Modern technologies of personnel motivation in the organization. Innovative technologies for personnel motivation management as a problem of modern management. Monographs, collections, textbooks and teaching aids

  • 09.07.2020

The subjects of motivation management in organizations are individual managers, management bodies that influence the behavior of personnel, using norms and regulations in various organizational and production situations that arise under the influence of various factors of the external and internal environment. All of them, forming a kind of causal chains, have a positive or, conversely, negative impact on staff behavior.

Manage a person- it means to control the motives of his behavior. This kind of impact, ie. influence on motives is recognized as the most effective in comparison with direct influence. But at the same time, it is also a more complicated way of influencing, since it requires the choice of incentives, not only exactly corresponding to the goals that the control system but also the motives of employees' behavior.

If the subject of management does not have the necessary incentives, then the object of management, i.e. personnel and their motives will be unable to perceive the control action. In this case, the situation is often complicated by the fact that counter-motivation begins to act actively, acting as a negative reaction to the stimulating effect.

Sufficient variety of incentives This is the most important principle of effective motivation management. This is especially important to take into account at various levels of motivational changes: motivation at the level of the individual; motivation at the level of a certain group (professional, age, social); motivation at the level of the staff of the organization. Even strong and significant stimuli, given their uniformity, are not really able to form a motivational core corresponding to an effective organizational behavior. In addition, when using incentives, it is necessary to choose the place and time of its application, which in this case will cause the greatest motivational effect with the same quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the control action.

In this regard, consider the following structures of motivation.

The structure of motivation is associated with the classification of needs and their corresponding behavioral motives. According to this idea, the structure of motivation can be built on the basis of the classification of needs according to their life-supporting significance. As an example, we can refer to the classification of needs by A. Maslow. However, this approach involves a consistent updating of needs: as material needs are met, higher order needs are included, which limits the scope of its application. extreme conditions organization development.

The second type of motivation structure is associated with the construction of a monocentric motivation structure, in which any universal need is chosen as the central one, the satisfaction of which can be carried out. various types activities or objects related to various spheres of life, from material to spiritual. The monocentric structure of motivation allows for the following:

  • - change the central need depending on the subjective and situational characteristics that have developed in the organization;
  • - build motivation in relation to the same goal;
  • - to build motivation designed for the future (motivation through the future);
  • - differentiated approach to personnel motivation in connection with its qualification and other professional qualities;
  • - develop motivation through the inclusion of new directions for satisfying the central need.

The next type of motivation structure involves the construction of a polycentric motivation structure. This approach is the most suitable modern management because organized structures are multi-purpose.

The basis of the polycentric construction of the motivation structure is the needs focused on corporate behavior or corporate principles of the organization.

The polycentric principle of building a motivation structure is based on the compliance of personnel with certain goals arising from the mission of the organization in certain periods of its development. In this regard, the task of selecting personnel with some given sets of needs, which can form the necessary structure of motivation, is put forward in the first place. In other words, the polycentric model of the motivational structure allows a differentiated approach to management through motivation in connection with certain tasks solved by groups of personnel.

The process of motivation is very complex and depends on the individual employee and the situation in which he is. Understanding this will help you figure out how you can stimulate an employee to work effectively. The following components of motivation can be distinguished (Table 2).

Table 2 - Components of motivation

Component of motivation

Motivation Method

Purpose of motivation

Enterprise culture

A system of value orientations and norms common to all personnel of the enterprise

The charter of the enterprise, the basic principles of management and the style of management of the enterprise

Understanding and recognition of the goals of the enterprise. Perspective orientation. Coordination of mutual interests

Participation system

The participation of workers in the distribution of the total economic result, enterprise ownership and cooperation development

Forms and methods of distribution of the result, participation in ownership, development of partnership relations

Installation on cooperativity in behavior. Orientation to the correlation of costs and results, readiness for risk. Interest in information useful to the enterprise

Principles of leadership Precepts and regulations for regulating relations between managers and subordinates within the framework of the management concept operating within the organization

Basic principles of management, management by example, management training

Joint and constructive cooperation. Positive attitude towards employees. Responsibility and autonomy of leaders

Personnel care.

All forms of social benefits, services provided to employees, regardless of their position in the workplace and the results of their work

Ensuring labor safety, health protection, creating conditions for rest and unloading, playing sports, caring for employees who need help

Social security and integration with the enterprise. Social responsibility in relation to others. Increasing labor activity

Involvement in decision making

Coordination with the employee of certain decisions made at the workplace, in the work group or outside the production area

Delegation of responsibility, determination of forms of responsibility, voluntary participation in decision-making

Participation in decision making in the workplace. Involvement in the affairs of the enterprise. Taking responsibility

Workplace organization

Equipping workplaces with technical, ergonomic and organizational aids, taking into account the needs of employees

Technical and organizational aids, physiological and psychological elements of working conditions (ergonomics, aesthetics, etc.)

Satisfaction with the state of the workplace. Identification with the job task Enjoyment of the job and better job performance

Personnel policy

Planning activities for advanced training and intra-industrial mobility, taking into account the needs, desires and professional abilities of employees

Training and advanced training of personnel, trainings and seminars, career planning, promising programs to form personnel structures

Intra-production mobility and flexibility in the application of professional qualifications. Autonomy and initiative. Creative innovation activity

Regulation of working hours

Flexible adaptation of working hours to the needs of the employee and the company

Reduce working hours, flexible working time, flexible schedule, part-time work, holidays associated with religious holidays, flexible distribution of the annual fund of working hours

Responsible and conscious use of working time. The attractiveness of work associated with the flexibility of working hours. Working Time Efficiency

Information for the employee

Providing employees with the necessary information about the affairs of the enterprise

Newspapers of the enterprise, shop sheets, directories of the enterprise, team meetings, work reports

Informing about the affairs of the enterprise. Interest in information that goes beyond the workplace.

Personel assessment

The system of systematic and formalized assessment of employees according to certain previously established criteria

Methods for assessing the results of labor of the employee's potential, assessment of behavior

Satisfaction of the employee with the attitude of the management towards him and the assessment of the results of his work

Note - Source

The following groups of incentives contribute to the achievement of the goals set in the table:

  • 1) Material incentives: salary increase: for an increase in the volume of work; for the growth of qualifications: for combining positions, performing the amount of work with a smaller number of employees; for increasing sales. Bonus: for the introduction of new developments and new technology; for the manufacture of products for export; for improving the quality of products; according to the results of work for the year; for reducing the labor intensity of work, etc.
  • 2) Moral incentives: corporate; municipal, city, regional significance; state importance; interstate significance; international moral incentives.
  • 3) Incentives for a career: the desire to be recognized in your team; continuous improvement of their knowledge after graduation from the university, college; long-term security cash income; expanding the area of ​​authority in decision-making; full implementation of creativity; steady promotion; election to the governing bodies (of the entire hierarchy from top to bottom); participation in work interstate bodies and joint ventures; election: the head of the organization or in government bodies management.
  • 4) Additional incentives: incentives for participation, development and implementation rationalization proposals and inventions; one-time payments for the contribution to the increase in the profit of the enterprise; for participation in the increase of share capital; one-time payments from savings funds; preferential sale of shares and bonds to its employees; one-time payments at the end of the year; payment of dividends on shares.
  • 5) Social and natural incentives: the allocation of wages to employees of goods produced by the enterprise; purchase for employees of products of wide demand from other enterprises (cars, televisions and other Appliances); construction and allocation for use by employees free of charge or with partial payment for dachas, garages, etc.; preferential purchase of the above goods, including food; allocation of preferential loans; granting deferred payments for a certain period.
  • 6) Social incentives: free use preschool institutions; free meals at work free medical care; lending for free education; payment of transport costs; free use of sports facilities; early exit to retire at the expense of the enterprise; advanced training at the expense of the enterprise; material guarantees for unemployment; purchase of housing for employees; decrease in production standards due to poor health; discount on the purchase of goods; allocation of interest-free loans.

In the process of labor activity, human energy is transformed into a certain behavior, the expected result of which is the effective joint actions of employees that implement the plans of the organization. Organizational mechanisms come into play that encourage employees (an individual, a group of people or a team) to work to achieve the specific goals of the organization and the specified results of work.

These actions (stimulation) are carried out by the subject of management (the state, enterprise management bodies, immediate supervisor, etc.), setting in motion the process of forming labor motives - the motivation of labor activity.

The greater the number of diverse needs a person realizes through labor, the more diverse the benefits available to him, and the lower the price he has to pay compared to other types of activity, the more important the role of labor in his life, the higher his labor activity.

From this it follows that incentives can be any benefits that satisfy significant human needs, if their receipt involves labor activity. In other words, a good becomes a stimulus for labor if it forms the motive for labor. In one case, we are talking about an employee seeking to obtain benefits through labor activity (motive), in the other, about a management body that has a set of benefits necessary for an employee and provides them to him under the condition of effective labor activity (incentive).

The most important thing in management activities in the field of incentives - to set for each subordinate such goals, the achievement of which becomes a guaranteed condition for obtaining the promised benefits and is possible only with a certain quantity and quality of his work. It is important to understand that stimulation is the impact not only on the personality of the employee, but also on the external circumstances of his labor activity by establishing the conditions and mechanism for the distribution of benefits (incentives), since the employee is stimulated to be active by the interest in obtaining certain benefits.

In this way , incentive goal- not only to encourage a person to work, but to encourage him to do better and more of what is due to labor relations. In this case, the incentive system acts as a set of requirements, rewards and punishments aimed at establishing causal relationships between the action performed by the employee, evaluation of its result and reward. The formation of an incentive system is closely related to taking into account the attitude of employees to various benefits offered by the organization, with their personal characteristics, value orientations, level of education, the situation in their personal lives, the specific social conditions in which a person is located, with the socio-psychological climate and leadership style in labor collective.

Main directions of stimulation- material (organization of wages, development of a social package, a system of participation in profit and capital, etc.) and intangible (moral, incentives free time etc.). And in this sense, labor incentives are elements of a system of specific measures in the distribution mechanism operating in the organization.

In accordance with Figure 3, the study of modern management theory and practice makes it possible to identify various areas of material incentives.

The scheme presented in Figure 3 not only reveals (from top to bottom) the structure of material incentives, but also shows (from left to right) the order (order) of the formation of the elements of this structure.

The permanent and variable parts allocated as part of direct material incentives are focused on performing various functions: the permanent part is aimed at meeting the basic needs of the employee and his family members, ensures the formation of a sense of stability, confidence in the future, employee security, etc.; variable - focuses on the achievement of predetermined organizational goals, reflects the individual contribution of the employee to the final results of the unit, the enterprise as a whole.

Figure 3. - Types and structure of financial incentives

The main element of the permanent part of direct material incentives is the official salary, which should be determined depending on minimum size remuneration at the enterprise and the prevailing level of remuneration in the labor market, taking into account such additional factors as the level of education, the special nature of the work, length of service and work experience in the position.

The system of labor motives and incentives should be based on a certain base (standards of labor activity). The employee's entry into labor Relations assumes that he, for a predetermined remuneration, must perform certain duties. Here is the sphere of controlled activity, in which avoidance motives work, associated with the fear of punishment for failure to comply with the requirements.

The classification of incentive methods can be carried out into organizational and administrative (organizational-administrative), economic and socio-psychological and is one of the most widespread. Depending on the orientation to the impact on certain needs, management methods are divided into:

  • 1) Economic methods of management, due to economic incentives. They involve material motivation, that is, an orientation towards the fulfillment of certain indicators or tasks, and the implementation of economic rewards for the results of work after their fulfillment. The use of economic methods is associated with the formation of a work plan, monitoring its implementation, as well as economic incentives for labor, that is, with a rational wage system that provides incentives for a certain amount of and the quality of labor, and the application of sanctions for its inappropriate quantity and insufficient quality.
  • 2) Organizational and administrative methods based on directives. These methods are based on imperious motivation, based on obedience to the law, the rule of law, senior officials, etc., and based on the possibility of coercion. They cover organizational planning, organizational regulation, instruction, command, control. In management, power motivation plays a very significant role: it involves not only unconditional observance of laws and regulations adopted at the state level, but also a clear definition of the rights and obligations of managers and subordinates, in which the execution of the order of the leadership is mandatory for subordinates. Power motivation creates the necessary conditions for organization and interaction, and the organizational and administrative methods themselves are designed to ensure the effective operation of management at any level on the basis of its scientific organization.
  • 3) Socio-psychological methods used to increase the social activity of employees. With the help of these methods, they influence mainly the consciousness of workers, the social, aesthetic, religious and other interests of people and carry out social stimulation of labor activity. This group of methods includes a diverse arsenal of methods and techniques developed by sociology, psychology and other sciences that study a person. These methods include questionnaires, testing, surveys, interviews, etc. The application of socio-psychological methods in management in trade is considered in two aspects: in the traditional aspect of their application in personnel management and in terms of managing the behavior of the buyer (when choosing a social target by a trading company, in promotional activities and etc.) .

In management practice, as a rule, various methods and their combinations are used simultaneously. For effective management of incentives, it is necessary to use all three groups of methods in enterprise management. It should be noted that the focus on economic methods stimulation, often leads to a decrease in attention to social psychological aspects motivation, which determines the internal motivation of the staff.

In modern practice, mixed wage systems are often used - one part of the remuneration of each employee depends on the results of the group's work (usually variable), and the other part depends on individual characteristics (fixed salary).

Most executives believe that if they can't offer a solid salary or a hefty bonus, people will be lazy and not incentivized enough. But you should be more concerned not about how to pay high salaries, but about ensuring that your employees are fairly remunerated. Justice is the observance of the principles of correctness, impartiality, honesty.

The main forms of material incentives for the work of the personnel of the enterprise are:

Financial compensation: salary, bonuses, profit sharing, equity participation, additional payments, deferred payments. As well as additional incentives such as: payment for transportation services, medical care, tuition assistance, pensions and savings, vacations and days off.

Every leader would like his subordinates to strive for good work with full dedication of their efforts, so that they are involved in the affairs of the organization, share its goals and be highly active in solving problems that interfere with the stable operation of the organization. Money is the most obvious and most frequently used stimulus, although it is not the only means of motivating workers.

Consideration of the forms and systems of wages from the point of view of labor stimulation suggests that effective management material incentives should include a study of its motivational aspects in the practice of managing the organization of labor, and in particular the regulation of labor, and from the point of view of the correspondence of the forms of wages to production conditions, and the wage level itself. Money is a strong enough motivator only if the employee considers the payment of his work fair and sees the connection between the results of his work and remuneration. And since piecework wages are used in the organization in question, this factor is very important.

In the economic literature, there are different approaches to the definition economic essence wages. From the point of view of wages as the main form of distribution according to work, it appears as the personal labor income of the worker, determined by the quantity and quality of labor. There is a point of view on wages as monetary value cost or price of labor power.

Such an approach to wages in relation to our economy arose long ago, but has not been established. And only in the conditions of transition to market relations, when labor power acts as a commodity, did they return to this definition. The value of labor power is essentially the value of the means of subsistence necessary for the reproduction of labor power. It includes, firstly, the cost of funds that satisfy the needs of the worker himself; secondly, the cost of funds necessary for the maintenance of the employee's family; thirdly, the cost of teaching aids. The cost of labor is influenced by the historical and national characteristics of a country, as well as climatic conditions.

In conditions market economy wages perform stimulating, reproductive and regulatory functions.

The stimulating purpose of wages is to create a material interest in the individual and collective results of labor, increase the efficiency of the production of goods and services, and improve the quality of work.

The reproductive function determines the absolute level of wages necessary to meet the vital needs of the worker and his family. The regulating purpose of wages lies in its impact on the ratio between the demand and supply of labor, on the formation of personnel, the number of employees and the level of their employment.

The possibility of achieving a high level of the stimulating role of wages is justified, first of all, by the fact that in the structure of incomes of workers and their families, it constitutes the predominant part of income compared to other sources. Since it is wages that are directly related to the labor expended, its stimulating effect on development social production is decisive. Skillful use of this function turns wages into one of the most important levers for improving production efficiency and economic growth.

In order for employees to perceive the system of payment and incentives as fair, the following measures can be taken:

  • 1) identification through sociological surveys of factors that reduce the satisfaction of employees with the system of labor incentives operating in the organization and the practice of providing certain benefits, and taking, if necessary, appropriate corrective measures;
  • 2) better informing employees about how the amount of incentives (bonuses, allowances, etc.) is calculated, to whom and for what they are given;
  • 3) identification in the course of personal contacts with subordinates of possible injustice in the payment of employees, the award of bonuses and the distribution of other incentives for the subsequent restoration of justice;
  • 4) constant monitoring of the situation on the labor market and the level of remuneration of those professional groups with which employees can compare themselves, and making timely changes to the remuneration system for their work.

It is not always justified to talk about the priority of material motivation and its greater effectiveness, in comparison with non-material one, although material motivation has certain advantages.

In particular, it is the most universal, since, regardless of their position, employees value monetary incentives and the ability to manage the funds they receive more. In some cases, employees are even ready to exchange any methods of non-material incentives for their cash equivalents.

The problem of incentives to work is very relevant. A modern manager must constantly note the value of an employee for the team, the presence of his creative potential, positive aspects, good qualities the results achieved. This assessment should be as objective as possible, based not on general impressions, but on specific, accurate indicators and data.

Since the development of a system of incentives in market conditions in the Republic of Belarus is one of the most important reserves for managing companies, it should be remembered that material factors do not always come to the fore and cannot be the only form of remuneration for work. The main thing is the attractiveness of labor, its creative nature. It is precisely this attractiveness that the manager should create by constantly updating the content of the work of each subordinate. Non-material incentives are very diverse and are divided into three groups: social; moral; socio-psychological. Using them in combination, you can achieve high efficiency. There is a dialectical connection between material and non-material incentives. Thus, wages (material incentive) affect the assessment and self-esteem of an employee, thereby satisfying his needs for recognition, respect for others, self-esteem, self-affirmation, i.e. material incentive acts simultaneously as a social, moral, psychological. But if you use only a material incentive, without using moral, social, creative incentives, then the entire incentive system will cease to fulfill its inherent functions to the fullest, which will lead to the predominance of economic incentives to the detriment of social, moral, psychological and ethical ones.

task modern motivation labor is the creation of such conditions under which the potential of the staff will be used most effectively.

The results of the study of motivation models do not allow us to clearly determine what motivates a person to work. The study of human behavior in the process of work provides only some general explanations of motivation, but further they allow the development of pragmatic models of employee motivation in a particular workplace.

From the whole range of motivational models developed by scientists-managers, we can single out, from our point of view, the most vital and justified in practice. The evolution of their origin and functioning is very, very diverse.

Below is a classification widely used by firms in a number of countries. These are models such as:

Knut and gingerbread;

Primary and secondary needs;

Internal and external rewards;

Factor model of stimulation;



social justice, etc.

The traditional method of "carrot and stick" in developed civilized countries ceases to work even in relation to manual workers. Therefore, managers of prosperous corporations (regardless of where they are in the world) of the approach that main duty an effective manager is to achieve the interest of employees in labor and the effectiveness of their work.

Douglas MacGregor created his theory, in relation to American companies, and the Japanese William Ouchi, based on his theory, developed his own approach to personnel management (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

Comparison of concepts of work motivation

Traditional approach

Modern approach

The "carrot and stick" method

McGregor theory

Ouchi's theory

Most employees do not like work and try to avoid it whenever possible.

The job is desirable for most employees.

It is necessary to take care of each employee as a whole (concern for the quality of life)

Most employees need to be forced to do their jobs through administrative, economic and psychological pressure.

Employees are capable of purposefulness and self-control, they are able to independently determine strategies for achieving goals.

Involving employees in the group decision-making process.

Most employees are only interested in safety.

The interest of employees depends on the system of rewards based on the final result.

Periodic staff rotation and lifetime job security.

Most employees prefer to be performers and avoid responsibility.

The employee strives for responsibility and independently assumes managerial functions.

Almost all employees lack creativity and initiative.

Many employees have a developed imagination, creativity, ingenuity.

Job security for workers participating in specific productivity improvement schemes.

Creation of appropriate conditions for the protection of health, safety and well-being of all employees.

Providing opportunities for the growth of professional skills, the realization of the abilities of employees, the provision of training programs, advanced training and retraining.

Maintaining an atmosphere of trust in the team, interest in the implementation of a common goal, the possibility of two-way communication between managers and employees.

In addition to the generally accepted classification of motivation methods, they can be divided into individual and group, as well as external - rewards coming from outside, and internal - rewards given by labor itself (feelings of the significance of work, self-esteem, etc.). Wages cannot be the sole purpose of labor. In itself, monetary (financial) incentives make motivation at the enterprise effective when the latter functions as a system based on the following basic principles:

Communication, cooperation and agreement between employees and management regarding general principles systems.

Reasonable system for evaluating work and determining the scope of the latter.

Well thought out and justified measurement and evaluation criteria; weighted standards, control over them, periodic review; clear alignment of incentives with performance; remuneration, especially additional, not for the accepted level of performance, but for the one that is stimulated and primarily associated with quality.

The same principles form the basis of the organization of wages in the enterprise.

Consider such an employee incentive system as profit sharing. The essence of this system lies in the fact that a bonus fund is formed at the expense of a predetermined share of profit, from which employees receive regular payments. The amount of payments is made dependent on the level of profit, the overall results of production and commercial activities enterprises. Payments to workers and employees (including representatives of the highest administration) in the form of "sharing in profits" are not taxed. Thus, entrepreneurs are encouraged by the state to spread this system. In many cases, "profit sharing" involves the payment of all or part of the premium in the form of shares.

In the system of "profit sharing" bonuses are awarded for the achievement of specific results production activities enterprises: increasing labor productivity and reducing production costs. As a rule, the considered system is used in large firms whose economic and financial position is stable.

The whole set of conditions and factors of labor motivation consists of three subsystems:

Technological - conditions and factors that determine the nature and

the level of production technology, working conditions, as well as the degree of participation

workers in managing it all;

Economic - related to material interest and

responsibility in the growth of production and sales of products, a decrease in

costs and environmental protection;

Social - characterizing the degree of satisfaction of social

needs, prestige and significance of labor, moral satisfaction,

independence, the possibility of creativity, etc.

slide 2

3 laws of motivation:

The behavior of all people is motivated You cannot motivate other people A person is guided by his own motives, not yours

slide 3


Labor motivation is the main component of the employee's self-awareness, which determines his attitude and behavior in work, his reactions to specific working conditions Knowing the structure of motivation, it is possible to more accurately predict which forms of incentives will be most effective for a particular category of workers

slide 4


STIMULUS is an object or phenomenon that in a given situation has a certain meaning for the control object, activating its behavior due to a positively assessed chance and profitability of owning them (or avoiding them) and contributing to the achievement of the goal set by the control subject

slide 5

Typological concept of labor motivation (V.I. Gerchikov)

Active, constructive work behavior Avoidance motivation Achievement motivation Passive, destructive work behavior

slide 6

Typological concept of labor motivation

Active, constructive labor behavior Avoidance motivation Achievement motivation Passive, destructive labor behavior Quadrant I. The growth of the organizational efficiency of labor activity is proportional to the degree of satisfaction of the employee's motivational expectations and is limited only by "natural" limits (the maximum possible efficiency for given organizational and technological conditions)

Slide 7

Active, constructive labor behavior Avoidance motivation Achievement motivation Passive, destructive labor behavior Quadrant II. The growth of labor efficiency of an employee with avoidant motivation is fundamentally limited by: 1) the task (normative value); 2) the ability of the manager to prove the guilt of the employee in case of failure to complete the task.

Slide 8

Active, constructive labor behavior Avoidance motivation Achievement motivation Passive, destructive labor behavior Quadrant III. The level of destructive reactions of the employee is usually limited and most often comes down to passive labor behavior and “working according to the rules” (solid line). However, if a strong leader appears in the group who comes into conflict with the management of the organization (and this can only be a dissatisfied worker from the IV quadrant), he is able to captivate employees with an avoidant type of motivation and “ignite” them to extreme forms of destructive behavior, up to to the complete destruction of the organization (dashed line).

Slide 9

Active, constructive labor behavior Avoidance motivation Achievement motivation Passive, destructive labor behavior Quadrant IV. If the organizational working conditions and the incentive system run counter to the employee's motivational expectations, there is a high probability of receiving destructive labor behavior from him, and in rather sharp forms. However, it will most likely not come to the destruction of the organization.

Slide 10

Achieving types of labor motivation:

Instrumental: Price (the amount of earnings and other benefits) received as a reward for work. Earning money received. Developed social dignity.

slide 11

Professional: Variety, interestingness, creative nature of the work. An opportunity to prove himself and prove that he can cope with a difficult task that not everyone can do. Opportunity for professional development. Independence at work. Developed professional dignity.

slide 12

Patriotic: Belief in one's own relevance to the organization. Participation in the implementation of a common, very important business for the organization. Public recognition of participation in common achievements.

slide 13

Owner: Voluntarily assumed full personal responsibility for the work performed. Striving for maximum independence in work (sovereignty). Dislike for control.

Slide 14

Avoidant type of labor motivation (lumpenized worker):

Basic characteristics: The desire to minimize their labor efforts. Low price of labor force (qualification, responsibility, activity). Calculation on the "freebie" and the favor of the head.

The efficiency of the company's employees depends on several key variables - the ability of employees, their motivation, as well as a certain set of objective capabilities. The inadequate system of employee motivation continues to be a key problem in personnel management for a large number of Russian companies. At present, along with economic growth and the relative stabilization of the Russian economy, changes in the sphere of personnel motivation begin to appear. The leaders of both public and private enterprises are gradually realizing that the successful development of organizations is impossible without the search and use of new modern technologies for motivating labor. The developed recommendations for improving the systems of motivation of the personnel of business organizations can be implemented in the systems of strategic and operational management, as well as used in corporate training employees and thus become the basis for concrete organizational change projects.

Mastering modern management methods is not only an important and relevant task for Russian enterprises, but also a difficult one. Such classic primary indicators of a firm's success as a bank account, capital goods, and stocks of finished goods lose their former importance. In the 21st century, the specific advantages and development opportunities of corporations are evaluated by their intellectual potential.

The competitiveness of Russian companies (of all sizes and industries without exception) relative to enterprises and firms of highly developed countries (judging by the quality of goods and services combined with the productivity and efficiency of their production) is extremely low. And this despite the fact that some Russian companies are introducing modern production technologies, high-performance machines and equipment. But despite this, the gap in the levels of quality and productivity is growing.

Without a radical revision of management systems, the most modern equipment cannot provide the proper economic result. and modern management technologies in domestic companies are not up to the mark today. This also applies to the management of human resources, and the assessment of their quality and efficiency of use, especially in the field of staff motivation. The lack of modern systems and methods, the focus on approaches that were effective in the era of the industrial economy, are key organizational problems, since they are directly related to the main value of any organization - its intellectual capital.

Intellectual capital is intellectual matter, including knowledge, experience, information, intellectual property - everything that provides value creation. This is the sum of the competencies of all employees of the company, ensuring its competitiveness. It is a collective intellectual energy.

In order to effectively manage intellectual capital, it is necessary to apply innovative technologies for motivating personnel, which will save all types of organizational resources, inventory, free up finances, increase the viability of corporations, and increase their profitability. Innovative processes in organizational management systems are becoming a regularity in the development of modern business. The concept of "innovation" means a positive, progressive innovation (an idea, activity, technology or material object that has not previously been used by the organizational system). The category of novelty refers to the qualitative features of changes that are significant and are accompanied by changes in the way of activity and thinking. Research in the field of innovative technologies of personnel motivation is relevant both for the sociology of management and for management practice.

The use of innovative technologies to motivate radical changes can only be effective in the general system of "new management" corresponding to the era of "knowledge economy" (M. Foucault).

In this regard, it is advisable to single out and compare two approaches to motivating the personnel of business organizations:

  1. The traditional approach used in the era of the industrial economy;
  2. An innovative approach focused on the functioning of organizations in the era of the information economy.

Let us consider in more detail what is the difference between traditional and innovative approaches to motivation, how the technologies used in different approaches differ from each other, what managers need to do to correct inefficient motivational systems.

1. Staff motivation through the use of goal-setting technology. The traditional approach to motivation does not imply a direct connection between motivation and the achievement of organizational goals.

The task of the innovative approach is to build a motivational system that is most appropriate for the implementation of the entire range of organizational goals. One of the main functions of organizational goals is motivational, motivating. A set of organizational goals is understood as the target structure of the company: vision, mission, "objective goals", strategies, programs.

The employees of the organization cannot have a complete coincidence of their own interests with the goals of the company, but the management (for many companies innovative) technology "Management by objectives - MBO" ("Management by objectives"), in its various forms ("Management based on balanced scorecards" ), allows you to fully coordinate the goals of employees with the goals of the organization and form an active system of targeted motivation.

Central to this approach to results management is the issue of goal alignment. The goals of each employee should be primarily and fundamentally consistent with the goals of the team, which in turn should be related to the goals of the department or unit, which should support the goals and overall mission of the organization.

Many studies show that the productivity of people with specific goals is higher than the productivity of those employees whose goals remain unarticulated for one reason or another. Setting specific goals improves performance because the individual has clear expectations about the outcome.

In the era of the information economy, when it is necessary to constantly assess the practical possibilities of achieving organizational goals, identify areas of potential problems and unexpected consequences, and look for more effective ways to achieve goals, goal setting can become one of the key tools for motivating employees of modern business companies.

Another important element of the modern motivation system is the innovative compensation system.

2. Staff motivation through an innovative approach to compensation systems. The traditional approach to motivation through wages is based on the fact that wages in themselves are a strong motivator; the increase in the level of wages occurs in connection with the organization-wide development, and not depending on the results that this or that employee has achieved; at the same time, there are no significant differences in wages between efficient and inefficient employees.

An innovative approach to motivation through wages implies that a job well done is adequately rewarded, thereby contributing to an increase in the efficiency of other tasks; employees who make the greatest contribution to achieving the strategic goals of the organization deserve the most rewards; the increase in wages is not carried out by the method of "equalization", but varies depending on the results achieved by one or another employee; the level of remuneration is competitive in relation to the level of remuneration of the company-competitor and other organizations.

To correctly determine the salary level of an employee, the head of the organization and the HR manager need to know what is happening in the labor market, how much they pay in competing firms.

Companies can use the following sources of information to answer these questions:

  • data of the State Statistics Committee;
  • research by the Institute for Comparative Social Research (CESSI) (an independent organization that calculates a cost of living index based on a specific set of consumer baskets);
  • special surveys of salaries and benefits (Salary Survey) (data on how much companies on average pay in the market or in a certain segment of it).

Salary Survey reviews are based on Western benchmarking technology, so the main providers of such services are foreign audit and consulting companies such as Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers. Of the Russian companies, these are Ankor, Meteorconsulting, Top Management Consult.

Monetary remuneration, the forms of its receipt, as well as the relative and absolute amounts are perceived by the employee as evidence of his value to the organization, affect the employee's self-esteem, and directly speak of his social status. That is, the money received by the employee is also a measure of personal and professional self-realization for him.

In the era of the information economy, fair, from the point of view of the employer and employee of the company, the calculation of wages does not lose its importance due to the presence of other innovative methods of motivating personnel, since monetary remuneration in Russian companies has been and remains the basic element of labor motivation.

3. Staff motivation through the use of team building technology. The traditional approach to staff motivation assumes that the results of the company's work are a simple sum of the results of the work of each of the company's employees. That is, if each of the employees has achieved their individual (usually quantitative) goals, then the company's goals will automatically be achieved.

An innovative approach to staff motivation is aimed at the fact that the results of the company's work directly depend on the interaction between employees, on teamwork, and not only on individual achievements.

Today, company leaders need to rely on "team building", implement programs aimed at building trust-oriented teams, open exchange of information within the team and increasing their motivation.

Team work has clear advantages over individual work.

First, the need for total managerial control is significantly reduced. A large number of operations are controlled within the team itself, which in turn means that emerging problems are resolved on the spot, without direct intervention from the top management of the organization.

Secondly, with this type of work, it is easier to introduce new types of products and services, to carry out organizational changes, and to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

Thirdly, the motivation of the work activity of team members increases, as the simple tasks into which the work is divided are combined into more significant and complex ones, and the transfer of responsibility to team members, the integration of creative and executive processes in them create an opportunity for the formation of a participatory style within the organization. management. The latter helps to improve the moral and psychological climate in the team.

In the era of the information economy, especially important and significant technology staff motivation becomes the delegation of authority.

4. Staff motivation through delegation of authority. The traditional approach to staff motivation involves partial or complete

Innovative technologies management of personnel motivation as a problem of modern management 95 rejection of such technology as delegation of authority.

An innovative approach to staff motivation through the use of delegation of authority technology allows: to free the manager from the operational management of the process; increase staff motivation; increase the company's responsiveness to external factors; limit the company's staff less and give employees more freedom to achieve the organization's goals.

As a result, the employee receives the organizational, financial, legal and psychological freedom necessary to obtain job satisfaction. An essential element in the new systems of motivation is career growth or promotion.

5. Staff motivation through the use of innovative career management technologies. The traditional approach to motivation through career management involves the promotion of an employee up the organizational ladder within the framework of the type of activity that was chosen by him at the beginning of his working life (“vertical career”).

An innovative approach to motivation through career management provides for the promotion of an employee within the organization not only up the career ladder, but also from one division of the enterprise to another (“horizontal”, or “matrix”, career).

These changes are associated primarily with changes in the conditions for career management. The changes that have taken place have fundamentally changed the traditional view of career as a consistent promotion of an employee to higher positions in the organization. Instead of a predictable change in official positions, modern workers are forced to face the unpredictability of their official position. Employees no longer have the confidence that they will work in the same specialty and professional activity for which they were prepared; they cannot be sure of keeping their job in the organization, let alone being promoted to new positions. A variety of alternative employment contracts are offered to workers, none of which are full-time and permanent. Only as their professional skills improve in the internal and external labor market, employees can increase their career opportunities.

Thus, career growth can now be carried out only by updating the employee with the competence necessary for the company, which would allow him to occupy new, higher positions in the organization and reach a fundamentally new level of responsibility.

An innovative approach to staff motivation through career management of company employees in a “knowledge economy” helps employees manage their own careers.

Only in the case of taking into account the factors influencing the satisfaction of the needs of employees, and applying the recommendations for managing the career of employees, can there be an increase in the level of motivation of the personnel of business organizations for the effective implementation of labor activities.

6. Staff motivation through the use of innovative technologies for the training and development of company employees. An innovative approach to staff motivation through employee training and development involves a systematic, continuous learning process used by organizations to gain employee knowledge, develop their skills, change behavior or attitudes in order to increase their contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. Training is used to improve the performance of employees in the positions they currently occupy, as well as to prepare employees for positions they are likely to be promoted to in the future.

In order for training to contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals and at the same time motivate employees, it is advisable that this process be built on the basis of the following algorithm:

  1. Determining the organization's training needs;
  2. Setting goals for staff training;
  3. Selecting the target group for training;
  4. Choice of teaching methods and training programs;
  5. Preparation of the program budget;
  6. Preparing company employees for training.

An innovative approach to staff motivation through training involves the use of various methods training and development of employees: "enrichment of labor" (Job enrichment); "job rotation" (Job rotation); business courses, seminars, trainings; computer training based on Internet technologies; modeling of working situations, business games, case studies.

In order for employee training to achieve its goals (including increasing motivation), a systematic approach is required to identify training needs, develop training programs that help meet these needs, and evaluate the effectiveness of training.

7. Personnel motivation through the use of innovative technologies for personnel assessment. The traditional approach to motivation through personnel assessment assumes that: the object of assessment is an individual employee; the assessment is carried out by the attestation commission; the appraisal is ultimately the legal justification for a dismissal or a symbolic pay change; assessment methods are predominantly subjective assessment or psychological testing.

An innovative approach to staff motivation through staff assessment suggests that: the object of assessment is an individual employee; the assessment is carried out by the immediate supervisor, external and internal clients, suppliers, etc.; the objectives of the assessment are the development of the organization and employees, solving problems, making decisions on promotion, remuneration, dismissal; assessment methods are management by objectives, comparative and rating methods, assessment center techniques.

the main objective personnel assessment systems in the new conditions - analysis of the compliance of the proposed work with the goals set for each employee, determining whether these goals have been achieved and how much the way to achieve them corresponds to the code of ethics.

Based on the results of personnel assessment, the size of the bonus can be determined; decision to raise / lower wages; draw up a development plan; determine the need for training; adjust the system of motivation of employees of a particular unit.

8. Staff motivation through integration into the corporate culture. The traditional approach to staff motivation through corporate culture was implemented on the basis of traditions that were formed in many enterprises. This approach did not imply the need to purposefully engage in the formation and management of corporate culture as a whole.

An innovative approach to staff motivation through corporate culture involves the purposeful formation of ideas, views, fundamental values ​​that are shared by members of the organization (shared values). Values ​​determine both behavioral styles and communication styles with colleagues and clients, the level of motivation, activity, and more.

Corporate culture (often referred to as organizational culture, corporate spirit, corporate value system) is becoming one of the most effective means of motivating employees. As soon as the employee satisfies the needs of the first level, he has needs of a different plan: a worthy position in the team, recognition, self-realization, etc. Then the corporate culture comes to the fore, one of important functions which is the support of each member of the team, the disclosure of his individuality, talents, personal potential.

A developed corporate culture encourages individuals and teams to control activities within the rules and constraints defined by the organizational culture. This not only leads to high performance in their work, but also increases their motivation to work, since adherence to common values ​​reduces the number of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Taking into account the whole complex of motivating influences allows the manager to adequately respond to the situation and encourage employees in accordance with their contribution and the goals of the organization. In this case, any impact should be carried out comprehensively. The combination of different forms in each case should be different. This avoids the habituation effect, when employees gradually get used to the impact, and it loses its relevance.

The development of the problem of innovative technologies for managing personnel motivation implies work in two directions.

The first direction is the provision of optimal working conditions. These include factors such as organizational culture, attractiveness of work, organization of the workplace, the possibility of professional and personal development of an employee, the socio-psychological climate in the team, belonging to a profession or a particular company, etc. These factors indirectly influence the motivation of personnel and are used not only within the framework of the motivation system, but also in the management system of the organization as a whole.

The second direction is a system of direct influence on the production behavior of workers. This includes various types of material and non-material incentives for employees (salary, bonuses, bonuses, additional payments, insurance, personal car or office, promotion, achievement of results, praise from superiors, recognition of colleagues, opportunities for independent decision-making, etc.)

If we take into account that each organization has its own goals and is in specific conditions peculiar only to it, then it can be argued that the motivation system in each organization should be unique.

There are no universal motivation systems; in a particular case, certain management tools are effective. Moreover, in one organization, there may be several motivation systems in parallel for different departments and categories of personnel. For each organization, at a certain point in time, its own motivation system should be developed, which will allow solving specific problems, and ultimately achieving organizational goals.


1. Afonin I.V. Enterprise development management: Strategic management, corporation "Dashkov and K", 2002. 380 p.
2. Innovative technologies in human resource management: Sat. scientific tr. N. Novgorod, 2002. 314 p.
3. Klarin M.V. Innovation in Learning: Metaphors and Models: An Analysis foreign experience. M.: Nauka, 2003. 223 p.
4. Human resource management / Ed. M. Poole, M. Warner. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2002. 1200 p.
5. Khrutsky V.E., Tolmachev R.A. Personel assessment: modern systems and technology. M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. 176 p.
6. Thomas A. Stewart. intellectual capital. The new wealth of organizations. New York, 2006. 254 p.

  • Analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of banking activity in the Primorsky Territory
  • Development of agribusiness in the agro-industrial complex of the municipality
  • Improving the management of personnel motivation in a road repair and construction enterprise

In modern management, the issue of staff motivation is of the greatest relevance. Any manager who wants to achieve high productivity with the help of efficient operation of his subordinates, must take care of the availability of incentives for them to work, therefore the main task of modern management is to create such working conditions under which the potential of employees will be used in the best possible way.

It is worth noting that managers have always realized that it is necessary to encourage people to work for the organization, but most believed that simple material rewards were enough for this. But in modern conditions priorities have changed, and now non-material motives also play a very important role in choosing a job.

To date, there is a conditional division of incentives into material and non-material. At the same time, the ratio of these incentives differs significantly depending on the company. Thus, most firms Western Europe there is a gradual reduction in the share of material rewards and an increase in the share of non-material incentives. While a significant number of Russian enterprises and firms are characterized by the fact that the policy of managers is aimed at reducing the share of public consumption funds in family income and increasing the share of material rewards in income.

The forms of material motivation of personnel include:

  • Salary, its size and compliance with the complexity of the work.
  • Prospects for salary increase.
  • Permanent bonuses for qualifications, work experience, services to the organization.
  • Transparency and clarity of the remuneration system; "white" salary.
  • Absence of fines and deductions from the permanent part of earnings.
  • Payment based on results, bonuses; opportunity not to receive, but to earn.
  • Participation in the ownership of the enterprise (percentage of profits, dividends on shares).
  • Additional earnings in the organization (participation in projects, economic agreements, grants, etc.)

To date, wages are the most important element of the remuneration system, with which you can stimulate the activities of staff, as well as influence the efficiency of the worker. Taking into account the fact that Labor Code Russian Federation forbids disciplinary action in the form of a deduction from the employee's salary, it is beneficial for the employer that wages are not fixed, that is, they depend on working hours, sales volume, manufactured products, and so on. In this case, the employee will strive to fulfill the duties assigned to him as carefully as possible, since the size of his salary will depend on this. Some companies use a mixed remuneration system, that is, in addition to a fixed salary, they receive bonuses if they reach a given rate. The method of calculating the bonus also differs depending on the organization, in some companies the percentage is assigned depending on the total number of store sales, in others - on a personal contribution. individual worker, but somewhere depending on the position held. Each company develops its own bonus system, taking into account the specifics of its activities.

Consider the system of material motivation in OJSC Sberbank of Russia. To improve the efficiency of employees, the bank uses a mixed remuneration system, that is, the salary consists of a fixed salary, which varies depending on the position held, as well as a bonus, which depends on the number of hours worked, the implementation of the plan for sales of banking goods and services and regional coefficient. That is, in this case, we are talking about individual motivation, when the higher the premium, the more deposits, credit cards, loans, coins, etc. sold by a bank employee. Such a system allows an employee to double his salary, and sometimes even more, which undoubtedly motivates the employee not only to fulfill sales plans, but even to overfulfill them. There is also collective motivation, it takes place when accruing a quarterly or annual bonus, then the employee's monetary reward depends on the general indicators of the bank branch, that is, on the fulfillment of sales plans for a certain period of time.

Since for effective motivation, remuneration must be perceived by the employee as fair, for this purpose it is the responsibility of the heads of departments to inform employees about what their salary consists of and what motivation is. The bank even organizes checks of its personnel, which are aimed at revealing how employees are aware of their motivation, because only in this way can high labor productivity be achieved from an employee.

Another way of material motivation for initiative employees is payments in the amount of 25,000-50,000 rubles, depending on the territory of application, or 10% of the effect obtained, but within 1 million rubles, to those who sent their proposals to improve the efficiency of the bank, reduce costs and etc. to the Marketplace of Ideas, and whose ideas turned out to be really useful.

Also, in order to increase the motivation of employees, Sberbank periodically holds competitions among branches. For example, the branch that issued the largest number of credit cards or attracted the largest number of clients to NPFs receives a fixed cash reward, which is subsequently divided among employees.

In general, we can say that Sberbank, following the example of foreign companies, pays great attention to staff motivation and considers it an integral part of its production system.

The non-material (non-monetary) motivation of personnel includes: social benefits, additional pension provision, medical insurance, travel expenses, meals, mobile communications, subscription to the pool, etc. traditionally referred to as methods of non-material incentives, since the employee does not receive “live” money, although the company spends money on all this.

Among the methods of modern non-material motivation, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Staffing comfortable work. For example, Google equips its offices so that employees want to work there. It shows up in everything from colors cabinets, ending with a buffet and free schedule work.
  2. Corporate culture. important motivation is a sense of the importance of his person in front of his superiors. At LandsEnd, management wrote on the tiles next to the pool the names of all 1,300 employees of the firm, who, according to the owner of the company, Gary Comer, made it possible to prosper.
  3. Social support. Confidence in the future is another motivating force. On the Far East railway the implementation of the compensated social package (CSP) has officially begun. The employee is set a certain limit of funds, within which he has the right to independently choose the necessary social services throughout the year as if he were making his choice from a menu in a cafe. KSP is an additional compensation. For example, corporate social assistance does not include a discount on Internet payments and cellular communication, but this service is included in the individual package. Another important benefit is payment. kindergarten, even if it is not departmental, but municipal or private. Russian Railways also pays summer holidays for the children of their employees, sanatorium treatment, travel to the place of work by public transport, services of sports and cultural institutions, medical services in addition to the basic voluntary medical insurance policy, additional personal contributions to the NPF Blagosostoyanie, etc. Kindergartens created at enterprises may turn out to be attractive, and therefore increase the motivation of employees. This is especially important for a company where a significant part of the employees are mothers with children. preschool age. In such cases, the cost of maintaining children is lower, and parents are always aware of how their child is developing. Among those who have successfully put into operation their own centers for the maintenance of children of employees, such large corporations like Wang Laboratories, Corning Glass Works and others.
  4. Opportunity to self-actualize, climb the career ladder. BOSCH offers employees three types of career growth: vertical (leader's career), in related fields (project manager's career) and highly professional (superspecialist's career). Each employee annually undergoes an assessment interview, on the basis of which individual career planning is carried out. In addition to the career plan in the company, for many positions there are replacement plans for several years in advance: for a manager - for 8 years, for a specialist - for 3 years.
  5. Competition. Sberbank periodically holds competitions for the sale of banking services among consultants, SOCHLs or promoters. So, for example, employees who have connected the largest number of Mobile Banks are given gift cards to cosmetics stores or going to bowling; the first five promoters, depending on the number of Sberbanks Online connected by them, are awarded e-book- for the first place, MP3-player - for the second and computer mice - for the third, fourth and fifth places.
  6. The organization of a flexible work schedule for an employee is the most common way of motivation. This method is a system of working time planning, in which employees have to work a certain number of hours per week, and they can independently distribute their working hours. In the last few years, the idea of ​​creating a "floating" chart has become popular. So in Sberbank, private service specialists have a work schedule of 3/2, 2/2 or 2/1, employees are also allowed to coordinate their work schedule with the manager in order to choose the most suitable work time for themselves.
  7. Division of the work task. That is, a work spanning 40 hours per week is shared between two or more employees. Such a system provides an advantage both for individual employees and for the organization as a whole, since, thanks to this method, the experience of not one, but several employees can be used. Besides this system enables an organization to hire qualified employees who are unwilling or unable to work full-time. Thus, Primorye Bank offers students the job of a promoter with the opportunity to work from two to four hours a day, depending on the schedule of his classes.
  8. Training at the expense of the company is one of the powerful motivational tools. The employer can insure himself with a special contract, according to which trained the specialist is obliged to work at the same place for a certain time. You can also offer group training - for example, foreign language. Sberbank strives to make continuous development an integral part of its corporate culture by actively involving personnel in development programs. A special “Training” section has been created on the corporate intranet portal, in which each employee of Sberbank can get all the necessary information about certain curricula register and complete distance learning. There is also virtual library Sberbank with free access for all employees. An intranet store operates on the corporate portal, where each Sberbank employee can order a book from their workplace with corporate discounts. This is especially true for remote and rural areas where there are no major players in the book market, and new business literature is often difficult to obtain. The goal of the Bank is to ensure maximum coverage of management by intensive development programs, to give any manager a chance to reach new level efficiency and self-realization. Modern forms of education are actively used: business games, business cases, business simulations. In total, about 165 thousand employees of territorial banks and 2.7 thousand employees of the central office (about 70% of employees) were trained in 2010. The corresponding costs amounted to about 515 million rubles.
  9. Measures of moral appreciation, such as elementary compliments to employees for their work, mentions and photographs in the media, in corporate publications. In Sberbank, on the corporate website, they post photos of those employees who have achieved high results in sales of banking goods and services and a description of their merits to the bank and the story of employees about how they managed to achieve such results. This is done in order to praise a distinguished employee and show other employees what to strive for. Also, in all branches of Sberbank there are honor boards where the names of employees who are the best in terms of service quality, speed, and the number of sales at the end of each month are written.
  10. Another pretty effective method incentive is the issuance of incentive cards to employees to purchase goods in their own store. This form of non-material motivation operates in many large chain stores. For example, in "Ile de Beauté", L "Etoile,Gloria Jeans, AdidasandReebokfor employees of stores there are discounts on their own products from 10-25%.
  11. Loans at preferential interest rates and discounts on the purchase of other banking services. For example, in Sberbank, employees receive consumer loans at 17.9%, while the interest rate for ordinary customers starts at 20% per annum.
  12. Organization corporate events dedicated to significant events or holidays. For example, in and investment and construction company « ARCADE» all corporate holidays for employees are paid by the company, this is a good motivation, since it often happens that in some companies employees do not attend company-wide events simply because they do not want to spend their money on it. And the organization informal communication employees is important for a good atmosphere in the team, as it allows people to get to know each other better and take a break from work.
  13. Company trips. Olga Prilepina, an employee of a St. Petersburg IT company, says: « Every year we travel with the whole team along the route St. Petersburg-Helsinki-Stockholm-Petersburg. We do part of the way on buses, then we take a ferry. In the capitals of Scandinavia we visit museums, water parks, walk, take pictures. The atmosphere on these trips and in our office is very warm. Employees are looking forward to these excursions, and I think this greatly increases their loyalty to the company.”.
  14. Paid centralized lunches. This method of non-material motivation is used, for example, in the Sotka supermarket, since employees usually have to work 10-12 hours a day, management believes that it is necessary to ensure that their employees are well fed.
  15. Paid holiday.
  16. Participation in the discussion and solution of problems of the organization, taking into account the opinions of employees, supporting a reasonable initiative.
  17. Clear job requirements, clearly articulated service functions, goals and objectives of the work.
  18. Independence and independence in work, lack of strict control.
  19. Opportunity for creativity and self-expression at work.
  20. Remote presence at the workplace using a personal computer.
  21. Stability in work, job security, confidence in the future.

In general, we can conclude that material and monetary incentives are the engine of "progress", but still not the only factor that encourages a specialist to work. plays an important role in personnel management non-material motivation which, undoubtedly, is the most powerful stimulus to work.


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