Organization of remuneration of teachers of educational institutions. The system of remuneration of teachers. Wage systems abroad

  • 07.05.2020

Analytical review

Prepared by:

Institute for Education Development SU-HSE

and those who use it at work.

Educational institutions

for orphans and children left without parental care, including:

boarding school,


special (correctional)

for children with developmental disabilities

Special (correctional) educational institutions for students (pupils)

with developmental disabilities



elementary school (school) - kindergarten

boarding school

Boarding schools of all levels, sanatorium boarding schools; cadet boarding schools

social service institutions,


rehabilitation center for children and teenagers


social rehabilitation center for minors

social shelter for children and teenagers

In 2003, the region took a number of measures to put things in order in the staffing of schools and the structure of their funding. All this made it possible, according to the governor, to more effectively spend the funds allocated for education and ensure the growth of teachers' salaries by 20-30% without increasing appropriations. In 2004, education began the transition to normative funding, where a school receives money based on the number of its students. That is, more children study - more funds are allocated. Educational institutions have the opportunity to increase the salary fund by reducing intra-school expenses.

N- standard for implementation state standard

(taking into account the district coefficient, the percentage increase in wages for persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, an increase wages for work in countryside, unified social tax);

D- the share of the wage fund in the standard for the implementation of the state standard, established by the educational institution (not higher than 95% and not lower than 90%);

H- the number of students in general education institutions in the relevant municipality.

Thus, with an increase in the number of students, PHOTO increases, with a decrease in the number of students, it decreases.

The local government body (the founder of a general education institution) centralizes 5% of the FOTo for the incentive fund for managers and employees of general education institutions according to the following formula:

FOTst = PHOTO x 0.05, where

FOTst- a centralized incentive fund for managers and employees of educational institutions;

A photo- wage fund of educational institutions in a particular municipality.

95% PHOTO sent to educational institutions.

The wage fund of a general education institution is:

a)70% – tariff and over-tariff parts (including surcharges

and additional payments for classroom management, office management);

b)30% - the incentive part, which is distributed monthly in full;

FOT \u003d FOTtn + FOTst, where

FOT- wage fund of a general education institution;

FOTTN- tariff and over-tariff parts of the payroll;

FOTst- the stimulating part of the payroll.

The head of the educational institution forms and approves staffing institutions within the tariff and over-tariff parts of the wage fund in the ratio:

a) the share of the wage fund for the teaching staff carrying out the educational process is set in an amount not less than the actual level for the previous academic year (in case of an increase in the wage fund teaching staff automatically increases the cost of 1 student hour);

b) share of the wage fund for administrative and managerial personnel, educational and support personnel, junior service personnel, pedagogical staff not associated with the educational process, is established in an amount not exceeding the actual level for the previous academic year (in the event of a reduction in the wage fund for these categories of employees, the wage fund for the teaching staff carrying out the educational process increases, and, accordingly, the cost 1 student hour).

The tariff and over-tariff parts of the wage fund (FOTtn), including the wages of administrative and managerial personnel, teachers, educational support personnel and junior service personnel, are calculated by the formula:

FOTtn \u003d FOTaup + FOTp + FOTuvp + FOTmop, where

FOTaup- wage fund administrative_management_

technical staff;

FOTp- payroll fund for teaching staff;

FOTuvp– wage fund for teaching and support staff;

FOTmop- salary fund for junior service personnel.

The tariff part of the payroll fund for pedagogical workers who carry out the educational process is calculated

according to the following formula:

FOTt \u003d FOTtn x 0.84 x 0.85, where

FOTT- the tariff part of the payroll fund for pedagogical workers who carry out the educational process. The tariff and over-tariff parts of the wage fund for teaching staff are formed based on the cost of a pedagogical service per student, taking into account increasing coefficients for the complexity of subjects, divided into 4 groups.

The tariff wages of teachers by subject are calculated according to the formula:

ZPp \u003d Stp x N x Bp x K x A, where

RFP- the tariff salary of a teacher carrying out the educational process;

stp- tariff cost of pedagogical services (rubles/student hour);

H- the number of students in the subject in each class;

Bp- the number of hours in the subject according to the basic curriculum per month in each class;

To- increasing coefficient of complexity in the subject:

BUT- coefficients taking into account the categories of teachers carrying out the educational process:

A \u003d 1.05 - for teachers with the second category;

A \u003d 1.1 - for teaching staff with the first

A = 1.15 - for teaching staff with the highest category.

The tariff cost of a pedagogical service (rubles/student_hour) is calculated by the formula:

FOTT x 245

stp= _____________________________________________________ ,

(a1 x in1 + a2 x in2 + a3 x in3 + ... + a10 x in10 + a11 x in11) x 365

365 - the number of days in a year;

245 - the number of days in the school year;

FOTT- the tariff part of the payroll fund for pedagogical workers who carry out the educational process;

a1– the number of students in the first grades;

a2- the number of students in the second grade;

a3- the number of students in the third grade;

a11- the number of students in the eleventh grade;

in 1- the annual number of hours according to the basic curriculum in the first grade;

in 2- the annual number of hours according to the basic curriculum in the second grade;

at 3- the annual number of hours according to the basic curriculum in the third grade;

at 11- the annual number of hours according to the basic curriculum in the eleventh grade.

Thus, in the case of a decrease in the volume of the school and regional components in the basic curriculum, the cost of 1 student / hour increases and, accordingly, the salary of teachers increases.

To calculate the increasing coefficient of complexity for the subject, the indicator "level of complexity" is introduced.

It can vary from 1.0 (max) to 4.0 (min) and is calculated by summing the rating points from 1 to 3 according to the following criteria:

a) participation of the subject in the Unified State Examination (mandatory subject - 2 points, optional - 1 point, does not participate - 0 points);

b) difficulty in preparing for classes:

1 point - literature, history, social studies, geography

(large informative capacity of the subject, constant updating of the content, availability a large number sources);

in) additional load when preparing laboratory, demonstration equipment for lessons:

1 point - chemistry, biology, physics;

G) unfavorable conditions for the health of the teacher: 1 point - chemistry, computer science and others.

Accordingly, each "level of complexity" is determined by a multiplier from 1 (min) to 1.15 (max).

For example, if the difficulty level is 1, then the multiplier is 1.15, if the difficulty level is 2, then the multiplier is 1.10).

The salary of heads of educational institutions is set by the founder on the basis of an employment contract, based on the group of remuneration of heads of institutions, determined depending on the amount of points calculated by volume indicators (contingent, number of employees, availability of GPA, computer classes, etc.), according to the following formula:

ZPr \u003d ZPpsr x K, where

ZPR- salary of the head of the educational institution;

ZPpsr- the average salary of teaching staff of this institution;

To- coefficient established by groups of remuneration of heads of institutions:

group 1 - coefficient 3.0;

group 2 - coefficient 2.5;

group 3 - coefficient 2.0;

Group 4 - coefficient 1.5.

The procedure for classifying the heads of general educational institutions as wage groups is established by the local government (the founder of the general educational institution).

Remuneration of junior service personnel and educational support personnel is carried out on the basis of a work contract concluded with both individuals and legal entities.

The curriculum is developed independently by each educational institution. The maximum teaching load cannot exceed the norms established by the federal basic curriculum(SanPiN norms).

The implementation of the federal component of the basic curriculum is mandatory for all educational institutions.

The regional component is introduced by decision of the governing body of the educational institution in agreement with the Department of Education and Science of the regional administration.

The tariff part of the wage fund provides guaranteed wages for managers, teaching staff, teaching support staff and junior service personnel.

The standard of working time used by the educational institution when calculating wages includes classroom and extracurricular employment.

Compensatory payments provided for by the Labor Code Russian Federation(payments for work in special conditions, including hard work, work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions work, work in areas with special climatic conditions, for work when combining professions or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee, work outside the normal working hours, work at night, weekends and non-working holidays), are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The tariff part of the wage fund of a general education institution must be at least 69% of the total amount of the wage fund provided for the tariff and over-tariff parts.

The over-tariff part includes allowances and surcharges for class management, office management, which is 16%, as well as at least 15% for increasing coefficients for the complexity of subjects and for categories of teachers who carry out the educational process.

The system of incentive payments to employees of a general education institution is provided at the expense of the incentive part of the institution's wage fund and includes:

a) monthly additional payments for academic degrees of Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science, for honorary title USSR or the Russian Federation "Honored Worker ...", for the Order of the USSR or the Russian Federation;

b) other incentive payments (bonuses, etc.).

Monthly bonuses for employees with state awards(including honorary titles) of the USSR or the Russian Federation, the scientific degree of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science are established in the amount of:

a) for the degree of Doctor of Science - 3600 rubles;

b) for the degree of candidate of sciences - 3000 rubles;

in) for the honorary title of the USSR or the Russian Federation

"Honored Worker ...", corresponding to the profile of the work performed - 3000 rubles;

G) for the order of the USSR or the Russian Federation - 1800 rubles.

Other payments to teaching staff are distributed board of trustees on the recommendation of the head of the educational institution.

The criteria for making incentive payments may be:

a) the quality of education;

b) student health;

in) education of students.

The incentive part of the wage fund is calculated according to the following formula:

FOTst \u003d premium + H + SME, where

FOTst- the stimulating part of the wage fund;

Savings in the wage fund resulting from the failure to fulfill the federal component are subject to withdrawal by the founder. In the event of the formation of savings in the wage fund for other reasons (payment for sick leaves, advanced training courses, business trips, etc.), it is directed to increase the cost of 1 student / hour.

The distribution of the centralized incentive fund for managers and employees of educational institutions (5% FOTo) is carried out on the basis of a regulatory legal act of the local government (the founder of the educational institution), which takes into account:

a) test results for students in "transfer" and graduate classes;

b) USE results;

c) the stability of the physical and mental health of students (according to the monitoring results);

G) creation of a favorable psychological microclimate (based on monitoring results);

e) the number of crimes and administrative offenses committed by students of educational institutions;

e) the number of students expelled from general educational institutions and not continuing their education in other educational organizations;

and) participation of educational institutions in district (city), regional and all-Russian events, the effectiveness of participation.

Remuneration of employees of educational institutions is made on the basis of labor contracts between the head of the institution and employees.

The remuneration of the head of a general educational institution is made on the basis of an employment contract with the founder.

This agreement should provide for an additional condition for referring to the duties of the head of the institution:

a) ensuring timely payment of wages to employees;

b) implementation of measures for the efficient use of financial and material resources;

in) fulfillment general requirements(quality, health, education, etc.).

The transition to the new wage system began on September 1, 2005. With the new system of payment in the official salary of a teacher, 70% is the basic part and 30% is the bonus fund. As a result average salary teachers increased by 1490 rubles and reached 8320 rubles. Administrative salary managerial employee educational institution depends on the size of the average salary of teachers.

Now the heads of educational institutions and authorities are faced with the task of bringing it up to 10,000 rubles. Also, within the framework of the national project, it is planned to introduce new educational and methodological complexes, conduct competitions among educational institutions, and create interschool training centers.

Such a wage system is, in fact, a salary system with all its advantages and disadvantages. To date, it seems premature to analyze the effectiveness of the introduced system due to the insufficiently long period of validity. new system(since September 1, 2005).

Wage systems abroad


In England teachers are municipal employees. The basics of the pay system for English teachers are set out in the UK Department of Education and Employment (DFeS) Guidelines on Pay and Conditions of Employment for School Teachers, 2002 (DfES/0668/2002). Of particular interest, in the aspect of building the Russian salary system, is the section “Working time » , from which we present some excerpts.

Basic work schedule for teachers during school year:

A full-time teacher must be available to work during 195 days, of which 190 must be days on which he is obliged to teach;

Such teacher shall be available to perform such duties, at such times and in such places as determined by the principal of the school, within 1265 hours and these hours shall be reasonably distributed over all the days in the school year in which he is to be available for the performance of his duties;

The teacher is required to work as many extra hours as may be necessary to enable him to carry out his professional duties effectively;

Professional duties include, in particular, checking student work, writing reports on student progress, as well as preparing for lessons, teaching materials and teaching programs;

The allocation of 1265 hours of teacher's "prescribed time" between teaching and performing other duties is the responsibility of the school principal.

part-time teachers

Qualified full-time part-time teachers are eligible for points on the basic and higher pay scales and benefits on the same basis as full-time teachers. They need to be paid on a pro rata basis. Part-time faculty members are eligible for a seniority point on the basic pay scale if they have worked any 26 weeks during the past year (including part-time employment) as of September 1 in any year. Part-time educators may request a threshold assessment once they have reached the maximum on the main pay scale. The Minister recommends that working time hourly hours included, where appropriate, time spent on duties other than teaching.


Some teachers are hired on a daily or other short-term basis for their services, often as assistant teachers. Such teachers are paid on a daily basis calculated on the assumption that a full working year consists of 195 working days. There are no statutory guidelines regarding the length of their working day, but the Minister of Education considers, in a recommendatory plan, that such a day should be 6.5 hours of working time (including the performance of other duties besides teaching). Such teachers should always be given the opportunity to be involved in duties other than teaching, and in these cases the teacher should be paid the full daily rate. In some cases, however, other obligations of the teacher may prevent the use of the teacher's services outside of school hours. Payment for employment for several hours, less than a full day, is calculated pro rata.

Hourly teachers are subject to the same rules as regular teachers, whether they are qualified or unqualified. Technically, each new hourly appointment should entail a new earnings estimate. To minimize paperwork, hourly workers may find it convenient to keep a certified record of all items for which they were paid during the year and estimated benefits. Points accrued for seniority advance to the next assignment, however, the relevant authorities have the right to re-evaluate the allowances assigned to any hourly worker for management, hiring and maintenance duties, or for teaching children with special educational needs.

Management of replacements and replacement of absent teachers

The professional duties of teachers (including the Deputy and Assistant Principal) include supervising and teaching "to the best of their ability" any students whose teacher is absent. However, an individual teacher is not normally required to replace a teacher who is absent for three or more consecutive working days, or to replace an educator whose alleged absence was known to the relevant authority two or more working days in advance. The cases are exceptional when:

The teacher works as an auxiliary teacher, or

The teacher was assigned to perform specific duties for less than 75% of the school week.

The minister hopes that every effort will be made to minimize the damage done to student learning by the absence of regular teachers. Whenever possible, it is necessary to provide educational courses outside of school hours, during which teachers should be available for work: during the evenings, during weekends and school holidays, when appropriate additional payment can be made.

Principals should monitor the possible limits of absence of teachers on a legal basis and pay increased attention to good governance by this process. Relevant authorities should assess the effectiveness of their schools' systems for managing and monitoring teacher absences due to illness. Schools should take effective measures in place to provide appropriate internal or external replacements in cases of teacher absence, while ensuring sufficient resources for external replacements within school budgets or through insurance schemes.

Teacher salaries in England and Wales (September 2002)

Basic salary (salary)

Basic salary scale fees

For all school teachers, on a scale of 6 divisions (before September 2001 it was 9).

The "place" of a teacher on the scale is determined by his qualifications and experience

phased increase of around 7.8% to £25,713

Upper scale

For teachers who have reached the maximum on the basic scale and passed the certification for the transition to this - the upper - scale. On a scale of 5 divisions. The movement starts from the first division and further depends on the results of annual certifications (the achievement of planned goals and indicators is assessed).

phased increase of around 3.7% to £32,217

Scale for highly qualified teachers

27 divisions: "step" of advancement on the scale - 5 divisions. When assigned to this scale, the "place" of the teacher on the scale is determined by the nature of his work, his specific qualifications and the complexity of the tasks that he faces, he solves.

£28,917 rising to £46,131

Executive Scale

43 divisions for school directors, their deputies and assistants (assistants). The "step" of progress on the scale is 7 divisions.

The "place" on the scale is determined individually depending on the size of the team and the school (schools are divided into 8 categories according to the size - in this case, a formula is used that includes the number of students and their age; in a category 8 school, as a rule, more than 1700 students, in category 1 school - less than 125), as well as depending on specific official duties social and economic characteristics contingent of students, from complexity.

Progress on the scale depends on the results of annual assessments (the achievement of planned goals and indicators is assessed).

Without specialized training

Payment is made on a scale with 10 divisions

Incremental growth

(in 10 stages)


For managerial/supervisory work

For teachers with significant, well-defined managerial responsibilities

There are 5 levels of allowances for different degrees of responsibility. For example, in a primary school, Levels 1 and 2 allowances (in large primary schools, possibly Level 3) would be paid to teachers who coordinate the curriculum or are responsible for academic work at a certain stage of learning; In secondary school, allowances from levels 1 to 5 are paid for leading a direction, academic year, etc.

Recruitment allowance & retention allowance

Paid upon appointment and thereafter, for an indefinite or fixed period of time. There are 5 levels of this allowance.

4: £4,041 5: £5,262

For work with a special contingent of students

2 bonus levels. Paid to teachers in special schools or mainstream schools if they work with children in need of special educational approaches or with children who are visually and hearing impaired

London allowance

3 levels - depending on the specific place of residence

Inner London: £3,105

Outer London: £2,043

Around London: £0.792


Status and remuneration of teachers

Law No. 83-634 of 01.01.01 defines the rights and duties of employees. Teachers belong to the category of employees.

Article 4 it is specified that "an employee has a certain status in relation to the administration and his activity is regulated by certain rules."

status wears state character.

Eligibility for employment and control may be, depending on the circumstances, delegated or decentralized .

Civil servants

Territorial employees (department, region)

Health workers

Employees can move from one category to another. The transition can also be carried out on a competitive basis (art. 14 of the law no. 83-634 of 13/07/1983 with subsequent amendments adopted by the laws no. 87-529 of 13/07/1987 and no. .

Article 16 says; "employees are hired on the basis of a competition, with the exception of cases provided for by law."


The necessary conditions:

Legal norms subordinate the recruitment procedure to certain conditions, therefore, when hiring, the following is taken into account:

1. nationality;

2. moral character;

3. age;

4. diplomas and academic degrees;

5. physical condition.

Method of hiring

Recruitment takes place on competitive basis. Competitions are organized at the state level and have an official program. The jury of the competition consists of peers (selected representatives of the education system of the same profession in which the competition takes place), university professors, education inspectors.

In case of successful completion of the competition, a job is enrolled.

Only the relevant Ministry is involved in this.

Career advancement

Teachers belong to groups by category:

high school teachers;

Primary school teachers.

Each category has two levels:

regular class

extracurricular system.

Each level includes a certain amount of steps:

Regular class:

11 steps for agreje, high school teachers and elementary school teachers

Extracurricular, system:

7 steps for secondary school and elementary school teachers

6 steps for aggregation

You can enter the extracurricular system starting from the 7th step of the regular class by moving up the career ladder, but not on a competitive basis. The level can be changed in 3 ways: by seniority, “choice” and “big choice” (the choice of secondary school teachers is carried out by the rector in his academy, and the choice of teachers at the agrege is carried out by the minister, in which case the choice is made at the state level). Promotion depends on performance evaluation.

Performance evaluation

There are 2 systems for evaluating teaching staff:

administrative estimate- the same as for other employees. It concerns punctuality, work efficiency, manifestation of personal abilities and leads to a score issued by the competent administrative authority. Every year the Pharmacist (Head of the Lyceum) draws up a report on the work of the teacher. The score and the report are brought to the attention of the teacher.

pedagogical assessment is under the jurisdiction of the inspector for the relevant subjects.

In accordance with the grade given, the teacher moves up the career ladder to the last 11th step of the regular class. For this you need:

20 years at the "Big Choice";

26 years with a simple "Choice";

30 years of service


Big choice


By seniority

2 years 6 months

2 year 6

3 years 6 months

3 years 6 months

3 years 6 months

4 years 6 months

4 years 6 months

5 years 6 months

Article 20. as amended by Law No. 91-715 of 26/07/1991 refers to CASH REWARD , provided after the work has been completed. It depends on discharge teacher - agrezhe, high school teacher, elementary school teacher.

Each level corresponds to a certain number of points, called the index. The nominal salary is obtained by multiplying the index corresponding to the grade of the teacher by the nominal value of the index.

Cash reward

Consists of the following components.

nominal salary, which is equal to the product of the index corresponding to the grade of the teacher and the nominal value of the index (i.e. 52.4933 Euro / per year);

Agreje- ordinary Class

amount per year

High school teacher-regular class

amount per year

housing allowance, the procedure for payment of which is determined by the relevant decree. The surcharge provides for reimbursement of expenses due to the higher cost of living in some geographic areas.

FROM there are 3 geographical areas:

1 - 3% bonus on nominal salary

2 - 1% bonus on nominal salary

3 - 0% bonus on nominal salary

The amount of the allowance is calculated on the basis of the nominal salary, taking into account the location area of ​​the employee's place of work. This method allows you to increase wages for employees who live in cities with a high cost of living (for example, in Paris)

family allowance, the amount of which depends on the age and number of dependent children;

class management allowance, which is as of today (25/11/03) for a secondary school teacher:

6th-5th-4th grades of the college (which corresponds to the 6th-7th-8th grade of the Russian school) - 96.83 Euro monthly;

3rd grade of a college and a professional lyceum + 2nd grade of a lyceum (level 9th ​​grade of a Russian school Euro monthly;

1st and Graduation class (respectively, 10-11th grades of the Russian school) - 69.58 Euro monthly;

For teachers of the Agreje category, this allowance is in any case 134.14 Euros per month.

Surcharge (ISO) for additional classes and school orientation(schoolchildren's choice of further education), which is the same for everyone and amounts to 94.40 Euro per month.

Supplement for annual additional hours (HSA), in case of exceeding the standard number of hours according to the schedule (mandatory 18 hours per week for a certified secondary school teacher, 15 hours for a teacher of the Agreje category).

The amount of the allowance depends on the category of the teacher, the calculation is carried out starting from the first additional hour:

1 hour = 28.18 Euro for a secondary school teacher

1 hour = 40.31 Euro for a teacher of the Agreje category

The supplement (HSA) is paid monthly for 9 months, including during short holidays (Christmas, winter and spring).

Supplement for one-time additional lessons (HSE), which are paid for each additional hour of work. They also change depending on the rank:

1 hour = 46.36 Euro for Agreje teacher

1h = 32.41 Euro for a secondary school teacher

Compulsory family allowances:

At the beginning of the school year

Family allowances depending on the number, age of children and family income

Parental education benefits

For single parents, etc.

(there are many benefits depending on the characteristics of social status).

Special Educational Zone Special Allowance (ZEP).

It is paid monthly to those teachers who work in officially recognized difficult areas. This allowance is 90.97 Euros for all teachers, regardless of their rank.

At the end of each month, teachers receive a salary and an individual payroll, which shows all types of payments.


5. The solidarity contribution of 1% is calculated on the basis of the gross salary plus all allowances and family allowances, minus the pension contribution

6. MGEN - a contribution of 2.5% to the Mutual Aid Society of Public Education Employees (social insurance for medical and surgical care).


Income tax is charged on the total family income according to the system of relevant coefficients. The amount of income is reported by the administration of the educational institution to the fiscal authorities.

Job responsibilities

Official duties and workload during school hours vary depending on the grade of the teacher obtained as a result of successfully passing the competition for the degree of agrege or the teacher of high school in college and lyceum. The weekly load is:

Primary school teacher - 26 hours

Agreje teacher - 15 hours

Teacher at a secondary school - 18 hours.

In college and lyceum, the load will be increased or decreased depending on the number of students:

Less than 20 students for 8 hours - a secondary school teacher must work another 1 hour, i.e. 19 hours, and an agrege teacher -16 hours.

If its load is more than 6 hours. in the pre-graduation and / or graduation class, then he must work 1 hour less, i.e. 17 hours (secondary school teacher) and 14 hours (agrege teacher).

There is also a system of exemption from 1 hour of classes for a teacher - coordinator of history-geography (for desk work), a teacher of physics-chemistry (for work in a laboratory) and a teacher of biology (also for work in a laboratory).

It is possible to contact teachers with a request to work additionally paid hours, the so-called:

HSA - annual additional hours

HSE - one-time extra hours

Along with professional responsibilities, teachers have obligations regarding moral aspects work to be shown in:


professional ethics;



The teacher also:

Participates in the class council, chaired by the head of the educational institution or his representative, during which the educational results of each student are discussed in a quarter;

Participates in school (professional) orientation of students;

Participates in a teaching council that brings together teachers of the same subject (for example, all teachers of history-geography or all teachers of mathematics).

Learning Councils are chaired by the head of the educational institution, who:

Participates in meetings of parents and teachers;

Participates in the work of the jury during the examinations for obtaining a certificate of graduation from college and for obtaining a bachelor's degree.


We are not talking about professional merit salaries in the truest sense of the word, but if you look at a teaching career with a total duration of 40 years, then the difference in pay, depending on the time of passing the steps, is very large. Of course, professional merit plays a significant role in this.

P high school teachers:

Between the length of service in the ordinary class and the "big choice" the difference is Euro

Between the length of service in the regular class and the "big choice" of the extracurricular system, the difference is 30 Euro

Agreje teachers

Between the length of service in the ordinary class and the "big choice" difference is 50 Euro

Between the length of service in the regular class and the "large choice" of the extracurricular system, it is 10 Euro

If we compare the total income of a teacher of a secondary (or primary) school at the level of the regular class, who advances through seniority, and an Agreje teacher of an extracurricular system, whose promotion was based on the "Big Choice", for 40 years of work, then the difference in pay will be Euro.

A secondary school teacher works with students for 18 hours, an agreje teacher for 15 hours.

If the Agreje teacher had worked 18 hours, that is, an additional 3 hours a week, this difference would have been even more significant.


Number of schools

In the Slovak Republic, primary and secondary schools are mainly owned by the state; after 1989, private and church schools reappeared in the primary and secondary education network.

The set of primary and secondary schools in Slovakia is quite dense. Primary schools are also available in small villages, although it often happens that the teacher conducts classes at the same time as the students different ages. In the 2001/2002 academic year, about 200 primary schools were located in villages whose population, according to the last census dated 01.01.2001, was less than 500 permanent residents. Approximately 64.0% of primary schools are located in 1,572 villages, 29.5% in 134 small towns and 6.5% in two large cities. As of the year, there were 2883 settlements in the Republic of Slovakia (including 4 military camps), of which 134 are considered small towns and 2 are large cities. Village schools providing incomplete secondary education accounted for 45.0% of the total number of schools providing this level of education. The predominant part of schools providing completed secondary education was located in small and large towns (91.6%).

Public school funding

In funding public schools, institutions outside school work and school-type institutions have undergone significant changes as a result of the introduction of special rules, namely the adoption of Law No. 000/2001 within the Code of Laws on the Funding of Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, School and Out-of-School Institutions and the adoption of the Annex to Law No. 000/1995 under the Budget Code (as revised as amended), with a date of entry into force d. Funding for public schools until the completion of the tax reform (estimated to happen in 2004) will be made from the state budget according to expenditure items for the Ministry of Education and for local education authorities. After meeting the budgetary needs of municipalities and higher-level territorial units, state budget funds will be allocated to finance pedagogical activities and capital investments. Municipalities and higher-level territorial units, which are the founders of local schools, assume the current operational and maintenance costs. Currently, economically, schools are managed as non-profit and partly as budget organizations. Recent regulations provide that in the future it will be possible to use the services of other non-profit organizations to perform a number of functions. The main reason for delegating some educational powers to the level of local authorities is that municipalities and other territorial units are better placed to manage education locally and to allocate resources more efficiently.

Teachers' salary

Teachers and other personnel of educational institutions are difficult to compare with other categories of workers. The starting salary of teachers with higher education is 8,190 SK (Slovak crowns) (approx. 200 EUR), after one year of work - 9720 SK (approx. 230 EUR), after 10 years of work - 11,780 SK (approx. 280 EUR), after 32 years - 11670 SK (approximately 350 EUR). An individual allowance can be added to the standard salary of each teacher - an average of 800 SK (approximately 20 EUR).

The real monthly salary of a beginner teacher is in the range of 8000 to 9000 SK (210 EUR), the salary of a teacher before retirement is approximately SK (380 EUR).

Since 1989, the following dynamics of average wages in the national economy and in the education sector has been observed: in the period from 1989 to 1992, the gap was small, then the gap began to gradually increase, and by the beginning of 2001, the average wage in the education sector was approximately 75% of the level of wages in rapidly developing industries. It should be pointed out that the majority of those employed in the education sector are people with university education, but in terms of wages, the school education sector ranks penultimately in the list of eleven sectors of the national economy. The tariff earnings of teachers during their career are compared with the salaries of other employees who are public service. Teachers' salaries are significantly lower than the salaries of civil servants (various preferential payments further increase this difference). Benefits are equivalent to about one tenth of wages. However, it should be said that between individual schools there are also very large differences in the level of remuneration - it depends on the management and on what financial resources provided by local governments. Benefits in non-monetary (in-kind) form for civil servants and employees of the public sector do not exist.

The level of salaries and benefits and working conditions are not conducive to creating motivation for entering the teaching profession; on the contrary, they scare teachers away.

The quality of school work for many teachers is deteriorating as they are forced to engage in various other activities in order to earn some extra money in addition to their low salary.

It is quite common that teachers seek extra work, including those not related to teaching, they work as distributors of various products, process various orders at home, do cleaning, take care of children, perform administrative work, work in the service sector, in stores, etc. In the regions, 20% school teachers work during holidays and spend more than four weeks from their vacation to earn money,

The only obvious fact of the return of teachers to teaching after a break is the return of female teachers to school after graduation. maternity leave or parental leave. There are no data on the scale and structure of this phenomenon.

Evaluation of work, certification of teachers

Slovak labor law applicable to the education sector does not provide for a superior or employer to evaluate a teacher's work. Although the Labor Code, the Education Act, and the work instructions mention that a teacher must constantly improve his qualifications, there are no provisions imposing on anyone the obligation to verify this requirement and talking about the possible consequences negative evaluation.

Until recently, mandatory official certification was carried out only at the initial stage of the work of young teachers. Before the completion of this stage, such certification was necessarily carried out by the so-called teacher-mentor, and the result was submitted for approval to the head of the school.

As a rule, the teacher is assessed when determining the amount of individual allowances that are paid to him in addition to his salary, and in the case of an offer to pay him a bonus. According to the Public Service Law, the former is possible on the basis of a written proposal for the payment of individual allowances in recognition of the particularly high level of qualifications and results achieved by the teacher in his work. The limit of such additional payments is 70% of the teacher's tariff rate. The second is possible on the basis of a written offer to pay the teacher remuneration for the high quality of the performance of some work or for the performance of some task that goes beyond direct duties, for the performance of additional functions, for the performance of a particularly important task, for achieving a predetermined performance indicator, or but for labor merits in general, which is possible upon reaching the age of 50, such remuneration (bonus) can reach the level of the official salary. However, in neither case are there binding rules for conducting the relevant assessment.

Career development for teachers

Considering the fact that, according to the law on public service, teachers are civil servants, their career advancement defined by law. This promotion is more or less automatic and depends on seniority.

Career advancement of teachers is associated only with the appointment to any (leading) position. Supervisory work (of the head of the school or his deputy) is accompanied by an increase in salary, which is determined by the annex to the law on public service (for example, the head of a secondary school receives an increase in the amount of% of the salary accrued according to the corresponding scale, the deputy head - an increase of 8- 28%. The performance of other positions (for example, class teacher, consultant-methodologist, etc.) is compensated by a decrease in the weekly teaching load.

Other additional payments, allowances, bonuses are described in the previous section.

Another payment that a teacher can claim is the payment for the practical training of future teachers in the respective educational institutions. Additional payment for an hour of such work is 50% hourly pay calculated from the salary.

The Law on Public Service also allows for a 15% increase in the rate of those employees of schools, school and out-of-school institutions who participate in the performance of tasks related to health care. The types of schools and institutions designated for these purposes are determined by the Ministry of Education.

Prepared changes regarding the career development of teachers are presented in the so-called Millennium Initiatives. The starting point is that salary growth should be based not only on the amount of teaching experience, but also on the quality of the teacher's work.


The salary scales (tariff scales) for employees employed in the school sector are effective from 01.04.2002 and are determined by Law no. 313/2001 of the Civil Service Code; directly to the teaching staff, in particular, Annex 7, Laws no. 165/2001 and no.

Legislative regulations on wage scales that have been in force since the year provided for 12 tariff classes (II) and within them - 10 pay grades (PS), which were established in accordance with the length of service. The length of service was "measured" by 3-year intervals. In contrast to these rules, there are currently 14 pay classes and 12 grades, with first promotion occurring after two years of service, allowing for more rapid progress up the wage scale at the start of employment, and later transitions in the next category occurs after three years of work in this category.

Specifically, the assignment of the personnel of the educational sector to the appropriate class and category was carried out in government decree No. brainwork, as well as government decree No. 000/2002 (entered into force, which made changes and additions to these lists.

Teaching staff in kindergartens - workers with secondary education without experience - are assigned to class TT 4 for a period of 3-12 months; the rest of the teaching staff with higher education - to class TT 8 and above, which depends primarily on the level of educational activities that are carried out in kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and higher educational institutions, on the implementation qualification requirements prescribed for this activity according to the type of school, and from the experience.

The professional and pedagogical qualifications of the teaching staff are the subject of Regulation No. 41/1996, which was amended and supplemented by Regulation No. 000/2000. Its purpose was to determine the state of professional and pedagogical qualifications of the teaching staff, the organization and methods of testing qualifications. Educational activities can be carried out by workers who have professional qualifications, but do not have pedagogical training. The acquisition of a teaching qualification must begin no later than two years after the commencement of teaching and must be completed within four years. Under certain conditions, workers who did not have pedagogical training, but had at least 15 years of practical teaching experience and reached the age of 45, had the opportunity either to confirm their pedagogical qualifications, or in some cases not to do so. On the other hand, those who did not fulfill the conditions set by them could no longer conduct pedagogical work, they were fired or transferred to another job. Qualified teachers who have been certified according to the new salary scale from year to year have been promoted to at least one pay grade or one tariff class higher, in many cases they have been upgraded to both pay grade and tariff class, and sometimes double pay increase.

Pedagogical and educational work in special / specialized schools of all types requires higher education (with appropriate specialization) for all employees who perform this work without exception. In this field, employees with vocational and pedagogical training must complete a refresher course, starting within four years of starting work and completing it at the latest seven years after starting work.

The basic organizational unit for schooling is the classroom. The number of students in a class is set by the Ministry of Education in general provisions mandatory for execution.

In elementary school, there are at least 15 students in a class. Maximum amount students in grade 1 - 29, in grades 2 to 9 - up to 34. In remote villages, in remote rural areas, mountain settlements and isolated villages, as well as in regions with a mixed ethnic composition of the population, where - due to the small number of students it is impossible to form separate classes for each age, primary schools with classes that bring together students of different ages. In these schools, as a rule, education is conducted only according to the program of grades 1-4 (i.e., they provide only elementary education), and the teacher in one class deals with children at least two, and in most cases four age groups. In a class with students of several ages, the number of students cannot exceed 24.

In secondary schools, in a full-time class, the minimum number of students is 17, the maximum is 34. The head of the school may, if there are serious reasons, increase the number of students in the class to 38 - with the consent of the school board. In schools located in territories with a mixed ethnic composition, the authorities in charge of the school may, as an exception, allow the establishment of classes with fewer than 17 students, but not less than 12.

In schools providing primary and secondary education, in addition to teachers, there are other staff both involved in teaching and not directly involved in teaching. The staff involved in the training includes, in particular, all educators and teachers of vocational training, who must be qualified in the field of teaching. In addition, there are also teaching support staff and vocational trainers who do not need to have a teaching background. Personnel not directly involved in teaching consists of two subgroups: administrative and technical personnel providing the activities of schools, out-of-school institutions, school-type institutions, school authorities, and specialists of various professions working directly in the school (for example, psychologists) or outside schools in specialized institutions (administrative workers, librarians, etc.).

The volume of teaching and educational work of teachers is determined by government decree No. 000, which entered into force for the year. The weekly working time of the teaching staff consists of the main teaching load and the time during which teachers perform other work related to education - in accordance with the Instruction on the work schedule of schools, out-of-school institutions and school-type institutions. The basic weekly workload of a teacher depends on the type of school and ranges from 15 to 35 hours. The duration of the lessons, in which theoretical knowledge is taught, exercises are performed and practical classes are conducted, is 45 minutes; practical sessions in various extra-curricular and school-type institutions or as part of vocational training last 60 minutes. Any activity related to teaching and learning that exceeds the base load is additional (overtime) work. If the teacher is entrusted with conducting class hours, then he is not transferred to a higher tariff class, but he is reduced in the base load by 1 - 2 hours, depending on the number of classes. If the teacher acts as a consultant-methodologist, his base load is reduced depending on the number of students and the type of school by 1 - 3 hours.

The basic teaching load for executives of educational institutions (head, deputy head, etc.) is determined on a special scale that takes into account the type of school and the number of classes or students. The base load is from 4 to 23 hours. Per managerial work management personnel receive percentage bonuses, the amount of which depends on the level of management, degree of responsibility, type of school, number of students, etc. In addition to the regular salary paid in accordance with the pay class and rank, and management bonuses, individual bonuses may be paid. Unlike past practice, all other additional payments have been cancelled. Due to the lack of wage funds, which were aimed primarily at reforming tariff scale and the introduction of new salary scales in the education sector, remuneration in the form of individual allowances is reduced to a minimum and is used in exceptional cases, most often as a reward for excellent results.

According to Art. 333 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation The Government of the Russian Federation is authorized determine duration working time (norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) for teaching staff . Contrary to the authority clearly expressed in the wording of the law, Decree No. 000 does not regulate the length of working hours: since even the classroom work of a teacher is not limited and is determined by his actual workload, then de facto a system (method) of remuneration is established according to the rules of the old tariff system which is not within the powers of the Government.

Based on the materials of the Concept of staffing - salary of SOT teachers

Excerpts from the report on the state of affairs in the Republic of Slovakia. Matej Beno, Institute for Educational Information and Forecasting, Bratislava, 2003

Planned joint pedagogical activity aimed at providing educational services in the process of training and education of the younger generation, reproduction and development human resources society (from an economic point of view).

Features of pedagogical work

In educational institutions, a time-based wage system has been adopted, taking into account the number of fixed hours of work, and not the number of products produced.

The unit of measurement of the work of pedagogical workers is working time - the period of time during which the employee performs his labor duties.

Types of working time:

1) Normal (no more than 40 hours per week)

2) Abbreviated (for minors, disabled people, pregnant women and workers of certain professions, taking into account the specifics and working conditions)

3) Incomplete (by agreement between the employee and the employer, while labor is paid in proportion to the time worked or the amount of work performed).

Working hours in each year may vary due to the presence of holidays, since, according to the labor code, on the eve of a holiday, the working day is reduced by 1 hour, and if a holiday non-working day falls on a weekend, the next weekday becomes a non-working day.

The Labor Code contains a special chapter that establishes the features of the regulation of the work of pedagogical workers.

The working time of a pedagogical worker = teaching load (teaching work is paid) + other pedagogical work (checking notebooks, class management, teachers' councils, methodological associations, changes, etc.).

The wage rate for a teacher is set based on the cost of working time in astronomical hours, while one hour of teaching load can be 45 minutes or 30 minutes, and there is no increase in the number of lessons, since the duration of the lesson is set for the student and in his interests.

Periods of school holidays that do not coincide with the next vacation are ordinary working days, during which the teacher can arrange an office, perform organizational work, etc., within the limits of the workload assigned to him.

For hours of pedagogical work performed in excess of the established norm, an additional payment is made at the rate of the received rate (salary) in a single amount.

Cases of working outside normal working hours:

1. Part-time (at the initiative of the employee) internal (with the permission of the administration in the same educational institution) and external (outside the walls of the educational institution, while the permission of the administration is not required).

2. Overtime work (at the initiative of the employer).

Work outside normal working hours may not exceed 4 hours per day and 16 hours per week.

Working week: 5 days with two days off

6 days with one day off


Flexible working hours, irregular working hours.

Irregular working hours - a special mode of work, in accordance with which individual employees may, by order of the employer, if necessary, occasionally be sent to perform their tasks. labor functions outside of normal working hours.

Non-working time is considered to be: time associated with work in an institution (travel to and from the place of work, lunch break); time for housework and other household needs; time to satisfy the physiological needs of a person (sleep, food, self-care); free time(active rest, reading, hobby).

Wages - part of GDP, reflected in the cost of production and distributed in market economy between industries National economy, enterprises and individual workers based on the quantity and quality of labor expended, as well as the supply and demand of goods.

Wage functions: reproducing (wage is the main source of a person's income, the main means of resuming his ability to work);

Stimulating (salary - a form of material incentives for workers).

Salary is nominal and real. The nominal salary is the salary accrued and received by the employee for his work for a certain period. Real wage - the amount of goods and services that can be purchased for a nominal wage; purchasing power of nominal wages. Depends on the size of nominal wages and prices for goods and services.

The remuneration of teaching staff consists of:

Basic (payment for hours worked, quantity and quality of work performed);

Additional (payments for unworked time provided for labor code: holidays, breaks, preferential hours, severance pay upon dismissal, state and public duties);

Bonuses (paid from the profit of the enterprise for the main results of work);

Remuneration (paid from the wage fund for achieving a certain result in the activity).

Forms of remuneration:

1. Time.

1.1. Time-based simple: salary directly depends on the amount of time worked.

1.2. Premium: a premium in a certain percentage to the state grid tariff or other meters is added to the amount of earnings at the tariff.

2. Piecework.

2.1. Direct piece rate: payment for the number of units of manufactured products and work performed, based on fixed piece rates, taking into account the necessary qualifications.

2.2. Piecework-bonus: in addition to the amount of piecework wages, the employee receives bonuses for specific indicators of his productive activity.

2.3. Piecework-progressive: manufactured products within the established norm are paid at direct fixed prices, products in excess of the norm - at increased prices according to the established scale, but not more than double the piece-rate.

3. Chord: determination of total earnings for the performance of certain stages of work or the production of a certain volume of products.

Labor bonuses are an additional form of staff remuneration along with salary, paid when the planned results are achieved by the enterprise as a whole or by its specific subdivision. Individual bonuses emphasize the special role of individuals (top management, innovators, inventors) and collective bonuses aimed at motivating social groups.

The tariff system is a set of standards by which the wages of various categories of personnel are regulated.

Elements of the tariff system.

1. Tariff rates

2. Qualification categories

4. Official salaries.

In 1992 there was a radical change in the traditional policy of remuneration of workers. It was established by law minimum size wages, which has increased several times over the years. The wage gap between workers in production and public sector.

By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992, a common mechanism for organizing and periodically reviewing wages was introduced for workers in education and all other budgetary sectors. Monthly official salaries of public sector employees are set in accordance with the ETS (single tariff scale - a set of tariff categories for work (professions, positions) determined depending on the complexity of the work and the qualification characteristics of employees using tariff coefficients).

Depending on the level of education, work experience and other components of qualification, teachers are assigned grades 7-16. Heads of institutions are set higher levels of remuneration than those of teaching staff (13-16), taking into account volume and quality indicators.

Volumetric indicators: the number of employees, the number of students or pupils, the presence of additional facilities, their complexity, the shift work of the institution.

Qualitative indicator - the level of qualification of the leader.

On December 1, 2001, the following tariff coefficients were established (see table).

Discharge Tariff coefficient Discharge Tariff coefficient
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,36 1,51 1,67 1,84 2,02 2,22 2,44 2,68 2,89 3,12 3,36 3,62 3,9 4,2 4,5

The rate of the 1st category of the UTS for the remuneration of employees of federal public institutions is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and employees of state and municipal institutions - by the relevant authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments (in the Leningrad Region in 2008 the rate was 2000 rubles).

The existing category grid leads to payment for the same category of specialists of different qualifications (teachers of universities and school teachers), levels out various types of pedagogical activities (seminars, scientific work, lecturing).

Currently, Russia is gradually moving towards “per capita” funding per student. Many schools in Russia have already switched to this system. The Ministry of Education and Science believes that this will increase the competitiveness of educational institutions. Institutions with large student populations should be the first to benefit from this reform.

In Art. 28 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 "On Education" specifies the competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of an educational organization. In particular, it includes the establishment of wages for employees of an educational organization, including allowances and additional payments to official salaries, the procedure and amount of their bonuses 1 .

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 99 of the Federal Law "On Education", the standard costs for the provision of state or municipal services in the field of education include the costs of remuneration of teachers, taking into account ensuring the level of average wages of teachers for their educational (teaching) work and other work, determined in accordance with with decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments. Labor costs for teachers of municipal educational organizations included by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the standards determined in accordance with Part 3 of Article 99 of the Federal Law "On Education" cannot be lower than the level corresponding to the average wage in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory such educational institutions are located.

State Educational Institution "Syktyvkar Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after I.I. I.A. Kuratov" the "Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the state vocational educational institution" Syktyvkar Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after I.A. Kuratov.

The remuneration of employees of educational organizations is regulated by two methods: state-legal and contractual 2 .

The difference in remuneration based on the wage rate from payment based on the official salary is that in the first case, a teacher who, with his consent, constantly does pedagogical work in excess or less than the established norm, is paid in proportion to the number of hours of study load (pedagogical work) in a single amount based on the wage rate established for him.

Employment contracts with employees (in supplementary agreements to the employment contract) must contain specific conditions for remuneration of labor, indicating specific tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), wage rates established for the performance of labor (official) duties for a calendar month or for an established the labor rate (the rate of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate). When changing the conditions of remuneration, appropriate changes and additions to labor contracts should be made by concluding additional agreements, including when switching to new wage systems 1 .

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.08.2008 N 583 2, the remuneration systems for employees of federal budgetary, autonomous and state-owned institutions, which include salaries (official salaries), wage rates, compensation and incentive payments, are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, containing the norms of labor law, as well as these Regulations.

Since 2005, the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations (RTC) annually approves uniform recommendations for the establishment of wage systems for employees of state and municipal institutions at the federal, regional and local levels 1 .

Mandatory for application throughout Russia include the norms and conditions of remuneration provided for in Section III of the Uniform Recommendations 2 .

Differentiation in legal regulation remuneration of employees of educational institutions is set according to such a criterion as the type of educational institution.

Teachers of educational institutions of vocational education, who, for reasons beyond their control, during the academic year, the teaching load is reduced in comparison with the established teaching work, until the end of the academic year, wages are paid in the amount established during the billing at the beginning of the academic year. 3

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 N 850 1, teachers of federal state general educational institutions from January 1, 2006 were given a monthly remuneration for performing the functions of a class teacher in the amount of 1000 rubles.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2008 N 216n 2 approved the Professional qualification groups of educators:

Professional qualification group of positions of employees of educational and auxiliary personnel of the first level;

Professional qualification group of positions of employees of educational and auxiliary personnel of the second level;

The qualification group of positions of pedagogical workers is professional;

Professional qualification group of positions of managers structural divisions.

Incentive payments are assigned to teaching staff. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 22, 2007 N 241 "On the remuneration of employees of state educational organizations of the Republic of Komi" 3 incentive payments are:

1) bonuses for intensity and high performance;

2) bonuses for the quality of work performed;

3) seniority bonuses;

4) bonus payments based on performance.

Payments for continuous work experience, length of service in the presence of such indicators increase the amount of wages in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 22, 2007 N 241 "On the remuneration of employees of state educational organizations of the Komi Republic":

With a teaching experience of more than 1 year - 5%;

From 5 to 10 years - 10%;

From 10 to 15 years - 15%;

Over 15 years - 20%

In the collective agreement of the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after I.A. Kuratov" for 2014-2016, the following salary structure is established:

Official salaries, salaries (wage rates, tariff rates), including increased official salaries, salaries (wage rates, tariff rates) of employees;

Payments of a compensatory nature (surcharges for work in conditions that deviate from normal; additional payments to employees engaged in hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions; additional payments for work that is not included in the scope of the main job duties of the employee; additional payments young professionals);

Incentive payments (increases for the intensity and high performance of work; allowances for the quality of work performed; allowances for length of service; bonus payments based on the results of work).

According to clause 3.2.5. of the collective agreement of the Syktyvkar Humanitarian Pedagogical College, in the event of a delay in the payment of wages for more than 15 days, the employee may suspend work for the entire period until the payment of the delayed amount, notifying the employer in writing, in accordance with Art. 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer pays for this downtime in the amount of at least two-thirds of the employee's average wage, as for downtime due to the fault of the employer, in accordance with Art. 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This Provision of the collective agreement contradicts the position Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, formulated in the review of legislation and existing practice dated 10.03.2010 1: “an employee who was forced to suspend work due to a delay in the payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days, the employer is obliged to compensate for the work not received by him average earnings for the entire period of her delay with the payment of interest (monetary compensation) in the amount established by Art. 236 of the Labor Code".

There are numerous arbitrage practice for disputes of this nature. For example, the Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2011 N 5-B11-15 2 states: “The right of employees to refuse to perform work is a forced measure provided by law for the purpose of stimulating the employer to ensure the payment of wages determined by the employment contract to employees payments on time. This right implies the elimination by the employer of the violation committed and the payment of the delayed amount. Thus, based on the meaning of the above norms, the employee has the right not to go to work during the suspension of work, and during this time he must maintain average earnings.

In order to prevent the occurrence of disputes in cases of payment of wages to an employee who was forced to suspend work due to a delay in the payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days and incorrect establishment of the terms of contracts, we consider it necessary to introduce into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation a provision stating that an employee, during the suspension of work due to a delay in the payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days, he has the right not to go to work, and during this time he must maintain average earnings.

Thus, the remuneration of teachers includes salaries (official salaries), wage rates, compensation and incentive payments. The criteria and amounts of remuneration are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In this article, we will consider what parts the wages of employees of educational institutions consist of, how salaries (official salaries), wage rates for the relevant professional qualification groups, as well as compensation and incentive payments are determined. Each institution will have a remuneration system with its own approaches to assessing the work of employees, the structure of the staffing table, and setting salaries.

In accordance with Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation wages (remuneration of an employee) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation and incentive payments.

wage systems, rates, salaries, different kind payments are established to employees by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations of institutions, employment contracts(Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The head of an educational institution, within the limits of available funds for remuneration of employees, independently determines the amount of salaries (official salaries), wage rates, as well as the amount of additional payments, allowances, bonuses and other measures of material incentives without limiting their maximum sizes.

Thus, the salary of employees of educational institutions consists of salaries (official salaries), tariff rates, compensation and incentive payments.

The main part of the salary

The main part of the wages of employees of educational institutions is the salary (rate, official salary), the amount of which is established by the head of the institution for the relevant professional and qualification groups, taking into account the requirements for professional training and qualifications (clause 12 of Regulation N 1600<1>).

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 17, 2008 N 1600 “On Approval of Model Regulations on the Remuneration of Employees of Subordinate Federal Budgetary Institutions by Type of Economic Activity.”

Recall that the Professional qualification groups for the positions of educators were approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.05.2008 N 216n. For example, the positions of educational support staff are divided into two levels: the first includes the positions of a counselor, assistant educator, secretary of the educational unit, the second - the positions of a duty officer, junior educator, dispatcher of an educational institution, senior duty officer for the regime.

The professional qualification group of positions of pedagogical workers consists of four qualification levels.

The professional qualification group of positions of heads of structural divisions has three qualification levels.

For institutions of higher and additional vocational education Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.05.2008 N 217n approved other Professional qualification groups for positions of employees. They are also divided into levels. For example, the professional qualification groups for the positions of employees of administrative and economic and educational and support personnel are divided into three qualification levels, and the positions of the teaching staff and heads of structural divisions are divided into six qualification levels.

In addition, the Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 29, 2008 approved Professional qualification groups for industry-wide positions of managers, specialists and employees (N 247n), Professional qualification groups for industry-wide professions of workers (N 248n).

Employees for whom the length of working time is established are paid on the basis of official salaries, and for pedagogical workers for whom the norms of hours for a rate are established, on the basis of wage rates.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of the Appendix to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 191<2>the salary is paid to pedagogical workers when working out the next working time determined for them.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.04.2003 N 191 “On the duration of working hours (norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers.”

working hours

36 hours a week for faculty members

¦composition of educational institutions of higher

and educational

¦institutions of additional professional

¦education (advanced training) of specialists

¦ senior educators of preschool educational

institutions and educational institutions

¦ additional education children

¦teachers-psychologists, methodologists (senior

¦ methodologists), social educators, educators

¦organizers, masters of industrial training,

¦senior counselors, labor instructors educational


¦ to the heads of physical education of educational

¦institutions of primary vocational and secondary

¦professional education

¦teachers-organizers (the basics of safety

¦ life, pre-conscription training)

¦general educational institutions, institutions of primary

¦professional and secondary vocational


¦instructors-methodologists (senior instructors-

¦ methodologists) educational institutions of additional

¦education of sports profile children

30 hours a week ¦ senior educators of educational institutions

¦ (except for preschool educational institutions and

¦ educational institutions of additional

children's education

The wage rate is paid upon the development of the established norm of teaching hours for the following employees of educational institutions (clause 2 of the Appendix to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 191).

Norm of hours

18 hours a week ¦for teachers of 5th - 11th (12th) grades of general education

¦institutions (including cadet schools),

¦comprehensive boarding schools (including

¦cadet boarding schools), educational

¦institutions for orphans and children left behind

¦without parental care, special

¦ (correctional) educational institutions

¦for students (pupils) with disabilities

¦in development, health education

¦ sanatorium-type institutions for children in need

¦ in long-term treatment, special training

educational institutions of open and closed

¦type, educational institutions for children

¦ preschool and younger school age,

educational institutions for children in need

¦in the psychological-pedagogical and medical-social

¦ assistance, interschool educational complexes, educational

¦production workshops

teachers of pedagogical schools

and teacher training colleges

¦teachers of special disciplines 1 - 11 (12)

music, art classes

¦ educational institutions

¦teachers of grades 3-5 of general schools

¦ education with a five-year term of study, 5 - 7

¦ classes of art schools with a seven-year term of study

¦ (children's musical, artistic,

¦ choreographic and other schools), grades 1 - 4

¦ children's art schools and general schools

Art education with a four-year term


¦ teachers of additional education

¦ trainers-teachers (senior trainers-

¦teachers) educational institutions

¦additional education of children in sports


¦teachers foreign language preschool

¦educational institutions

20 hours per week ¦for teachers of grades 1-4 of general education


24 hours a week ¦for teachers of grades 1-2 of general schools

musical, artistic, choreographic

¦ education with a five-year term of study, 1 - 4

¦classes of children's music, art,

¦ choreographic schools and art schools with a seven-year

¦ term of study

720 hours per year for primary and secondary school teachers

¦professional education

When developing the established norm of hours of pedagogical work, the wage rate is paid to the following employees of educational institutions.

Norm of hours

20 hours a week ¦ teachers-defectologists and teachers-speech therapists

24 hours a week ¦ music directors and accompanists

25 hours a week ¦ for educators of educational institutions working

¦directly in groups with students

¦ (pupils) with disabilities


30 hours per week for instructors physical culture, educators

¦ in boarding schools, orphanages, groups

¦ extended day of educational institutions,

in school boarding schools

36 hours a week for preschool teachers,

¦preschool groups of educational institutions

and educational institutions for preschool children

¦ and primary school age, institutions

¦additional education for children and institutions

¦ primary vocational and secondary

¦professional education

Attention should be paid to the main difference between wages based on rates and wages based on salary.

When, with the consent of the employee, pedagogical work is performed in excess of the established norm or less than the established norm, payment for his work is made in proportion to the number of hours of pedagogical work and the wage rate established for him.

If a teacher is paid a salary for a certain duration of working time, then engaging him in work in excess of this duration should be considered as overtime and payment should be made according to the rules for paying overtime.

The head of an educational institution, on the basis of calculations and within the limits of the funds provided for the remuneration of employees, independently determines the size of the increasing coefficients for salaries (rates) for the PCG for the relevant qualification levels.

In Recommendations N 425n<3>it is said that the size of the multiplying coefficients to the minimum salaries for the relevant professional qualification groups should be calculated on the basis of the differentiation of standard positions included in the staff list, corresponding to the statutory goals of institutions and contained in certain sections of the Uniform Tariff qualification handbook jobs and professions of workers and the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees. An increasing coefficient to the minimum salary (rate) for the relevant professional qualification groups can be set for an employee, taking into account the level of his professional training, complexity, importance of the work performed, the degree of independence and responsibility in the performance of tasks, length of service in the institution and other factors.

Recommendations for the development of federal government agencies and institutions - the main manager of funds federal budget exemplary provisions on remuneration of employees of subordinate federal budgetary institutions, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 14, 2008 N 425n.

When setting salaries (rates, official salaries), minimum salaries (base) approved by the chief administrators can be used.

For example, the Government Decree Nizhny Novgorod region N 468<4>base salaries were approved depending on the professional qualification group, taking into account increasing coefficients.

Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of October 15, 2008 N 468 “On the remuneration of employees of state educational institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, as well as other state institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the founder of which is the Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region“.

Professional qualification ¦ Increasing ¦ Minimum

group ¦ coefficient ¦ salary, rub.

¦ by position ¦

Positions of employees ¦ - ¦ 2 704

first level

Employee positions

teaching support staff

second level ¦ ¦

1 qualification level ¦ 1.0 ¦ 2 900

2 qualification level ¦ 1.05 ¦ 3 050

Positions of teaching staff

1 qualification level ¦ 1.0 ¦ 3 360

2 qualification level ¦ 1.10 ¦ 3 700

3 qualification level ¦ 1.16 ¦ 3 900

4 qualification level ¦ 1.22 ¦ 4 100

Positions of heads of structural ¦ ¦


1 qualification level ¦ 1.0 ¦ 4 500

2 qualification level ¦ 1.04 ¦ 4 700

3 qualification level ¦ 1.09 ¦ 4 900

Positions of employees of higher and additional professional


Workers ¦ ¦

administrative and economic

and educational support staff ¦ ¦

1 qualification level ¦ 1.0 ¦ 5 600

2 qualification level ¦ 1.05 ¦ 5 900

3 qualification level ¦ 1.13 ¦ 6 300

Professorial and teaching ¦ ¦

composition and heads of structural ¦ ¦


1 qualification level ¦ 1.0 ¦ 7,000

2 qualification level ¦ 1.14 ¦ 8,000

3 qualification level ¦ 1.29 ¦ 9,000

4 qualification level ¦ 1.43 ¦ 10,000

5 qualification level ¦ 1.57 ¦ 11,000

6 qualification level ¦ 1.71 ¦ 12,000

The minimum salaries (rates) of employees of educational institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod Region for professional qualification groups are set at a rate not lower than the corresponding minimum salaries approved by the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region dated November 10, 2008 N 30 for teachers of budgetary educational institutions of secondary vocational education, in particular, the following recommended salaries (official salaries), rates are established.

Qualification level ¦ (salary), pedagogical rates

¦ employee, rub.

2 qualification level ¦ 3800

3 qualification level ¦ 3900

4 qualification level ¦ 4000

For employees of educational and support personnel of the 1st qualification level, a salary (official salary) is set in the amount of 3100 rubles.

The administration of the Tula region in Decree of 11.06.2008 N 334 “On the remuneration of employees of state educational institutions of the Tula region” took an even simpler path: it approved the basic unit for determining salaries in the amount of 2300 rubles. The formation of salaries (official salaries) is based on the base unit, basic and incremental coefficients, established depending on the level of education and the specifics of work.

As you can see, salaries in the subjects of the Russian Federation differ.

Compensation payments

Compensatory payments are established as a percentage of salaries (official salaries), wage rates or in absolute amounts, unless otherwise approved. federal laws or decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. They do not form a new salary and are not taken into account when calculating other incentive or compensation payments established as a percentage of the salary.

The list of compensation payments in federal budget institutions and Clarifications on the procedure for establishing compensation payments in federal budgetary institutions were approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2007 N 822. In accordance with this document, compensation payments include:

a) payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions (Article 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), established by a number of state regulations;

b) payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions (Article 148 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (regional coefficients, northern allowance);

c) payments for work in conditions that deviate from normal (Articles 149 - 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), when performing work of various qualifications (Article 150 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), combining professions (positions) (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), overtime work(Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), work at night (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and when performing work in other conditions that deviate from normal (Article 149 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

Surcharges for qualification category for individual positions of employees;

Degree supplements. According to paragraph 5 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” to scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions allowances are established for official salaries (rates) in the following amounts: 40% - for the position of associate professor; 60% - for the position of professor; 3000 rub. - for the degree of candidate of sciences; 7000 rub. - for the degree of Doctor of Sciences;

Premiums for classiness for drivers of motor vehicles;

Surcharges for combining professions (positions), as well as expanding service areas;

Additional payments for overtime work and work on holidays and weekends;

Allowances for irregular working hours;

Bonuses for leading a team;

Additional payments for knowledge and use of foreign languages ​​in work;

d) allowances for work with information constituting a state secret, their classification and declassification, as well as for work with ciphers (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 573 “On granting social guarantees citizens admitted to state secrets on a permanent basis, and employees of structural units for the protection of state secrets“):

Monthly percentage bonus to the official salary (tariff rate) of citizens admitted to state secrets on a permanent basis;

Percentage bonus to the official salary (tariff rate) of employees of structural divisions of the organization for the protection of state secrets.

The normative acts of the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation approve the amounts of compensation payments as recommended, which are used by educational institutions of these constituent entities when developing regulations on remuneration.

For example, Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region N 468 approved, in particular, the following amounts of compensation payments.

¦ Amount of payments

List of grounds ¦ from the minimum salary

¦ by position (%)

For work in institutions located ¦25

in rural areas, as well as

borders settlements(for institutions

all year round)

For work in institutions that do not have household ¦10

communications (water supply, central ¦

heating, sewerage, etc.) ¦

For work in special (correctional) ¦15 - 20

educational institutions (departments, ¦

classes, groups) for students, ¦

pupils with disabilities

health (including delayed ¦

mental development); in wellness

educational institutions of the sanatorium type

(classes, groups) for children in need ¦

in long term treatment

For work in special educational institutions¦

institutions for children and adolescents

with deviant behavior:

Medical workers; ¦30

Pedagogical and other employees ¦15 - 20
For work in secondary schools - ¦15

boarding schools, for the boarding cycle of education ¦

on the basis of the school of the Olympic reserve ¦

For work at night, for every hour ¦ not less than 20

work at night (from 22.00 ¦

For attracting an employee to work

on his scheduled day off

or non-working holiday: ¦

Employees whose work is paid at least double hourly

at hourly or daily rates; ¦or daily rate

Employees who receive a monthly salary of at least one hourly

¦or daily rate over

¦salary if work

on weekends and non-working days


was produced within

¦ monthly norm of the worker

¦ time, and in size

at least double hourly

¦or daily rate over

¦salary if work

¦produced over

¦monthly rate

For class leadership (leadership ¦

group): ¦

Teachers of grades 1 - 4; ¦15

Teachers of grades 5 - 11 ¦20

Teachers of primary institutions ¦20

and secondary vocational education

incentive payments

Such payments are aimed at stimulating the employee to perform high-quality work and are an encouragement for the results of work. At least 30% of the funds for wages generated from federal budget allocations are directed to incentive payments by institutions.

The list of types of incentive payments in federal budgetary institutions and the Clarifications on the procedure for establishing incentive payments in federal budgetary institutions were approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2007 N 818. The specified List includes the following types of payments:

For the intensity and high results of work. These payments involve rewarding the employee for participating during the period under review in the performance of important work, events (preparation for Russian, district, regional events; development educational projects, programs); for a special mode of work (implementation of preventive and health-improving programs with children requiring increased attention, etc.); for organizing and holding events aimed at increasing the authority and image of the institution among the population;

For the quality of work performed. Payments for quality involve encouraging the employee for the successful and conscientious performance by the employee of his job duties; for initiative, creativity and application in the work of modern forms, methods and content of labor organization; for high-quality preparation and holding of events related to the statutory activities of the institution;

For continuous work experience, length of service. Such payments encourage employees to work in the institution for a long time;

Bonuses based on performance.

Incentive payments, the amounts and conditions for their implementation are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations.

The types of incentive payments listed above are established for the employee, taking into account criteria that allow evaluating the effectiveness and quality of his work, taking into account the recommendations of the relevant federal executive authorities. Therefore, internal regulations subject to the approval of the higher authority.

For educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency for Education, approximate indicators for stimulating employees of educational institutions are approved by the following Orders of the Federal Agency for Education of November 28, 2008:

N 1761 “On the approval of approximate indicators for stimulating employees of federal state educational institutions implementing basic programs general education subordinated to the Federal Agency for Education, for the quantity and quality of labor";

N 1763 “On the approval of approximate indicators for stimulating employees of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, subordinate to the Federal Agency for Education, for the quantity, intensity and quality of work”;

N 1769 “On the approval of approximate indicators for stimulating employees of state educational institutions of higher professional education, subordinate to the Federal Education Agency, for the quantity, intensity and quality of work”;

N 1771 “On the approval of approximate indicators for stimulating employees of state educational institutions of additional education for children, state educational institutions, federal state institutions, state cultural institutions subordinate to the Federal Agency for Education, for the quantity and quality of labor”;

N 1775 “On the approval of approximate indicators for stimulating employees of state educational institutions of special vocational schools, subordinate to the Federal Agency for Education, for the quantity and quality of work.”

Note! Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2010 N 271 “Issues of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” Rosobrazovanie was abolished, its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Education and Science.

Specific indicators of employee incentives for the quantity, intensity and quality of labor are developed and approved by each educational institution independently. The amount of incentive payments is recommended to be set as a percentage of salaries (rates) for the relevant qualification levels of the PCG or in absolute amounts.

Incentive payments are made by decision of the head of the institution within the budget allocations for the remuneration of employees of the institution, as well as within the funds from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities directed by the institution to remunerate employees.

I. Zernova

Magazine editor

“Budget-funded educational institutions: accounting and taxation”

The employee's salary is established by the employment contract in accordance with the employer's remuneration system (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Remuneration systems (tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances of a compensatory and incentive nature, bonus systems) are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other acts containing norms labor law.

According to subparagraph 10, clause 2, article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 10.07.1992 N3266-1 "On Education", the wages of employees of an educational institution, including allowances and additional payments to official salaries, the procedure and amount of bonuses are established directly by the educational institution. With regard to state and municipal educational institutions, this norm is implemented taking into account the specifics of establishing wage systems for employees of such institutions. This means that payment systems are installed:

a) in federal educational state institutions - collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

b) in state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

c) in municipal educational institutions - collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local governments.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.08.2008 N583 "On the introduction of new wage systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions and federal government agencies, as well as civilian personnel military units, institutions and subdivisions of federal executive bodies, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service, the remuneration of which is currently carried out on the basis of the Unified tariff scale for remuneration of employees of federal state institutions "from December 1, 2008 for employees federal budgetary institutions, including educational ones, introduced new wage systems.

The transition to new wage systems implies:

1) refusal from the Unified tariff scale;

2) differentiation of remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions, taking into account:

Specifics of labor functions depending on the field of activity, position (profession);

Level of qualification and professional competence;

The quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the work of specific employees.

3) expanding the powers of budgetary institutions in matters of distribution of the wage fund.

According to clause 1 of Regulation N583, the wage system for employees of federal budgetary institutions, including educational ones, includes:

1) salaries (official salaries), wage rates;

2) compensation payments;

3) incentive payments.

Official salaries and wage rates are paid for the performance of duties determined by employment contracts, job descriptions, qualifications and other documents. The size of salaries (official salaries), wage rates are established by the head of the educational institution. This takes into account the complexity and volume of work performed.

The salaries of teachers also include compensation and incentive payments.

Compensatory payments in accordance with the List of types of compensation payments in federal budgetary institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007 N822, include:

Payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions;

Payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions;

Payments for work in conditions that deviate from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions), overtime work, working at night and when performing work in other conditions that deviate from normal);

Allowances for work with information constituting state secrets, their classification and declassification, as well as for work with ciphers.

Compensatory payments in practice also include additional payments and allowances for classroom management, office management, checking notebooks, and others.

The amounts and conditions for the implementation of compensation payments in a particular educational institution are established by collective agreements, agreements and local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms, as well as a list of types of compensation payments, if it is accepted by the founder.

Incentive payments include:

Payments for intensity and high performance;

Payments for the quality of work performed;

Payments for continuous work experience, length of service;

Bonus payments based on performance.

A distinctive feature of such payments is that they are made not for the performance of official duties, but for the effectiveness and efficiency of work. As a result, these payments are not guaranteed to all employees; those who have achieved indicators and results in work that go beyond the standard are entitled to receive them.

The study load (pedagogical work), the volume of which is more or less than the norm of hours for the wage rate, is established only with the written consent of the employee.

According to paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.04.2003 N191 "On the duration of working hours (norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers", teachers of general educational institutions and teachers of pedagogical schools and pedagogical colleges, whose teaching load, due to beyond their control reasons, decreases during the academic year compared to the established one, is paid:

Salary for the actual number of hours, if the remaining workload is higher than the established norm for the rate;

Salary in the amount of the rate, if the remaining workload is below the established norm for the rate and if it is impossible to load them with other pedagogical work;

The salary established before the reduction of the teaching load, if it is below the norm for the rate and if it is impossible to load the employees with other pedagogical work.

Teachers of institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, whose teaching load, for reasons beyond their control, decreases during the academic year compared to the established one, are paid wages in the amount established during the billing at the beginning of the academic year. Accordingly, in the last two cases, a change in the teaching load does not entail a change in the conditions of remuneration.

Teaching work in excess of the established norm of hours for the wage rate, performed by ped.workers with their consent, is not overtime. It is paid additionally according to the received wage rate in a single amount.