My professional choice is technology. Presentation "my professional choice". Ways and means to achieve the goal

  • 22.04.2020

And now let's see in which industries the abilities of people belonging to a particular type of profession are most applicable.

Man is man

Man - technique

Man is a sign system

Man is nature

Man is an artistic image

Pedagogy, medicine, museums and excursions, librarianship, journalism, sports, transport, catering, jurisprudence, etc.

Transport, Construction (building materials and products), construction, metalworking, electric power industry, light industry, food industry, metallurgy, etc.

Clerical work, chemistry, philology, computer support for activities, desk work with information, topography, accounting, medicine, etc.

Plant growing, animal husbandry, physiology and medicine, biology, forestry, ecology, mechanization of agriculture and technical support, biochemistry and biotechnology, etc.

Architecture and monumental art, artistic sphere, classical music sphere, literary creativity, polygraphy, applied art, art ceramics, haberdashery production, etc.

  1. 1. creative project"My professional choice" Made by a student of grade 9A Lena Baranova
  2. 2. Identification of the problem There are two years left before graduation, and the need to choose a profession has already arisen.
  3. 3. Definition of a specific task and its formulation The task of the project is to analyze the profession of an engineer, identify its main requirements for a person and identify opportunities for mastering this profession.
  4. 4. Identification of the main parameters1. match with mine own desires and abilities.2. Availability of obtaining the necessary education.3. Employability.4. The prestige of the profession.5. The material costs of obtaining a profession must match the income of the family.6. High wages.7. Family approval of this profession.
  5. 5. Identification of traditions, history, trends Over the past 10-15 years Russian market work has changed a lot. In particular, the demand for engineers is growing again. This fact imposes increased requirements, first of all, on the system of personnel training. And both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Three trends can be identified here. The first is market growth. information technologies leads to an increase in demand for such traditional IT specialties as systems analysts, computer architects, designers, information security experts, etc. The second is the growing demand for new engineering specialties. For example, a genuine technological revolution is currently underway in the communications industry: multi-service networks of a national, regional and city scale are being created; the formation of a new generation network (NGN) is underway; WiMAX broadband radio access is on the way, mobile connection third generation (3G), digital television. New specialists are needed to create and operate such systems. In addition, there is a growing demand for "hybrid" specialties located at the intersection of IT technologies, telecommunications and business. Among them, the most popular are the following areas: the effectiveness of investments in IT; assessment of the cost of ownership of high technologies; justification of IT solutions, etc. There is already a serious struggle between employers for such specialists, and, according to experts, the shortage of qualified personnel in the IT market and the communications industry will only increase. The third is the growing requirements for formal and non-formal education of a new generation of engineers. So, many foreign (for example, "Microsoft" and "Cisco") and the most successful Russian development firms software have their own certification systems. In addition to such “certification education”, more and more attention is paid to fundamental (theoretical) education, taking into account the prestige of higher education. educational institution. These trends create a good basis for the formation of new education systems that involve the integration of universities and high-tech companies. This integration is extremely beneficial for everyone. For universities, this means the opening of new "top" specialties and increasing their prestige, for companies - the creation of a personnel base for themselves. And they can't do without each other. Universities carry an educational brand, an official diploma and a training ground, which high-tech companies do not have. The latter carry design experience, engineering skills and knowledge of the real market, which universities do not have.
  6. 6. Activity Analysis I have an aptitude for Human-Technology. I have normal self-esteem and communication skills. According to the test results, I have strong nerves and high efficiency, I am a real workaholic! :) I can do any job: nervous breakdowns due to professional employment are unlikely to threaten me.
  7. 7. Development of ideas, options, alternatives Engineer Designer Operator Designer
  8. 8. Requirements for professional activity The profession should be: interesting and varied; highly paid; useful; stimulating mental activity.
  9. 9. Analysis and synthesis of ideas Requirements for the specialty Specialties Coincidence with Availability Employment Prestige Number of desires for education pointsengineer + + + + 4designer + + - + 3operator - - + - 1designer - + + + 3 Conclusion: I choose the profession of engineer. This specialty has the largest number points and is the most acceptable for me.
  10. 10. Ways of obtaining a profession Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University Nizhny Novgorod State University them. N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute
  11. 11. Summary I would like to become an engineer. I think that in order to get this profession, I should enter the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University.

Teachers of Labor, Fine Arts, Drawing Lomakina L.V. Self-presentation "My professional choice"

Lomakina Lyudmila Vladimirovna March 26, 1948 Position – teacher of drawing and technology Education: - higher. Donetsk State University 1975 Pedagogical experience: - 45 years 1967-1972 Secondary School No. 8 1972-2012 Secondary School No. 22 I have been working in this school for 40 years. Qualification category I since 2010 Advanced training for the last 4 years. October 2009 - "Intel Learning for the Future" October 2009 - "Internet Technology for the Subject Teacher" Biography

Problem: "The development of creative abilities in the lessons of fine arts" Level methodical work:

Teaching tools - elements of developing learning technologies: modular technology, the method of creating creative projects, information technology Methods and forms of work: problem-search, research methods, individual and group forms of education

The result of pedagogical activity

Didactic material Presentations, handouts, reproductions, paintings, Internet resources Level of creative scientific research work Participation in the methodological work of the school - performance at the GMO as a teacher of fine arts, drawing and technology For more than 20 years, she headed the GMO of teachers of fine arts and drawing on pedagogical councils, problematic semesters.

City Olympiads in Fine Arts I place (Botvinkina M) II place (Kolodko A) III place (Lyuboshenko M) City competitions: “Young people choose healthy lifestyle Life» III place (1 class Vatolin S) III place (Belovolova K) Exhibition of technical creativity III place. By 2008-2009

Olympics: Urban | I place (Botvinkina M) Contests: “According to the rules traffic» I place (Kurasova V) II place (Botvinkina Ya) "Peace on all earth" I place (Botvinkina M) Tax inspection competition II place (Kuchinskaya A) Birdhouse competition III place (Igratenko P) "Cleanliness of your city" I place (Baukina K) Don Reserves I place (Soltan S) II place (Botvinkina M) 2009-2010 2010-2011 City Olympiad in Fine Arts I place – Botvinkina M II place – Baukina K III place – Kumchinskaya A IV place – Ibragimova N. Contests : Competition for the best emblem for military-patriotic education I place (Botvinkina) Competition "Mirror of Nature" I place (Svinareva) Competition feeders I place. (Ignatenko P) Competition of firefighters I place (Savinkina M). Competition of creative projects I place "Icon of the Mother of God" Deinegin L

Pedagogical developments: 1. Fine arts lesson in grade 4 e “Old Russian fortress city” 2. Drawing lesson in grade 9 e “Assembly drawings” 3. Lesson in grade 5 e “Jewelry in the life of Ancient societies” 4. Lesson in grade 5 “Objects folk crafts 5. Fine art lesson in grade 4 e “Myths and legends of Ancient Greece” 6. Fine art lesson in grade 4 e “The image of the artistic culture of Japan”

Speech at the GMO 11/11/2010 "Creative findings in the lessons of fine arts" - Speech at the GMO "Subject Olympiads as a form of work with gifted children." - Generalization of the work experience "Creative projects in the lessons of fine arts" - Speech at the GMO by drawing teachers "Development of the sphere of figurative (artistic) knowledge of the world in the context of the national educational initiative" Our new school "Level of creative research work.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Creative project on technology on the topic: "My professional choice." Pupil of class 9 A MBOU secondary school No. 115 Ziyatdinova G.

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Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person. The future fate largely depends on a well-thought-out choice of profession. Choosing the right profession means finding your place in life.

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Profession is a kind labor activity, requiring special training, knowledge and experience and is usually a source of subsistence. The classification of professions is the distribution of them in a certain order, depending on common characteristics.

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household micro-climate B according to working conditions (groups of professions) open air O unusual conditions H increased moral responsibility M manual labor professions R according to the means (tools) of labor (professional departments) mechanized labor professions M automated labor professions A professions with functional tools F gnostic G according to the purpose of labor (classes of professions) transforming P exploratory I man - nature P according to the subject of labor (types of professions) man - technology T man - man H man - sign system Z man - artistic image X Classification of professions according to E.A. Klimov

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Occupation type Characteristic Person - person social systems, communities, population groups, people different ages(salesman, teacher, doctor, hairdresser, etc.) Man - technique technique or inanimate nature (locksmith, technician, engineer, etc.) Man - sign system natural and artificial languages, numbers, symbols, formulas, etc. e. various sign systems (programmer, translator, draftsman, linguist, etc.) Man - nature, plant and animal organisms and the conditions for their existence (agronomist, livestock specialist, veterinarian, microbiologist, etc.) Man - an artistic image of a phenomenon, facts of artistic display of reality (artist, performer, tuner of musical instruments, etc.)

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And now let's see in which industries the abilities of people belonging to a particular type of profession are most applicable. Man - man Pedagogy, medicine, museums and excursions, librarianship, journalism, sports, transport, public catering, law, etc. Man - technology Transport, Construction (building materials and products), construction, metalworking, electric power, light industry, food industry , metallurgy, etc. Man - a sign system Office work, chemistry, philology, computer support for activities, desk work with information, topography, accounting, medicine, etc. Man - nature Plant growing, animal husbandry, physiology and medicine, biology, forestry, ecology, agricultural mechanization and technical support, biochemistry and biotechnology, etc. Man is an artistic image Architecture and monumental art, the artistic sphere, the sphere of classical music, literary creativity, printing, applied arts, artistic ceramics, haberdashery production, etc.

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When drawing up a professional plan, it is necessary to determine main goal: what to do, who to be; objectively analyze and evaluate their capabilities. A professional plan can be represented schematically in the form of three components: “I want”, “I can”, “I must”

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After passing several tests, I found out that my type of profession is a person-to-person. The main focus is the impact on a person, groups and collectives of people. A predisposition to work with people is already visible in the interest in analyzing the characteristics of literary heroes, historical figures, the behavior of others, performing work in service labor lessons, patronage work, participating in collective events, etc. This type of profession requires a person to communicate, empathize with people ( empathy), emotional stability, goodwill, tact, justice, sensitivity, self-control, operational and long-term memory for faces, etc.

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Professions related to working with people and teams, production management; Professions related to the upbringing and education of people, vocational training and organization of groups of children; Professions related to trade and material and consumer services for people; Professions related to the management of artistic groups and their information service; Professions related to the information service of people; Professions related to helping people and medical care. In the field of professions of the "Man-to-man" type, several subtypes are usually distinguished:

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Based on the information I received, I chose the profession of a lawyer. A lawyer is a person professional activity which is to provide legal assistance to citizens and organizations. A lawyer must identify and eliminate violations of the law, protect the rights and legitimate interests of his clients, thereby fulfilling a moral duty to society. A lawyer must be independent in his assessments, while not forgetting that the end should not justify the means. By law, a lawyer cannot hold office in public institutions and enterprises. This is due to the fact that the work public service can reduce the quality of legal aid and the loss of its independence.

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Already in the III century BC. e. the first plebeian pontiff, Tiberius Coruncanius, was the first to render legal assistance to all citizens without distinction. Many famous Roman citizens followed him, and after that jurisprudence becomes secular, which has a beneficial effect on the theory and practice of law. In the Roman Empire, the defender was given twice as much time to speak as the accuser. The Romans believed that it is much easier to accuse a person than to defend, and thus they observed justice.

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In pre-revolutionary Russia, lawyers were treated with disdain, they were pressed and persecuted. Even Nicholas I declared: “As long as I reign, lawyers are not needed in Russia, we will live without them.” However, Alexander II in 1864 began a judicial reform, and this became the beginning of the legal profession in Russia. It was from this moment that lawyers began to be admitted to trials, and the institution of the bar was born. Currently, there are many lawyers. All colleges, guilds, unions of lawyers are public organizations which unite people according to their professional interests. After the February Revolution of 1917, the first female lawyers appeared.

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Mikhail Fedorovich Gromnitsky is a famous criminal lawyer. Let at first glance Gromnitsky seemed quiet and constrained. But his speeches were always logical, reasonable and weighty. He managed to find those words that really could convince the jury. So once Gromnitsky defended a man whom the bailiff discovered after theft nearby with a broken nose. The man claimed that he simply ran and fell, and the prosecutor at the trial called an attempt to escape from the crime scene the reason. But the stolen wallet was never found. Gromnitsky delivered a very short defensive speech. He stated that his client was guilty. But only that he was in a hurry and fell. The man was eventually acquitted. Mikhail Fedorovich Gromnitsky

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This material can be used for the lessons "Technology" when studying the topic " Professional self-determination". The presentation was made by a 9th grade student as part of the defense of the project on the topic "My professional choice".

Profession Choreographer.

Purpose of the profession.

History reference.

Famous people of this profession.

Pros and cons of the profession.

A choreographer is a member of the creative profession who choreographs dances for his troupe or any other group of dancers.

The choreographer acts as a director of dance numbers of different composition of participants, different styles and levels of complexity. In addition, it is the choreographer who monitors the accuracy of the performance of all dance steps by the dancers, as well as the safety on the site. He develops dance movements, organizes the movement of dancers in the space of the stage or dance floor, their interaction; determines the music, make-up, costumes, chooses scenery, lighting, that is, creates a single image of the dance.

Combines in his work the functions of a teacher, choreographer and tutor. Conducts classes, teaches participants the basics of choreography, increases the level of their knowledge, shows movements, contributes to the development of techniques and skills. Engaged in staging dance - creates an artistic concept, composition and drawing, selects music and costumes. Works out elements of dance, combinations of movements, expressive means, performing skills of participants. Provides performance of the team in concerts, reviews, festivals.



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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Project to create conditions for professional self-determination of high school students "My professional choice"