Make a sentence with the word "knocked woodpecker" in different meanings. Sentences with "woodpecker" Common sentence "woodpecker knocked"

  • 27.05.2020

Well, how, tell me, to relax a decent girl after the labors of the righteous?! Alcohol does not take a soul. Men don't go fishing. Why am I fishing in my short fur coat and stiletto boots?! My brother, seeing my next new thing, only shakes his head: “This is not a coat, but some kind of umbrella, it won’t cover you from any cold weather, and heels are a separate song. Are they comfortable to cling to the ice ?!”
At work, you tap and tap on the keyboard all day long, like some kind of woodpecker, then reports, then monitoring, then answers to customer complaints. You come home - again at the computer, you sit in the blog until late in the evening. By the end of the week, you will look in the mirror, and a tired and pale face with bruises under the eyes is looking at you. You have to get excited somehow.
And so I decided to spend the next day off not as usual, at the computer, but to go shopping - perhaps the most enjoyable thing for women. In order not to go from boutique to boutique in the open air (it’s still not summer, and you can’t park a car close), I went straight to Lucy, a large shopping center where you can walk from morning until late evening and where, probably, everything - from a needle to office furniture.
For the first two hours, I wandered around looking for something new to add to my wardrobe. As a result, I bought a short sleeveless jacket made of silver fox, having spent almost all the money I had with me, and then I went on just like that, asking the price of the things I liked.
I wandered into the department with jumpers, asked the saleswomen to show turtlenecks, and decided to pick up a sleeveless jacket. The sellers - girls of about twenty - were not imbued at first, continuing to chirp cheerfully about something of their own, then, seeing that I was in no hurry to leave, they showed me their goods. I tried on with a sleeveless jacket and a yellow turtleneck, and pink, and green. Everything is not right. Finally, I decided that black would be best. But there was no such thing in the department.
Somewhat tired, I went to the neighboring department with shoes.
I tried on some shoes, others, then switched to sandals (there will be summer someday!), And completely confused by the fuss and long walks along shopping center, turned and asked the seller standing nearby: "Tell me, do you have size thirty-seven?" For some reason the seller did not answer. Probably didn't hear. I decided to repeat the question louder and tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. And what?! My God, it turned out that I was talking to a mannequin, of which there are many at the entrance to the department and not only. Indeed, "the woodpecker knocked, knocked, knocked - crazy."
Looking around to see if anyone saw my embarrassment, I quickly went to the exit, deciding that for today I had already completely "relaxed". It's time to go home, otherwise you'll walk for another hour, and you won't find a car in the parking lot. Or you don't know.

A sailing ship is sailing on the sea.

Underline the vowels in the first sentence.

Underline the consonants in the second sentence.

Write three-syllable words (consisting of three syllables).

Mark the stress on the words.

4). Write down the dictation:

Dima had a cat. The cat's name was Beetle. The cat has fluffy fur. He is red. The beetle catches mice.

(Remember!zhi, shi write with a letter" and").

_ Underline the name of the cat.

_ In the last sentence, underline the soft consonants.

5). Determine by ear the number of words in the sentence.

Autumn has come.

The leaves turned yellow.

Tanya stepped out onto the porch.

The dog barked loudly.

6).Decipher and write down the sentence


7). From these words, make a sentence:

On, vase, table, stands.

2. On, ride, children, mountains, with, sledding.

8). Compose text from sentences.

She began to dig a hole. ()

The fox approached the spruce. ()

The fox will live there.()

Write the sentences in the correct order.

9). Determine by ear how many sentences are in the text?

Lived - there were a grandfather and a woman. They had a Ryaba chicken. The hen laid an egg.

Write calligraphically correctly and beautifully!




The attendant, the poultryman, the honors student, the concrete worker, the greengrocer, the drummer, the lamplighter, and the welder all floated

on a sunny day on a river steamer. My daughter had a habit of losing a pen, a ring, buckwheat,

sheep and beetle. A night butterfly nurses a chick.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.

Charming hedgehogs in the silence of the thicket hiss at the cones. The mice decided to sew a turban for a seagull.

A bird is carrying a thorn in a wheelbarrow. Natasha and Grisha are having tea. Our little ones are looking for gloves and pencils.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


Snow flakes fall softly to the ground. The kids are playing in the yard. The pond and the river are covered with ice.

Olga goes to the skating rink. Uncle Yasha teaches everyone to skate.

Reference words: ride.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.

A gloomy autumn has passed. Snowflakes swirled cheerfully in the air. They covered the whole earth.

Juicy berries hung on the mountain ash. A flock of thrushes flew up to the tree. Good bird food!

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


In winter I went skiing. Fluffy snow in the forest lay on branches and branches. The woodpecker thumped loudly.

From under the bark of a tree, he took out a bug. There was a hole under the spruce. Who lives there?

Reference words: from under.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


Oleg and Vasya were walking from school. Thick snow fell. The boys went down to the river. Vasya ran across the ice.

The brittle ice cracked. Vasya almost fell into the water. The boys hurried to the house.

Reference words: ran, did not fall, hurried.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


Snowflakes swirled cheerfully in the air. Snow fell during the night.

In the morning, animals and birds left a chain of footprints in the snow.

Here the cat Vaska jumped from the porch. Whose trail leads to the garden?

Reference words: left.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


The whole earth was covered with snow. It is difficult for a hare to find food. And juicy berries hung on the mountain ash.

The wind called the bunny. The wind began to shake the mountain ash strongly. Large berries fell on the snow.

Bunny is happy. A fluffy animal is full.

Reference words: fell asleep, mountain ash, hung.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


In the afternoon I went to the grove with my dog ​​Timka. It was good in the grove. Snow lay everywhere in a white carpet.

A squirrel jumped on an old spruce. A dry mushroom hung on a knot. The animal noticed him. Here is lunch.

Reference words: went, noticed, dinner.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


There was a strong frost at night. There is ice on the water. Fluffy snow fell in the morning.

Outside is fun and noisy. Alyosha harnessed Tom to the sleigh. The boys were running after the dog.

Reference words: fell out, harnessed, fled.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


Ground is covered with snow. Winter roams in the fields and forests. The wind blew off the white dress of winter from the hill.

The frozen brown earth appeared. Here is the sun. The quiet ringing of a drop wakes the forest.

A bright stream gurgles under the snow. The song of the birds resounded along the deaf paths.

Reference words: seemed to break.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.


Spring has come. The children run to the river. There is ice on the river. The water is bubbling and noisy.

He finds an ice floe on an ice floe. A dog is swimming on a large ice floe. The water quickly carried the ice floe to the shore.

There were logs along the shore. The dog jumped on a log and escaped from trouble.

Reference words: carried, shore, escaped, to the river.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class. Second semester.

He knocked on the door for a long time, until at last unhurried footsteps were heard behind it.

A. Saint-Exupery, Southern Postal

The copper one came and hummed his brass song, happily banged his forehead on the trees, and Vanemuine played.

He just hummed and hummed his brass song, joyfully banged his forehead against the trees and substituted his copper mouth for the strings of rain.

K.K. Sergienko, "White Rondel"

I knocked for a long time, first on the door, then on the windows.

K.K. Sergienko, "The happiest day"

They remembered that the symbol of their state is a woodpecker, and a woodpecker is a stubborn bird, all his life he hammers and hammers.

K.K. Sergienko, "Take us away, Pegasus"

With many others, he turned back and rushed back to the exchange, while a reporter who had come for information knocked futilely on the massive doors of the bank until the porter looked out through the diamond-shaped window and informed him that Mr. Jay Cooke had gone and no one will be accepted today.

T. Dreiser, “The Trilogy of Desire. Financier"

The Zamba thumped the beaten path with the end of its trunk, making a dull metallic sound.

E.S. Veltistov, Adventures of Electronics. Part 2 - Rassy is an elusive friend"

In the room under this number, a young employee was tapping on a typewriter.

Outside the window, a woodpecker knocks on an old pine tree.

E.S. Veltistov, Adventures of Electronics. Part 3 - Winner of the Impossible"

Elek typed out answers to urgent telegrams, and Rassy, ​​soaring on transparent wings over the midnight city, carried them to different addresses, lowered them into mailboxes or slipped his paw under the door.

E.S. Veltistov, Adventures of Electronics. Part 4 - Syroezhkin and others "

He banged on the wall with his fist, signaling that he was waiting for the samovar, and, groaning, lit a cigarette: this calmed his heart and lightened his chest.

I.A. Bunin, "Village"

There was a smell of mold and sealing wax, the tattered postman banged his stamp, the gloomy Sakharov yelled at the peasants, angry that Kuzma did not guess to send him heels of chickens or a pood of flour.

I.A. Bunin, "Village"

Here the lamps burned brightly, warmth from the fireboxes was everywhere, while the rain was fluently and measuredly pounding on the roof.

I.A. Bunin, "Dark alleys"

Orioles were crying out in flight in different places in the evening garden, opposite us hung high, clinging to the trunk of a pine tree that grew alone in an alley among birches, a reddish-gray woodpecker.

I.A. Bunin, "Dark alleys"

I suffered, I was bored - as if on purpose, it rained for three days, ran measuredly, pounded on the roof with thousands of paws, it was gloomy in the house, flies were sleeping on the ceiling and on the lamp in the dining room - but I held on, sometimes I sat for hours in the lancer's office, listening to his stories.

I.A. Bunin, "Dark alleys"

The girl heard her slowly stomping up the steep stairs, the Moroccan thudding behind her with his boots, and went outside.

I.A. Bunin, "Dark alleys" I.S. Turgenev, Biryuk

Through the constant noise of the wind, faint sounds seemed to me not far away: an ax carefully knocked on the branches, the wheels creaked, the horse snorted.

I.S. Turgenev, "Notes of a hunter"

He silently flew half the hall on one leg, and seemed not to see the chairs standing in front of him and rushed straight at them; but suddenly, snapping his spurs and spreading his legs, he stopped on his heels, stood like that for a second, with a roar of spurs, his feet tapped in one place, quickly turned around and, snapping his left foot with his right, again flew in a circle.

L.N. Tolstoy, War and Peace. Volume 2"

Grisha, sobbing and continuing to say various nonsense, followed us and pounded with his crutch on the steps of the stairs.

In the yard the sentry pounded on a cast-iron board.

L.N. Tolstoy, "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth. Part 1"

Far away in the depths of the forest a bird called; another answered; somewhere a woodpecker was knocking.

M. Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Part 2"

Somewhere out there, in the upper boundless expanses, the winds blew, cold clouds shone with the sun floated, and on the earth, which had just received the cheerful horseman and drunkard grandfather Sasha, life still boiled furiously: in the steppe, which approached the garden itself with a green flood, in the thickets of wild hemp near the curtains of the old threshing floor, the rattling shot of a quail battle sounded incessantly, gophers whistled, bumblebees buzzed, grass caressed by the wind rustled, larks sang in a streaming haze, and, affirming human greatness in nature, somewhere far, far away in dry land persistently, the machine gun rumbled viciously and muffled.

M.A. Sholokhov, Quiet Flows the Don

Fomin pounded his fist, spat, and, not finding convincing arguments, stopped the useless argument.

M.A. Sholokhov, Quiet Flows the Don

I must tell you, dear Marya Potapyevna, that no one in the whole world has ever been able to chatter his teeth like the lawyer Frivolous did.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Well-meaning Speeches

It seemed to me that in front of me was a huge woodpecker, which was pounding its nose into a tree and gradually came into a wooden ecstasy from the sounds of its own chiselling.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Diary of a Provincial in St. Petersburg

And the starling, and the birdhouse, and the woodpecker, and his wife - everything died, so that Ardalyon Semenych remained the complete master of both his fortune and his actions.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Little Things in Life

He turned out to be an excellent thresher, he walked in the head of the chain, he banged the flail slowly, evenly, smoothly, and straight, and crosswise.

For this he put on a Polish suit, famously tapped on the floor with his heels, and at the end of the figure he knelt down, offering his hand to his lady, who circled around him, making a step.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, "Poshekhonskaya antiquity"

The coachman Omelko, who was also a gardener and a watchman, had been banging with a hammer and nailing the skin since early morning, incessantly driving away the dogs that licked the wheels.

N.V. Gogol, "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"

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Sentences with "woodpecker"

We found 45 sentences with the word "woodpecker". See also synonyms for "woodpecker".
Meaning of the word

  • The she-wolf fed us with her nipples, woodpecker brought us food when we lay in a trough near a large river.
  • Only woodpecker not afraid to wake up the sleepy forest kingdom.
  • Squirrels jumped up the trees and tapped with their long noses. woodpecker.
  • The she-wolf, as they say, came to feed them with her nipples, and woodpecker brought them food and guarded them.
  • In this army, perhaps, only woodpecker- the drummer is not afraid of winter.
  • They are called woodpeckers, but it was not woodpecker, but an ordinary starling.
  • A nomadic flock of tits will whistle, knock woodpecker, and again blue silence.
  • Is it only occasionally knocks woodpecker or an insect will buzz and fly away God knows where.
  • For example, they will ask: “Do you have anything to tell us?” And you sound like woodpecker: "I have.
  • He ran out into the corridor woodpecker repeating: "Tanya, Tanya, where are you?" Returned.
  • If the starling also knocks, how woodpecker, then what to take from a writer, as we, anticipating the separation of Ukraine with Crimea from Russia, called writers.
  • And woodpecker also like a builder: he hammers and hammers.
  • But herons, just like in the swamps of Europe, hunted for frogs, woodpecker operated on trees.
  • And I caught myself on that, like woodpecker, stunned repeated: yes, yes, yes.
  • Woodpecker does not notice me, hollows a rotten aspen.
  • Even woodpecker prefers to fly off for this time and wait a minute or two.
  • Nuts dragged woodpecker(he was helped by a nuthatch).
  • But here woodpecker I noticed the photographer from above and took off with a cry.
  • I saw holes, many holes, as if the ship was attacked by a brutal woodpecker.
  • Today on this place are the restaurant "Pyany woodpecker and McDonald's.
  • At a distance approximately equal to the size of your body, woodpecker tolerates tits, but they approached a little, now lunges with their beak.
  • In general, if woodpecker" among us and was, it was a meek woodpecker who chose not to knock.
  • Galapagos finches woodpecker with a cactus needle, he takes out the larvae from the passages in the wood.
  • Working with a mirror, hammer as if woodpecker“50” and “80”, even before the New Calendula, until you yourself believe in what you are talking about.
  • There was no music, and even woodpecker he pounded, so it seemed that he had no one to beat the beat.
  • On a booming pine bough creates a love song woodpecker, cry lapwings at the edge, an invisible lark rings.
  • Then he watches the birds, trying to understand where this one is crawling. woodpecker or why the magpies raised such a desperate uproar.
  • We'll have to come to terms with the fact that Woody Woodpecker's temple pounding is guaranteed for the whole day!
  • Knocked somewhere in the branches woodpecker, the hooting of the girlfriends was heard quieter and quieter.
  • It was quiet in the forest, only a knock was heard somewhere in the distance. woodpecker.
  • Flight of the lark, knock woodpecker, the crackling of branches every time took me off balance.
  • We stand waist-deep in snow, hear the shot woodpecker, the bleating of a goat and we see a figurine mincing down, wrapped in three, or maybe four scarves.
  • Boris records knocking woodpecker, the murmur of water and the cry of cranes flying close by.
  • But he, by consensus, for the role of " woodpecker' didn't fit at all.
  • One day, when I heard a zealous drumming above, I expected to see woodpecker when suddenly a heavy hazelnut fell at his feet.
  • I recently watched a video on the Internet woodpecker who taught how, like, to build a business the right way.
  • And if your house is not far from the forest, wait for a visit and woodpecker.
  • And in the world of birds surrounding the nuthatch, he, as it were, combined in himself a tit and woodpecker.
  • But try to imitate the knock woodpecker in the forest.
  • I want to say that, as amazing as it sounds, woodpecker” among us, it seems, was not.
  • There is a knock in the forest woodpecker and the thrushes sing very loudly.
  • And from day to day you should wait for the song of the voiceless woodpecker.
  • We saw bullfinches, goldfinches there, woodpecker and a flock of thrushes.
  • close knock woodpecker gave them peace.
  • By no means is a spring fraction intended for a person. woodpecker and placers of nightingale trill in bird cherry trees.

Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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How to correctly and step by step explain to students the complete syntactic analysis of the sentence? To do this, I offer you a developed memo, with the help of which the guys can learn how to parse the proposal.



Offer members.

The offer is always main members. They form the basis suggestions. It contains the main meaning of the sentence.

In autumn, the cranes fly south.

The artist draws autumn leaves.

Words that do not form the basis of a sentence areminor members. Minor members explain the main members of the proposal, clarify them.

autumn cranes fly away South .

The artist draws autumn leaves.

The subject and the predicate are the main parts of the sentence.

Subject and predicateare the main members of the sentence. They make upgrammatical basis suggestions.

  1. Subject:
  1. Subject - is the main member of the sentence, which means, about who or what stated in the proposal.
  2. Subject answers questions who? or what?
  3. The subject in the sentence is underlined with one line.

who? what?

The birds are flying. A yellow leaf fell from a birch.

  1. The subject is expressed by a noun or a pronoun.

noun places.

A ripe apple fell from an apple tree. It lies on the ground.

  1. Predicate:
  1. Predicate - is the main member of the sentence, which means,what is said about the subject.
  2. The predicate answers questionswhat is he doing? what have you been doing? What did you do? what is he doing? What will we do? what are you doing? and others.
  3. The predicate in the sentence is underlined by two lines.

what do they do? What did you do?

The birds are flying . yellow leaf fell from a birch.

________ _____

  1. The predicate in the sentence is expressed by the verb.

Verb. vb.

A ripe apple fell from an apple tree. It lies on the ground.

_______ _________

  1. There are cases when the predicate is expressed by a noun.

Ex. noun

My dad is engineer . Moscow is the capital of Russia.

___________ __________

What are common and non-common sentences?

Offers are common and non-common.

Uncommonthe proposal consists of only the main members.

Ex. vb. vb. noun

The woodpecker knocked. A seagull flew by.

________ ______________

Commonthe proposal consists of their main and secondary members.

Ex. vb. vb. noun

Woodpecker pounded on a pine Above the sea flying white-winged gull.

________ ______________

Analysis of the proposal.

Playful foxes play hide-and-seek under a green bush.

  1. I will find the action of the object (verb) - are playing. This predicate, I emphasize with two lines, is expressed by a verb.


Under the green bush play playful foxes hide and seek.


  1. Find who? or what? performed this action (who? are playing). These are foxes.

Foxes - this subject, I emphasize with one line, is expressed by a noun.

vb. noun

Under the green bush play hide and seek naughty foxes.


  1. So this sentence is about foxes.

(Who?) foxes. Little foxes (what are they doing?) are playing.

The foxes are playing - these are the main members of the sentence (or the grammatical basis of the sentence).

  1. I will mark the parts of speech.

adj. noun vb. noun adj. noun

Under the green bush play hide and seek naughty foxes.


  1. Determine the number of phrases in a sentence. This sentence is common, in addition to the main members of the sentence, there are 4 more words (under a bush, green, hide and seek, playful). So you need to find 4 phrases, I put numbers below.

REMEMBER! The main members of a sentence CANNOT be a phrase.

Foxes play - these are the main members suggestions, thisuncommon sentence

  1. First I will find all the phrases subject groups(the question is posed from the subject).
  1. Foxes (what?) are playful;

REMEMBER! I write the first phrase with a capital letter, put a semicolon (;), I write the rest of the phrases with a small letter.

  1. Now I can find phrasespredicate groups(the question is posed from the predicate).
  1. play (where?) under a bush;
  2. play (what?) hide-and-seek;
  1. It remains for me to find one more phrase (I put the question from minor members).
  1. under a bush (what?) green.
  1. Summary of the proposal.

adj. noun vb. noun adj. noun

Under the green bush play hide and seek naughty foxes.


  1. Foxes (what?) are playful;
  2. play (where?) under a bush;
  3. play (what?) hide-and-seek;
  4. under a bush (what?) green.

How are the members of the sentence called and underlined

  1. Subject __________ is expressed by a noun, a pronoun (I.p. who? what?)
  1. Predicate expressed by the verb (what to do? what did you do? what does it do?

What will do? and others)

  1. Definition ~~~~~~~~expressed by an adjective (what? what? what? what? what? what? what? and others)
  1. Addition - - - - - - - - expressed by a noun, a pronoun (questions of cases:

R.p. whom? what? D.p. to whom? what? V.p. whom? what? etc. by whom? how? P.p. about whom? about what?)

  1. Circumstance -. - . - . - - expressed by adverb, noun, pronoun, numeral (when? how much? how? where? why? from where? where? and others)

adj. noun vb. noun adj. noun

Under the green bush play hide and seek naughty foxes.

~~~~~~~~ - . - . - . - _________ - - - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~