle, showcases and racks should be located around the perimeter of the room. Sections equipped with mirrors will help sellers keep track of what is happening on the trading floor. It is recommended to place racks in the form of an island in its center. Hanging goods are optimally placed on standing trading grids.

The workplace of the cashier is optimally located in the immediate vicinity of the exit from the trading pavilion.


The range of products in your store should be diverse, ranging from personal care products to perfumes. At the same time, the number of product names on average can be from 5 to 10 thousand units. It is recommended to put on the shelves products that are accessible to people with different levels income.

Agriculture is an ancient branch of business, which can be called quite profitable. Everything that is now sold on the shelves grocery stores- dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits, eggs and much more are the result of this activity.

Of course, many can immediately say that now the leading place is occupied by products from abroad, and therefore the opening of such a business will be unprofitable. It's not like that at all! environmentally friendly and natural products always enjoy in great demand. And knowing the right approach, developing a cost-effective idea and finding sales outlets finished products- these are all the main indicators of a competent investment. And in order to avoid difficulties at the initial stage, you can use ideas to open your own business in the field of agriculture.

This is a profitable and fast payback business. First of all, you need to choose a profitable industry.

Breeding rabbits

- it is very profitable option. In addition to the fact that the meat of these animals has good qualities and have a high cost, so also the rate of their reproduction is quite high. By about 3-4 months, the animal has a commercial value.

Rabbits are highly prolific. The gestation period lasts about a month. After giving birth, the female is ready for fertilization. At a time, a rabbit can bring an average of 12 cubs. Therefore, you can be sure that this business will pay off in a short time.

It is best to start with 5 rabbits. From this amount per year, on average, you can get up to 300 kilograms of dietary meat.

For divorce, you can use the breed:

  • gray giant;
  • butterfly;
  • Californian;
  • black-brown;
  • Viennese blue;
  • flandre;
  • soviet marder;
  • veil silver;
  • rabbit ram;
  • Russian ermine;
  • downy;
  • silver.

Before you start breeding, be sure to calculate the costs.

Cost calculation:

  • The cost of renting land is from 20 to 100 thousand rubles, it all depends on the region.
  • Acquisition or self-construction of cages for keeping animals - from 10 to 40 thousand.
  • The purchase of rabbits in the amount of 60 pieces - from 20 to 30 thousand, it also all depends on the region.
  • Feed expenses per year - from 50 thousand to 100 thousand.
  • The salary of an employee for the year is about 120 thousand.

On average, for a year of work it will take from 218 to 390 thousand rubles.

Income calculation:

  • Income from the sale of meat products. If you have 40 rabbits and 20 males, then you can get 20 rabbits from each female in a year. As a result, there will be 800 of them per year. Each weighs 1.9 kilograms, which means that 1.5 kg of pure meat comes out. A kilogram of rabbit meat costs an average of 200-250 rubles. From meat per year you can get up to 375 thousand rubles.
  • Income from the sale of skins. 1 skin costs 200 rubles, so 800 skins will cost 160 thousand rubles.

In the first year you can earn about 535 thousand rubles.

Sheep breeding

What you need to open:

  • First of all, you need to implement a milk production plan. It consists of 3 stages:
    • Training. The search for funds for the development of the business, the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and buyers of products. Duration is 5-7 months.
    • Arrangement. At this stage, it is necessary to build a barn, a milking parlor, purchase equipment and feed. This stage will take 4-5 months.
    • Work process. At this stage, direct action is carried out. This includes the production of feed, the sale of milk and dairy products.
  • Feed production. To reduce feed costs, it is better to produce it yourself. For growing fodder crops, land should be used, which will be located near the farm. As fodder crops, it is desirable to use spring vetch, corn, clover, oats, perennial grasses. For production, it is necessary to build a workshop. It will cost about 150-200 thousand rubles. Cows should be fed hay and silage. For deoxidation, soda is added to the feed.
  • Works on the production and marketing of dairy products. To do this, you can purchase your own milk bottling and packaging line. The bottling and packaging process uses high temperature processing. Packaged products are transported to distribution points. Unprocessed milk can be sold to factories that specialize in milk processing.

In the future, it will be possible to expand the farm and increase the number of livestock.

Growing vegetables

Food production is a lucrative business because food is always in high demand and in high demand. Especially profitable is the cultivation of vegetables. At the first stage, you need to consider:

  • Place for landing. First of all, you need to find a plot of land for cultivation. The soil must be of good quality and fertile. Therefore, an analysis is necessarily carried out to identify soil pollution with nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals.
  • Choice of vegetables. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the market for the most popular options. You can choose potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.
  • Variety selection. The variety is selected depending on the climatic conditions of the region.

Where can you sell products?

  • Sale in the wholesale and retail market. At these points, you can get high profits with a quick turnover. But there must be a vehicle for transporting vegetables.
  • Sales of products to wholesalers. This method will save transportation and transport costs, but the cost of vegetables will be lower.
  • Sales to shops, supermarkets, restaurants.
  • Cultivation for a specific buyer.

What will you spend on:

  • costs for planting material;
  • purchase of plant protection products from pests;
  • purchases of fertilizers;
  • the cost of renting land, building and repairing structures;
  • costs for the purchase and maintenance of transport;
  • expenses for payment of utility bills;
  • payment to the working staff.

In general, the level of income depends on the amount of vegetable output per 1 sq. m of land. Subject to all conditions, proper planting and further work for the full growth of plants, you can get good harvest. Vegetables can always be sold at a good price.