Sports scenario of the day of health in the dow. Health Day at DOW. Scenario of the sports and music festival “We want to be healthy! Health Day. Scenarios of entertainment and events - Synopsis of the sports festival "Mom, dad, I am a healthy family!" for kids

  • 13.11.2019

(Scenario for conducting game program on the playground after watching a festive concert).

Q: We have health day today!

Want to be healthy

Who can answer me?

(The host asks leading questions to children and adults, answers: you need to brush your teeth, do exercises, eat right, etc.)

Q: And now, dear children, guess the riddles soon!

  1. When spring takes its toll and the streams run ringing, I jump over her, and she over me! (Jump rope);
  2. They hit me unbearably on my empty stomach, the players accurately pour in, cuffs kick me (ball);

B: To make your cheeks glow with a fervent blush

So that you never, never get sick

So that health is higher in order, -

Always start your morning with a workout!

Game - warm-up "Deer" (the guys repeat the movements for the leader, each time speeding them up)

  • Ahead is a high forest (look from under the palm into the distance);
  • A big deer lives there (hands crossed on his head);
  • He has a furry nose (fingers move under his nose, like the legs of a crab);
  • He walks every day (walk);
  • Gray hare under a bush (sat down);
  • He hid like a spy (they folded their palms with binoculars);
  • And listens (palm at the ear to the right and left);
  • Who is jumping like an elephant? (jumps).

B: teams of 10 people. Come up with a name and motto and start the game. The first relay, which will include three games, will be called "Rapid Help!" One of you is a future doctor and it is never too late to practice the skill of helping a person! We can easily master three professions now: a nurse, a therapist, a surgeon!

  1. "Nurse". One of the functions of a nurse is the preparation and preservation of medicines and medical instruments. Task: you need to unwind and twist neatly 10 meters of a bandage (it can be elastic). Each team has two people.
  2. "Therapists". Therapists are known to treat internal organs non-surgical methods. Your task is to add up the “cardiogram of the heart”. We fold a paper cut heart, the more small details there are, the more interesting. (The whole team participates).
  3. "Surgeons". Surgeons perform surgical operations. And we will deal with the fact that we will pour water from one glass into another with a syringe! (The whole team participates).

Q: And now let's play the Hungarian game "Harang" invented by her Hungarian children. "Harang" means "Bell" in translation. The game is round dance, fun, it has elements of running and fighting. Flags are placed along the edges. The distance from the center of the site to the flags is 50-60 meters. This is if older guys are busy in the game. Or 20-30 meters, when the younger ones take part in the game. Near the flag, which stand on the edges of the site, they put a prize. It can be a toy, a souvenir - a prize that will go to the one who wins the races of this game.

The players, holding hands, form a round dance. In a round dance they sing, dance, moving clockwise. And in the opposite direction, inside the round dance, the leader moves. The round dance is a bell, the leaders are the tongue of the bell. The driver's task is to choose a convenient moment to dive under the hands of the dancers in a round dance or break their chain and have time to run to the flag where the prize lies. But the dance is not lost.

As soon as the driver escaped, they run after him. The one who caught the driver takes his place. The game is restarted. When there are many players, instead of one, there are four drivers. If at least one of the drivers managed to reach the flag, the prizes go to him and his comrades. All four leaders become in a round dance, they choose new leaders. New souvenirs are placed near the flags. But if the players in the circle caught one of the drivers, while none of the drivers managed to reach the goal, take the prize, they all return to the circle. They drive again.

Game "Fishing rod"

The teams are in circles. The driver in the center of the circle takes the rope by the free end, and at its other end - a weight. At the signal of the teacher, the driver begins to twist the rope on the ground. The players jump up so that the rope does not touch their legs. Game options: players can take different starting positions: sideways, back, crouching, etc. The game starts only at the signal of the host. The player hit by the rope is out of the circle. The team that has fewer players out of the circle in a certain time allotted for the game wins.

The game "Squirrels, nuts, cones"

First, you need to choose a driver by agreement or a rhyme. All other children are divided into threes and hold hands, forming a circle. Each three is one "squirrel's nest". Children in triplets agree among themselves who will be who: “squirrel”, “nut” or “bump”. Each "squirrel's nest" should contain one "squirrel", one "bump" and one "nut"! The driver does not have his own "nest". He calls out to one of the "inhabitants" of the "squirrel's nest". For example, the driver shouts: "Cones!". All "bumps" must leave their "nests" and change places with another "bump". The driver tries to take one of the vacant seats. If he succeeded, then he becomes a “bump”, and the child who did not have enough space becomes the driver. An adult can take on the role of leader. Without taking part in the game, he himself will name which "characters" - "squirrels", "bumps" or "nuts" - should change places. If you are playing this children's outdoor game on the street, where it is spacious enough, then you can give the command to change at once two, or even all three "inhabitants" of the "squirrel's nests". That is, the triplets of children must completely mix. Usually, such a "surprise" with a complete change of "nests" causes squealing, laughter and confusion. But you should not abuse it, but use it only occasionally, as a surprise.

Game "Laughter"

Plays any number of participants. All participants in the game, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center - the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up, while it flies to the ground, everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief is on the ground - everyone subsides. As soon as the handkerchief touched the ground, this is where laughter begins, and we take a phantom from the funniest ones - this is a song, a verse, etc.

Hoop jumping game

Two teams. The team leader has a hoop in his hands. At the leader’s signal, he begins to jump through the hoop from the team to the chair opposite, rounding it, returns to the team and passes the hoop to the next player, etc. Who is faster. The game is played with music.

Game "Russian squat"

Two teams of five or six people play, they are built in columns, at the back of each other's head. Everyone squats down - this is the starting position.

  • On the count of “one”, everyone throws their right foot forward.
  • "Two" - return to the starting position.
  • "Three" - jump up, pushing off with both legs.
  • "Four" - squat down.
  • "Five" - ​​bring forward the left leg.
  • "Six" - take a starting position.
  • "Seven" - jump up, pushing off with both legs.
  • "Eight" - squat down again.

Whose team does not lose count, dances without mistakes, that one wins the dance warm-up.

The game "Run, otherwise you'll be late!"

The players stand in a circle, hold hands, and the leader slowly walks inside the circle. Suddenly, he stops near any two players, unclenches their hands and says: “Run, otherwise you will be late!” Two players start running around the circle of children in opposite directions, and the leader becomes in the circle instead of one of the players. Whoever fills the empty space in the circle first wins, the second player becomes the leader.

The game "What kind of people are these?"

The host gives the command to stand in a round dance and tells the guys to answer the questions:

- Well, guys, let's follow the order:

We lead not just a round dance,

A round dance - charging.

- In a circle, guys, stand up? - Get up!

Did they take each other by the hand? - Have taken!

Are you ready to repeat after me? - Ready!

- Repeat word for word!

“Hey, what kind of people are walking around here?”

They ran, they ran, only their heels flashed.

The first line changes during the game, the children complete the leader's task:

- Hey, what kind of people are all clapping their hands?

“Hey, what kind of people are walking backwards?”

- Hey, what kind of people beats on the knees?

— Hey, what kind of people are pulling their own ears?

- Hey, what kind of people are all jumping around?

“Hey, what kind of people are behaving by the nose?”

- Hey, what kind of people are yelling like a donkey?

And so on. Simultaneously with the words, actions are performed corresponding to the words of the line. During the second line, which does not change throughout the game, the guys, holding hands, run in a circle. The pace can be accelerated.

Q: (summing up the results of the relay race, awarding prizes to the winning team. Or friendship can win!)

It's time for idleness

carefree fun,

Come out, who is without a prize,

Let's dance three times!

The music is playing again

Again in the circle calls friends,

Again the rhythm ignites, -

Legs guys, do not be sorry!

Municipal government preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 2, Nizhneudinsk"

Scenario sports festival

"Health Day"

Compiled by:

Physical education instructor

Dyatlova D.V.

Health Day

entertainment for older kindergarten groups


To teach children from early childhood to appreciate, protect and strengthen their health.

Holiday goals:

To develop in children the ability to take care of their health.

Strengthen the health of children with various health-improving methods.

Expand and enrich children's knowledge of the health benefits of exercise.

Cultivate positive emotions and friendliness.

Leading: Guys, today we have gathered for the holiday of Health Day.

bright smile,

Friendly parade

We need to start Health Day.

Let's all shout together

Happy Health Day! Hooray! Hooray!

Who can say what it means to be healthy? (children's answers) Yes, you are right, it means not getting sick, doing sports and tempering, eating more vitamins and healthy foods. And don't sit still, move more often.

Are you ready to move and compete? (Yes)

We will check this now.

Team greetings.

Team "Healthy":

Forever faithful to the sport

Maintain health from youth

Don't cry and don't despair

Do not offend opponents

competition to love

Try to be the first in games

Team "Fortress"

Let's play sports!

Let's heat up

And don't forget to wash your hands

And celebrate health day.

Leading: and now, guys, guess the riddles

I'll start and you finish

Answer together:

1. The game is fun football, we have already scored the first ... (goal)

2. Someone quickly ran away

And without the ball flew into .... (gates)

3. On the ice, I drew a figure eight -

The coach gave me a five.

What is this sport? (figure skating)

4. "Long, not a stick, fast, not a jackdaw,

She's so fun to ride with. What is it?" (jump rope)

Leading: Well done! What other sports do you know? Name? (children's answers).

Suddenly, “Oh” in felt boots and a hat and “Ah” in sportswear run into the hall.

Oh: Oh, how tired I am! Oh how sick I am! Oh, how cold I am!

Oh: Ah, how good! Ah, I think I'm on holiday! Oh, how fun it will be!

Leading: Who you are? What is your name?

Oh: I - Ah!

Oh: I - Oh! Grabs behind the back Oh, how it hurts!

Leading: That's it! You Oh and Ah. Came to us from the cartoon.

Oh: Ah, how good!

Oh: Oh, I hit! My side hurts!

Oh falls, Ah tries to lift him by the leg, then drags him by the arm.

Oh: Yes, you sit down, look at the children, maybe you will learn how to become strong and tempered. Oh, sit down.

Oh: Listen, Oh, why are you so wrapped up? Hat, scarf. Why aren't you hot?

Oh: Oh, I'll catch a cold!

Oh: Well, take off your hat. Exercise with me.

Shows movement: One-two! One-two! Oh clumsily repeats.

Oh: Nothing works for you, let's play better with the guys.

We are not discouraged at all

We are playing a new game.

The ball rolled around

And then he stopped.

You look carefully

Freeze with the ball!

Say the right word!

The game "The ball in a circle" (children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other to the music, the music stops and whoever has the ball in his hand names a healthy fruit or vegetable).

The host addresses Ohu:

Do not be afraid that they will laugh,

Never leave your charger!

Only the one who does not cry will achieve good luck, easily, without difficulty!

Oh: Charging is useful for everyone, charging is needed for everyone,

She saves everyone from laziness and illness!

Leading: Business is time, hour is fun.

Let's start the relay.

Oh and Ah are at the head of the teams. (teams of 5-6 people)


1 relay "Stepmom and Cinderella" (in each team, the first child is Stepmother, takes a basket of cubes, runs to the landmark and pours out the cubes, and then returns and passes the basket to the next player - Cinderella. He must run to the landmark, collect the cubes and return to the team)

2 relay "Through the Eye of a Needle" (The participant runs, threads himself through the hoop, runs to the landmark, runs around it, comes back and threads the hoop through himself again, runs to the team and passes the baton).

3 relay "Lost and found"(one “shoe” is removed from all team members and placed in a pile at the landmark. In turn, each team member must run for their shoes. The team that puts on shoes faster will win)

4 relay " Fast train"

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. A flag is placed in front of each team at a distance. The first player in the team runs to the flag, runs around it and returns to the place where the next participant grabs it, and the children run to the flag together. Then they come back and take the third one, and so on, until the whole team runs around the flag. The team that finishes the game first wins.

5 relay "Looks like it's starting to rain"

This is a relay. 10 people participate.
Divide the group into two teams with an equal number of players. Each team receives a raincoat, an umbrella. At the command to march, the first person from each team runs up to a chair, puts on a raincoat, then, opening an umbrella, shouts: It seems it is starting to rain. Then he takes everything off and runs back to his team. The next player does the same.
The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

6 relay: "Who quickly"

Teams become pairs. Ahead - the leader with two hoops in the left and right hands. At a signal, two people, holding the hoops with one hand, run after the leader to the finish line. Behind the finish line, they lower the hoops, and the leader with the hoops runs to the next pair. The winner is the team whose couples are faster than the finish line.

7 relay: "Cancer Moves Back"

Teams are built, and the column one at a time. Before each team at 10-15 meters put a flag. On a signal, the first players turn around and go to the flags with their backs forward, bypassing them on the right, and in the same way - with their backs forward - returns to their place.

Leading: All teams played well

Everyone immediately became healthy.

And now guys, tell our guests proverbs and sayings about health, sports, healthy food and vitamins.

- What is food and drink - such is living

- Expect trouble from sweet food

- Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music.

- In a healthy body healthy mind.

Leading: Well done boys!

Oh and Ah: Guys, you are great fellows, we saw how you play together, compete, how fast, dexterous, resourceful you are. We want to give you such a (shrug) large vitamin (They show a large “vitamin” (round or flat like a pill).

Leading: What are you, dear Oh and Oh. Your vitamin, although large, but one, is not enough for all children. You leave it to yourself, and our manager will present certificates to the children for participating in competitions at the Health Day holiday.

Oh and Ah say goodbye to the children, wish them good health and return to their fairyland

Ah and Oh together: Now it's time to say goodbye.

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition

Ensuring success.

Leading: It's time to end the holiday

Shout to the holiday: Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!

Vasilyeva Oksana Pavlovna


Encourage children to actively participate in games and fun. Create festive, joyful mood.


Show children the importance of learning physical education and sports, develop physical quality: speed, strength, endurance, flexibility.

Bring up friendly relations in the children's group.


Leading educator;

Children of senior preschool age.


A letter from Dr. Aibolit, a package - a surprise (fruit or juice, flags, 2 sports sticks, 2 clubs and 2 dice, 10 pins and two balls, 2 large balls, 3 hoops, 2 backpacks, 12 small balls, cards with riddles, chips .

Holiday held outdoors. Cheerful music sounds, songs about sports, etc., children gather at the central (sports) playground of the kindergarten.

Leading: Everyone gathered? All healthy? Ready to run and play?

On the sports ground I invite you children.

We start the holiday of sports and health now.

Song "I'm good with sports"

1 child:

Strengthen your body

All my family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

2 Child:

You guys should know

Everyone needs more sleep.

Well, in the morning do not be lazy -

Get on the charger!

3 Child:

brush your teeth, wash your face,

And smile more often

Temper, and then

You are not afraid of blues.

4 Child:

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products

Here is healthy food

Full of vitamins!

5 Child:

Go out for a walk

Breathe fresh air.

Just remember when leaving:

Dress for the weather!

6 Child:

Here are some good tips for you

Secrets are hidden in them.

Learn to appreciate it!

Leading: Today guys we will do sports, play, have fun, dance and improve health! Do not yawn and do not be lazy, get on the exercises ...

An exercise “We are with our feet, we are with our hands…”

(Any fast music music choice. manager)

We kick top-top (they stomp their feet,

We clap-clap our hands (clap our hands,

We are blinking eyes (blinking eyes,

We shoulders chik-chik (raise alternately the right, then the left shoulder).

Once - here, once - there,

Turn around yourself. (Turns around.)

Once - crouched (squat, hands on the belt,

Two - got up (raises, hands on waist).

Everyone raised their hands up (raise their hands up,

Sat down - got up, sat down - got up (they squat, then get up, hands on the belt,

As if they had become a vanka-vstanka. (Slight shaking of the head left and right.)

All hands pressed to the body

And jumps began to do.

And then they took off running

Like my bouncy ball. (The teacher hits the ball on the floor at an average pace, the children jump to the beat along with the ball hits, easily and as high as possible.)

One-two, one-two

It's time for us to get busy. (They walk in place.)

To grow and mature

Let's play sports.

Get hot, kid

AT good hour- Physical training!

Leading. Today we will have a competition between the teams. We will see which team has the most courageous, dexterous and skillful guys. For each victory in the competition, the team will receive a chip. Guys to us with you on holiday the postman Pechkin brought a parcel with a letter, let's read it and see what's there. (Reading a letter)

“Hello dear guys, I sent this package to you, good doctor Aibolit, unfortunately I couldn’t come to you, but I prepared a surprise and before you receive it, you must complete physical education tasks, and get stars for them if you score 10 stars then my package, open for you, wish you health and sporting achievements, and remembers, after all, he healthy who goes in for sports, eats vegetables and fruits, hardens and does not forget to wash! Your doctor Aibolit"

Well, guys, let's try to open the magic package? Then

Let's get started on the assignments.

1 Relay "Horses"

Let's show how dexterous and strong we are (jump on a stick - "horse" to the finish line and back, pass to a friend)

2 Relay. "Sticks"

(using a stick to bring the cube to the finish line and back.).

3 Relay "Sniper"

(Knock down pins with a ball)

Rhythmic warm-up: "At the giraffes"

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.

(Clap hands all over body)

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.

(We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

(Index fingers touch the corresponding parts of the body)

Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.

(We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing the fur)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

(Index fingers touch the corresponding parts of the body)

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.

(We draw the edges of the palm along the body (draw stripes)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

(Index fingers touch the corresponding parts of the body)

4 relay "No arms, no legs" Two people each to move the ball without touching it with their hands, holding it between their stomachs.

5 Relay "Crossing" The captains at the wheel are in a hoop, run up to the team and transport one person to the finish line.

6 Relay "Plant a potato" Teams are built in columns. Before each team, 3 hoops are randomly laid out - this is "holes", in hoops small balls-. The participant runs with a backpack, takes one "potato" puts it in a backpack, after which it returns and passes it to the next participant. The next participant runs and also collects potatoes in a backpack. And so on, until all the members of each team have collected all the balls.

Leading: Well done guys, and I bring to your attention riddles, riddles are not simple - sports.

Get up early in the morning

Jump, run, push up.

For health, for order

All people need... (charger)

Do you want to break the record?

So it will help you (Sport)

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my … (bike)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are racing.

And it's not the horses that carry me,

And shiny (skates)

To become a great athlete

There is a lot to know.

Skill will help you here,

And of course, … (workout)

Not offended, but inflated,

They lead him across the field.

And hit - nothing -

Don't chase after (ball)

This horse does not eat oats

Two wheels instead of legs.

Get on it, ride it

Just better drive. (Bike)

Both run in the snow

Both songs are sung

Both ribbons in the snow

Leave on the run. (skis)

Play in the yard in the morning

The kids played.

screams: "puck!", "by!", "hit!" -

There is a game going on. (hockey)


Did you solve the riddles?

All riddles in order

And now it's time

Dance for you, kids!

Dance is a game "If you like..."

Leading. Children, do you like cleanliness, order, washing your face, brushing your teeth, doing exercises! We will check this now!

The game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends..."

(the presenter reads the beginning of the phrase, if the audience agrees with the statement, answer "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!", if they do not agree, they protest, for example, stomp)

Who every morning day in a row

Walking with mom to kindergarten?

Who loves mom "to help",

Throwing rubbish around the house?

Which of you does not walk gloomy,

Do you love sports and exercise?

Which of you, from the kids,

Walks dirty to the ears?

Who clothes "protects",

Does he put it under the bed?

Who go to bed early

In dirty shoes on the bed?

Who likes to wash their hands with soap,

clean and be healthy?

Leading. Guys, you know what a person needs to be healthy? Viewer responses

What shines brightly, warms,

Adds health to people? (Sun)

Hot and cold

You always need me.

Call me, run

Protected from diseases. (Water)

bone back,

Stiff bristles:

Friendly with mint paste

Serves diligently. (Toothbrush)

Escapes like a living thing

But I won't release it.

The matter is quite clear:

Let him wash my hands. (Soap)

The rain is warm and thick

This rain is not easy.

He is without clouds and clouds

Whole the day is ready to go. (Shower)


Holiday cheerful was a success.

I think everyone liked it.

Goodbye, goodbye, everyone be happy

Healthy, obedient and sports do not forget!

Be friends with sports, go hiking,

And boredom will then be nothing to you.

We holiday end and wish everyone

health, success and happiness in everything!

(Summing up, the chips of the teams are counted, A package from Aibolit is opened, in which a surprise awaits children - fruit or juice)

Lyubov Anatolyevna Shulgina

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten "Space"

(MBDOU d / s "Space")

Photo report sports entertainment to Health Day in the senior group.

Day health

Target: the formation of children's knowledge about the holiday "Day health» , habits healthy lifestyle life.


1. To consolidate knowledge about the necessary cultural and hygienic skills and benefits healthy food and vitamins.

2. Develop thinking, children's speech.

3. Cultivate interest in healthy lifestyle, classes sports.

4. Propaganda healthy lifestyle among children, employees and parents.

Event progress:

Children go to the hall to the music "If you want to be healthy...»

Vedas. Hi all! Do you know how to greet each other, but how do you do it? (show children). BUT greet do you know each other? And show me how you hello And wish each other know how to health? Then show me how you do it?

Vedas. Let's now look at each other, put our hands on our hearts and wish everyone from the bottom of our hearts health.

Together: Be healthy!

Vedas. You probably guessed what holiday today is?

Children: Day health!

Vedas. Today we have gathered for the holiday Day health.

Vedas. Who's to say what it means to be healthy? That's right, it means not to get sick, to do sports and temper.

Vedas. Guys, today an amazing guest flew into our window. Guess who it is?

A funny little man lives on the roof.

He loves jam, sweets and honey.

Children: Carlson! (music sounds, sad Carlson enters)

Vedas. Of course, Carlson. But it seems to me that he is somehow sad, lethargic.

Carlson: Hello guys.

Vedas. Carlson, dear, what happened, why are you so sad?

Carlson: Yes, something is not in the mood, I don’t want to be naughty or hooligan. I want to sleep all the time, lie on my favorite sofa. I don't even want to walk on the roofs with my friend Baby!

Vedas. Do you eat with gusto?

Carlson: I have no appetite! I can’t even eat a jar of jam - I don’t want to and that’s it!

Vedas. Yes, everything is clear! You have a dear Carlson, a lack of vitamins!

Carlson Q: What are vitamins?

Vedas. Vitamins are substances that we need to health and vitality. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person gets sick, becomes lethargic, sad, weak - like you are now.

Carlson Q: Where can I get vitamins?

Vedas. Let's try to help Carlson. Tell Carlson where there are a lot of vitamins. (Children talk about vitamins).

The game "Absolutely right!"

The teacher reads quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, the children all together they say: "Right, right, absolutely right!" And if about what for health is harmful the children are silent.

1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,

And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.

2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets

Eat sweets, chew toffee, be slender like a cypress.

3. Do not forget to have a bite to eat before dinner.

Eat a lot to fill your stomach more.

4. To eat right, you will remember advice:

Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.

5. There are no healthier foods - delicious vegetables and fruits.

Both Serezha and Irina benefit from vitamins.

6. Our Lyuba ate rolls and got terribly fat.

He wants to visit us, but he can't crawl through the door.

7. Onion, parsley and cabbage, You try it delicious!

8. If you want to be healthy, eat right,

Eat more vitamins, do not know about diseases.

They give vitamins and juice.

Vedas. Well, do you like vitamin juice? We recommend that you and the guys drink freshly squeezed juices every day, and you will always be cheerful and healthy.

Carlson: I'm awake now and healthy and I want to ask guys: “Well, tell me, how do you live?”

Carlson: Oh, you! Who answers like this? You have to stick your thumb out and to tell: "Like this!"


(Carlson asks the children questions and shows the movements, the children repeat the movements after him)

CARLSON: How are you?

CHILDREN: Like this! (show thumb)

CARLSON: How do you go to kindergarten?

CHILDREN: Like this! (depict walking in place)

CARLSON: How do you run home from kindergarten?

CHILDREN: Like this! (run in place)

CARLSON: How do you make noise without a teacher?

CHILDREN: Like this! (stomp feet)

CARLSON: And how do you sleep in a quiet hour?

CHILDREN: Like this! (put palms together, apply to cheek, close eyes)

CARLSON: How do you laugh at jokes?

CHILDREN: Like this! (grabbing his stomach, laughing with Carlson)

CARLSON: How do you cry when mom doesn't give you a chocolate bar?

CHILDREN: Like this! (rubbing eyes with fists, depicting crying)

CARLSON: How are you naughty?

CHILDREN: Like this! (puffing out cheeks, slap them)

Carlson brought "TSVETIK - SEMITSVETIK"

Vedas. Who remembers what story? (Valentin Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"). Who has this flower? (for the girl Zhenya) And remember - the very last petal turned out to be the most useful. To whom did he return health? (to the boy Vita). Indeed, the seven-flower flower turned out to be magical.

And today our magic flower with you will help us figure out further how to save health. On each petal is written a proverb or saying about health. We must read and discuss.

Vedas. offers to tear off the first petal and is reading:

1 Move more, live longer

How to understand this statement?

Children: We should sit as little as possible, and move more, engage in sports.

Vedas. Correctly. Therefore, we must deal with you sports. What types sports you know?

Children: football, hockey, swimming, figure skating, etc.

Games are relay races.

"Pass the Hoops Quickly"

Children stand in a line, one team against the other, hoops lie on one side. On a signal, the first player takes the hoop, climbs through it and gives it to the next player, and he takes the next, last player, climbs through the hoop and throws it on the chair.

"Keep your balance".

Each team receives two dice. It is necessary to put the cubes one on the gymnastic board and go back. to the other and, holding the lower cube, go with them

Vedas. We moved a little - this is already good for ours with you health. Offers to tear off the second petal:

2. If you want to be healthy - chill!

Vedas. What is this about? What does it mean to heat up?

The game "Gather the sun"

2 teams of children. The children in the column each have a ray in their hand. At the signal of the teacher in turn, the first child must run to the goal, put a ray on the floor near the yellow circle and go back, passing the baton to another. The team that collects the sun the fastest wins.

3. Complete food - for we need health

Questions: Do you agree with the proverb? Why does the proverb say so? Why does a person need food? How do you think?

Leading: To healthy stay eating right!

In the next competition, you guys need to be careful if the food is healthy, answer "Yes" if not wholesome food answer "Not".

The game "Yes and no"

Kasha - delicious food

Is it good for us? (Yes)

green onion sometimes

Are children useful to us? (Yes)

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes? (Not)

Shchi is great food

Is it good for us? (Yes)

Amanita soup is always -

Is it good for us? (Not)

Fruits are just beautiful!

Is it good for us? (Yes)

Dirty berries sometimes

Is it healthy to eat, kids? (Not)

Vegetables growing ridge.

Are vegetables useful? (Yes)

Juice, compote sometimes

Are we useful, children? (Yes)

Eat a bag of big candy

Is it bad kids? (Yes)

Only healthy food

Always on the table (Yes)

And since healthy food -

We will healthy? (Yes)

Vedas. Well done answered correctly and no one got confused. Conclusion: We will remember forever, for health we need vitamin food.

next petal:

4. Cleanliness is a guarantee health

Vedas. This proverb has been known to you for a long time. What can you say?

Children: walk neat, clean, look good.

Vedas. What hygiene rules do you guys follow at home and in kindergarten? (We wash our faces in the mornings and evenings, brush our teeth, etc.)

How do microbes enter the body? (when sneezing, coughing without covering your mouth; if you do not wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet; do not wash vegetables, fruits.)

What should be done to protect yourself from them?

Children: keep clean.

The game "Magic bag" (hygiene items.)

5. Early risers live twice as long

Children: need to sleep less.

Vedas. But then again, sleep is the best medicine. Sleep is essential for all humans and animals. Why do you think humans need sleep? (children's answers). In a dream, our brain rests, strength returns. How do you feel if you don't get enough sleep? (children's answers). That's right, you don't want to do anything, you don't want to eat, play, you're in a bad mood. But sleep is not always helpful. Do you think it's good to sleep for a long time? Why? In addition, you need to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, then you will feel rested, you will have good mood. What do you think should not be done before bed? (Answers). (Drink a lot, eat a lot, listen to loud music, exercise physically, watch scary movies). And yet, I think that it is not in vain that the regime of the day was invented (using clock display). Together with the children discuss the daily routine.

The game "Tie the Ribbon"

Two children are holding a rope. The children are divided into two teams. In the hands of ribbons, on a signal they run and tie them on a rope. Whose team will complete the task faster.

6. Good in face, but not handsome in soul.

Vedas. offers to show emotions (sad, surprised, happy). And now everyone will conclusion: to be healthy what kind of mood do you need? Children: good mood.

Game - relay race "Centipede". Teams are built in two columns one by one, the children put their hands on each other's shoulders. It is necessary to run the whole team to the finish line and return to starting line without breaking the chain

Vedas. Well, we cheered ourselves up, and we continue our last petal:

7. Laziness does not feed a person, but health only spoils

Vedas. Probably everyone, everyone will decipher the saying, which means you and I should not ... Children A: should not be lazy.

Game - relay race "Potato Planting". Take a bucket with 3 balls. Run to the rings laid out on the floor, the distance between them is a meter. Arrange the balls in rings, run around the rack with a flag, collect the balls in a bucket and, returning to the team, pass the bucket to the next player.

And at the end of the holiday, the children sing a song "Solar Circle".

Target. Improving the health of children through physical activity in the fresh air.

  1. Develop motor skills and qualities: dexterity, coordination, accuracy, speed, endurance.
  2. Raise interest in physical exercises, outdoor games, a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: emblems for participants; three hoops, three gymnastic sticks, small yellow balls according to the number of children, three buckets, three baskets, nine round baskets “holes”, nine small balls “potatoes”, three landmarks, rings.


Three teams of 9-10 people (children 5, 6, 8), educators, the hero - Carlson - educator, guests and fans.

Teams are located along the perimeter, in three lines on the sports ground.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Guys, let's start the holiday of health!

Leading: Guys, what is health? And what should you do to be healthy?

1. Wash your hands before eating.

2. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening before going to bed.

3. Be sure to do exercises in the morning.

4. Temper.

5. Engage in physical education and sports.

Now we are going to exercise with you.

Under disturbing music, Carlson “flies in” holding on to his heart and head.

Leading: Hello Carlson! What happened to you? You're healthy?

Carlson: Hello! I was in such a hurry to see you that I was tired and sick!

Leading: And tell me - ka Carlson, what do you do in the morning?

Carlson: I guys sleep for a long time, until noon I snore.

Leading: Tell me in order, do you often do exercises? Do you do sports?

Carlson: Not! Charging - the guys I never did! Leading: Guys, I think I know how we can cure Carlson. The day should start with charging. Join us in a circle. (Merry exercise to the music.)

Let's take hands, stand in a circle,

Man is a friend to man (Teams become in one big circle.)

No hitch, no hitch

Let's do a warm-up together!

We're getting higher

We take out the roof with our hands (Raise your hands through the sides up and lower down.)

Up two counts

Three, four - hands down

Physical Education Hello! Physical Education Hello! (Hands to the sides - to the shoulders.)

Probably we are not stronger

No better, no faster.

Physical Education Hello! Physical Education Hello!

We rotate the head smoothly (Turns the head to the right - to the left.)

Look left, look right

One - tilt, two - tilt (Hands on the belt, tilts to the sides.)

Someone will be the champion.

Bend over, bend over.

Smile to all the kids.

We sat down, we got up (Squats, hands forward.)

Sit down, get up

Sit down, get up

Our legs have become stronger.

Tilts are performed, (Tilts forward, taking out boots with hands.)

We strengthen the legs.

One two three four,

We are already big!

Legs apart and legs together (Jumps: legs apart, legs together.)

This is how we jump in place.

Leading: Attention! Attention!

Hear the message!

Main event-

We invite all children

On the Day of health of preschoolers!

In the name of future victories,

For the glory of Russian sports,

Hello, physical education

Leading to new records!

Leading: Carlson, meet our teams! Teams will form! Team View (name, motto).

Child: Team "Healthy".

Our motto (in chorus):

Forever faithful to the sport

Health from youth to keep!

Child: Team "Merry"

Our motto (in chorus):

Be cheerful, not gloomy

Physical education will help us!

Child: Team "Fortress"

Our motto (in chorus):

Let's play sports!

Let's heat up

And don't forget to wash your hands

And celebrate health day!

Leading: I suggest that all boys and girls take with them speed, dexterity, courage, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Carlson: Oh! How good it is! I feel energized!

Leading: That's good! The guys will now show you how athletic and healthy they are.

1. Relay race "Jumps". (The child gallops between the legs holding a hymn stick, runs around the landmark and comes back, passes the stick to the next participant.)

The host sums up the results of the competition: the team that came to the finish line first receives a ring on its landmark (cone).

2. Relay "Sledgers". (In pairs in a hoop, run around the landmark, then, after the finish line, pass the hoop to the next pair of participants.)

Carlson : Oh, how great! You can now refresh yourself, eat - I move - dog.

Leading: Wrong you eat! Guys, what do you need to eat to be healthy and strong.

Children: Vegetables and fruits

Leading: Well done boys! And the truth is vegetables, fruits, berries. Eat them as much as possible, because they are living vitamins. But don't forget to wash them. boiled water and hands with soap.

Carlson: Wash your hands?! What more! I'm not so bad!

Leading: From simple water and soap, microbes lose their strength. You will wash, wash, brush your teeth and then you will never get a cold!

3. "Get a "vitamin" in the basket." (Team members take turns running to the place and throwing balls, using a straight arm from below, into their basket, standing at a distance of 3 m from the throw line; the thrower returns running, passes the baton and stands at the end of the column; the team that made fewer misses wins.)

The host summarizes the results of the relay race.

4. Relay "Plant potatoes"

Before each team, 3 "holes" are laid out. The participant runs with a bucket, puts a potato (ball) in each “hole”, after which he returns and passes the bucket to the next participant. The next participant runs and collects the potatoes back into the bucket. Returning, he passes the bucket of balls to another member of his team.

The host summarizes the results of the relay race.

Carlson: Well done guys, how smart and fast you run! And you tell me what you need to do to be so healthy and not get sick.

Leading: Now our guys will tell you that they know a lot about what needs to be done in order not to get sick.

Game "Is it true or not."

Leading: I ask you to answer:

Is it true or not?

So as not to know microbes,

Do children need to be tempered?


Carlson: Never to get sick

Need to sleep all day?


Leading: If you want to be strong,

Do you need to be friends with sports?


Carlson: In order not to get sick in winter,

Should I sing in the cold?


Leading: If you eat onion, garlic -

The cold won't find you?


Carlson: Do you want to be the strongest?

Icicles start licking!


Leading: And from the flu, and sore throats

Are vitamins saving us?


Leading: Eat more vitamins

Will you be strong and beautiful?

Carlson: Well done! You are so smart and considerate. You know everything!

Leading: Carlson, let's play the game "Running" with the guys. Do you know such a game?

Carlson: I saw how the children in my yard played such a game ...

P/I « rushes ». Teams are located on one side of the site behind the line, Carlson is in the center. Carlson: “I am no longer sick, I have become dexterous, mischievous, I will catch up with all the guys, and I will catch everyone in a row. One, two, three - run!"

After these words, the teams run across to the opposite side, and Carlson catches them (To whom it touches, they step aside).

Carlson: Played enough! Thank you very much guys! And the truth is

you cheered me up, and my illness, as it had never happened.

Leading: And now it's time for us to sum up

(Carlson, together with the children, counts the number of rings on landmarks

teams, hands (chocolate medals and juice).

Leading: Come on, children, tell me,

Help Carlson

I'll start and you finish

Answer in unison

“In the morning in the hall in order, we do together ( charging).

“Cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits are useful for everyone ... ( products).

“From colds and sore throats - they save us ( vitamins).

"Sun, air and water are our best ( friends).

Carlson: Thanks guys! You have a very interesting Health Day, but promise that you will not forget these health rules! I have to go, goodbye friends!

Leading: It is a great joy to see you, dear children, cheerful and healthy, strong and strong, dexterous and courageous. Stay always like that, eat vitamins, do exercises, do physical education and sports!

Goodbye, guys!

Used Books:

  1. Collection of mobile games. E.Ya. Stepankova, Moscow, 2011
  2. Games and entertainment for children in the air. T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeev. Moscow. Education. 1983
  3. Sports holidays and sports activities. L.M. Alekseev. Rostov-on