What is social professional mobility. The concept, types and channels of professional mobility of young professionals. The essence and structure of the concept of professional mobility in modern society

  • 26.11.2019

The ability and willingness of the individual to quickly and successfully master new technology and technology, to acquire the missing knowledge and skills that ensure the effectiveness of new career guidance activities.

The form social mobility; a change in the employment position or role of an employee due to a change in the place of work or profession.

In the concept of "Professional mobility" there are objective, subjective and characterological aspects.

The objective side includes scientific, technical and socio-economic prerequisites, as well as the process of changing the profession itself.

The subjective side means the process of changing the interests of the employee and the act of making a decision to change the place of work or profession.

From a characterological point of view, professional mobility is considered as a more or less stable property of a person, as a readiness or predisposition to change the type of professional activity. The movement of an employee up the rungs of the career ladder, the movement from lower levels to higher levels and vice versa, is determined by the concept of vertical mobility. A change in the type of work by an individual within the same range of professions or positions is defined as horizontal mobility.

Professional mobility is a change by a group of persons or an individual from one profession to another. Distinguish: - vertical professional mobility - moving up and down in the professional qualification structure; and - horizontal professional mobility - movements without a qualitative change in profession and qualifications.

13. Professional and qualification mobility of personnel

Professional and qualification mobility of personnel is the process of moving workers between professional and qualification groups as a result of acquiring work experience, practical knowledge and skills.

Qualification - the degree of professional readiness to perform a certain type of work. Distinguish between job qualifications and employee qualifications.

Qualitative characteristics of personnel - a set of professional, moral and personal properties, which are a concrete expression of the compliance of personnel with the requirements that apply to a position or workplace. There are three main groups of quality characteristics:



    staff properties.

Profession - gender labor activity of a person, the subject of his constant occupation, as well as evidence of his knowledge and skills, experience, allowing him to competently perform a certain type of work.


The basis for studying such a phenomenon as professional mobility of workers was the work of P. Sorokin, E. Durkheim, M. Weber, which laid down a functional approach to the analysis of professional mobility as a social phenomenon. The works of A. Schutz and M. Scheler reveal the phenomenological vision of this category.

Domestic scientists in their studies considered professional mobility as a subject social stratification Soviet society. In the works of T.I. Zaslavskaya, R.V. Ryvkina, V.G. Podmarkova developed a methodology for analyzing a labor career and studying the mechanisms of job change. In the works of I.O. Martynyuk, V.N. Shubkina, V.A. Yadov covered such problems as professional self-determination of university graduates, job search, adaptation in the workplace, advanced training. Psychological aspects of vocational guidance and labor activity are worked out in detail in the studies of E.A. Klimov. The last decades were marked by a new socio-culturological approach to the study of social phenomena, including the training of specialists in the system of higher professional education; the works of V.M. Rosina, N.G. Bagdosaryan. In the works of O.A. Ikonnikova, A.G. Zdravomyslova analyzed the main problems of higher vocational education in the context of the sociological paradigm.

Social mobility as the movement of individuals, social groups is defined in the works of S.E. Krapivensky, S.S. Frolova, Yu.A. Karpova, A.A. Geraskova, L.V. Kansuzyan. "Cultural mobility", "sociocultural mobility" became the subject of research by P.K. Anokhin, I.V. Vasilenko, G.B. Ship. Features and characteristics of professional mobility are considered in the works of O.M. Dudina, P.M. Ratnikova, Yu.I. Kalinovsky, N.I. Tomina, O.V. Amosova. The mechanisms of the emergence and development of human design mobility in the studies of N.F. Good. A.T. Konkov divides professional mobility into intergenerational and intragenerational. L. Amirova and Z. Bagishev consider the category of professional and pedagogical mobility as a target higher education.

After analyzing the studies of scientists, it should be noted that they consider mobility both as a quality of a person and as a process, i.e. is bilateral. The duality of such a category as "mobility" is characterized by the fact that a person can be mobile if he has certain personal and professional qualities, but his mobility can manifest itself only in activity, and one should speak about the degree and level of human mobility only if it is realized in activity.

Having analyzed the genesis of the formation in the scientific, pedagogical and sociological literature of such concepts as "social mobility", "sociocultural mobility", "academic and educational mobility", we note that the result of modern professional education is the ability of graduates to professional mobility of a new type - mobility as the basis of faith people in themselves and their future, in their strengths and capabilities. We believe that such a concept as "professional mobility of a specialist" is determined not only by his ability to change his profession, place and type of activity, but also by the ability to make independent and non-standard decisions aimed at increasing the level of his professionalism, as well as the ability to quickly master a new educational , professional, social and national environment.

Based on the sociological approach and considering professional mobility as a process of movement of individuals between groups of the professional structure of society, it is necessary to note the fact that social subjects completely or partially change their professional status. The professional status of an individual is a certain position of a person in the professional structure of society. It is possible to form social competence in an adaptive university environment and help a graduate adapt to a change in his social and professional status, provided that information, communication, and organizational components are included in the educational process. In this regard, we can single out the main tasks of higher professional education in the context of its globalization and modernization. Firstly, education is designed to prepare specialists who are able to learn easily, quickly adapt to changing conditions and the content of their professional activities, who are interested in their continuous education and improvement. Thus, in the process of professional training of specialists in the system of higher education, it is necessary to develop their adaptive abilities, as well as the skills and abilities of self-learning. Secondly, education should form in the future specialist such personal structures and abilities that would allow him to independently navigate the professional world and build the vector of his career growth.

One of the directions of development of modern science is the study of the possibilities of a competency-based approach to determining the requirements for a graduate of a professional educational institution. Competence-based approach in education covers, along with knowledge and skills, such categories as abilities, readiness for learning, social skills. The competence-based approach allows revealing the desired result of education through a set of different kind competencies. Based on the competence-based approach, we can substitute a holistic picture of the formation of professional mobility of a specialist through the development of certain competencies.

Social and communicative competencies that ensure the readiness of a future specialist for socialization in a modern democratic society, for working with new information technologies, for carrying out their professional activities in heterogeneous groups of people, and adapting to new situations.

Educational competencies ensure the readiness of the future specialist for scientific, systemic knowledge of the world, for mastering the skills of independent development of knowledge and improving their qualifications or changing their profession, to maintain their professional, creative and social potential in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, for self-improvement, for self-education.

General scientific competencies provide a high level of basic general knowledge and general knowledge in the profile of the specialty, the ability to adapt to changes in the content of social and professional activities.

Value-semantic and general cultural competencies ensure the success of the value-semantic orientation of a specialist in the world, the readiness and desire to know and improve himself, the readiness of the future specialist for socially approved productive activity and contribute to the awareness of the need for continuous self-education, constant motivation for learning throughout life, determining the values ​​necessary to live in a complex democratic society, mastering a high level of pedagogical culture.

These competencies are the main component of professional mobility of a specialist.

Analyzing the features of modern historical development (constant changes, changes, interpenetration of various fields of activity and knowledge, movement towards a unity of understanding of all aspects of life on Earth), A. Kochetkova identified two megatrends under the conditions of which this development takes place. The first is connected with the movement of world processes towards chaos, which determines the formation of new semantic foundations of human life. The second is characterized by the rejection of the technocratic perception of ongoing changes, the desire for a harmonious comprehension of what is happening. It is these trends that have led to the fact that the established requirements for the quality of a specialist do not correspond to the changing conditions of life and work. Creativity becomes an invariable attribute of the life and activity of every person, i.e. abilities, knowledge and skills established in a person acquire a different and more important meaning, which determines the place of a modern specialist in the development of a country and society. Accordingly, the requirements for the quality of education change, the environment in which professional training should be conducted should be isomorphic to the environment in which creative potential specialist. Thus, there is a change in the model of education based on the transmission of knowledge to the model of education "oriented to the translation of the principles of work in conditions of scientific ignorance", which is most associated with the formation of the personality of a modern specialist. Modern man lives and acts in an environment with a high degree of "turbulence", which determines the level of unpredictability of the direction of change. Accordingly, in such conditions, an effective specialist must have a number of qualities that come to the fore: creativity of thinking and speed of decision-making, the ability to learn frequently and the ability to adapt to new circumstances, resistance to frustrations in the external and internal environment of the organization, the ability to track and correctly assess the state of the environment. A high degree of adaptability when operating in a "turbulent environment" characterizes a mobile specialist, i.e. a specialist capable of solving various problems without psychological damage to himself.

Continuity and spasmodic characterize the changes taking place in the modern world and in the education system in particular, and they have a strong impact on people. This causes the process of dividing people into those who are highly resistant to change, but not prone to adaptation; who are unable to adapt and cannot resist change; who are capable of adaptation and change, but the speed necessary for adaptation is high enough, which slows it down; who are able to adapt and change quickly, capable of rapid learning, self-learning. Therefore, we can conclude that modern education is designed to help young people be resilient to change and be able to reactively adapt, through self-learning and learning. Thus, we see that the second component of professional mobility of a specialist is his readiness for change. It is from the degree of readiness of a specialist for changes that he makes decisions about changing his place of work, profession, education, etc. A person, overestimating his baggage of knowledge, decides to change it or to abandon some part of it. "Wishing to change" means that the person is willing to contribute significant changes into one's life and activities without anyone's interference or pressure. The third component of professional mobility is the activity of the individual. Modern vocational education in Russia is built on the principle of succession of educational programs, where educational program a university built on the basis of what has been achieved and with a focus on development is a continuation of the educational route of a person. Professional development and personal development of a student at a university is carried out through his own activity. At the same time, activity is expressed both as work on the transformation of oneself and on the transformation of the surrounding reality. According to M.L. Sokolov, activity is manifested in the ability to set achievable goals, to implement one's program, despite the circumstances that impede the achievement of the goal.

The problem of personality activity is considered as a biological and social problem. Interest in a person as an actively acting subject of the historical process increases as the concept of personality is formed under the influence of social relations. The problem of activity in Russian psychology is considered in the works of N.Ya. Grota, L.M. Lopatina, A.I. Vvedensky, I.I. Lapshina. They define activity as an internally closed property of the spirit.

Representatives of "empirical psychology" tried to move away from any philosophy, but at the same time they could not get away from dualistic, and sometimes even idealistic, philosophical concepts. G.I. Chelpanov associated activity with the internal structure of consciousness. V.Ya. Nechaev's activity is the ability to preserve one's personality. For our study, it is important that scientists considered activity as a measure of a person's resistance to the influence of the environment and its impact on this environment, although this measure was reduced to the potentialities of an individual of a biological nature.

In the 20-30s of the twentieth century, V.M. Bekhterev creates a socio-psychological concept of activity. Studying activity in social terms, he recognized its focus on changing the life of society, but at the same time there was a transfer of biological concepts to sociology, an attempt was made to consider society as a set of "physiological energy machines". P.P. Blonsky, along with the physiological substantiation of activity, interpreted it in the aspect of solving the problems of educating the personality. "To educate a person who would act not as a" flawless automaton ", but an active being, whose actions come from himself."

In the same historical period, an attempt was made to study the activity of the individual in the process of its activity. L.S. Vygotsky notes that human activity has not so much a biological nature as a social one. It is determined, according to the scientist, not by the maturation of certain functions, but by the assimilation in the course of ontogenetic development of certain forms of social experience, the culture created by mankind. The concept of set as a state of readiness for a certain activity was introduced by D.I. Uznadze. In relation to the processes of awareness and behavior, the attitude is primary and it determines the course of the processes of consciousness. The installation expresses readiness to improve the process aimed at satisfying the need. It reflects the surrounding reality and when this reality changes, it is able to change plastically. In this regard, the installation is able to ensure the implementation of actions in connection with changing conditions. The presence of needs and situations act necessary condition for the operation of the installation. A special form of mental activity inherent in man as a social being, according to D.I. Uznadze favors the level of objectification. Man, as a social being, lives and acts not only for himself, but also for another, i.e. his being transcends his own existence and becomes reality for another. And the attitude is the connecting link between consciousness and activity.

Considering that activity can be active and passive, N.F. Dobrynin divided the concept of "activity" and "activity" and puts forward the principle of activity as a methodological principle of psychology. Active actions, according to the scientist, are aimed at changing reality, and life and activity begin with the emergence of needs and interests that are associated with beliefs. "Convictions based on a worldview are reflected in all the activities of the individual and are the greatest force causing the activity of consciousness." Thus, activity arises as a result of the manifestation of needs, interests, beliefs and expresses the significance of certain objects for the individual, and one of the mechanisms for its occurrence is the transition of social significance into personal. Activity as a specific form of activity is considered in his works by S.L. Rubinstein. “Man is not a passive, only a contemplative being, but an active being, therefore it is necessary to study him in action, in his characteristic activity.” “The main positive content of the position on the unity of consciousness and activity,” writes S.L. Rubinshtein, “is to assert their relationship and interdependence: human activity determines the formation of his consciousness, his mental connections, processes and properties, and these latter, by regulating human activity , are a condition for its active implementation" .

Vigorous activity cannot always be considered a manifestation of social activity. Social activity as a quality of a person is based on public interests, and according to V.A. Yakub and A.I. Andryushchenko, is the variety of connections of the subject of social relations and the creative nature of the action aimed at realizing public interests. Social activity includes a person's attitude to the world social values, expressed in a specific activity, the criterion of its level is a complex of objective and subjective moments, characterizes the features of the activity (orientation, effectiveness) and internal performance indicators.

The social activity of a specialist in society is measured by the degree of his conscious participation in public life. The formation and manifestation of an active life position of the personality of a specialist is associated with the development of the creative potential of the personality. The activity of the individual is laid in the "foundation" of the individual in the early stages of life and is corrected, directed throughout the entire conscious activity. According to S.L. Rubinshtein, human behavior occurs under certain, given conditions, and its cause is "internal conditions". A.N. Leontiev writes that "active adaptation to the future is specific to human behavior." Social activity appears in diverse external manifestations. Its useful result is measured by the contribution that a person makes to the restructuring of "circumstances and himself." However, activity is organized and directed by the subjective position of the individual, which acts as an integral formation that ensures the "transfer" of external requirements into internal ones.

A person acts as a subject of the historical process, according to B.G. Ananiev, I.S. Con. "Every manifestation of life" is a manifestation and affirmation of social life - this statement is the final conclusion and the leading premise in the analysis of approaches to the study of human activity (L.S. Vygotsky, V.M. Bekhterev).

For our study, the ideas expressed by V.A. Vodzinskaya that "Social activity is the highest form of human activity. It manifests itself as the ability to act consciously, not only adapting to the external environment, but also purposefully changing it." Consequently, a person acting consciously - independently sets a goal, foresees the results and regulates the intensity of activity, in this case we can talk about the self-activity of the individual as a manifestation of his activity. And since a person shows mobility only consciously, and this is an act of his initiative, then the activity of the individual is the basis for the manifestation of mobility. V.V. Vodzinskaya believes that not every activity is a manifestation of the activity of the individual, since in some cases the activity is not a free will of a person and does not correspond to his aspirations. And professional mobility is realized by a person only according to his own aspirations and interests, so, accordingly, the manifestation of the mobility of a person is always a manifestation of his activity.

I.N. Pashkovskaya, exploring the prerequisites for the formation of an active type of personality of a teacher, believes that social and professional activity, being the prerogative of only a conscious personality, since it is a measure of the consciousness of the individual and her responsibility to society. Professional activity is social in its essence, and it also proceeds within the framework of the social system, therefore, the forms of its manifestation, goals, features are generated by society, the social environment in which the personality is formed.

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  5. The basis for studying such a phenomenon as professional mobility of workers was the work of P. Sorokin, E. Durkheim, M. Weber, which laid down a functional approach to the analysis of professional mobility as a social phenomenon. The works of A. Schutz and M. Scheler reveal the phenomenological vision of this category.

    Domestic scientists in their studies considered professional mobility as a subject of social stratification of Soviet society. In the works of T.I. Zaslavskaya, R.V. Ryvkina, V.G. Podmarkova developed a methodology for analyzing a labor career and studying the mechanisms of job change. In the works of I.O. Martynyuk, V.N. Shubkina, V.A. Yadov highlighted such problems as professional self-determination university graduates, job search, adaptation in the workplace, advanced training. Psychological aspects of vocational guidance and labor activity are worked out in detail in the studies of E.A. Klimov. The last decades were marked by a new socio-culturological approach to the study of social phenomena, including the training of specialists in the system of higher professional education; the works of V.M. Rosina, N.G. Bagdosaryan. In the works of O.A. Ikonnikova, A.G. Zdravomyslova analyzed the main problems of higher professional education in the context of the sociological paradigm.

    Social mobility as the movement of individuals, social groups is defined in the works of S.E. Krapivensky, S.S. Frolova, Yu.A. Karpova, A.A. Geraskova, L.V. Kansuzyan. "Cultural mobility", "sociocultural mobility" became the subject of research by P.K. Anokhin, I.V. Vasilenko, G.B. Ship. Features and characteristics of professional mobility are considered in the works of O.M. Dudina, P.M. Ratnikova, Yu.I. Kalinovsky, N.I. Tomina, O.V. Amosova. The mechanisms of the emergence and development of human design mobility in the studies of N.F. Good. A.T. Konkov divides professional mobility into intergenerational and intragenerational. L. Amirova and Z. Bagishev consider the category of professional and pedagogical mobility as a target setting for higher education.

    After analyzing the studies of scientists, it should be noted that they consider mobility both as a quality of a person and as a process, i.e. is bilateral. The duality of such a category as "mobility" is characterized by the fact that a person can be mobile if he has certain personal and professional qualities, but his mobility can only show up in activity, and one should talk about the degree and level of human mobility only if it is realized in activity. .

    Having analyzed the genesis of the formation in the scientific, pedagogical and sociological literature of such concepts as "social mobility", "sociocultural mobility", "academic and educational mobility", we note that the result of modern vocational education is the ability of graduates to professional mobility of a new type - mobility as the basis of faith people in themselves and their future, in their strengths and capabilities. We believe that such a concept as "professional mobility of a specialist" is determined not only by his ability to change his profession, place and type of activity, but also by the ability to make independent and non-standard decisions aimed at increasing the level of his professionalism, as well as the ability to quickly master a new educational , professional, social and national environment.

    Based on the sociological approach and considering professional mobility as a process of movement of individuals between groups of the professional structure of society, it is necessary to note the fact that social subjects completely or partially change their professional status. The professional status of an individual is a certain position of a person in the professional structure of society. It is possible to form social competence in an adaptive university environment and help a graduate adapt to a change in his social and professional status, provided that information, communication, and organizational components are included in the educational process. In this regard, we can single out the main tasks of higher professional education in the context of its globalization and modernization. Firstly, education is designed to prepare specialists who are able to learn easily, quickly adapt to changing conditions and the content of their professional activities, who are interested in their continuous education and improvement. Thus, in the process of professional training of specialists in the system of higher education, it is necessary to develop their adaptive abilities, as well as the skills and abilities of self-learning. Secondly, education should form in the future specialist such personal structures and abilities that would allow him to independently navigate the professional world and build the vector of his career growth.

    One of the directions of development modern science the study of the possibilities of a competency-based approach to determining the requirements for a graduate of a professional educational institution is advocated. Competence-based approach in education covers, along with knowledge and skills, such categories as abilities, readiness for learning, social skills. The competency-based approach allows revealing the desired result of education through a set of different types of competencies. Based on the competence-based approach, we can substitute a holistic picture of the formation of professional mobility of a specialist through the development of certain competencies.

    * Social and communicative competencies that ensure the readiness of a future specialist for socialization in a modern democratic society, for working with new information technology, to the implementation of their professional activities in heterogeneous groups of people, to adapt to new situations.

    * Educational competencies ensure the readiness of the future specialist for scientific, systemic knowledge of the world, for mastering the skills of independent development of knowledge and improving their qualifications or changing their profession, to maintain their professional, creative and social potential in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, for self-improvement, for self-education.

    * General scientific competencies, provide a high level of basic general knowledge and general knowledge in the specialty profile, the ability to adapt to changes in the content of social and professional activities.

    * Value-semantic and general cultural competencies ensure the success of the value-semantic orientation of a specialist in the world, the readiness and desire to know and improve himself, the readiness of the future specialist for socially approved productive activities and contribute to the awareness of the need for continuous self-education, constant motivation for learning throughout life , defining the values ​​necessary to live in a complex democratic society, mastering a high level of pedagogical culture.

    These competencies are the main component of professional mobility of a specialist.

    Analyzing the features of modern historical development(constant changes, changes, interpenetration of various fields of activity and knowledge, movement towards a unity of understanding of all aspects of life on Earth) A. Kochetkova identified two megatrends under the conditions of which this development takes place. The first is connected with the movement of world processes towards chaos, which determines the formation of new semantic foundations of human life. The second is characterized by the rejection of the technocratic perception of ongoing changes, the desire for a harmonious comprehension of what is happening. It is these trends that have led to the fact that the established requirements for the quality of a specialist do not correspond to the changing conditions of life and work. Creativity becomes an invariable attribute of the life and activity of every person, i.e. abilities, knowledge and skills established in a person acquire a different and more important meaning, which determines the place of a modern specialist in the development of a country and society. Accordingly, the requirements for the quality of education change, the environment in which professional training should be carried out should be isomorphic to the environment in which the creative potential of a specialist will be realized. Thus, there is a change in the model of education based on the transmission of knowledge to the model of education "oriented to the translation of the principles of work in conditions of scientific ignorance", which is most associated with the formation of the personality of a modern specialist. Modern man lives and acts in an environment with a high degree of "turbulence", which determines the level of unpredictability of the direction of change. Accordingly, in such conditions, an effective specialist must have a number of qualities that come to the fore: creativity of thinking and speed of decision-making, the ability to learn frequently and the ability to adapt to new circumstances, resistance to frustrations in the external and internal environment of the organization, the ability to track and correctly assess the state of the environment. High degree adaptability when operating in a "turbulent environment" characterizes a mobile specialist, i.e. a specialist capable of solving various problems without psychological damage to himself.

    Continuity and spasmodic characterize the changes taking place in the modern world and in the education system in particular, and they have a strong impact on people. This causes the process of dividing people into those who are highly resistant to change, but not prone to adaptation; who are unable to adapt and cannot resist change; who are capable of adaptation and change, but the speed necessary for adaptation is high enough, which slows it down; who are able to adapt and change quickly, capable of rapid learning, self-learning. Therefore, we can conclude that modern education is designed to help young people be resilient to change and be capable of reactive adaptation, based on self-learning and learning. Thus, we see that the second component of professional mobility of a specialist is his readiness for change. It is from the degree of readiness of a specialist for changes that he makes decisions about changing his place of work, profession, education, etc. A person, overestimating his baggage of knowledge, decides to change it or to abandon some part of it. "The desire to change" means that a person is ready to make significant changes in his life and activities without anyone's interference or pressure. The third component of professional mobility is the activity of the individual. Modern vocational education in Russia is built on the principle of continuity of educational programs, where the educational program of the university, built on the basis of what has been achieved and with a focus on development, is a continuation of the educational route of a person. Professional development and personal development of a student at a university is carried out through his own activity. At the same time, activity is expressed both as work on the transformation of oneself and on the transformation of the surrounding reality. According to M.L. Sokolov, activity is manifested in the ability to set achievable goals, to implement one's program, despite the circumstances that impede the achievement of the goal.

    The problem of personality activity is considered as a biological and social problem. Interest in a person as an actively acting subject of the historical process increases as the concept of personality is formed under the influence of social relations. The problem of activity in Russian psychology is considered in the works of N.Ya. Grota, L.M. Lopatina, A.I. Vvedensky, I.I. Lapshina. They define activity as an internally closed property of the spirit.

    Representatives of "empirical psychology" tried to move away from any philosophy, but at the same time they could not get away from dualistic, and sometimes even idealistic, philosophical concepts. G.I. Chelpanov associated activity with the internal structure of consciousness. V.Ya. Nechaev's activity is the ability to preserve one's personality. For our study, it is important that scientists considered activity as a measure of a person's resistance to the influence of the environment and its impact on this environment, although this measure was reduced to the potentialities of an individual of a biological nature.

    In the 20-30s of the twentieth century, V.M. Bekhterev creates a socio-psychological concept of activity. Studying activity in socially, he recognized its focus on changing the life of society, but at the same time there was a transfer of biological concepts to sociology, an attempt was made to consider society as a set of "physiological energy machines". P.P. Blonsky, along with the physiological substantiation of activity, interpreted it in the aspect of solving the problems of educating the personality. "To educate a person who would act not as a" flawless automaton ", but an active being, whose actions come from himself."

    In the same historical period, an attempt was made to study the activity of the individual in the process of its activity. L.S. Vygotsky notes that human activity has not so much a biological nature as a social one. It is determined, according to the scientist, not by the maturation of certain functions, but by the assimilation in the course of ontogenetic development of certain forms of social experience, the culture created by mankind. The concept of set as a state of readiness for a certain activity was introduced by D.I. Uznadze. In relation to the processes of awareness and behavior, the attitude is primary and it determines the course of the processes of consciousness. The installation expresses readiness to improve the process aimed at satisfying the need. It reflects the surrounding reality and when this reality changes, it is able to change plastically. In this regard, the installation is able to ensure the implementation of actions in connection with changing conditions. The presence of needs and situations are a necessary condition for the functioning of the installation. A special form of mental activity inherent in man as a social being, according to D.I. Uznadze favors the level of objectification. Man, as a social being, lives and acts not only for himself, but also for another, i.e. his being transcends his own existence and becomes reality for another. And the attitude is the connecting link between consciousness and activity.

    Considering that activity can be active and passive, N.F. Dobrynin divided the concept of "activity" and "activity" and puts forward the principle of activity as a methodological principle of psychology. Active actions, according to the scientist, are aimed at changing reality, and life and activity begin with the emergence of needs and interests that are associated with beliefs. "Convictions based on a worldview are reflected in all the activities of the individual and are the greatest force causing the activity of consciousness." Thus, activity arises as a result of the manifestation of needs, interests, beliefs and expresses the significance of certain objects for the individual, and one of the mechanisms for its occurrence is the transition of social significance into personal. Activity as a specific form of activity is considered in his works by S.L. Rubinstein. "Man is not a passive, only a contemplative being, but an active being, therefore, it is necessary to study him in action, in his characteristic activity." “The main positive content of the position on the unity of consciousness and activity,” writes S.L. Rubinshtein, “is to assert their relationship and interdependence: human activity determines the formation of his consciousness, his mental connections, processes and properties, and these latter, by regulating human activity , are a condition for its active implementation" .

    Vigorous activity cannot always be considered a manifestation of social activity. Social activity as a quality of a person is based on public interests, and according to V.A. Yakub and A.I. Andryushchenko, is the variety of connections of the subject of social relations and the creative nature of the action aimed at realizing public interests. Social activity includes a person's attitude to the world of social values, expressed in a specific activity, the criterion of its level is a complex of objective and subjective moments, characterizes the features of activity (orientation, effectiveness) and internal performance indicators.

    The social activity of a specialist in society is measured by the degree of his conscious participation in public life. The formation and manifestation of an active life position of the personality of a specialist is associated with the development of the creative potential of the personality. The activity of the individual is laid in the "foundation" of the individual in the early stages of life and is corrected, directed throughout the entire conscious activity. According to S.L. Rubinshtein, human behavior occurs under certain, given conditions, and its cause is "internal conditions". A.N. Leontiev writes that "active adaptation to the future is specific to human behavior." Social activity appears in diverse external manifestations. Its useful result is measured by the contribution that a person makes to the restructuring of "circumstances and himself." However, activity is organized and directed by the subjective position of the individual, which acts as an integral formation that ensures the "transfer" of external requirements into internal ones.

    A person acts as a subject of the historical process, according to B.G. Ananiev, I.S. Con. "Every manifestation of life" is a manifestation and affirmation of social life - this statement is the final conclusion and the leading premise in the analysis of approaches to the study of human activity (L.S. Vygotsky, V.M. Bekhterev).

    For our study, the ideas expressed by V.A. Vodzinskaya that "Social activity is the highest form of human activity. It manifests itself as the ability to act consciously, not only adapting to external environment, but also purposefully changing it. "Consequently, a person acting consciously - independently sets a goal, foresees the results and regulates the intensity of activity, in this case we can talk about the self-activity of a person as a manifestation of his activity. And since a person shows mobility only consciously and this is an act VV Vodzinskaya believes that not every activity is a manifestation of the activity of the individual, since in some cases the activity is not a free will of a person and does not correspond to his aspirations. her own aspirations and interests, then, accordingly, the manifestation of the mobility of the individual is always a manifestation of her activity.

    I.N. Pashkovskaya, exploring the prerequisites for the formation of an active type of personality of a teacher, believes that social and professional activity, being the prerogative of only a conscious personality, since it is a measure of the consciousness of the individual and her responsibility to society. Professional activity is social in its essence, and it also proceeds within the framework of the social system, therefore, the forms of its manifestation, goals, features are generated by society, the social environment in which the personality is formed.


    Creating world-class production is always associated with the people who work in the enterprise. The correct principles of organizing production, optimal systems and procedures, of course, play an important role, but the realization of all the possibilities inherent in new management methods depends on specific people, on their knowledge, competence, qualifications, discipline, motivation, ability to solve problems, susceptibility to learning.

    Competence is required for a worker who develops new products or equipment, if only because the creation of new good equipment requires, at a minimum, knowledge of how old machines and equipment work. But for an enterprise that has decided today to succeed in the competition, it is necessary that each employee has a very extensive knowledge.

    The formation of the necessary competence among employees begins already during the selection of personnel and hiring personnel. People who come to the organization should strive to maximize, master aspects of this business. It is often more a matter of the will of the workers themselves than of their prior work experience or basic education.

    Equally important is the long-term planning of the company's personnel policy.

    In most companies, human resources departments or human resource management are more accustomed to planning the number of employees in enterprises. Their main task is to ensure that the enterprise or organization has as many employees as it should be in accordance with staffing tables.

    But today, it is important for human resources departments to achieve more than just timely filling of vacancies in order to maintain production at the proper level. The system of work with personnel should be planned in such a way as to constantly achieve an increase in the workforce of the enterprise of those people who have good knowledge, and ensure that there are more and more such workers in each division.

    It is desirable to conduct an analysis of environmental factors in order to make sure that there is a supply of certain professions for the recruitment of personnel by such employees as are not yet on the staff of the organization.

    As a result of the forecast of supply and demand for labor resources, any organization can find out the number of people it needs, their level of qualification and the placement of personnel.

    As a result, an agreed personnel policy, including systems for recruiting, training, improving and remunerating personnel, as well as a policy of relations between the administration and employees. This strategic plan can be broken down into specific use programs labor resources. That is why the topic "Professional mobility in modern conditions".

    The concept of workforce planning is simple. But its implementation is difficult. The corporate strategy does not always develop smoothly, because the equipment is not always available on time, or it does not fulfill the tasks that were predicted. Sometimes there is a greater than expected turnover of personnel in some areas of production and regions. The planned recruitment is not ongoing. Step-by-step training is calculated with errors, potential handouts are discredited. As a result, the plans are not fulfilled. However, the existence of a plan, at least, gives a sense of perspective, and systematic monitoring and control of its implementation can help correct deviations from the strategic direction.


    The ability and readiness of the individual to quickly and successfully master new equipment and technology, to acquire the missing knowledge and skills that ensure the effectiveness of new career guidance activities.

    Form of social mobility; a change in the employment position or role of an employee due to a change in the place of work or profession. The concept of "professional mobility" distinguishes between objective, subjective and characterological aspects.

    The objective side includes scientific, technical and socio-economic prerequisites, as well as the process of changing the profession itself.

    Subjective side means the process of changing the interests of the employee and the act of deciding to change jobs or professions.

    From a characterological point of view, professional mobility is considered as a more or less stable property of a person, as a readiness or predisposition to change the type of professional activity. The movement of an employee up the rungs of the career ladder, the movement from lower levels to higher levels and vice versa, is determined by the concept of vertical mobility. A change in the type of work by an individual within the same range of professions or positions is defined as horizontal mobility. The content of the concept of "professional mobility" can be distinguished: the choice of a profession, advanced training, determining the conditions for changing a place of work or profession, staff turnover, and others.

    Professional mobility is a change by a group of persons or an individual from one profession to another. Distinguish:

    Vertical professional mobility

    Moving up and down in the professional qualification structure; and

    Horizontal professional mobility - movement without a qualitative change in profession and qualifications.


    Professional and qualification mobility of personnel is the process of moving workers between professional and qualification groups as a result of acquiring work experience, practical knowledge and skills.

    Qualification - the degree of professional readiness to perform a certain type of work. Distinguish between job qualifications and employee qualifications.

    Qualitative characteristics of personnel - a set of professional, moral and personal properties, which are a concrete expression of the compliance of personnel with the requirements that apply to a position or workplace. There are three main groups quality characteristics: abilities, motivations and properties of the staff.

    A profession is a kind of labor activity of a person, the subject of his constant occupation, as well as evidence of his knowledge and skills, experience, allowing him to perform a certain type of work in a qualified manner.


    The modern era is characterized by high professional mobility of scientists. Thanks to mobility, a constant restructuring of the research front is carried out, providing personnel for the latest areas of research. At the same time, mobility is a very prompt, albeit indirect, indicator of the state of affairs in a particular field of research: the beginning outflow of scientists from any direction earlier than other signs may indicate its "saturation".

    Empirical studies of the professional mobility of scientists have been going on in Leningrad-St. Petersburg for about 30 years. During this time, general trends and specifics of the mobility of scientists in various branches of science and at certain stages of the development of science have been identified. The first repeatedly proven fact is that scientists are professionally mobile, only 1/3 work in the specialization received at the university. If in the 1970s and 1980s the intrascientific movement was studied predominantly, then in the 1990s the main attention was focused on the study of pathological mobility, i.e. the exit of scientists from the field of science, as well as migration processes. In our latest study, we again try to return to intra-scientific mobility, but in new socio-economic relations, within the framework of an international comparative study project. Here we will consider only the results of a selective sociological survey of members of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists (90 people) in April 1998.

    In the last study, we wanted to find out the motivation and intensity of change in scientific directions among scientists. We assumed that under the conditions of market relations the motivation of scientific personnel has changed dramatically, but our hypothesis was only partially justified. A significant part of the motifs was of a traditional nature, recorded back in the 70s.

    Of greatest interest to us was the elite group of PhDs. First of all, let's focus on it. According to the survey, the most common motive is an intrascientific factor - the logic of scientific research (40%), the second place was taken by the psychological factor - a change in scientific interests (23%), and the third - the practical usefulness of the study (20%). At the same time, factors related to the institutional changes that have taken place in science were revealed, for example, motives appeared associated with the possibility of obtaining grants, the desire for independent work. According to this survey, the change in the scientific direction is almost not associated with migration intentions, however, apparently, this is the specificity of this age group. There is reason to believe that young people have a slightly different approach to solving these issues.

    As it turned out, the distribution of mobile between new and traditional destinations has not changed significantly over the past decade, and is stable. We assumed that significant changes have taken place in the vector of personnel movement between fundamental and applied research, which currently dominates the flow into applied research and development. But this survey did not confirm our hypothesis: from fundamental to applied and vice versa, the volume of flows did not differ significantly. However, it is possible that this is due to the specifics of the sample (mostly scientists from academic universities and institutes). Further research is needed to better understand and substantiate such a movement.

    Comparison of the data of the respondents - doctors of sciences with the data for the entire array of respondents shows basically the commonality of motivations in changing direction, which does not exclude individual differences, which include such as forced circumstances and fear of losing a job. These motives are more common among candidates of sciences and scientific workers who do not have a scientific degree.

    These are some general trends. The report will consider the specifics of their manifestation in the natural, technical and social sciences.

    The international study, which will be conducted in the near future, will make it possible to more deeply comprehend and understand the dynamics of the directions and motivations of professional mobility, scientists in various countries With market economy.


    The basis for studying such a phenomenon as professional mobility of workers was the work of P. Sorokin, E. Durkheim, M. Weber, which laid down a functional approach to the analysis of professional mobility as a social phenomenon. The works of A. Schutz and M. Scheler reveal the phenomenological vision of this category.

    Domestic scientists in their studies considered professional mobility as a subject of social stratification of Soviet society. In the works of T.I. Zaslavskaya, R.V. Ryvkina, V.G. Podmarkova developed a methodology for analyzing a labor career and studying the mechanisms of job change. In the works of I.O. Martynyuk, V.N. Shubkina, V.A. Yadov covered such problems as professional self-determination of university graduates, job search, adaptation in the workplace, advanced training. Psychological aspects of vocational guidance and labor activity are worked out in detail in the studies of E.A. Klimov. The last decades were marked by a new socio-culturological approach to the study of social phenomena, including the training of specialists in the system of higher professional education; the works of V.M. Rosina, N.G. Bagdosaryan. In the works of O.A. Ikonnikova, A.G. Zdravomyslova analyzed the main problems of higher professional education in the context of the sociological paradigm.

    Social mobility as the movement of individuals, social groups is defined in the works of S.E. Krapivensky, S.S. Frolova, Yu.A. Karpova, A.A. Geraskova, L.V. Kansuzyan. "Cultural mobility", "sociocultural mobility" became the subject of research by P.K. Anokhin, I.V. Vasilenko, G.B. Ship. Features and characteristics of professional mobility are considered in the works of O.M. Dudina, P.M. Ratnikova, Yu.I. Kalinovsky, N.I. Tomina, O.V. Amosova. The mechanisms of the emergence and development of human design mobility in the studies of N.F. Good. A.T. Konkov divides professional mobility into intergenerational and intragenerational. L. Amirova and Z. Bagishev consider the category of professional and pedagogical mobility as a target setting for higher education.

    After analyzing the studies of scientists, it should be noted that they consider mobility both as a quality of a person and as a process, i.e. is bilateral. The duality of such a category as "mobility" is characterized by the fact that a person can be mobile if he has certain personal and professional qualities, but his mobility can only show up in activity, and one should talk about the degree and level of human mobility only if it is realized in activity. .

    Having analyzed the genesis of the formation in the scientific, pedagogical and sociological literature of such concepts as "social mobility", "sociocultural mobility", "academic and educational mobility", we note that the result of modern professional education is the ability of graduates to professional mobility of a new type - mobility as the basis of faith people in themselves and their future, in their strengths and capabilities. We believe that such a concept as "professional mobility of a specialist" is determined not only by his ability to change his profession, place and type of activity, but also by the ability to make independent and non-standard decisions aimed at increasing the level of his professionalism, as well as the ability to quickly master a new educational , professional, social and national environment.

    Based on the sociological approach and considering professional mobility as a process of movement of individuals between groups of the professional structure of society, it is necessary to note the fact that social subjects completely or partially change their professional status. The professional status of an individual is a certain position of a person in the professional structure of society. It is possible to form social competence in an adaptive university environment and help a graduate adapt to a change in his social and professional status, provided that information, communication, and organizational components are included in the educational process. In this regard, we can single out the main tasks of higher professional education in the context of its globalization and modernization. Firstly, education is designed to prepare specialists who are able to learn easily, quickly adapt to changing conditions and the content of their professional activities, who are interested in their continuous education and improvement. Thus, in the process of professional training of specialists in the system of higher education, it is necessary to develop their adaptive abilities, as well as the skills and abilities of self-learning. Secondly, education should form in the future specialist such personal structures and abilities that would allow him to independently navigate the professional world and build the vector of his career growth.

    One of the directions of development of modern science is the study of the possibilities of a competency-based approach to determining the requirements for a graduate of a professional educational institution. Competence-based approach in education covers, along with knowledge and skills, such categories as abilities, readiness for learning, social skills. The competency-based approach allows revealing the desired result of education through a set of different types of competencies. Based on the competence-based approach, we can substitute a holistic picture of the formation of professional mobility of a specialist through the development of certain competencies.

    Social and communicative competencies that ensure the readiness of a future specialist for socialization in a modern democratic society, for working with new information technologies, for carrying out their professional activities in heterogeneous groups of people, and adapting to new situations.

    Educational competencies ensure the readiness of the future specialist for scientific, systemic knowledge of the world, for mastering the skills of independent development of knowledge and improving their qualifications or changing their profession, to maintain their professional, creative and social potential in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, for self-improvement, for self-education.

    General scientific competencies provide a high level of basic general knowledge and general knowledge in the specialty profile, the ability to adapt to changes in the content of social and professional activities.

    Value-semantic and general cultural competencies ensure the success of the value-semantic orientation of a specialist in the world, the readiness and desire to know and improve himself, the readiness of the future specialist for socially approved productive activity and contribute to the awareness of the need for continuous self-education, constant motivation for learning throughout life, determining the values ​​necessary to live in a complex democratic society, mastering a high level of pedagogical culture.

    These competencies are the main component of professional mobility of a specialist.

    Analyzing the features of modern historical development (constant changes, changes, interpenetration of various fields of activity and knowledge, movement towards a unity of understanding of all aspects of life on Earth), A. Kochetkova identified two megatrends under the conditions of which this development takes place. The first is connected with the movement of world processes towards chaos, which determines the formation of new semantic foundations of human life. The second is characterized by the rejection of the technocratic perception of ongoing changes, the desire for a harmonious comprehension of what is happening. It is these trends that have led to the fact that the established requirements for the quality of a specialist do not correspond to the changing conditions of life and work. Creativity becomes an invariable attribute of the life and activity of every person, i.e. abilities, knowledge and skills established in a person acquire a different and more important meaning, which determines the place of a modern specialist in the development of a country and society. Accordingly, the requirements for the quality of education change, the environment in which professional training should be carried out should be isomorphic to the environment in which the creative potential of a specialist will be realized. Thus, there is a change in the model of education based on the transmission of knowledge to the model of education "oriented to the translation of the principles of work in conditions of scientific ignorance", which is most associated with the formation of the personality of a modern specialist. Modern man lives and acts in an environment with a high degree of "turbulence", which determines the level of unpredictability of the direction of change. Accordingly, in such conditions, an effective specialist must have a number of qualities that come to the fore: creativity of thinking and speed of decision-making, the ability to learn frequently and the ability to adapt to new circumstances, resistance to frustrations in the external and internal environment of the organization, the ability to track and correctly assess the state of the environment. A high degree of adaptability when operating in a "turbulent environment" characterizes a mobile specialist, i.e. a specialist capable of solving various problems without psychological damage to himself.

    Continuity and spasmodic characterize the changes taking place in the modern world and in the education system in particular, and they have a strong impact on people. This causes the process of dividing people into those who are highly resistant to change, but not prone to adaptation; who are unable to adapt and cannot resist change; who are capable of adaptation and change, but the speed necessary for adaptation is high enough, which slows it down; who are able to adapt and change quickly, capable of rapid learning, self-learning. Therefore, we can conclude that modern education is designed to help young people be resilient to change and be capable of reactive adaptation, based on self-learning and learning. Thus, we see that the second component of professional mobility of a specialist is his readiness for change. It is from the degree of readiness of a specialist for changes that he makes decisions about changing his place of work, profession, education, etc. A person, overestimating his baggage of knowledge, decides to change it or to abandon some part of it. "The desire to change" means that a person is ready to make significant changes in his life and activities without anyone's interference or pressure. The third component of professional mobility is the activity of the individual. Modern vocational education in Russia is built on the principle of continuity of educational programs, where the educational program of the university, built on the basis of what has been achieved and with a focus on development, is a continuation of the educational route of a person. Professional development and personal development of a student at a university is carried out through his own activity. At the same time, activity is expressed both as work on the transformation of oneself and on the transformation of the surrounding reality. According to M.L. Sokolov, activity is manifested in the ability to set achievable goals, to implement one's program, despite the circumstances that impede the achievement of the goal.

    The problem of personality activity is considered as a biological and social problem. Interest in a person as an actively acting subject of the historical process increases as the concept of personality is formed under the influence of social relations. The problem of activity in Russian psychology is considered in the works of N.Ya. Grota, L.M. Lopatina, A.I. Vvedensky, I.I. Lapshina. They define activity as an internally closed property of the spirit.

    Representatives of "empirical psychology" tried to move away from any philosophy, but at the same time they could not get away from dualistic, and sometimes even idealistic, philosophical concepts. G.I. Chelpanov associated activity with the internal structure of consciousness. V.Ya. Nechaev's activity is the ability to preserve one's personality. For our study, it is important that scientists considered activity as a measure of a person's resistance to the influence of the environment and its impact on this environment, although this measure was reduced to the potentialities of an individual of a biological nature.

    In the 20-30s of the twentieth century, V.M. Bekhterev creates a socio-psychological concept of activity. Studying activity in social terms, he recognized its focus on changing the life of society, but at the same time there was a transfer of biological concepts to sociology, an attempt was made to consider society as a set of "physiological energy machines". P.P. Blonsky, along with the physiological substantiation of activity, interpreted it in the aspect of solving the problems of educating the personality. "To educate a person who would act not as a" flawless automaton ", but an active being, whose actions come from himself."

    In the same historical period, an attempt was made to study the activity of the individual in the process of its activity. L.S. Vygotsky notes that human activity has not so much a biological nature as a social one. It is determined, according to the scientist, not by the maturation of certain functions, but by the assimilation in the course of ontogenetic development of certain forms of social experience, the culture created by mankind. The concept of set as a state of readiness for a certain activity was introduced by D.I. Uznadze. In relation to the processes of awareness and behavior, the attitude is primary and it determines the course of the processes of consciousness. The installation expresses readiness to improve the process aimed at satisfying the need. It reflects the surrounding reality and when this reality changes, it is able to change plastically. In this regard, the installation is able to ensure the implementation of actions in connection with changing conditions. The presence of needs and situations are a necessary condition for the functioning of the installation. A special form of mental activity inherent in man as a social being, according to D.I. Uznadze favors the level of objectification. Man, as a social being, lives and acts not only for himself, but also for another, i.e. his being transcends his own existence and becomes reality for another. And the attitude is the connecting link between consciousness and activity.

    Considering that activity can be active and passive, N.F. Dobrynin divided the concept of "activity" and "activity" and puts forward the principle of activity as a methodological principle of psychology. Active actions, according to the scientist, are aimed at changing reality, and life and activity begin with the emergence of needs and interests that are associated with beliefs. "Convictions based on a worldview are reflected in all the activities of the individual and are the greatest force causing the activity of consciousness." Thus, activity arises as a result of the manifestation of needs, interests, beliefs and expresses the significance of certain objects for the individual, and one of the mechanisms for its occurrence is the transition of social significance into personal. Activity as a specific form of activity is considered in his works by S.L. Rubinstein. “Man is not a passive, only a contemplative being, but an active being, therefore it is necessary to study him in action, in his characteristic activity.” “The main positive content of the position on the unity of consciousness and activity,” writes S.L. Rubinshtein, “is to assert their relationship and interdependence: human activity determines the formation of his consciousness, his mental connections, processes and properties, and these latter, by regulating human activity , are a condition for its active implementation" .

    Vigorous activity cannot always be considered a manifestation of social activity. Social activity as a quality of a person is based on public interests, and according to V.A. Yakub and A.I. Andryushchenko, is the variety of connections of the subject of social relations and the creative nature of the action aimed at realizing public interests. Social activity includes a person's attitude to the world of social values, expressed in a specific activity, the criterion of its level is a complex of objective and subjective moments, characterizes the features of activity (orientation, effectiveness) and internal performance indicators.

    The social activity of a specialist in society is measured by the degree of his conscious participation in public life. The formation and manifestation of an active life position of the personality of a specialist is associated with the development of the creative potential of the personality. The activity of the individual is laid in the "foundation" of the individual in the early stages of life and is corrected, directed throughout the entire conscious activity. According to S.L. Rubinshtein, human behavior occurs under certain, given conditions, and its cause is "internal conditions". A.N. Leontiev writes that "active adaptation to the future is specific to human behavior." Social activity appears in diverse external manifestations. Its useful result is measured by the contribution that a person makes to the restructuring of "circumstances and himself." However, activity is organized and directed by the subjective position of the individual, which acts as an integral formation that ensures the "transfer" of external requirements into internal ones.

    A person acts as a subject of the historical process, according to B.G. Ananiev, I.S. Con. "Every manifestation of life" is a manifestation and affirmation of social life - this statement is the final conclusion and the leading premise in the analysis of approaches to the study of human activity (L.S. Vygotsky, V.M. Bekhterev).

    For our study, the ideas expressed by V.A. Vodzinskaya that "Social activity is the highest form of human activity. It manifests itself as the ability to act consciously, not only adapting to the external environment, but also purposefully changing it." Consequently, a person acting consciously - independently sets a goal, foresees the results and regulates the intensity of activity, in this case we can talk about the self-activity of the individual as a manifestation of his activity. And since a person shows mobility only consciously, and this is an act of his initiative, then the activity of the individual is the basis for the manifestation of mobility. V.V. Vodzinskaya believes that not every activity is a manifestation of the activity of the individual, since in some cases the activity is not a free will of a person and does not correspond to his aspirations. And professional mobility is realized by a person only according to his own aspirations and interests, so, accordingly, the manifestation of the mobility of a person is always a manifestation of his activity.

    I.N. Pashkovskaya, exploring the prerequisites for the formation of an active type of personality of a teacher, believes that social and professional activity, being the prerogative of only a conscious personality, since it is a measure of the consciousness of the individual and her responsibility to society. Professional activity is social in its essence, and it also proceeds within the framework of the social system, therefore, the forms of its manifestation, goals, features are generated by society, the social environment in which the personality is formed.


    We can conclude that professional mobility is social in nature, because it takes place only in social systems, and its success depends on the social, educational environment in which the formation of the personality of a professional specialist takes place. Exploring the features of specialist mobility and noting that it is based on the activity of a conscious individual, it should be noted that many scientists studying social and professional activity believe that it is an indicator of the degree of socialization of the individual and manifests itself not only in the adaptation of the individual to other professional conditions, but also aimed at changing them. The degree of change in these conditions is an indicator of activity, and, consequently, the mobility of a specialist in professional field. On the one hand, the professional mobility of a specialist acts as a result of the education received, and on the other hand, as a factor that determines this education. From this follow the grounds that allow us to talk about the socio-professional foresight of the formation and development of a specialist, i.e. about the formation of a professionally mobile personality type. The formation of an active type of personality is one of the conditions for the manifestation of the mobility of a specialist and his further inclusion in professional activities.

    professional qualification mobility stratification


    1. Kochetkova A. Formation of human capital (system-conceptual approach) // Alma mater Bulletin of Higher School, 2004, No. 11, p.17-21

    2. Sokolova M.L. Designing individual educational routes for students at the university. Diss ... candidate of pedagogical sciences, Arkhangelsk, 2001 - 202 p.

    3. Bekhterev V.M. Objective study of personality. Issue. I. - M. - St. Petersburg, Berlin: B.I., 1923. - 63 p.

    4. Blonsky P.P. The personality of the child and its upbringing // Psychology and children - 1917 - No. 1 P.145

    5. Uznadze D.I. Experimental Foundations of the Psychology of Set. - Tbilisi: Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 1961. - 210 p.

    6. Dobrynin V.F. On the activity of consciousness // Problems of consciousness. - M., 1966. - 182 p. - With. 184

    7. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 720 p.

    8. Leontiev A.N. Selected pedagogical works. – M.: Pedagogy, 1983. – 251 p. – p.33


    The rapidity of modern transformations in society brings to life the demand for specialists who have increased academic and business mobility, who want to be in the know up-to-date information, are able to analyze constantly changing socio-economic conditions, make non-standard decisions in a situation of market competition.

    All this is reflected in such a concept as mobility. The training of specialists who are ready and able to “respond” to all the changes taking place in society, who are able to live in a new digital era (“connected” to the Web), to anticipate and predict profound changes in professional activity, is the most important problem of modern professional education.

    In the Concept of long-term socio-economic development Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, the task was set to develop professional mobility based on the improvement of qualifications, continuous training and retraining, which will allow employees to increase their competitiveness in the labor market, realize their labor potential in the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy in accordance with demand.

    In a wide range of competencies of university graduates, general cultural competencies begin to play an increasingly important role. Most of the information comes to us through digital channels. Each person is increasingly beginning to feel like a person of the digital age. Not only business, but also interpersonal communications are carried out through various electronic devices and technologies. We cannot fail to realize the advent of a new - digital - era.

    Modern civilization requires a qualitatively new generation of specialists with a high level of general and professional culture, innovative thinking and highly moral consciousness.

    At the socio-pedagogical level, the relevance of the study is determined by the need to train specialists in the educational environment of the university who have a well-formed readiness for professional mobility, who are free and critical thinkers, ready for technical and social transformations, capable of innovative, transformative activities, designing a strategy for their own professional and personal development. But in order to live comfortably in a mode of constant mobility and “connection”, you need special psychological skills, an emphasized desire for freedom and risk, and physical health.

    Formation of a valuable and responsible attitude to the world around as a basis for "entry" into the culture, taking into account personal characteristics and specific conditions of life, inclusion in innovative activities is a condition and prerequisite for the formation and development of their professional mobility.

    The ongoing changes in the labor market are primarily associated with the socio-economic situation in Russia, with the increased intellectualization of the content of the activities of specialists, the introduction of new technologies that change the nature of existing professions, gradually integrating and interacting with them.

    Specialists of all profiles try to master additional knowledge, skills and abilities, as the requirements for their professional competence are increasing. It becomes important for a person to be able not only to learn, develop, but also to be ready for constantly changing conditions of life and work, thereby being able to implement professional mobility.

    An analysis of trends in the development of the education system within the framework of the documents of the Bologna process made it possible to conclude that the formation of such a quality of a specialist's personality as professional mobility is one of the means of increasing the effectiveness of education.

    It is possible to carry out innovative development only under the condition of qualitative changes not only in production, but, above all, in the accumulation of human and social capital.

    Today, vocational education is continuous process, determined by the needs for specialists who are ready for professional and personal self-development both in changing working conditions within the same profession, and in a situation of changing the field of professional activity.

    Preparing young people for a specific profession has lost its paramount importance, since in order to find a job, a graduate must master the necessary competencies that are important for finding oneself in the constantly changing world of professions. Therefore, in order for a future specialist to decide on a future professional route, he needs to rethink the prospects for further development in the context of his future professional activity in the course of professional training at a university. Among the leading meanings and prospects of professional self-education and development of a future specialist, it should be noted - the willingness to be a subject responsible for one's professional future, to find the meanings of professional activity and be ready for continuous development. This requires specially organized work on the formation and development of his professional mobility.

    It should be noted that the vocational training of a modern specialist based on the idea of ​​developing his professional mobility in the socio-cultural educational space The university is carried out in a situation not only of a destructive shift of cultural values, but also a rethinking of the value basis of the educational process itself in a university, as well as the need to preserve professional identity and overcome professional deprivation.

    In the course of the study, we revealed the fact that students already at the early stages of education lose interest in their chosen profession. Thus, the study shows that 890 respondents (out of 2,500 respondents) believe that they have done the wrong thing. professional choice. They did not assume that the chosen profession requires mastering not only professional, but also general cultural competencies, although one of the strategic tasks should be the training of a specialist who is ready for changes and innovations in professional activity, capable of continuous development and self-development. All this is the components of professional mobility.

    But in order to reveal the essence of professional mobility, let's define the subject of understanding such a complex phenomenon as mobility.
    In a large dictionary of sociology, mobility (in English mobility, in German mobilitat) is characterized as mobility, readiness and ability to change state, position (D. Jerry, J. Jerry). That is, when we talk about mobility, we correlate this concept with movement.

    In the psychological encyclopedia, the term "mobility" is essentially considered, literally, as the physical movement of the body, and metaphorically - the movement of a person through the spheres: social, professional, cognitive.

    The problems of studying the mechanisms of self-movement of a person in life and activity, his activity, mobility were of interest to ancient researchers. The concept of act and potency introduced by Aristotle was reduced to a more voluminous and broader concept - "energy". Based on his ideas, it can be stated that the energy of an act (process), as a rule, mobilizes a person, leads him to activity, while other energy contributes to the realization of a thing (entelechy), is the result of activity and has the basis for potential activity. But in this case, too, Aristotle considered all of nature as a successive transition from "matter" to "form" and vice versa. At the same time, he assigned only a passive principle to matter, and attributed all activity to form.

    Draws attention to understanding mobility not only as a dynamic characteristic of the subject, but also as an activity affecting the mental sphere of the personality. So, A.V. Mudrik states that mobility is the most important manifestation of human socialization. Mobility can be considered as readiness not only to change the place of work, residence, but also the nature of leisure and social group etc. . These two phenomena - personal mobility and socialization are in the field of interests of teachers, since the presence of the qualities of a mobile personality contributes to the successful socialization of a person in society. Conversely, successful socialization contributes to the development of these qualities. Social behavior - the adaptation of a single person to changing environmental conditions is at the same time a way of transforming this environment. It should be noted that in this context, the aspect of transforming "themselves" is not taken into account, which includes the mastery of the personality by the methods of the research approach of one's own activity, which, of course, is an obstacle to their awareness of the need for continuous professional education and self-development.

    Professional mobility was originally considered in line with social mobility. P.A. Sorokin defines "mobility" through the concepts: "professional status" and " production activity» . For example, in the book Social Mobility (1927) P.A. Sorokin, giving an idea of ​​the horizontal and vertical spheres of society, introduces the concept of "social mobility", by which he understood the movement of not only individuals, groups, values, but also that which is directly created in the course of human activity.

    In order to explain the movement of subjects in the social space, the author specifies social mobility in terms of "vertical" and "horizontal". If the vertical social mobility of P.A. Sorokin associated with a change in the status of a person in society, then horizontal - with the transition of a person from one social group to another.

    Significant for our study is the statement of P.A. Sorokin that education, providing the socialization of the individual, is also an "elevator", which enables the most capable people to move to higher floors in the social hierarchy. These “lifts” are needed to effectively replace professional positions with talents. High remuneration is necessary in order to motivate individuals to receive professional training and thereby become professionals.

    Currently educational institution, being a part of the social mechanism, develops the abilities of individuals, selects them and determines their further social positions. The fundamental function of an educational institution is to determine who is talented and who is not, who has what abilities. Professional testing allows you to select people who can gain a foothold in this profession, developing themselves and expanding the possibilities of the chosen field. Testing also helps in testing both general and specific qualities of the applicant. Those who, under the existing conditions, are suitable for the performance of professional functions, quickly advance in their careers, otherwise their careers are suspended, or they are simply dismissed.

    A person's failures in professional activities are often proof that he is not doing his own thing. As a rule, failure leads to a decrease in self-esteem, personal dissatisfaction, as well as dismissal or demotion. All this pushes a person to engage in another type of activity. Such “trials” take place until he manages to find a job that would correspond to his vocation. Having found "his own way", a person does everything in his profession in his power. If not found, then he discards his ambitions and puts up with his position.

    The vertical circulation of individuals is constantly controlled by a professional group, which corrects their “self-conceit”, ambitions, and also redistributes subjects across social strata. These are, according to P.A. Sorokin, the main functions of a professional group in terms of social circulation.

    As you can see, “mobility” is a combination of a wide variety of processes that differ from each other and perform independent functions. But they also have general functions, which characterize the processes of mobility, regardless of their features.

    So, according to T.I. Zaslavskaya, the main function of social mobility is the process redistribution in the labor market of the labor force and the change in the professional structure of society. Social mobility is an indicator of the state of modern society. Its intensity depends on the socio-economic state of society, since the slowdown in its rate of development also causes a slowdown in social mobility. Obviously, any movement may not necessarily be associated with the desire of the individual.

    Today, social mobility is not considered in conjunction only with social position and social status, but represents way of human social functioning. Therefore, social mobility is defined by modern researchers as a quality of subjects associated with the ability to quickly, depending on the circumstances, change their activities, acquire new knowledge in various areas of life, find rational ways to solve problems that have arisen, is associated with the abilities and personal qualities of a person: independence and freedom in thinking, evaluating events, creative perception curricula and the information offered, the ability to think critically, find non-standard solutions, and also anticipate changes both in the field of study and in social development.

    The Russian philosophers of the 20th century S.N. Bulgakov, S.L. Frank, I.A. Ilyin and our contemporaries M.Mamardashvili, V.E. Kemerov and others; sociologists, psychologists and teachers T.I. Zaslavskaya, V.G. Podmarkova, V.I. Verkhovyna.

    So, in the work “Praise to Labor”, the Russian religious philosopher I.A. Ilyin points to the importance of labor in human life, since, in his opinion, any success on earth is the success of labor. The philosopher saw the highest meaning of human labor through its inclusion in the process of divine co-creation. In his opinion, the one who participates in comprehending the world, in its development, in giving it meaning, is the true creator.

    A little later, in the 1970s-1980s, in the works of N.A. Aitova, M.N. Rutkevich, F.R. Filippov, the problems of the socio-structural features of labor mobility were developed. So, F.R. Filippov and M.N. Rutkevich noted that the promotion of a worker after the growth of his educational level to more complex work should be considered as a "social ascent", as a movement "along the vertical" .

    Since the 1930s, in the context of social mobility, research has been professional mobility, since the empirical studies conducted in America and Europe in the 30-50s of the twentieth century showed the leading role for the process of mobility of professional achievements.

    In this regard, there was a need to define the concept of "professional mobility", which since the beginning of the 1950s has been used in the scientific literature in the sense changing occupations or professions. S. Lipset and R. Bendix made an attempt to develop a theoretical model of professional mobility. But it did not make any attempts to delimit professional mobility from other types of mobility, did not highlight the essential criteria for professional mobility, did not pay attention to the analysis professional career within one generation.

    In the 1960s - 70s. American sociologists P.M. Blau and O.D. Duncan, based on the criterion public prestige of professions, developed a system of professional division of American society into layers, while in the 1980s scientists paid great attention to attitudes, motives, and values ​​in the study of professional mobility. And the role of American and European authors D. Treiman, R.M. Khodja, N.B. Clouds.

    Professional mobility in foreign literature is considered as a process "lifetime achievements" carried out in labor activity. All this makes it possible to consider professional mobility in the context of the direct achievements of individuals.

    In our country, unlike foreign studies, sociologists turned to the study of the phenomenon of professional mobility only in the 1960s. The professional aspect of labor mobility was touched upon in works that were directly related to the analysis of labor movement, as well as staff turnover. This issue was considered in the works of N.A. Aitova, E.G. Antonesenkova, I.T. Balabanova, L.Z. Blyakhman, A.G. Zdravomyslova, T.I. Zaslavskaya.

    So, in the works of foreign (M.Kh. Titma, E.A. Saar) and domestic (A.A. Matulenis, V.N. Shubkin) authors, professional mobility was defined not only as readiness, but also as the ability of a specialist within one profession to a job change.

    In the early 1980s, scientists did not associate professional mobility with a change in profession, status in professional activity, which corresponded to the general ideology of this time period “a person for a profession”, and not “a profession for a person”. In the minds of people, the idea was cultivated that a person who received a free education, a profession, should “work off” for the state and society what was spent on him, and an employee who worked his entire conscious working life in one workplace received public approval , recognition.

    In the studies of S.A. Makeeva, F.U. Mukhametlatypova, I.V. Udalova made attempts to reveal the meaning of such concepts as “labor mobility” and “socio-professional activity”. At the same time, the content characteristic of mobility becomes significant in pedagogy as personal quality.

    In sociological studies, "professional mobility" is presented as moving process a person in the socio-professional structure of society, associated with changes in his professional status, a change in the type of activity within one qualification rank after passing a certain level of education (“The Newest Sociological Dictionary”, 2010, p. 813).

    In psychological research, E.A. Klimov, the psychological aspects of the problem of career guidance and labor activity are reflected. And in the works of I.O. Martynyuk, V.N. Shubkina, V.A. Yadov, the problems of self-determination, job search, as well as adaptation in the workplace and professional development of university graduates are revealed. Mobility as the ability to quickly respond to ongoing changes was defined by O.V. Amosova.

    It must be borne in mind that any life event is determined by three main factors: external factors, i.e. environmental factors, intrapersonal factors, as well as factors of interaction between the individual and the environment. The life situation can lead to a crisis. For some subjects (depending on personal characteristics) difficult life situation can be a crisis, and the situation itself is subjectively insoluble. For others, the crisis does not occur, since they have the ability to cope with difficult life circumstances (F.E. Vasilyuk). This ability is manifested in the ability to make a vital decision and plan your life.

    In the second half of the 1990s, the focus was on the problems of the formation personal human mobility. Mobility is considered as a personal quality of a person, which is formed in the educational process. B.M. Igoshev sees "professional mobility" as a change labor function employee due to change of job or profession. Secondly, professional mobility is personal quality, which is acquired by a person in the learning process and is expressed in the ability to quickly and easily master new roles.

    This definition is close to the position of L.V. Goryunova, which characterizes professional mobility as a personality quality that provides internal mechanism of human change based on the formation of key, general professional competencies.

    Human activity is determined events which enable a person to fulfill himself in his profession and life. In his study, L.V. Goryunova identifies the components of professional mobility: key and general professional competencies. A person, reviewing his intellectual baggage, comes to the conclusion to change it. “The desire to change” is due to the fact that a person is ready to significantly change his life and activities without outside interference.

    L.A. Amirova connects professional mobility with the ability to successfully fulfill oneself in a social (household, family, confessional, etc.) environment. Mobility is a person's response to life and professional situations in changing conditions of life. In this context, professional mobility is not only the readiness of a future specialist to change his profession, as well as the place and type of activity, but also the ability to make responsible, independent and extraordinary decisions aimed at improving professionalism, the ability to master a new educational and social environment. At the same time, an effective specialist must have a number of qualities: creative thinking, speed of decision-making, the ability to learn and self-learn, the ability to adapt to a turbulent environment, the circumstances that have arisen, the ability to give an adequate assessment of the state of the surrounding space. It is no coincidence that in the structure of professional mobility there are personal qualities .

    A set of certain personal qualities and abilities is not only a condition, but also a factor of his professional mobility, because they put a person in front of the need to take real steps towards change. Since such personal qualities and abilities are not biologically and genetically determined, it becomes possible to purposefully form them, including by educational means.

    In psychological research recent years"professional mobility" is presented as: a mechanism of adaptation of the individual, which has different levels severity, correlating with such personal characteristics: social activity and self-determination, self-regulation and self-improvement, as well as the desire for self-development (Yu.Yu. Dvoretskaya); characteristic in the psychological and pedagogical portrait subjectivity university student (T.A. Olkhovaya); how ready engineer to successful adaptation in the conditions of modern production, which includes the sum of the basic components of both professional culture and professional competence, which allow him to be competitive in the labor market (S.E. Kaplina); how process gradual adaptations during the period of study at the university to the acquired profession and preparation for entry into the appropriate socio-professional group through the process of professional adaptation (S.E. Kaplina).

    Today, the problem of the formation of professional mobility is considered by many researchers from the standpoint of a competency-based approach. So, according to a number of scientists (E.F. Zeer, D. Martens, A. Shelton), the formation of professional mobility of future specialists should be based on professional competencies , which have a wide range, which allows you to go beyond one profession. Mastering professional competencies not only professionally, but also psychologically prepare a specialist for mastering new professions, ensure readiness for innovation in professional activities. D.V. Chernilevsky proposed to introduce the concept generalized knowledge and skills, which he defined as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities from different branches of knowledge. M.I. Dyachenko and L.A. Kandybovich, in continuation of this issue, noted that the basis of professional mobility is the ability to apply this knowledge in their profession.

    According to L.P. Merkulova professional mobility of a specialist is a personal property of a future specialist that integrates not only professional competencies, but also adaptive qualities that act as its structural components. According to L.P. Merkulova, the content core of a specialist’s professional mobility can be represented, firstly, by horizontal (willingness and ability to perform professional functions), secondly, vertically (professional competencies), and thirdly, by internal (motivation-targeted attitudes of a specialist) components of mobility .

    Currently, the scientific community completely or partially ignores sociocultural and above all moral and ethical components of professional mobility, although it is one of the most significant qualitative characteristics of a person in demand in an innovative environment. In the professional formation and development of a future specialist, starting from the period of formation of professional inclinations, interests and ending with the period of completion of a professional biography, the leading role belongs to professional mobility (E.F. Zeer).

    Speaking of human mobility, we endow him with a set of personal characteristics which give him the opportunity to express himself in professional activities, to reach a certain level, which is considered as the result of professional activities related to professional development moving up the career ladder. At the same time, we understand that professional mobility is determined social relations, values, meanings and meanings that really determine the behavior of the subject, is closely related to changes in society, and therefore is determined by them and influences them. In the study of professional mobility, in our opinion, the nature of the value aspirations of the subjects, the specifics of the behavioral attitudes of the individual, which are realized in the forms of interaction between the individual and society, should be studied.

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