Scenario of summer entertainment for older preschoolers in kindergarten. Do-it-yourself garden scarecrow The scarecrow game is standing in the garden

  • 13.11.2019

- develop agility, strength, endurance;
- cultivate goodwill and a desire to help others.
Equipment: rings, stick, shoes, umbrellas, balls, potatoes, apples, scarecrow clothes (scarf, stick, hat, belt), relay race music "We are little children, we want to play."

Event progress

Children enter the hall to the music and sit down (music is a cheerful march)

Leading: Hello guys and dear guests. We are happy to welcome you to autumn holiday in the city of Krepysh. Here you can show your dexterity, courage and speed.

The Scarecrow enters to the music (in the garden or in the garden)

Whether in the garden, in the garden
The scarecrow stood.
Nimble jackdaws and crows
Liho accelerated.
Leading: Children who came to us?
I live in the garden
And though harmless like
Rags, I put on rags,
I scare everyone with a scary look.
Leading: Ah, the garden scarecrow, shame on you. You have dispersed all the birds in the dachas, in the gardens and orchards. Why complain to us? Whom did you think to scare?
In the hot summer I work
And I'm proud of my work
How can I see my flock
So I wave my rags.
Leading: Well, you praise yourself as a worker. And why now not for work, but for a holiday to us came?
Harvest has already been harvested
Birds fled to warm lands,
Drops from the sky, winds blow -
I smell winter with my long nose!
To be honest, I'm bored alone
May I play with you?
Children: Yes!
Then guys go all here in a circle.

The scarecrow stands in the center with a hoop in a circle.
Children join hands in a round dance with the words:

“There is a scarecrow in the garden, in full view of the people,
Don't miss the scarecrow, it's better to play with us.

Children take turns crawling under the hoop.

Well done boys! Now let's play a game with you how do you live?

(Imitation of movements)

How do you live?
Like this!
How are you going?
Like this!
How do you run?
Like this!
How do you sleep at night?
Like this!
How do you take?
Like this!
Do you give?
Like this!
How are you kidding?
Like this?
Do you threaten?
Like this!
Leading: And now guys, we will play relay races (divided into teams)

1. Running with an umbrella

Scarecrow: Do you know how to plant potatoes and harvest?

2. "Plant and Harvest"
1-plow the land (put rings on).
2-plant potatoes (put potatoes in rings).
3-harvest potatoes.
4-collect rings.

All that you know how, but try to guess riddles.
Who picks apples with their backs? (hedgehog)
- Who has a cheek instead of a bag? (hamster)
— Hanging-green
Falls-turns yellow
Lies-blackens (sheet)
What vegetable has eyes? (for potatoes)
- As I put on a hundred shirts, I crunched on my teeth (cabbage)
- Makes everyone cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ... (onion)
Here are the guys so guys
Solved all the riddles
Leading: Scarecrow, can you recognize the taste of vegetables?

The scarecrow is tasting the vegetable.

Guys, can you recognize the taste of a vegetable with eyes closed?

The game "Guess the vegetable" is being played.

Leading: Scarecrow, can you sing?
Scarecrow: No.
Leading: What about dancing?
Scarecrow: No but I know Interesting games and I want to play with you.

Relay race with potatoes.

Scarecrow: What good fellows you guys are. How much fun you have here. And I'm still in the garden.
Leading: Don't be sad, scared. Now we will find friends for you.

Relay "Dress the Scarecrow".

Leading: What beautiful scarecrows turned out. Scarecrow are you happy?
Scarecrow: Of course I'm happy!
Leading: Scarecrow, I want to tell you a riddle.
I'm as big as a soccer ball.
When ripe, everyone is happy.
I taste so good.
Who am I?
What's my name?
Scarecrow: Watermelon. And you guys could run with two watermelons.
Children: Yes.

Relay "Transfer of watermelons".

Scarecrow: How smart, strong, fast you are. I have prepared a meal for you.

The scarecrow brings out a basket of apples.

There are none tastier in the world
Eat vitamins kids.

Scarecrow says goodbye to children

Growing a rich harvest is not an easy task, but it is equally important to take care of its safety until it is fully ripe. After all, bright fruits attract birds, and long-awaited vitamins from their own plot become someone else's prey. Since ancient times, the garden scarecrow has guarded the land from uninvited guests.

The scarecrow cannot boast of high protection efficiency. Birds are quick-witted creatures and after a short observation will make an attempt to feast. An electronic device for scaring away birds is capable of protecting the garden plot.

But the traditions of the ancestors are still strong, so a do-it-yourself garden scarecrow invariably adorns country estates. The proposed master classes will help you become the owner of the original model of a garden scarecrow.

How to get the maximum effect from a scarecrow

It is believed that in ancient times, living creatures were afraid of the presence of a scarecrow in the garden, but evolution has touched all living things, and now they understand its harmlessness. It is difficult to agree with such a version, most likely, during the period of paganism, the garden scarecrow symbolized a certain deity, on whom they pinned hopes for protection from evil spirits and receiving a generous harvest.

Followers of the esoteric theory will be especially interested in making a garden scarecrow with their own hands. Using certain elements, putting a special meaning into every detail, in the image of a stuffed animal, you can make a kind of amulet. For example, there are the following beliefs:

  • a wreath of flowers symbolizes good health and natural beauty;
  • the presence of fruit on a scarecrow will ensure fertility;
  • a couple of pretty garden scarecrows can create an atmosphere of mutual understanding in the house or attract the other half.

But mentally endowing a scarecrow with magical abilities, one should not forget about its direct purpose - to scare away birds. Therefore, when designing a garden scarecrow, it is worth considering the psychology of birds and making a scarecrow using effective elements of intimidation. Birds are afraid

  • shades of blue;
  • loud and sharp sounds;
  • shiny elements;
  • moving parts.

The blue color in nature is a rare phenomenon, so the birds perceive it as an aggressive element that poses a threat. This nuance should be actively used when choosing a wardrobe for a scarecrow, generously using bright blue shades.

The scarecrow is hardly capable of constantly making sounds. An effective assistant will be the wind, which will set in motion various elements. Light details in the form of bells, rustling ribbons or decorative pots can create the necessary sound aura around the garden scarecrow.

New Year's tinsel, unnecessary CDs and foil are available materials when making a garden scarecrow with your own hands. The combination of all frightening factors will lead to the desired result and the birds will less likely to taste the long-awaited harvest.

The scarecrow garden in the photo clearly demonstrates the boundless imagination of craftsmen.

Scarecrow design highlights

A garden scarecrow with your own hands can take on various shapes. The information collected from numerous master classes creates a complete picture of the design options for a scarecrow for a garden plot.


It is customary to start with the scarecrow's head. Usually it is located on a cruciform frame made of wooden sticks or beams. And here begins the creative process of creating a scarecrow, among options heads can be chosen:

  • A bag or an old shirt stuffed with rags crowns the top of the cross.
  • Rescue an old soccer ball.
  • Often the pumpkin performs the function of the scarecrow's head.
  • In addition to decoration, a light pot will create additional noise.

Comment! It is easy to give the head of the scarecrow the desired shape with the help of straw sewn into burlap.

Any element used as the head of a garden scarecrow is endowed with human features. Depending on the material, the eyes and mouth of the scarecrow are drawn with a marker or original details are sewn on. For example, a voluminous nose is constructed for the rag head of a garden scarecrow. A rag is placed in a small piece of fabric, pulled together along the edges with a strong thread and fixed to the head.

The role of the eyes will be performed by buttons. Scarecrow hair is rarely done. But if an old bright wig is lying around the house, this will be the perfect decorative element for a stuffed animal. When used as a pot head, it can be fixed in the usual position upside down, and lush grass can be placed inside.

Most often, instead of hair, a hat is put on the head of a garden scarecrow. Its wide brim is an additional intimidating factor for birds.


Just dressing the frame of a scarecrow in an old T-shirt or dress is too banal. In addition to repellent properties, a do-it-yourself scarecrow must have aesthetic qualities.

The main elements that deserve attention when dressing a scarecrow:

  • It is easy enough to form legs from old jeans by placing foam rubber or rags inside.
  • The torso of a garden scarecrow is made from any suitable thing, but they follow the recommendations for shaping the volume. The inner padding is similar to the material used for the legs. In order for the scarecrow to retain the given shape for a long time, the edges of the sleeves and legs are sewn up with threads to avoid loss of the filler.
  • A scarecrow without hands and feet looks a bit ridiculous. Gloves and old shoes, securely fixed to the frame, will add attractiveness to the image.
  • All sorts of details will add individuality to the character. In the hands of a garden scarecrow there may be a bucket, bells or a pot. All these elements will create an additional noise effect, so necessary to intimidate the birds.

Advice! A do-it-yourself garden scarecrow is made in accordance with the height of human growth.

The realistic silhouette of a scarecrow can play into the hands not only in the fight against birds, but also scare away uninvited guests in human form.

Evgenia Bulycheva

"Infected" with the ideas of colleagues (in the blog of Vera Semenova, articles by Roman L. M. and Shmakova S. V. in the journal "Physical Education Instructor"), they decided to organize in their own kindergarten meeting with the Scarecrow garden for children and parents. That's what came out of it.

Target: consolidate previously acquired motor skills and abilities; develop musical abilities; form positive emotions; unleash the creativity of children.


Create positive emotions in children and adults;

To consolidate motor skills in basic movements and outdoor games;

To develop in children dexterity, speed, speed-strength qualities;

To develop the musical creativity of children;

To arouse interest in physical culture and musical activities;

Education of moral-volitional character traits, courage, friendliness.

Equipment: Scarecrow costume (shirt, pants, hat, belt) - 3 pcs., stick - 3 pcs. ; herringbone - 4 pcs. ; rings - 10 pcs., potatoes - 20 pcs., bucket - 2 pcs., watering can - 2 pcs. ; galoshes - 2 pairs (large and small, umbrella - 2 pcs.; balls - 4 pcs.; fruits and vegetables on skewers, a tray; apples, fake watermelon; dishes from vegetables and fruits, autumn crafts from natural material.

Preliminary work. Exhibition design joint work children and parents "Autumn miracle": crafts from vegetables and fruits, vegetable and fruit dishes.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, building an autumn alley.

Leading. Hello guys and dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to our holiday. But what kind of holiday, you will understand by guessing the riddle.

Who paints the leaves

So beautifully painted?

Who is in the garden path

Softly covered with leaves? (Answers of children and parents).

Of course it's autumn! And our holiday is dedicated to this time of the year.

And what is rich in autumn? (Answers of children and parents).

I suggest that everyone now go on an extraordinary journey together and visit the garden and the garden. Let's find out what's going on there.

Children read poems about autumn.

1st child

Autumn has come to visit us

What did you bring as a gift?

Sky with clouds

Lots and lots of bread

ruddy apples,

honey berries,

Plums and pears

Eat if you want.

2nd child

Squirrel - nuts,

Ezhu - russula,

bear roots,

On the Christmas tree - cones,

On the mountain ash of the brush,

Golden Leaves!

Tanya and Alyosha

Gold in hand!

3rd child

Autumn decorates the squares

Multicolored foliage.

Autumn feeds the harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens, and in the garden,

Both in the forest and by the water

Prepared by nature

All kinds of fruits.

Leading. Well done guys, what beautiful poems about autumn you know. Well, now let's go.

The music “In the garden, in the garden” sounds, the Scarecrow enters, sings.

Whether in the garden, in the garden

The scarecrow stood.

Nimble jackdaws and crows

Liho accelerated.

Leading. Children, who came to us?

I live in the garden

And though seemingly harmless,

Rags, I put on rags,

I scare everyone with a scary look.

Leading. Ah, Scarecrow, shame on you. You have dispersed all the birds in the dachas, in the gardens and orchards. Why complain to us? Whom did you think to scare?

In the hot summer I work

And I'm proud of my work.

When I see a flock of birds -

So I wave with rags (waves my hands).

Leading. Well, worker, you praise yourself. And why now not for work, but for a holiday to us came?

Harvest has already been harvested

Birds (“u-u-u!” - threatens) fled to Africa,

Drops from the sky, winds blow,

I smell winter with my long nose!

Leading. Now it's clear why you're huddled closer to the heat.

I don't care too much about warmth.

I used to be brave.

I'd like to be closer to society

I see your fun here.

To be honest, I'm bored alone. Can I stay with you at the party and have fun?

Children. Yes! Of course!

Scarecrow. Tell me, do you like rain? Do you know songs about him?

The children answer.

Song "Prickly Rain"

Scarecrow. Well, well done! Now let's compete.

Relay "Running in galoshes with an umbrella"

There are two teams: the children's team and the parents' team. Each team has 5 people. Participants in galoshes with an umbrella in their hands run in turn to the landmarks and back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Scarecrow. Do you know how to plant potatoes and harvest?

Relay "Plant and Harvest"

There are two teams: the children's team and the parents' team. Each team has 5 people. The first participants from each team “plow the land” (put rings, the second - “plant potatoes” (put potatoes in rings, the third - “water” it from a watering can, the fourth - “harvest” (pick potatoes in a bucket, the fifth - “cook land next year "(collect rings). The team that finished the relay first is declared the winner.

Scarecrow. You know everything, but try to guess the riddles:

Who picks apples with his back? (Hedgehog.)

Who has a cheek instead of a bag? (Hamster, chipmunk.)

Hanging - turns green,

Falls - turns yellow,

Lies - turns black. (Sheet.)

What vegetable has eyes? (At potatoes.)

How to put on a hundred shirts -

Crunched on the teeth. (Cabbage.)

Make everyone cry

Although he is not a fighter, but. (onion).

Here are the guys, so the guys -

All riddles solved.

Leading. Scarecrow, can you recognize the taste of vegetables?

The host gives the Scarecrow a piece on a skewer. It tastes with closed eyes and names the vegetable.

Leading. Guys, can you guess the taste of what kind of vegetables and fruits you are offered?

Game "Guess the Taste"

Three people from each team are invited, they are blindfolded and allowed to try vegetables or fruits. Children and parents try to guess.

Leading. Scarecrow, can you sing?

Scarecrow. No.

Leading. And our kids are doing great. Here listen!

The song "Colorful leaves"

Leading. Scarecrow, can you dance?

Scarecrow. No.

Dance "Polka"

Scarecrow. Well done boys! I can't sing and dance. But I know interesting games and I want to play them with you.

Musical game "Scarecrow" (preparatory group)

The scarecrow (in the role of leader) stands in the center of the hall. Children join hands, dance to the music with the words: “There is a scarecrow in the garden, in front of the people, a scarecrow, don’t be bored, it’s better to play with us.” The scarecrow spreads its legs shoulder-width apart. Children take turns crawling between his legs. A player who does not have time to climb through before the end of the music becomes a scarecrow (leader).

The game is played 4-5 times.

Mobile game "Take a potato"

Children and parents are involved. Potato tubers are laid out in a circle on the floor, a few pieces less than the players. Dance music sounds. Players go in a circle one after another. When the music stops, everyone takes a tuber. The one who did not get the tuber is out. The game continues until one player remains.

Scarecrow. What good fellows you are! How much fun you have here! And I'm all one and one in my garden.

Leading. Don't be sad, Scarecrow. Now we will find friends for you.

Relay "Dress the Scarecrow"

The relay race consists of six people from each team. One person at a time stand in front of the teams at the end of the hall. They portray the "scarecrow".

The first participant runs with a stick, gives it to the "scarecrow". Scarecrow puts her on his shoulders and holds her in his arms. The second puts on a shirt, the third puts on pants, the fourth participant ties a belt, the fifth puts on a hat.

The team that wears the "scarecrow" the fastest is declared the winner.

Leading. What beauties have turned out! Are you pretty, Scarecrow?

Scarecrow. Sure enough. Now I have friends. I want to take a photo with them for memory (photographed).

Leading. Scarecrow, and I want to give you a riddle, try to guess it.

It's big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball?

Scarecrow. Watermelon. Can you guys run with two watermelons in your hands?

Scarecrow. Let's see which team can do it faster without dropping watermelons.

Relay "Carrying watermelons"

Children and parents are involved. The first participants are given two watermelons (balls, they need to be firmly held under their arms and run to the landmark and back, then pass the “watermelons” to the next players.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Scarecrow. How smart, strong, fast and friendly you all are. I have prepared a meal for you.

There is no tastier them in the world,

Eat your vitamins, kids.

The scarecrow brings out a fake watermelon filled with apples.

Leading. Scarecrow, we really liked you! It's autumn outside, you have nothing to guard in the garden, and our kindergarten watchman needs an assistant.

Will you take it for granted?

Best of all you will live.

How I win, how I bark,

I'll scare away all the thieves!

The scarecrow says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Leading. Here's the final attraction.

We invite everyone to the autumn auction!

Parents hold a charity auction of handicrafts from vegetables and fruits (the proceeds go to the group's fund).

Accept the gifts of autumn

Come to the table in the group,

Eat together together

Eat, drink, don't be shy!

The group organizes a tasting of dishes from vegetables and fruits.

Who is the owner of the garden? Entertainment scenario for preschoolers 5-6 years old

Author: Arkhipova Olga Nikolaevna, SBEI "School No. 1430 named after the Hero of Socialist Labor G.V. Kisunko", building No. 6.
This material will be useful: physical education workers, preschool teachers
Target: create a joyful mood in children, cause a positive emotional mood.
- to form motor skills and abilities in accordance with his individual characteristics;
- develop muscle strength and coordination abilities, relieve emotional stress;
- to form the ability to perform the movement consciously, quickly, deftly, beautifully;
- educate friendliness, organization.

Entertainment progress:

To the music ("In the garden or in the garden) the Scarecrow comes out
Whether in the garden, in the garden
The scarecrow stood.
Nimble jackdaws and crows
Liho accelerated.
Children who came to us?
I live in the garden
And though harmless like
Rags, I put on rags,
I scare everyone with a scary look.

Ah, the garden scarecrow, shame on you. You have dispersed all the birds in the dachas, in the gardens and orchards. Why complain to us? Whom did you think to scare?
In the hot summer I work
And I'm proud of my work
How can I see my flock
So I wave my rags.
Well, you praise yourself as a worker. And why now not for work, but for a holiday to us came?
To be honest, I'm bored alone
May I play with you?

Then guys go all here in a circle.
The scarecrow stands in the center with a hoop in a circle.
Children join hands in a round dance with the words:
“There is a scarecrow in the garden, in full view of the people,
Don't miss the scarecrow, it's better to play with us.
Children take turns crawling under the hoop.

Well done boys! Now let's play a game with you how do you live?
(Imitation of movements)
How do you live? Like this!
How are you going? Like this!
How do you run? Like this!
How do you sleep at night? Like this!
How do you take? Like this!
Do you give? Like this!
How are you kidding? Like this?
Do you threaten? Like this!
And now guys, we will play relay races (group into teams)
And now we will plant and harvest potatoes with you.
"Plant and Harvest"
1-plow the land (put rings).
2-plant potatoes (put potatoes in rings).
3-harvest potatoes.
4-collect rings.

All that you know how, but try to guess riddles.
- Who picks apples with his back? (hedgehog)
- Who has a cheek instead of a bag? (hamster)
- Hanging-Greens
Falls-turns yellow
Lies-blackens (sheet)
- What vegetable has eyes? (for potatoes)
- As I put on a hundred shirts, I crunched on my teeth (cabbage)
- Make everyone cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ... (onion)
Here are the guys so guys
All riddles solved.
Scarecrow, can you sing?
What about dancing?
No, but I know interesting games and want to play with you.
"Carry the Water"

I want to solve a riddle.
I'm as big as a soccer ball.
When ripe, everyone is happy.
I taste so good.
Who am I? What's my name?
And you guys could run with two watermelons.
Relay "Transfer of watermelons".

How smart, strong, fast you are. But I have to go, I still need to inspect my possessions. And I will leave you my friend Martha. Put it in the garden and it will save your crop from birds.

The scarecrow is taken out and placed in the garden