What you need to have to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Necessary requirements and documents for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. What you need to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

  • 16.05.2020

When choosing a worthy profession, many are interested in how to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Applicants are attracted to this area for various reasons: the need to help others, the thirst for risk, the satisfaction of ambitions, self-affirmation, social guarantees.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia directs the rescue operations of the country, including actions in disaster areas, at hazardous facilities. The rescue of the victims, the elimination of undesirable consequences are put at the forefront.

Particularly in demand are the actions of the rescue service in ensuring safety on the water, in case of fires. Employees have the right to bear arms.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army

With pleasure they take young men who have an army behind them into the rescue services, since their physical form is more developed.

But a military ID in itself is not a kind of pass for work in the rescue service, as some believe.

Testing of people who served in the Russian army is carried out on a general basis. Only field engineers and sappers are in a privileged position. When comparing the presence of military training with excellent physical shape, the second will be a priority.

What you need for admission to the Ministry of Emergency Situations - requirements for candidates

The selection of employees is based on the results of the competition.

Mandatory requirements for applicants:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age limit from 18 to 40 years.

An applicant for a position in the rescue service must have moral and physical endurance, be able to show strength, endurance, resistance to stress, and readiness to act in harsh conditions.

The personality of the applicant must have the following qualities:

  • decisiveness, courage;
  • attentiveness, concentration;
  • discipline, responsibility;
  • responsiveness;
  • dexterity;
  • optimism, ability to work in a team.

Everyone who wants to work in the rescue service must understand and accept the nuances of this complex activity.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for a girl

There are no gender restrictions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Of course, the tasks assigned to the rescue service are more within the power of the male sex.

But girls can also become employees in this system. In addition, the standards for the weaker sex are lower.

An important component of the work is the maintenance of documentation, the preparation of reports, and the work with telephone calls.

The most suitable positions for a girl are:

  • psychologist;
  • nurses;
  • photographer
  • dispatcher.

A woman dispatcher is able to quickly determine the degree of danger of a situation, to clearly navigate the choice of a liquidation group (employee).

Important information for women when submitting a resume to the Ministry of Emergency Situations:

  • psychological, legal, medical education;
  • clarity of diction, quality of hearing;
  • planning skills.

Physical indicators for women are not particularly important, but more attention is paid to knowledge of the basics of psychology.

What education is needed to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Special knowledge and skills are essential to fulfill the duties of a rescuer. Certificate of Completion high school- a minimum for getting into the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

You can acquire an officer rank only after studying at the academy.

Where to get an education

There are specialized universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They can be found on the website in the "education and training" tab.

At the end of the 9th grade, you can go to colleges:

  • fire and rescue (Moscow, St. Petersburg);
  • Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (at the Academy of Civil Protection).

At the end of the 11th grade, you can enter any higher institution with the specialty "Rescuer".

Educational institutions that can be entered after grade 11:

  • Academy of Fire Service (PS) in Moscow - academygps.ru;
  • PS University in St. Petersburg - igps.ru;
  • PS institutes in Vologda - psvolobl.ru;
  • in Ivanovo - edufire37.ru.

Passing scores based on the results of the exam are determined annually. Upon admission, psychological monitoring and compliance with sports standards are required. The list of exams includes the entrance minimum of physical training:

  • strength exercises in the complex;
  • hundred meters;
  • pull-up.

Good to know: upon admission to the correspondence department, physical standards are not surrendered.

Much attention is also paid to professional and psychological selection. Studying in institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is considered prestigious and promising. There are few such establishments in Russia, so the passing score is quite high.

What are the obstacles to working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

Good health and excellent physical fitness are not yet a guarantee of service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

There are a number of factors that make service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations impossible:

  • a criminal record;
  • serious deviations in health;
  • lack of citizenship of the Russian Federation or dual citizenship;
  • drug/alcohol addiction;
  • psychological instability;
  • providing false information.

The work of a close relative in the position of a leader (subordinate) is not allowed.

Lifeguards are in high demand these days. Before choosing it for yourself, it is important to weigh your capabilities, abilities, and assess the risks.

Particular attention should be paid to special education, good physical shape and psychological readiness.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations attracts many. Firstly, being a lifeguard is very prestigious, and secondly, full state provision guarantees a stable future. But how to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Where should you apply? What is needed for this? And how difficult is it to master this profession?

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a hero who always comes first to the rescue. However, only a few are born with such power - the rest are nurtured by experienced mentors. Therefore, answering the first question, let's say that it is simply impossible to get into the Ministry of Emergency Situations without the necessary preparation.

But where to find a person who can teach the necessary skills? Well, everything is quite simple here - you need to get a specialized education. The Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or any other similar educational institution is capable of giving it. Fortunately, in our country there are seven large institutions involved in the training of fighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. At the same time, they will gladly accept both men and women into their ranks. The main thing is that the applicants should be ready for severe trials and successfully pass the entrance exams.

The best educational institutions of the country

If you are thinking about how to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you need to know where rescuers are trained. Therefore, let's give a small list of educational institutions that are able to give a person the skills of a precessional Ministry of Emergency Situations nickname.

So, it is here that the best rescuers of our country are trained:

  1. Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia. On the this moment it is one of the most prestigious educational institutions. It is within its walls that students receive the most recent and relevant knowledge aimed at protecting people.
  2. Academy of State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia. Despite the fact that this institution is one step lower than its predecessor, its graduates can still safely count on the frontline lifeguard positions.
  3. State Institute of Fire Service in Ivanovo. A good choice for those who doubt that there will be a tough selection for the academy. It is here that you can get both higher and secondary technical education.
  4. Institute of State Fire Service in St. Petersburg. Not everyone can afford to get an education in the capital of Russia. Therefore, there is an excellent alternative for them, which is in no way inferior to Moscow universities.
  5. Fire-technical Voronezh School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Perhaps this is one of the best educational institutions that provide secondary technical education.
  6. Moscow Fire College. The youngest and still the only full-fledged college of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia.

Specializations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

At the moment, the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations implies many narrowly focused specializations. In addition to rescuers and firefighters, the service needs professional doctors, engineers, miners, psychologists and lawyers.

Therefore, everyone who wants to join the ranks of the fighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations must decide what role he wants to play in the future. And only after that choose the narrow specialization in which he will study at the university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

How to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations (university) and what exams should be taken upon admission?

As in any other educational institution, when entering the university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to pass exams. Compulsory subjects are Russian, mathematics and physics. In addition, the list of entrance exams may vary depending on the characteristics of the educational institution, as well as the specialization chosen by the student.

For example, an engineer fire safety you will have to complete written assignments in the Russian language, mathematics and physics. But MES-nicknames with a legal bias need to write an essay, as well as show their knowledge of social science and the history of Russia.

In addition, the rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a person with excellent physical fitness. Therefore, in addition to the generally accepted exams, applicants will also have to pass strength standards. Moreover, this rule applies to both men and women, regardless of the specific direction chosen.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, bypassing specialized education?

Few people know that a university or academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not the only way to get into the service of this department. And to be more precise, it is quite possible to bypass specialized education by obtaining a law degree or medical degree.

So, quite often, graduates of law schools are taken to the position of civil service officer. That is, you will have to become an expert in dealing with complaints from victims or employees of the Department of Administrative Work. You can also try your luck and try to get a position as a chief specialist in the legal department. However, there is one big minus - there are no guarantees that you will be able to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, even after successfully graduating from a law school. Indeed, today many fire-technical educational institutions have their own department of jurisprudence.

The work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is inextricably linked with human casualties. Therefore, in the ranks of rescuers there are always those who have a medical education. Consequently, those who graduated from a medical institute or college can safely apply for a position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The main disadvantage is the duration of training, and therefore this option is suitable only for those who have already finally decided to link their fate with doctoral practice.

Preliminary check of all rescuers

All employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are strong people in body and spirit. Otherwise, they will not be able to properly perform their duties. Therefore, before accepting a new candidate for the ranks of the fighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he is carefully checked according to two indicators.

  • Physical state. Initially, everyone who wants to become a rescuer goes through a tough medical commission. It will show whether a person can withstand the physical stress that awaits him ahead. In addition, if a person has serious health problems, then he will be denied an attempt to become an MES nickname.
  • Psychological resilience. Good health alone is not enough to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations. A future fighter must endure emotional pressure and stress so as not to let his team down in the future. They check the psychological stability of candidates with the help of an interview and a number of special tests.

Therefore, before applying to the personnel department, check your physical and emotional state. Thus, you will have time to work on yourself and correct current problems, if possible.

Special requirements for employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

What else do you need to know about how to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations? First of all, it is necessary to remember the criteria that guide the personnel departments. And although there are few of them, they are all strictly regulated by Russian law. Therefore, all candidates for the position of lifeguard are required to:

  1. Be of legal age, but their age should not exceed 40 years. (An exception is those who wish to enter a technical school or university. In this case, the threshold is reduced to 17 years).
  2. Have excellent physical and mental fitness.
  3. Be citizens of the Russian Federation.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for girls and women

For obvious reasons, girls are not taken to the emergency response team. Nevertheless, the role of the beautiful half of humanity can hardly be overestimated, because it is they who often coordinate all rescue operations. In this regard, let's look at other positions that are more likely to be filled by women.

  • The dispatcher of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is the eyes and ears of the entire rescue team. It is he who first responds to a distress call and makes those key decisions, thanks to which a team of EMERCOM fighters leaves for the place.
  • The psychologist is another important representative of the rescuers. This specialist always accompanies his team and, if necessary, helps the victims to recover from the resulting emotional shock.
  • Also, women, without a shadow of a doubt, are taken as field doctors, since in this case, the skills that are available are more important than the physical component.

In addition to all of the above, girls can count on the position of a civil service officer, laboratory assistant, forensic scientist or photographer.

Every day, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, risking their own health, and sometimes their lives, help us in emergency situations. The job is not easy, but at the same time very humane, prestigious and with a good salary. Therefore, many want to join the ranks of brave rescuers. How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations for work? Let's try to figure it out.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: vacancies and requirements

The requirements for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are quite high. It is necessary to pass a certain competitive selection. First you need to get an appointment with the head of the personnel department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in your area. Take care of the standard package of documents in advance: passport, high school diploma, higher educational institution, military ID. You will be offered free vacancies, if among them there are those that interest you, you write an application, and a special commission will consider your candidacy. In order to significantly increase your chances and earn extra points, also prepare a certificate of family members, a certificate of no criminal record, references from a previous job, diplomas of graduation from a sports school or attendance at specialized courses, etc. Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is quite stressful, so you will definitely have to pass the necessary psychological tests. If you meet all the requirements, then a medical commission awaits you, and then certification. Do not forget to tighten the physical standards.

How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after school

In the list of requirements for most vacancies in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a special line is indicated - service in the army. Therefore, immediately after school, you most likely will not be able to get into the service. Although some jobs do not require it, there is a strong possibility that you will still be called to serve. Therefore, if you plan to become a specialist in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the future, it is best to serve in the army, and then get a job. Also try to pull up the main subjects, actively go in for sports, go through a medical examination. This will help you when applying for a job and during the service itself. After graduation, you will be able to take part in the competition for admission to specialized universities of this ministry, after which your chances of getting into the Ministry of Emergency Situations will immediately increase.

How to get into the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army

If you have served in the army and want to get into the Ministry of Emergency Situations for work, then you need to contact the personnel department. Here you present your military ID and the necessary package of documents. You should be provided with a list of vacancies from which you can choose the right one. This is followed by a medical examination, checking you and your loved ones for criminal records and drives to the police. You will also have to pass psychological tests, which are checked by psychologists according to special criteria. Preference is given to masters of sports, candidates for masters, sportsmen. Serious obstacles to service can be chronic diseases or deviations in health status. If there was no free vacancy for you, do not be upset, become a reserve. With a military service, a good background, letters of recommendation, and good health, you may well get to work a little later.

As you can see, getting a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not so difficult. You need to set the right goal for yourself and strive for it by any means.

Everyone who has set himself the task of getting a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation or in a department controlled by him must be prepared for a serious competitive selection. The presence of excellent physical shape and good health is not a guarantee of success and a guarantee of employment: each applicant must have a number of equally important personal characteristics and qualities.

Applicants must be ready to help the population in the most difficult life situations: during natural disasters, man-made disasters, and not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but throughout the world, therefore, in addition to physical training, psychological characteristics and theoretical knowledge in related industries are important.

Lifeguards are a highly sought after profession. The ranks of rescuers are constantly replenished with young and promising personnel.

Information about vacancies in the capital and regions is posted on the website of the department and its territorial divisions.

In addition, information about vacancies in the ranks of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is regularly updated in the employment services.

Key requirements for employment

Each candidate applying for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations must confirm his professional suitability for work in this department.

Recruitment will be hindered by the following factors:

  • provision of false documents or inaccurate information;
  • lack of citizenship of the Russian Federation (with the exception of a number of cases specified in federal legislative acts);
  • the presence of health problems that may interfere with the performance of professional duties;
  • the presence of administrative penalties or a criminal record (including conditional);
  • the presence of close relatives in related positions.

In the presence of one or more of these factors, employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be impossible. If we talk about the key requirements that apply to candidates, in addition to the absence of the above circumstances, there are several more factors.

These include:

  • compliance with age criteria (on average - from 18 to 40 years);
  • excellent health, good physical data;
  • the presence of education and specialization corresponding to vacant positions (an advantage will be the education of a driver, fireman, rescuer, diver, etc.);
  • providing a full package of required documents and confirmation of consent to the processing of personal data;
  • successful completion of the test.

Men must have a military ID.

As a rule, employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is allowed after military service - specialists who have undergone such training are willingly hired.

How candidates are screened

If the applicant for employment vacant position meets the necessary requirements, he is invited to take the test.

Service specialists responsible for the employment of newcomers check the applicant's physical and professional readiness to work in the structure. In addition, the psychological stability and behavior of the candidate for a vacancy in a stressful situation is checked.

Psychological testing is given Special attention, because during the work, rescuers often face human grief and see what not everyone can endure.

In this regard, the candidate for the vacancy passes the following tests:

  • multifactorial testing (for example, Luscher color testing, Leri's social questionnaire, etc.);
  • narrow-profile testing (performed by psychologists of the service using various methods, for example, according to the developments of B. Bass).

After passing the test, the psychologist of the service conducts an additional individual interview with the candidate. In some cases, the interview is conducted using a polygraph. As a rule, testing of the candidate is carried out within a few hours. One part of the tasks is performed in a group together with other applicants for vacancies, the second part is done individually.

What documents are needed for employment

The package of documents that is submitted when applying for a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is relatively small.

The list of required documents includes:

  • civil passport of the candidate;
  • a document confirming that the candidate has received a secondary special or higher education);
  • military ID (relevant for men);
  • work book (if the candidate has one).

In addition, depending on the position for which the candidate is applying, some other documents may be required (driver's license, certificate confirming the completion of medical courses, and others).

If the applicant has documents that confirm any personal achievements, they can also be included in the general package of documents for submission. These documents may be recommendations or positive characteristics from previous jobs, sports certificates, certificates indicating advanced training or the acquisition of additional skills.

The candidate must be confident in himself and in his abilities, positively different from other applicants. He must try to make good impression to the selection committee or a specialist responsible for hiring new personnel.

The procedure for filing documents and employment

There are two ways to join the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The first involves preliminary training in a specialized college or university, which guarantees subsequent employment. The second method involves an independent search for vacancies, submission of documents and passing the test.

The procedure for this looks like this:

  • search for vacancies on the Internet or by visiting the department in person;
  • preparing a package of documents and submitting it to personnel service organizations;
  • verification of documents by specialists responsible for the reception of employees;
  • with all required documents- passing the test;
  • interview with the service psychologist;
  • passing a medical examination;
  • internship and certification with subsequent enrollment in the state.

If there are several applicants for the same position, the candidate who has shown the best results and most closely matches the advertised vacancy is selected.

The decisive factor may be the courage of the candidate, his desire to serve people and save them from disasters - if he has such qualities, he will be very happy at the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Note that service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is available not only for men, but also for women. The latter, for example, can get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations as a psychologist or nurse. If you have a specialized education, this is quite easy to do.