Scenario of the festival of choirs dedicated to the year of ecology. Scenario for the event "battle of the choirs" Battle of the choirs scenario of the school camp elementary school

  • 22.04.2020


traditional school singing competition

"Two stars -2017",

dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia



There is one garden planet

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds calling migratory.

Only on it one bloom

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it!("Our planet" Yakov Akim)

Good afternoon, dear viewers!

Hello dear participants!

Today we have gathered forVItraditional vocal competition "Two Stars", and this year it is called "Green Planet", since 2017 is considered the year of ecology in Russia. And I propose to start our event today with the main song of our country. So the anthem Russian Federation!


Introducing the competition jury:

Artistic director of the Palace of Culture "Gornyak" Belozerova Snezhana Nikolaevna

Music school teacher, music teacher Mamaeva Tatyana Evgenievna.

And there is another member of the jury, the so-called "dark horse", who will evaluate your performances today. We will announce his name at the end of the competition.

Today our contestants will perform in four categories: choir, ensemble, duet and solo numbers.

And now let's start our journey through our mysterious flowering planet. And what beauties and mysteries lurk on it, we will learn from your performances. But before we start our concert,we'll learn our trademark applause. Repeat after me. It started to rain - we clap one finger on the palm. The rain began to intensify - we clap two fingers on the palm. Has become even stronger - clap three fingers on the palm. It's raining heavily - four fingers clapping on the palm of your hand. It began to rain - with the whole palm.

I wish it would rain after every show today!

And the first nomination: CHORUS.

And today's competition is opened by our first-graders

Grade 1 "What color is summer"

Chorus on stage2 classes with the song "It's fun to walk together"

And back on stageGrade 1 with the song "Three Whales"

song"By the road lapwing" performed by second graders

The most numerous nomination today is ENSEMBLE

And the first in this category will bethird graders with the song "Clouds"

Well, well, I invite the following contestants. These are our guests from V-Vilva. Ensemble3 classes with the song "Wave"

The next number is called"Cornflower Glade" (Music by Varlamov, lyrics by Julia Malashina) On stage1 class.

Nature is everything that surrounds us. This is what our songs are about today!

And now the girls from4 classes . "Autumn has come"

What happens in autumn?"Leaf fall". This is the name of our numbereighth graders . Music by Raimonds Pauls, lyrics by Janis Peters.

After autumn, winter comes, so here are the guests from the 8th school again.fifth graders with a song"Snowflake Tango"

I invite the ensemble to the stage5th grade . They will sing an incendiary song"Different colors"

We used paints and painted the sea pink. That's what the next song is about.Grade 6 of the 8th school "Beyond the Pink Sea"

"200 volts" is the name of the next ensemble. "Nightingales" is the name of their song.(8th grade) Authors Igor Dukhovny, Mikhail Tanich.

And completes the block ensembleGrade 9 with a song"Save the Earth!" by Olga Kormukhina.

People look at the sky, blue and eternal, rivers flow, forests rustle, birds sing, and man builds, fights, conquers. But in the heat of the struggle for fleeting joys, imaginary values, you can lose a lot of unmet friends...

Who do you think we are talking about now?(animals)

And we move on to the nomination "DUET"

And on stage with a song"Mongrel cat" two stars from 1st and 2nd grade Sheshukova Katya and Pavlova Yaroslav"

"Rain". This song will be performed by a duet from school 8.(1 class)

And I invite the duet "Freckles" to the stagefrom class 2 with a song"Brook"

And now in front of you, dear viewers, is another creative number"Sea". The girls sing from4 classes , Ustinova Irina and Tronina Yaroslava

Duet« Cuul » sing a song for you"About the giraffe" (grade 6)

Duet familiar to us - Brother and sister Sheshukov with a song"Trainer"

Glamor duo name"Diamond Strass" immediately leads us to think that they will sing"Song about hares" (grade 6)

duet on stage"Stars" with a song"You carry me a river" (grade 8) Composer Igor Matvienko

"Crimson Dawn" this is the name of the number in which they participateSofia Gordeeva and Anastasia Sergeevna Elinova.

"Mom + daughter". Have you guessed what kind of duet is now getting ready to go on stage? Of course, Ekaterina Sakharova and Tatyana Mamaeva with a song"Lost Dog"

And we have the last block left, the last nomination, in which there are only two “Solo” contestants

I invite you to the stageMenisheva Sofia with a song"Maybe the forest knows" Author Igor Zhuravlev.

MeetSakharova Ekaterina . It looks like this family is big pet lovers, because now Katya will sing a song"Black cat"

Our world is filled with the amazing beauty of various creatures. Try to learn to see beauty in the bloodthirsty predator - the Ussuri tiger and a small tree frog, a tiny ladybug and a giant eucalyptus. Try to realize yourself as a particle of the world

And the final song of our competition will be the performance of another ensemble.first graders opened the competition, first-graders will close it."Don't drop the ball!"

We love the forest anytime season,

We hear small rivers.

All this is called nature.

Let's always take care of it!

In the meadows of sunny chamomile.

Such that it is brighter in the world to live.

All this is called nature.

Let's be friends with nature!

Flying, ringing snowflakes from the sky,

Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog.

All this is called nature.

Let's give her our hearts!

The farewell waltz dances with the summer wind,

The evening star trembles in the window.

All this is called nature.

Let's love her forever! (All this is called nature ... "M. Plyatskovsky)

And our contest is over. And we give a little time to the jury members to take stock. We will look forward to the results.

For now, I invite you to play.(games with the audience)


Moderator: “Game for attention. Imagine that my left hand is the sea (makes a wave-like movement), and my right hand is a fish (with my right palm it depicts a fish that swims, wriggling). When a fish jumps out of the sea (i.e., the right hand rises over the left hand), you clap. So let's get started."

The leader initially makes slow movements. Then he introduces deceptive movements, then speeds up the pace, arranging a standing ovation.


Moderator: “Get your hands ready, please. Palms are a horse, and she will run on her knees. Let's learn what a horse can do: run at a gallop (voiced clapping of the hands on the knees); run on the sand (rubbing the palms on the knees); jump on pebbles (knocking fists on the knees); take barriers (hands are raised up and down, clapping on the knees, down). So, we are at the hippodrome. The jumps begin. Let's see whose horse comes first. On your marks! Attention! March!" The host gives various combinations of commands from the learned ones, changes the pace. Host: “Ten meters to the finish line, five, finish! Well, whose horse came first? Children: "Mine!" Host: "Wow! Friendship won!"


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half usually clap their hands. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them into a boat. The presenter alternately waves either his left or his right hand - in response to a wave of his hand, the audience alternately claps, depicting the sound of train wheels, gradually speeding up the pace. If the leader raises both hands above his head, the children shout: “Tu-tu!!!”


The game is very similar to the previous one. It can be carried out with the audience, in a circle, as well as on stage; only the number of players will be different.

When the roles are assigned (grandfather, grandmother, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox, stump), the host begins to tell a fairy tale. As certain characters are called, they either stand up (if they are sitting in the hall) or take a step forward and bow (if they are on stage or in a circle). Only the "kolobok" was unlucky - it must rotate around its axis for each word "kolobok" (it is absolutely round)!


Invite the children to check attentiveness, observation and speed of reaction. It's very easy to do. Let the guys answer any of your questions: “Potato”. Questions can be addressed to everyone, and sometimes it is better to ask one. For example: “What do you have in this place?” (pointing to his nose). The reaction is easy to imagine. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Do not forget to forgive the most inattentive after the first two questions, otherwise you will not have anyone to continue the game with. Here are some questions to ask: What did you have for lunch today? - What would you like to eat for dinner? - And who is late and now enters the hall? - What did your mother bring you as a gift? - What do you dream about at night? - What is the name of your favorite dog? ... and so on.

We give the floor to the chairman of the jury.

Summarizing. Rewarding. Thanks to the teachers.

Municipal Autonomous educational institution

"Secondary school No. 8"

Krasnovishersk Perm Territory

Abstract extracurricular activities

"Battle of the Choirs"


teacher primary school

Shaganova Lyubov Leonidovna

Presenter 1

And a sweet song is sung in honor of the motherland,
And the blood boils, and the heart beats proudly,
And with joy you listen to the sound of words:
“I am Russia's daughter! Here is the land of my fathers!”

Lead 2

Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you today in this wonderful auditorium at the Battle of the Choirs-2017 competition, dedicated to the country in which we were born and live - Russia.

Our country is called Russia

Let the peaceful sky shine over her.

Let the heart be filled with joy, happiness,

Let millions of people sing songs.

Presenter 1

Here it is - Russia, our country,

She is very very big

Russia-Motherland, our home,

Where we live with you.

Lead 2

In 2017, the competition is held for the fourth time. His theme "My native land" was not chosen by chance. 2017 has been declared the year of ecology in the Russian Federation, so today we will tell each other about love for our vast Motherland, the desire to protect and increase its natural wealth in the language of music and songs.

Presenter 1

The competition is attended by ... collectives in four categories: junior choir (students of grades 1-3), middle choir (grades 4-6), senior choir (grades 7-11) and mentors' choir (adult choirs). We are glad to welcome you to the competition "Battle of Choirs 2017".

Lead 2

The word for greeting the participants of the competition is given to the director of the school …………………….

Presenter 1

It's time for us to start competitive program and as in any competition, we have to choose the best of the choirs, and in this we will be helped by a competent jury consisting of: (jury members introduce themselves)

Lead 2

Prepare the warmest wishes and the most reverent feelings!

Presenter 1

Stock up on patience!

Lead 2

Don't be ashamed to show kindness to each other and to the speakers.

Presenter 1

Don't skimp on applause.

Lead 2

We wish all participants good luck.

Presenter 1

My Russia! My Russia!

I'm ready to test everything with you.

You are on your beautiful land

She gave me life and shelter.

Lead 2

Your grain is seething in me.

Like the whole world in a drop of dew.

You are a path of bright youth.

Bring more happiness.

Presenter 1

From distant stars in the skies

To the depths of crystal waters -

You are my tear and my song.

Souls and thoughts are my flight.

Lead 2

The choir of students is invited to the stage ... ..

Song "Hello Motherland"

Presenter 1

Russia is called "chamomile Russia", "spring land".

The birch is dear, dear, has long been considered a symbol of Russia, a symbol of the Motherland. A spring is the beginning of beginnings, these are clean and transparent waters of our country. There are many wonderful places in our country that you can admire and admire.

Lead 2

Our competition program is continued by the choir…..

Supervisor ………….

Song "My Russia is my country"

Presenter 1

Thank you for a wonderful song. And we continue.

Leading 2

The bread that a person feeds on, the earth on which a person lives, the mother that gives life. It is simply impossible for a person to live without all this.

Presenter 1

Among the most cherished in man is the Motherland.

Majestic valleys, expanse fields

Blooming beautiful - this is my homeland.

Leading 2

Ride across the seas, oceans,

It is necessary to fly over the whole earth:

Is in the world various countries

But one like ours is not to be found.

Presenter 1

The choir is invited to the stage ... ..,

supervisor …………………..

Song "Our land of Russia"

Lead 2

The feeling of the Motherland, with its own special appearance, with its own, albeit the most modest and unpretentious beauty, appears in a person in childhood, at the time of life-long impressions of a childish soul, and with it, with this separate and personal Motherland, he comes over the years to that great Motherland, which is one for all. The light of the father's home and the warmth of the native hearth warm a person and illuminate his path all his life, like a bright, joyful, cheerful, summer sun.

Presenter 1

We invite the next contestant to the stage - this is the choir of the parents, the leader ………….

It will sound for you The song "Red Sun".

Lead 2

Our big country. Huge. The end is not in sight. Many people live in our country, many nations. But they all live as a single family, help each other.

Presenter 1

The word “Motherland” means so much that you can’t explain it with another word, you can’t cover it. You name one, and each one will tell you something else, since everyone understands their homeland in their own way.

The choir is invited to the stage …….class leader ………….

Song "My Russia"

Lead 2

My bright Russia, my joy and pain,

Let me explain my love to a blade of grass.

And the flying wedge of your cranes,

And the blinding sun, and the expanse of the fields.

In this simple life you can understand a lot

If you love our Motherland with your heart - mother!

Presenter 1

Russian people love their Motherland. Our country is wonderful.

Lead 2

Let our gardens bloom, and let the earth rejoice

Let the problems all go away, joy will flare up and sadness will fade.

Presenter 1

The choir of ……classes, the head of …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Song "Flourish, my Russia"

Lead 2

Bloom, my planet, flourish, my native land!

Let the sun shine in the sky, the sky will be clear.

Under the yellow-yellow sun, let the children all grow

let the flowers bloom and the birds sing to us.

Let everything around be peaceful, live, live, Earth,

And if the thunder rumbles, then only for the rain!

Presenter 1

My country, my native country!

The beauty of the earth, its spring!

You are all - from end to end -

Forward and upward directed.

Lead 2

You are all brighter, more spacious, wider.

I have not seen such another.

And shines on all the nations in the world

Your fate is high.

Presenter 1

A choir of veteran teachers is invited to the stage,

leader ...... with a song "With you and for you, Russia"

Lead 2

Loving your homeland does not mean only admiring, admiring what is in your country.

Presenter 1

Loving the Motherland means doing everything to make it richer, so that people live better, which means protecting and appreciating everything that surrounds us: the sky, the sun, clouds, the moon and stars, green forests and fertile fields, people who are close to us in joy or in sorrow - this is what supports us and gives us the strength to live and enjoy life.

Lead 2

The choir is invited to the stage………,

supervisor ……………………….

"Hymn of Ecology"

Presenter 1

We strangely, incorrectly live on Earth: we protect the valuable and precious, but we do not store the priceless.

Lead 2

We protect diamonds, diamonds, gold, money, but lakes, springs, clouds, clean air zones, deserted places - no.

Presenter 1

This is completely incomprehensible if you look at the life of earthlings from somewhere else.

Lead 2

We do not want to learn the most important thing: Air is our father, Water is our mother, Earth is our home, Dew is our national wealth.

Presenter 1

Nature has vibrant colors
Millions of radiant inflorescences
Why miracles from a fairy tale
If you can meet them in life.
Lead 2

A choir of 11th grade students is invited to the stage, leader ………………………………………….

Song "This is not a dream"

Presenter 1

Russia is wide as the soul of a Russian person, generous, wise, strong. Many poems and songs have been composed about our Motherland. You can talk about it endlessly.

Lead 2

But the second part of the song contest "Battle of the Choirs" came to an end. We thank everyone who took part in our celebration today. We invite members of the jury to sum up the results.

Lead 2

The floor for summing up and awarding is given to the members of the jury

Presenter 1

We thank everyone who pleased us today with the performance of wonderful songs and those who gave the artists well-deserved applause.

Lead 2

Today we say thanks to those people who support our idea of ​​the Battle of the Choirs competition of choirs and actively help it.

Presenter 1

Words of gratitude and applause are addressed to school director …………….. for support and assistance in the implementation of the project. We invite you to the stage (giving thanks)

Presenter 1

Thank you all for your attention!

Lead 2

The Battle of the Choirs competition has come to an end. Goodbye, see you soon!!!

Scenario of the contest "Battle of the Choirs"

The first day

Fanfare sounds

Leading : Good afternoon dear children, teachers and guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the already traditional competition "Battle of the Choirs - 2017". Today we will become witnesses and participants of the incredible music competition "Battle of the Choirs", dedicated to Year of ecology.

Performance of the song "Song of Earthly Beauty" Martynova Tatyana

Leading : There was a song performed by Martynova T. “Song of earthly beauty”, participants district competition"Light your star."

Presenter: There is just a temple

There is a Temple of Science.

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding pulling hands

Against the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open for us in the heat and chill,

Come in here

Be a little heart

Don't desecrate her shrines.

Leading : The theme of the music competition "Songs about nature and native land."

Leading : Today choirs of grades 1-4 will show their skills. Evaluate the performances of our artists will be distinguished jury:

  • Sokolov Stepan Viktorovich, head of administration municipality Glorious
  • Melnichenko Nikolay Vladimirovich, head of the Municipal Formation Glorious
  • Turbina Alla Viktorovna, Director MKOU SOSH MO Glorious
  • Melnichenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Public Assistant Commissioner for Children's Rights
  • Terekhova Alexandra Yurievna, representative from parents (in 1 day)
  • Subbotin Sergey Alexandrovich, representative of the teaching staff
  • Litvinenko Alexander, representative from school students (on 1 day)
  • Music Competition ExpertGuminskaya Olga Ivanovna, music teacher

Presenter: The jury will evaluatestudent choir performances by 5 points system in accordance with the following criteria:

- performance skills (coherence, expressiveness, emotionality)

Compliance of the repertoire with the theme of the Competition, the age of the participants;

stage culture;

Creative find;

Class image (stage clothes);

Mass character.

Leading : According to the competition rules, one winner will be determined, the rest of the choirs will be nominated in the following categories: "Little stars", "Funny notes", "For the will to win".

Leading : The first day of the competition opens the combined choir 4 classes . Words and music by Irina Gribulina "Fish, Birds, Animals".

4th grade performance

Our beautiful planet Earth!
Seas, oceans, forests and fields,
Winds and fogs, rains and snows:
You are dear to every earthling!

Leading : The choir is invited to the stage 3 classes. Words by Sergey Krokh, music by Nadezhda Mal "The planet is spinning."

3rd grade performance

Presenter: We can not live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit.

Host: Words Pavel Sinyavsky, music Yuri Chichkov "Forest March" performed by the choir 2 classes.

2nd class performance

Leading: There are many forests and rivers, there are many of them on Earth,
They will give you love and happiness.
They will purify the air and quench your thirst,
And on a hot summer afternoon they will protect from the heat.

Leading: Beginners, the smallest participants of the competition are invited to the stage first graders. Words by Yuri Entin, music Mark Minkov "Song of the Lungwort".

1st class performance

Leading: Here are all the participants of our competition. Everyone worked hard! And now it's time to sum up the results of our competition "Battle of the Choirs-2017".

Leading : In the meantime, the jury is working for you a surprise from the winners of the regional competition "Light your star." On the stage, a 2nd grade student Sofia Furaeva with the song "A Lapwing by the Road".

Leading : On the stage, a 5th grade student Vitalina Chervyakova with the song "A musician was walking through the forest."

Host: Thank you!

Leading : So, the floor for debriefing is provided by ____________


Winner's reward ceremony

Leading: We invite the winners to the stage

Leading : Congratulations to all the nominees.

The first day of the competition has come to an end. Tomorrow, choirs of grades 5-8 will perform on this stage. See you!

1 Vedas: Good evening, Dear friends!

2 Vedas: We welcome you to 1 city vocal competition"Battle of the Choirs".

1 Vedas: There has never been such a grandiose event in our city.

2 Vedas: Today we will see and hear our creative teams of teachers. Everyone was ready and trying. Despite the spirit of healthy competition, I want to remind you that the main task of our competition is to give everyone present a FESTIVAL of spring, a holiday of music and song.

1 Vedas: Today we will smile, share joy with each other and receive a lot of positive!

2 Vedas: Every year new show programs are released on television, revealing new voices and talents. One of these programs has become very popular "Battle of the Choirs". We also decided to organize and even participate in a choral competition that brought together educators and teachers with a common desire to win, creative passion and the possibility of collective self-realization. 1 Vedas: Throughout the past week, the sounds of music and harmonious singing (and sometimes not so much) could be heard from behind the closed doors of the Center's hall. There was active preparation.

2 Vedas: 8 collectives, 116 participants - participants fearlessly rushed to conquer the musical Olympus: choose songs, select backing tracks, costumes .... and... rehearse, rehearse, rehearse...

1 Vedas: It would seem that such a team came out and sang, but no, when you sing alone and made a vocal mistake - this is just your mistake! But if you sang badly in the choir, then you let others down, so singing in the choir turns out to be much more difficult! But we have organized large and friendly teams, ready to support each other and sing everything perfectly.

2 Vedas:

Allow me, dear women, to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

1 Vedas: May the shadow of sadness disappear on this day,

Luck, happiness and love confession await you,

Let them wait at least a day

Notes, plans and homework!

2 Vedas:

Today we give you a musical surprise!

Teachers are ready to please you with their talent

We are starting our holiday show "Battle of the Choirs"!!!

1 Vedas: Well, now without delay,

We are starting our choir performance!

2 Vedas: Choir "RONDO" of school No. 3, leader Lyubov Marakova

1 Vedas: Choir of School No. 7, leader Aigul Ibragimova, Irina Baidimirova

2 Vedas: Choir of teachers "Eurogymnasium, leader Elena Kocheva

1 Vedas: Choir "Beryozonka" kindergarten No. 2, leaders Valentina Karpenko and Svetlana Rozhkova

2 Vedas: Choir "Crane" of kindergarten No. 17 SOP 1, conductor. Olga Razdyakonova

1 Vedas: Kindergarten Choir No. 34, leader

2 Vedas: Choir of the Revda School, director Evgenia Permyakova

1 Vedas: Choir of the Center education head Olga Zavyalova

2 Vedas: Today we have a strict, but as always fair jury, which will closely monitor all the contestants. And it will be very difficult for them to choose winners among the mass of such talented participants. However, competition is competition! And the choir that received the largest number points will become the winner of the competition.

1 Vedas: What kind of show without a jury

The jury is so beautiful today

It's time to introduce them!

We welcome them with applause friends!

1. Tatyana Tarasova - music. head of MADOU No. 39, winner of the competition of pedagogical skills "The Edge of Talent",

2. Natalia Nekrasova - additional teacher education of the Revdinsky multidisciplinary technical school,

3. Larisa Guryashina - music teacher of the school "Istoki",

4. Larisa Mikhailovna Firsova - Chairman of the City Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education Workers.

2 Vedas: Well, since the "Battle of the Choirs" will be a real battle, there must be real fans!

1 Vedas: The main condition of our holiday is ... .. GOOD MOOD!

2 Vedas: Therefore, now from our viewers, friendly applause! Loud applause! And just a flurry of applause!

1 Vedas: So, we begin!!!

We invite our first participants to the stage - cheerful and active girls from Kindergarten No. 2, Choir "Beryozonka" with Matvey Blanter's song "Katyusha".

2 Vedas: Surely all of you have felt how something has changed in nature and mood. And everything is very simple. Spring has come, a time that gives us all a lot of sun, warmth, love. It's time that gives only us women one of the most beautiful holidays of the year.
1 Vedas: Happy spring holiday, you dear women.
Joy to you, love and love.
Beauty, perfection and peace.
Smiles and of course, festive mood!

1 Vedas: With his spring performance will delight you choir group of the Center education with the song "I'll go out into the street."

(The choirs of school No. 3 and kindergarten No. 34 rise)

1 Vedas: We give female names only to the most beautiful: Universe, Earth, Motherland, Mother. Since ancient times, people have worshiped the Woman. A woman is the main engine of life.

2 Vedas: Wars flared up because of Her, feats were performed for Her sake, men made history with Her name. As the planets of our system revolve around the Sun, so everything in this life revolves around the Woman.

1 Vedas: How many beautiful poems and songs have been composed for the glory of the Woman! How many great deeds are consecrated in her name! Love for a Woman is a noble and beautiful human feeling.

2 Vedas: . Woman and love, love and spring are inseparable. Love is a great happiness that has fallen to the lot of people. Happiness, if such love has passed, is passing or will pass through the life of each of us. Dear friends, love and be loved!

1 Vedas: Kindergarten Choir No. 34 sings for you - “Oh, viburnum is blooming”

2 Vedas: Happy Women's Day, the beginning of spring, With the first spring thaw!

Be healthy and happy you

Good luck to you big and small!

May the mood always be excellent, And may everything always be fine!

2 Vedas: And to make our mood even better, we invite the RONDO choir of school No. 3 to the stage with the song “Good Girls”.

(The choirs of the Eurogymnasium and kindergarten No. 17 take the stage)

1 Vedas: Today's competition is dedicated to the wonderful theme “Spring. Woman. Love". And again we are talking about love. Love is the purest, most pleasant feeling on earth. This is the very thread that binds two souls. Love is what makes a person live.

2 Vedas: Angels call it heavenly joy,
Devils - hellish torment,
And people love.
Love is a great feeling!

1 Vedas: This is what it is - love: mysterious and beautiful, fatal and passionate, all-consuming power of love ...

2 Vedas: We meet the choir of teachers of the Eurogymnasium with a song Valeria Milyaeva "Spring Tango"

2 Vedas: Dear women, even though you are different

One thing is for sure, you are all beautiful!

We sincerely wish you happiness

In family and work - love and harmony!

So that you do not count happy days

Stay the way you are!

And we are looking forward to the performance of the Zhuravushka choir, kindergarten No. 17 SOP 1, music and lyrics by Natalia Rudina "Spring".

(The choirs of teachers of the "Correctional School" and MKOU "Secondary School No. 7" rise on the stage)

1 Vedas: It's good that spring has come

She brought the best holiday

The holiday is joyful, bright and tender,

The holiday of all our dear women.

— Well, judging by – my experience is flowers. But beyond mimosa, roses and tulips, men's fantasy does not go. And this is where women come in.

- I wonder how it is?

But it turns out that the choice of colors may depend on their profession.

- Well, let's say marigolds can be presented to a seamstress.

How about a manicurist? -Marigold.

Ophthalmologist? -Pansies.


Cactus ... -And if the teacher?

- Well, probably gladioli and asters.

Why exactly these flowers?

Well, okay, we found out about flowers, and what kind of gifts they say that they are women's best friends - these are diamonds.

Your creativity You are given by the Choir of School No. 7, they will perform Konstantin Meladze's song "Girls from high society"

1 Vedas: A premonition of spring and a lack of vitamins, slight sadness and sudden joys ... In March there is no certainty, everything around is gradually awakening, blooming, prettier.

2 Vedas: It seems that nature itself whispers to you: “Wake up after hibernation! Hey! Pro-take-and-is. Wake up and sing!" By the way, there is folk omen- If a woman sings, then everything is in order in the house ...

1 Vedas: And the choir of teachers of the “Correctional School” completes our “Battle of the Choirs” - music by Vyacheslav Dobrynin, lyrics by Leonid Derbenev "The world is not simple."

2 Vedas: Friends, all our compliments and thunderous applause

Our wonderful choirs!

You gave us a wonderful holiday

Thank you very much!

1 Vedas: Jury, we ask you to leave for a while,

To sum up the results of the competition.

And we will continue to have fun.

AND, so that today you all smile,

Our artists tried for you.

2 Vedas:

On the stage of the UEC, the vocal ensemble "GLORIA", hands. Olga Zavyalova.

- On the stage, the association "Miss Caprice" with the spring city collection, leader Irina Kralina.

Scenario of the contest "Battle of the Choirs"
The first day
Fanfare sounds
Leading: Good afternoon dear children, teachers and guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the already traditional competition "Battle of the Choirs - 2017". Today we will become witnesses and participants of the incredible music competition "Battle of the Choirs", dedicated to the Year of Ecology.
Performance of the song "Song of Earthly Beauty" Martynova Tatyana
Presenter: There was a song performed by Martynova T. “A song about earthly beauty”, a participant in the district contest “Light your star”.
Leading: There is just a Temple,
There is a Temple of Science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding pulling hands
Against the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open for us in the heat and chill,
Come in here
Be a little heart
Don't desecrate her shrines.
Presenter: The theme of the music competition "Songs about nature and native land."
Host: Today, choirs of grades 1-4 will show their skills. The performances of our artists will be evaluated by a respected jury:
Sokolov Stepan Viktorovich, Head of Administration of the Municipal Formation Glorious
Melnichenko Nikolai Vladimirovich, Head of the Municipal Formation Slavny
Turbina Alla Viktorovna, director of MKOU SOSH MO Slavny
Kulizhnikova Maya Ivanovna, head of the structural unit Tula Regional Children's Music School named after G.Z. Reichel
Melnichenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna, public assistant to the commissioner for children's rights
Terekhova Alexandra Yuryevna, representative from parents (on the 1st day)
Subbotin Sergey Alexandrovich, representative of the teaching staff
Litvinenko Alexander, representative of the students of the school (1 day)
Expert of the music competition Guminskaya Olga Ivanovna, music teacher
Host: The jury will evaluate the performances of student choirs on a 5-point system in accordance with the following criteria:
- performance skills (coherence, expressiveness, emotionality)
- compliance of the repertoire with the theme of the Competition, the age of the participants;
- stage culture;
- creative find;
- class image (stage clothes);
- mass.
Moderator: According to the rules of the competition, one winner will be determined, the rest of the choirs will be nominated in the following categories: "Little Stars", "Funny Notes", "For the Will to Win".
Host: The first day of the competition is opened by the combined choir of the 4th grade. Words and music by Irina Gribulina "Fish, Birds, Animals".
4th grade performance
Our beautiful planet Earth! Seas, oceans, forests and fields, Winds and fogs, rains and snows: You are dear to every earthling!
Leading: The 3rd grade choir is invited to the stage. Lyrics by Sergey Krokh, music by Nadezhda Mal "The planet is spinning".
3rd grade performance
Leading: We cannot live in the world without miracles,
They meet us everywhere.
Magic, autumn and fairy forest
He invites us to visit.

Presenter: Words by Pavel Sinyavsky, music by Yuri Chichkov "Forest March" is performed by a choir group of the 2nd grade.
2nd class performance
Leading: There are a lot of forests and rivers, there are many of them on Earth, They will give love and happiness to each other. They will purify the air and quench your thirst, And protect you from the heat on a hot summer afternoon.
Host: Beginners are invited to the stage, the smallest participants in the competition are first graders. Words by Yuri Entin, music by Mark Minkov "Song of the Lungwort".
1st class performance
Moderator: So all the participants of our competition spoke. Everyone worked hard! And now it's time to sum up the results of our competition "Battle of the Choirs-2017".
Presenter: In the meantime, the jury is working for you a surprise from the winners of the district competition "Light your star." On the stage, a 2nd grade student Sofia Furaeva with the song "A Lapwing by the Road".
Presenter: On the stage, a 5th grade student Vitalina Chervyakova with the song "A musician was walking through the forest."

Host: Thank you!
Moderator: So, the floor for summing up is provided by ____________
Winner's reward ceremony
Host: We invite the winners to the stage
Moderator: Congratulations to all the nominees.
The first day of the competition has come to an end. Tomorrow, choirs of grades 5-8 will perform on this stage. See you!