Presentation of the project for the modernization of the sports ground. Presentation - universal sports ground Requirements for the fencing of a universal sports ground

  • 29.11.2021

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1 slide

Description of the slide:

SOCIAL PROJECT: "CHILDREN'S PLAY AND SPORT AND IMPROVEMENT GROUND". Prepared the project: Anzhelika Golovanova, 10th grade student, MBOU "Okskoy secondary school", Ryazan region, Ryazan district, 2017.

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Description of the slide:

Many residents of the village would agree with my opinion that children living here need to have a safe playground and sports ground. This place should be near the pond in the green area. And we have such a place. I really want the guys not to sit at computers for a long time, but to ride roller skates and bicycles, play basketball, volleyball, football on fresh air. The smallest citizens of the village could ride on a swing, slides. And on summer evenings, residents would come to relax, sit on the benches and enjoy the scent of flowers. That is why the idea of ​​​​creating my project arose. PROBLEM

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Project implementation year: 2017-2020. Subject area of ​​the project: Social. The essence of the project: Organization of a playground for the village of Oksky, Ryazan region. Project problem: Develop a project taking into account the allocated amount of money, available materials, equipment, vehicles. Main task: Design and build a new site in Okskoe village. Project goal: To design and install a safe and comfortable children's sports and recreation area in a park area.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Placement of a children's sports ground in a park area Ryazan region Ryazan district, Oksky settlement. The location of the children's sports ground is near the pond (next to the Palace of Culture and Rest). Start-up capital: 5 500000 rubles

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Description of the slide:

WHAT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER WHEN DEVELOPING AN INDIVIDUAL PLAY AND FITNESS FIELD. The place must be adequately lit. The site must be well protected from prevailing winds and safe. The site is desirable to choose a flat, without large slopes. It can not be placed in a lowland, where dampness and dirt. Keep children out of contact with electricity.

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Description of the slide:

PREPARATION: Conduct research, study literature and use ICT; Make a plan, project, estimate; Find out how much land costs and buy a building plot; Find out how much the operation of vehicles costs; Find out how much the hired labor of people of a particular specialty costs; Learn about the cost of sand, gravel, road surface, paving slabs, special crumbs; Find out about the cost and delivery of gaming and sports metal structures with a special polymer coating and wood; Where to buy paints and varnish; Purchase and import of seedlings of trees, shrubs, flowers; Acquisition of wooden sculptures, benches.

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Description of the slide:

Purchase of land and paperwork - 800 thousand rubles. Project approval - 0 rubles. Work on creating a project in the form of a drawing and a layout - 5,000 rubles. Work at the construction site of this object (surveyor) - 5,000 rubles. The work of equipment for clearing the area, compacting the soil, backfilling the site with sand, gravel, crumbs, associated with laying the road surface, bringing in the necessary structures, materials, equipment, seedlings - 500,000 rubles. Acquisition of sand, gravel, paving slabs, crumbs and others additional materials- 400,000 rubles. Acquisition of a play structure, sports structures - 2,500,000 rubles. Purchase of inventory and equipment - 50,000 rubles. Saplings - 200,000 rubles. Varnishes, paints - 5,000 rubles. Payment for labor activity– 500,000 rubles Additional costs – 35,000 rubles.

The modern sports ground is
the totality of a whole range of works,
special coatings and necessary for
lessons various types sports
There are playgrounds:
for football, rugby, field hockey,
tennis courts, volleyball,
basketball, badminton, and
as well as universal sports grounds.

When designing a universal sports ground, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements for it:

When designing a universal
sports grounds must be taken into account
the following requirements for it:
- all-weather operation;
- engaging in several sports;
- anti-vandal coating,
fencing, sports equipment;
- universality of a covering to various
- minimal infrastructure
(benches, changing rooms, additional
room for inventory
electrical installations)

The universal playground, according to its characteristics, allows its year-round use for practicing various sports on the slopes.

Universal Playground
according to its characteristics
allows year-round
its use for
sports on
open air.

The construction technology of a universal sports ground consists of the following stages:

- preparation of the base (asphalt, concrete);
- mesh fence device (
variable height: 3m and 4m);
- synthetic coating device
(coatings based on crumb rubber and
polyurethane binder);
- installation of the lighting system and
sports equipment;
- setting up seats for spectators

The set of a universal sports ground may include:

Included in the universal
sports ground
may include:
- stationary and
racks, streetball
stands, basketball
shields and rings;
- stationary and
mobile volleyball
tennis racks with
and amateur levels;
- judicial towers;
- gates for various
sports (futsal, handball, hockey,


Any sports
type (football field,
tennis court, etc.)
have a fence. How
rule, fence
sports territories
installed with
security purpose.
They must
satisfy yet
a number of conditions: must
to be made up of
sections and easy

Requirements for the fencing of a universal sports ground:

Requirements to
fencing universal
sports ground:
1) Security. The player hitting
the fence must not be damaged.
In other words, the fence should
dampen (absorb) shocks;
2) Strength. Under the impact of the ball,
sports equipment, etc. the fence should not
deform, break, should
be vandal resistant;
3) Aesthetics. The design of the fence should
fit into existing architecture
4) Financial optimality. Price
fencing for the sports ground should not
be a significant part of the cost
the site itself.


Site foundation
should be
paved and
covered with one of the
sports surfaces.
Type and
sports class
coverage depends on
site level
professional) and

Coating based on rubber
crumbs are placed on the prepared
base (asphalt, concrete) and is used
both in team sports and
areas for general physical
preparation. The thickness of the coating is
is 10-12 mm.


Proper sports lighting
sites is a necessary condition,
how to compete
quality training
process, and for comfortable
spending free time
sports lovers. Poor quality
lighting adversely affects the quality
games and harm to health

For achievement
play area lighting
sites are not used
less than 6 lighting masts,
which are located
on the big sides.
For professional
sports grounds
(on which
establish sources
lights on 8 masts.

Page 2 Goal of the project: 1. To create conditions for the organization of recreation and health improvement of children at school through the reconstruction of the sports ground. 2. Development and popularization of physical culture and sports among schoolchildren, increasing its role in the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, strengthening a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: 1. Maintaining and strengthening the health of students, instilling a healthy lifestyle and preventing musculoskeletal, colds and other diseases; 2. Shaping common culture, organization of meaningful leisure, value attitude to one's health and healthy lifestyle life. 3. Create conditions for the involvement of underage adolescents in socially significant labor activities.

Page 3 Why is this project relevant? -School - is the center of the microdistrict -The territory of the school is adjacent to the kindergarten and is surrounded by a residential area. - On the basis of the school there are sports sections: football, volleyball, basketball. - There are no sports grounds for children in the microdistrict, except for the school one. - The organization of the sports ground will give the territory an aesthetic appearance. - Pupils of the school are participants and winners of city competitions in basketball, athletics, rugby, volleyball. -By decision The Council of Senior Students conducted a sociological survey of students and their parents, which showed the need to create a sports and leisure center on the territory of the school.

Page 5 Expected results, their social significance. -Organization of socially significant social activities schoolchildren; - An integrated approach to the education of citizenship, patriotism, environmental culture, labor education; - Creation of conditions for the possible organization of the process of spending time together, contributing to the spiritual rapprochement of children and adults, the birth of common interests and hobbies; - Introduction to a healthy lifestyle as an important component of ecological culture; - Creation of a humanistic developing environment for the life of students, presentation to them additional features for self-development, self-affirmation, self-expression; -Creation of favorable conditions for classes physical culture, sports, recreation. -The emergence of new outdoor equipment increases the number of sports that can be practiced on the site, which means it will make it possible to increase the number of sports sections at the school and attract a large number students to classes.

Page 7 Project risk Absence financial resources for the purchase Supplies, adverse weather conditions, lack of materials may lead to the fact that the planned project will not be fully implemented. To localize these risks, it is possible to apply for help to private entrepreneurs, the city administration, the Head of the city of Nazarovo.

Design and research competition "Sprockets of Elektrostal"

within the city scientific and social program

"Step into the future, Elektrostal"

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 22 with in-depth study of individual subjects"

Design and research work

"Modernization of the sports ground".

Sedykh Galina Mikhailovna



Project relevance

I am actively involved in sports, I attend the taekwon-do section at my school. I participate in competitions and I believe that health is the main value for me and the younger generation as a whole.

The issue of raising a healthy generation is becoming increasingly acute. Recent statistics show that during the period of children's education in school, their health deteriorates due to the increased workload on the student. Therefore, the problems of maintaining the health of students and instilling healthy lifestyle skills in them are relevant today.

One of the priorities in the work of the team high school No. 22 is, among other things, improving the health of schoolchildren. The school has its own sports hall, wishing schoolchildren, free time can play various sports. The school has various sports sections, such as basketball, volleyball, mini-football, taekwon-do. But in summer period children need a well-equipped and safe playground in the school yard.

The school yard is part of the educational environment in which the process of socialization, education and development of the personality of children takes place. This environment should be functional and comfortable for us, the students of our school, as it is an integral part of the learning process and a place to spend free time.

The modernization of the sports ground will be a good link in achieving sports results, will provide an opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, to form necessary knowledge, skills in a healthy lifestyle, will enable schoolchildren, youth of the district to realize their needs in their favorite sport at any time of the year.

According to medical statistics, during schooling, 70% of functional disorders formed in primary school, by the time of graduation, develop into a persistent chronicle: the incidence of the organs of vision increases 4-5 times, the incidence of the digestive organs and the musculoskeletal system increases 3 times. Serious concern is caused by an increase in neuropsychiatric disorders (2 times), as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system (more than 2 times), which is directly related to the insufficient component of the health-preserving school environment. Only 10% of high school students are healthy, while 50% have chronic diseases and 40% are at risk.

The increase in the prevalence of scoliosis among schoolchildren during training increases by 10.9 times (2012 - 77.7 per 1000 examined), posture disorders by 3.3 times (119.3 per 1000 examined) (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The number of children with impaired posture, scoliosis and decreased vision based on the results of preventive examinations of schoolchildren.

Thus, the number of deviations in the state of health of schoolchildren during the period of study increases several times, which requires increased attention of medical personnel, teachers and parents.

The implementation of my project will provide children with the opportunity for active physical activity. And this means improving the general well-being, health of students, the ability to interact in a team.

Objective of the project:

Creation of conditions for the organization of recreation and rehabilitation of children at school through the modernization of the sports ground.

Project objectives:

1. Preserving and strengthening the health of students, instilling a healthy lifestyle and preventing musculoskeletal, colds and other diseases;

2. Creation of an environment of psychological comfort and security of the child's personality.

3. Formation of a common culture, organization of meaningful leisure, value attitude to one's health and a healthy lifestyle.

This project is expedient to implement in this area for the following reasons:

The sports ground is located on the school grounds.

On the basis of the school there are sports sections: volleyball, basketball, mini-football, taekwon-do.

The organization of recreation areas and a sports ground will give the territory an aesthetic appearance.

School students are participants and winners of competitions in sports, sections of which are located at the school.

Project description

The construction of modern sports grounds is a way to increase the attractiveness and development of sports. Yard and school sports grounds attract people of any age to engage in physical education and sports - from the youngest to the elderly.

The school is surrounded by an area that occupies enough large area, and could become for many residents of nearby houses a popular and affordable place for cultural recreation, sports, a venue for sports and cultural events for young people.

This project involves the modernization of the existing sports ground, designed for sports of different age groups and recreation areas. The site already has sports equipment, but it is already morally and physically outdated. There is also some equipment that does not meet safety requirements.

Sports ground upgrade option


Price, rub./unit

Amount, rub.

Football goal replacement

2 pcs.

30 000

60 000

Replacing grass with artificial

2 400 m2


1 200 000

Replacing treadmills

500 m2

1 800

900 000

Universal sports ground:


    Basketball stands

    Volleyball stands

    Mini football goal

    badminton stands

1 PC.

450 000

450 000

Sports and gaming complex "Sport"

1 PC.

140 000

140 000

double handle

1 PC.

12 900

12 900

Grandstand installation

for spectators

1 set for

50 seats

65 000

65 000


2 827 900

Prices are for equipment only. Prices for the dismantling of old equipment and the installation of new equipment will depend on the cost of the work of the selected contractor.

The constructed universal playground for basketball, volleyball and mini-football can be used for friendly meetings of the youth of the city, students of the district schools. In winter, it can be used as a hockey rink.

Expected results:

During the implementation of the project, it will be possible to create conditions for the implementation curricula for physical education of children, for conducting year-round sectional sports and recreational activities, prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

The sports yard on the territory of the school will contribute to a significant activation of the motor mode of schoolchildren, especially in the second half of the day, and the opportunity for a more complete coverage of children with extracurricular forms of physical education will increase.

It is also possible to rent sports fields. sports clubs for competitions, which will allow the school to receive additional income, and received cash distribute for further modernization.

sports ground plan


The purpose of this project is to create a children's sports ground on the territory of MBOU Bogdanovskaya secondary school for school students. Its construction is very important for our school. On the territory of our settlement there are such enterprises as: CJSC KNPZ, an asphalt plant, Repnyanskoye KU LLC, farming LLC Dokhoyan L.A., which could act as sponsors for the implementation of this goal. When we asked them for help, we did not receive an answer, now we are looking for other ways to get financial support for the project. We want to see our school and school yard well-groomed and comfortable, and children joyful and happy.

Project description


On the territory of the MBOU Bogdanovskaya secondary school we are considering, there is a large plot that was previously a school garden. Now the territory is partly planted with coniferous trees. The main area is not used in any way. This place is ideal for placing a children's playground on it. Our school does not have its own stadium and, accordingly, a sports ground. Physical education lessons in the warm season are held at the village stadium. The school administration has long dreamed of adapting this area for a sports ground. It is necessary for the school so that children can play in a place intended for games, and senior classes can relax in their free time from lessons. Also, during extracurricular activities and at the end of the lessons, children go for a walk for outdoor activities after school day. Therefore, we decided to take this topic for the project. Thus, we will be able to improve the territory of our school and enable physical education teachers to conduct their lessons without leaving the school grounds.

Project results


The playground is designed for mental, physical development, as well as to instill the ability for active games to improve coordination of movements. The main advantage that distinguishes children's street playgrounds is the playful form of sports activities, which turns pleasure into a kind of sports training. Now playgrounds are so diverse that they give the child the right to choose from a huge number of game elements. On the territory of the school there will be a playground and sports, physical education in your spare time, which we will look after. Even if we do not build it, then the information wave, public opinion, formed during the implementation of the project, will push the administration or deputies to create a school playground, without waiting for the overhaul of the school, which is not even planned for the next five years. We hope that this project will receive a positive assessment and be fully implemented. We would like to say special thanks to the school administration and technology teacher Sleptsova G.N. for the idea and help in the development of the project.