Dow's image as a means of increasing competitiveness. Dow Competitiveness Improvement System. The image of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing competitiveness in the market of educational services

  • 11.05.2020

Additional education of preschoolers is a necessary and relevant direction of development preschool organization in market conditions. It is regarded as an essential element educational space, is socially in demand as an education that organically combines the upbringing, education and development of the child's personality, the most open and free from the standard approach in Russian education.

The effective provision of paid educational services will allow the preschool organization to form an additional budget, and to direct the funds received to the development and improvement of the methodological and material and technical base of the preschool organization, to attract competent employees and improve their skills.

Modern living conditions, the increased level of parental claims and their involvement in organizations have revealed the need to study needs and demand in order to determine a competitive range of additional educational services.

Modern preschool education is making the transition from memorization a large number information to the development of new activities - creative, research, in connection with which a number of researchers see a way out in the development of creative technologies. The system of changing indicators for the purpose of analyzing and minimizing risks was considered by V. A. Yasvin, N. N. Poddyakova, A. A. Mayer. In measuring the competitiveness of educational services, we considered a system of latent variables based on the Rasch model.

However, the contradiction between the need to measure the competitiveness of educational services, predict the result and minimize the risks of organizing additional education, the development of this problem in pedagogical science and education with the growth of independence of preschool educational organizations (PEO) and the spread additional services only increases. We denote the identified contradictions by the need to set the task of our study: the development of a methodology for measuring the competitiveness of paid educational services in a preschool educational institution.

Performing analysis and assessment of the competitiveness potential of additional educational services; development of a strategy for the development of preschool educational institutions, with the allocation of priority areas of activity; reduction of costs and investments for the development of unpromising segments - additional educational services. We have chosen the following research methods: the McKinsey matrix: questioning, survey, analysis of the range of additional educational services.

The McKinsey matrix is ​​used in assessing the attractiveness of individual strategic business units based on two coordinates: the X axis characterizes the strength of the position of a strategic business unit in the industry, the Y axis - the attractiveness of the industry.

In connection with the transition of the education industry into full-fledged market entities, educational services will increase market characteristics, including competitiveness. Therefore, preschool educational organizations are placed in the conditions of the need to find new management methods that will help them better adapt to market conditions. The necessity and possibility of using business technologies in education have been substantiated in a number of studies, in our study we use a matrix system, a proven multivariate model for analyzing strategic positions, for measuring in education.

The study was conducted on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten "Golden Fish" No. 8 in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, five additional educational services were considered:

  1. "Magic Pencil" (hereinafter segment 1).
  2. "Dance Circle" (hereinafter segment 2).
  3. Speech therapy classes (hereinafter segment 3).
  4. "Skillful hands" (hereinafter segment 4).
  5. Theatrical studio (hereinafter segment 5).

To study the needs of parents, children and society, we have defined the criteria for the competitiveness of additional educational services. Competitiveness criteria include an assessment of the strength of the service and brand, resource and investment opportunities of the organization, as well as an assessment of the level of intra-industry competition. We used the following segment competitiveness criteria:

  1. An additional educational service has a unique advantage.
  2. The segment satisfies the needs and demands of parents, children and society.
  3. Availability of qualified teachers in preschool.
  4. Availability of the necessary methodological, didactic and visual equipment.
  5. ECE is flexible and can quickly adapt to changing parental needs.
  6. The level of competition in the segment is low. What is the level of competition in the segment.
  7. The reaction from competitors to the activities of the preschool educational institution.

After selecting all the criteria, we determined the level of importance for each criterion so that the sum of all criteria was equal to 100%. Most important factors The competitiveness of the service is its uniqueness and ability to meet the needs of the target audience as fully as possible.

Next, we evaluate the competitiveness of the segment, the assessment is carried out by assigning a score from 1 to 10 to each factor, where 1 is the lowest score, meaning that this factor determines the low attractiveness of the market and the competitiveness of the organization in the segment, and 10 is the maximum score, meaning that for this factor, the segment is very attractive and the competitiveness of the organization in this segment is potentially high.

After each factor is assigned a score, we calculate the summary score of the factor, taking into account its weight or importance. This operation is performed in a separate line by multiplying the weight of the factor by the assigned score.

The final assessment is equal to: the weight of the factor, the assessment of the severity of the factor.

The segment evaluation data according to the “competitiveness” criterion are presented in Table. one.

Table 1

Evaluation of segments according to the criterion of "competitiveness"



Factor weight

Assessment of the severity of the factor from 1 to 10

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4

Segment 5

Additional educational service has a unique advantage

The segment satisfies the needs and demands of parents, children, and society.

Availability of qualified teachers in preschool

Availability of the necessary methodological, didactic and visual equipment

ECE can quickly adapt to changes in parental requests

The level of competition in the segment is low

Slow response from competitors to the activities of preschool

final grade

The attractiveness of the segment for the organization is the second key parameter of the McKinsey matrix. The attractiveness of the segment affects the feasibility of investing in the development of the segment in this market, it is an indicator for making a profit in the segment. Market attractiveness criteria include assessment of intra-market factors, assessment of demand and market trends. We used the following segment attractiveness criteria:

  1. The volume of demand in the segment is high
  2. The growth rate of the segment is high.
  3. The number of organizations in the segment is insignificant.
  4. Investments in advertising in the segment are absent or at a low level.
  5. There are opportunities to expand the range in the segment.
  6. Low level of product use culture.
  7. The strength of competing brands is not great.
  8. There are unmet and hidden needs in the market.
  9. Long-term growth of the segment is predicted.
  10. Risks of influence external factors minimal.

Methods of analytical activity: studying the range of additional educational services provided by other educational organizations, analyzing the activities of preschool educational institutions, conducting a survey, interviewing parents.

After listing all the criteria, each criterion was assigned a level of importance so that the sum of the importance of all criteria was equal to 100%. The most important market attractiveness factors are the presence of free market niches, unsatisfied demand, and the growth rate of the segment.

The segment evaluation data according to the criterion of "attractiveness" are presented in Table. 2.

table 2

Evaluation of segments according to the criterion "attractiveness"

After the final scores have been obtained according to the segment attractiveness criterion and the ECE competitiveness criterion in the segment, we proceed directly to the construction of the Mckinsey/General Electric (GE) matrix.

We arrange the analyzed segments and services in the matrix according to the number of points scored.

Depending on what final score the segment received in terms of competitiveness and attractiveness, its position in the matrix depends:

Interpretation of the received values:

from 0-3 points: low.

from 4-7 points: average.

from 8-10 points: high.

The location of the analyzed segments in the matrix by the number of points scored is shown in the figure.

Segment attractiveness

Segment 3

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 5

Segment 4

Competitiveness of additional educational services in the segment

Location of segments in the matrix

The marketing strategy depends on the position of the service or market segment in the matrix.

The higher the competitiveness of the service, and the higher the attractiveness of the market, the higher the potential for success in this area.

The weaker the services of the organization relative to competitors, the lower the attractiveness of the industry - the lower the opportunities for growth in this direction

A segment is rated as promising for entry if it scores high on at least one of the criteria: either "high in attractiveness" or "high in competitiveness".

Segments marked in gray in the matrix can be considered as target if: there are positive forecasts that the attractiveness or competitiveness of the segment will increase in the coming years (based on an assessment of the market potential); or entry into these segments will provide easier penetration into the most attractive segments in the future.

Segments rated "low" on one of the criteria should be considered with extreme caution, as they carry high risks.

Thus, the analysis of additional educational services using the McKinsey matrix showed that the Magic Pencil (segment 1), the Dance Club (segment 2), the Theater Studio (segment 5) are marked in gray in the matrix, that is, these segments can be considered as targeted: there are positive forecasts that the attractiveness or competitiveness of the segment will increase.

Speech therapy classes (segment 3) the segment is assessed as promising for entry.

Skillful hands (segment 4) is rated "low" and should be treated with extreme caution as it carries high risks.

It can be concluded that with the help of the McKinsey matrix, it is possible to determine the sector of additional educational services, develop the right development strategy, introduce additional education. In our study, the risks of the competitiveness of preschool services were considered only from the standpoint of economic attractiveness. Services in the education industry are subject to risks associated with the formation of values, the development of children, the formation of their worldview. In this regard, the measurement technique proposed by us cannot be considered complete, work on its improvement will continue.

The following tasks were solved in the work: - the theoretical aspects of the development and implementation of a program to increase the competitiveness of an institution were studied; - analyzed the results of financial and economic activities and marketing activities of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 48 Solnechny Zaychik; - a comprehensive marketing program for increasing the competitiveness of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 48 Solnechny Zaychik was substantiated; - rated economic efficiency the complex of marketing activities proposed for MBDOU Kindergarten No. 48 Solnechny Zaychik. Herself...

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Olga Khvostikova
Increasing the competitiveness of preschool educational institutions


Khvostikova Olga Vitalievna,

head of the municipal

budgetary preschool

educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 79",


Sverdlovsk region

Increasing every year competition between preschool educational institutions. In the near future, many kindergartens will be forced to think about what their advantage is compared to others. And parents will have the opportunity to choose the institution that satisfies all their needs.

In the same time promotion social status preschool education, is one of the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard. According to this standard, the creation of an educational environment should ensure the openness of preschool education. In these circumstances, creating a positive image kindergarten appears to be a necessary element increase its competitiveness.

The main advantage of the image is the created ideas about the kindergarten as a successful, prestigious, comfortable institution that influences not only external environment but also on the inside.

It is for this purpose that a corporate project of image promotion has been developed in our institution. "The Territory of Childhood".

Objective of the project: the formation of a single pedagogical space and a positive attitude towards kindergarten.

Project objectives:

maintaining a sustainable quality of educational services, while tracking consumer requests and product quality competitors;

creation of a system of individuality of an educational institution through the development of educational requests;

broadcasting information about innovative activities of the kindergarten in the media;

ensuring a stable position in the target segment of the educational services market, the formation of the necessary communications;

presentation to the consumer of the DOW value system.

Structural components of the image of Kindergarten No. 79 are presented in the following slide:

The external image is symbols that in the minds of others are associated with a kindergarten. In our garden this is:

The emblem of the preschool educational institution, which reflects the name of the kindergarten;

Chronicle of the kindergarten, i.e., a book of reviews for parents and guests of the preschool educational institution,

photo albums;

Employee badge;

PR events: organization of open days, presentations, participation in specialized exhibitions;

Business etiquette, professional ethics;

Presentation films;

Improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution.

The internal image is a look at the Kindergarten through the eyes of employees, as well as through the eyes of parents and children when communicating with them. It manifests itself in the attitude of employees to work, the manager and parents, their enthusiasm, devotion to kindergarten.

Corporate dow culture, which is understood as a set of beliefs, attitudes, norms and principles of behavior, traditions common to

all employees.

Stages of project implementation

I. Organization of events by the kindergarten itself.

The purpose of such events is to form a positive attitude towards the educational institution. They are aimed at both internal and external target audiences.

At events of this kind, the transfer of its positioned product to the target segment is carried out using marketing communications: press releases, PR promotions (slide presentations, special promotions(open events involving parents, kindergarten graduates, labor veterans and pensioners of preschool educational institutions, etc., presentation of projects.

II. Participation in joint events with interested partners.

At this level, a positive image of the DOE was promoted through marketing activities. They are aimed at external target audiences and are carried out in order to satisfy the interest in the preschool educational institution and its educational services. Information is transmitted through various channels for free basis: exhibitions of children's creativity at public transport stops, photo gallery on the website of the kindergarten. The result of indirect stimulation of consumers of educational services should be the creation of a favorable public opinion.

It is important to involve the media (television, print, summarizing the experience involved in "publicity". A certain role is also played by the deputy of the district, who lobbies the interests of the preschool educational institution in the authorities and forms a positive public opinion (providing sponsorship).

III. Participation in events of third parties

The purpose of participating in events of this level is to position the preschool educational institution through different kinds communications. By participating in the events of third-party organizations, the educational institution declared the degree of importance of its educational requests, monitored the monitoring of the educational services market and developed a promising list of educational services, taking into account requests that are significant not only for its market segment.

To the main components of the project, you can attributed:

Creation of a subject-developing environment on the territory of the preschool educational institution (kindergarten sites are equipped with both standard and non-standard equipment, a project is being developed "Health Path");

Creation of visual media, the Internet (stands, a newspaper and a website of the kindergarten, which serves as a means of self-presentation: teachers have the opportunity to present their pedagogical findings here and publish the fruits of their creativity);

Media cooperation (media coverage of innovative events);

Participation in competitions at all levels(city, regional, all-Russian);

PR - events;

Translation of pedagogical experience (probation sites for the urban pedagogical community and methodological associations for novice teachers).

To increase the number and raise the quality of services provided in kindergarten, a forecast plan is being developed for organizing studio-circle educational services, taking into account the needs of parents and the desire of pupils, which is also an incentive for a healthy competition among the teachers themselves.

Thanks to the implementation of this project, pupils and employees of the kindergarten are increasingly becoming winners of both city and all-Russian competitions.

We can say with confidence that the success of an educational institution today is determined by the adequacy and speed of the kindergarten's response to changes in the external environment.

Analytical activity of the head

The use of marketing in education began in Russia in the mid-1990s. 20th century To date, there has been an intensive development of the marketing of the DL system, which is due to a change in the legal framework of the DL system, the demographic situation in the country. Therefore, most managers tend to active use marketing activities in order to attract parents and ensure the competitiveness of preschool educational institutions.

Marketing - the leading management function that determines the market and production strategies of an enterprise, institution, and based on knowledge of consumer demand (S.G. Abramova, V.I. Andreeva, I.T. Balabanov, S.A. Ezopova, A.P. Prigozhin, N.P. Litvinova, V.I. Pilipenko, V.V. Sheremetova).

Marketing is:

The system for organizing the activities of an enterprise, firm, organization, corporation for the development, production and marketing of services, goods based on the study of consumer requests in order to obtain high profits

A thorough and comprehensive study of the market, active influence on the market, the formation of needs and consumer preferences, providing communication between the developer and the consumer, helping to find each other is the main goal of any marketing activities

A type of human activity aimed at meeting needs and requirements through the exchange of information, services, goods

Process, goal. Which becomes providing the most complete satisfaction of the needs and demand of the buyer

In the science of management, a complex of active marketing is indicated:

Strength - a clear system marketing research and inflation marketing

Segmentation of the educational market and pricing policy

Retail (single) and wholesale (complex) trade in educational services, goods

The system of attracting highly qualified specialists, their selection, staff training

Sales promotion, propaganda as a way of generating demand, promoting educational services and goods on the market

The purpose of the marketing activities of the preschool educational institution providing the population with high-quality educational services aimed at meeting the needs of both clients and employees of preschool educational institutions (according to S.A. Ezopova).

The main tasks of the marketing activities of the DOW:

1. study and analysis of the educational market and competitive institutions

2. identifying the potential opportunities of preschool educational institutions in the educational market and educational needs

3. identification of potential marketing factors preschool environment

4. designing the image of services and goods, quality characteristics to meet existing parental demand

5. planning a strategy for managing marketing activities to promote and sell educational services

6. development and application of a system of measures for rapid response to consumer demand and pricing for the creation of an innovative product

Principles of marketing activities of the DOW:

1. provision of services corresponding to consumer demand

2. Satisfying the needs of PEI employees

3. focus on achieving a quality result work of preschool educational institution

4. Ensuring the competitiveness of preschool educational institutions in the market of educational services based on a flexible management strategy

5. creating and maintaining a favorable image of the preschool educational institution, informing the real and potential needs of educational services, stimulating demand for them

Marketing functions in preschool educational institutions (according to S.A. Ezopova):

1. research - the study of the macro- and microenvironment of the preschool educational institution, the market for educational services, the demand for needs, the target market

2. organizational - development of a policy for offering services and pricing policy (determination of a register of services, setting prices, managing the quality and competitiveness of services)

3. communicative - organization of conditions for the promotion of services in the educational services market, establishing relationships with the environment of the preschool educational institution

4. innovative - research activities to create and provide new services, innovations, modifications of existing services

Management- a set of methods, forms and means of production management, allowing you to use it most efficiently.

Management in the education system in the works of some modern authors appears as:

Purposeful, systematically organized process of influences on its structural components and connections between them, ensuring their integrity and effective implementation of functions, its optimal development;

Scientifically organized management with a peculiar hierarchy: the first level is the management of the activities of the teaching staff, the second is the management of the activities of students;

A set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing pedagogical systems, aimed at improving the efficiency of their functioning and development.

All the analyzed literature related to the management of education can be divided into three areas:

the first is the management of the educational process (for some authors, training, education, or personality formation);

the second is the management of educational organizations;

the third direction is the management of systems (programs, projects) of education.

Management in the field of education is a specific branch of management sciences, which has incorporated the origins of pedagogy, psychology, sociology of management, management and marketing. Educational management has its own specifics and patterns inherent only to it. Professional knowledge of management leads education managers to be aware of three different management tools:

Organizations, management hierarchies, the main means here is the impact on a person from above with the help of motivation, planning, organization, control, stimulation, etc.;

Management cultures, i.e. developed and recognized by society, organization, group of people values, social norms and attitudes, behavior;

Market, market relations, i.e. relations based on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

The global trend in the growth of educational systems determines the development theoretical concepts related to the study of the educational market as an industry and educational services as an economic benefit.

There is currently no single definition of the term "educational services", however, in the domestic economic literature there are several approaches to the definition of educational services (Table 1).

Educational service - this is:
1) educational and pedagogical activity;
2) providing an educational institution with the opportunity to receive education that increases the cost of the labor force of the consumer and improves its competitiveness in the labor market;
3) a system of knowledge, information, skills and abilities that are used to meet the various educational needs of the individual, society, state;
4) in a particular case, the training of a specialist of a certain qualification for a consumer organization.

Educational services offered on the market as a commodity can be:

Educational item- in the conditions of market relations, an educational service acquires a commodity form, a market of educational services is formed, on which demand and supply are formed, and, consequently, the price is a unit of educational services.

The goods can be products prepared by children, parents, teachers, and services that preschool offers to the target market.

AT modern management There are 5 concepts of marketing management:

1. continuous improvement of educational services (goods), their availability to the consumer

2. improvement of educational services (goods) by improving their quality

3. intensification of commercial efforts - stimulating the consumer to purchase a comprehensive package of educational services

4. identification through marketing research needs and requests of consumers

5. social and ethical marketing

When organizing analytical activities aimed at improving the competitiveness of the preschool educational institution, the manager must solve the following tasks and observe the following principles of marketing management:

1. get acquainted with the evolution of marketing as a science, with the socio-economic essence and content, the basic principles of marketing

2. Explore marketing management concepts

3. analyze the process of implementing marketing management

4. Consider retail and wholesale trade educational goods (services)

6. create a marketing system for educational goods (services) in the organization

7. use the accumulated material on the development, setting prices for educational goods (services) in other institutions, organizations.

highlighted in management general principles marketing:

1. focus - orientation of the final results of the institution, organization to the real requirements and wishes of consumers

2. a comprehensive study of the state and dynamics of consumer demand for a given product (service), the use by the head of the preschool educational institution of the information received in the process of developing and making scientific, managerial and economic decisions

3. maximum adaptation of the institution, organization to the requirements of the market of educational services in order to increase the efficiency of their functioning

4. impact on educational market, consumer demand with the help of all available means in order to form it in the directions necessary for the institution

5. development and encouragement in the organization of a creative approach to solving problems that have arisen as a result of marketing research (to improve and improve the quality of educational products and services)

6. ensuring target management of the process: scientific developments - organization - implementation - monitoring

7. timely entry into the market of new educational services and high-quality products (educational services, goods)

8. dividing the market into relatively homogeneous groups consumers (market segmentation) and focus on those market segments in which the institution, organization has the best potential, production (service provision) taking into account the characteristics of individual market segments characterized by a certain type of consumers and their needs

9. providing the educational market with goods (services) of the highest quality and reliability

10. continuous improvement of the quality of educational products (services) in the competition

11. Orientation of marketing to the future, setting specific goals for conquering the market of educational services, expanding the volume of services provided, especially in promising sectors of the educational market.

The quality of educational services (goods) - a complex concept that characterizes the effectiveness of all aspects of the leader's activity in developing a strategy for filling the market with educational services, organizing activities to create educational services (goods), and to ensure marketing activities.

Indicators of the quality of educational goods the following indicators may appear:

Compliance curricula and educational programs

Using quantitative indicators of quality assessment in testing

The presence of new directions in the development of the institution

Quality control teaching materials not only according to the opinions of specialists, but also according to the success of their implementation

Assessment of the material and technical base as an environment that ensures the quality of education

Parameters for assessing the quality of an educational service (goods):

Technical level - materialization in the service, products of scientific and technological achievements of science and practice

Aesthetic level - a set of properties associated with aesthetic sensations and views

Operating level - technical side use of services and products.

In marketing activities products is understood as the result of activity, which can be represented by goods, services. Dow activity products can act as a product - children's crafts, teaching aids, services - programs and technologies for the development of the child.

Stages of marketing activities in the preschool educational institution (according to S.A. Ezopova):

1. Analysis of market opportunities for preschool educational institutions:

Creation of a marketing information system. Carrying out marketing research aimed at studying marketing environment DOW

2. Selection target markets DOW:

Segmentation of the market of educational services, choice target segments, which will be guided by the DOW, and the positioning of services in the market.

3. Creation of a DOW marketing complex:

Formation of a portfolio of services of a preschool educational institution (policy of the proposed services, assortment policy)

Determining prices for PEI services ( price policy)

Organization of promotion of educational services on the market (sales, communication policy)

4. Management of marketing activities in the preschool educational institution:

Marketing planning, organization of activities of the marketing service of the preschool educational institution, control.

In the educational market in terms of marketing activities, two types of markets are distinguished:

The seller's market is the situation of the seller's power due to the release of a scarce product (author's programs, technologies) into the educational market

The situation of the buyer's market is a market saturated with educational services, in which buyers as customers and consumers of educational services have great power, sellers act as active "market actors", who are required to search for authors, creators of educational goods and services, a publishing house ready to replicate products, the ability to analyze the need to "eject" a particular product, educational service.

The manager must be able to navigate well and be competent in the types of competition:

Functional competition - 1 service can be satisfied by various means;

Species competition - the same services are carried out by different organizations;

Subject competition - different organizations put similar products on the market;

Price competition - lowering the price of a product;

Hidden price competition - a product (service) of higher quality is sold at the same price as that of a competing organization.

Illegal methods of competition are aimed at producing imitation products with lower quality.

Competition rules:

1. be sure that your opponent is fully aware of this product (service)

2. avoid actions that could "annoy" the opponent

3. Convince your opponent that your emotions and actions correspond to your position, situation and are prompted by the logic of reasoning.

The commercial success of the work of the DOW depends on factors:

1. deep and comprehensive study of forms, types and types of markets

2. studying the market and its characteristics, needs and opportunities

Ways to stimulate sales of products:

1. conclusion of contracts with consumers on the terms of mutual offset

2. supply of goods and services to various organizations

3. distribution of goods, services by available means of advertising

1. informational

2. persuasive

3. reminiscent

The quality of the product (educational service) - determining the properties and qualities of products that are competitive in the market of educational services, creating conditions for the quality work of employees and the quality activities of the institution, ensuring the quality of the product, the formation of a competitive image of the preschool educational institution and products.

Managing the processes of ensuring effective conditions for achieving the quality of a product (service) is lengthy and can be represented by the following stages:

1. Development of a management model for the process of ensuring the quality of educational services and goods

2. development of a marketing activity program

3. development of a business plan

4. Creation of a program for preparing the teaching staff for the creation and implementation of new innovative educational services

5. development of control parameters for marketing activities to promote educational services (goods) in the educational market.

Thus, the modern head of the preschool educational institution needs to master managerial competencies, which will allow solving the main economic, social and educational tasks: to ensure the economic independence and competitiveness of the preschool educational institution, the influx of financial, material, intellectual and other resources into the system of distance education, the investment attractiveness of the institution.

This article reveals the problem of the image of the kindergarten. What is the image of a kindergarten? Who are the subjects of the formation of the image of the preschool educational institution? What is the individuality of a particular kindergarten? The answers to these questions are covered in this article.



The image of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing competitiveness in the market of educational services.

There is no such side of education, on which the situation does not

would have an impact, there is no ability that would not be directly dependent on the concrete world directly surrounding the child ...

He who manages to create such an environment will facilitate his work in the highest degree. Among it, the child will live - develop his own self-sufficient life, his spiritual growth will be improved from himself, from nature ...


Everyone has it preschool your face. It is also important which kindergarten parents choose for their child, and it is not at all indifferent to be a more attractive institution for potential employees. Today, it is important to remember that educational institutions are subject to new requirements and an important role is played by the reputation and image of a preschool institution. To create a positive image, everything is important from the threshold of a preschool institution to the attitude of the head and educators towards parents and their children. What is the image of the kindergarten?

Image is not a new phenomenon, but it is relevant and its result is determined by all members of the team. Therefore, each employee understands and shares the responsibility for his work of the individual components of the image that are within his competence.The image of a preschool educational institution is an emotionally colored image of an educational institution, often consciously formed, having purposefully specified characteristics and designed to exert a psychological influence of a certain direction on specific groups of society.Five years ago, the combination of the words “kindergarten image” sounded at least unusual. And now more and more leaders of preschool educational institutions are thinking about purposeful work in this direction. The topic is relevant today for many institutions. Every year, competition between preschool educational institutions not only in our district, but also in the microdistrict, which are located, as a rule, at an insignificant distance from each other, increases. Currently, many kindergartens are forced to think about what their advantage is compared to others. And parents have the opportunity to choose the institution that satisfies all their needs. In these circumstances, the creation of a positive image of the kindergarten seems to be a necessary element to increase its competitiveness.

Specifically for our institution, image and reputation are very important. Working in an innovative mode, our kindergarten has gradually formed its own form style preschool institution. Each employee is considered as the “face” of the institution, by which the preschool educational institution as a whole is judged. Each member of the team has its own professional image, and at the same time, everyone - both leaders, and teachers, and junior service staff- combines a common image: appearance, culture of communication, intellect, friendly smile, attractive manners, pride in their institution and pupils. It is from the image of the employee (in particular, the professionalism of the head of the preschool educational institution, personal authority, his leadership style, charm) that the desire to cooperate with him or the institution largely depends.

I believe that the main subject of image formation is the leader and the teaching staff formed by him, and also by virtue of feedback- various social groups interested in providing educational services. These groups include children and their parents; employees of competitive institutions, employees of educational authorities and municipal authorities, locals. The main reason why one should pay great attention to the image of the head is that it is with him that the institution is personified, both by employees and by its clients. Consequently, a lot in the perception of the surrounding organizations depends on the leader.

So how do we understand the image of the head of the preschool educational institution? In Dahl's dictionary, the word "manage" is signed as follows. “To manage (what), to know (what), that is, to manage, to keep in one’s department, is akin to the word lead - to show the way, or to lead being the boss. Manage - rule, giving a move, direction, dispose, be the owner, manager of what. The head is defined in the concept of people as the "face" of the preschool educational institution.

The modern head of the preschool educational institution must have high professionalism, competence, organizational skills, efficiency, political culture, high morality, personal authority, strive for a democratic style of leadership. (The high reputation of the leader requires an individual leadership style.) The leader must find a common language with young and old, children and parents, employees different professions, people of different education, marital status, qualifications, speak simply, correctly, accessible, be able not only to speak, but also to listen. An important component of the leader's image is self-presentation. A special glint in the eyes, a smile, a peculiar intonation of the voice, and the attractiveness of the manner of behavior matter. Special attention given to a smile that conveys a lot of positive emotions. The main thing is that the image of the leader should be attractive to the widest strata of the population.

The main reason why one should pay great attention to the image of the head is that it is with him that the institution is personified, both by employees and by its clients. Consequently, a lot in the perception of the surrounding organizations depends on the leader.

All of the listed components of the image of the leader are also suitable for the teacher. His personality has always been presented high requirements, since it is he who creates the culture of subsequent generations, educates children and parents, educates and teaches with his behavior, attitude towards people, appearance.

Children are like tender buds. They need a gardener with a kind face. Only morally exalted and perfectly mastering the art of “tuning souls”. As the studies of the medical scientist V.F. Bazarny show, a child’s illnesses are largely due to the aggressive behavior of teachers. The image of a teacher should create the illusion of a major, while hiding weakness, etc. It is useful to learn this. Poor health, bad mood, one must be able to hide one's inner discomfort from an external glance, to always be in “form”.

One should remember Leo Tolstoy's advice: try not to get irritated, achieve your own peace, because in a calm state, the matter is settled by itself. Falling in love with children is the main condition pedagogical activity. A teacher who is in love with children and is passionate about his work intuitively and consciously chooses those behaviors that are most adaptive to the dignity of children and their actual needs. The image of such a teacher is impeccable. For a child, he is like a spiritual shepherd, a reliable senior friend, a trusted interlocutor. His image for a long time, and often forever remains in their memory, as an eternal role model. Every family needs the cooperation of such a teacher. They are called upon to be consultants to parents, to jointly record the history of the individual development of each child.

“Many thousands of years ago, GOD saw that the vices of people were multiplying and decided to help them. He created Spirits and said: “People have lost their way. How to be? One of the Spirits offered to inspire a prophetic dream on people, another - to send manna from heaven, the third - water from God. And only the fourth, the High Spirit, said: “Instill in every person a thirst for knowledge and give them a teacher.” God sent teachers Moses, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed to earth. And then he gathered the bright angels and ordered them to be teachers for children. From those time immemorial, angels are born on earth like ordinary children, grow up and rush to children. It's the teachers!" Educator - the first, after mom, teacher who meets children at life path. And on how much he is able to give his heart to children, depends on the joyful living of childhood by a child, all of his future life. For the most part, teachers are special people: unmercenaries who do not crave either honors or awards from fate. But what about the desire to be significant, respected, in demand? And for this they need to be in the center of events, to know and understand a lot, to remain restless, not indifferent, to strive for self-improvement. The educator is a “runner”, “jumper”, “perpetual motion machine”, because children want to be healthy. The teacher is a singer, musician, magician, because children love to listen and act out fairy tales, lullabies before going to bed. The educator is a guide, researcher, experimenter, encyclopedist, because children are happy to walk, observe, experiment and like to ask questions. The educator is an architect, designer, artist, sculptor, because children are always ready to create.

Like a leader, a teacher, and every kindergarten has its own “face”. The individuality of our kindergarten is manifested by:

  1. In the established stable, creative teaching staff of like-minded people. Most of the teachers of the institution have been working in our kindergarten for more than 10 years, 50% of the teachers have the highest qualification category.
  2. In creating comfortable conditions, the original developing environment of the kindergarten. Our kindergarten is"Garden of Flowers" : each age group is named by its flower. These are: Lily of the valley, Forget-me-not, Rose, Poppy, Chamomile, Astra, Carnation, Narcissus, Tulip, Peony, Cornflower. In each age group developed its own style of interior design, wherethe main characteristics are taken into account to create a developing subject-spatial environment:

Comfort and safety of the environment;

Ensuring a richness of sensory experiences;

Ensuring independent individual activity;

Providing opportunities for research.

The hallmark of our kindergarten is an information stand in the form of a flower.

Our garden is amazing.

There are countless flowers in it:

Narcissus and carnation

Astra and peony

Chamomile and forget-me-not

Tulip and poppy flaunt

And lily of the valley is so good!

In the bouquet of our garden

And you will find a rose.

  1. In the traditions of kindergarten, including:
  • Mother's Day celebration;
  • Celebrating Maslenitsa with pancakes, round dances and the burning of an effigy.
  • Conducting subbotniks for cleaning the territory of the institution together with parents, the result of which is not only cleanliness and order, but also a joint tea party in the air;
  • Conducting Open Days for parents of future kindergarten students;
  • Carrying out thematic weeks: Space week, Book week, Week - fairy tales from a basket, Week - favorite cartoon, etc.;
  • Issue of a newspaper together with parents “My favorite area”, “Favorite city is a clean city”;
  • Holding sports holidays, Small winter and summer Olympiads on the territory of the preschool educational institution;
  • Decorating the interior of the kindergarten with children's creative works.
  • Chronicle of the kindergarten, a book of reviews for parents and guests of the preschool educational institution;
  1. Respectful attitude to each guest.

The results of the activities of the preschool educational institution are covered in the local press, concerts of kindergarten students, not only in the music hall of the institution, but also on various other stages (a gala concert of the winners of the musical district competition"Golden Key", performance at the health festival "For the bright future of the country"). Parent surveys, counseling, parent meetings. Active work is being carried out with nearby schools, a library, health care institutions, a palace of children's and youth creativity. In the office of the head of the institution there is a place of honor for the achievements of the preschool educational institution (diplomas, certificates, letters of thanks).

After 15 years of activity as the head of a preschool educational institution, it is clear to me that in order to create a positive corporate image, the following is necessary: ​​the desire to see your institution as very necessary and attractive, the ability to rally the team (not only pedagogical, but in general). Kindergarten should become not only for the child, but for the entire staff of the kindergarten, parents - a territory of joy.