Autumn in kindergarten. Autumn holiday in kindergarten. Middle group. Scenario of the holiday "Harvest Friends"

  • 13.11.2019

Autumn morning in kindergarten. middle group

The scenario of the autumn matinee in kindergarten

The script for the autumn holiday "Autumn Bouquet"


Autumn leaves - for each child; vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes) and four baskets for the game; musical instruments (tambourines, rattles, wooden sticks) - for each child; autumn bouquet; bear's basket with berries; fruit basket.




bear cubs

The hall is decorated in the form of an autumn forest; among the low bushes are garden beds with vegetables on them (cabbage, turnip, carrot, cucumber).


The brushes of the mountain ash burned brightly,

Dresses of aspens became golden.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

1st child

Outside the window the breeze is having fun -

It will jump up, and then hide.

2nd child

And the leaves run along the path,

Like yellow mice from a cat.

Dance with leaves (optional)

Children collect them in a bouquet and sit down.

Autumn enters the hall.


I bring the harvest

Sowing the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees.

But I don't touch the pines

And Christmas trees. I am Autumn.

Autumn song (optional)

Children greet Autumn and sing along with her.


Here you go guys

All that I am rich in the forest,

Everything that I collected

Everything I stocked up for the summer.

And in the spring, my rabbit helpers planted cabbage.

French folk song "We Plant Cabbage"

Autumn. For our cabbage to grow well, we need rain.

1st child

Rain, rain, more

Blooming meadows.

Rain, rain, pour all day

For oats and barley.

2nd child

Let the green wheat

Hurry up.

3rd child

Rain, rain, pour -

There will be a loaf of bread

There will be rolls, there will be drying,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.

(Russian folk call)

Rain song (optional)


Let's see now guys

What has grown in the garden.

Lots of dresses, lots of crunch.

What is her name? .. (Cabbage.)

Yellow side, round side,

Sits on the garden bed,

Rooted firmly to the ground.

What is this? .. (Turnip.)

Red hidden spine

Only an inch is visible from above.

And you will deftly pick up -

And in the hands ... (carrot).

One summer under a leaf

A house has grown in the garden.

We took him from the ground

And they brought it home to us.

Not a hut and not a palace,

And green ... (cucumber).

Game "Harvest"

Four children participate: the 1st collects carrots, the 2nd - potatoes, the 3rd - tomatoes, the 4th - cucumbers. The number of vegetables should be the same. The winner is the participant who first collected their vegetables in a basket.

Autumn. And now let's see what kind of cabbage we have grown.

Dramatization of the poem by T. Petukhova


tanned tomato

Started a conversation with cabbage.


Why are you white

Not tanned at all!


Here, try to sunbathe,

If there are forty-five dresses.

While I'm taking off my dress

The sun will set.

Autumn. What a wonderful cabbage the rabbits have grown! I will now reward them for their good work, I will present an autumn bouquet.

Fairy tale "Just like that"

(based on the cartoon)

Autumn gives the bunny an autumn bouquet.

Autumn. Bunny runs along the path, rejoices. Suddenly he sees, in the clearing, the mice are naughty.

Russian folk melody "Like at our gates"

Mouse children play noise instruments.

Autumn. The hare liked the way the mice play in the orchestra, and he gave his autumn bouquet to the smallest mouse. The mouse ran further with a bouquet and met a hedgehog in the forest.


Hedgehog curled up

You won't turn around for anything.

This is a gray bun -

It has a prickly side.

A. Blinov

Song "Hedgehog" by F. Leschinskaya

Autumn. The mouse liked the song and gave her autumn bouquet to the hedgehog.

Hedgehog. That's for me?

mouse. You!

Hedgehog. For what?

mouse. Just.

Autumn. The hedgehog thanked the mouse for the gift and began to play with it.

Game "Hedgehog and Mice"

Children stand in a circle, in the center of which is a “hedgehog” child.

A hedgehog is running - stupidly stupid, Holding hands, the children walk in a circle.

All prickly, sharp tooth! The "Hedgehog" runs in counter-movement inside the circle.

“Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you going?

What's wrong with you?"

Hedgehog legs - "Hedgehog" and the children do three springy half-squats.

Tup-tup! Stomp first with the right foot, then with the left.

Hedgehog with eyes - Do three half squats.

Loop-loop! Raise the arms bent at the elbows up and 2 times squeeze and unclench the fingers.

Hears a hedgehog - Put the right hand to the right ear (“listen”).

Silence everywhere. Put the left hand to the left ear.

Choo, a mouse is scratching in the leaves! Squeeze and unclench fingers ("scrape").

Dance, dance, hedgehog! Children clap their hands, "Hedgehog" dances.

Don't feel sorry for your legs!

You catch mice

Catch up with our children!

Autumn. And here are the bears with their mother-bear in the forest clearing.

Dramatization of the song "Merry Bears" by E. Poplinova

The role of mother-bear can be performed by a teacher.

Autumn. Only one teddy bear does not dance. He is afraid of losing the basket of raspberries. Sitting pouting. The hedgehog decided to please him and gave the bear a bouquet.

bear. That's for me?

Hedgehog. You.

Bear. For what?

Hedgehog. Just.

Bear. OK! Thank you!

Autumn. The bear decided to get home as soon as possible, but troublesome squirrels met him.

"Squirrel Dance"

Sl. M. Sadovsky

Muses. M. Kartushina

The sun is hot, shine!

You mushroom my sushi!

Oh, how in an evil cold

Dried mushroom needed! (2 times)

This hat on a knot -

Got a cap.

And behind her and the leg

I'll dry it a little. (2 times)

I tirelessly jump

I want to find a hundred mushrooms

Will be in the winter cold

I feel warmer with them. (2 times)

And I'll pick up nuts

By the stream in a steep ravine,

I will be without haste

Autumn. It's a pity for a bear to give a bouquet to squirrels. He began to back away and he himself ran into a squirrel, and immediately hid the basket behind his back.

Squirrel. It's all for me?

bear(holds out the bouquet). You!

Squirrel. For what?

Bear. Just!

Squirrel. Thanks a lot!

bear(holds out basket). Here, have a raspberry.

Squirrel. Thank you!

Autumn. Oh yes, Mishka, how generous he has become! Well done! Completely ruthless!

Round dance under the "Song-exercises" by M. Lazarev

Autumn treats children with fruits, says goodbye and leaves.

1. Cultivate love for nature through children's matinee dedicated to the season.
2. To consolidate children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, dramatizations, games.
3. Develop the musical and creative abilities of children.
4. Create a joyful mood in children from mutual learning.
5. Contribute to the disclosure of the creative abilities of children

Preliminary work:

  • Examination of reproductions with autumn landscapes.
  • Observation of autumn nature.
  • Reading stories, fairy tales, poems and riddles about trees and autumn.
  • Conversations with children.
  • Drawing on the theme of autumn.
  • Listening to classical music on the theme of autumn.

Characters: adult presenter, autumn (adult), Baba Yaga (adult), children.

Holiday script

To the music, children enter the hall, holding hands, snake through the hall and stop in a semicircle in front of the audience.


Let's start our holiday!
This holiday is for you!
I want to give you a riddle!
Try to guess it quickly!
In the morning we go to the yard! /
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...
If you know, don't be silent!
Name the season! (Autumn)

Leading: So autumn has come to us - the golden time! Autumn covered the whole earth with a golden carpet, bared trees and bushes, and set a lot of work for gardeners and grain growers. Wheat is ground so that later we can eat fragrant and magnificent pies. Our mothers and grandmothers cook jam, compotes, make vegetable stocks for the winter, and mushroom lovers salt and dry them, gathering them in the forest after the rain.

No, whatever you say - autumn is a wonderful time!

1st child

Autumn fox step
Sneaking through the ravines
Along rivers and streams
And along the forest edges.
Steals and at the same time
Everything is painted in fox color.

2nd child

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
She gently ran the brush over the foliage.
Yellowed hazel,
And the maples blushed
In the purple of the aspen,
Only green oak.
Comforting autumn.
Don't miss the summer.
Look - autumn is dressed in gold.

3rd child

Came at dawn
Didn't sit down for a moment
I looked around
And straight to work.

4th child

Kalina with rowan
painted thickly,
On strong teeth
She squeaked cabbage.

5th child

At the mills
Turned white with fresh flour,
orange silk
Dressed birches.

6th child

Curly winter
Spread a carpet,
On a distant flight
Cranes spent.

Children sing a song about autumn "Autumn Nesmeyan walks"


1. Empty orchard,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors open...
What month did you come to? ... (September)

2. All the darker face of nature -
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear fell into hibernation,
What month has come to you? (October)

3. The field has become black and white,
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Freezing in the field of winter rye,
What month, please? (November)

Leading: And here is the Queen of Autumn! Meet!

Raindrops sound, Autumn comes out.


Autumn, Autumn, what's wrong with you?
Where is your radiant look?
Why are you crying all of a sudden?
Everything dimmed around!


I'm very sad in the morning
Nobody needs me
From me only harm and slush,
How can my friends not cry?
Goblin with Baba Yaga
They told me: “Autumn, stop!
All the kids love summer
Turn home."


Not true, don't trust them. We were all waiting for you, and the guys have prepared a surprise for you.

Children read poems about autumn.


I'm very happy friends
that you love me.
I won't grieve anymore
I will forget about insults.
I want to have fun with you
And it's fun to spin in the dance.

Dance "Wizard Falling Leaves" with autumn leaves.


Autumn is gradually coming into its own. It can be cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But we love autumn for its generosity and beauty, for the rare but glorious warm days.

Song "Autumn leaves rustling"

Suddenly, the sound of a motor is heard, Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga: Who is having fun here? You see, they have a holiday, they meet Autumn here, they rejoice, they sing songs! And here I have sciatica from the autumn cold and dampness, and this one, what’s it like there ... autumn blues ... and, I remembered, DEPRESSION! Leaves filled the whole hut! And how much dirt, how much dirt! In general, yes, irises! We do not need any autumn, let it be better that winter comes right away. In winter, it will somehow be more fun. Now I’ll say a magic spell (I’ve been looking for it in my witch book all night!) And I’ll conjure this fall of yours so that not a single rain falls from the sky, not a leaf falls off!

Baba Yaga conjures, making magical passes around Autumn with her hands.

Baba Yaga:

Autumn, we don't need you.
Autumn, you must go!
I want for the summer -
Winter is upon us!

Autumn falls into a half-asleep state and, obeying the movements of Baba Yaga, leaves the hall. The howl of a blizzard sounds.

Host: Baba Yaga, what have you done! You have no idea how much trouble you brought to your forest!

Baba Yaga: Yes, what troubles can be! All forest dwellers will only be happy with snow, frost! Oh, let's remember our youth with Koshchei, but go to the skating rink! ...

Leading: Yes, you yourself look (the wind howls).

B.Ya: (aside) Mdya ... I hurried, however ... I entered without thinking ... (to the children and the presenter): And why is this, I'm a charmer, I have to think about everyone! Who will think of me? Who will help harvest the crops, prepare supplies, and, most importantly, relieve the autumn blues?

Host: Baba Yaga, And if our guys help you do all this, will you disenchant autumn?

B.Ya: Well, I don’t know… (looks at the children), it hurts young… how can they cope with all the affairs… They probably only know how to watch cartoons on TV…

Leading: Yes, our guys are getting ready to go to school, they know how much they can do! Really guys? And what fun they are with us! ... There will be no trace of your blues!

B.Ya.: Well, so be it! If you fulfill everything that you promised, I will return your Autumn to you, and if not ... I will leave it forever in my attic! Just in case, it will suddenly come in handy when ... And there are a lot of things to do, you can’t manage it alone! The harvest is ripe, my favorite potatoes! (scatters potatoes around the room). But I can’t collect it: my back hurts!

Here you are, irises, baskets and spoons so that your hands do not get dirty! (gives two children each a basket and a tablespoon).

Attraction "Who will collect more potatoes with a spoon"

B.Ya .: Hmm ... You did it, my dears ... Oh, but you don’t know my grief! I'm starving for the third day!

Host: Why are you starving, granny? You don't have food, do you?

B.Ya .: And all because, my yachts, because I’m 500 years old, and in old age, you know, this one, like him ... Sclerosis! So I don’t remember: how to cook this food? I'm sitting, my dear, poor, hungry, emaciated all over, only bones stick out! (pretend sobs)

Host: What's in your basket?

B.Ya. : Potato, tomato, cabbage, apples, berries ...

Leading: Guys, what do you think you can cook from all this?

Children: Soup and compote.

Host: Guys, can we help Baba Yaga? Shall we cook soup and compote for her?

Relay "Soup and compote"

Two teams are playing. At a distance of 5 m from the first players there is a basket with fruits, berries and vegetables mixed in it. The children of one of the teams have to select vegetables for soup, the other - fruits, and I have years for compote. At the command of the host, the first players run to the basket, choose from it what they need for soup (compote), carry the fruit to the soy pan, which is located at the starting line. The first team to prepare their dish wins.

B.Ya. : Oh thank you! What diligent - they did such a difficult job for me! Thank you! Everyone in the forest knows that I always have order: a blade of grass to a blade of grass, a worm to a worm, a fly agaric to a fly agaric. And then so many children came running - they littered me, littered (she cunningly, in front of everyone tears and scatters papers), sketched candy wrappers (she immediately takes out candy, unfolds it, puts it in her mouth, and throws the candy wrapper on the floor) - and who will clean it up ? Here are the panicles for you - get down to business!

Game with brooms.

Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, we see that you are amused! How's your blues doing?

B.Ya: What a blues? There is no blues! It turns out that autumn can also be fun, if the company is right! (winks at the children) And the sciatica... (feels his back) is gone! Thank you, killer whales! I return your Autumn to you, don’t give it to anyone else to offend!

Brings Autumn to the music.

B.Ya.: (shaking off dust particles from Autumn) Here, I return it in the form in which I took it. Well, you are having fun here, and I will fly to Leshy, share my joy with him! (flies away)

Host: Autumn! It's good to have you back! Now everything will go on as planned by Nature!

Autumn: Thank you guys for helping me and all the forest dwellers! Well, now guess the riddles.


1. As in our garden
Mysteries have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
In summer they turn green
In autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes.)

2. Sundress on a sundress,
Dress on dress.
How are you going to undress?
You will cry enough! (Onion.)

3. Unsightly, knobby,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
"Well, crumbly, delicious!" (Potatoes.)

4. A cramped house split
into two halves
And fell into the palms
Pellet beads. (Peas)

5. Like a plum is dark,
Like a turnip round
I saved up strength in the garden,
To the hostess in borscht pleased. (Beet)

6. The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

7. Pink cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark all day long.
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun. (Radish)

8. For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Feels very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar. (Carrot)

9. Born in a greenhouse,
Good for food.
Little blue boy. Who is this? ... (Eggplant)

10. “Drop one, drop two,
Very slowly at first.
And then, then, then
All run, run, run"
Children: Rain!


We're not scared at all
Run in the rain.
If the rain is heavy
Let's take umbrellas.

The dance "Dance with Umbrellas" is performed.


Well, the children told us -
They are friends with vegetables.
Can't you taste them?
Guess their taste for yourself.
Only, mind you, - with eyes closed!

The attraction "Guess the vegetables to taste" is held.

They bring in a large plate with pieces of vegetables: beets, potatoes - boiled; carrots, garlic, onions, cucumber - fresh. Several children are selected, according to the number of pieces, they are blindfolded. Each child from the teacher's hands tastes vegetables (serve on a spoon), says what he ate, and then shows a model of the eaten vegetable. Thus, the correctness of the child's answer is determined.


Autumn is a beautiful time, but also a little sad.
After all, it will immediately become cold around,
And the birds will fly away from us to the south.
How sad to see somewhere out there, far away,
How cranes fly like a wedge.

The song "Crane" is performed.

Host: I know that you know a lot of poems and songs about birds, and I wanted to play the game “Birds Have Arrived” with you. I will only name birds now, but if suddenly I make a mistake and you hear something else, then you can stomp or clap. Begin.

The game "The birds have arrived."

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts... (Children stomp.)

Host: What's wrong?

Children. Flies!

Leading. And who are the flies?

Children. Insects.

Leading. You're right. Well, let's continue:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta! .. (Children stomp.)

Leading. Let's start again:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, foxes!...

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits.
Chibis, siskins,
Kettles, swifts... (Children stomp.)

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Mosquitoes, cuckoos... (Children stomp.)

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Chibis, siskins.
Storks, cuckoos.
Swans, starlings...

All of you are great! (Applause to yourself!)


Autumn walks along the path, legs soaked in puddles.
It's raining, and there is no light... Summer is lost somewhere.
Autumn rain poured puddles, you need to cross them as soon as possible!

Contest "Who will run through the puddles faster"

You galoshes, ladies umbrella
And you are not afraid of rain.
Let's see who can quickly and deftly manage to escape from the rain.

Sheets of paper are laid out on the floor - “puddles”. 2 teams are selected. The task of the players is to run through the "puddles" as quickly as possible without getting their feet wet.

Leading: We are convinced that you guys are funny and mischievous. And now let's check how friendly and dexterous you are. And let's see how well you know fairy tales. For example, do you remember the fairy tale "Turnip" well? (Asks the children to remember all fairy tale characters of this fairy tale and the sequence of their appearance.) Our next competition is called "Turnip".

Competition "Turnip"

At the opposite end of the hall, 2 chairs are placed, children are put on the chairs - these are “turnips”. Line up 2 teams of 6 people: "grandfather", "grandmother", "granddaughter", "bug", "cat", "mouse". The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it, returns, the “grandmother” clings to him (takes him by the waist), they continue to run together, run back, the “granddaughter” joins them, and so on, until the “engine” is lined up from all participants. At the end of the game, a turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip faster wins.

Autumn rewards children with diplomas and medals for drawings and crafts.

Autumn: For your songs, poems, dances, I want to treat you with apples.

I'm sorry to part with you
But Winter's turn is coming.
I'll come back to you guys
You are waiting for Autumn in a year! (Autumn is leaving)

Leading: So the autumn holiday is over. I think he lifted everyone's spirits. Our guests, goodbye! Thank you all for your attention!

Children leave the hall to the music.

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 9454 human

Dear Guys! Here comes autumn. Harvested in fields and gardens
harvest. The last warm days are coming. But we are not sad, then
mu that in every season there is something unusual, magical.
In the yard the leaves turned yellow, ...

Autumn Festival in the preschool "Oseniny"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 6897 human

1st host:
Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady.
Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,
A leaf fell off a birch,
And, like a carpet, covered the road.
2nd leader:
The sun is tired
You are warming up.
Yellow and scarlet
Sheets are spinning.
3rd leader:

Scenario of the holiday "Harvest Friends"

27.08.2013 | We looked at the script 20665 human

To the music of the song "Autumn", children enter the hall in a group and examine it.

Presenter: Guys, look how smartly our hall is decorated. Can you please tell me which time of the year this design is more suitable for? Why?

Children answer: In the autumn! ...

Scenario of the holiday "In the autumn forest"

21.08.2013 | We looked at the script 20216 human

Under a cheerful Russian folk melody, children of the younger and middle groups enter the hall and sit on chairs in the auditorium.

That's an artist so an artist!
He gilded all the forests!
Even the heaviest rain
This paint has not been removed.

Scenarios of autumn matinees - Meeting of autumn

17.08.2013 | We looked at the script 15659 human

Summer is coming: Hello children! I'm summer, do you recognize me? It's nice. Did you feel good with me for three hot months? I warmed you with my warmth, warmed water for you in the rivers, helped you sing delicious and juicy berries. But three months have flown by and it's time for us ...

Scenario for the autumn ball

05.11.2011 | We looked at the script 17334 human

The autumn ball holiday, dedicated to the beginning of autumn, is accompanied by all kinds of skits, competitions, and theatrical performances. At such an event, you can see a wide variety of scenes and theatrical performances. To autumn ball usually cook...

"Autumn Noisy Ball"

04.11.2011 | We looked at the script 15288 human

To the sounds of a waltz, two children enter the hall
A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a golden outfit.
You bring sadness with you...

"The Extraordinary Adventures of Preschoolers." Autumn Holiday Scenario

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 17146 human

Guys, look: in my opinion, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit in autumn.
The spider bounces on a string.
What? Do you want to miss us? Strange ... But what are you ...

Scenarios of the autumn holidays "Autumn gifts"

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 19084 human

Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
Cranes are flying.

Everything flies, it must be
Our summer is flying by.

Summer flies away, and the golden sorceress hurries to meet him ...

"Autumn sisters" scenario of the autumn holiday

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 14999 human

The hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, bouquets of flowers, rowan, aspen, maple branches.
Children run into the hall and dance to the "Waltz" by A. Griboyedov.

1st child.
Summer flew by quickly
Migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn wonderfully spread

The scenario of the autumn holiday in kindergarten.

The hall is festively decorated, the children run into the hall to the music.

Presenter: If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,

This is the time of year.

Children: It's called autumn!

Presenter: Today I looked at a holiday in every house,

Because autumn wanders outside the window

Dropped by the autumn holiday

And in our kindergarten,

To please both adults and children.

Autumn is a very beautiful and magical time of the year!

Let's talk about autumn!

Children read POEMS:

Autumn! Frost in the morning

In the groves yellow leaf fall,

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

Autumn leaves burn in the sun

About the summer gone, they say.

And the rain is streaming, slipping over the leaves

You can't go back to green.

And now the cranes were drawn to the south,

A little sad all of a sudden

But how much beauty autumn brings!

How late these flowers delight:

Beautiful asters and rowan brushes, Chrysanthemum bushes and viburnum clusters.

Gifted by the guest - Autumn

fruit crops,

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms!

So let's praise Autumn

Song, dance and play.

Meetings will be joyful

Autumn, this is your holiday!

The song "Autumn" by I. Smirnova is performed

Several cones fly into the hall, a letter is attached to one.

Host: What kind of joke is this?

What kind of garbage is flying towards us?

Wait a minute

Here is a letter for us!

(takes the letter)

So, let's see if the address is correct,

Our kindergarten is listed!

Congratulate him, probably

Happy holiday guys!

(opens envelope, reads)

"Dear children!

I'm coming to you for a holiday

And today these bumps

They lead me out of the forest! How to get a note -

Don't waste time.

So I'm somewhere close

Start dancing! " (AUTUMN)

Dance "Clap-clap-clap"

Presenter: Guys, let's call Autumn, something is delayed.

"Autumn, Autumn, we are asking for a visit!" (Children repeat for the Vedas) Autumn enters under the waltz and smoothly spins with autumn twigs. stops in front of the children and bows.

Autumn: Hello, children!

Children: Hello, Autumn!

Autumn: Here I am already here, in your kindergarten. I arrived on a cloud, the north wind was for the driver, the rain-drizzle was for the pointer, and cones and leaves laid a path for me.

Host: Your time has come, Autumn. Your right is to rule the earth. Just don’t be in a hurry to drive the clouds, to shed rain! Be more kind. It's not for nothing that people call you golden!

Autumn: Well, I'm not used to sitting idle, I'll decorate the forests, hang the cobwebs. (Scatters, dancing, leaves)

The song "Leaves are spinning, flying are spinning ..."

Performing "Dance with the Leaves"

Autumn: Do you know how to solve riddles?


I'm big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy,

I taste so good

Who am I? What's my name? (watermelon)

I grow up in a red cap

Among aspen roots.

You will see me from miles away.

I'm called. (boletus)

I grow in the garden

And when I mature

They cook a tomato out of me,

They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that (tomato)

Game "Name a vegetable, berry, fruit"

(Children stand in a circle, in the center Autumn with a ball. Autumn throws the ball to any child and says: "vegetable." The child, catching the ball, quickly calls a familiar vegetable. If Autumn says: "berry", then the child should name the berry, etc. e.)

Children read poetry

Our beautiful autumn garden,

It has plums and grapes,

On branches like toys

And apples and pears.

We will collect all the fruits in the morning

And we will call all the neighbors,

Let's wave the sun.

Thanks Autumn! - let's say.

Presenter: Yes, Autumn is a dear guest,

Autumn has come to visit us.

Let's ask Autumn

What did she bring us?

A round dance is performed "What will Autumn bring us?"

Vedas. : I hear the sound of hooves, someone else came to visit us.

To the cheerful music "drives" on a toy horse Scattered)

Distracted: Good afternoon! Bonjour! Mercy!

I came by taxi!

I drove, I drove, I was in a hurry -

He fell into a pit with kvass.

But there was no kvass - compote,

Now my stomach hurts.

But I healed my stomach -

Wetted a rag with water

He put it on his back -

It immediately made me feel better!

Host: I don't understand you.

Absent-minded: Don't understand - why?

Presenter: You are speaking in a strange way.

Maybe you are a foreign guest?

Yes and appearance you.

Absent-minded: I know, I know - the highest class!

Autumn: Children, can you guess who it is?

Children: This is Distracted from Basseinaya Street!

Ras. : Oh, how quickly you guessed -

Clearly everyone has read it!

Happy New Year!

Spring sends greetings to you!

Vedas. : You confused the time of year.

Autumn Festival is upon us!

Ras. : Autumn Festival?


So it didn't go wrong!

I will sing, play, dance!

Answer questions!

Vedas. : Come on guys, let's make riddles to the Scattered.

Ras. : I love riddles.

Vedas. : Then listen to our riddles from the garden!

k.: Who, guys, is not familiar with the white-toothed.

Ras. : Man. boot. iron. I give up!

Children: Garlic!

Rk. : You dig a little under a bush - it will come out into the light.

Ras. : Antoshka. harmonic. basket. window. But what?

Children: Potato!

Vedas. : No, Absent-minded, you can't solve riddles!

Autumn: Can we play then?

Grab your spoons

Collect all the potatoes!

Game "Collect potatoes with a spoon"

Ras. : Oh, well done! How quickly and deftly they collected, I also want to learn how to do it. I'm going to train soon! Goodbye, guys! (leaves)

The game "pick mushrooms" (with closed eyes) (dummy mushrooms are scattered around the room, children need to collect mushrooms in a basket)

The child reads the verse:

Soon it will be cold around

And the birds will fly away from us to the south.

How sad to see somewhere out there, far away,

How the cranes fly like a wedge!

The song "Cranes" is performed

ved. : And how everything ripened in our garden!

Say thanks to Russian nature.

Works are not lost, the harvest is ripe.

There is a song about it, but sing along!

Performed dance "Merry round dance"

Autumn: Thank you children, you amused me, and I you. I realized that you know and love autumn, and at this time of the year you are never bored. And here are my gifts to you, now I will distribute them myself. (serves apples)

It's time for me to leave guys.

But that's not Autumn's fault.

Winter is following me

And New Year leads with him.

And I will come to you again, my friends,

But only next year!

autumn holiday for kids senior group kindergarten. Scenario "Autumn meetings"

An exciting journey to autumn forest, in the garden and in the garden will give children a lot of positive emotions, and immerse them in the world of autumn colors.
Target: To consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through the expressive performance of songs, dances, poems and skits.
- to develop in children the ability to expressively perform songs, dances, poems
- develop communication skills
- cultivate respect for nature

The course of the holiday

Music sounds, presenters come out, the curtain is closed.
1st Lead: Look around, foliage flies around.
The birds flew south like a wedge yesterday.
2nd Lead: Autumn will soon leave, everything will fall asleep until spring.
But you won't forget our autumn concert!
The hosts open the curtain, music sounds, the children run out in pairs and stand on their points.
Dance composition "LEAVES FLY".
1. Today I looked at a holiday in every house,
Because autumn wanders outside the window.
I looked at the autumn holiday in kindergarten,
To please both adults and children!
2. How the whole street burns with fire,
Leaves argue with the wind.
I even want to squint
So beautiful all around!
3. Birds fly away to warm lands,
Quietly I wave my hand after them.
The sky scatters beads of rain,
For me, there is no better time!
4. Autumn will say goodbye soon,
Giving a colored outfit
It's not for nothing that her beauty
They call it golden!
Children sit on chairs to the music.
The cry of cranes sounds.
1st Lead: Listen, there, in the distance, cranes fly by.
Let them wave their wings and call our autumn to us.
Music sounds, Autumn enters.
Autumn: Hello my guys!
You invited me to visit.
But something bad happened
I've been crying all day today.
2nd Lead: We, Autumn, will not let you be sad,
We can cheer you up with a cheerful song!
Autumn: So thank you guys.
For your song, preschoolers.
But it wasn't easy for me to come,
I brought you gifts.
I put them in a chest
Spoke magical words.
I wrote down those words on three maple leaves,
Yes, bad weather scattered all the leaves around the world.
Without magic words, I can't open the chest,
How can I get maple leaves?
1st Lead: We will go looking for maple leaves together.
Along the paths, along the paths, we will return the leaves of Autumn!
2nd Lead: Let's get on the fast train
He will take us with you!
The train whistle sounds, the children get up, imitating the movement of the train, moving in a circle.
A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Forest".
Music sounds, Mushroom-Borovik enters.
Mushroom-Borovik: I am Borovik mushroom!
And beautiful and great!
In a thick hat on one side,
The leg is thick as a stump.
Sit down, take a rest
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Mushroom-Borovik: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
Take a walk in the autumn forest
You will learn a lot.
Music sounds, take out the Christmas trees.
1st Lead: In the morning on the forest edge,
For a stump on a bump.
Not the animals gathered
Gathered mushrooms.
Mushrooms come out to the music, stopping arbitrarily facing the audience.
Mushroom-Borovik: Did you recognize the boletus?
I'm hit with a strong foot.
Well, why should I brag?
I know everyone, of course.
Russula: Russula is known to everyone,
Of course, I'm a pretty mushroom.
Know all I'm in the pickle -
It's just a meal!
boletus: I am neither small nor tall

Boletus is a fungus.
Eat who finds me
I don't feel sorry for myself.
I will be for the mushroom picker
Delicious gift!
Chanterelles: 1. We, chanterelles, are respected,
Girls and boys.
2. If they only roast us,
You will lick your fingers!
fly agaric(steps forward):
What nonsense is this!
All the more beautiful - fly agaric!
You wanted to go to the pot
To be boiled and eaten?
I'm not afraid of mushroom pickers
And I'll laugh at you! (laughs)
Mushrooms turn to Amanita
Russula: Oh, you stupid braggart!
What's the use of standing like that?
The boy will kick you,
Doesn't want to take it!
boletus: And you will get snails
Holes will be drilled in the hat,
If you save yourself from them,
The worms will eat you!
Chanterelles: 1. Well, we won't be sad.
We bring joy to people.
2. Let them dry and salt us,
Pickle and eat!
2nd Lead: Until we get bored
We invite everyone to play!
Grib-Borovik was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
Autumn: Thank you, Borovik!
You are used to helping everyone!
Mushroom-Borovik: Well, now it's time for you
Goodbye, kids!
Music sounds, Borovik leaves. Rain sounds.
1st Lead: What's this? The sky darkened,
As if she wanted to cry.
Two children come out under an umbrella.
1. This cloud got angry
The cloud was loudly indignant:
"It's autumn, not summer,
No longer bright light
I took the gray paint
It rained from the sky.
2. We play hide-and-seek with rain-rain.
He is looking for me, and I am hiding under an umbrella!
2nd Lead: Umbrella does not save us from the rain,
Large puddles of rain pours.
Which one of you, brothers,
Does he want to run in galoshes?
1st Lead: We board the fast train
Let's get to the right station!
A whistle sounds, the sound of a train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Garden - berry-fruit".
Music sounds, Uncle Grapes comes out.
Grape: How many guests do I see
Adults, small children!
I am Uncle Grape
Come on, I'm very happy!
Sit down, take a rest
Why complain, tell me.
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Grape: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
Let's go for a walk in the garden,
Invite everyone to dance.
Grape: The apples in my garden are green and red
Look at them, how beautiful they all are.
Help me guys
Take these apples apart.
Grape: Thanks for hosting me
Uncle Vinograd was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
Your train is ready to go on
Fast road! Good luck on the road!
Music sounds, Vinograd says goodbye and leaves.
Autumn: I already have two leaves
We are looking for the last one, go ahead, friends!
2nd Lead: We get on the train again
Let's get to the right station!
The whistle sounds, the noise of the train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Vegetable".
The music sounds, the Scarecrow comes out.
1st Lead: Who is this and where is it from?
What is another miracle Yudo?
Scarecrow: I am a Scarecrow, I live in the garden,
And even though I'm harmless,
Rags, I put on rags,
I scare everyone with a terrible look. (Reluctantly waves his hands)
2nd Lead: Garden Scarecrow?! Very nice!
Why are you sad, we do not understand?
Scarecrow: Harvest one,
He led the birds south.
Drops from the sky, winds blow,
And my nose smells winter.
1st Lead: Guys won't let you get bored
Get in the middle - let's play!
GAME "Scarecrow".
Scarecrow: So I would play all day
What happened to you, do you know?
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Scarecrow: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
All spring and summer we worked in the garden,
Guess, friends, difficult riddles.
1. To dig the earth,
I need guys
New and strong
Iron ... (Shovel)
2. So as not to dry out under the sun,
All plants need
clean, transparent,
Cool ... (Water)
3. How to spud potatoes,
Grandfather and grandmother know.
Mom knows, dad knows
Useful ... (Chopper)
4. Cucumber and tomato, everyone knows
I'm used to the heat.
And of course they need
Warm film ... (Greenhouse)
Scarecrow: You guessed it, beauty!
Then there's another game for you.
Who is brave here? Don't be shy!
Find a vegetable in the bag as soon as possible!
Autumn: A lot of vitamins in the garden bed,
We have a rich harvest, look, guys!
Vegetables, honest people,
Start a round dance!
Scarecrow: Thanks for hosting me
Scarecrow garden amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
And I will new job wait,
When the harvest will have to be protected!
The scarecrow says goodbye and leaves.
Autumn: What a beauty, all the leaves I have!
You guys don't yawn
Repeat the magic words after me!
“One-two-three, chest, give magic!”
The chest does not open, Autumn repeats the words several times, at the last he says:
Autumn: The children shouted in unison
Why were the parents silent?
Now all together “One-two-three, chest, give magic!”
Magical music sounds, Autumn opens the chest.
Autumn: Here is the chest opened
He doesn't need a castle!
And in it is a treat from me,
Sweet delight!
Autumn gives treats to the host.
2nd Lead: Thank you Autumn for the treat,
For the holiday and good mood!
Autumn: The autumn holiday is over
A leaf flew off the trees.
Snow fell on the fields
I don't have any more business here.
Well, next year
I will visit you again!
Music sounds, Autumn leaves.
1st Lead: We are ending our holiday
We invite everyone to join the group!
The children leave the room to the music.