Super script for first-graders by September 1. Game program “Day of first-class lessons. Home school anthem

  • 13.11.2019

game program for first graders on the "Knowledge Day"
The song “They teach at school” sounds. The presenter comes out
Vedas. Hello dear children and respected adults!
Today, September 1, the whole country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you, dear first-graders, this holiday is special, because it is the first. Ahead of you are waiting for exciting discoveries in the land of knowledge. I congratulate you all on the beginning of this difficult, but very necessary and interesting path.
Let's congratulate each other on the very first Day of Knowledge with loud, stormy, incessant applause! (clap hands)
The bell rings.
Vedas. The bell rang, let's start our lesson!
Answer me honestly, did you enjoy going to school today?
Will you study well at school or be lazy?
Are you lazy? And not stupid? Now I'll check!
Come on, answer me in chorus, in rhyme and with enthusiasm!

Who walks with a bag of books
School in the morning? (Student)

Meets us with a call
Our spacious bright ... (class)

Should always be okay
Your school ... (Notebooks)

Good or bad student,
Will tell us honestly ... (Diary)
If you barely know
Then you get a number (Two)
If you know everything
Your score will be (Five)
Well done, kids! Sorry, I wanted to say: well done, students!
And let's check which of you will get what grades! I have a lot of ratings, both good and bad (I take out a bag, show squares with numbers from 2 to 5, put the numbers 2 and 3 in a secret pocket glued in a bag, I suggest pulling out the most daring grade from the magic evaluation bag, the children pull out 5 and 4)
It turns out you will all be good students with excellent grades.

Presenter: Guys, in order to get into the country of knowledge, you need to pass several tests.

Here is the first test for you:
First, I'll check you, with what you go to the first class.
Well, tell me, what should every student have?
Children: Portfolio.
Do you know what should be in the portfolio of every first grader?
Now I'll check it out. If I name the items that should be in your portfolio, you shout “YES” loudly and clap loudly, and if they should not be, then shout “NO” and stomp loudly!
If you go to school
Then in a briefcase you take with you:
In a cell notebook?
New slingshot?
Cleaning broom?
Diary for five?
Album and paint?
Carnival masks?
ABC in pictures?
Ripped boots?
Felt pens and a pen?
A bunch of carnations?
Colored pencils?
Are the mattresses inflatable?
Eraser and ruler?
Is there a canary in a cage?
Album to draw?
Chewing gum to chew?
Cover textbooks?
Plates, forks, spoons?
Sofa to lie down?
Cardboard to cut out?
Host: Well done guys! All passed the first test. But the next test will be more difficult, let's see what kind of attentive students you will turn out to be!
I'll read you a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood!
(to children) You listen to a fairy tale, and where I will be mistaken, you should clap your hands together.

"Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Yellow Riding Hood ... No? And which one, Blue? ... Excuse me. Once upon a time there was a girl, and her name was Little Red Riding Hood. Somehow my mother cooked dumplings ... Ah, pies! asked Little Yellow Riding Hood… That is, Little Red Riding Hood to take them to grandfather… And to whom?… That's right, grandmother.
The Purple Riding Hood is coming ... Sorry, Little Red Riding Hood is coming, singing songs, picking flowers, and a crocodile is meeting her ... That is, a hippopotamus ... And who? That's right, wolf! Wolf Red Beretochka ... That is, Riding Hood and says: "Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie" ... No? What does he say to her? Oh yes. "Where are you going, White Panama" ... That is, Little Red Riding Hood.
The elephant recognized ... That's right, the wolf, where the Red Scarf is going ... Riding Hood, and ran a short way. He ran with all his strength to the hut where Baba Yaga lives ... That is, grandmother, and knocks on the door. And the kikimora ... No, grandmother, he answers: "Who is there?" - "It's me, the postman Pechkin!" ... That's right. "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!" And he hears in response: "Pull the rope, my child, the door will open."
The wolf pulled the string and ate the grandmother. And when Little Red Riding Hood came, he hid under the bed... And where did he hide?... He changed into a grandmother?... And then what happened?... And he also ate Little Red Riding Hood?
Then the policemen came... That's right, the hunters. They ripped open the belly of the wolf and seven kids jumped out from there ... That is, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. Everything ended well, the wolf married Little Red Riding Hood ... But who, grandmother or what? ... In general, the fairy tale is over, and whoever listened is a cucumber ... And who listened - well done!

I see that you know fairy tales well, and now the third test:
Let's see if you know the letters, I will guess riddles, and you guess.
This letter is on parade
Standing ahead of others
Leads the alphabet.
What is this letter? (A) showing the letter

The white lamb was a darling, he ran fast and loved to run, so quickly give me an answer with the letter what is his name? (B) showing a letter

It is third in the alphabet.
You will immediately recognize her.
What kind of spinner is this?
Vanka-vstanka, merry fellow? (B) showing a letter
Birds love this letter:
Pigeon, jackdaw, rook, dove.
Who can tell me
And name this letter? (G) I show the letter
Well, you know the letters, well done, and now the very last test, let's see if you can count
The tasks are not simple mathematical ones, listen carefully, do not miss anything and count accurately.
1.Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (four)
2. Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries
But one of them was tired, lagged behind his friends
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead? (five)
3. Five pies lay in a bowl.
Lariska took two pies,
Another one got snatched by the pussy.
How much is left in the bowl? (two)

4. Once to the hare for lunch
A neighbor friend jumped up.
Bunnies sat on a stump
And they ate two carrots.
Who's counting guys slick?
How many carrots did you eat? (four)

Presenter: You have passed the fourth test in the country of knowledge, now the door is open to you. Congratulations on your first day of school!
The bell rings.
The bell rings, the bell rings, and our fun lesson ended, you answered perfectly, and now the guys have a break and we will watch a puppet show at a break.

Along with those prepared, today we decided to prepare September 1 scenario for first graders at home. The holiday continues with our little children.

At the entrance there is an inscription: "FROM SEPTEMBER 1!" The walls of the room are decorated with yellow-red leaves and numbers from 0 to 9, multi-colored air balloons, autumn leaves are scattered on the floor. A song to the music of V. Shainsky plays in the background.

Presenter (optionally stylized as Dunno - freckles on the face, bright loose cropped pants, clown shoes, a big blue hat with a brim, a diamond-shaped green tie):

Hello guys, boys and girls! Let's get acquainted - my name is Dunno.

Everyone takes turns introducing themselves to Dunno, the boys shake hands.

- I came to you from the "Sunny City" to congratulate you on the start of a new school year, wish you good grades and interesting knowledge and have fun with you.

- Do you agree to participate in competitions and play different games with me?

Children in chorus:

- Then the intellectual contest "Clever and clever" is announced, where tokens (round yellow emoticons) will be issued for each correct answer, keep them until the end of the holiday.

And I came to congratulate you all.

Now let's check which of you

What class are you in today?

The first question is a riddle:

With leaves, not a bush,

Made, not a shirt

Tells, not the person. (Book)

The second riddle:

Smart Stepashka

All year in one shirt.

Run through the open field -

Trail follows him. (Pencil)

Riddle three:

They are waiting for me, asking, inviting me,

And when I come, everyone runs away. (Rain)

Mystery four:

Runs, not a horse

Noise, not the forest. (Water)

Children answer questions and receive funny tokens, if someone finds it difficult, older children, adults and the presenter ask leading questions, suggest.


- Now let's play the game "Mushroom picker". Now there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest and everyone is stocking up for the winter, can you become mushroom pickers too? The one who collects the most edible mushrooms wins the game.

The presenter shows the participants and spectators the mushrooms printed on a color printer, spreading them like a fan in his hands: porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, mossiness mushrooms, grebes, boletus, boletus, boletus, honey mushrooms, fly agaric, etc.

A cheerful children's song plays in the background, for example, to Rybnikov's music.

2 participants are called or 2 teams are recruited, depending on the number of people present at the celebration. Two children are given baskets or buckets and are blindfolded. Dunno lays mushrooms on the floor or ties them to prepared pegs. On command, the first players start picking mushrooms. If someone puts poisonous and inedible mushrooms in a basket or goes astray, the team or spectators should shout: “DO NOT TAKE, LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD!”. If there are several participants, then after each mushroom found, the relay is passed to the next participant, and so on until all the mushrooms are collected. To make it more interesting, mushrooms can be rearranged after each player.

The winning team will be awarded prizes or sweets.


- You are great, you coped with all the tasks. Now let's see how talkative you are. Whoever can repeat the tongue twister after me will receive another token. Those who wish raise their hand (as in school).

Carries hay in the canopy of Senya,

Senya will sleep in the hay.

Sift the flour, Evsey quickly,

And you sift the flour -

Bake kalachi hot

Yes, bring it to the table from the oven.

Osip Osip,

Arkhip is hoarse.

— Comes with a goat

Goat oblique.


- And at the end of our holiday, the game "After the rain." Autumn, it often rains and there are puddles on the street. Let's try to overcome these obstacles.

The song sounds to the music of V. Shainsky.

On the floor are imitations of puddles made of painted oval paper. All interested children are invited and line up along one wall of the room, everyone is given 2 boards (or just 2 sheets of A4 format) and, on the “GO” command, the players must move from one side of the room to the other, stepping only on their crossings. The one who came first wins and receives a prize.


- Thank you guys, I had a lot of fun and interesting with you, but it's time to return to your "Sunny City" to friends and classmates, sit at the same desk with them, study well and gain new knowledge. See you next year, bye!

Children in chorus:

- Goodbye!

At the end of the holiday, the received tokens are exchanged for prizes, the more, the more significant the promotion. Upon request, diplomas are issued for the title of "SMARTEST", "BEST SEARCHER", "BEST TALKER" and "FASTEST". A general photo is taken as a keepsake for the holiday archive.

But once upon a time they were. . .

(After the line, the children, together with their parents, are invited to the class for the first lesson. The children sit at their desks.)

Lesson progress:

- Dear Guys! How beautiful, elegant, happy you are today! I congratulate you on this important event in your life. You have now become disciples. This is a great holiday not only for you, but also for me and for your entire family. The school will become your second home, and I will become your second mother. At school, guys, we will learn to read, write, solve problems, and most importantly, guys, we will learn to make friends and find many new friends here.

“But I wonder if we all have gathered?”

Are the diligent girls here?

Are smart boys here?

Are caring mothers here?

Are loving dads here?

Are the kindest grandparents in the world here?

— Strict but fair teachers here? Here. So our lesson can begin. Our first lesson is called "Lesson of Knowledge".

Today you have become older and older,
And your mothers are worried today
And the school meets happy people
Let's start the new year school.

First, guys, we'll get to know you. My name is (name and patronymic)

Well, tell me in unison…. And I, children, will lead you through an amazing country called the Land of Knowledge. But only students can travel around this country

To become a student
Here's what you need to know:
You are sitting in class
Quiet, quiet, like a mouse.

Show how you will sit in class so that your parents do not worry about you.

Your back is right next to you
We do it like me.
We put our hands like this
And we are waiting for the task.
If you want to say
Either get out or get up
You have to keep your hand.

(Showing how to sit and raise your hand)

School is an amazing place where it can be very difficult, but very interesting. And the most interesting thing that happens at school is the lessons in which we will make some discoveries. And why wait for tomorrow when we can start today. So, the opening is the first, how the guys are ready for school.

Competition "Grammar"

— I have letters in my hands. What can be done with letters? That's right, letters can form syllables and words. And how you can do it, we'll see.

(12 children are invited, they receive cards with letters, green and yellow cards.)

- Come on, lined up. And we will look at you and think about how to divide you into two teams? That's right, the yellow team and the green team. (Children are divided into teams, each team collects a word from cards friendship.)

- Well done guys. This word is very important, you can't do without friendship at school. Friendship is the main thing in the school team. We need friendship not only in school, but also in the game. And now we'll see if our guys can play. Yes, play so as not to quarrel.

Game "Musical toy".

(Children run to the music around the chair on which the toys lie. There are one less toys than the children. As soon as the music stops, the children take the toy. The loser is eliminated. The game is repeated until the winner is revealed).

- Did you like the game? We will often play it at recess. And now, guys, opening the second. And a mathematical competition will help us make this discovery.

Math competition.

(2 teams of 5 people are invited. Cards with numbers are attached to the back of the children: 1,2,3,4,5).

- Guys, now you have some number on your back. The task of each team is to line up in order. And it is only possible to complete this task correctly by consulting with your team. So let's get started!

(Children line up).

Now, let's check if you have completed this task correctly. Turn to face the board, and we will count. We count: 1,2,3,4,5! And the second team: 1,2,3,4,5! Well done! Can you please tell me what helped you to complete this task correctly? Of course, friendship. You see how friendship is needed not only in the game, but also in school.

- Well, guys, you are probably waiting, can't wait until you become students. And here we can not do without magic.

- Tell me, what magic words do you know?

(children's answers)

What magic words from fairy tales do you know?

“Do any of you know any magic spell?”

- And now we will learn a magic spell. Cribli-crabri-booms!

“Now let’s close our eyes and say again: Cribly-crably booms!”

- Guys, I got a magic wand, and I became a sorceress. And now I will turn you from ordinary boys and girls into extraordinary, talented, smart and diligent students. Raise your hand who wants to become such a student.

(Initiation into students. I touch the shoulder of each child with a magic wand, calling by name).

- Dear guys, I congratulate you on this significant event. Now we must take a solemn oath in front of our classmates, in front of our parents. Everybody stand up, quietly. I ask you to answer my questions with a friendly word - We swear!

Do you swear to love Russia?

- We swear!

Do you swear to be kind and honest?

- We swear!

Do you swear to respect your elders?

- We swear!

- And do not offend the kids?

- We swear!

Do you swear to value the world?

- We swear!

Do you swear to work hard and never be lazy?

- We swear! We swear! We swear!

- Sit down, children! Remember this day forever. September 1. Birthday of our class. And without what there is no birthday? No gifts. And today I will give you, guys, the first educational book, the ABC. And I will wait for you again tomorrow. We will make new discoveries.

See the full text of the material Scenario of the holiday on September 1 in grade 1 in the downloaded file.
The page contains a snippet.

Scenario of the holiday "Day of Knowledge"

for class 1

On the desk:
Wonderful days have come
We are in 1st grade.
And a lot of interesting things
We will find out now.
The song "First Grader" sounds

Teacher: Dear Guys! Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! So the long-awaited day has come when you first came to school, the country of Knowledge. I'm sure you've been looking forward to this day. Have you noticed that each of you has matured a little that day? Just yesterday you were called children, kids, and from today they will say about you: “This is a student, a schoolboy.” I wonder if everyone is here? Let's check.

Hardworking girls here?

Smart boys?

Caring moms?

Kind and affectionate grandparents?

Then you can start!

Dressy! Front doors! So unobtrusive!
Combed, with bows, the girls came!
And the boys are great! So pretty
So neat, they came with bouquets!
All former pranksters are now first graders.
Today everyone is good, I'm waiting for such guys!

Teacher: It's time to get to know each other. I am your teacher. My name is Lyubov Alexandrovna. I was looking forward to meeting you, thinking about you.
Look around - this is our office where we will study. It is clean, bright and beautiful. Your parents helped make it that way. We will try to keep it that way for a whole year.
In this room, which is called the classroom, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candy. This is knowledge. I will pass on to you, my dear students, all my knowledge so that you grow up smart, kind, hardworking. I congratulate you on the first day of school and wish you good study and good work. Together we will not only learn to read, write and count, play and have fun, but also be sad, rejoice in our successes and the successes of our comrades, think and reflect. How many good and kind students were sitting at these tables. I hope that you will study with interest, treat teachers with respect, and actively participate in all school activities.
- Guys, how to call us all in one word? (schoolchildren, students, first graders)
Guess the riddle:
There is a cheerful bright house,
There are many nimble guys in it;
They write and count
Draw and read!

- What do the kids do at school?
- Well done! So, you came to school, but do you know how to behave in the classroom, in the lesson? Now our guys will tell the rules of the student at school.
Rules for first graders.
Tips for first graders. Poems recited by students .
13. Don't yawn in class
Raise your hand boldly.
Just don't scream from the spot
Don't roll and don't jump.
Answer beautifully, clearly
To make it clear to everyone.
14. Everyone should study in school
You can't be lazy here, my friend.
The lesson won't go faster
If you think about the call
And don't listen to the teacher
And eat a pear under the desk.
15. Know: during a break
Never stand against a wall.
Better play games
Wipe the board, chat.
Like girls and boys
Prepare books for class.
16. Don't count midges in the class
Listen to everything, remember.
Keep your portfolio in order
Books, pens and notebooks.
Don't forget your diary:
After all, you are now a student.
17. The bell rang - go
Don't wait for permission.
Laugh the loudest in the world
Put your feet up for the kids
And like a turbo plane
Knocking down everyone, rush forward.
18. Don't be greedy, share
Be nice, don't fight.
Protect the weak in class
And don't get offended.
Friendship must be treasured
All live as one family.
19. Don't be sad in class
Better turn the handle.
Gnaw some laundry
Make a hole in the book with your finger.
Draw on the desk with chalk
Tell everyone: "I'm busy!"
20. Don't joke with health
And go to the dining room.
Behave decently there
Eat carefully, calmly.
Don't speak with a full mouth
Ate - clean the dishes.
21. I wanted to sleep at school
Desk is the best bed!
Stretch nicely on her
And snort lazily.
If they call -
Ask them to wait.
22. You don't run like a cheetah
Along the rows of beautiful desks.
Not a football briefcase with a foot -
He's new and native.
Comb your hair and be neat
Clean, cute, tidy.
23. And during the change
Paint the walls beautifully.
Show me how you can
Remove bolts from table.
And, like a brave knight in a fairy tale,
Fight with a pointing sword.
24. Relax after school
Help adults at home.
And homework
Don't leave me alone, friend.
Try to make them yourself:
No advice from dads and moms.
Teacher: Today you are first graders. Student! it honorary title are worn by all inhabitants of the country of Knowledge and must be earned. So, now I will test whether you are ready to become disciples. To do this, you must overcome trials.
From tomorrow you will need school subjects, and you will find out which ones

if you guess minepuzzles:

1. I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked,
And they live in that house -
Pens, books and an album.
2. Tell me first grader
What do you wear to school with an eraser?
What are colored markers
And the pencils?
(pencil case)
3. I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I am always silent.
To befriend me
Need to learn to read.
4. I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the master today
I have - …
5. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
What is me?
6. Doesn't look like a human
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws
And tonight
He will color the album for me.
(pencil) 7. I love directness
I'm the straightest
Make a straight line
I help everyone.
8. Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.
(tassel) 9. I have a messy back.
But my conscience is clear
I erased the blot from the sheet. Elastic.
I need you to order
Don't flip through the pages.
Where I lie, read.
(bookmark) 10. What is the wand in hand
Quickly draws on a piece of paper?
Did you write everything you need?
Put her in a pencil case! A pen
Teacher: Well done! You passed this test.

- Guys, tell me how to call all these objects in one word? (school supplies, stationery, etc.) And where can they be folded to be used in the classroom? (briefcase)

- That's right, the briefcase should contain all the school supplies that you guessed in riddles. And now let's check if our first-graders are real schoolchildren:relay game "Get ready for school"

Rules: educational and non-educational supplies are laid out on the table. Each participant needs to run to the items, choose one training item from them, name it, put it in a briefcase, go back and pass the briefcase to the next participant. Then the results are summed up.

- You coped with this task quickly and resourcefully, now you know exactly what school supplies you need to take to class every day! And now I want to check if all the guys are well prepared for school. Maybe someone else needs to sit at home for a year ?! Listen to my poetry.

I'll start and you finish

Chorus, answer together

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

(children answer in chorus “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”)

Who is a gang of cheerful

Did you walk to school today?

Who will store will be ok

Books, pens and notebooks?

Which one of you kids

Walks dirty to the ears?

Which one of you, I want to know

Likes to sing and dance?

Answer in chorus, in an instant,

Who is the main bastard here?

Who's in bed all day

And who is lazy to learn?

Oh tell me guys

Who does morning exercises?

And one more question:

Who doesn't wash their nose?

Who takes care of the clothes

Does he put it under the bed?

- Well done boys! Looks like you're getting ready for school! I'm interested to know what you will receive at school! Who wants to know what grades he will get in school?

The game is being played

"Who will study for what grades."

To conduct the game, you need to prepare 5 cards with marks "5" and "4". The numbers on the cards are bright red. The cards are placed face down in a circle. Participating children (according to the number of cards) stand in a circle near the cards. To the cheerful music they go in a circle. The music stops, the children raise the first card with a “score” high.

- I believe that all of you can be accepted into the school fraternity and given the proud title of "FIRST GRADE". And now the moment has come for the solemn pronunciationvows first grader, after which you will become members of a large and friendly school family of the school.
I recite an oath . You repeat in chorus "We swear"
FIRST GRADE Oath Learn the letters, learn to read... We swear!
Learn to write and count by the summer ... We swear
Try hard in class and don't count the flies... We swear!
Protect the textbook, do not throw or tear ... We swear!
Do all your homework... We swear
Coming to school on time... We swear
Become smarter and mature in a year ... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers ... We swear! We swear! We swear!
All homework assignments will be done accurately.
We will come to the lesson without delay in the morning .... We swear!
At home, we will not forget a pen and a notebook and a pencil.
And we forgot - we will not roar for the whole class, for the whole floor ... .. We swear!
And during the break we promise not to make noise,
Do not knock people and walls, do not push like a bear……We swear!
Let's be smart and cheerful, do good deeds,
So that our native school would accept us as a native….. We swear!

Of course, school will not be easy. But we always have reliable friends-assistants. Who are they? Yes, they are our parents.
Well, dear parents, are you ready to help your first-graders study?
- And you, children, turn to your parents and listen to what they promise you.

We will always help children in their studies,
To make the school proud of the children. Yes!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks,
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. Yes!
Let's be calm, like water in a river,
We will be wise, like a star in the sky. Yes!
We will get up in the morning in the cold,
To be in time here and there. Yes!
Delicious meals will always be prepared,
Pamper sweet children sometimes. Yes!
When will the study of suffering be completed,
Let's go for a walk with the kids. Yes!

Congratulations to parents. Parting words of parents.
First grader from parents.
1. Here comes the desired hour:
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We will give you an order:
Tell everyone about school
Treasure the honor of the school!
Keep always in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks!
Must learn in school
You read, count, write.
Not allowed to be lazy
You need to do everything on the "five"!

2. You should know perfectly well:
Fighting at school is indecent!
So that you are always cheerful
Sing more good songs.
To be always healthy
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!
Listen to dad, listen to mom
And the teacher too...
And learn the program
If so, we can help!
If you follow orders
Get ready for class two!
3. You will remember this day forever
The school will accept you for the first time.
Will open wide its doors -
And the school week starts
And after it the second, quarter, year ...
Your school period will flow,
Walks, runs, rushes,
Just have time to study for "five"!
It's still in the future now
You will go to first grade for the first time.
Knowledge is still a little stock,
But over the years you will overtake us.

4. Bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new satchel behind,
In the eyes of excitement and delight,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday
You are walking to school for the first time
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.
5. Are you going to first grade, my friend?
Show me your backpack
Here is a pencil case, a primer, a notebook,
Well done, study for five!
Well, in order to study for five,
My friend, don't be lazy.
It is necessary to repeat the letters in the morning and in the afternoon!
Open a notebook and write in it in cursive!
You will have the most decent grades,
Bunnies and suns, agree, great, right?
Do not be lazy to read, write, and take home lessons,
Not homework, and above the plan to carry out!
So that your mother is proud of you, your grandmother is proud,
So that your father, at work, boasted to all his friends!

6. You have a lot to learn.

Life does not seek backwards, but forward.

There is not a single road past the school,

Not a single path will pass!

Step forward along the path of dawn

And know that after sadness is not melting,

Looks with a smile and bright hope

Your first teacher!

Teacher: So your first Knowledge lesson comes to an end. I'm glad we first met. I congratulate you! I would like to wish you to learn a lot of interesting things at school, find new friends and be very, very friendly and inquisitive. I want to give you the song "Come to school!"

(To the melody of the song "From a smile, a gloomy day is brighter")
Come to school kids!
Collect books, pens and notebooks...
The teacher will tell you from the bottom of his heart:
Don't worry kids, everything will be fine!

And then surely
Suddenly the clouds will dance
And you will start learning everything perfectly;
Life will seem easy
And the teacher's hand
In the diaries put only "excellent"!

2. Come to school soon!
I am waiting for you and will be very glad to all of you!
Up your nose, look more cheerful:
No need to worry, cry, frown!

3. Come to school, first grade,
After all, being illiterate is simply ugly.
Much knowledge awaits you;
Learn everything for the benefit of all Russia!

Sounds music "Teach at school"

Presenter 1: Hello adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened all the doors for everyone.

And do not be sad, girls, boys,

By games, undertakings and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

Young woman: Dressy!

Front doors!

So unobtrusive!

Combed, with bows

The girls are coming!

Youth: And the boys are great!

So pretty

so meticulous,

They carry flowers in their hands!

Together: All former pranksters -

Today is first graders.

Everyone is good today

They are waiting for this at school!

Lead 2: We are going on a journey on this train.

You can board the train

This train is going fast

From border to border

Through the steppes to the blue mountains

On the green semaphore.

Presenter 1: He's in a hurry to school now

To us on a holiday in the first class.

You can't be late for the holiday -

Everyone knows this.

The train "First grader" rushes,

Gaining speed.

Presenter2 : And our train makes a stop. Who is meeting us? Guess!

My father had a strange boy

nice wooden,

And the father loved his son -

A slut……. (Pinocchio)

Correctly! This is Pinocchio from the tale of Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio!".

Sounds music "Pinocchio"

(Pinocchio enters, holding a book in his hands.)

What is your book?
Pinocchio : I don't know, because I can't read.

Leading A: So, let's see! This is the Primer. It will help us learn the alphabet and learn to read!

Pinocchio : Oh, how interesting! I really want to learn to read, how about you guys? (Yes!!!)
But first, let's play and solve riddles!!!

1. There is a cheerful house.

There are a lot of nimble guys in it:

They write and count

Draw and read! (School)

2. I know everyone, I teach everyone,

But I am always silent.

To befriend me

Need to learn to read. (Book)

3. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Feel free to write on them!

What is me? (Notebook)

4. Black Ivashka - wooden shirt,

Where will he hold his nose -

There is a trace. (Pencil)

5. I love directness,

I am straight.

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler)

6. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, eraser, paper clips, buttons -

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)

7. Black, crooked, mute from birth,

Sit in a row, everyone will talk. (Letters)

Pinocchio : Well done! How interesting with you guys. Can I sometimes come to you to learn to read, write, count.

Presenter1 : Of course you can Pinocchio. And our journey continues. Oh, what is that noise? Looks like we have a guest.

(Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick) Sound "Chatushki Babok Ezhek"

Baba Yaga : What kind of meeting is this, what kind of assembly is this? On what occasion are fees?
Presenter2 : Oh, and you scared us, Baba Yaga. And we gathered for a holiday.

Baba Yaga : How? What is this holiday? So let's look at the calendar (takes out a calendar, flips through it) New Year already was, March 8, too, May 1 and 9 passed. There is no such holiday on the calendar. Why are you fooling the old grandmother?

Presenter1 : We have a special holiday “September 1, Knowledge Day!”

Baba Yaga : Well, here we are. How many years have I lived, but I don’t know such a holiday. What kind of holiday is “September 1, Knowledge Day!”

Lead 2 : And this means, dear Baba Yaga, that on this day all the children go to school after the summer holidays and the children who go to school for the first time. And we give them the key to the door of knowledge!

(Baba Yaga snatches the key from her hands)

Presenter1 : Baba Yaga, return the key to the guys!

Baba Yaga : But I will not return! To whom did you entrust such a valuable key? I'll give you guys a little credit. Pass the test - I will give the key, do not pass it will remain with me. Got it? Here is my condition!

Presenter2 : Well, will you guys be able to pass the Baba Yaga test?

Children : Yes!

Presenter1 : Say your task, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga : Let's pack a bag for school!

So, children, if I name a subject that needs to be taken to school, you

Clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, then do not clap, but just raise your hands up!!!

textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

christmas masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

Pencil case and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Collected to school student!

Lead 2 : You see Baba Yaga, our guys are great, everyone knows!!!
Baba Yaga: Really well done!!! Well, so be it, I will return the key to Wonderland to you. But we'll meet again, I promise you! (leaves)

Presenter1: We continue the journey. Guys, who knows this hero? Let's get acquainted.
The song "Do not twist the motley globe" sounds

PDDeshka: Well, it landed. Hello, oh, hello! How many of you are here! Let me introduce myself - I am a kind sorceress of the road PDDeshka. I help pedestrians and drivers, but I came to you for a holiday not just like that, but for help.

I live in the magical land of traffic lights. And we had a misfortune, our owner Svetofor Svetoforovich fell ill and now the guys, just like you, can get into a dangerous situation on the road.

Lead 2: Guys, let's help PDDeshka?! If you like to travel, then let's go to the magical country of Traffic Lights.

(Magic music plays.)

PDDeshka: Oh, guys, we didn’t even notice how we ended up with you in the country of Traffic Lights. To get to Svetoforovich Svetoforovich itself, we will have to go through several tests, but you will learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things.

Presenter 1: And here we have our first test. Road signs got mixed up and forgot what they mean. Help them, tell them what they mean.

(Signs are shown on the screen, children tell.)

PDDeshka: What good fellows you are! How much do you already know. Do you know what traffic rules are?

(Answers from the audience)

Do you know when and in what country did the traffic light appear?

Host 2: Well, PDDeshka, you asked the guys such a difficult question, they are still first graders. Let me better tell you about it.

The first traffic light appeared in 1868. In the city of London, in front of the Houses of Parliament. And this year he turned 145 years old!

PDDeshka: How interesting! Guys, here is the house of Svetoforovich Svetoforovich, we have arrived.

Let's all say hello together, Hello, Svetofor Svetoforovich.

All: Hello, Svetofor Svetoforovich!

Traffic light: Hello guys! Friends, but who are these children who came to my country? (Looks around the room with a broad gesture.)

PDDeshka: This is Svetofor Svetoforovich, first grade students high school No. 122 They came to your country to cure you and become real pedestrians.

Traffic light: Yes, I understand everything. Welcome to my country! My country is huge, it has many inhabitants: road signs, pedestrians, drivers and a lot more, but unfortunately my country is a complete mess, I am very sick and cannot drive it.

PDDeshka: Guys, we promised to help! You need to keep your word. Svetofor Svetoforovich, what needs to be done to make you recover?

Traffic light: Oh... for this you need to be brave and smart, and of course correctly guess my riddles. Let's play the traffic light game. When I raise the red circle, we stop, when I raise the yellow circle, we prepare to move, and if it is green, then we move. Guys, we are now in the assembly hall, so we are moving in place.

(Music sounds, children play)

PDDeshka: And you are doing well, but we didn’t just come here to play, but we want to become real pedestrians.

Traffic light: Then you must study and obey the RULES OF THE ROAD. The most important rule: Be attentive, never rush or play on the road. And to become real pedestrians, I have to check you.

And avenues and boulevards
Everywhere the streets are noisy.
Walk on the sidewalk
Only on the right side.
Here to play pranks, interfere with the people
Be a good pedestrian

If you are on the tram
And the people around you
No pushing, no yawning
Move forward quickly!
We know to ride a "hare"
Give the old woman a seat

If you're just walking
Look ahead anyway
Through a noisy intersection
Walk carefully.
Red light crossing
With green - even for children

Well done! You have become real pedestrians!

PDDeshka: Guys, well, our journey through the country of Traffic Lights has come to an end. In a few seconds you will find yourself in the Wonderful Land of Knowledge. Let's close our eyes and count to three. One two Three!!!
Sounds like magic music

Presenter 1: Guys, so we got to the Wonderful Land of Knowledge. School graduates have prepared a mandate for you:

1. The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in class 1
You, my friend, listen to us, We will give you an order.

2. Tell everyone about the school,

Treasure the honor of the school!

Keep always in order

Books, copybooks, notebooks!

Be careful, be polite

Don't forget to say hello!

4. You must know perfectly well:

Fighting at school is indecent!

So that you are always cheerful

Sing more good songs.

5. To be always healthy,

Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!

Listen to dad, listen to mom

And the teacher too...

6. You learn the program,

If so, we can help!

If you follow orders

Get ready for the second class.

Lead 2 : Ready to take orders?

And now, guys, you will say the promise of the first graders. I will read the promise, and you say "I promise" in unison.

    I promise everyone to be healthy

    And I won't forget my promise!

    Chorus: I promise!

Presenter 1: School is a fun, carefree time, enjoy it!
Host 2: So, summing up, I announce my decision.

All of you are enrolled in the school fraternity!

Our big school

Opened the door for you.

You will learn.

You are students now!

Now let's all get up and dance a fun holiday dance!!!

Song we are little children, we want to walk.

(balloons are distributed)

Presenter1: Thank you dear guys! See you soon!