How to advertise medical services in a year. Medical advertising and promotion of medical services on the Internet. Don't get distracted while driving

  • 13.11.2019

The "Father of Advertising" David Ogilvy credits his contemporary Howard Gossage with the following quote: " Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest, it is too powerful a tool to be used solely for commercial purposes.". We agree with this statement, so we publish for you a selection with effective social advertising.

Torture victims are people like you and me.

Stop Violence: Don't Drink and Drive

Premature ending: "If you smoke, according to statistics, your story will end 15% prematurely."

WWF: It's scary. And this is even scarier.

Your skin color shouldn't dictate the future.

As we turn the page the deforestation continues


Elm Grove Police Department: Radar combined with social advertising. The scoreboard displays the speed of a car passing by and the message "46 days in the hospital." Slogan: The slower the better

Save paper - save the planet

Polluted air kills 60,000 people a year

Sympathy doesn't help. Become a volunteer. Change your life

Protect the Birds: Don't Throw Trash

What do we see when you smoke

Anti-violence. Animal Welfare League: This is not football

Bangalore City Traffic Police: Don't talk while driving

Child Soldiers: It's Not Happening Here, But It's Happening Now

Art Director Pius Walker, Amnesty International, Switzerland

Censorship is lying

Don't get distracted while driving

Every 60 seconds a species dies out. Every minute counts

Innocence in danger: Where is the pedophile?

Art director: Michael Argüello. Copywriter: Bassam Tariq. Additional photos: Jason Musante

Sexual Predators May Be Hiding in Your Child's Smartphone

Smoking leads to premature aging

You are not a sketch. Say no to anorexia

Abandoned children feel invisible. Stop Child Abuse

Australian Childhood Foundation, JWT Melbourne

Global Action for Animals: Plastic bags kill

Keep the sea clean

Distance is not worth it. Pass the truck

Marine Conservation Society (SSCS): When you see a tuna, think of a panda

Sleep is stronger than you. Don't drive when drowsy

See how easy it is to feed the hungry?

Cause cancer on your own

Deforestation and the air we breathe: before it's too late

For the homeless, every day is a struggle

Warning beer mug: Please don't lose control of your drinking

One of the children is holding something forbidden in America. Guess what exactly?

Bra with information about breast cancer

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  • use the image of medical workers;
  • advertise medical services for artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • use links to specific cases of curing diseases, improving the state of human health as a result of the use of the object of advertising;
  • individuals to express gratitude in connection with the use of the object of advertising;
  • Assert or assume that advertising consumers have certain diseases or health disorders.

If we single out the most common mistakes, then in most cases the wrong pictures are chosen for teasers and banners.


According to the requirement of the Ministry of Health, each medical organization should be a website.

Appendix No. 1 to Order 956n says that the official websites of medical organizations must have reviews, working specialists, contacts, rights and obligations of patients, contacts of regulatory authorities, etc.

It is also necessary to comply with the law on personal data. For this you need:

  • Add a personal data policy (PD) to the site.
  • Send data from all forms only with consent to the processing of PD.
  • Prepare internal documents about data storage.
  • Send a notification to Roskomnadzor that your company is a PD operator.


The whole of 2017 was filled with news about telemedicine. On July 29, 2017, the term "telemedicine" appeared in the legislation, which provided explanations regarding remote consultations and electronic medical documents. The law came into force on January 1, 2018, but left many unclear points.

For medical centers this law provides new opportunities in attracting patients. Now the patient does not have to come for a second consultation or go to the clinic with a simple problem. You can do everything remotely, even write a prescription for some types of medicines. At proper organization modern clinics will be able to use this to their advantage.

However, there is also a negative effect. Clinics have a lot of non-core competitors ready to work like a marketplace or virtual clinics. Yandex, Sberbank, MTS, Doc+, Doctor at work, Pediatrician24/7, and many others have started actively recruiting doctors for remote consultations and promoting their services. Services that position themselves as a virtual clinic will be especially competitive. These companies operate under a medical license and hire doctors. Such a company, for example, plans to become Yandex.Health.

Advertising channels

Search promotion (seo)

In the past year, we have seen many clinic leaders abandon this channel because of the cost and unpredictability. However, it is one of the most converting channels. With proper promotion, you can significantly increase the number of patients and increase the conversion of the site. Especially in regions where competition is not yet so high.

The average conversion rate for our clients was 8-10%. Which is generally a good indicator.

I recommend paying attention to the semantics and usability of the site. It is better to expand the semantic core not only with target queries by type<направление-город>or<врач-город>but also queries related to symptoms and diseases.

contextual advertising


You can use search networks and YAN. However, it should be noted that such a popular tool as retargeting is prohibited in Yandex for medical services.

A few budget saving tips:

  1. Show geo-targeted ads (near the clinic).
  2. If you do not have a diagnostic center, then it is better to exclude ultrasound advertising. It eats up most of the budget and has a low conversion rate.
  3. Indicate the address / district / metro in the ad.
  4. Specify the cost of the service.
  5. Specify promotions in ads or in additional links.


  • Hashtags

They gained new popularity when it became possible to subscribe to them. Create your stories for hashtags and run on subscribers. Or you can launch your own special project on popular tags.

  • Stories

Instagram stories appeared a few years ago, but have already gained a lot of popularity. The essence of stories is the publication of photos or short videos from life, which are deleted after 24 hours. As planned, this functionality reveals the details of everyday life, and only high-quality content remains in the main feed.

  • Live

Basically, it's like a webinar. The doctor of the clinic turns on the camera and talks about the disease or prevention live. Anyone can connect to the broadcast at any time. If you pre-announce live broadcast among subscribers, you can increase coverage.

In contact with

  • Community post promotion

With Facebook announcing a reduction in the visibility of posts from the community to 2% in the main feed this year, promotion is becoming more of a necessity.

You can use pictures, text and video. Promote the most interesting publications with a link to the site.


  • Classmates
  • My world
  • and partner sites


It is the world's most popular video service and is slowly evolving into a new social network. Video is rapidly gaining popularity every year. If you believe the statistics, then for the younger generation (under 25 years old), video becomes a priority over text. That is why video bloggers are so popular now.

  • Google Display Network
  • Sponsorship of bloggers

Functions of advertising in health care:
- informational - a link in the medical services market between the manufacturer of medical services and the consumer;
-positive psychological perception medical service (goods) by the buyer (patient);
- cultural and social impact on the whole society (provided that it is a civilized advertisement).
The task of advertising is not only to inform about the product, services, medical goods, but also to evoke the necessary consumer reaction.
The main stages of the advertising of medical facilities are:
1) setting goals and objectives of advertising;
2) establishing responsibility (decide who is responsible for advertising - your own advertising division or an external advertising agency);
3) choice of distribution channels for advertising messages;
4) development of an advertising message;
5) sizing Money required for advertising;
6) evaluation of the effectiveness of the program promotional activities.
For advertising to be effective, you must:
- inform potential patients that this service is provided in your institution, that the methods of its provision have specific advantages, that it will be provided at the indicated address, at a certain price;
- make the patient think about the possibility of using this service, arguing in favor of such an "acquisition" (rational advertising);
- arouse the desire to use this service, cause mental representations of its results.
The ultimate goal of advertising related to the provision of paid medical services is considered to be an increase in the income of a medical organization. But in advertising policy, you can set more specific tasks:
- formation in patients of a certain level of knowledge about the medical service;
- formation of a certain image of a medical organization in patients;
- encouragement of consumers to apply to this medical organization;
- encouraging consumers to receive a specific medical service;
- formation of partnerships with other medical organizations.
When choosing the type of advertising, you need to determine the category of patients it is aimed at. For example, advertising of expensive medical services (cosmetic, service, etc.) can be placed in expensive printed publications.
But with all this, it must be remembered that advertising medical preparations and services should not ultimately harm the consumer. Here we mean anti-advertising. It must be clearly remembered that:
- only duly registered medicines and nutritional supplements may be subject to advertising;
- only non-prescription drugs (30% of the identified precedents are advertising of prescription drugs, mainly antibiotics, hormonal drugs and antidepressants);
- in advertising it is impossible to refer to the recommendations of doctors, pharmacists, medical institutions and public medical organizations, as well as persons not involved in medicine, who, due to their fame, can induce the uncontrolled use of medicines;
- advertising should not be misleading that you can do without consulting doctors, using "miraculous" drugs (an example of advertising "Panadol": the child has a temperature, but do not worry, and it does not matter what the temperature is: from a cold or exacerbation of appendicitis);
- advertising should be full-fledged and contain all the pros and cons of the application, not forgetting about side effects (an example is the same Panadol);
- advertising should not make it clear that the safety and effectiveness of a product is guaranteed by the fact that it is a natural or herbal product;
- advertising cannot contain therapeutic recommendations for diseases such as tuberculosis, venereal diseases and AIDS, infectious diseases that, if self-treated, can develop into epidemics, as well as oncological diseases, metabolic diseases, diabetes, mental illness;
- advertisements for prevention and hygiene products should not guarantee the full effect and cause a feeling of fear when refusing to take the drug (for example, McLeans toothpaste, claiming that the use of only this toothpaste provides guarantees against tooth loss, implying gingevitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease; or an advertisement for shark cartilage-extra claims that "... by the end of the century in Russia, death from cancer will be recorded every minute and a half ..." and there is a description of the effectiveness of the drug "blocking the growth of neoplasms").
It is quite difficult to combine economic and social interests in healthcare. For example, private medical institutions have obligations to shareholders, they must ensure a rate of return comparable to that in other industries, raise additional capital, pay for loans and interest on them, etc., so shareholders and managers of private clinics cannot afford allow the maintenance of unprofitable diagnostic and treatment units. In addition, the global scope of health care makes it necessary to choose the necessary social priorities - for example, the development of disease prevention or measures to protect maternal and child health, etc. However, in the healthcare system, despite the impact market economy, the influence of social factors prevails, and only then come economic ones, especially if we talk about emergency and emergency care. As a result, the issue of using the principles and approaches of social marketing in healthcare is especially relevant. A variety of types of institutions in healthcare and the alternative forms of meeting needs only enhance the potential of healthcare, and are an important means of implementing social policy.

Questions for self-control: 1.
Give the concept of advertising and its meaning. 2.
Describe the main features of advertising. 3.
List the purpose of the advertisement. four.
Give the classification of advertising in accordance with the accepted criteria. 5.
List regulations governing advertising activities. 6.
Give examples of subjects of advertising activities. 7.
List the objectives of advertising policy in health care. eight.
Name the stages advertising company LPU. 9.
What are the features of promotional activities in health care, the combination of economic and social interests of healthcare facilities.

The sphere of medical services has specific advertising techniques that work exclusively to promote medical services. However, these advertising techniques can only work in a certain area of ​​medicine.

The field of medical advertising is also peculiar in that it is quite difficult to depict the subject of services in pictures. If, for example, we advertise chocolate, then it is enough to depict (with visual advertising) a bar of chocolate, air bubbles, etc., but imagine that you need to advertise a gynecologist or urologist, while this should be visual advertising. The advertising manager of a medical organization is also faced with the fact that it is necessary to solve professional problems with doctors working in this organization. So, for example, if a doctor writes an article or gives an interview not of a scientific nature, but of a popular one, then the advertising manager is simply obliged to check this performance and bring it into line with the perception of an ordinary person who does not understand anything in medicine. Here, any advertising and public relations manager will face the opposition of a doctor.

Today (especially on weekends) there are a lot of programs with a medical bias. Most of them look like horror stories for the layman. Excellent specialists in the studios speak a professional language with people who are watching TV at home at this time and do not understand anything in terminology, and I just want to say: “Gentlemen, doctors, how long we and our children have left to live after your terrible words.” You begin to wonder whether they are specifically frightening you so that you run to one or another center and pay money for an examination, or whether you are really already terminally ill and it remains to save money for a funeral. It is unlikely that advertising managers of medical institutions want to achieve such a result.

Inappropriate advertising in the field of medicine is dangerous primarily because of its numerous omissions. Any child knows that "a drop of nicotine kills a horse", but advertising prefers not to report contraindications to the use and side effects of medicines. Medicines differ from other products in that they do not have the usual unified rules for use that are the same for children, adults and the elderly. Even the instructions for use cannot replace an individual consultation with a doctor. A person cannot diagnose himself and prescribe treatment. Advertising for medical products and services often promotes self-medication where it is unacceptable, or surgery is needed, replacement medical treatment services of charlatans, healers, witches, sorcerers, shamans.

We need to attract people to the clinics, but at the same time not to scare them or offend them. This is where the question arises: How to do it professionally, not intrusively and, if possible, with a minimal advertising budget.

The specificity of goods and services related to medicine and health makes us consider their advertising not only from the point of view of commerce, but also through the prism of public and personal safety of citizens. In the legislation of many countries in Europe, Asia and America, the regulation of advertising of medical products and services is carried out by special laws or acts related to the healthcare sector. This legislation establishes stricter rules for advertising medical services, medical products, medicines, which differ from advertising of other products.