Scenario of the autumn holiday "autumn cafe" preparatory group. Scenario autumn cafe Event scenario autumn cafe

  • 09.12.2021


Create a joyful atmosphere. Develop skills interpersonal communication between children and adults, through the perception of the beauty and richness of Russian nature.


    to expand the knowledge of children about labor in the field, about bread, its value

    engage in active participation in creative games

    develop creative activity, expressiveness of speech

The hall is decorated in the form of a cafe, pleasant orchestral music sounds, the hall is decorated with children's drawings on the theme of autumn, colorful paintings. Autumn bouquets on the tables. Parents and guests sit at tables.

HOST: Hello, dear guests, we are glad to see you in our autumn cafe. It's great that you came to us on this cloudy day, and the program of our cafe includes jokes, laughter, smiles, light autumn sadness, games and practical jokes, as well as literary and musical compositions.

Children of the preparatory group enter the hall in pairs to the music and stand in front of the audience.

Autumn time, it's your turn!
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.
And leaf fall, and bird flight,
Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.

Children read poems

1. Leaf fall wanders in the grove

Through bushes and maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

2. Let's collect a fan from the leaves.

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Lightweight and playful.

3. And obediently follow the leaves

The birds are flying away.

So summer is no more

Autumn is coming.

4. Cranes fly south.

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very please!!

5. Autumn begins,

leaves fall off.

And autumn round dance

The wind turns and carries.

All covered with leaves

Yellow, red, gold.

The song is performed: "Autumn dear rustle"

/ children pass through the center in pairs, sit down at tables with their parents /

Presenter: Our cafe is represented by several creative groups who will try to earn more today such prizes (spikelets) pay attention: 1. "Ryabinki".

2. "Mushrooms".

3. "Bumps".

4. "Leaflets".

5. Grass of grass.

Let's welcome our creative teams for today. Teams receive spikelets for winning competitions.

The sound of rain sounds, to the magic music Autumn enters with a basket, spinning.

Autumn: Autumn day is so good -

How many leaves can you collect!

Golden big bouquet-

Greetings from autumn!

Presenter: Hello Autumn, dear! You are always full of mysteries. What did you bring us? Guys, what is our autumn cafe dedicated to, let's find out from Autumn.

Autumn brought us an autumn basket,

And what is stored in it, we will ask Autumn.

Autumn: (takes out) There is a golden spike in it

So that our bread is fragrant.

He has a mustache and a rich man

He is both a pretzel and a loaf.

He is both sweet and simple -

What a loaf of bread he is!

Presenter: And the first competition of our teams is LITERARY. From each table, an adult reads a poem.

    Threw off the caftan green summer.

The larks whistled to their heart's content.

Autumn, dressed in a yellow fur coat,

I walked through the forests with a broom.

2. Darkened branches

Fog from the water.

The wind drives the clouds

From cold countries.

Summer is on its way

The forest was soaked through.

Searching in the swamp

Cranberry old moose.

3. Walks along the forest paths - autumn wanders.

How many fresh cones the green pines have!

And a leaf from a birch with a golden bee

Curls and flies over a thorny Christmas tree.

4. It rains from the sky

Spinning Autumn carousel.

Along the paths, along the paths

Leaves motley blizzard!

But we're gathered in this hall

We all called our guys

AT autumn day not to be bored

To have fun, sing, play!

Children: 6. Grains of our days, glow

Carved with gilding.

We say take care

Take care of your own bread.

7. Take care of every ear

Our joyful fields

Loud of his homeland!

8. We do not dream of a miracle,

We have fields - live speech.

"Take care of the bread, you people,

Learn to save bread!

Presenter: The second competition of our teams is CREATIVE. From each table, children make riddles to the rest of the teams. (About bread, work in the field, read proverbs and sayings)

Autumn: And who knows why people say “Bread is the head of everything”?

(Children's answers are heard)

Autumn: Do you know what bread smells like?

A slice of rye labor bread?

- It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky,

And most importantly, bread smells like work.

After all, grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground.

Everyone stands in a circle.

A game is being played - pantomime: "What am I doing in the field"

(To the music, the participant shows any work in the field, everyone guesses, then all the children in the circle repeat)

Autumn: The bread is ripe, but it's on our table

I didn't go straight from the field.

From the field even to the shops

It's too early for bread to go,

He got into the car

And hurries to the Elevator.

Autumn: Let's see who will take our grain to the elevator faster.

A game is being held: "Who will take the bag faster" . (Competitions on skateboards sitting (pour a small bag from a can, sit on a skateboard, go to the "elevator", empty the bag, return to the team, 3-4 participants).

Host: The people have words

The bread of life is the head.

He will be glorified on earth!

He will be famous on the table!

Lush, soft, baked,

slightly browned,

Bread with golden crust

Came to you from afar.

In every house, on every table

He complained, he came

In it is health, our strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him

Preserved, protected.

In it is the earth's native juice,

The sun's light is cheerful in it.

Dip on both cheeks

Grow rich!

Presenter: The third competition of our teams is MUSICAL.

The song is performed: “The hostess once came from the market”

Dance is performed: "Pair dance"

/ everyone sits on chairs /

First, a loud yawn is heard, then slow music sounds, a pot-bellied “lazy man” with a long loaf in his hand enters waddling, yawns, scratches his head, sniffs the long loaf, grimaces.

Lazy man: Mommy-I-I don't want a loaf, let's roll.

Mom runs.

Mom: I'm running, running, son, I'm carrying, I'm carrying a pretty one.

he fusses, carries rolls or bagels, he again grimaces.

Lazy man: I don’t want kalachi, come on pies.

Mom runs away .

Presenter: Who is this who came to us in a cafe ....

Lazy: It's me Lazy Lazy. And you have a cafe here, let's have a delicious one.

Presenter: We have an autumn cafe, fruitful,

but whoever does not work in the field does not sit at the table.

Autumn: Did you harvest, did you stock up for the winter?

Lazy: Why should I?

Mom runs.

Mom: There is nothing else, neither tasty nor edible. And in the field, the potatoes are not harvested, and autumn in the yard has long ripened.

Presenter: Oh, how lazy you are, the harvest will completely disappear.

Lazy: Oh, oh. I'm hungry, I can't what to do, I don't know how to do anything.

Autumn: And we will teach you. Just don't be lazy in the field, that's not good enough.

Lazy: I will try.

Presenter: And we have just the fourth competition of our teams - COMPETITIVE.

Games are played:

Children : “Collect potatoes in buckets”, “Get an onion in a bucket.”

Adult participants : “Sieve the flour through a sieve” (relay without flour), “Make a dough ball from plasticine”.

The lazy man with Mamanya thanks everyone, says goodbye, harvest his crops, taking potatoes with him.

Presenter: Fertile Autumn is outside the window. And today we celebrate it. We have worked creatively and are ready to open a literary, musical and artistic Autumn. And pay attention to how many spikelets our creative groups at each table is a fruitful greeting from our Autumn.

Autumn: Well, your mothers and grandmothers did their best and prepared a wonderful treat, pies and buns for our autumn cafe, we meet our wizards.

Music sounds, mothers carry out treats, walk through the hall, put them on the tables, at the end of the holiday everyone drinks tea in groups.

Treat moms:

If we want someone

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

Round lush loaf.

He is on a painted platter,

With a white towel.

We bring salt with a loaf,

Worshiping, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take bread and salt from your hands!

Presentation showing: "Bread is the head of everything"

To music. "Harvest", "Harvest" .

1. Leaf fall wanders in the grove

Through bushes and maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

2. Let's collect a fan from the leaves.

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Lightweight and playful.

3. And obediently follow the leaves

The birds are flying away.

So summer is no more

Autumn is coming.

4. Cranes fly south.

Hello, hello Autumn!

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very please!!

5. Autumn begins,

leaves fall off.

And autumn round dance

The wind turns and carries.

All covered with leaves

Yellow, red, gold.

If you sow at the right time, you will gather a mountain of seeds.

    Without labor, bread will never be born.

    A good field with a friendly team.

    Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread.

    People do not live by the sky, but by labor bread.

    Rye bread - kalachu grandfather.

    Not a big piece of the pie, but worth a lot of work.

    Flour in the bins, pies on the tables.

    If you stopped appreciating bread, you stopped being a man.

    Bread on the table - and the table throne.

    And not a piece of bread - and a board table.

6. Grains of our days, glow

Carved with gilding.

We say take care

Take care of your own bread.

7. Take care of every ear

Our joyful fields

Loud of his homeland!

8. We do not dream of a miracle,

We have fields - live speech.

"Take care of the bread, you people,

Learn to save bread!

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

Round lush loaf.

He is on a painted platter,

With a white towel.

We bring salt with a loaf,

Worshiping, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take bread and salt from your hands!

MBOU Vasilsurskaya secondary school

open extracurricular activity as part of extracurricular activities

Cafe "Autumn".

Time: 14.00 h

Venue: office primary school

Teacher: Lebedeva T.V.

Present: students in grades 1-4, parents, school principal, deputy director for educational work., deputy director for educational work., social teacher, other teachers of the school.

The office is designed in the form of a cafe. On the central wall - autumn landscapes in the drawings of children, artists, paintings of autumn.

Tables are set, which are served with dishes of vegetables and fruits. In the center of the table is porridge baked in pumpkin.

different jams.

Russian folk music "Autumn" sounds. Enter children, guests. They are met by the owner of the cafe (teacher Lebedeva T.V.), welcomes them, invites them to the cafe.

Children sit at tables.

The children are told that they have come to school autumn cafe, so they learn something new. learning task- learn new words.

Mistress. Attention, dear guests! Today in our cafe there is an auction. I am the seller, you are the buyers. Both parents and children play. I explain the game. I show you an apple, ask what can be cooked from it. Whoever speaks last takes the apple.

. (after the apple at the auction, potatoes, carrots).

Children are very active, parents help. The game is very lively, fun, noisy.

Leading. Our auction is over, you can dance.

The dance "Autumn" is performed by the dance group "Shoe"

Mistress. Our holiday continues. In our cafe today tasting dishes prepared by your parents. What is a tasting? (Children's answers are heard first). Then it sums up:

Tasting is the determination by several people of the taste, quality of the product. But we know that your mothers and our chefs cook very tasty, so we will check what products (vegetables, fruits, berries) this dish is made from.

The hostess calls those who wish. The dish (jam) to be tasted is on a separate table in the center of the hall. Clean spoons and forks nearby. Those who wish come out in threes, take a spoon, try and say aloud what this jam is made of. If they do not recognize, the next trio is called.

(Music sounds, all the children want to try the jam, it's a lot of fun).

Leading. Autumn is rich in harvest, you have harvested a rich harvest in the gardens, and our chefs have prepared excellent dishes. Moms also tried to please you with delicious drinks, salads.

First-graders prepared a project on the theme "Autumn dish". Let's take a look at what they have prepared.

First-graders come out to the music, dance in the costumes of cooks.

The "waiters" of the cafe bring them dishes, the children tell how they cooked them.

Zh. Mikhailychev talks about vinaigrette, N. Krasilnikov presents the “Vitaminny” carrot salad.

Kosov S. and Kosov V. offer Charlotte of Vasilsur. The boys present their dish, demonstrating each stage of preparation, telling about everything in a poetic form.

Mistress. Well done, you did a great job and have fun. After all, it is not in vain that it says folk wisdom: “I finished the job - walk boldly!”

Let's sum up today's holiday.

Who liked the holiday? (Everyone liked it)

What did you learn new? (word - tasting-).

The hostess brings the pie.


And here are the tea cakes! Help yourself.

Everyone tries charlotte, pumpkin porridge, vinaigrette, salads, apples, compote.

A tea party with parents from everything prepared.

self-assessment of the event.

I have created the conditions for self-realization of students, correctly and clearly chosen the content, forms and methods for achieving the goals. A very positive behavior of children and their parents was ensured, and both of them showed great interest in the event. The actions of the teacher and students are clearly coordinated. The event aims to increase common culture pupils and their parents, namely the correction of behavior and the development of speech culture of students.

Children were very interested in the event, showed their independence and initiative, which contributes to the development of self-management skills. At this holiday, they tried to show feelings of comradely mutual assistance and interaction with each other.

The holiday turned out in the form of a report on the work on the topic “ Project activity”and on the teacher’s work on the development of communication as one of the main universal educational activities.

From the parents, guests present and students, this event was highly appreciated.

Scenario of the program "Autumn Cafe"

The hall is festively decorated with artistic and decorative design, stylized in color scheme autumn: bright yellow, orange, red maple leaves, balloons, decorative elements - “rowan clusters”. A yellow ribbon is stretched between the wings. The inscription “Autumn Cafe” is on the screen.

Sounds like a collection of festive music.

The beginning of the event is marked by fanfares.

2 presenters come out: a guy and a girl - 8th grade

1st presenter : Good evening, good autumn evening, dear guests of our celebratory event!

2nd host : Hello, friends! We are glad to welcome you to our “Autumn Cafe”.

1st presenter : Dear friends! Today, we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious, charming, unpredictable, sedate lady autumn to give everyone her last, wonderful moments.

2nd host : Enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, bright tempting beauty of the harvested fruits and, of course, in an autumn pensive and at the same time joyful mood.

1st presenter : Yes, yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful all around and everyone is looking forward to meeting the most fun time of the year - winter.

2nd host : And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but life is fun." So let beautiful music sound on this October day, unrestrained cheerful laughter flow like a river, words of congratulations and friendly wishes sound.

All presenters : So, we are opening our festive “Autumn Cafe”!

1st presenter : The honorable right to cut the ribbon and open our “Autumn Cafe” is given to our technology teacher. (RIBBON CUT). Today we will not only sigh and grieve in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but enjoy her last moments. And we will also reward the most - the most.

2nd host : And in our cafe we ​​begin the ceremony of presenting diplomas and prizes for the summer and autumn labor quarters. And the principal of the school has the floor for the award (rewards teachers).

1st presenter : And we are interrupting the awards ceremony. And we invite you to listen to a cheerful song. This is a gift to our dear teachers.

IF I WAS SULTAN - duet - girl and boy

If I were rich
That would be life!
I would just eat and eat
All day in the morning!

But when, but when
Day and night buffet
Then work then
No mood!

It’s not bad to eat borscht,
It remains only to plow the land!

If I were rich
That would drag into the house
The best caviar
Not a tomato.

But when you eat caviar
Keep the dose.
I ate a liter or two -
Well, rest!

It’s not bad to eat caviar with a spoon,

Just for this we have a zucchini!

If I were rich
With big money
Very big banker
Or an oligarch.

Unfortunately, on the other hand,
Soon, -Yo-my, -
You have FSB
Took everything!

I dream of becoming very rich
Let's go sunbathing with you!

I don't sleep at night
Around the head.
Where can I get a billion
Or is two better?

Who is ready to suggest -
Send advice!
Only to me, personally to me
Through the Internet!

Well, you should tell me a secret:
Work on the earth for many, many years!

The song sounds

2nd host : And again we have certificates and gifts on the menu. (Director continues rewarding: students, classes for summer practice)

1st presenter : And now the autumn report "We have worked hard" ((slide show)

2nd host : We all want to know how successful the harvest is this year. And the word is giventechnology teacher

1st presenter : Autumn is a time of marvelous transformations of nature, a time of rich decoration of forests and fields, an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Autumn is sung by poets and artists write canvases, and we invite you to participate in the competition.

2nd host : We invite 3 artistically gifted participants and 2 of their assistants to participate in the competition. And your task is that with your eyes closed you will draw on the sheets to the music with a marker those vegetables and fruits that we will name.

1st presenter : And the guys from the 11th grade will conduct the competition.

Grade 11. Competition “Autumn Palette” (three scarves, three markers, three drawing sheets)

So, I’ll try to convey what inspires me: I see a beautiful basket in which round barrels of peach shine, a melon lies next to it, next to it are 2 cucumbers with “pimples” and a couple of tomatoes, next to them there is a handful of cherries with tails, and higher up is a bunch of grapes - a large such a bunch of kilograms at 1.5. and, its leaves are large and carved, and near the basket are 2 apples, a banana and a pair of plums. How delicious it was dreamed of, and now we'll see how you could convey it on the canvas

2nd host : Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso are “resting”, and we continue to delight you with the treats of our autumn cafe

1st presenter : Now, right here, a film will be shot in which you are entrusted with the main roles. Please come out here 6 people. Pull these sheets with the role and words. Please on stage. I will read the script, name the characters who have this role - say the words and beat them! So: camera, motor, started! “A movie is being made! ”

Fairy tale improvisation "Turnip"

- Grandfather planted a turnip.
A large turnip has grown. - The grandfather went to pull the turnip.

- Pulls - pulls, but can not pull.

- Grandpa called grandma .
- Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out. - The grandmother called her granddaughter. - Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out. - Granddaughter called Zhuchka.
- Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out. - Bug called the cat. - A cat for a bug. Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out. - The cat called the mouse. - Mouse for a cat. A cat for a bug. Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. Pull - pull - and pulled out a turnip.

turnip- Man, take your hands off, I'm not even 18 yet!

Dedka- I have become old, my health is not right, but here you are, green!

Grandmother - Recently, something has been aching in the lower back and the eye is blinking all the time

Granddaughter- Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry, I'm late for the disco, I just lathered my head!

bug“Maybe we’d better chase chickens?”

Cat- Get the dog off the playground, I'm allergic!

mouse- Guys, maybe a cucumber is better, huh?

1st presenter : That's the end of the shooting, and who participated - well done!

2nd host : And again we invite you to relax and look at the photo album from the competitive tests of the project "Modern Robinsons"

1st presenter : And we have the next competition from the 7th grade “Dress up for the garden”. We all know with what (with irony in our voice) “hunt” we have to help our parents in the garden, apparently, that is why they work so hard to equip us for this collective work.

Competition "Dress up the garden"

Participate 3 pairs. Conditions - one dresses the other in a garden outfit, but the task is performed blindfolded to cheerful music

Props for the competition: 3 plastic baskets or bags, 3 sundresses or skirts, 3 blouses, 3 scarves, 3 sweaters, 3 sports trousers, 3 aprons.

1st presenter : And we perform in a cafedance group "Listopad". Autumn is a generous time. Fruits and vegetables, more than enough. And how can we not treat you with juicy and ripe apples today. For you, the competition is held by 8th grade

Contest "Eat an Apple!"

The conditions of the competition, as you already understood, are as follows: with your hands folded behind your back, try to eat a hanging apple.

Props for the competition: 3 apples hung on short bars held by two assistants.

2nd host : A 9 B classes offer you a festive fashion show "Autumn Fashion Show", as a result of which we will be able to choose "Miss Autumn".

Defile “Autumn Fashion Show” (girls (5 people) go on stage and walk along it to the music, then they are given boxes, and tokens to the audience. Tokens they mustput in the box the participant of the defile that you liked the most.

It sounds like a musical beat.

1st presenter : While the members are counting the votes,the song is being performed

A greater number of votes were given for a participant from ... class. And, we announce that Miss Autumn on our holiday becomes _____________. Your applause, and we give her our stylized ribbon (grade 9 is preparing)

1st presenter : And since "Miss Autumn" cannot be alone, we give her the opportunity to choose "Mr. Autumn" of our festive evening. For this couple and for all of you soundsa slow dance

2nd leader: Autumn has fully come into its own today, and we have celebrated its arrival. We thank autumn for gathering us all in our festive autumn cafe.

2nd host : Winter, spring, summer ahead. And then autumn again. How many more will be in our life! We hope that the cozy lights of the “Autumn Cafe” will light up for all of us more than once in our school.

1st presenter : Our festive evening is coming to an end, we hope that it has become a joyful and pleasant event for you!

2nd host : And we, in turn, were glad to make a cloudy autumn evening filled with friendly communication and your smiles! And now the dance program!

All children and parents enter the hall to the music and dance a common dance.

Ved.- Hello dear guests! Welcome to the cafe "Autumn".

Today in our hall

We have gathered you, friends,

So that on our autumn holiday

There would be children's laughter.

So that friendship does not end

For the music to sound

So that songs and jokes

There would be enough for everyone.

We are glad to meet you again as a guest in our cozy hall, to talk about autumn. Autumn is rich in its gifts, the gold of forests, generous in gifts. For this we love and praise the beautiful autumn in poems and songs. (The teacher invites the children to recite poems about autumn.)

1 child Autumn is a glorious time

The kids love autumn.

Plums, pears, grapes

Everything is ripe for the guys.

2 reb. There is also a harvest in the garden,

Whatever you want, collect.

There are carrots and lettuce

Onions in the garden, sweet peppers,

And a whole bunch of cabbages.

3 children And outside the window today is autumn.

She came so slowly

In a purple dress and earrings

So fabulous and good!

Vedas.- Guys, do you know a song about autumn? Let's sing it in a round dance, let our guests listen.

  • Song "Round dance of Autumn" Sat. Bell number 30

Ved.- What a delicious song just sounded performed by the guys. And in our cafe you are also waiting for a treat, but a little later. In the meantime, guess our riddles. (The teacher makes riddles for the children, involving parents)

  • Puzzles: Name a mustachioed vegetable? (Peas)

What vegetables have a red nose? (carrots, beets)

What parsley is not put in cabbage soup? (Toy)

What vegetable prevented the princess from sleeping? (Peas)

And now meet, they came to visit us ... However, they themselves will introduce themselves.

  • Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

Veda girl - How many different vegetables

They argue who is more important than whom.

Carrot - You answer me honestly

I don't need your flattery.

The main vegetable is a carrot,

I deftly jump into my mouth.

I contain vitamins

Very useful carotene.

Garlic - Do not brag about carotene,

I'm from flu and sore throats,

From different colds, sickness,

Eat me, there will be no pain.

Beet - Do not believe garlic, children,

He is the most bitter in the world

I, beetroot, just a miracle

So blush and pretty.

You will eat beets

All blood will be cleansed.

Carrot- Is all the blood cleansed?

My main vegetable is carrots.

Dev-Ved. Here is the cucumber shot

Rushed up to them unexpectedly.

Cucumber - What, you don't need a cucumber?

Without me, well, what's dinner?

Both in pickle and salad.

Everyone is happy with a cucumber.

Cabbage - I am cabbage of all thicknesses,

Without me there will be no cabbage soup,

Borscht, salad and vinaigrette,

They love to eat for lunch.

And then remember, children,

The main vegetable in my diet.

vegetable marrow- I'm a pot-bellied zucchini,

He lay a barrel.

I'm going to visit

And hug with cabbage. (For group 2)

Pepper- And about pepper you, friends,

Haven't forgotten? - this is me.

See how good I am

Where else can you find one?

And a whole range of vitamins

After all, I'm useful, they say. (For group 2.)

Tomato - End your stupid argument

The main thing is the tomato.

Painter, no matter where,

I'm not a vegetable, but a star!

Dev-Ved- A potato is so modest,

Didn't say a word

But everybody needs potatoes

Both big and small.

Ved.- This debate can be continued for a very long time, but we know perfectly well that all vegetables are important and healthy. And that means we should be friends. I invite you, vegetables, to the dance of friendship.

  • Dance of vegetables. Music from k / f. "Mustachioed nanny".

A cloud child appears with a watering can (without water) and waters the hall. Sounds 1 verse of the song "Evil Cloud".

Vedas.- Cloud, cloud, what are you pouring?

Rain on the paths?

There will be puddles all around

We'll get our feet wet.

Cloud - I have to water everything.

To irrigate the land.

You're nowhere without me

It will always rain!

Ved.- It looks like the rain can't wait

Let's go for a walk anyway.

I will give everyone an umbrella,

And we are not afraid of rain.

  • Umbrella dance.

Ved.- Attention, attention, dear guests! Today in our cafe there is an auction. Children and parents play. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you tell me how it is useful. Whoever names more useful properties will receive it as a gift.

  • Auction.

Ved.- The auction has ended. And now I invite musicians to a cheerful dance.

  • Dance "Merry dance" under. gr.
  • Dance "Man with an accordion" Art. gr.

Ved.- Ay, yes, well done guys, we were amused.

The holiday can go on

Harvest ripened in the forest

Everyone takes baskets.

What are we going to collect?

On forest paths?

Scenario school holiday
"Autumn Cafe"

Purpose: To cultivate love for the beautiful, for nature, for the Motherland. Develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun, have fun.

Decoration: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, autumn tree branches, bunches of mountain ash, exhibition of drawings on autumn theme, air balloons; on the tables, in vases - vegetables, fruits, sweets. At the door - an invitation poster "Welcome to the Autumn Cafe!"

(Guests enter the hall, they are given a bouquet of leaves)
Vedas 1: Hurry everyone, for the autumn holiday
Miracles are here, inspiration is here!
And the music in the hall sounds only for you
Autumn leaf, autumn waltz!

Vedas 2: Let the sounds of a wonderful waltz now
Will fill the whole school, this hall and our class
And good feelings will rush here suddenly,
And the couples are dancing around!
Boys invite girls to dance.
Song "Autumn she will not ask" author Irina Levinzon

Vedas 1: Autumn is a red-haired beauty
Everyone loves it, of course.
Before her the rains are crying
The winds bow their heads.

Vedas 2: And she is so proud,
So wonderful and beautiful.
Leaf fall surprises
He showers everyone with gold!

Autumn "fireworks" of leaves.

Ved1: (goes out the door) Ay, ay

Vedas 2: What are you?

Vedas1: Autumn has come, rains, fogs, and in the fog you can get lost, here I am training

Vedas 2: Where to get lost? In the fog? Yes, I will go to school with my eyes closed! (Closes his eyes and says) You leave the house, go to the corner, turn, be careful here - an angry dog, then a puddle, let's try, no, it's not frozen yet. Still, autumn is a sad time of the year.

Vedas1: Would you like to replace autumn with summer!? (dreamily)

Vedas 2: This is 3 months of vacation

Vedas 1: Yes, sorry! What to do?
Vedas 2: Try to have fun - contests will help us with this. Fanta will be given for participation in competitions. They will serve as a pass to our Cafe "Golden Leaf"

Vedas1: For the first competition, we need two volunteers with a sweet tooth.

Competition: "Sweet Tooth-Lamb"
You will need a bag of sucking sweets. Participants take turns taking candy from a bag and put it in their mouth (you can’t swallow it) and say: “Sweet-toothed lamb”. Whoever manages to put more sweets in his mouth and at the same time more or less clearly say these words, he wins.

Vedas 2: And rainy weather in autumn.

Vedas 1: Yes, and look you will catch a cold.

Vedas 2: Even poems about autumn are sad.
Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold

Vedas 1: And in order not to catch a cold, you need to play sports
We need six participants for the next competition.

Competition "The most dexterous"
(with chairs)

Vedas1: Wonderful time Autumn. And after autumn comes winter New Year, present

Vedas 2: And I think gifts are pleasant at any time of the year. And next

Competition "Cutting Prizes"

Vedas 1: Once, our girls
Decided to show dancing.
But, and dancing without a costume,
Kinda boring, not smart.

Dance "Autumn girlfriends"

(The dance of the yellow leaves is performed by __________________________) Or just a pause

Vedas 2:. It's time to take a break from dancing. That's why we have a game. We need two pairs of participants. (Participants are chosen) No one needs to prove that watermelon is a very healthy and tasty berry. The next contest is called.

"Enjoy your meal"
(Each participant in this game, with his hands tied, must eat the share of watermelon put in front of him. The couple who eats faster than the others wins)

Vedas 2: And now we will check if your voice has disappeared from the autumn cold. We will ask questions! All together must answer “You are right!” or "You're wrong!", let's practice!
(Checking the hall, how they know how to scream)

Vedas 1: If the leaf is yellow-red to you
Fell right under your feet
Someone say this summer?
We will answer!
Together: "You're wrong"

Vedas 2 What a time of year, a miracle,
Leaves have completely fallen
Someone will say, It's autumn!
Yes, of course!
Together: "You're right"

Vedas 1: If it rains and fogs,
If sad and sad
You just need to smile!
Yes, of course!
Together: "You're right"

Vedas 2 You will not find such beauty,
In winter, summer or spring.
Autumn is the season of bright colors
Yes, of course!
Together: "You're right"

Vedas 1: Everyone scolds the season,
Maybe winter is better
Everyone doesn't like Autumn, does it?
What do you say, are you together?
We will answer!
Together: "You're wrong"

Vedas 1: And I love autumn!

Host 2: Why?

Presenter 1: There are so many vegetables in the markets!

Presenter 2: And do you go to the market for vegetables?

Host 1: I don’t go. But I would like to see how others manage vegetables. We invite two participants

Competition: "Who will collect potatoes faster"
(a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and blindfolded participants must quickly harvest in one minute. The one who collects the most potatoes in a bucket wins)

Vedas 2: Boring picture!
Clouds without end
The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch...
Vedas 1: Are you sick!?

Vedas 2: Probably caught the autumn blues.

Vedas1: Something I have not heard about such a disease!?

Vedas 2: It can't be, this is a very common disease!

Vedas 1: Listen to yourself. (leave)

Scene autumn syndrome
(Two familiar doctors meet)
Doctor 1: How are you?
Doctor 2: I can’t deal with one patient in any way, a schoolboy, grade 7, was admitted with a diagnosis of “Autumn Syndrome”
Doctor 1: This is when the ears hurt ...
Doctor2: No, this is when the blues and dampness.
Doctor 1: Well, it’s clear, I had one like that, I quickly recovered, I put him in the same ward with Malakhov, he perked up after the third transfer, he began to ask for freedom, he says autumn slush is better than brain irritation.
Doctor 2: Sure. good way, but the patient is completely useless, I'm afraid he won't respond
Doctor 1: Well then, castor oil?
Doctor 2: Helps, but not for long.
Doctor 1: Did you feed you candies?
Doctor 2: Chocolate.
Doctor 1: Where is the patient?
Doctor2: Yes, here he is, (they take the patient out).
Patient: (hands down, hair tousled, sleepy) Reads sad poems about autumn
Doctor 1: Can you give him plants?
Doctor 2: I don't know, but will it help?
Doctor 1: Will we add mustard to him?
Patient: With mustard, without mustard, it doesn't matter.
Doctor 2: Can you give him a toy?
Patient: What with the toy, what without the toy
Doctor 1: Let's have a song for him, have fun, turn it on?
Doctor 2: Come on!
(Include rock)
Doctor 1: No, not this one.
(Include fun)
Doctor 2: Here it is, take it every day
(leave the stage)

Vedas1 Autumn days bring only sadness,
But I really don't want to be bothered by them.
I'm not afraid of autumn and rain,
I have fun in my soul, I give joy to everyone.

Vedas 2: And I wish you not to think about the bad,
Not just given to us, autumn time,
May every new day start with smiles
And we will not care about cold winds.

Vedas1: We invite beautiful ladies and gentlemen to the opening of the festive Cafe "Golden Leaf"
Vedas 2: We are glad to see you in our autumn cafe. It's great that you came to us for a cup of tea on this cloudy autumn day. As you know, in a cafe you can order and try any delicacy. And since our cafe is unusual, the treat here is served for forfeits that you earned in contests.

Vedas 1: Give the phantom to the host, come for a treat! And whoever didn’t get a phantom, fly with us together!
(Guests try a treat in the "cafe")

Vedas2 Well, our holiday is over ..

Host 1: Is it? And the disco?

Presenter 2: And the disco BEGINS!