Autumn chores caught fire in bunches of berries. Card file of poems about nature. Questions to consolidate knowledge about the seasons

  • 13.11.2019


Poems for preschoolers on ecology

For flowers to bloom in the forest

All spring and summer

We will not collect

Their big bouquets.

If the chick from the nest

Fluttered before the deadline

We'll help, don't worry

Do not crack, forty.

Though a harmful fly agaric,

We won't touch him.

Suddenly need it

Forest dweller.

Fragile ant house

We must also protect.

Surely he must

Stand behind the fence.

Bunny and hedgehog

forest dwellers

You better not touch!

Guard them!

Let's protect nature, preschool children!

She must not be forgotten for a moment.

After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers,

This is all for us forever!

About pollution.

There is a balance in nature

It cannot be broken.

This is very important in life.

For you and me.

What would be the balance

It is necessary with you, us, friends

Do not throw away waste

And don't pollute the seas.

Less car driving

And let the smoke out of the factories

So as not to fly in the atmosphere

And they didn't make holes.

Less wrappers, papers

You throw it on the street!

Train in yourself, you, dexterity:

Get right into the urn.

And when you want to throw

You are not a piece of paper in the basket,

You think about nature -

We still have to live here!

Ecology of children,

It's very important, believe me!

We must teach them

How to protect and love nature.

Here we go for a walk

And the guys are picking flowers.

Gotta take them on bail

Explain who you are.

Who cares about the forest

All about the same about flowers,

teach them to love

Beauty around us.

Well, what about the weekend

In nature by the river…

Why are guys mean

Breaking branches, tearing flowers?!

Why are dads and moms

Are they not allowed to do all this?

Why don't they appreciate

What do they have now?

And, of course, if the children grow up

And when we meet them, we will see

That they love our planet,

That they appreciate and cherish it ...

And then we will understand and see

What went our classes for the future.

And what will they be to their grandchildren and children

To give these same truths from lesson to lesson.

Let's try

Teach children to love nature.

So that every child

Almost from the cradle

I could immediately and firmly say:

“We value nature, we cherish, we cherish


Everything - from the old pine at the fence

To the big dark forest

And from the lake to the pond -


And also a bear, and an elk,

And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?

Even a fly - wow! -


I love silence on the lake

And in the pond reflections of the roofs,

I love picking blueberries in the forest,

I love the badger and the fox...

I love you forever,

Environment! (L. Fadeeva)

our planet

There is one garden planet

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling birds of passage,

They bloom only on it,

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it! (Y. Akim)

Living Primer

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds learn to sing.

A bag of patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

All in fairness.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truth.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness:

Every day, winter and summer,

Gives us warmth and light.

And no one in return

Don't ask for anything!

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people

They teach strong friendship. (V. Orlov)

temple of nature

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature,

With scaffolding pulling hands

Against the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the year,

Open for us in the heat and chill.

Come in here, be a sensitive heart,

Don't desecrate his shrines. (A. Smirnov)

There is so much beauty in nature!

So much beauty in nature

Take a look and you'll understand

Why dew bushes

Envelops shivers.

Where, murmuring, the stream runs,

More transparent than glass

What about in the evening, in a field of rye,

Quail sing...

Let it become your heart

Bird speech is understandable -

And you will learn

How to keep it all. (V. Chizhov)

Take care of the earth!

Take care of the earth!

Take care!

Skylark at the blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunlight on the paths.

On the stones of a playing crab,

Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,

The hawk hovering over the field

A clear moon over the river calm,

A swallow flickering in life.

Take care of the earth! Take care! (M. Dudin)

Let's decorate the Earth together

Let's decorate the Earth together

Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.

Let's respect the Earth together

And treat with tenderness, like a miracle!

We forget that we have only one

Unique, vulnerable, alive.

Beautiful: even summer, even winter ...

We have one, one of a kind! (E. Smirnova)

Though the grass does not grow

There are fewer untouched places on the planet.

Lakes of oil are spilled over the tundra.

And hostile whirlwinds curl from the pipes...

Living nature is already a half-corpse.

The man put her on her knees.

We want to make more money.

What about after us?



The earth smoked

The earth puffed with steam,

The earth was poisoned

And shook with explosions.

The land cut the forest

The land of the forest burned

The land of the forest drowned

Well, in a word, I got carried away.

Then she asked:

Where is the atmosphere?

I got stuffy,

Ah, I'm not well!

Ah, give me oxygen

And clean water!

Normal weather!

But the train has left. (R. Aldonina)

About fishing

We went fishing

The fish were fished in the pond.

Vitya caught a washcloth,

And Yegor - a frying pan.

Kolya - tangerine peel,

Sasha - old shoes,

And Sabina and Soso -

Wheel from the car.

I got two marks

Bore - a can of herring,

A Earring on a hook

Tow pulled out a scrap.

All day in the pond stubbornly

We fished in vain.

Got a lot of rubbish

And never a minnow.

Everyone should know and remember:

If rubbish is poured into the pond,

Then in such a pond once

The fish will simply die. (A. Eroshin)

What is the fish asking for?

Would make you feel better

You are a fisherman

I would treat


No trick

without hook

I would give a worm! (S. Pogorelovskiy)

Poems about autumn

Signs of autumn: It's cold outside, it often rains. Leaves turn yellow and fall off. Birds fly to warmer climes. People harvest vegetables and fruits.

Autumn poems for children middle group kindergarten

For the spring, the beauty of nature,

The hot summer will pass -

And fog and bad weather

Late autumn brings:

People are bored, people are sad;

Bird to distant lands

To a warm land, beyond the blue sea

Flies away until spring. A. S. Pushkin (From the poem "Gypsies")

Got up, making noise

bad weather,

Low boron raw

Leans over.

Walk, swim

Clouds across the sky.

Autumn night

Blacker than a crow. I. S. Nikitin

Autumn. All our poor garden is sprinkled,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind;

Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes are bright red withering mountain ash. A. K. Tolstoy

The summer has passed

Autumn has come

In fields and groves

Empty and dull.

The birds have flown

The days got shorter

The sun is not visible

Dark, dark nights. A. N. Pleshcheev

Summer flies away

It suddenly became twice as bright.

Yard, as in the sun, -

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders ...

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain.

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle.

And high from the ground

The cranes flew by.

Everything flies! It must be

Our summer is flying!

E. Trutneva


Cowberry ripens

The days got colder.

And from the bird's cry

The heart is only sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less

There is no incense in flowers.

Autumn will wake up soon -

And cry awake.

K. D. Balmont

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,

Fog and damp from the water.

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun went down quietly.

The blasted road is slumbering.

She dreamed today

What is very, very little

It remains to wait for the gray winter.

S. Yesenin

autumn goldilocks

Autumn, autumn-goldilocks,

You come to us from a fairy tale.

How beautiful is your dress

The pattern burns with amber!

Quietly wandering in the wild

Through forests and valleys.

We will meet you with bread and salt,

A bunch of scarlet rowan.

Autumn chores

Bunch of berries caught fire

The sky is blue.

I am an uninvited guest

Wandered into the autumn forest.

Everyone here has their own concerns.

The animals in the forest are doing:

Raccoons warm the house

The squirrel tore off the bump.

In sharp teeth, a forest mouse

Drags a smooth stomach

And, saving up for the winter,

Hides the acorn in the cellar.

I just opened the doors

Maples of bright gold,

Animals immediately hid

In front of their houses.

In an instant, big life has quieted down,

What is out of sight.

I won't disturb you, my friends,

I love it and leave!

Thrifty baby

Autumn. early in the morning

The golden oak forest is sleeping.

Carries acorns in a hole

Mouse red forest.

How pretty is she!

With a dark stripe on the back

Looks like a fallen leaf

What turns yellow on the path.

How thrifty baby -

Smart forest mouse.

When it's cold outside

An acorn will gnaw in a hole.

Autumn vacation

Linden leaf showered,

Sows a light rain

Autumn vacation

You've been waiting so long!

Nothing that leaves

Flying in the wind

Red fox fur

Covering the garden.

Though the fog hung

Autumn over the fields -

You will have fun

Holidays with friends.

I wish you

Joy and laughter

Autumn is golden

Fun is not a hindrance!

Gold will decorate the parks

Leaves lead a sweet waltz

glorious autumn gifts

Will rain down on us

After the heat, the captivity of coolness

Caresses, spins,

Apples - honey awards

The taste is captivating!

Soon the leaves will fall

And the trees are your outfit

Reluctantly, but still drop,

They will ask for a white fur coat

Winter's friend.

And autumn turmoil

Then the possessions will end,

Snow-white accomplishments

Beyond the threshold, there is a knock on the door,

Blizzard winds are flying.

Warm days complete the round dance,

Yellow-purple leaves fly,

The herbs are drooping, preparing to sleep,

Cover yourself with a white veil,

The miracle of nature continues its cycle,

The rain softly replaces the caress of the rays,

Drops lazily play in the puddles,

They invite the snowy winter.

Poems about winter

Already you, winter-winter,

Twirled and swept

All paths, all meadows

There is nowhere for Sonechka to go.

Already you, winter-winter,

The winter was stormy

Everything twisted, everything was chalk -


Kalinushka with raspberries

She messed up.

I got all the weed,

With silk grass flowers

Dried up.

You, frost, frost, frost,

Don't show your nose!

Go home soon

Take the cold with you.

And we'll take the sled

We'll go to the street

Let's sit in the sleigh -


For winter

The forest has become completely transparent,

Sheets are rare in it.

Soon there will be fluffy snow

Fall from a height.

Roll down our windows for us,

In the nursery and everywhere.

The stars will shine brighter

Ice will stick to water.

Let's start skating

We are on clear ice.

Our laughter will be heard

In the park on the pond.

And in the calm of the rooms - hide and seek,

Odd and even count.

And then the holidays will come

Again New Year.

Throws, throws snow in armfuls

Winter on the fields.

To the eyebrows covered with hats

In the courtyards of the house.

At night the blizzard played tricks,

Snow knocked on the glass

And now - look how fun

And white-white!

S. Marshak

Winter has come with frost

With frosts, with snowstorms.

Snowdrifts under birches,

White-white under the fir trees.

O. Vysotskaya

Burning frost crackling,

It's dark outside;

Silver frost

Launched the window.

I. S. Nikitin

Walks the street

Santa Claus,

Hoarfrost scatters

On the branches of birches;

Walks with a beard

White shakes,

stomping foot,

There is only crackling.

S. D. Drozhzhin

bird tree

On the silver path

As soon as the New Year comes

On a high thin leg

The miracle tree rises.

This tree is not simple,

And it's not for kids.

Near the Christmas tree, flying

The birds whistle cheerfully.

There is a woodpecker, and tits,

Bullfinches and sparrow -

Everyone wants to have some fun

Near your Christmas tree!

Toys do not shine on her

And the star does not shine

But bird feeders

We hung there!

Flocks of birds are flying

To our Christmas tree winter Garden,

And in the garden without stopping

The bells are ringing.

Z. Alexandrova

Fluffy branches glitter in silver,

How much joy there is in the winter yard!

There is someone lazily carrying a sleigh,

When he takes an impregnable mountain.

But behind the ice mountain,

He climbed up - and bravely: "Hurrah!"

He climbed onto the sled, as if saddling a horse,

Oh no! He's not tired at all.

Now it will rush from a high mountain,

Under the cries and laughter of other kids

Rolled down, again takes his sled

And he walks uphill with a confident step.

Who generously spilled the white paint?

Who so carefully whitewashed everything?

Painted with his wondrous pattern

Glass? Then I walked around the open spaces

And falls asleep in silver color

City and villages, and over the white light

Laughs loudly and hums like a blizzard,

Does it fly into the sky like a snow-covered wind?

Grandfather glorious, playful FROST

Painted my nose red!

Snowball flies, circles, and instantly

I'm away from him - jump,

But too late, he hit me.

Yes, this Vaska played like that,

That you can't hide from him

Doesn't protect anything.

Okay, I made a snowball -

Hold on, Vasily, my friend!

Throw - hit, and right in the chest,

We must save ourselves somehow!

Vaska runs with a big snowball,

Hit again, and me and my friend

Liked to play in the snow

Tomorrow I will go for a walk again.

That year the autumn weather

Stood in the yard for a long time

Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.

Snow fell only in January

On the third night. Waking up early

Tatyana saw through the window

Whitewashed yard in the morning,

Curtains, roofs and fences,

Light patterns on the glass

Trees in winter silver

Forty merry in the yard

And softly padded mountains

Winters are a brilliant carpet.

Everything is bright, everything is white around. A.S. Pushkin


Again in the worries of Winter-needlewoman:

Let nature dress warmly.

Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,

White things tirelessly knits:

Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,

Christmas trees mittens knits on the paws.

In the morning weaving lace on the windows

And carpets the paths.

She sewed, knitted and was very tired.

“Oh, spring would have come soon!”

Irina Tokmakova. THAW IN THE CITY

In December - no blizzard, no cold,

Underfoot - puddles, puddles,

Snow is falling from the sky

Or it's raining!

Looking into the puddles in surprise

A wet crow walks

Walking in the yard in the morning

Wet-wet man.

No snowballs, no snowman,

Well, at least one snowdrift,

Not on sleds

Not on skis

Just right to sail on a boat!

What, winter, are you doing foolishly?

Come on, take your temperature

Apparently you are careless

Managed to catch the flu!

Igor Maznin. WINTER

Comes with inaudible steps

Invisible cold dies

And, all around covered with snow,

Suddenly, all of us ears prick:

Why, they say, are you in such a frost

Sticking your nose out of the house? ..

Sergei Kozlov. FEBRUARY

In February, in February

A blizzard is riding on a broomstick!

By lakes and rivers

Covered with white snow

Black night mirrors!

And the star can't see itself...

She's probably embarrassed

Behind the white veil

Be an invisible star.

Elena Pavlova. ABOUT YOLKA

"Toy" - what a great word!

You say, “What else is there?

Just think, balls, an asterisk, a mask ... "

But the Christmas tree in toys is a green fairy tale.

"Clapperboard" - what a fun word!

You ask: “What is so funny about crackers?

Only noise and papers everywhere ... "

But the Christmas tree in crackers is a green miracle.

"Garland" - what a magic word!

You say: "Nonsense, simple,

Just think, light bulbs of different colors ... "

And I won't tell you anything about that.

You are probably right, but only partly.

A Christmas tree with a garland - green happiness!

Alexey Shevchenko. GUESTING AT NASTY

There's a storm on the street

And we are visiting Nastya.

What happiness is this:

In bad weather to be away!

Covers the streets with snow

Passers-by slouch

Everyone frowns at the weather

Sigh: - Oh! - yes: - Ah!

And we eat cakes:

Biscuit, curd

All kinds of sweets

Cookies of the lands!

What a happiness

What are we sitting with Nastya!

In a terrible storm

So good to be away!


New Year's gifts.

Where is the snow being transported in cars?

Probably in hot countries

They distribute it to the children

Get full bags -

And everyone is running to play snowballs!

Snowballs don't fly

Melting in the hot sun

And only puddles here and there...

Where is the snow being transported in cars?

Ludmila Fadeeva. SNOW WE

The cloud turned into snow

And attacked everyone!

Especially for the guys!

In-from such a snowdrift!

Turned out - look -

Absolutely snowy Vitya!

Snowy me!

And snow Roma!

How are we recognized at home?


Diseases are quarantined!

At Scarlet.

To Pneumonia Bilateral

Outsiders are not allowed.

Wrapped up in a scarf, groaning Flu -

He is absolutely hoarse!

In vain the old man-frost rages!

In vain the cold wind blows!

We are healthy as one, -

Diseases are quarantined!


painted poem

Let's draw?

Let's. What are we going to draw?

Do you want us to draw... a poem?

Like this?

Very simple. Open the album, take a pencil and start drawing:


blue curtains,

Behind the window curtains

Outside the courtyard.

What about in the yard?

There are white mountains

snowy mountains,

And what about the fence?

Large city -

White City...

And in that city -

House by house

And house after house

And house after house

They stand around.

And what about the houses?

And behind the houses

Home again -

Behind the house house:

house by house

Stand in rows

Row after row!

And then what?

We'll go through the city

And find our home


The house where

blue curtains,

Behind the window curtains

And we are inside.

Alexander Blok. dilapidated hut

dilapidated hut

All covered in snow.

old grandmother

Looks out the window.

For the naughty grandchildren

Knee-deep snow.

Cheerful for the kids

Fast sled running...

running, laughing,

Making a snow house

In the snow house

Rough game...

Fingers get cold

It's time to go home!

Drink tea tomorrow

Looking out the window -

An, the house has already melted,

It's spring outside!


When I ate an icicle,

It was delicious.

And when I got sick

It got very sad... M. Druzhinina

moose letter

Winter night at the window

Elk left a letter for me.

On a white window frame

He imprinted with horns -

Branches, paths and foliage...

Everything is clear: waiting in the forest.

“Capture,” he writes, “the sled,

I'll ride in the meadow." V. Stepanov

Winter storm

Oh you, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where were you at night, huh?

I twisted around all the yards,

I sewed fur coats for trees,

Dressed them up in furs.

And frost them - nonsense!

Oh you, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

What did you do in the morning, huh?

Wandered along the streets,

All fences whitewashed.

Oh you, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where did you circle during the day, well?

Tore hats off people during the day,

Throwing snow behind the collar ...

To make it beautiful around

I mixed the sky with the earth!

Oh you, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where will you be tonight, huh?

What an evening I'll circle

I'll tell you tomorrow morning! G. Gerasimov

Breaking the ice

We broke.

Flying shreds

E. Blaginina

Winter's last darkness

February is the heir of January.

The river is flowing, drifting snows are floating,

They fall into the snowy seas.

And me from the rainbow shine

Do not hold back happy tears.

On the southern slope of the copse -

Funnels at the roots of birches.

And, having listened to the tunes of spring,

Parting the withered grass,

A snowdrop will hatch with a sprout

Through last year's leaves...

A. Ivanov

Blue expanses do not see themselves,

And, in the eternal cold, bright, clean,

The snowy mountains do not see themselves,

The flower does not see its own beauty.

And it's sweet to know if you're walking through the woods

Are you going down the mountain path:

With your insatiable eyes

Nature admires itself.

S. Schipachev


Hello, well done January,

Hello, sir!

Ride us on a sled

Give me frost

Let heaven bloom on the windows:

Dahlias, roses.

Rides like a squirrel at dawn

New Year in January

Through the tall firs

For the kids to eat

Chocolates in kindergarten -

Well, at least once a year. M. Sukhorukova


We tear off the calendar, January begins.

In January, in January there is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow on the roof, on the porch,

The sun is in the blue sky.

Stoves are heated in our house -

Smoke rises into the sky. S. Marshak

It was in January

It was in January

There was a tree on the mountain

And next to this tree

The bad wolves roamed.

Once upon a time, at night,

When it's so quiet in the forest

Meet the wolf under the mountain

Bunnies and bunnies.

Who wants in the New Year

Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

The rabbits rushed forward

And they jumped on the tree.

They pricked their ears

They hung like toys.

Sparrows flew past

Sat at the top.

ten little bunnies

They hang on the tree and are silent -

The wolf was deceived.

It was in January,

He thought that on the mountain

Decorated Christmas tree. A. Barto

Our friends

Every day,

When we get up

Together with my brother,

Taking cereal

And bread crumbs

Let's run to the porch.

Many affectionate, good

Flies to us friends.

Sitting on the feeder, birds

They clean their wings.

There are carduelis, siskins, tits

And sly sparrows

Waiting for us also patiently

And handsome bullfinches...

Everyone is used to - not shy,

Take them with your hands!

G. Ladonshchikov

Here is my village

Here is my village;

Here is my home;

Here I am on a sled

Uphill steep;

Here the sled turned

And I'm on my side - clap!

head over heels

Downhill, into a snowdrift.

I. Surikov

Santa Claus walks the street

Frost scatters on the branches of birches.

Walks, shakes his white beard,

He stomps his foot, only crackling comes.

S. Drozhzhin

Frosty frost on the glass

Frosty frost on the glass

How many dashes and lines!

I only know,

Who is standing there at the window.

Snow Maiden breathes on the glass

And diligently writes letters,

Leads with her finger:

"C" - snowflakes, "3" - winter.

N. Frenkel

snow fairy tale

Danced through the snow


Bullfinches for snowmen

The song was whistled.

By the snowy river

In the snow lane

Skates run loudly

Snowmen cut ice.

S. Pogorelovskiy



Outside by the door.

I poured over the threshold

Buckwheat, seeds, cottage cheese.

And when I went out into the garden

I heard from them:

You are better than all the guys

Well done, Grisha!

P. Voronko

Fly under the window

Snow-snow, snow-snow

All covered in bird footprints

Sparrows jumped around

Apparently, they were looking for food.

The difficult time has come:

The grains were covered with snow.

bobtail family,

Our guests and friends

Fly under the window -

There is grain in your feeders.

G. Boyko

Both summer and winter

Like a white blizzard

The birch was swept up;

Both summer and winter

She is white,

Only black spots

Like thawed patches in the snow.

S. Wheat

Everything was covered with thick snow,

Like warm, white fur.

V. Fetisov

What does the snow sing about

Snow sparkles, circles, sweeps,

She covers the fields with a blanket:

Sleep, earth, you must be tired -

The harvest was generous in autumn!

Sleep now until spring, rest.

S. Wheat


In white and blue February

A blizzard rushes on a broom,

But longing will take her

And in the sun side

This blizzard warms

February is getting better.

Our February is not so bad

He knocks down the horn from the winter.

I am with a slingshot in the meadows

I'm going to knock off her horns.

M. Sukhorukova


The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly.

A light snow rushes along the ground like a snake.

Rising, flights of aircraft rush into the distance,

Glory to the native army, on her birthday.

S. Marshak

black ice

Does not go and does not go

Because ice.

But it falls great

Why is no one happy?

Winter sings - calls out ...

Winter sings - calls out,

Shaggy forest cradles

The call of a pine forest.

Around with deep longing

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm

Spreads like a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful

Like orphan children

Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,

Hungry, tired,

And they huddle tighter.

A blizzard with a furious roar

Knocks on the shutters hung

And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze

Under these whirlwinds of snow

At the frozen window.

And they dream of a beautiful

In the smiles of the sun is clear

Spring beauty. S. Yesenin

frosty wind

Hop - sideways, lope - sideways

A jackdaw walks past the windows.

The wind is all tousled,


Heavy, shaggy wire ropes.

Each call is like a string -

The whole country was buzzing.

Immediately the thermometer noted -

A frosty wind came

Between dashes and dots

The blue bar has become shorter. E. Trutneva

Winter evening

A storm covers the sky with mist,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting.

Like a beast, she will howl

It will cry like a child.

That on a dilapidated roof

Suddenly the straw will rustle,

Like a belated traveler

There will be a knock on our window ... A. Pushkin

Feed the birds in winter

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich:

A handful of grain is all you need,

Let alone, and not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count.

It's hard to see

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed together

Winter with people.

Train your birds in winter

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

You meet spring.


Run out quickly

Look at the snowmen.

They've arrived, they've arrived!

The flock was met by blizzards,

A Frost Red Nose

He brought them a mountain ash,

well treated,

Well sweetened

Late winter evening

Bright scarlet bunches.

A. Prokofiev

What do sparrows sing about?

What do sparrows sing about

On the last day of winter?

We survived!

We survived!

We are alive!

B. Berestov

Snow fell on the threshold

Snow fell on the threshold

The cat baked himself a cake.

In the meantime, sculpted and baked -

The pie flowed in a stream.

Bake pies for yourself

Not from snow, - from flour.

P. Voronko

Proverbs and sayings about winter

Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat

December ends the year, winter begins.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

New Year - to spring turn.

In February, winter meets spring for the first time.

February blows winter, and March breaks.

Poems about spring

Snow-white lily of the valley in May

Blooms in the forest

Sweet flower, tender flower

I saw a wolf and a fox

And blooms in the villages

All in curls - the beauty of lilac,

The aroma attracts

Bewitching the day!

blue bell -

My favorite flower!

Delicate, windy-native,

Gives me hello!

May swirled with flowers,

Bright lights.

Run, laugh and dream

Jump between streams!

The birds return and chirp sweetly,

The sun revives, I do not feel sorry for the winter!

Magic streams murmur joyfully,

The colors of spring joy stir the heart!

And the snowdrifts slowly spread through the puddles,

How bright and welcoming after the winter cold!

I like to admire emerald grass,

Hello, glorious guest, beautiful freckle!

They ran, murmured, streams spilled,

A flock of black dots in the sky - the rooks are returning!

The cries of birds are full of delight!

How solemnly cheerful!

They are circling gloriously, they are circling proudly, they have waited for their time.

Returning from distant countries, they begin to twist nests,

To feed and feather the noisy chicks.

Teach you to flap your wings and conquer the expanses,

To fly away to a distant land in the autumn.

The nightingale burst into song

About the beauty of spring

About the beloved and wonderful

The edge - the native beauty of the land,

The glorious fellow sings

Hear the beast and man!

This song flows in the heart

Overflows ringing,

And laughs and sings

It captivates and beckons.


Spring, spring, red!

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy

With great mercy:

With tall flax,

With a deep root

With abundant bread!

Spring, red spring

Clear spring has come!

The birds are singing loudly

They don't sleep for a long time.

rural song

The grass is green

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

It flies to us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter ...

Chirp out of the way

Hello to us soon.

I will give you grains

And you sing a song

What from distant countries

Brought along...

A. N. Pleshcheev

green steppe in spring

All littered with flowers

All flying birds

Singing full-full;

They sing day and night.

Those songs are wonderful!

A. V. Koltsov

Everything is green...

The sun is shining

The lark song

It pours and rings.

Rainy ones roam

Clouds in the sky

And oh the shore is quiet

The river is flowing...

S. D. Drozhzhin

The willow is all fluffy

Spread around;

Spring is fragrant again

She waved her wings.

A. A. Fet

Winter is getting angry

Her time has passed

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives from the yard ...

F. I. Tyutchev

Run away, streams,

Spread out, puddles.

Get out, ants!

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks

Through the woods.

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed!

S. Marshak


In the garden, where the birches crowded in a crowd,

A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.

Little by little at first

Put out a green leg

Then pulled out of all

my little powers

And quietly asked:

“I see the weather is warm and clear;

Tell me, is it really spring?

P. S. Solovyova


What do sparrows sing about

On the last day of winter?

We survived!

We survived!

We are alive! We are alive!

V. Berestov


Spruce warmed up in the sun

The pine has melted.

April is coming, drops are ringing,

We have spring in the forest.

Droplets are knocking on the snow:

"Snowdrop, stop sleeping!"

And coats of squirrels and rabbits

Wet again in the morning.

And, slowing down the cunning run,

Walking through the snow,

Falling into melted snow

The fox drinks from the hole.

Pearls fall down

"Well, catch us!"

All in holes from light splashes

Under the tree is a fragile crust.

But it's still March, not April.

A little sun will set

The ringing drops are silent

And again on the branches of ice.

Z. Alexandrova

Poems about summer

Colorful summer is knocking again

Everything around sparkles from heat and light!

Herbs fragrant freshness, aroma of flowers.

And whirling lush, joyful gardens

The blue river breathes with a gentle fairy tale,

The birds of the song give and intoxicate with caress.

From the motives of the freemen, the noise of the village subsided.

Thinks like an unexpected splash

Grain fields are pouring gold,

And the days of labor go on

So that when winter comes,

All bins were filled.


Look out the window!

Sunshine, dress up!

Red, show yourself!

Sunny, bucket,

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up

Calves and lambs

More little guys.

Sunshine, sunshine

Look out the window!

Sunshine, dress up

Red, show yourself!

Children are waiting for you

The kids are waiting.

The sun looks out the window

Shines into our room.

We clap our hands -

Very happy with the sun.

sun bell,

You get up early

Wake us up early

We run into the fields

We welcome spring!

About summer

If there are thunderstorms in the sky

If the grasses bloomed

If early morning dew

Blades of grass are bent to the ground,

If in the groves above the viburnum

Until the night, the rumble of bees,

If warmed by the sun

All the water in the river to the bottom,

So it's already summer!

So spring is over!

E. Trutneva


The sun is shining brightly

It's warm in the air

And wherever you look

Everything around is light.

They dazzle in the meadow

bright flowers,

covered in gold

Dark sheets.

The forest is slumbering: not a sound, -

The leaf does not rustle

Only a lark

Ringing in the air.

I. 3. Surikov


Summer - what is it?

These are seagulls over the river

Beach flooded with sun

Warm golden rain.

But there are also thunderstorms.

The sky is sending threats

In the clouds a terrible thunder rumbles,

Wants to scare someone.

It's raining like a bucket.

And the earth screams:

Rain, rain, more fun

Lei, do not spare water! -

Heavy rain in early summer -

This is a joy for the fields.

L. Zavalnyuk

Happy summer

Summer, summer is upon us!

It became dry and warm.

Along the track


Legs are walking

bees are circling

the birds are flying,

A Marinka

Having fun.

I saw a rooster

Look! Ha ha ha!

Amazing Rooster:

Top - feathers, bottom - fluff!

I saw a pig

Smiling girl:

Who from the chicken

All over the street

Instead of a ponytail, a hook

Piglet instead of a nose

Piglet full of holes,


And Barbos,

Red Dog,

Made her laugh to tears.

He's not running after the cat

And behind his own tail.

A sly tail curls

Not given in the teeth.

The dog hobbles sadly

Because he is tired.

The tail wags merrily:

"Didn't get it! Didn't get it!"

Legs are walking

Along the track


It became dry and warm.

Summer, summer is upon us! V. Berestov


Well, at ease in the summer:

Green dark forest

Looks with affectionate greetings

The sun is hot from heaven.

Over wide brim

The bird is ringing in the air

With blue cornflowers

Rye-nurse makes noise...S. D. Drozhzhin

Summer fancy, glorious outfit!

The eternal rite begins again -

The children go to the river in single file,

Just some little rogue

Plunged into the water with a running start and instantly

He sprinkled everyone - splashes, a joyful cry,

Laughter, and in revenge - a wave on him,

He is under water, not afraid of anything,

Thinks like an unexpected splash

Show your masterful brilliance again!

August is a reward for worthy labors,

August - time for long-awaited gifts -

Honey apples and juicy watermelons,

Joy for adults and toddlers.

Grain fields are pouring gold,

And the days of labor go on

Those who harvest in the fields,

Those who perform their feat for us.

So that when winter comes,

All bins were filled.

At the age of 4-5 years, the child should understand:

- autumn signs: It's cold outside and it often rains. Leaves turn yellow and fall off. Birds fly to warmer climes. People harvest vegetables and fruits.

- signs of winter : winter frosts, snowfalls. When the snow is loose, you can make snowballs out of it. There is loose snow. The ponds are covered with ice. The ice is hard, cold and slippery.

- signs of spring : it's getting warmer, the snow is melting, streams are flowing. Flowers, grass appear, leaves bloom on trees and shrubs. Birds return from warm countries. They sing and build nests.

- summer signs: the sun is shining brightly, it's getting hot. Plants bloom. People bathe in ponds. Chicks appear in the nests.

Questions to consolidate knowledge about the seasons

1. What are the signs of spring in the poems?

2. What do birds do in spring?

3. What are the first flowers to appear in spring?

4. Why can you swim in rivers in summer?

5. What is the sun like in summer? How does it shine?

6. What are the signs of autumn in the poem?

7. Where do birds fly in autumn?

8. What are the signs of winter in the poem?

9. How do people help birds in winter?

10. What is your favorite time of the year? Why?

Organization: MKDOU No. 26 "Bumbin orn"

Location: Republic of Kalmykia, Elista

Target: create conditions for the development of communicative abilities of preschoolers; contribute to the formation of a positive emotional sphere in the circle of communication.


  • To consolidate knowledge about the season - autumn; about signs and associations within the framework of the autumn theme.
  • Develop and train memory (songs, riddles, poems), motor activity of preschoolers, emotional sphere (bring children joy from communication and a sense of celebration).
  • To cultivate goodwill in relations with peers, to form the ability of children to “listen and hear” and act (play) according to the rules.

Conduct form: holiday-entertainment.

Conduct method: verbal, visual, game.

Music Hall: 1st half of the day

Duration: 35-40 min.

Characters: host (adult), autumn (adult), potatoes, peas, onions, cabbage (children).

The course of the holiday.

Music sounds. Children enter the hall and become a semicircle.

Vedas: Hello dear parents. We are glad to welcome you in our hall, on our matinee.

Autumn again, again the birds are in a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again the autumn holiday comes to us in kindergarten!

Vedas: For the autumn holiday, the guys prepared poems. Tell us please.

Child: A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,

Maple leaf circles above the ground

Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise

And again put on a golden outfit.

Child: A flock of birds flies away, the clouds rush, sobbing

Aspen trembles like a thin blade of grass in the wind.

I tell her: “Calm down, don’t be afraid of the white winter!”

Child: Lovely asters and bunches of rowan

Chrysanthemum bushes and viburnum clusters

And from maples to us leaves, like letters fly,

By yourself, covering our beloved garden!

Child: Autumn. All our poor garden is sprinkled,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind;

Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes are bright red withering mountain ash.

Dance "Autumn Leaves"

Vedas: Guys, in the morning the postman Pechkin came to our kindergarten and brought 2 incredibly colorfully painted letters, let's open them and read them.

“Hello, little residents of the Bumbin Orn Kindergarten! eeya Bulgun writes to you. It's already autumn in the yard, and I have a full garden of unharvested vegetables. Help eee Bulgun to harvest!”

Vedas: Guys, can we help Bulgun? Then let's not hesitate and hit the road!

All children get up like a train and "ride" in a circle to the music.

Children come out - Vegetables, behind their backs they hold caps of vegetables in their hands.

The facilitator draws the attention of all children to "vegetables".

Vedas: Hello. Who you are?

Vegetables: we are vegetables and fruits from the garden of eezhi Bulgun

Vedas: Will you take us to the garden? We've come to help.

Vegetables: With pleasure! Just guess riddles about us.

Vedas: Good. Guys, can we guess?

Children make riddles about vegetables.

Vedas: All you vegetables are important. And we all really need it.

Guys, I propose to invite vegetables to our friendly round dance.

Song - round dance "Harvest"

Vedas: How we sing cheerfully and together, and now let's work.

Attraction "Let's harvest"

Children are divided into two teams of 5 people.

In the middle of Hall. 1-children lay out hoops - beds, 2-plant vegetables, 3-water vegetables, 4-pick vegetables, 5-remove hoops - beds. The game is repeated 2 times.

Vedas: So we helped eee Bulgun, collected all the vegetables and cleaned the garden. But we also have another letter. Let's read it.

"Dear Guys! I invite you to my magical park! Here I painted all the leaves in different colors, red, yellow, orange, brown. I water the earth with rain. To grow a lot of berries and mushrooms. The park is incredibly beautiful! Come, let's admire together!"

Vedas: Guys, this is the same invitation from the Queen of Autumn herself! Do we accept this invitation? Let's hurry then!

The children again ride the train around the hall.

Autumn enters.

Autumn: I am a golden autumn bow to you, my friends!

I have been dreaming of meeting you for a long time.

You love when I come! I bring beauty everywhere.

Look, already in the golden, crimson forest!

A ray of golden sun glided from heaven

And on the ground lies a golden carpet

Only in the autumn you will see this.

I am golden autumn.

Vedas: We are very glad to visit you, dear autumn! Our guys have prepared poems for you, listen.

Child: The leaves flew away after the flock of birds.

I miss the red autumn day after day.

The sky is sad, the sun is sad.

It is a pity that autumn is not warm for a long time.

Child: Yellow coins fall from a branch, a whole treasure underfoot

This golden autumn gives leaves, not counting

Golden gives leaves to you and us, and everyone in a row

Child: Bunch of berries caught fire

The sky is blue.

I am not a welcome guest

Wandered into the autumn forest.

Child: Everyone here has their own concerns.

The animals in the forest are doing:

Raccoons warm the house

The squirrel tore off the bump.

Child: In sharp teeth, a forest mouse

Drags a smooth stomach

And, saving up for the winter,

Hides the acorn in the cellar.

Child: And winter will come to us, we do not lose heart.

Let's start a round dance - we remember autumn

Vedas: Dear autumn, we want to give you a song called "Autumn round dance"

The song "Autumn round dance".

Autumn: Thanks for song. And I have prepared riddles for you. Listen carefully!


1. In autumn, it is often needed if it rains in puddles.

If the sky is in black clouds, he is the best helper for us.

Open it up above you. And arrange a canopy for yourself. Children: Umbrella

The rain has passed - left them. Medium, small, large . Children: Puddles

3. the cold scares them so much, to warm countries fly away, cannot sing, have fun, who gathered in flocks? children: birds

Autumn: Well done, you solved all my riddles.

Vedas: Dear autumn! It's time for us to return to kindergarten, let's go with us to say goodbye, let's dance our favorite dance together.

Autumn: With pleasure.

Autumn: You are fun to play with

Songs to sing and dance.

I thank you for everything and I give you gifts. ( basket with apples

Vedas: Guys, let's thank our dear autumn for sweet and fragrant gifts.

Children: Thank you autumn

Autumn: Time has flown by so fast, it's time for us to part.

More worries are waiting for me, goodbye, kids.

Children: say goodbye in the Kalmyk language.

(waves autumn and leaves)

Vedas: Well, we guys will hurry back to our kindergarten in order to be in time for dinner.

"Ride" the train to the music.

Vedas: Did you enjoy our trip? We visited the autumn park at the very queen of autumn. Helped to collect vegetables eeye Bulgun.

Children are built by a "train" and "leave" to the group.

List of used literature:

  1. Journal "Handbook of Music Director" 2012
  2. M.B. Zatsepin "Cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten", M .: Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 2004.
  3. E.V. Sokolova, N.N. Nyankovskaya "Holidays in kindergarten. autumn holidays. Issue 2". Publishing house "Academy of Development", 2006

Here comes the summer. We are still looking after him, as if we hope to grab the tail and bring him back. But, alas!
However, do not be sad. The coming autumn has its advantages and gifts. For example, autumn berries.
autumn berries

Autumn colors, autumn days...

They shine, blazing with lightning,
And the memory excites beloved faces ...

And the heart compresses sadness in anxiety,
The soul is awakened and asks for a distance ...

There, where beyond the blue of the past years
A gentle light burns with the eyes of a beloved ...

And in the clusters of mountain ash the lights do not go out,
Like rays of happiness of the past, they ...

Autumn colors, autumn days...
Again clusters of mountain ash burn like fires...

Valery Kozlov


Kalina, viburnum - a late berry.
How bitter you are, and how good!
Scarlet, a bright frosty miracle,
I eat winter treats slowly.
“I’m delicious with honey,” the beauty whispers, “
Rejoice, rejoice in my sweetness!”
Do you like juicy berries?
Pour a good cup of Kalinovka!
A little sip, and drunken fun
The head is spinning and the blood amuses.
Tart, tasty "potion" autumn
Red ruby ​​in a glass burns.
An amazing gift is pouring under your feet,
Clusters, like beads in autumn.
There is nothing more delightful in Russia,
Late berries - viburnum forest!

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn - Autumn:
Carnelian in the branches
In festive attire
On the seven winds...
Sea buckthorn-Virgo:
In a golden necklace
And glitters pattern
Fabric at the hem…
Sea buckthorn-Fairy tale:
Tart taste of dragee,
A bunch of graceful drops
Faberge style...
Ella Bit-Kutcha.


Here the hawthorn ripened in the alleys,
All as if a flame burns -
It means autumn in nature,
And she talks about it.
The wind is quietly wandering along the alleys ...
Between the branches a fairy tale rustles,
Only hawthorn, burning like a flame -
At night, it ripens in the dark, and does not sleep.
Valery Boyko

Olga Azimova

Topic: "That's autumn before us» .

AT our group"Ship" With goal:

Expand children's understanding of characteristic features autumn,

color scheme autumn;

Clarify children's ideas about measurements,

ongoing autumn in plant life;

To form the ability to distinguish between some deciduous trees,

stimulate interest in the natural resources of the Russian land;

Cultivate respect for nature

the ability to admire its beauty;

To educate and develop in children a sense of patriotism

and respect for their motherland,

Instill love for nature

was held autumn group decoration.

The works turned out to be unusual and colorful, because they were represented not only by the teacher, children, but also by their parents. The design turned out to be bright, parents and children got an unforgettable feeling from the fact that they performed in the same team.

So we decorated a corner of nature.

Our reception.

"The sky is writing a song,

AT autumn leaving».

“The leaves were flooded with sunshine.

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Poured, weighed down,

Run and fly."

"From scraps



"It has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

Burning gold."

"It's so beautiful it's time:

Miracle came to us again Autumn

"Golden leaves fall, fly,

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will make a good bouquet of them,

We'll put the bouquet in the middle of the table,

Autumn golden came to visit us.

"Bunch of berries caught fire,

The blue sky is shining."

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