What is the problem of humanization of labor briefly. Labor activity of a person. The specifics of labor activity

  • 09.12.2019


DISCIPLINE: Social Development Management

ON THE TOPIC:“The growing role of the individual as the main factor in production efficiency. Humanization of labor.

Surgut 2009


1. Theoretical foundations of the humanization of personnel management ... 5

1.1. The human factor and its role in production………………5

1.2. Essence of humanization: concept and levels……………………..19

1.3. Humanization of labor…………………………………………………….25

2. Practical part…………………………………………………...31

    3. Problems existing in the company…………………………….35





Relevance - Not every entrepreneur can boast that the working conditions at his enterprise meet the requirements and wishes of employees. But, for efficient production and high returns, it is necessary to take into account a person, not only as a factor of production, one must also take into account the fact that he is a person.

Target– consider the humanization of labor and its impact on a person in production.


    Consider the main tasks or directions of labor humanization in personnel management.

    Provide practical material with an example of humanization of labor based on the social program at UTair.

    Propose measures to humanize the work of personnel.

An object- social development in the organization.

Subject- humanization as a factor of high production efficiency.

With the increasing mobility of technology and capital, competitiveness depends solely on the quality, productivity and flexibility of human resources - this is what business says today. Leading Western experts directly point out that as developed countries enter the post-industrial era, human capital will become increasingly important. Such an understanding is essentially nothing but a reflection of the new role and place of man in modern capitalist production.

The most limited factor of production in the economy is the labor force. Therefore, its rational use is important. However, the need to increase the effectiveness of human labor has not been noticed until recently. And this despite the fact that, compared with developed countries, labor productivity in the country is unacceptably low.

The owner of production, who bears the cost of hiring labor, is interested in the effective use of the labor of workers. In conditions when the predominant part of enterprises has passed into private ownership, the state has lost interest in this problem. It was no longer elevated, as before, to the rank of a national one.

An important problem is also the humanization of labor.

HUMANIZATION- strengthening of philanthropy, justice in economic, public life; recognition and respect for universal human values, attention to people.

1. Theoretical foundations of humanization of personnel management


Human production is the absolute law of a civilized society, N. Absava.

The fact that in our era - the era of space and computer, the era of technogenic and information society, the era of genetic engineering and a qualitatively new level of development of the natural sciences in general, promising the mitigation of the still insoluble existential contradiction between life and death - the paramount global problem is man, cannot provoke objections. This is recognized both by theoreticians, who only logically contemplate the historical regularity of the assertion of man, and by the powerful of this world, who practically contribute to the implementation of this regularity by not realizing it.

In the abstract, man has always acted as the goal of production, but one can speak of his real, actual assertion only in the conditions of the existence of the possibility of free manifestation, development and assertion of his substantial essence. The same, as you know, is recognized as the ability to "free conscious activity."

Basic labor and main view human life activity. The ability to work allows a person to be the only troublemaker in the material world. By mediating his attitude to nature with the tools of labor, he expands the space to be mastered in a condensed time. The exchange of matter between man and nature, from the moment the relationship between them is mediated, ceases to have the character of a simple animal appropriation of objects of nature. A social charge is already invading this process, testifying to the separation of man from the natural animal world, to his exit from the natural primordial state. The transition from ordinary animal appropriation to human appropriation, as the means and methods of mediating the relationship between man and nature develop, means the involvement of an ever greater part of nature in the sphere of transformative activity. The material world surrounding a person is increasingly becoming a collection of artifacts, even the very first of which, despite its primitiveness, looks down on natural objects, whose primordial charm is incomparable with the greatness of the objective evidence of humanized nature. Thus, a person, recognized as the crown of nature, in the process of his socialization turns nature itself into an integral part of the social world he creates.

What has already been said is enough to come to the well-known conclusion: man, thanks to his unique ability to transform activity, is the main productive force. But what is this force directed at, what is the main goal and end result of its functioning? The answer to this question, justified both from a general abstract and from a specific historical point of view, is the most important component in the theoretical development of the human problem. However, the branch of science, the subject of which directly obliges it to deal with a range of human problems that lie in the field social production and social relations, and the method of study and the categories and concepts available in her arsenal make the fundamental questions of this problem more accessible to her, it can be argued that she turned her back on the person. We are talking about economics, and especially about political economy. This circumstance is caused by a number of reasons, the main of which are the following: firstly, the fact that the approval of market relations actualized purely pragmatic issues, which could not but be reflected in the theory; secondly, the struggle of two ideologies at the time of the obvious groveling of one in front of the other, led to the so-called de-ideologization, which obliges the social sciences, and primarily political economy, to free themselves from their political, ideological, class character. The adaptation of these branches of science to the requirements imposed by the process of de-ideologization (or rather, to a new ideology), in fact, meant their death, which was reflected in the renaming of scientific disciplines, the corresponding departments in universities, departments in research institutes; thirdly, although political economy has always been considered as a science of wealth, economists, as a rule, considered direct wealth as such. Therefore, the tradition, within the framework of which the issues of anthropology remained outside the study of political economy, originated long before the establishment of new social relations in the post-Soviet space. Based on the foregoing, at the moment the responsibility for the degree of theoretical substantiation of the fundamental questions of the problem of man lies mostly with philosophical and social anthropology. As for economic science, a person remains the object of its study insofar as it is still customary to consider him, and quite rightly, the only subject of production relations and the main element of the productive forces, i.e., interest in a person is due to the fact that he is the creator of the direct economic effect. But even within such a limited approach to the problem, the question acquires a fair sound: “But if a person is the main productive force, then isn’t it more logical to develop productive forces by directing funds, first of all, to human development?” After all, a person is not only a labor force, and how effectively the labor force will function depends on the general condition of a person as a rich concrete whole.

The fact that at a special stage (stage of mediation) of the development of society, a person appears not as a universal being with rich connections and qualities, but, on the one hand, as only a direct producer, therefore only a factor of production, and, on the other, as an "appropriator" , the consumer, is due to the relations of production prevailing in those eras and forms of ownership of the decisive means of production. This circumstance finds its expression in the way a person of those eras relates to what constitutes his substantial power: labor, on the one hand, allows a person to separate from nature, to exercise dominance over it, on the other hand, the more impressive success in the fight against forces nature, the more it falls under the power of the objective world created by it. Objectified labor, which is an external material evidence of the essential forces of man and his social essence, opposes him as a hostile force; labor in a society that is at a mediating stage of development takes on the character of non-labor in a polar sense. At one pole it is turned into its opposite - work, at the other - into leisure, idleness, pastime; labor in such a society acts, on the one hand, as an element of oppression (physical labor), on the other hand, as a privilege of a special part of people (mental labor, entrepreneurial, managerial activity). Consequently, at a certain stage in the development of society, labor from a means of manifesting the essential forces of a person, his self-realization and self-affirmation turns into a phenomenon alien to human nature. In addition to those direct causes of attitudes towards non-labor that lie in the sphere of social relations, there is a root cause of such an attitude towards objective activity, which consists in the absence of an appropriate level of productive forces. After all, the objective material basis for the transformation of the labor process itself into a creative process, from the general point of view, is “technique illumined by the social light”, which does not turn the direct worker into its appendage, but is itself perceived by him as an extension of his head and hands. However, the presence of such technology without the corresponding production relations does not ensure the transformation of the realm of labor into the realm of freedom. The goal of labor, as a free manifestation of essential forces, as the enjoyment of life, remains unrealized, and this is because labor, free from social form-determination, is only an abstraction, it is actually carried out within the framework of a certain mode of production, the goal of which comes into conflict with the abstract, and with the point of view of the future society, with the real purpose of labor. Consequently, the nature of the relationship between the goal of labor and the goal of production largely determines the creation of conditions for the development and establishment of a person not as an element of the productive forces, a factor of social production, but as an active source and ultimate goal of all social development, i.e. as an end in itself.

From the well-known definition of labor given by K. Marx, it is clear that the purpose of labor - to be a necessary condition for human life, regardless of the social form-determination of this life - is due to the purpose of labor, which is to create use values. However, the transformation of natural objects in accordance with human needs remains the only goal of labor as long as labor appears only as a condition of material life, only as a source of material wealth. But at a certain stage in the development of mankind, it becomes necessary to consider labor not only from the point of view of an objective result (although if such a result does not follow, labor would lose all meaning), but as a human process, as enjoyment of life and as the most worthy manifestation of vitality. person. In short, labor must be considered not only as a source of immediate and indirect wealth, but also as a need and an end. If we approach labor from this side, it will turn out that labor, along with the goal common to all types of social production, is enriched by yet another one. More precisely, the purpose of labor acquires a personal aspect. The purpose of labor, from the point of view of this aspect, in our opinion, is the development of the essential forces of man.

Production, unlike labor, covers not only the exchange of substances between man and nature, but also the relationship between people in the process of this exchange. Therefore, although consumption is the general goal of production, in each specific historical conditions it (the goal) is loaded with specific content and also appears in a specific form. However, even if we take the general goal of production, it can be considered in different aspects - direct, mediated and real, or presented in terms of three successive forms: the object (the social form of the product), the time factor (abstract form) and the subject (person). Such a conditional division of the goal of social production is possible and necessary in the theoretical analysis of one or another stage of the development of society, but in the progressive movement of mankind there comes a moment when the level of productive forces and the nature of production relations put forward one substantial goal, in which all other goals are synthesized. Such a goal itself requires not only an adequate, but also an identical means of its realization, i.e., from the usual goal of social production, it turns into the goal in itself of the entire social movement. Social movement however, the starting point of which is at the same time also its result or final point, has an unlimited, infinite character.

In pre-capitalist formations, where the goals and means of production are differentiated and polarized (firstly, in these societies the goal of production appears in the above three forms, and the distinction between them is so clear that each of them appears as an independent, independently existing one. Since between these there is no strict subordination of goals, in the epochs under consideration it is difficult to single out one substantial goal that would subordinate all accidental goals; secondly, in these societies, the active initial principle and the main driving force of production is only a means of realizing an external, contradictory and even hostile goal), and where a social movement is limited by the objective contradictions of the corresponding modes of production, it (this movement) cannot be of an end in itself. Here it should be noted that although here we were talking about pre-capitalist modes of production, primitive society is characterized by certain specifics. This specificity is determined, on the one hand, by the extremely low level of development of the productive forces, and, on the other hand, by the purpose of production determined by this level. In primitive society, the starting point of production (at the first stage - members of the community, at the second - the community), acts as a means, although not a hostile goal (at the first stage - the community, at the second - individual members of the community), but in the conditions of this method, the initial and final points of social production, in other words, the main goal and means of production are not identical, and therefore appear, it is true, not as antagonistic, but contradictory moments. Consequently, the social movement at the first stage of human existence does not (and could not) have the character of an end in itself.

If labor is the substance of man, then the degree of its humanization, its approximation to its actual social entity first of all, it is determined by its relation to its objective activity. At each specific historical stage of the development of society, this relationship acquires a specific content. From this point of view, the relations that are characteristic of the primitive mode of production are paradoxical. Despite the extremely low level of productive forces, the striking primitiveness of the means of production, people of that era perceived labor as a normal manifestation of human life. Suppressed by the domination of natural forces, primitive man finds relief in the negligible "artificial world" created by him. In it, he feels like a master. As for the tools of labor, since the human body remains the basis of the operation itself in the process of primitive production, they, with rare exceptions, are of an individual character. The quantitative and qualitative parameters of labor tools correspond to the characteristics of its owner. Therefore, in contrast to machine production, when the direct worker is an appendage of the machine, the primitive producer perceives his primitive tools of labor as an extension of his body. In addition, in a natural economy, a person does not specialize in any one type of labor. Natural production requires a frequent change in activities, which, within a certain measure, enriches the content of human activity. The primitive man is not tied to any one operation, which, by the standards of that era, contributes to the multilateral development of his abilities. However, in addition to the material basis of a positive attitude towards work, in primitive society there is another, most important condition for such an attitude towards objective activity, which belongs to the sphere of social relations. This is a system of goals of the primitive mode of production, which up to a certain point excludes the development of conflicting interests of the community and its members into antagonistic ones. As a result of these and other factors (the universality of labor puts members of the community on an equal footing in relation to free time, as it is perceived by primitive people; they are equal in terms of participation in managerial activities), primitive man is, as it were, more humane than those standing at the subsequent stages of human history. "civilized people". In this sense, it is not accidental that the one that had just separated from natural world The era is called the "Golden Age". However, the extremely low level of development of the productive forces, on the one hand, and the non-identity of the purpose of production and the means of its realization, on the other, exclude the possibility of the all-round development of man. The objective activity of primitive people, both from the point of view of the result and from the point of view of the process, does not correspond to the actual content of labor. It (objective activity) is neither a necessary need nor enjoyment of life. The exchange of substances between man and nature, in the final analysis, is of a coercive nature, and if man's activity in the sphere of the transformation of objects of nature still does not acquire the character of work, then this is determined by the fact that this coercion is due not so much to the peculiarities of social relations of that era as finding primitive man under the control of the forces of nature. Thus, the objective activity of primitive people is neither labor nor work in the real sense of these categories. It will become such only as a result of the denial of its transitional character. The first negation, as history testifies, is negative, and since that moment the main type of human activity bears the stigma of coercion and is carried out in the sphere of necessity. At all subsequent stages in the history of mankind, the direct worker acts as a means of realizing an external goal. Already from this it follows that in these societies not only the self-realization of a person, but also the very attempt to pose a problem does not have any serious basis. And here it does not matter in what role a person will be considered - a direct worker, who, as a slave, serf or worker, acts only as a means of realizing an external goal, or a consumer who, in the form of a slave owner, feudal lord and capitalist, is the goal of the corresponding methods. production from the point of view of the subject. Man only as a producer and only as a consumer is one-sidedness. Being at only one pole of social production, he cannot achieve "self-improvement", self-realization.

Although labor is the main means of "self-improvement", the activity of direct workers in these societies is already initially devoid of the content of labor as a creative activity, since the element of expediency is introduced into this activity from outside. The fact that this moment is of decisive importance in determining the relation of a man-producer to labor is evidenced by the splitting of the serf, which becomes apparent due to the spatio-temporal division of labor. The serf performs the same operation with the same instrument of labor both on his own land and on the land of the owner. Nevertheless, the work carried out by him on his site seems to acquire a different content, and in comparison with the work on the land of the master is more productive. Already from this fact, we can conclude that within this measure, in relation to the direct worker to work, it is not so much the technical side of the transforming activity that is of decisive importance, but rather its social burden. After all, in the era of rising capitalism, although there were revolutionary shifts in the elements of the objective factor of production, the attitude towards labor was the same as towards the plague. Industrial revolutions, making adjustments to the process of metabolism between man and nature, only create the illusion of their capabilities in solving social problems However, without the transformation of social relations, even the formulation of the problem of man is devoid of a serious basis. And it is no coincidence that, despite the steady progress in the productive forces, which became most tangible with the advent of machine production, the direct producers remained only a means of achieving an external goal, only a source of surplus product, already produced in the form of surplus value.

It can be seen from the foregoing that the movement of social production in none of the pre-capitalist formations was of an end-to-end character. In all these formations, as noted, the goals of social production were clearly distinguished by object, time and subject. The disclosure of the content of the now neglected basic economic laws of those modes of production made it possible to single out the immediate economic goal, which, already from the fact of its presence in the definition of the basic economic law, was also perceived as the main goal of social production, and the main means of achieving this goal. However, this goal was indeed immediate, it did not concentrate in itself all the aspirations of society and did not subordinate to itself all the processes of the social movement. This is happening for the first time under conditions of general commodity production. It is precisely here that the movement of social production becomes an end in itself, and, as is well known, it is reflected in the formula D - T - D. In conditions when social production turns into a movement of an end in itself, its goal permeates and subordinates all other goals, and becomes the main guideline and the axis of the entire social movement. As for the basic economic law, which covers only the immediate goal of production and the main means of achieving it, it is transformed into an absolute law of social production. However, if in the era of universal commodity production the production of surplus value acts as an absolute law, then in our era, when the successes of natural science have amazingly multiplied and “diversified” the possibilities of man, when the degree of improvement in the technique and technologies of the production process to an unprecedented extent expanded the horizons for the all-round development of man in the very process of social production, even awkwardly speaking about the absoluteness of this law. However, due to the absence of a “revolution” in the social sciences and in social relations, corresponding to the achievements of natural science and scientific and technological progress, the law proclaiming the abstract form as the main wealth of its (wealth) remains absolute, and society, as a rule, continues move within the regularity reflected in the formula D - T - D.

Nevertheless, the objective necessity of transforming man into the highest goal and the real goal in itself of social production is increasingly striving to become the law of modern society. This pattern in the economic literature is reflected in the formula PERSON - WORK FORCE - LABOR - PRODUCT - PERSON "(abbreviated H - T - H"). “A person here does not reproduce himself in any - only certainty,” explains the author of the formula, quoting K. Marx, “but produces himself in his entirety, he does not strive to remain something finally established, but is in the absolute movement of becoming” . Indeed, only by glancing at the formula can one be convinced of the self-sustaining nature of the movement that it reflects. Firstly, in this case, there is no need to talk about the conditionality of the expression “production goal”, since goal setting is a predicate only of a person, who in this formula appears as the starting and ending point of movement, means and goal, producer and consumer at the same time. In addition, the means (starting point) here is not only adequate to the goal (final point), but also identical to it, and most importantly, the mediating link in this formula is labor, that is, the substance of a person and the main condition for his being as a social being. It is the presence in the formula of labor as an expedient, free, creative activity, as an inexhaustible source and condition for the development and improvement of human forces, that makes this movement endless, not recognizing any restrictions, capable of overcoming any barriers. However, taking into account the fact that labor is an essential vocation, the substantial power of a person and a necessary need, and work is a non-human forced form of objective human activity, the presence of a category of labor in the formula seems unlawful. It is more in line with the concept of work than with the concept of labour. Furthermore! For a person who considers labor as an activity, thanks to which he fully develops and manifests his unique abilities, calling them labor force is humiliating. In addition, labor as a creative process requires setting in motion not limited abilities and skills, but the essential forces of a person. Maybe it is this concept that should be replaced in the formula by the category of labor force.

If for a society whose social movement is reflected in the general formula of capital (M - C - M "), the absolute law is the production of surplus value, then for a society that moves within the framework of the formula C - C - C", the law of human production must become absolute . “If we consider the production of the final product to be a law of the first order (the author refers to the final product as consumer goods that satisfy the reasonable needs of a person - A.N.), then it is obvious that the production of free time is a law of a higher rank. The positive synthesis of both, in a certain sense, creates the absolute law of communist society (the reproduction of a universal, comprehensively developed person).

In the conditions of that phase of the scientific and technological revolution, which introduces a social charge into the relationship between technology and man, which is expressed in the economy of labor and the growth of free time, in the humanization of the labor process itself and the transformation of working time into free time, i.e. in the conditions of the existence of that material basis, which, ultimately, determines the need and possibility of a comprehensive, free development and final approval of a person, the theoretical justification of all aspects of the human problem will accelerate the transformation in the sphere of social relations that directly determine the patterns of social movement .

Conclusion: Man has been and will always remain the main factor of production. Economic theory in the study of human society proceeds from the fact that a person is both a producer and a consumer of economic goods.

A characteristic feature of the personal factor of production is that a person is not just an element of production, but the main productive force of society. The worker is both the bearer of labor power (and thus a factor of production) and the subject of production relations. Influencing production, changing it, he thereby changes the entire system of economic relations, changes his own economic behavior. Its role in production can never be understood outside a certain system of social relations. In production, as in society, everything comes from man and everything comes down to him.
Scientific and technological progress becomes a reality not by itself, but thanks to workers who are in certain social conditions. These conditions, or rather, social economic relations, always to a greater or lesser extent orientate towards progress, and may not create proper incentives for it at all. In the second case, society is faced with the need to restructure the system of production relations. The latter determine the direction in the reproduction of the labor force. From the standpoint of production, man is not only his subject, but also his ultimate goal. Therefore, for high human productivity, high-quality working conditions are necessary.

1.2. Essence of humanization: concept and levels

Today, Russia faces the dual task of overcoming the raw-material orientation of the economy and transitioning to an economy based on scientific knowledge. Its solution is impossible without revising the factorial approach to the main productive force - man, which is dominant in economic and managerial sciences and practice.

The experience of developing an economy based on scientific knowledge in developed countries shows that this process is associated, on the one hand, with the atomization of a person, and on the other hand, with an increase in his need for harmonious interpersonal relationships, self-realization and self-development in the process of work and beyond. outside of it. Under the conditions of this contradiction, an objective basis is created for understanding a person as an end in itself for the development of an enterprise, and not just as a factor of production. Because of this, humanization in personnel management is becoming relevant - an objective process of overcoming the underdevelopment of a person in production.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but the growing understanding of the need for a deep humanization of the life of our society is combined with the lack of a clear idea of ​​the specific content of this concept. In the specialized literature today there is a clear discordance in the interpretation of the very term “humanization”. Therefore, before proceeding to the study of humanization in production, it seems necessary to consider the concept of humanization, conduct its meaningful and etymological (origin of the word) analysis, and identify links with other close and intersecting concepts.

Humanism is one of the most fundamental characteristics of social being and consciousness, the essence of which is the attitude of a person to other people as the highest value. It manifests itself in altruism, the desire to sow good, in mercy, compassion, the desire to help others. The definition of humanism as a “set” of views that express the dignity and value of a person, his right to free development, affirming humanity in relations between people, reflects only one thing - the subjective side.

The most important thing is practical humanism - providing real, worthy of a person material, technical, economic, political and cultural conditions for his life, as well as relevant objective social relations. Therefore, the essence of humanism can be defined as a set of objective and subjective attitudes towards each person as the highest independent value. Its main manifestation, real being, is socially useful activity, free labor, consciously given for the benefit of other people. Humanism, of course, is not only a useful activity, its essence is in any manifestations of one person's concern for the welfare of another. Being anti-humanistic may not necessarily be an evil person, but, for example, a fully able-bodied young man full of good feelings towards others, but living at the expense of others. It is by no means humanistic to call a builder who mindlessly builds dams that threaten the well-being of nature and man, an owner or manager of an enterprise who cares about increasing profits, but does not think about the welfare of his employees and the social utility of the product, or a businessman who takes advantage of market conditions to inflate prices exorbitantly. , as well as a scientist who is indifferent to how his scientific results will be used - in the name of good and creation or in the name of evil and destruction.

What do we mean by humanization? Humanization is the dissemination and approval in the sphere of public life of ideas, views and beliefs imbued with humanism.

There are many definitions of "humanism". Let's consider just a few of them:

    from lat. humanus - a human, humane, historically changing system of views that recognizes a person as a person, his right to freedom, happiness, development and manifestation of his abilities, considering the good of a person as a criterion for evaluating social institutions, and the principles of equality, justice, humanity as the desired norm of relations between people;

    humanity, humanity social activities, in relation to people;

    the principle of a worldview based on the affirmation of human dignity, recognizing the supreme goal of society as the all-round development of man, the ever more complete satisfaction of his needs;

    a set of views that recognize the value of a person as a person, his right to free development and the manifestation of his abilities, regardless of social status.

A similar situation is observed with regard to the concept of "humanity", which is often identified with the concept of "humanism". Humanism is defined as "a system of attitudes of the individual to social objects (a person, a group, a living being) determined by moral norms and values, which is represented in the mind by experiences of compassion and rejoicing, is realized in communication and activity in the aspects of assistance, complicity, help" .

Having considered the concept of "humanism", we will give the concept of humanization. Humanization is the strengthening of humanistic principles in society, the assertion of universal human values, the highest cultural and moral development of human abilities into an aesthetically complete form, combined with softness and humanity.

The last few years have brought many innovations to organizations and businesses. New management methods appeared, such as "humanization of labor", "group decisions", "education of employees"; the predominance of individual remuneration by group (collective), economic - socio-psychological (favorable moral and psychological climate, increased job satisfaction, the use of a democratic style manuals), etc.

Unfortunately, against the background of this turbulent activity, the main thing has not changed - the attitude: the boss - the subordinate. The labor system, which was originally not intended for a humane attitude towards personnel, has not changed at all.

Therefore, in the context of labor activity, the word "humanization" can mean a human attitude towards a business partner, performer, employee, or even a competitor. And here we begin to feel the limits of the concept of humanization in relation to labor activity. If you humanely, that is, humanly, treat your employees, listen to all their needs, then things can slow down significantly, and if you humanely take into account the needs of your competitors, you can simply become bankrupt. Therefore, in practice, there is a significant limitation or complete absence of humanization in business: deception of partners, use of people for their own purposes, etc. for himself.

We propose to expand the understanding of the term "humanization". It means not only a humane attitude towards people directly around (partners, colleagues, competitors, etc.), but also towards oneself. One can thus speak of levels of humanization: (1) the subjective level (relation to oneself) and (2) the object level (relation to others). The last level can, in turn, be divided into a micro level (attitude towards others) and a macro level (attitude towards society). If necessary, at the micro level, one can single out the personal level (attitude towards one's relatives) and the business level (attitude towards business partners). This division into levels is shown in Figure 1. .

Rice. 1 Humanization levels

Assessing the limits and prospects of humanization at these levels, one can see that they are different. We will meet the greatest "resistance" to humanization at the object level, especially at its "far" sublevels. On the contrary, the humane attitude towards oneself and one's loved ones is most often beyond doubt. Nevertheless, in some “neglected cases”, even at the “closest levels”, we can meet an inhumane attitude: an inattentive attitude towards ourselves and related problems (with physical and psychological health) and towards others. Such an attitude towards others will provoke all sorts of conflicts, both interpersonal and intrapersonal (for example, the struggle with one's own guilt). Both those and others require a lot of strength and resources, both material and moral, which adversely affects health.

We will consider humanization as a transition from an attitude to a person as an object to a person, and in the process of personnel management it should be based on:


    Acmeological or axiological approach in relation to personality.

Humanization is also manifested in the fact that all personnel, regardless of status, rank, position, are given the opportunity to communicate with management, in other words - Feedback. The employee has the right to ask for help not only from the manager, but also from any other specialist.

We believe that humanization should consist in the fact that the employee has the opportunity to choose an individual pace of life at work (rate of work, level of difficulty, work schedule), taking into account his biosocial essence, contributing to his comprehensive development in causing job satisfaction.

So that for the entire period of labor activity the employee has the opportunity to develop his abilities to the limits allowed by nature.

From the above definitions, we define the concept of "humanization" as a process of strengthening philanthropy, both in relation to others and in relation to oneself; justice in the economic, social life, recognizing the value of a person as a person.


Humanization as the main function of personnel management reflects the social nature of management and the role human factor as a subject and object of management. A person in the management system is not only a factor of production and a means to an end, but also the goal of management. Therefore, the function of humanization of managerial relations and the entire system of public relations in the context of personnel reorientation Russian economy market thinking becomes an important function of management. First of all, the humanization of relations concerns the ethics of activity, the nature and mechanisms of the influence of morality as one of the aspects of human social activity, a special form of social relations and consciousness. Ethics as a system of knowledge generalizes and systematizes the principles of morality formed in the process of development of society, and is the basis of moral education, the formation of an active life position. Management ethics is manifested in the activities of firms, enterprises, organizations, as well as managers, specialists and all personnel of the system. Ethics as a branch of knowledge considers human relations and human behavior in terms of their compliance with generally accepted reasonable norms. Most often, ethical requirements mean the rules of conduct for a manager, an entrepreneur, imposed by society on his style, activity, nature of communication with people, social appearance.

By humanization we will understand one of the areas of personnel management based on respect and an acmeological approach; building relationships, which involves the creation of conditions that take into account the biosocial essence of a person as much as possible, contributing to its comprehensive development and causing satisfaction with work.

The humanization of production means: constantly improving the conditions and safety of workers, strengthening their health, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the work team and doing everything that elevates a person and reveals his abilities. After all, a person is the value of any sphere of production, and not just a factor contributing to high productivity. For this, the achievements of ergonomics are being widely introduced - a scientific discipline that comprehensively studies a person (a group of people) in the specific conditions of his work activity. Ergonomics finds ways and methods to adapt the working environment to the characteristics and capabilities of the human body. It facilitates its adaptation to the increasingly complex conditions of modern technology, optimizes all components of the "man - technology - production environment" system. This takes into account how physical working conditions affect the physiology and psyche of people (temperature, lighting, noise, vibration, ventilation, etc.) and how the working time regime affects the biological rhythms of the body. Ergonomics analyzes the pace, severity, rationing and content of individual and group activities, studies the nature and characteristics of equipment, the organization of the workplace and labor control systems. As a result, labor productivity increases while improving people's health.

It is rightly noted in the literature that along with With the concept of "social management" is becoming increasingly recognized in the social sciences is the concept of "social technology". There is a need to technologize the very process of social management, where the subjective impact is translated into objective content, into a change in the quality of the object.

Thus, scientific knowledge and scientific management reach such heights when it is possible not only to understand the general laws and trends of social development, but also to understand them. detailed description, up to each practical operation, a separate stage, form, means and method of practical activity of people. It becomes possible not only to forecast, but also to implement forecast data through the phased solution of a number of social problems. A.N. Leontiev, considering the concept of an operation as a mode of action, with the help of which practical or cognitive goals are realized, emphasized that "an action as an element of activity is correlated with the goal, while an operation is correlated with the conditions of action, with tools of labor; it is a form of action." The purpose of the action, therefore, is determined not only by the presence of conditions, but also by the activity itself, which in turn is determined by the methods, methods of its phased formation.

The scientific organization of all types of activity receives its "vital rights" as an opportunity. However, in order to turn the possibility into reality, an innovative technology of social activity is needed, which involves: 1) the creation of a scientifically based socio-technological model that reflects the process of purposeful transformation of a certain social phenomenon or its formation, taking into account the requirements of a strategic decision, specific and necessary properties, connections, relations of this phenomenon with others, its phased formation, the development of fixed assets, methods, techniques, forms; 2) the allocation of intermediate goals, strictly interconnected; consideration of the spatial and temporal location of operations; technical and material equipment, etc. Thus, the socio-technological theoretical model embodies the fusion of social science, natural science and technical knowledge. The latter are refracted in socio-technological knowledge in a specific form - through the use of cybernetics, mathematical logic, game theory, decision theory, social informatics, etc.

However, this is not about the mechanical transfer of production technologies to social life, but about the design and implementation of specific technologies in the organization of human activity, correlated with the laws of social development.

Society is far from being indifferent to what is the managerial orientation of the technology of social activity: humanistic or rigoristic (instrumental).

Only the "humanization" of norms, means, and techniques orients the worker towards the conscious, creative fulfillment of the task, thereby forming the desire for the final result - to do better, more, faster.

"Instrumentalization" of the norm, focusing on submission only to volitional pressure, can "obscure" the main goal. Therefore, it is very important to combine managerial, socio-technological solutions with the deepening of democracy, the expansion of self-government, as a result of which self-realization of the creative potential of the individual is possible. The socio-technological approach to management in no way eliminates the initiatives of managerial activity and people's creativity. Its task is to give the organization of all activities a conscious, scientifically substantiated character.

So, we can state that social technologies are a kind of mechanism for combining knowledge with the conditions for their implementation in management.

It is necessary to point out the difference between the concepts of "realization of knowledge" and "technologization of knowledge". Realization of knowledge is a generic concept of technologization, the process of materialization, objectification of any knowledge. The technologization of knowledge is associated with the implementation of not any knowledge, but only those that are objectified in the organizational and technological side of human activity, primarily in management. Along with the concept of "technologization of knowledge", we use the concept of "intellectualization of social activity and the management process", thereby emphasizing the development of all social relations on a scientific basis, the exclusion of bureaucratic administration, voluntarism and subjectivism, the use of automated control systems, information and logic technology that increases the reliability of management relations limiting the influence of undesirable destabilizing factors.

At the same time, it would be wrong to believe that, relying only on social technologies, it is possible to immediately solve all economic, social, political, spiritual and moral problems. For the development and implementation of social technologies, first of all, appropriate objective conditions (including material and technical means) and a sufficiently mature subjective factor (not only in terms of the possibilities of knowing the mechanism of action of the laws of social development) are required. We are talking about a high level of economic, moral and political consciousness of people; labor and performance activity of the population, discipline, perseverance and initiative, a creative approach to business, will, the desire to change the situation for the better, awareness of the perniciousness of destructive technologies and the need to move to technologies of creation. Of particular importance is the science intensity of technology associated with the intellectualization of labor, the growth of intellectual property.

Therefore, considering the changes taking place in modern society, many scientists (E.A. Arab-Ogly, G.N. Volkov, V.P. Marakhov, etc.) pay great attention to the analysis of the process of turning science into one of the leading factors in changing labor functions. man, into the direct, productive force of society. Indeed, science appears as an independent type of labor, acquiring an increasingly mass character. In its most general form, this trend can be characterized as the growing technologization of knowledge and the intellectualization of social labor. The production and application of constantly updated knowledge is becoming the most important factor in the sustainable development of all spheres of public life.

Conclusion: New production-economic, socio-political conditions are needed to ensure the harmonious development of technological relations. Therefore, the strengthening of the role of man as a subject of development of scientifically based technologies of social activity is inevitable.

2. Practical part.

An example of the humanization of the work of UTair airline personnel. UTair's social program. The humanistic approach of the company to its staff.

    UTair Aviation is fully aware of its responsibility to society, social and charitable programs have become an integral part of cooperation with business circles, the state and society as a whole.

A distinctive feature of UTair's sponsorship and charity programs is their targeted nature and implementation on the basis of long-term partnerships with religious and cultural organizations, educational and sports institutions.

In 2008, UTair implemented the following charitable and sponsorship projects:

    Target program "Cooperation"
    Passenger Transportation by air between settlements Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region and the Tyumen region on a subsidized basis.

    Charity program "Veteran"
    annual free air ticket to the participants of the Great Patriotic War, and their accompanying 30% discount.

    Help for children suffering from cancer and the disabled:

Support to the Podari Zhizn charity foundation in the form of free air travel to and from the place of treatment;

Taking an active part in the "History of Hope" project, providing a flight for disabled children and their parents from Surgut to the place of treatment. The aim of the project is targeted assistance to patients with cerebral palsy;

Providing assistance on a permanent basis to citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation by providing a free flight or the maximum possible discount on an air ticket.

    Transport support for professional, mass and children's sports:

Among sports teams receiving permanent sponsorship from the airline, Samotlor volleyball club, University-Yugra basketball club, Yugra hockey club, sport Club"Superliga", football club "Tyumen", VFSO "Dynamo", as well as the Surgut City Tennis Federation, the Hand-to-Hand Fighting Federation of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, the Aeronautical Sports Federation of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

Sponsorship is provided to children's and youth teams: the hockey club "Olympian 99" (Surgut), the city children's and youth public organization "Judo Club-88" (Nefteyugansk).

As part of the Russian Wheelchair Basketball Championship, the airline provides sponsorship support to the basketball team of the Shans Sports and Health Club for the Disabled (Tyumen). The national team consists of players with a violation of the musculoskeletal system, who move in wheelchairs. Three players are included in the Russian wheelchair basketball team.

UTair is the official carrier and sponsor of the Biathlon World Cup (Khanty-Mansiysk).

    Support for the Orthodox Church, including abroad:

At the end of 2008 CEO of UTair Airlines Andrey Martirosov was awarded the medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh of the first degree for ecclesiastical and peacekeeping services.

    Support educational institutions Khanty-Mansiysk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, Tyumen Region and the country as a whole:

Every year, the airline acts as the official carrier of the International Festival of Cinematic Debuts "Spirit of Fire", the International Music Festival "Ugra".

The company provides sponsorship assistance to children's and youth creative groups of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug: preferential transportation of participants of the International Competition for Young Musicians to Novosibirsk, VII city festival-competition of children's creativity "Inspiration" to the capital of the country.

    High motivation of UTair Group personnel is ensured through the implementation of a number of social programs for employees of enterprises. The volume of social payments in 2008 amounted to 33.345 million rubles. (See Appendix 1)

The main principles of the company's corporate social strategy include:

    Investments in personnel development;

    Creation of safe working conditions and development of a program to promote a healthy lifestyle;

    Providing social guarantees employees and members of their families;

    Participation in charity events;

    Recognition of merit of employees.

Humanization is manifested in the fact that the airline pays great attention to the social protection of its employees. To this end, in 2008 UTair operated the following main social programs:

    Recreation for employees' children, including the organization of free travel for employees' children to and from the place of rest;

    Annual additional payments to non-working pensioners;

    Payment of an incentive allowance for long and impeccable service, incentives in connection with retirement;

    Selection Money for cultural - mass and sports work;

    Program "Mother and Child";

    Health recreation for employees.

    Problems in the company:

    Having analyzed social work UTair can draw the following conclusions:

    The company does not have a system of bonuses for success in work. Another important problem is that the company does not have a trade union. Humanization is reflected only in documents, since in relation to employees, there are no systems and processes stimulating their activities. Also, the company does not take into account the human factor when taking into account rest after flights.

    Suggestions for improvement:

    To increase the productivity of workers, it is necessary to introduce a system of bonding. For example, Stimulation in the style of "cafeteria". The main idea of ​​this approach is that employees are given the opportunity to choose for themselves a system of incentives and benefits from the list proposed by the administration. Thus, an individual incentive system, which is undoubtedly more effective than any collective one. When using this system, it is very important to determine financial indicator adequate for each specific category of specialists, and establish clear rules for the use of the system. The selected individual plan is valid, as a rule, throughout the calendar year, next year the set of incentives can be changed both by the company administration and by the employee himself.

    Despite the fact that the company is very famous and has a significant place among the airlines, this does not relieve it of its responsibility to its employees. Since the created trade union is, first of all, protection for the employee, because without the consent of the trade union, it is almost impossible to dismiss the employee.

    Introduce rest regimes into flight schedules. So that the employee rests after the flight for as long as it takes for the body to fully recover.

Attachment 1


The humanization of labor involves the creation of the most favorable conditions and organization of labor for the maximum realization of the labor potential of workers. It is closely interconnected with the achievements of high labor motivation, as it is designed to make work more attractive to the employee and create such conditions in production that would provide the most complete adaptation. technical means production to the person, the high content of the worker's labor, his active participation in solving production problems.

The humanization of labor leads to an increase in the quality of working life, is predetermined by an improvement in labor rationing, is associated with an improvement in the organization of the workplace, an increase in its value due to an increase in the factor of moral and mental satisfaction with working conditions, and not because of a solid cash income and fear of losing your job.

The humanization of labor is determined by two main circumstances. First, there are new parameters of the production process, which ensures the growth of labor productivity and high product quality. Secondly, the need for creative work, the desire to improve professional skills, the need for safe working conditions, which began to occupy a significant place in the system of human needs.

The more humane the employer treats the employee, the more efficient the work of the employee.


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1 Biosocial - manifestations of an individual's life activity, which is a consequence of the interaction of biological and social.

So far, we have been talking about what kind of worker is needed for production: labor activity requires professionalism, qualifications, common culture, discipline, diligence, initiative then. OSH.

Now let's approach labor activity from the other side: how much it corresponds to human nature, how it contributes (or hinders) the development of truly human qualities in it.

With the development of industrial production, a person was freed from many physical efforts in the performance of labor operations. However, if the craftsman created a finished thing that was the embodiment of his personal identity, which represented his personal qualities, the industrial worker, along with the means of labor, is considered only as a factor of production. This violates the harmony of labor with the basic biological and psychological features inherent in the development of human life.

This result of industrial production is called the dehumanization of labor. The dehumanization of labor was most fully manifested in its organization according to the system of the American engineer. UGH. Taylor (1856-1915). T. Taylor developed a system of organizational measures, including the timing of labor operations, instruction cards, etc., which was accompanied by a system of disciplinary sanctions and labor incentives. The differential on the wage system meant that a hardworking worker was additionally rewarded, and a lazy person could not receive unearned money.

System. Taylor was characterized by the exclusion of workers from the preparation and control of the labor process; determining from above the working rhythm, norms and breaks; the exclusion of workers from creative roles and the restriction of their activities to performance. Myself. Taylor wrote: "Everyone must learn to give up his individual methods of work, adapt them to the series of introduced forms, and become accustomed to accepting and in the icons of directives concerning all small and large methods of work, which were previously left to his personal discretion."

This type of labor process makes its participants feel that they are dominated by machines as individuals, which denies their individuality. They have apathy, a negative attitude towards work as something forced, performed only when necessary.

Working conditions are of great importance. They include the degree of danger or safety of the object and means of labor, their impact on health, mood and human performance. Potentially dangerous factors are physical (noise, vibration, temperature increase or decrease, ionizing and other radiation), chemical (gases, vapors, aerosols), biological (viruses, bacteria, fungi).

Particularly harmful extreme conditions labor cause death, heavy occupational diseases major accidents, serious injuries

The humanization of labor means the process of its humanization. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that threaten the health of people in a technical environment. Functions dangerous to human health, operations associated with labor, monotonous work in modern enterprises are shifted to robotics.

Modern technological processes assume the maximum intellectualization of labor, such?? its organization, when a person is not reduced to a simple performer of individual operations. In other words, we are talking about the media of the content of labor, which present stage scientific and technological progress can become more diverse, more creative.

Work culture is of particular importance. Researchers identify three components in it. Firstly, it is the improvement of the working environment, i.e. conditions under which the labor process takes place. Secondly, it is a culture of interaction between labor participants, the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the workforce. Thirdly, the comprehension by the participants of labor activity of the content of the labor process, its features, as well as the creative embodiment of the engineering concept embedded in it.

Labor activity- this is the most important field of self-realization in the life of any person. It is here that a person's abilities are revealed and improved, it is in this area that she can assert herself as a person. The process of humanization of labor expands these possibilities. It is up to each of the wawas to use them.

Basic concepts

Work. material production. Working conditions. Work culture. Humanization

Means of labor. The subject of labor. Technology. Division of labor. Professionalism. Qualification. Discipline. Initiative

Questions for self-examination

1. What are the features of material production?

2. What are the main means of labor?

3. What determines the content of labor?

4. What is the humanization of labor?

1. What profession are you more familiar with? Think about how you can improve the productivity of this work activity.

2. Explain the meaning and origin of the proverbs "Craft is honored everywhere", "Skill is held in high esteem everywhere", "Who knows what, he gets bread", "The work of the master is afraid", "You can't redo the master's work", "Sent. B. God work, so the devil took away the hunt.

3 German poet and scientist. YV. Goethe wrote: “Any life, any activity, any art must be preceded by a craft, can only be mastered with a certain specialization. you with this statement?. Argument your respective answer.

Humanization of labor:

1) This is the concept of improving the management of work, involving more full use productive reserves of labor, especially intellectual and moral-psychological.

There are four main principles of GT:
- the principle of safety - an individual in the workplace should feel the absence of a threat to his health, income level, job security in the future, etc.;
- the principle of justice - the share of each, expressed in income, should correspond to the share of his contribution to achieving the goals of the company (organization). To do this, it is necessary: ​​that the higher administration does not set itself too high salaries, that there is an effective system of employee participation in income and payment is made not for the work performed, but for the qualification level of the employee;
- the principle of personality development - work should be organized in such a way that unique personal qualities each employee;
- the principle of democracy - the abolition of a rigid hierarchy in the construction of the administrative apparatus, the self-government of autonomous groups, the election of leadership, the collective democratic solution of such issues as the distribution of profits, investment policy;

2) a set of organizational, technical and socio-economic measures to change working conditions and the working environment, the content of labor, forms and methods of management in order to achieve optimal compliance between a person and work. An integral part of G.t. are measures to enrich the content of labor (see Enrichment of work). G.t. (along with and together with the democratization of governance) is recognized by the world community, in particular the ILO, as the leading trend in the development of the sphere of social and labor relations.

Goals of G.t.:

1. adaptation of working conditions for a person

2. adaptation of a person to working conditions

G.t. directions:

Humanization of labor processes - the humanization of technologies deserves special attention, as a link between the employee and the material elements of the labor process - objects and means of labor. At the same time, the technology is focused on ensuring human satisfaction with the content and methods of work, the equipment used, the possibility of developing professional and qualification potential and ensuring labor safety and eliminating the negative impact of technology and equipment used on environment. Increasing ergonomics and removing a person from the zone of influence of various adverse factors by automating production.

Improvement of the environment (industrial) environment, tk. we are talking about ensuring a microecology of labor that is favorable for a person, which is formed under the influence of technological factors, as well as the general standing of the surrounding atmosphere. The influence of microecology is difficult, the state of the human body is characterized by social and hygienic factors, for the assessment of which the criteria of their harmfulness are used, indicators of maximum permissible concentrations and levels are applied.

Aestheticization of the external design of the place of work, because it creates favorable atmosphere and preserves the health of workers, the influence of aesthetic factors in the aggregate will be determined by the criterion of comfortable working conditions, for its assessment it can be applied method express analysis and peer review the state of working conditions using experimental data and recommendations.

Motivation for self-protection of labor, formation of an interested attitude among employees to the work performed, improvement of conditions and labor protection in the workplace. The socio-psychological factors used for these purposes consist in the implementation of organizational and educational measures to instill in employees necessary knowledge and skills to ensure safety and labor protection, prevent accidents in the performance of the functions and work assigned to them on the basis of strengthening self-discipline and raising the level of general labor culture.

95. Social planning, types and main elements. Principles and methods for developing an organization's strategic plan

Social planning is a form of regulation of social processes in society related to the life of the population. The main task of social planning is to optimize the processes of economic and social development, to increase socio-economic efficiency.

The object of social planning is social relations at all levels, including social differentiation, social structure; the quality and standard of living of the population, including the level of real incomes in general and in social groups; quality and level of consumption; availability of housing, its comfort; provision of the population with the most important types of goods and services; development of education, healthcare, culture; determination of the volume of these services provided to the population on a paid and free basis, etc.

An example is the five-year plan for the development of France, the five-year plan for the development of Japan, which in essence are the general concept of the socio-economic development of the country.

Social planning has a multilevel character: national, regional, enterprise (firm) level.

Social planning focuses on the technical process of solving social problems. The basis of this model, which relies on programmatic development, is a rational, carefully planned and controlled process of change, designed to provide services to members of a society or a specific territorial body.

Since planning is both a science and an activity, the method must be understood not only as a way of carrying out, but also as a way of developing programs or tasks.

General methods of planning are characterized by what objective laws of the development of society the possible ways of achieving goals are based on, what they are aimed at and in what organizational forms they are embodied.

For a long time, the leading method of planning was balance, which arose as a way to provide links between the needs of society and its capabilities with limited resources. Currently, the methods associated with the existence of market relations are coming to the fore, when it is especially important to see the social consequences of the decisions made, to be able to coordinate the interests of all participants in the transformations, providing them with favorable conditions for the manifestation of creative activity.

The scientific nature of social planning largely depends on the use normative method. Its requirements serve as the basis for compiling indicators of social development at various levels. social organization society. It is the standards that make it possible to carry out calculations and substantiate the reality of planned targets, to determine guidelines for the development of many social processes.

Analytical method combines analysis and generalization. Its essence boils down to the fact that in the course of planning social progress is divided into its component parts and on this basis the directions for the implementation of the planned program are determined.

It is gaining more and more importance option method, the essence of which is to determine several possible ways to solve social problems in the presence of the most complete and reliable information.

Complex method is the development of a program taking into account all the main factors: material, financial and labor resources, performers, deadlines. Its application presupposes compliance with the following requirements: determination of the pace and proportions of the development of the social process, its statistical and dynamic model, and the development of the main indicators of the plan.

Increasingly used in social planning problem-target method, which is usually associated with the solution of key urgent tasks of social development, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

received wide recognition social experiment, during which the mechanism of action of objective laws and the features of their manifestation on the basis of one or more social institutions are specified. The conclusions obtained help to correct the course of development of the planned process, to check in practice the predicted provisions and conclusions.

An important place in social planning is occupied by economic and mathematical methods. Such a name in a certain form is conditional. In fact, we are talking about quantitative analysis using the planning methods already listed above. Mathematical methods do not cancel social analysis, but rely on it and, in turn, influence its further improvement.

Currently quantitative analysis relies on methods such as linear programming, modeling, multivariate analysis, game theory etc. But all these formal-logical quantitative procedures play the role of a specific tool necessary for solving various problems.

Social planning has its own objects and subjects.

The subject of social design are different carriers management activities, - both individuals and organizations, labor collectives, social institutions, etc., which set as their goal an organized, purposeful transformation of social reality. A necessary feature of the design subject is his social activity, direct participation in the design process.

The object of social designing are called systems, processes of organizing social ties, interactions included in project activities, exposed to the influences of design subjects and serving as the basis for this impact. These can be objects of a very different nature: a person, various elements and subsystems of the social structure of society, various social relations.

First general principles planning formulated by A. Fayol. As the main requirements for the development of an enterprise action program or plans, he formulated five principles:

The principle of the need for planning means the widespread and mandatory use of plans in the performance of any type of labor activity. This principle is especially important in conditions of free market relations, since its observance corresponds to modern economic requirements for the rational use of limited resources in all enterprises;

The principle of unity of plans provides for the development of a general or consolidated plan for the socio-economic development of an enterprise, that is, all sections of the annual plan must be closely linked into a single comprehensive plan. Unity of plans presupposes common economic goals and interaction various divisions enterprises at the horizontal and vertical levels of planning and management;

The principle of continuity of plans lies in the fact that at each enterprise the processes of planning, organization and management of production, as well as labor activity, are interconnected and must be carried out constantly and without stopping;

The principle of flexibility of plans is closely related to the continuity of planning and implies the possibility of adjusting the established indicators and coordinating the planning and economic activities of the enterprise;

The principle of accuracy of plans is determined by many factors, both external and internal. But under conditions market economy the accuracy of the plans is difficult to maintain. Therefore, any plan is drawn up with such accuracy that the enterprise itself wants to achieve, taking into account its financial condition, market position and other factors.

In modern planning practice, in addition to the considered classical principles, general economic principles are widely known.

1. The principle of complexity. At each enterprise, the results of the economic activities of various departments largely depend on the level of development of technology, technology, organization of production, use of labor resources, labor motivation, profitability and other factors. All of them form an integral complex system of planned indicators, so that any quantitative or qualitative change in at least one of them leads, as a rule, to corresponding changes in many others. economic indicators. Therefore, it is necessary that the adopted planned and management decisions were complex, accounting for changes both in individual objects and in the final results of the entire enterprise.

2. The principle of efficiency requires the development of such an option for the production of goods and services, which, given the existing restrictions on the resources used, provides the greatest economic effect. It is known that any effect ultimately consists in saving various resources for the production of a unit of output. The first indicator of the planned effect may be the excess of results over costs.

3. The principle of optimality implies the need for choice the best option at all stages of planning from several possible alternatives.

4. The principle of proportionality, i.e. balanced accounting of resources and capabilities of the enterprise.

5. The principle of scientificity, i.e. taking into account the latest achievements of science and technology.

6. The principle of detail, i.e. depth of planning.

7. The principle of simplicity and clarity, i.e. compliance with the level of understanding of developers and users of the plan.

96. Social plan and its structure. Social passport of the enterprise.

1. Planning for improving the social structure of the production team. The content of this section is developed in close conjunction with the plan for labor and personnel, as well as with the plan for technical development and organization of labor. Special attention is given to changes in the number and structure of employees due to mechanization and informatics production processes, improving the organization of production and labor. The share of unskilled labor in the total volume of labor costs is taken into account, the reduction in the number of employees employed in jobs with harmful conditions labor. The improvement of the social and qualification sphere of the production team is revealed as numerous indicators characterizing the number and social composition of workers, the level of education and qualifications.

2. Planning for improving working conditions and labor protection, improving the health of workers. The choice of a priority direction and the sequence of measures to improve conditions and labor protection, improve the health of workers depends on the specifics of production. For the analysis and development of the plan, general, technical, sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological indicators, as well as indicators of labor safety conditions and the prevention of accidents and possible occupational diseases are widely used.

3. Planning for improving the living and social and cultural conditions of workers and their families.

4. Planning educational work in the team and increasing the labor and social activity of workers. The development of this section of the social development plan should be aimed at ensuring the close unity of all types of educational work (ideological, political, labor, economic, moral, legal, aesthetic, physical education) in order to achieve an increase in the social activity of workers, improve social relations in the labor collective. Planning of educational work should be carried out in stages:

Analysis of her condition

Identification of trends and problems of its development

Determination of ways (forms, methods) for the implementation of educational work

The social development plan is the main means of managing social processes in the enterprise. The possibilities of meeting the needs of the collective in social benefits are determined by the final results of the work of the enterprise, the self-supporting income of the collective. Therefore, the development of a social development plan is the business of the whole team.

The development of a social development plan provides for:

analysis of the socio-economic situation at the enterprise;

Determination of the priority of the solution of social

preparation of assignments for the development of activities; designing the creation of appropriate social and cultural facilities;

· discussion of the draft social development plan;

selection of necessary financial resources for implementation.

Social processes at the enterprise must be managed, these goals are served by social planning or planning of social development of labor collectives. Planning or planning for the social development of labor collectives.

In parallel with the plan for the social development of the team, many enterprises are developing the so-called social passports of the enterprise. This experience is expedient to use at the present time. The social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It characterizes the social structure of the enterprise team, its functions, working conditions, the provision of workers with housing, preschool institutions, social infrastructure units at the enterprise itself. The passport reflects intra-collective relations, social activity of employees and other issues. Data from the social passport is used in the development of a social development plan. In addition to social development plans, specialized social programs can be developed. Planning for the social development of labor collectives ensures the growth of social efficiency, which, along with economic efficiency, is the most important prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.

The structure of the social passport

Section 1. The social structure of the team

1.1 Changes in the socio-demographic composition of workers

1. Total population workers, total

2. Number of employees by age groups

3. Number of key personnel, total

4. Number of support staff

1.2. Qualification and professional structure

1. Number, total including those with experience

2. General coefficient of qualification

1.3. Raise vocational education:

1. Total number of operating employees, total. Including those with incomplete secondary education, with vocational primary and secondary vocational education.

1.4. Training and advanced training of personnel. Movement and staff turnover.

Section 2. Working conditions and cultural and living conditions

2.1. The state of working conditions of workers

2.2. Sanitary facilities

2.3. public catering and household services

3.1. Compensation and bonuses for employees

3.2. Loss of working time caused by violation of discipline and public order.

Section 4. The state of social infrastructure facilities.

4.1.1. Provision of employees from other regions with departmental and rental housing

4.1.2. Satisfaction of the organization with the demand of workers for housing

4.2. Medical and health institutions

4.3. Cultural and educational institutions

4.4. Development physical culture and sports.

Humanization of labor is the adaptation (adaptation) of one or another side of labor activity to a person. The humanization of labor involves the creation of the most favorable conditions and organization of labor for the maximum realization of the labor potential of workers.

The system of legislative norms that is taking shape in Russia, set by the social orientation of the state, orients employers towards maintaining the following minimum necessary social working conditions, or ensuring humanization of labor and quality of working life:

    ensuring the level of minimum wages;

    provision of additional benefits and compensations to workers employed in hazardous and hazardous industries;

    finding funds for the formation of housing funds for the construction or purchase of housing;

    certification of workplaces in terms of labor and preparation for certification of production facilities for compliance with labor safety requirements.

Thus, social strategies are closely intertwined with the social partnership system - they can serve as complementary tools, especially in determining the state of the organization's social parameters and forming models for their improvement.

In the whole complex of social tasks of the organization, solved within the framework of strategic planning, two groups of tasks are of particular importance:

    Social tasks to be solved directly in the organization for the benefit of all (or most) members labor collective. This is the improvement of working conditions, rest, relationships in the team, the form, size of wages and other issues that directly affect the nature of social and production relations, by which one can judge the level of necessary social conditions. Most of these aspects are the subject of a collective agreement concluded between the employer (owner), the labor collective and the branch trade union.

    Social tasks characterizing the level of development of social infrastructure facilities at the enterprise, in which individual employees and local authorities are more interested. This is the provision of comfortable housing for employees of the enterprise, the availability of children preschool institutions, wellness and medical institutions for workers and members of their families, availability of educational institutions, etc. (Fig. 10.2).

Rice. 10.2. Groups interested in the implementation of social strategies of the enterprise

The social aspects of the organization, related to the social development of the organization, are particularly important. The parameters of this block of social strategies should be constantly under the control of the labor collective, the trade union and the owners of the enterprise and be made public. As the events of recent years show (the performance of the miners, the strikes of workers public sector etc.), ignoring or insufficient attention to social indicators this block can lead to undesirable phenomena. Undoubtedly, the main subject is a team of workers who compares the conditions of their life with similar conditions for workers of enterprises in a given branch of the region (city). Therefore, objective information characterizing the level of social development of the organization should be provided in comparison with similar enterprises of the territory.

The second group of social tasks can help increase the motivation of employees to improve the socio-economic indicators of production and economic activities and the implementation of the corporate strategy of the organization.

In general, the social strategy of the organization is an integral system of substrategies aimed at solving the entire complex of the organization's tasks (Fig. 10.3).

Rice. 10.3. The system of social strategies of the organization

The proposed systematization of social strategies of an enterprise shows that, along with strategies implemented in the interests of the workforce, strategies can be developed in relation to consumers, suppliers and local communities, i.e. to those groups that are in the external environment. Special sub-strategies can be developed that take into account the specific characteristics of these groups.

The need to use social strategies in conjunction with the general strategies of the organization is due to the presence of the most important problem - the resistance of personnel to the implementation of strategic planning. This problem is pointed out by both Russian and foreign researchers, in particular I. Ansoff: “When top managers decided to put strategic decision-making on a systematic basis by introducing strategic planning, the organization resisted the new system. When planning was nevertheless carried out, many systems ceased to "work", planning began to deteriorate, and the strategy did not have any effect on the sale of products. In addition to this, there has been a clear trend towards pushing the planning system out of the firm and returning to the old, less radical methods of decision making... Resistance to change is not limited to the introduction of strategic planning. It occurs whenever an organizational change entails a break in the established behavior, criteria and management structure. Thus, significant strategic changes cause resistance not only to planning, but to the entire process of change. This resistance is not an accident, but a fundamental problem that deserves attention along with the formulation of the strategy itself.

Resistance to the strategic management process is difficult to avoid, since the main factor of resistance is the employees of the organization. Therefore, at the stage of implementing the strategy, it is necessary to take into account the goals of all groups that associate their interests with the existence and activities of the organization, and above all, the interests of the members of the labor collective. This is possible only if the interests of the employees of the organization are observed, i.e. in the implementation of social strategies within the framework of a single corporate strategy of the enterprise.

It is clear that if one group of social strategies affecting the level of “social development of the organization” should be carried out by the organization independently, then the other, aimed at the development of social infrastructure facilities, should be carried out jointly with other enterprises, communities and institutions with the support of local authorities.

Analyzing the experience of strategic planning at Russian enterprises, G.B. Kleiner considers it expedient “...to proceed with the systematic development of a strategy in a “cluster” way. It is better to develop large blocks of the strategy (not bearing commercial secrets) not in isolation at one enterprise, but in close contact and synchronously with a group of other enterprises that are part of its environment. We can talk either about network partners, or about a group of territorially close enterprises, say, enterprises of the same city (town). Such a group development of certain types of strategy (for example, commodity-market or social) could significantly reduce organizational costs, increase the realism and effectiveness of the strategy, as well as the degree of correspondence between the mutual expectations of network agents. The procedure for the group formation of an integrated strategy should provide for the participation of teams of enterprises in the process and facilitate their access to new level internal balance and formation of a favorable position in the market environment”.

Of course, the implementation of social strategies requires a significant investment of time and resources, the return on which may not appear immediately. In this case, a weighty argument in favor of the development and implementation of social strategies can be the determination of their significance in increasing the efficiency of production.

The humanization of labor is an integral part of the social environment of the organization. In the modern sense humanization of labor there is an adaptation of one or another side of working life to a person: strengthening the social orientation of production, creating the most favorable working conditions for the worker, providing him with opportunities for self-expression and self-affirmation, the realization of his abilities, labor potential and creative initiative, the application in practice of his knowledge, skills and abilities.

Humanism as a holistic system of views means recognition social value human rights, the right of the individual to free and comprehensive development, the manifestation of their abilities in all spheres of life. Humanistic ideas were originally focused on the respect of people for human dignity, the perception of people's well-being as the main criterion of social relations.

The Universal Declaration, upholding humanism, proclaims civil, political, socio-economic rights and freedoms of the individual. Among them are fixed, in particular, the inalienable rights to work and free choice of work, just and favorable working conditions, protection against unemployment, equal pay for equal work and remuneration that ensures a worthy existence for a person and his family; to create trade unions and join them to protect their interests; to social security and to such a standard of living as is necessary for the maintenance of health, well-being and a dignified existence; for rest and leisure, reasonable limitation of the working day and paid periodic leave; education, free participation in the cultural life of society, scientific progress and the use of its benefits.

Can be marked six main areas(Picture No. 3) humanization of labor. These guidelines are designed to provide a humanistic approach to personnel management, the development of the social environment of the organization.

Figure #3

Six main directions of labor humanization

1. Recognition of the priority role of the person as the main component of any social system, including a separate organization (enterprise, firm). It reflects the importance of the personal, human factor of labor activity, takes into account the labor potential of the employee, his physical and spiritual abilities, as well as needs, interests and motives, thereby indicating the qualities of the subject of the labor process, interacting with the material factor, objects and means of labor, the surrounding natural and social environment.

The potential of the individual is manifested in its physical and intellectual capabilities to achieve productive labor returns. It finds expression in such qualities that make up "human capital" as health, stock of knowledge, professional experience, competence. In the conditions of modern scientific, technical and social progress, the expansion of the scale of mechanized and the increase in the share of automated labor, the requirements for the level of qualification and culture of workers are increasing significantly.

2. Improving the organizational, technical and socio-economic content of the labor process. This direction of labor humanization incorporates the expediency of the range of duties performed by the employee, the optimal scope, composition and nature of the functions assigned to him, the rationalization of production and labor operations, a conscious attitude to the matter, the goals and results of the efforts made. The above is directly dependent not on the physical data of a person, but also on his intellect, qualifications, vastness and specificity of knowledge, degree of independence, initiative and responsibility.

3. Improving working conditions, health and safety taking into account the priority role of man in material and spiritual production. This direction of labor humanization is directly related to the content and organization of labor, the degree of safety of the object and means of labor at each workplace, the state of the production and social environment with everything that in one way or another affects the health, mood and working capacity of workers.

It is customary to refer to working conditions as production technology, forms of organization of the labor process, characteristics of the technical means and equipment used, as well as the working environment.

Occupational safety itself is a system of safety of life and health of workers in the process of labor activity. It includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

4. Strengthening motivation and forms of incentives for employees. It is intended, as well as the improvement of working conditions and labor protection, to be a source of labor activity, initiative, inspiration, high efficiency of joint work: A fair assessment by the administration and the public of the organization of the results of the activities of an individual employee or group is a good reason for both material remuneration, remuneration, and and for various kinds moral encouragement.

An even more significant step along this path is the internal need of a person for work, the satisfaction of which is closely connected both with compensation for labor contributions in cash and other material forms, and with self-realization and self-affirmation of the employee, public recognition of his merits. There is no doubt that under normal conditions modern man successfully works due to not only material necessity, but also spiritual and moral principles.

5. Creation and maintenance of a healthy socio-psychological and spiritual and moral atmosphere joint activities . This universal landmark of the humanization of labor, as in any other sphere of life, is represented, first of all, by morality as a special form of social consciousness and social ties. Moral attitudes are expressed in moral norms, which, based on public assessments, beliefs and habits of people, are perceived as certain ideals of good and evil, duty, justice, etc. These are not rules for obtaining some result due to external expediency, but an internal command to act in this situation in this way and not otherwise.

Moral norms, closely related to customs, traditions, law and other types of regulation of human actions, are fixed in various principles and commandments. A person must realize his moral position himself, accept it as a guide to actions, internal motivation of behavior and self-control. Consequently, a deep perception by employees of moral values, the requirements of high morality is achieved both by education (i.e., by systematically influencing the formation of the employee’s character, mastering a certain culture, skills, norms of social behavior), and by self-education, since a person is capable of purposefully improving his intellectual, volitional and emotional properties, the ability to interact with other people.

The process of humanization cannot do without increased attention to labor morality, those moral principles and generally significant prescriptions that an individual, a working group, a team must follow in their attitude to the work and its results. This morality is expressed in the statements public opinion, rules and regulations governing the motivation of labor behavior, the focus and effectiveness of the personal labor factor. At present, the humanization of labor is based on highly moral principles, among which the understanding of labor as a vital necessity, the possibility of obtaining funds to meet the material and spiritual needs of people, and the realization of the social essence of man predominate. These principles include a respectful attitude to a cause useful to society, professional and economic success, condemnation of idleness and laziness, the desire to profit at someone else's expense, to enrich oneself dishonestly. They are imbued with confidence that the desire and willingness to work with full dedication, conscientiously, should be characteristic of every person, because labor is needed like air, as freedom to express oneself, as joy and the highest value.

Following the noble requirements of labor morality, the attitude of employees towards joint work and to each other in a focused way highlights the socio-psychological climate of the organization. A stable emotional and moral state of interpersonal and group ties, a healthy atmosphere of these relations enable each employee to feel part of the team, provide interest in a common cause, encourage a fair assessment of the achievements and failures of both their own and colleagues, the organization as a whole.

One of the most effective motives for creative work is promotion. Of great importance is the possibility of passing additional practice abroad, participation in international exhibitions etc.

6. Ensuring functional cooperation and social partnership in labor relations. These relationships include, among others, connections individual workers and working groups performing related labor Operations, and therefore directly interested in constructive working cooperation, mutual assistance and responsibility to each other. Equally important are the elements of labor relations, which are distinguished by a clearly defined social character. These primarily include productive employment and social protection employees, participation of employees in the management of the organization.

The level and quality of life is a criterion of the conditions of human existence, which is characterized as the well-being of people, the degree of satisfaction of material and spiritual needs that correspond to those prevailing in this society customs, traditions and social norms, as well as personal claims (requests) of a particular person. The most important elements of the standard of living are the conditions of work, life and leisure of people. They are also the fundamental basis of the quality of working life, the conditions in which labor activity is carried out, welfare and the free realization of the potential of the individual are ensured.

Generally effective management staff in social environment It is designed to provide a favorable environment in which labor potential is realized, personal abilities develop, people receive satisfaction from the work performed and public recognition of their achievements.

Timely acquisition of the social environment of all key divisions of the enterprise becomes impossible without clear planning, development, and guidance for the internal policy of the enterprise.

Timely development social sphere represents a transition from a less mature state to a higher level.

Strengthening the logistics and scientific and methodological support for the development of the social environment is an urgent task for most enterprises.

When working with the personnel of an organization, it is important to take into account the established view of labor as a conscious, expedient activity, as a means of self-expression and self-affirmation of the individual, the realization of her experience, intellectual and creativity, moral dignity.

Full-fledged information support of social development requires the study of public opinion and the mood of workers, the identification of issues that cause increased attention and the greatest interest.

Even the solution of a small and insignificant problem of an employee brings closer to the achievement of noticeable changes for the better in the social environment of the organization.


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