Plant for the production of polymer tiles. Production of polymer sand tiles: a simple business for beginners. Comparative characteristics of polymer-sand paving slabs

  • 05.05.2020

Polymer sand paving slabs are superior in their characteristics to conventional cement paving slabs. Polymer-sand tiles are durable, frost-resistant, have a wide color scheme, can be of any shape and size, with a variety of patterns. The production method of polymer sand tiles is simple and consists of several stages: preparation of the mixture components, mixing of the initial components, mixture melting, molding and pressing of products, hardening process, storage of finished products.

Technology for the production of polymer sand tiles

For the production of polymer sand tiles, three components are required: polymers (primary or secondary), sand of a homogeneous fine fraction without clay inclusions, heat-resistant pigment. For the production of tiles, polymers HDPE (low pressure polyethylene), PVD (high pressure polyethylene), crushed film are suitable. The use of recycled polymers will help save on the purchase of raw materials and solve the problem of waste disposal. Secondary polymers are obtained as a result of crushing and granulating industrial waste and polymer products (pipes, containers, packaging materials, films, etc.). At the first stage, polymers are crushed or ready-made polymer chips are bought.

The second stage of the production of polymer sand tiles includes mixing the components in the proportion of 69% sand, 30% polymer and 1% pigment in a mixing plant. Pigments can be used both mineral and organic. The color of the future tile will depend on the choice of pigment. At the third stage of production, the thoroughly mixed dry mixture is placed in a melting unit (APN). The resulting homogeneous mass, ready for molding, is loaded into molds. In the process of solidification, a homogeneous monolithic high-strength solid structure is obtained. From the mold, the tiles are laid out on a flat surface, where they should lie until completely cooled and hardened. The finished material is stacked on pallets and sent for storage.

Equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles

We offer a set of equipment for the production of polymer-sand paving slabs:

  1. Shredder PPM-1 for shredding recycled plastic or its modification
  2. Agglomerator AGL-01 for plastic processing
  3. Mixing plant - 2 pieces
  4. Extruder (APN)
  5. Press
  6. Press form
  7. General scales

Equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles allows you to create a finished product of any shape and color, with or without a pattern. For grinding polymers, you can purchase a crusher. To organize a business for the production of polymer sand paving slabs, a heated room is required.

Advantages of equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles:

  • Profitability. The possibility of using industrial waste as a raw material, low energy consumption.
  • Profitability. Products are in demand in the market, production costs pay off in a short time.
  • Reliability, warranty and warranty service of equipment
  • Affordable prices.

When ordering equipment for the production of polymer-sand tiles, our company, at the request of the customer, will deliver the equipment, start-up and commission the equipment, train specialists, carry out further maintenance and repair of the equipment.

The Rostpolyplast company is engaged in the production and sale of such products as plastic paving slabs, which will always decorate your yard in any weather, and the price will not disappoint you, as it is available to all customers.

Polymer sand paving slabs are durable and strong. Unlike vibropressed concrete, polymer-sand tiles are almost impossible to split. High heat resistance, frost resistance, durability, excellent appearance, various colors!

The characteristics of polymer-sand paving slabs are many times superior to vibropressed concrete paving slabs.

Polymer sand paving slabs. Concrete vibropressed tile.

Comparative characteristics of polymer-sand paving slabs

Comparison of our polymer and concrete tiles

Polymer sand paving slabs

Given the relatively low weight of polymer sand paving slabs, the cost of transporting a large volume of products is significantly reduced. The combination of all properties makes it possible to use it in conditions of places of mass attendance (both in outdoor and indoor applications). This is the best option for covering recreation areas (parks, cafes, etc.).

The tile production technology provides full repeatability of sizes, shapes and colors, so with the help of such tiles you can reproduce any geometric, color combinations. The result obtained is an order of magnitude superior to the use of conventional tiles, both in terms of appearance, as well as operational parameters.

Indeed, polymer sand paving slabs are much more durable, more resistant to external environment than normal. Especially if it is an urban environment, where there must be resistance to abrasion, high mechanical stress, the effects of oils and acidic liquids, hardness and strength, resistance to point splitting, and many other indicators of reliability.

The theoretical (calculated) durability of the polymer sand material exceeds 150 years, and in terms of color stability, the tile does not lose the color of the pattern forever. Its coloring with modern dyes that do not fade even under direct sunlight is carried out to the entire depth of the material.

An important feature is the absence of dust emission from the surface of the coating (which is typical for other materials) and fumes in the hot season. Even under the scorching sun, the coating does not “gas” with carcinogens, like the same asphalt. Polymer sand paving slabs are easy to clean, designed for repeated use, making it easy to repair, disassemble and re-lay individual sections of the coating.

Technologies do not stand still, but at the moment, among paving surfaces, polymer sand tiles are the most durable and cost-effective material that is versatile in use due to its unique properties.

5 reasons to buy our polymer sand tiles:

  • Your yard, playground, paths will always look beautiful, well-groomed, clean!
  • The area paved with our polymer-sand tiles withstands significant loads, is excellent for industrial premises, car washes, parking lots, etc.
  • Durable, beautiful, safe coating for many years to come! The service life of polymer sand tiles is more than fifty years.
  • You save on the transportation of tiles, because. It's lightweight and easy to stack!
  • Our polymer sand tiles consist exclusively of environmentally friendly materials: river sand, polymers, mineral dyes!
Black 400 rub/sq.m
Gray 600 rub/sq.m

The production of paving slabs by our company is carried out on modern and professional equipment and is based on the needs of customers. The order of production is carried out in any volume and quantity. The cost of polymer sand tiles can be clarified by contacting our specialists.

Technology for the production of polymer-sand products

Polymer sand tiles and paving slabs - production technology
Preparation of raw materials (waste polymers and sand)
All the improbability and uniqueness of this technology is that the raw materials used in the production of polymer-sand tiles are free of charge, lying around underfoot. These are polymeric waste in various forms: packaging, plastic containers, household items that have become unusable. A shortage of raw materials is not expected, but on the contrary, the volume of polymer waste will only grow, and the need for it will only increase.
Of course there are efficient technologies their processing, allowing the use of polymers reused. As a rule, careful sorting of waste plastics, their washing, drying is required. These are expensive and time-consuming processes. And the quality of recycled raw materials is low, and does not allow using it 100% instead of the original one.

The proposed technology for the production of polymer sand tiles from polymer waste does not involve cleaning and deep sorting of raw materials. It is only proposed to adhere to the ratio of 40-50 / 60-50 of the so-called soft (polyethylene) and hard (polypropylene, polystyrene, ABS plastics, PET, etc.) polymers. In this ratio, the waste is in landfills.
Refractory polymers (polycarbonates, fluoroplasts) and rubbers are NOT suitable. Fusible, such as PVC, can partially burn out, but this does not affect the quality of polymer-sand tiles. Impurities (paper, food waste) also burn out, moisture evaporates.

In addition to waste polymers, sand is required in the production of tiles. It is used as a filler and must be dry, sifted without clay and dust inclusions. It doesn't matter what color the sand is and where it came from. Permissible sand fraction up to 3 mm. Another filler, more available in the selected area, can also be used. So this incredible new technology obtaining building materials from free raw materials.

Pre-processing of raw materials.
At the first stage, the selected and sorted plastics are crushed in a crushing machine. It is desirable to have a 50/50 ratio of hard and soft polymers.
For example: polyethylenes behave better at negative temperatures and it is easier to get a gloss on a product, but “hard” polymers will add rigidity and strength when heated in the sun. It is better and more convenient to work with granulate or polymer of the same brand. It turns out geometrically even and regular tiles.
Polymer-sand tiles are obtained the better, the more evenly mixed polymers and sand. No need to pre-clean waste plastics. The only pest may be engine oil that comes in with canisters. But its quantity, as a rule, is insignificant, does not affect the quality of the tile, and if it appears as a stain on the tile, it disappears during re-processing. The remaining impurities burn out. In the future, building materials from a polymer sand mixture are resistant to oils and other chemicals. products.

Preparation of polymer sand mass
After the first grinding, the waste plastics enter the extrusion machine, where they are mixed under heating. Any chemist will say that it is impossible and unscientific to mix dissimilar polymers; It's like mixing kerosene with water. But such a task is not set - to mix polymers at the molecular level, it is enough to mix plastic waste using the viscosity properties of molten polymers.
Polyethylene and polypropylene films occupy a large place in the structure of polymer waste. They are added to the extrusion machine without grinding.
The resulting polymer-sandy mass with the consistency of yeast dough is removed by the operator with a mitten at the outlet of the extrusion unit of the line, and, having rolled a ball (agglomerate up to 100 mm.) with his hands, throws it into the water for cooling. Taken out of the water, not completely cooled, but already hardened, the agglomerate dries quickly, cooling down.
It happens that the polymer mass overheats, and it flows out of the extrusion machine onto the floor until the operator turns off the heat. Cooled such a mass, then suitable for use. The entire cooled agglomerate is subjected to repeated grinding into chips with a fraction size of up to 1-10 mm. Thus, a ready-made raw material for the polymer-sand mixture is obtained.

Obtaining polymer sand mass and molding tiles
This stage of tile production is the final one. Some separate it from the harvesting area, located in a separate room. In addition to aesthetic considerations (the preparation of an average polymer mixture is accompanied by the release of gases, and requires the provision of an exhaust), there are also practical benefits: it is easier to control and account. And in cases of work in correctional institutions, it is simply necessary because of the security of the enterprise.
The mixing of sand, polymers and dyes takes place in a thermal mixing unit (Melting and Heating Unit). It is important to keep the mass of the mixture in the APN constant, adding new portions as the finished mass is consumed. The crushed polymer-sand mass is mixed with sand and dyes in different proportions, depending on the products being manufactured. For, for example, tiles, this ratio is: 24/75/1, and for paving slabs it can be 5/94/1.
The ratio of sand and polymers also affects performance - the mass that has more sand in its composition will take longer to heat up.
This property should be taken into account when calculating the cost and accounting for products.

It is important to obtain a high-quality mixture - sand particles must be completely enveloped in polymers, without gaps. This is achieved by a unique shaft design calculated empirically. More precisely, not calculated, but tortured by experimental designs and scientific research. As a result, the blades on the shaft are located in such a way that when the shaft rotates, the mass advance rate is different in 3 heating zones, which ensures complete polymer melt and high-quality mixing with the filler.
By the way, in this node we see some design flaws, the change of which leads to an increase in the productivity of the entire line.

Thus, the resulting polymer-sand mass with an outlet temperature of about 170-190 degrees and the consistency of a tight dumpling dough is squeezed out of the machine after the damper is opened. The operator cuts with a knife required amount, weighs on the scales, and having received the right one (about 2 kg.), Puts it into the form with an ordinary scoop.
The form, mounted on a press with a movable bottom plate, is cooled in different ways.
The upper part has a temperature of about 80 degrees, and the lower 45, or cooled as much as possible, for the fastest formation of tiles (30-50 seconds).
This is done to create a gloss on the outside of the polymer sand tiles, as if the polymer is squeezed up, filling the pores between the filler.
This is another secret of technology. Although such uneven cooling can lead to the bending of the tiles, for which it is placed on the cooling table and pressed with a load until the final molding.
To obtain a matte surface of polymer-sand tiles, it is enough to cool the upper mold as much as the lower one. This is applied to the production of polymer-sand paving stones. The dye may not be added, and the product turns out to be gray in color, like concrete.

Product range
Depends directly on the availability of additional forms. Of course, makes the business competitive. The building materials market is not saturated, and so far some manufacturers only schedule the sale of tiles for the months ahead during the season. And you can produce a wide range of goods for construction: tiles, trays, bricks, fixed formwork elements, manhole covers for wells. A chemically resistant polymer-sand tile laid, for example, on the basement floor will also carry the function of waterproofing.

Problems arising in connection with the production of building materials from a polymer sand mixture
By premises
Equipment manufacturers recommend using rooms of 150-300 m2. The dimensions of the equipment for the production of tiles are small, and will allow it to be placed on smaller areas - about 50 m2, but you still need to have space for storing raw materials and finished polymer tiles. The recommended ceiling height is 4 meters. The press has a height of 1780 mm.

By raw material
If raw sand is used, then during the heating process, gases will be released, leading to pore formation in the product, which is highly undesirable. Large inclusions can also lead to loss of quality of tiles, wear of the forming tool. It is necessary to avoid the ingress of machine oil into the polymer-sand mixture, metal inclusions.

In general, the produced tiles are not subject to mandatory certification, as well as equipment, since it is non-standard. But here are the requirements for the premises, labor protection and environment may be presented. It is necessary to establish control over the quality and accounting of products.
There is a danger of equipment failure when starting the engine. The screw cannot rotate in a polymer or polymer sand mixture that is not heated to the plasticizing temperature.

Equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles
The capacity of the proposed lines allows to produce about 40 m2 of polymer-sand tiles per shift. All equipment is serviced by 7 people. In one square meter there are 9 tiles, taking into account the overlap, the weight of 1 m2 is 20 kg. Power consumption 26-28 kW/h, installed power 42 kW, three-phase power supply.

Waste crusher
The crusher used in the line can be replaced by any other crusher used in the production of polymers and products from them. Crushes waste into fractions up to 30 mm. and agglomerate up to 10 mm. Engine installed, 3000 rpm. Productivity is high, sufficient to provide 3 lines with polymer raw materials.
Dimensions: 1000x1100x1200 (WxDxH) Weight 420 kg.

extrusion plant
It differs from traditional ones in that the volume of the zone of heating and plasticization of polymers changes by changing the outer diameter of the working cylinder. It is justified by the ease of manufacture, and the task that is set is to mix the plastics by heating.
The disadvantage of the design is frequent congestion of the mass at the place of change in the diameter of the working cylinder, which leads to overheating of the mass, a delay in the loading of polymers. Heating elements are used as heating elements, which are easily changed in case of failure. The shaft is centered by the polymer mass at the exit, has a low rotational speed. A design flaw is the non-installed thrust bearing, because a linear load also acts on the shaft. The performance is sufficient to ensure the operation of 2 presses and thermomixing units.
Dimensions: 520x3300x1230 (WxDxH) Weight 580 kg.

Thermal mixing plant (APN - melting and heating unit)
Unique knot throughout the line. To achieve a high-quality mixture of polymer and sand, the loaded mass passes at different speeds and with different heating modes through the pipe. A shaft with blades arranged in a special way was installed, and their location often changed to achieve high-quality mixing of the polymer sand mixture. The shaft has a large load, including linear, and the thrust bearing is not installed. Auger blades wear out quickly.
Two temperature control devices are installed in two mass heating control zones. Works continuously, ensures the work of one press.
Overall dimensions: 520x3200x1230 (WxDxH) Weight 800 kg.

Small hydraulic press with movable bottom plate. 4 hydraulic cylinders dia. 125 mm., travel 300 mm. Working pressure 10 MPa. A matrix with cooling and ejectors is installed on the bottom plate. Moreover, the temperatures of the matrix and punch are different, which is achieved by two different cooling circuits.
The press is equipped with a hydraulic station, tanks for cooling the coolant. The productivity of the line depends, among other things, on the productivity of the press, the cooling rate and the molding of the product. The components used in the manufacture of the press are available if they need to be replaced. Overall dimensions: 2600x1500x1780 (WxDxH) Weight 1300 kg.

Additional forms for the manufacture of paving slabs, tiles, paving stones and much more
A large selection of molds is offered, allowing the production of an expanded range of products, thereby making the business competitive. At the very least, paving slabs are required in the kit.

The demand for polymer-sand tiles is constantly growing. This comparatively new material gained great popularity due to its practicality, durability and aesthetic appearance. He replaced the usual cement tiles, the disadvantages of which were: low frost resistance; high depreciation; unsightly appearance.

Another advantage of polymer-sand tiles is the almost complete absence of scrap during transportation. This article will discuss how to set up the production of this material, what will be the costs, what equipment will be needed for this.

Tile production equipment

Of course, today you can find a wide variety of units that are suitable for this purpose. But if you are choosing equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles, then you should remember about its modernity and high quality.

For full production, you need specialized equipment. Its cost depends on the expected volumes produced and the degree of wear of the machines. Minimum set equipment:

  • Extruder, or melting and heating unit.
  • Press for working with polymer sand materials.
  • Mold made of special hardened steel.
  • Concrete mixer, volume 500 l.

Manufacturing process.

  1. Agglomeration of polymers. This step applies if the production involves the recycling of plastic waste. If the enterprise purchases ready-made polymer chips, then there is no need for processing.
  2. Mixing of feedstock. It is carried out using a concrete mixer.
  3. Heating of the polymer-sand composition with an extruder.
  4. Pressing tiles and shaping them.
  5. Cooling and storage of finished products.

Premises and warehouse

Polymer sand production takes up relatively little space, and includes three zones:

Costs and ways to save

Now the state is allocating large funds to support and develop small and medium-sized businesses, especially in the manufacturing sector.

Therefore, before opening the production of polymer sand tiles or any other, you should inquire about holding competitions in your region for a grant from the state.

Of course, winning a grant is not an easy task. You will need to comply with many conditions and go through a number of bureaucratic procedures. If you manage to win the competition, then the state will be able to cover more than 50% of the costs of starting a business. The grant can also help receiving various subsidies and discounts, for example, to pay for electricity or to rent a room.

Costs can be significantly reduced if secondary raw materials are used in production. Such production will be environmentally friendly. Anyway no fixed costs. They include:

  • payment for electricity;
  • employees' wages;
  • taxes;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase and supply of raw materials.

Sales of finished products

There are several options for the implementation of products. First of all, it will be necessary to target wholesale and retail construction networks (construction bases, wholesale warehouses, markets, construction stores).

Also worth finding ways of interacting with construction teams who specialize in laying polymer-sand paving slabs.

Production involves low price sales. It is the price that is the main argument in negotiations with potential buyers.

Tiles can sell through an agent network. This is a network of intermediaries who sell goods at their own margin on your behalf. Simply put, these are freelance sellers with whom an agency agreement is concluded. The contract specifies all the conditions for cooperation with the agent: the percentage of markup, options for places of sale, etc.

When working with an agent, it is worth considering that the entire responsibility for controlling payment, for the delivery of goods and terms lies with you. The sale of goods through an agent network is a good option sales, but should select intermediaries carefully and strictly regulate the work with them in the contract.

So, our favorite pastime in childhood - making Easter cakes from wet sand and even building entire cities from it - turns out to be quite in demand in adulthood. Buildings, of course, cannot be built from this material, but it is quite possible to produce a whole range of the most diverse products from a polymer sand mixture.

To obtain the desired composite, all that is needed is to mix the sand with the polymer and add the appropriate color pigment to this solution. And then create from this mixture: roofing, building, finishing and other landscaping elements. These include tiles, sewer hatches, paving and facing tiles, paving stones, curbs, trays, gutters and many other products of various shapes and colors.

What to work on?

To organize this business does not require the presence of complex and cumbersome equipment. Basic kit polymer sand equipment includes 3 machines: a radial crusher, a melting and heating unit (extruder) and a molding press. Additionally, of course, you will need molds, as well as auxiliary installations: screw and belt conveyors, mixture supply and dosing systems, oil stations and, finally, tables for aging finished products.

We will not talk about secondary equipment, since this is universal equipment and there should not be any problems with its choice. But it is worth paying attention to the main machines.

First of all, we think about purchasing plastic shredder. It is best to take a radial crusher. This will save a lot on raw materials, since the cost of the finished polymer is much higher than crushed used waste. And the shredder can process absolutely everything: cans, bottles, cans, films, etc. You just need to find a supplier of this garbage (you won’t collect it yourself).

Further we select an extruder. The task of the melting plant is to heat up and mix all the components into a single mass to the consistency of a tight dough. The productivity of these machines can reach 1000 kg/h, so you need to take the machine according to your needs.

Well, the last car in the production chain - molding press. In our case, it must be with a force of at least 100 tons and with a variable desktop size. The last factor is necessary for the placement of various molds (curb, tile, etc.). By the way, it is better not to save on their cost. The fact is that only high-quality molds made of heat-hardened alloy steels can last a long time and withstand up to 5 million moldings.

Despite the ease of operation of polymer sand equipment, it is still better to entrust its commissioning to professionals. Suppliers of this equipment will not only set up production, make a technical connection to other equipment of the workshop and conduct trial production of products, but will also tell your staff about all the intricacies of working on these machines.

Machine overview

Let's start right away with the good news. mass produced in Russia. Therefore, there is a choice, as they say, and the prices are quite reasonable. You can buy a set of installations literally in every region of the country, which, of course, significantly reduces the cost of transporting machines to the place of their future operation.

If we talk about the leaders, then the most popular among customers are POLYMERSTROY 18 machines. A manufacturing company from Izhevsk offers not only a wide range of high-quality machines of its own design, but also equipment from trusted suppliers from the Middle Kingdom. For example, in their product line there are 2 universal crushing units of polymeric raw materials of Russian and Chinese production. 300-watt machines are designed for grinding hard, soft and film plastics to a 5-8 mm fraction.

POLYMERSTROY 18 also offers an extruder of its own design, which, due to a variety of modifications, can be combined with various types related equipment. The productivity of the melting and heating machine is 600 kg/h. Depending on the tasks, you can also select presses from the D24 series with a force of 100 to 400 tons. Foreign-made digital control units are used as the program control body of the press. With their help, it is possible to produce, say, up to 50 sewer manholes or about 140 sq.m of paving slabs per day. Well, in general, Izhevsk molds made of alloyed structural steels (40X and 45X) make it possible to produce about two dozen types of various products.

Another leading manufacturer of polymer sand equipment is located in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk Region. The MONOLITH enterprise has established itself throughout the country from the Baltic States to Far East. Here you can purchase a set of machines for organizing a full-fledged production. Firstly, a radial shredder for plastics up to 8 mm thick and with a capacity of 100 kg/h. Second, energy-saving extruder own brand Mastek, producing 500-600 kg polymer sand mixture in hour. Thirdly, a semi-automatic molding press with a force of 100 tons. As well as additional equipment: a unit for drying and sifting sand, a forced mixer, an agglomerator for processing polyethylene films into granules, etc.

Let's talk about another domestic manufacturer, the installations of which are worth paying attention to. This is POLYMER-TECHNOLOGY from the city of Orsk, Orenburg region. According to the specialists of this enterprise, the guarantee for polymer-sand products made on their equipment is at least 50 years! And the resource of each mold with proper operation is 5 years! The minimum set of installations includes 3 units: a polymer crusher, a thermal screw mixing machine and a molding unit with a vertical hydraulic press. Chopper capacity - 700 kg/h; extruder - 250-370 kg/h. And one more competitive advantage this manufacturer is the cost of the equipment. The basic set (and in fact - a whole mini-factory) will cost only 772 thousand rubles.