The original scenario of the rally of excellent students and good students. Scenario gathering of excellent students and good students for elementary school. Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Tomsk

  • 13.11.2019

Scenario ceremony honoring students-excellent students

1st host: Good afternoon dear friends!

2 host: We begin the ceremony of honoring excellent students.

1 leader: It's good that good traditions are being revived! Today, at the initiative of the Russian Youth Union, we celebrate the most conscientious students of our region.

The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the department of education of the administration of the municipal district ... Oleg Stanislavovich.

(welcome manager and introduction of guests)

Honored guests are present at our celebration

(greeting guests)

Leading: The head of everything is the crown -

It has a beginning and an end;

Without her, sons and daughters

You won't read a single line;

Live with a good head

What about the rich pantry:

Like reflections in a river

It contains savings

The smell of the forest, the sound of the surf,

Stars, the sky is blue.

Leading: We invite students with "Golden Heads" to the stage - excellent students at the end of the 2012-2013 academic year and the first quarter of the 2013-2014 academic year.

Leading: Welcome to Shirmanova Karina

Dance "Fashionista"


Honors students of secondary school No. 2 are invited to the stage

    (15 excellent students rise to the stage)

Leading: Fives are not only the efforts of students,

This is a great work of teachers - masters,

These are the genes and efforts of mothers and fathers

And maybe even the influence of other worlds.

(Showing with a wide gesture of hands to the excellent students)

Song "Alien"

Leading: We continue with the awards. Oleg Stanislavovich, please.

High School Honors No.

    (15 excellent students rise to the stage)

Leading: In honor of those who aspire to the heights of science,

In honor of those who have already achieved them

And is today in this room

Egor Gaponov sings. Meet.

The song "A coward does not play hockey"

Leading: Welcome to Studio "Grace"

Performance of gymnasts to the music "And in our yard"

Leading: We continue with the awards. We ask you to come up to the stage of Oleg Stanislavovich.

For excellent achievements in teaching, students of the basic school No.

    (15 excellent students rise to the stage)

The main sign of talent is when a person knows what he wants.

(Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa)

A talented person is talented in all areas.

(Lyon Feuchtwanger)

Why am I telling you this today?

It turns out that talent ranks second among the factors that form an excellent student.

Scientists have identified seven main typescongenital talent, which made up the so-called seven-sided crystal. Here are the types of talent they noted:

1) musical and artistic;

2) literary;

3) artistic;

4) pedagogical;

5) entrepreneurial;

6) managerial, he is also organizational;

7) and - attention! - educational.

Each person has at least four talents out of seven, while in a certain part of the people any one of the types of talent prevails.

Psychologists have found that musical and artistic talent is the most common, every second person on the planet possesses it.

Every second person on the planet can sing, dance or play a musical instrument well or draw quite well.

But other talents are much less common. Ten percent of people shine with artistic talents.

There are slightly more teachers by vocation – fifteen percent.

Entrepreneurs - eleven. Yes, yes, only eleven people out of a hundred succeed in business, prosper, grow rich and emerge from any global crisis. The rest either vegetate, or sell their business to more talented ones, or go completely to the bottom.

Least of all leaders - four percent. So good managers have always been and will be in short supply. Of course, there are always a lot of bosses, where would it be without them, but there are only four out of a hundred talented ones.

Ninety percent of people have educational talent, in other words, all mentally complete individuals. We all learned to walk, talk, use household items, communicate ... And it was our educational talent that helped us in this.

According to scientists,Ninety percent of people have learning talent (or, more simply, all mentally complete individuals).

I know so many adults who are learning all the time. And they do it with pleasure. Their teaching talent works with them twenty-four hours a day.

Educational talent is able to manifest itself and fully work at any age. Each of us at any moment of life can use his training talent - if he does not let him sleep, he constantly keeps him in full combat readiness.

Almost everyone can learn well. To do this, you need to wake up your training talent and make it work in full force. If talent is applied to study, it will cease to be perceived as hard work and become a real pleasure.

Dear owners of educational talent! Accept congratulations from the owners of musical and artistic talent.

Dance "Winter Fun"

Leading. It's impossible not to love excellent students

We admit they are cute -

Faithful, reliable friends,

Those that bear the title of "Excellent".

Leading. Welcome to Bezzubova Natalia

Song "Dream"

Dear Guys!

Most importantly, stay healthy

Not necessarily new Russians.

Strong, smart, businesslike,

With big plans and dreams.

We wish you all to work honestly,

Meet love - get married, marry.

Be patient with other people,

Be proud of your state.

I want to believe, it was not in vain that you were raised,

You have planted good roots in the ground.

Remember, there is no better and more beautiful in the world

Why your home and homeland.

See you soon! Goodbye!


Native school, like a brigantine,

In the abyss of life it beckons with a scarlet sail,

In the whirlpool, the fate of intertwined lines,

Enters, conducts and saves from the storm.

Native school, you tell me every day

You give new knowledge.

Sometimes - strict, sometimes, even angry,

But still you lead me to success.

As a result - everything is in the five's diary,

My teachers and family are proud of me.

Now I am called very proudly -

Now I have become an excellent student, friends!

Taking out the banners

The curtain opens


Vedas. - Today our spacious hall

Gathered both adults and children

The students are to blame

After all, this is their big holiday!

You heard? in this great hall

Today in your honor

Fanfare sounded.

Congratulations to you who excel in your studies.

We wish you new creative victories!

We know you've worked hard.

You have enough time for everything.

In olympiads, scientific competitions distinguished themselves,

And now it has come, your finest hour.

Hello, dear children, dear teachers and guests of our holiday! Today we are gathered here to honor those who strive for knowledge, who realize the importance of receiving quality education and understands that Russia will flourish with the mind. To greet students who have achieved the best learning outcomes in the 2014-2015 academic year, the Head of the Matveyevo-Kurgan District Administration, Alexander Anatolyevich Rudkovsky, is invited.

Head speech.

Vedas. – The guys who have gathered today in our hall are excellent students not only in their studies, but also in work, in carrying out the assigned work, the same as the pioneers were once.Dear guys, it was not by chance that we gathered you today, because May 19 is Pioneer Day. This is the birthday of the children's organization, which gathered under its banner the most active, most purposeful, most creative children.

Pioneer is a bright tomorrow.

Pioneer is the sunrise.

Pioneer is loyalty and brotherhood.

Pioneer is a flight of thought.

The pioneers had their own laws, but these laws have not grown old even today, because at all times loyalty to word and deed, duty, honor, and courage are especially valued.

Pioneer means first, and we invite the first group of excellent students - students who have graduated from the second grade - to the stage for congratulations and presentation memorable gifts, provided by the Head of the Administration of the Matveevo-Kurgan region Rudkovsky Alexander Anatolyevich. So on stage:

Dyakonov Andrey, Kulenko Ekaterina, Levchun Victoria, Demchenko Arianna, Shapovalov Vadim, Yatsenko Stanislav, Sobal Polina….

You are welcomed by the Acting Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Matveyevo-Kurgan District, Elena Viktorovna Orlova.

Congratulations to second graders.

Vedas. - For you, the youngest excellent students, it sounds _________________________

Music number _______________________________________

Vedas. - Don't let your soul be lazy

So that the water in the mortar does not crush,

The soul must work

And day and night, and day and night!

We welcome third grade students and invite them to the stage for the following students:

Vasylchenko Anna, Vinnichenko Denis, Tkach Sergey ...

We also invite the head of the Matveevo-Kurgan rural settlement Shishchenko Alexander Evgenievich to congratulate students

Congratulations to a 3rd grade student.

For all honors students of the third grade, a musical number performed by _____________________________________________________________

Music number.

Vedas. - Knowledge is not easy, it is hard and hard work. But our students are not afraid of difficulties. And now we invite brave, stubborn, persistent students of the fourth grade: ....

Also, to greet the students, the chairman of the meeting of deputies of the Matveevo-Kurgan district, Tsybulko Natalya Nikolaevna, is invited to the stage.

Congratulations to 4th grade students.

Vedas. – For you guys, musical number _________________________

Music number.

Vedas. - Moving from class to class, you guys have more new subjects, you get to know new teachers, the load on you becomes even greater. But you are doing a great job with this, and the proof of this is the 45 students who graduated with excellent marks from the fifth grade, whom we invite to the stage. It: …

To congratulate these guys, we invite the head of the sector for youth policy Administration of the Matveyevo-Kurgan region Svetlana Borisovna Grechko.

Congratulations to 5th grade students.

Vedas. - The musical number _________________________________________________ sounds for you

musical number

Vedas. - Your home is your own school. In it you learn, grow up, try to become real citizens of your country. Not everyone succeeds, but the sixth graders were able to achieve a positive result by graduating academic year Honours. Sixth-graders of our schools are invited to greet and present gifts: …

Director of the Political Department School Natalia Petrovna Golubova, whom we invite to the stage, came to congratulate you.

Congratulations 6th grade.

Vedas. - For you, excellent students, it sounds _______________________________

Music number.

Vedas. - The end of the next class is the next step in personal development. Each of those present in the hall proved that he is a person who knows how to set serious tasks for himself and solve them, who is able to master and apply new knowledge. The seventh graders whom we invite to the stage are just such people - purposeful and talented. Here are our heroes...

With words of congratulations, the honored teacher of Russia, a veteran of pedagogical work, who for more than 20 years headed the education department of the Matveyevo-Kurgan district Alexander Vasilievich Blagodev, addresses them with words of congratulations. We invite.

Congratulations to a 7th grade student .

Vedas. – With a musical number ________________ we invite ________________________________

Music number.

Vedas. - Today we have a holiday - a high point for the most intelligent, talented and hardworking. And it is customary to invite guests to the celebration. Our guest is the honored teacher of Russia, a veteran of pedagogical work Udodov Vladimir Vladimirovich. We invite 8th graders to the stage. Vladimir Vladimirovich Udodov is also invited to the stage for a greeting.

Congratulations to the 8th grade student.

Vedas. – We ask students to go into the hall and invite ____________________ with a musical number ______________________________

Music number.

Vedas. - in order to become happy man, you need to work very hard and work according to your vocation. A vocation is formed at school under the influence of teachers. Today in our hall there are students who are already thinking about their vocation, these are ninth-graders. Together with us they are welcomed by the director of the Ryazhensky school Gavryushenko Vasily Andreevich. We invite Vasily Andreevich and the guys to the stage:


Congratulations to a 9th grade student

Vedas. - for everyone it sounds _____________________

Music number.

Vedas. - We say thank you for the work, for good studies, for participation in school-wide events, for prize-winning places in olympiads and competitions of those children who have been excellent students for 10 years. We are proud that there are such students in our schools and we invite them for congratulations. It: …

We also invite the head of the military commissariat for the Kuibyshev and Matveyevo-Kurgan regions, Stepin Vitaly Borisovich, to the stage.

Congratulations to a 10th grade student

Vedas. - For you, a musical number _________________________________

Music number.

Vedas. - Dear friends, pay attention to the motto of our rally: "Burning yourself, ignite others." You are our stars, our sparks. You will burn, the fire of knowledge at school will light up.

If I don't burn

If you don't burn

If we don't burn

Who then will dispel the darkness?

Dear graduates, for all eleven years you have been burning with a thirst for knowledge, a desire to understand the incomprehensible, and yet you managed to reach the highest heights - to graduate with honors and receive a medal. You are great, you have something to be proud of. We invite you to the stage. So, the main stars of the 2014-2015 academic year: ...

Guys, Sergey Vasilyevich Golubov, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Matveyevo-Kurgansky District, came to congratulate you. We invite him to the stage.

Congratulations to the 11th grade student.

Vedas. - For graduates and all participants of the rally of honors students sounds _____________________________________________________

musical number

Vedas. - How many cases on earth are real,

How many stars that twinkle in the distance

They are waiting for the young and hot -

You, the masters of the life of the earth.

Strive to comprehend science ever deeper,

Longing for knowledge of the eternal,

Only the first knowledge will shine on you light,

You will know: there is no limit to knowledge.

Having studied a lot of laws

You managed to prove to everyone

What can own Newtons

Miusskaya land to give birth!

Dear excellent students! On behalf of the head of the Administration of the Matveyevo-Kurgansky District, Alexander Anatolyevich Rudkovsky, we once again congratulate you on the successful completion of the school year and invite you to a sweet table.

Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Tomsk

municipal autonomous educational institution

secondary school No. 14

named after A.F. Lebedev, Tomsk

(MAOU secondary school No. 14 named after A.F. Lebedev, Tomsk)

634057 Tomsk, st. K. Ilmera, 11; tel. (fax) 62-17-38, 62-17-40

TIN: 7019036236; checkpoint: 701701001

Email: [email protected]



Deputy director of MAOU secondary school No. 14

Director of MAOU secondary school No. 14

named after A.F. Lebedev, Tomsk

named after A.F. Lebedev, Tomsk

Bzhitskikh E.V.

Misyakova T.A.

"___" _____________________ 2014

"__" ________________________ 2014

Rally Scenario

excellent and good students

Tarabykina E.S.

senior counselor

Music screensaver

Everyone enters the hall. School songs are playing.

Ved.1: Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

Hello viewers.

We welcome parents, guests,

Dear teachers!

And I want to ask, who are the excellent students and good students?

Ved.2: Excellent students and good students are diligent, attentive students, good comrades!

Ved.1: What do you need to do to become like that?

Ved.2: It is necessary to study well, obey teachers and parents.

Ved.1: Here in this hall we have gathered

Hope our school color

Excellent routes of knowledge

You are on a journey of life.

From the primer to the mystery of the universe,

From school desks to sunny heights

Ved.2: Having studied a lot of laws

You managed to prove to everyone

What can own Newtons

Tomsk land to give birth!

Ved.1: We have gathered here to honor those who strive for knowledge, who realize the importance of getting a quality education, who understand that Russia will prosper intellectually. We thank you for your work, for your study, for your prizes in competitions, scientific and practical conferences and creative competitions and we hope that you will increase your knowledge and reach great heights. We are proud to have such students in our school. And these are excellent and good students, and we are sure that their number will grow.

Ved.2: The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the school Misyakova Tatyana Anatolyevna.

And now we are starting the most pleasant part of our rally - the awards ceremony and we ask class teachers to come here to present memorable gifts for good study, conscientious attitude to work:

Veda 1: We meet! class teacher

Miroshnikova Zhanna Anatolievna

Kostenko Galina Valentinovna

Pakhomova Inna Vladimirovna

Baranova Olesya Sergeevna

Dolgopolova Elena Vladimirovna

Mosintseva Ludmila Ilyinichna

Vospitanyuk Svetlana Alekseevna

Vershinina Marina Vladimirovna

Kostareva Marina Vasilievna

Poddubnaya Victoria Viktorovna

Kuzmenko Galina Sergeevna

Usova Ludmila Leonidovna

Kirienko Oksana Nikolaevna

Alibaeva Sayrakan Taikodyrovna

Nikitina Galina Anatolievna

Pisarenko Evgenia Sergeevna

Krupina Yulia Sergeevna

Vlasova Alevtina Yurievna

Baladurina Nina Ivanovna

Abramova Yana Sergeevna

Pukhalskaya Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Kozhukhar Elvira Vasilievna

Mironenko Svetlana Nikolaevna

Kozhukhar Elvira Vasilievna

Radchenko Snezhanna Alexandrovna

Khizhnyak Marina Leonidovna

Khmyz Vladimir Fedorovich

Khizhnyak Marina Leonidovna

Racheva Larisa Petrovna

10 a

Shiyan Elena Vladimirovna


Dear friends, you are our stars, our sparks, you will burn, the fire of knowledge at school will light up.

Ved.1: Don't let your soul be lazy

So that the water in the mortar does not crush,

The soul must work

And day and night, and day and night!

If you want to give her an indulgence,

Releasing from worries

She's the last shirt

Will rip you off without pity.

Ved.2: So go ahead you

And don't deviate from the path.

And let the sun shine on you

There will be no barriers ahead.

Five is a symbol of knowledge,

Evaluation of all your victories.

Multiply your victories

Learn well for many years!

Ved.1: At this meeting of excellent students and good students is considered closed.


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Scenario meeting of excellent students and shock students.

1 presenter: Hello, dear children, dear guests, teachers and parents!

2 leading: The traditional rally of excellent students and shock students is declared open. During the performance of the anthem of our country, stand still!

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.

1 leader: The floor for greeting the participants and guests of the rally is given to the director of the school Orlovskaya Natalya Stepanovna.

2 host: In the chain, man became the last link,

And the best is embodied in it.

Like a poplar, he ascended to heaven,

Gifted with a mind and good speech,

The receptacle of the spirit and mind, he -

The whole world of the wordless is subject to him.

1 presenter: Let these words of the famous Firdowsi become the epigraph of our today's meeting, and let the motto be a free interpretation of the Russian proverb: "That good student who does not dream of becoming an excellent student is bad."

2 host: During the year, the school hosted the Student of the Year competition. Of the 50 students who announced their participation in the competition, only 19 students in grades 5-10 passed all the tests with dignity and fought for the title of "Student of the Year 2013" to the end. So, the winner of the competition among 5-7 classes was Kulai Alexey, among 8-10 Skurkovina Vera. Meet the winners.

1 leading: Prize-winners of the middle-level competition Dmitry Kuznetsov, Maria Panteenko, senior-level Anastasia Lutsaeva, Daria Trishkina.

The word for the award is given to Natalya Stepanovna Orlovskaya.

(Price-winners are awarded diplomas, certificates and gifts, ribbons are tied to the winners, certificates to participants).

2 host: For you guys, performed by the Nadezhda group, this song sounds.

1leader: Today we congratulate the students who with honor passed the tests of the municipal Olympiads and got for home school top places:

Lytkina Tatiana, 8th grade, Druzhinin Ivan, 8a grade, Simakhina Izolda, 11a grade, Margarita Besedina, 7b grade, Anastasia Gubanova, 8b grade, Alexey Andreev, 10a grade, Anastasia Lutsaeva, 9a grade, Alexey Kulai, 7b grade, Pototsky Kirill, grade 8a, Maksimov Alexander, grade 11, Ilyinets Evgeny, grade 9b, Kristina Derunova, grade 8a, Ekaterina Sidorova, grade 11a, Polina Prokhorova, grade 8a, Daria Trishkina, grade 10a.

2 leading: The director of the school presents the awards to the Olympians.

1 leader: Always Olympians

The people respected

Poems to them and songs

Dedicated mine!

1 leader: Yes, there was a lot to be done:

Read books, solve problems...

Their wise teachers

We need to be grateful.

2 leading: Friends. We often say words

What the great genius wrote:

Teacher in front of your name

Let me humbly kneel!”

Thank you my teachers

For your hard and great work!

The earth is famous for teachers,

Her disciples will bring glory to her.

Accept as a gift, our dear teachers, this song (Trishkina D.)

1 leading: Knowledge is power! It remembers

Every smart person.

With this strength you will step

Into the new 22nd century!

2 host: We wish you in science

Open your new way

And the Nobel Prize

Get it for it!

1 presenter: Who always learns well?

2 leading: Who can help comrades?

1 presenter: Who will cope with the task easily?

2 host: Who will dispel the doubt of comrades?

1 leader: An excellent student is always the first.

2 host: They can rightfully be proud of.

1 leader: Excellent student - everyone loves him.

2 host: Well, who can fight him?

1 leader: It is impossible not to love an excellent student

We admit they are cute -

2 host:- Faithful, reliable friends -

Those who bear the title of "excellent".

1 leader: The word for congratulations and awards to students who completed the year with excellent marks is given to Natalya Stepanovna Orlovskaya.

(rewarding excellent students with meritorious sheets; the Fidget group performs a dance for excellent students).

2 leading: He, my friends, is good!

For him, this is not new.

1 leader: Since then and always

Good is my favorite word.

2 host: In the sound of every day

How happy he is, he has no rest

1 leader: Gnawing science from scratch -

Life, you know

What it is!

2 host: The word for congratulations and awards to students who completed the year only with "good" and "excellent" is given to the deputy director for educational work Ermakova Olga Vladimirovna.

And now Dyachkova Anna and Bakhtina Valeria offer you a scene from school life.

1 leader:“No human labor is wasted, no blood shed for an idea remains fruitless, no dream of virtue is deceived. The stubborn aspirations of the human race are to society what a compass is to a ship; he does not see the shore, but leads to it,” said Lamartine.

1 leader: For success in the action "We are for a clean school yard", students in grades 8a, b, 10a, 6a, b, 5a, b receive awards from the school principal.

1 presenter: This academic year was excellent for the athletes of school No. 20

2 leading: Awards are given.

1 leader: And now we would like to turn to you, dear parents.

2 host: We taught your children here

Well, you always helped us,

We cannot count all your efforts,

You gave your children the foundation in life.

1 presenter: Let sometimes it was difficult for you,

But school was never forgotten

So accept gratitude from us,

And from everyone in this room.

2 leading: Letters of thanks to parents are presented by the director of the school Natalya Stepanovna Orlovskaya.

And now the word for congratulations is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work Ermakova O.V.

1 leader: At this meeting of honors students and drummers is considered closed.

2 leading: We wish you to bloom, grow,

Save, improve health.

It is for a long journey -

The most important condition!

1 presenter: Let every day and every hour

You will get a new one.

May you have a good mind

And the heart will be smart!

1st and 2nd presenters: ALL THE BEST!!!

Gathering of excellent students and good students


    Identification and support of gifted children, improvement and development of their creative abilities;

    Formation of a positive attitude towards the main work of schoolchildren - study;

    Strengthening in the school team of students who have successfully mastered the educational material;

    Maintaining school traditions.

Before the start of the holiday, school songs are played.


Friends! We are happy to see you

Let's start the rally of good and excellent students now,

The word for opening is given to the principal of the school

- Opening of the rally.

The anthem of Russia sounds .


I see solemn, festive faces in the hall, today is your day.

We have invited the Master of Science – Knowing the Subconscious to our celebration.

(Everyone is waiting for the guest to appear, solemn music sounds, but the Parasite and the Two fly into the hall)


I am the biggest parasite!

I'm not stupid, I'm not a ragamuffin,

But laziness was born with me

And it has grown with me for a long time.

I don't read, I don't study

I do not work,

But I'm not dead, full, dressed!

Take an example from me, neighbor!

And this is my bosom friend, Mademoiselle Deuce.


I am a modest Deuce,


I don't forget my friends.

And for those who are too lazy to learn,

Ready to serve every day

Why don't they respect me?

Because I love lazy people.

For them cordial, I crawl through

In any magazine mail for honor!


Let's glorify the "two" - mother,

Everyone loves to receive it!

Oh, worthy of the most worthy!

Oh, stupidest of the stupidest!

Oh, the worst of the worst!

We receive you, and you are always in our heart!

Dumb, lazy...

But to each of us you are dear.


What kind of guests are these!

You got the address wrong.


In general, what is going on here?


Like what? Gathering of excellent students and good students!


Ah, got it! So, it means that here are the most, the most gathered


Exactly, and you are superfluous

Do you guys think I'm right?

Loafer and Deuce

Okay, okay, we got it.

We have nothing to do here yet, but we will be back .... (leave)

And we don't care - 2p

We are not afraid of deuces and stakes,

But why teach, but why cram-

We write all the lessons anyway.


That's good. I think we can do without them.

So let's continue our holiday.

The year is over, but we are not tired!

Now the main action will begin in this hall

Looking forward to the award ceremony

The highest award for years of teaching.

Higher ranks - an honorable honor!

The best chosen ones - count!

We invite you here

To their today's OLYMPUS of our excellent students

The response of the excellent students

There are many friends around

But the teacher is the best friend.

To work at our school

Early in the morning he hurries

Always help and advise

Cheer up with a good smile!

We thank you

And thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Last quarter,

spring quarter,

Thank you teacher

For the fact that, entering the school class at dawn,

You will stay in our hearts forever

Today we say "thank you"

And, of course, to their parents.

Your care and attention, and patience,

This is how they help us learn.


Laughter and tears, joy and sadness

For all the years you had to experience

After all, being an excellent student is like a calling!

An example in everything, responsibility, diligence


Here they are those who sat in the evenings over a book

These are the ones who learned to write and count.

For patience. Perseverance and diligence

We will congratulate you now.

And look here

Miracle tree grows

Everything shines like heat

There would be no fire

Not leaves on it, not flowers,

And the rewards for your grades.

Leave by invitation

And get rewards

/ a couple of Loafer and Deuce appear /


The plane flies the wheels are worn out

You didn't wait for us, but we got stuck


So, why are you here again?


For gifts.


From this year I am canceling all prizes and awards for excellent students and good students. And I approve my “special” medal. I give it free of charge, i.e. for nothing, to the biggest loafer Lodyrevich

/ and hands the Loafer /

loafer :

Okay, I'm not greedy

/share a medal with a Deuce/


Come on, shut up, shut up

Master tells you

You are on a holiday, on this

Absolutely not needed

This holiday is for the diligent

And diligent guys!

Their skills and knowledge

Soon the world will be transformed.


This sweet couple offered you fake medals, and I offer gifts earned by your work, they decorated the tree of knowledge


How much is your tree of knowledge worth?


Knowledge is priceless!

Lod yr :

Wow! What is so expensive? Yes, your students don’t know anything, but with a smart look at the desk, I can sit too ..

master .

And now, having handed over gifts and found out who is capable of what, and my assistant, the wisest of the wisest, beloved by everyone, will appreciate your knowledge.

(Comes out to the tune, and the couple quietly leaves)

Five .


And now we'll play

Fortune telling on medals

Who will break what here,

He will find a question on it.

Only the rule is

Shout in unison,

And you need to raise your hand

Students are invited to the stage by class (the five take a package with gifts from the knowledge tree and call the class, go out, pronounce the motto, disrupt the task and say it to the hall


To gnaw the granite of science, to know, to understand

You need to be very clear

The six commandments to know.

Heed my advice:

Don't want summer in winter

And learn not for show

This time.

Respect the teachers

Have pity on their nerves.

Always be tactful

This is two.

Be active and fun

Remember: school is school.

Show your talent

It's three.

Follow the order

And teach others.

Remember: at school you are like in your apartment

This will be point four.

Keep friendship holy

You don't let your friends down

And don't you dare betray them

It's five.

Do all things promptly

Live and study productively!

Be an example for everyone else

Teach them nice manners

Take care of the honor of the school

It's six


And now I ask everyone to stand up,

Prepare to take a solemn oath


I swear to everyone

Try be healthy,

Go to our school regularly.

I swear!

And in a satchel to wear well and excellent

I swear!

Do not be afraid of the thorny road,

Good and excellent student to wear the title


I will always be perfect as a child

And I will never forget my vow!

I swear, I swear, I swear!

Feelings overflowed

Everyone is a little tired of the holiday,

So that's enough

Celebration goodbye

Let the farewell chord sound in the hall!



It's getting quieter in the hall

The rumble of congratulations and speeches melts away.

Goodbye, I'll say goodbye

We'll still meet here.

I want to wish you success

New joy, new victories

Let the spring of pure childhood flow

And the good light of dreams does not go out

Let's part friends

Remains in the heart of the holiday

Let's keep the memory

Goodbye. See you soon!

Don't be sad, smile goodbye

Remember our holiday remember.

Wish your wishes come true

We wish you all a new meeting.

We wish each other success

And good luck and goodness without end.

And a farewell good echo

May it remain in our hearts.