Top profitable franchises. Catalog of fast-payback franchises. Other Profitable Franchise Options

  • 19.04.2020

Most Popular Franchises - 9 of the most popular and established franchises that you can join.

Franchising relatively recently came to the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

Some entrepreneurs are wary of this type of business, because sometimes the size of the initial investment can be impressive.

But you know, choosing most popular franchises you can quickly recoup your investment.

What is a franchise?

First of all, let's look at the concept of "franchise", as well as a few terms associated with it.

Franchise is an agreement that is concluded between the franchisor (owner trademark) and franchisees (those who want to start cooperation) regarding the release of products or the provision of services under this brand.

Simply put, this is the use of a trademark on a leasehold basis.

In this type of cooperation, both parties benefit:

  • the franchisor expands the scope of its activities and makes a profit;
  • the franchisee saves time on training and promotion of the business, receives clear instructions on how, and finally, in his hands is a promoted brand that will immediately have its customers.

When an agreement is concluded between the parties, then the concepts appear in it, the meanings of which you need to know:

  • royalties are payments for the use of the brand and the assistance of the franchisor; can be presented as a percentage of the financial turnover, a percentage of the margin, a fixed payment;
  • lump sum is a one-time payment for joining the franchise network.

Most Popular Food Service Franchises

No. 1. subway

This company is a leader in the field of fast food restaurants.

It was founded in 1965.

Subway restaurants can be found in 112 countries of the world, and in Russia there are more than 670 of them, of which the first one opened in 2004.

The popular Subway franchise offers healthy fast food.

Here you can find fresh vegetables, meat, rolls, salads, desserts and drinks.

The restaurant's feature is sandwiches, the filling of which you can choose yourself, as well as bread, which is baked every 4 hours.

If you want to become a member of this particular network, you must know the cost of the franchise provided:

No. 2. McDonald's

If you ask someone: “What are the most popular franchises you know?”, then everyone will definitely name McDonald’s.

This is a fast food classic that every inhabitant of the planet knows about.

In terms of the number of restaurants in the world, the company ranks second after Subway.

An assortment of popular franchises in different countries may differ, but still it is represented by sandwiches, hamburgers, french fries, various drinks and desserts.

If we talk about cooperation with McDonald’s in Russia and Ukraine, then everything is complicated here.

Only recently the company began to work on conditions in these countries.

In Russia, the Rosinter company operates under a franchise.

Becoming a McDonald's franchisee takes a lot of work.

First of all, you need to have an impressive amount of money, then go through a long and intensive course of study related to technological process and marketing strategy.

Number 3. chocolate girl

Continuing the topic of the most popular franchises, special attention should be paid to domestic companies.

And a striking example is the network of coffee houses "Shokoladnitsa".

Most of the coffee houses, namely 200 "Shokoladnits", are located in Moscow and the Moscow region, but they also successfully operate in the regions of the country, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

There are 85 outlets operating as a franchise.

The coffee shop offers delicious coffee beans, elite tea, other drinks and gourmet desserts.

Also "Shokoladnitsy" have a unique and cozy design.

The company pays much attention to staff training.

It works for this Training Center where classes are conducted by qualified trainers and psychologists.

The most popular retail franchises

No. 4. ZARA

This is a company that designs and manufactures women's, men's and children's clothing and accessories.

The stores of this network are represented in 70 countries of the world and their number exceeds a thousand.

They have been franchising since 1988 to expand the market.

It is noteworthy that there is no lump-sum fee for joining the network, but there is the so-called "franchise cost", which is essentially the same thing.

It is also worth noting that the condition for is the purchase of the first batch for a certain amount.

And for a fee, you can become a monopolist in your city or region.

So, to join the popular ZARA franchise, you will need to spend the following amounts of money:

Attachment typeSum
Lump summissing
Investments40 000 $
Franchise cost for opening a stationary store30 000 $
Franchise cost for opening an online store8 000 - 10 000 $
Purchase price of the first batch for a stationary store30 000 $
Purchase price of the first batch for an online store10 000 $
Employee training and opening of a turnkey boutique10 000 $
Monopoly on the city90 000 $
Monopoly on the region150 000 $

No. 5. IKEA

it largest company originally from Sweden for the production and sale of furniture and household goods.

In Russia, this network is represented independently, and in Ukraine there are no stores of its kind at all.

IKEA has been on the market since 1943, and naturally, for such a long service life, it has earned the trust of customers.

Most of the stores are represented in Europe, in Russia it operates as its own retail chain.

The company provides a franchise where it is not able to enter the market itself.

Becoming a franchisee of a company is quite difficult.

In addition to large cash investments, which are determined individually, from those wishing to join, you will need to have at least 15 years of successful experience behind them.

No. 6. fix price

Among the most popular franchises in Russia can be safely attributed to a network of grocery stores and non-food itemsfix price.

The format of such trading is that a single fixed price is set for everything.

Here you can buy:

  • foodstuffs;
  • cosmetics;
  • bijouterie;
  • office;
  • household products;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothes.

Now there are more than 2,000 stores in Russia.

And in order to join them, in addition to financial obligations, you must have at your disposal a room with an area of ​​250 sq. m.

It is also worth noting that in locality, which will be this popular franchise, must have a minimum of 25,000 residents.

Most Popular Service Franchises

No. 7. Mail Boxes

it American company, which is engaged in express delivery of correspondence and cargo.

To accomplish this, Mail Boxes, in turn, cooperates with 9 worldwide delivery services.

They can also print documents and promotional materials.

The network is represented in 70 countries, and on Russian market came out in 2010.

After opening its own branch, 94 franchise centers appeared.

In addition to finances, in order to become a franchisee, you must have sales experience.

Also, the future franchise participant must personally work in an open branch for the first year, and after confirmation, come to special training in Moscow.

No. 8. Genetic Test

The work of this company can be called a popular novelty on the market without any evidence.

GeneticTest is a unique technology that allows you to find out about a person's abilities by fingerprint.

The franchise began operating in 2012, and in 2013 it received the "Best Innovative Project" award.

Years of research have led to the creation of a software and hardware complex that determines through a fingerprint scanner what abilities a person has.

It helps in self-development and self-discovery.

The creators claim that the profit from one checked person is 1000 rubles, so you can recoup your investment in a popular franchise by serving 50 clients.


This is an independent laboratory, which is the largest in the CIS.

She provides medical services in the form of more than 1000 types of surveys.

Since 2006, more than 300 franchise members have opened.

All classrooms are equipped with special equipment.

The collected analyzes are sent to Moscow for examinations.

Franchisees are required to select premises that will meet necessary requirements, as well as hire staff in the amount of 5 people.

Since this area is related to medicine, representatives of the main office check the franchisee several times a year.

To choose a franchise in the service industry, watch this video:

On this most popular franchises do not end.

This was just a short list.

But remember that even the most hyped franchise does not guarantee 100% success.

Much depends on the franchisee himself, on his business skills, ability to manage and adhere to all the rules.

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The section presents low-cost franchises with investments up to 500,000 rubles. The payback period of most of them does not exceed 6 months. The profitability of such a business may not be too high, it corresponds to the level of initial costs. However, this is a real practical option that works best:

  • for the accumulation of initial capital with the aim of subsequent transition to a more profitable business model, but with a high entry threshold;
  • to start for novice merchants, because it allows you to purchase necessary experience and communications, "get comfortable" in the business environment without the risk of major losses;
  • for those who do not plan to enter a highly competitive market, but expect to have a small stable income, for example, by the time they reach retirement age.

What to look for when choosing a franchise

You should not focus solely on the cost of the lump-sum contribution and the payback period, it is advisable to analyze:

  • the form, the amount of the entry fee - too high an entrance fee, especially with low royalties, suggests that the company is interested in taking a high income from the sale of the franchise, and the further fate of the partner is of little concern to it;
  • what composition the franchise package includes - it should be fully reflected in the contract, with all the details and restrictions imposed; clearly defined areas of responsibility;
  • from what the amount of regular payments is calculated - from profit or from sales proceeds; last option, as a rule, is more expensive for a novice entrepreneur;
  • what guarantees are provided in terms of business exclusivity in the region - you will hardly be satisfied if a couple of neighbors, inspired by your example, open outlets 500 meters from the store;
  • the amount of support received from the franchisor - the number and completeness of training seminars, advanced training and incentive systems, marketing programs for franchisees; automation tools;
  • assigning a personal manager-consultant to newcomers - communication with one person is easier and more efficient, communication is more efficient, emerging issues are resolved faster;
  • the history of the seller's relationship with already working partners - it is advisable to ask their opinion "live", not limited to reading reviews on the Internet;
  • the number of closed franchise outlets during the period of operation - this information, of course, will not be provided directly. But you can use indirect data: according to regional websites, shopping center data, store location maps.

Why is a franchise business more profitable than a startup?

Franchising as a way to start a business from scratch is becoming more and more popular. Market experts and entrepreneurs with rare unanimity consider this direction the most promising. The risk of bankruptcy for a franchisee is substantially lower than for any other small business. According to the IFA (international association): out of 100% of new enterprises opened independently - 85% are closed within 5 years; opened within the framework of franchising - 14%. Acquisition of a franchise by an aspiring entrepreneur looks like a completely reasonable and justified step.

See, compare and choose low-cost small business franchises, perhaps this is where you will find a profitable business for yourself.

Choosing the most profitable franchises in Russia in 2017, you can see that most of them were in the lead in previous years. Some of these companies have more franchises than own enterprises. Among the most profitable franchises in Russia are the areas Catering, delivery services, brokerage and legal companies, training centers and much more.

TOP 5 most profitable franchises in Russia

Entrepreneurs who are interested in developing a franchise business can work with both domestic and foreign companies, apply the scheme to find a source of funding.

It is easy to get lost among such a wide range of offers. So that everyone can find a decent option, consider the rating compiled by Forbes in terms of business profitability. The main parameter in compiling the rating is the return on investment, how much a novice businessman can earn by choosing one of the franchises. Ranking based on metrics financial efficiency in various fields. As a result, the TOP 5 most profitable franchises as follows:

Fifth place - the company "SDEK"

The company "SDEK" is an express delivery service that operates in the Russian market and requires minimum investment at the start. The field of activity is the organization of transportation of cargo, business correspondence, products of various categories, valuables throughout Russia and around the world.

The company offers its partners who will work on a franchise to build a profitable commercial project in a rapidly growing niche.

Franchise cost in Russia:

  • - 150 thousand rubles;
  • payment of royalties - 10% of income, starting from the seventh month of the company's operation;
  • starting investment - 200-350 thousand rubles.

To make a decision and build approximate plan it is necessary to understand what a lump-sum contribution is and whether the entrepreneur is ready to allocate such an amount at the start.

By purchasing a CDEK franchise, a partner can count on consulting support at all stages of project implementation, the possibility of internal network resources to increase the client base, the use of CRM and ERP systems, employee training and marketing support.

Fourth place - "Miel"

The Russian real estate market, despite the crisis, continues its development. Miel is a network of real estate offices that specializes in providing brokerage services in all segments of the Russian real estate market.

Today, the company has 110 profitable and successfully operating offices, while it continues to actively develop and offers franchise cooperation.

Approximate financial aspects of buying a Miel franchise in Russia:

  1. lump-sum payment - 1 million rubles;
  2. total capital investments - 2.5 million rubles;
  3. profitability of the project - up to 13.2 million rubles. per month.

The volume of investments is determined by a special methodology based on tariff scale companies. The amount of royalties is calculated individually depending on the region and the scope of the territory.

By signing a franchise agreement, the partner gets the opportunity to work according to an established scheme, using a set of recommendations on all aspects of doing business in Russia.

Third place - science show "Opener"

Science show "Opener" is popular due to its novelty. The direction of Edutainment (learning combined with entertainment) has long found its admirers in the USA and Europe, in Russia it is just beginning to develop. What could be better than a bright holiday for children, which gives a lot of impressions and the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge? More and more modern parents choose just such programs instead of annoying clowns and animators. Therefore, new types of children's holidays are becoming increasingly popular in Russia.

The Otkryvashka company enables entrepreneurs to keep up with the times and conduct business in a new relevant segment.

The conditions for granting the franchise of the science show "Opener":

  • initial investment - 420 thousand rubles;
  • lump-sum contribution - none;
  • royalties - 10 thousand rubles. monthly during the first year of work, for the second year - 15 thousand rubles, for the third and further - 20 thousand rubles. every month.

The results of work on the franchise of the Otkryvashka company:

  1. the average price for holding one show in Russia is 12 thousand rubles, for small town the cost is reduced to 8 thousand rubles;
  2. profitability from one holiday - 65-75%;
  3. in practice, operating companies manage to hold about 80 shows per month in a big city for children different ages(from 4 to 16 years old) and about 30 programs in a small town in Russia. This makes it possible to receive from 150 to 900 thousand rubles;
  4. the minimum payback period is from 1 to 3 months.

Advice: The Opener Science Show franchisor only sells one franchise per city, so if your community already has one, chances of a partnership are zero.

Second place - "Claustrophobia"

"Claustrophobia" is a company that creates quests in reality. The idea of ​​the project is to create a new format of "indoor game". This is a combination of an interactive theatrical game and real actors, where the main characters are the clients of the room, who independently control the plot. The difference between "Claustrophobia" and other quests in Russia lies in the emphasis not on solving logical problems, but on emotionality and adrenaline.

The cost of the Claustrophobia franchise:

  1. initial investment - 6 million rubles;
  2. entrance fee - 350 thousand rubles;
  3. royalties, deductions for marketing - none;
  4. payback period - from 2 to 6 months.

First place - Tea Funny

Tea Funny- outlet for the sale of the Taiwanese drink "bubble tea" (a combination of tea with syrup, milk and jelly balls that are filled with juice).

The company offers its franchisees a proven business model that has been worked out to the smallest detail, according to which more than 450 profitable projects. Of these, 346 outlets operate under franchise conditions.

The acquisition of a franchise provides for one of the Tea Funny formats:

  • cafe in a separate building;
  • mobile kiosk;
  • modular outlet;
  • a point up to 4 m² in size at the intersection of pedestrian routes, in busy places.

The cost of the franchise depends on the chosen format. On average, the cost of opening a project will be:

  1. capital investments - about 800 thousand rubles;
  2. royalties - 4% of sales;
  3. marketing costs - 5% of revenue.

The most profitable franchises in Russia with minimal investment

It is not always possible to implement even the most profitable project, since buying a franchise is a costly business that is beyond the power of everyone.

In this case, many begin to look. In fact, there are options for cooperation with minimal investment, but remember that there will always be costs at the start.

Among the franchises with a small capital investment, there are really profitable ones that will help build a stable profitable business. But keep in mind that they will not become super profitable, at least during the first months of work. If you have large capital and want to make high profits from the first months, pay attention to.

Consider the list of the most successful franchises in Russia in 2016 that require minimal investment:

  1. Legal Supermarket "CVD" is a company providing a wide range of legal services. The first federal network in Russia working in this direction.
  2. iCharge is a company that operates in the field of vending and provides charging services mobile phone. The franchisee is required to find a place to install the machine and conclude an agreement; the equipment is supplied by the franchisor.
  3. "Orange Elephant" is a highly specialized store selling goods for children's creativity and development. The brand is popular with children aged 2-14 years.
  4. "Personal Solution" is a company that recruits freelancers, providing services of movers and handymen. The activity is based on a universal IT-structure for the selection, control and accounting of personnel. This allows employees to work at times that are convenient for them.
  5. “STRAINS IN ORDER” is a network of hairdressing salons in Russia that operates in the economy segment. The skillful combination of low prices and quality service makes this company successful and in demand among the general population. The concept of the company is aimed at residents of Russia who receive an average or below average income. Clients are provided with qualified hairdressers, modern equipment and materials, pleasant interior. A stable client base is being formed and one hundred percent workload for each hairdresser.
  6. "Championika" - a network of football schools for children aged 4-7 years. The program is based on the training system of the German Football Association. The methodology of conducting classes is approved by child psychologists and football experts. The chosen niche is interesting and new for most regions of Russia, due to which it always has a stable demand.
  7. "" - travel agencies, whose activities are based on an innovative approach. The company's developers decided to reduce prices for most tours and automate the full cycle of service provision.
  8. "Fan-Chulan" - a network of art studios for children. It is a place where a child can spend time cognitively and usefully under the supervision of a teacher, while his parents are busy going about their business. Unlike the usual labyrinths that work on the same principle, the studios testify to safety, as children will spend time under the supervision of experienced teachers.
  9. Oldboy Barbershop is a network of men's hairdressers with its own philosophy and standards. is not just a barber shop, it is a whole philosophy, a real men's club.
  10. Sushi Food is an Asian cuisine and fast food store operating in the takeaway segment. Mobility, flexibility, a democratic franchise agreement, short payback periods make this company relevant for development both in a metropolis and in a small town.

Franchise cost and payback period (approximate data obtained based on an analysis of existing enterprises):

Name of the franchisor

The size of the initial investment

Payback periods

Legal Supermarket "CVD" 230-440 thousand rubles up to 6 months
iCharge from 35 thousand rubles from 1 month
"Orange Elephant" 365 thousand rubles 4-6 months
"Personal Solution" 179-599 thousand rubles 2-5 months
"STRAINS ARE OK" 299-500 thousand rubles 4-6 months
"Champion" 220 thousand - 1.5 million rubles. from 4 months
"" 390-800 thousand rubles 3-7 months
"Fan-Chulan" 300-700 thousand rubles 4-7 months
oldboy barbershop from 750 thousand rubles 6-8 months
"Sushi Food" 499-700 thousand rubles from 3.5 months

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As you can see, today in Russia there are many options to open a franchise business, and in various fields. To make a decision, it is necessary to make a deep analysis of the selected region. Perhaps the catering segment has long been satiated, and the provision of legal services will be in demand and successful. The main thing is that some of the risks that young entrepreneurs face at the start can be minimized by detailed instructions from the franchisor, comprehensive support, the ability to work on behalf of famous brand which enjoys a good reputation.

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View from the outside

"Companies launch franchises for small towns"

Nina Semina, founder of the franchise catalog

“In 2017, low-cost franchises (up to 700,000 rubles of expenses for starting a business) were popular, as well as franchises in the field of medical and laboratory diagnostics, children's education, beauty and catering. Decrease in demand for franchises in the field retail clothing and footwear, and demand for color cosmetics franchises has grown: in early 2017, we saw an increase in demand for Flormar, NYX Professional Makeup and the Russian brand Mixit. The trend is also the segment of franchising, built on the sale of food, drinks, household goods for low prices(Galamart, Fix Price, Home Market).

More and more operating franchisors are launching as a separate franchise format for small towns. Previously, everyone wanted to develop networks in millionaires, but there is already strong competition in most markets. In small towns, competition is not so high, but they need Special offers with a minimum investment. On the other hand, many Russian successful franchisors are starting to enter international market- to the countries of the post-Soviet space, to Europe and China. This is mainly typical for the catering segment (Chocolate Girl, Gelateria Plombir, Dodo Pizza, etc.). ,>

Among the new areas of franchising in 2017 are EMS fitness, Mind games, virtual reality, aggregators (for example, Fasten taxi aggregator). An interesting trend is the development of multi-franchising, when people purchase several different franchises at once.

According to forecasts for 2018, we expect the emergence of franchises in the field of services and goods for animals (Medvet animal clinics have already appeared), interesting regional concepts for fast food franchises, the development of the “with a twist” restaurant segment, the beauty and health segment, IT franchises, as well as franchises targeted at the younger generation.

"The typical franchise buyer is the middle manager"

Philip Gureev, co-owner of the consulting company Deloshop

“We are seeing a slight increase in demand for franchises in the range of 5-10% per year. At the same time, many new franchise players are emerging. Many of them quickly cease their activities. As a rule, these are small companies from the regions that have opened two or three points in their own country and now expect to conquer the whole of Russia with their concept. Basically, these are services and catering with starting investments from 1-2 million rubles. However, if a business does well in one city, this does not mean at all that it will be successful at the federal level. In general, there are many more new concepts and ideas on the market than franchise buyers.

As usual, children's centers, football schools, medical laboratories, etc. are in demand. The network is successfully developing (No. 20. - RBC) from Metro Cash & Carry - many owners of unnamed convenience stores prefer to work under the wing of a large chain.

A typical franchise buyer in 2017 is a middle manager who has up to 5 million rubles. As a rule, he views the franchise as a way to get passive income. Deposit rates have fallen, real estate is not getting more expensive, so they want to start some kind of business. At the same time, they often trust his wives, relatives, hired managers, which, of course, is a mistake. The less the owner is involved in the franchise business, the greater his chances of losing money. Sometimes it's easier to buy already ready business“It will cost more than a franchise, but there are fewer risks.”