Sculpting with children on the theme of autumn. Autumn composition from plasticine for elementary school. Master class with step by step photos. Step by step photo lesson

  • 13.11.2019

autumn composition from plasticine "Ryabinushka". Master Class.

Author: Ekaterina Musatova, student of the 2nd "B" class of the gymnasium No. 69 of the city of Krasnodar.
Head: Anna Vladislavovna Podlesnova, teacher primary school, MBOU gymnasium No. 69, Krasnodar.

Purpose: work for autumn exhibition, interior decoration.
The Master Class designed for younger children school age. It will be useful for working with children for primary school teachers, educators and organizers of extracurricular activities.
Target: making crafts from plasticine.
Tasks: learn how to do this type of craft,
develop fine motor skills,
develop imagination, thinking;
cultivate diligence, perseverance, accuracy.

Materials and tools:

white cardboard,
plasticine of different colors,
"hats" from the acorn.

Gently strokes a rowan bush
Autumn with a wet hand:
Berries red rubies
And a swarm of crimson leaves.

Korotaeva L.
Prepared everything needed to get the job done.

Let's start making leaves.

We make veins on the leaves.

We will need about a hundred leaves of different colors: yellow, orange, red, green in different shades. Let's put a template in front of us.

We begin to lay out the leaves on a sheet of cardboard.

We add more.

Gradually fill the surface with leaves.

Add rowan berries. We need about 30 plasticine balls.

We fill the entire template with berries.

With the help of flagella we lay out the branches.

We attach the leaves to the remaining surface. Decorate with acorns.

The work is ready.

I see a slender mountain ash in the yard,
Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.
Lots of red berries
Ripe and beautiful
Hanging in clusters
Their outfit is beautiful.
Collect berries on a string - for the soul,
Rowan beads are very good!
(Svetlana Shishkina)

print Thanks, great tutorial +3

If you don’t know yet that there is such a way as drawing with plasticine, and you have never tried to create three-dimensional applications in this way, this photo tutorial is for you. Perhaps the easiest way to create landscapes is to add different color elements and create a believable stacking effect. Learn with us the creation of an autumn tree from plasticine. This natural object will be an excellent exhibit for an autumn exhibition at school or in kindergarten.

Other lessons on trees:

Step by step photo lesson:

Work should begin not only with the selection of plasticine colors: green, brown and orange, but also with a suitable canvas for drawing. Take white or blue cardboard as the basis of the picture. In the first case, it will be necessary to design the background, in the second, the blue color will look like a real autumn sky. It is convenient to draw a relief on a soft mass in a stack. To create the sky on white cardboard, you will also need blue plasticine.

Knead some blue plasticine. For a more believable effect, mix it with a dash of white and black. Spread a warm soft mass on the top of the picture. Try to move your fingers along the rectangle.

Spread green plasticine casually mixed with orange on the bottom of the sheet.

From brown plasticine, create many elongated sausages.

Make the resulting sausages the basis of the tree trunk. Stick them in a row, tightly docking with each other.

Create a lot of small orange leaves from soft plasticine. Leaves may also be yellow or reddish.

Start in a chaotic manner to attach the leaves to the branches of the tree.

Form a dense domed crown from many yellowed leaves. Be sure to add an orange blanket to the base of the tree and fix a few leaves floating in the air.

The plasticine autumn tree is ready. In this way, you can mold a green tree with fruits, as well as a whole garden or forest.

Natalya Plakhteeva

There lived a carved maple leaf,

In the morning I listened to the bird whistle,

Rustled on a maple branch

And it was green all summer.

Time passed and according to signs

Indian summer has come.

Our leaf has become colored -

Red-yellow - painted.

I. Blazhevich

For the development of creative activity, awakening interest in visual activity in children preschool age, I use an unconventional technique for working with plasticine - "Plasticineography" .

"Plasticineography" - a relatively young type of visual activity. It is the creation of stucco paintings depicting slightly convex objects on a flat surface. The main material is plasticine, and it is also possible to use other materials to decorate and decorate the finished image. For example, beads, plant seeds and other materials.

Plasticineography helps to relieve muscle tension and develops the ability to control the hand and fingers, to subordinate movements to the control of the hand and eyes. It also develops children's imagination, artistic and spatial thinking, awakens the imagination of children.

The main objectives of teaching children this technique are:


To arouse children's interest in creative work, to form in them the desire to do something with their own hands;

Teach the right skills to work with plasticine and the ability to navigate

on a sheet of cardboard;

Excite fantasy and imagination;


To cultivate strong-willed qualities, such as: perseverance, the desire to bring

started work to the end;

Cultivate hard work skills


Development of all mental functions (perception, thinking, memory, speech);

Development of creative abilities;

The development of motor skills and the eye.

I offer a master class in the technique of "Plastilinography" "Autumn leaf"

We needed:


White cardboard;

Black cardboard;

Glue stick.

Preparation method

We transfer the image of the sheet onto white cardboard and cut it out along the contour

We take plasticine of different colors, pinch off small pieces from a large piece and put them on a sheet cut out of cardboard. For this work, it is better to take soft plasticine.

With smooth movements of the fingers, we smear the plasticine over the entire surface of the sheet, slightly mixing the different colors of the plasticine. This will give the sheet brightness and volume. In addition, each child will get their own, unique beauty of the autumn leaf.

We glue the finished motley sheet onto black cardboard. This contrast will give even more expressiveness and emphasize the individuality of each children's work!

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,

On the foliage quietly brushed:

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

In autumn purple, only green oak.

Autumn comforts:

Don't miss summer!

Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

Z. Fedorovskaya

Related publications:

Tasks: - Teaching non-traditional methods of application; -Develop attentiveness, accuracy of movements, fine motor skills, creative imagination;

Autumn leaves are a great material for creating interesting crafts. But you can make the leaves yourself, as well as together with the children from the color.

Master class "Maple leaf" (origami). The sheet is spinning golden, Light, so festive. Forest to watch lies down dreams - Do not wake up! Until spring.

Even then we were not in the world, When fireworks thundered from edge to edge. Soldiers, you gave the planet Great May! Victorious May! Thank you soldiers.

I bring to your attention another master class on plasticineography. The guys and I love to do different crafts from various assistants.

Children love to sculpt. Modeling is one of the fascinating, interesting, favorite types of children's activities. Materials for work:.

Target: Learn to sculpt "Autumn" from plasticine, conveying the characteristic features of the structure and color.
- to teach how to use various modeling techniques (rolling, flattening);
- develop creative thinking, imagination, fantasy, sense of color;
- educate perseverance, the desire to bring the work to the end;
- to consolidate the skills of modeling from several parts;
- plasticine;
- stack;
- A-4 format cardboard;
- scissors, ruler, pencil, PVA glue;
- board.
Making crafts from plasticine on the theme of autumn is always interesting and exciting. Today I suggest you make a plasticine craft on the theme "Amazing Autumn".

Gives autumn miracles
And what!
The forests are dressed up
In golden hats.
On a stump they sit in a crowd
red mushrooms,
And the spider is a dodger! -
Pulls the network somewhere.
Rain and withered grass
Sleepy more often at night
Incomprehensible words
Until the morning they mumble

Step by step description:

Step 1. For crafts, we used materials such as plasticine, modeling board, stacks, cardboard, scissors.

Step 2 On cardboard, draw a circle with a radius of about 15 centimeters. We need a part of a circle.

Step 3 We glue half of the circle so that we get a cone.

Step 4 We glue the cone with any color of plasticine.

Before shaping the head, the children wrote their desires on small pieces of paper and hid the leaflet in a ball, after which they sculpt the head.

Step 5 We prepare leaflets for the Autumn dress. We make a ball, an oval out of it, flatten it and give it the shape of a leaf. Veins on a leaf can be cut in a stack, or you can print a leaf from a tree.

Step 6 Autumn is like a sorceress, she paints the trees in different colors. We will decorate her dress from colorful leaves. Prepared plasticine parts can be fixed on a cone. It is best to start from the bottom of the cone. We continue to the very top. The cone can be pasted over with plasticine, and for a younger age, you can simply attach the leaves to the cone.

Step 7 And then we stick the eyes, nose and mouth, then mold a hairstyle from yellow plasticine and stick it to the head. Then blind 2 hands.

Create for the joy of children and yourself!