Influence of tillage on water-physical properties. Modern problems of science and education. The main methods of tillage

  • 18.04.2020

The physical and mechanical properties include plasticity, stickiness, swelling, shrinkage, coherence and hardness. Physical and mechanical properties are of the utmost importance for assessing the technological properties of the soil.

Plastic- the ability of the soil to change its shape (deform) under the influence of external forces and retain the resulting shape after the cessation of mechanical action. Plasticity is determined by the granulometric composition and acquires it in a certain range of humidity (soils do not have plasticity in a dry and waterlogged state). Clay soils have the highest plasticity, and sands have the lowest.

stickiness- the ability of the soil in a wet state to stick to other bodies (agricultural implements or other objects). The degree of stickiness depends on the particle size distribution, humus content and humidity. It is highest in clay soils and lowest in sandy soils. An important agronomic property of the soil is associated with stickiness - physical maturity, that is, the state of moisture in which the soil is well crumbled into lumps, while not sticking to the implements. Physical ripeness depends on the granulometric composition, soil humus content and humidity. In the spring, sandy and sandy loamy soils ripen earlier than others, and with the same granulometric composition, more humus ones. For loamy soils, the moisture interval at which such ripeness is achieved is 40 ... 60%, for clay soils - 50 ... 60%, for light soils - 40 ... 70% HB.

The intervals of soil moisture, at which its physical ripeness is achieved, for the meadow-chestnut soil of the Tersko-Sulak plain of Dagestan is 45 ... 60%, the meadow-chestnut solonchak - 45 ... ..65% HB.

There are also biological soil ripeness, which is understood as such a state of its warm regime, in which microbiological activity is activated, and the soil is ready for sowing or planting.

Swelling- increase in soil volume when moistened, measured as a percentage of the initial soil volume. The opposite property, which manifests itself during drying, is called shrinkage. Swelling and shrinkage depend on the granulometric and mineralogical composition, the composition of absorbed cations. Clay and solonetzic soils have the highest swelling capacity. Swelling is a negative property of soils, because. leads to the destruction of soil aggregates. Strong shrinkage leads to the formation of cracks, rupture of the root system of plants.

Connectivity(cohesion) - the ability of the soil to resist an external force tending to separate soil particles, expressed in t/m. Connectivity depends on the granulometric and mineralogical composition, structure, humus content, soil moisture. Clay soils have the highest connectivity, and sandy soils have the lowest. Connectivity decreases as the structure improves. Cohesive soils resist erosion better, however, with an increase in connectivity, energy costs for tillage increase.

Hardness- the property of the soil to resist when penetrated into it under the pressure of a body. It is measured in kg / cm 2 and depends on humidity, particle size distribution, structure, humus content. The classification of soils by hardness is as follows: loose (

(30.. .50), very dense (50...100), continuous (>100kg/cm2).

To give the soil a favorable structure, it must be cultivated in a state of physical ripeness. When processing loamy and clay soils in a ripe state, they easily crumble into lumps of optimal size. When plowing the soil in a waterlogged state, a continuous layer is formed, which quickly loses water and its further cutting leads to a strong destruction of the structure. Plowing dry soil is accompanied by the appearance of large blocks and lumps.

Along with a decrease in the quality of processing of unripe soils, traction forces and fuel consumption increase: for dry

Due to increased connectivity, and on waterlogged - due to increased stickiness.

The structural state of the soil affects the optimum moisture range at which physical ripeness occurs. Clumpy soil has less cohesion and stickiness at the same moisture content as sprayed soil. Therefore, the moisture range for good tillage on structural soils is wider than on poorly structured soils.

The onset of physical ripeness of the soil can be determined as follows. In several places on the field, you should take an incomplete handful of soil, squeeze it slightly and drop it to the ground from the height of a person’s belt. At the same time, ripe loamy and sandy loamy soil will break up into small lumps, and clayey soil will not change the shape made in the hand when it falls. Unripe (waterlogged) soil flattens when it falls. The physical ripeness of the soil within the same field does not occur simultaneously, so the processing must be carried out selectively, as individual areas dry out. First of all, the soil ripens on the southern and steeper slopes, and then on the northern and gentle slopes.

For high-quality tillage, it is necessary to study the soil conditions of each field and its plots in order to timely determine the onset of physical ripeness.

With an increase in the speed of movement of the units during tillage, the interval of optimal moisture increases. This allows plowing at higher soil moisture. With an increase in the speed of the arable unit from 3.8 to 5.2 km / h, the limiting relative humidity of the ripe soil increased by 7 ... 17%.

An increase in the speed of movement of aggregates during plowing of chernozems contributes to better crumbling of the soil and a decrease in plowing ridges.

Increasing the speed of movement of soil-cultivating units is economically and agrotechnically expedient not only for plowing, but also for cultivation, peeling, rolling and harrowing. With an increase in the speed of the tractor in cultivation up to 10-11 km / h, the number of large blocks decreases by 24 ... 28%, the plowing row size - by

  • 34 ... .39, its hardness in a layer of 0 ... 18 cm - by 8.6 ... 27% while increasing the productivity of the unit - by
  • 24.. . 30%.

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Rassolova Elvira Gennadievna Influence of methods of basic tillage and the degree of intensity of technology on the yield of barley in the conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone: dissertation ... candidate of agricultural sciences: 06.01.09, 06.01.01 .- Moscow, 2005.- 174 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 05-6/436


1. Literature review 7

1.1. Tillage tasks 7

1.2. The impact of agricultural practices on physical properties soil 12

1.3. The influence of agricultural practices on the agrochemical properties of the soil 21

1.4. The influence of agricultural practices on the water properties of the soil 27

1.5. The influence of agricultural practices on the biological properties of the soil 30

1.6. The influence of agricultural practices on the thermal properties of the soil 33

1.7. The influence of agricultural practices on the phytosanitary condition of crops 34

1.8. Barley cultivation technology 39

2. Theoretical justification of the yield of barley 50

2.1. Arrival of PAR on crops and productivity 51

2.2. Moisture supply and productivity of barley 55

2.3. Bioclimatic productivity of barley 58

2.4. Barley yield based on effective fertility of soddy-podzolic soils 61

2.5. Modeling of phytometric parameters of barley 64 Conclusion 68

3. Purpose, objectives and methods of research 69

3.1. Purpose and objectives of research 69

3.2. Scheme of experience and research methodology 69

3.3. Soil and climatic conditions 77

3.4. Weather conditions during the years of research 78

3.5. Place and conditions for conducting observations and research in experiment 80

3.6. Agrotechnics of barley and spring wheat in experiment 82

4. Research results 83

4.1. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the water-physical properties of the soil 83

4.2. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the biological properties of the soil 93

4.3. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the structure of the crop 95

4.4. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the agrochemical properties of the soil and the nutritional regime of soils 102

4.5. Influence of methods of basic tillage on weed infestation of crops, grain and disease damage 109

4.6. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the yield and quality of the crop 114

5. Agrotechnical, economic, energy efficiency of methods of basic tillage 120

5.1. Agrotechnical and economic efficiency options under study 120

5.2. Energy evaluation of test options 125

List of references 134

Applications 165

Introduction to work

Stable production of high quality food products and provision of high quality raw materials - the most important task life support of the planet. The problem of food is solved mainly through the basic branch of agriculture - agriculture, so the main task is to ensure the sustainability of agriculture based on the rational use of land, the preservation and increase of soil fertility and crop yields, based on the use of scientifically based zonal farming systems.

Soil conditions affect environment and Natural resources, level of economic and social development state, public health.

Soil cultivation takes a large specific gravity in the cost of agricultural products, so the improvement of processing systems, taking into account the reduction in unit costs, is an urgent problem.

As the results of studies obtained in our country and abroad show, the long-term use of shallow surface treatments in crop rotation leads to a deterioration in the lower layers of the agrochemical and biological properties of the soil, the food regime, the penetration of plant roots into the lower layers, and therefore to a drop in effective soil fertility. . In addition, with the surface incorporation of organic fertilizers and their mixing with the arable layer, there is a rapid mineralization of organic matter without a significant increase in humus in the lower soil layers. With organic

Fertilizers enrich the soil with weed seeds, which then need to be destroyed.

As scientific data and practice show, it is not always possible to obtain consistently high yields without creating a powerful root layer. Therefore, one of the ways to cultivate soddy-podzolic soils is to deepen the arable layer. This is possible due to the loosening of the subsurface layers with chisels - deep looseners, flat cutters, plows without mouldboards, layer-by-layer application of organic fertilizers and a layer of perennial grasses.

Differentiated tillage should take into account more fully the soil and climatic conditions of the zone and the biological characteristics of agricultural crops.

In conditions of intensive farming and in connection with the need to switch to energy-saving soil-protective technologies, it is necessary to justify methods of tillage in order to maintain soil fertility.

The studies were carried out in a long-term stationary field
experience established in 1972 under the supervision of the head of the department
agriculture, doctor of agricultural sciences Saranina Konstantin
Isidorovich in the Department of Agriculture of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the TsRNZ for scientific and technical
program of the department of agriculture of the Russian Academy

Agricultural Sciences 0.51.01. "Improve low-cost soil-protective tillage systems for crop rotations of grain specialization, providing a reduction in energy costs" and in accordance with the plan of research work of the Department of Agriculture of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the TsRNZ on the topic: "Improve low-cost soil-protective

tillage systems for crop rotations of grain specialization, providing a reduction in energy costs."

In the course of many years of research, the theoretical issues of using cultivation techniques to increase the fertility of soddy-podzolic medium loamy soil have been studied, and cultivation techniques in the Central region of the Nonchernozem zone of Russia have been scientifically substantiated. Agrotechnical, economic, energy assessments of methods of basic tillage are given.

It has been established that the most promising options for tillage are: a combination of plowing by 20 cm with surface tillage by 8 cm and chiselling by 20 and 40 cm, providing a reduction in tillage costs by 4-12% with an increase in barley productivity compared to the control variant (plowing on 20 cm).

Taking this opportunity, I consider it my duty to express my gratitude and sincere gratitude to the supervisors: Head of the Department of General Agriculture, Plant Growing, Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor L.S. Fastyukov, Head of the Department of Agriculture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences E.V. Dudintsev, as well as the staff of the Department of Agriculture of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Regions of the Non-Chernozem Zone and the staff of the Department of the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University for their assistance, practical advice and friendly attitude in the implementation, generalization, and analysis of the material.

The influence of agricultural practices on the physical properties of the soil

To substantiate rational technologies and select effective methods of tillage, it is of interest to study the dynamics of the addition of arable and subsurface layers under field crops as a primary indicator of the physical state of soils. The study of the dynamics of soil composition during the growing season of agricultural crops, depending on the cultivation systems, reveals stable diagnostic criteria and sets their optimal parameters for the necessary impact on the soil, which ensures the creation and maintenance of favorable agrophysical conditions for the growth and development of field crops (A.I. Puponin, 1984).

The justification for the mechanical treatment of soddy-podzolic soils is reduced to a change in their structure and composition, since the soils of loamy and clayey mechanical composition are poorly structured and quickly compacted. Soil structure - the division of the soil profile into genetic horizons and their change in a vertical position. The composition of the soil and its individual horizons is an external expression of their density and porosity. The equilibrium density of these soils exceeds 1.35-1.40 g/cm3, which impairs the use of water and nutrients by plants and the development of the root system of most agricultural crops, reduces the redox potential and enzymatic activity of the soil (SI. Dolgov, S.A. Modina, 1969; V. I. Rumyantsev et al., 1979; J. C. Siemens et al., 1971; N. Nelson, 1976; G. Schnaser, 1976; K. H. Hartge, 1979; D. C. Reicosky, D. K. Cassel, R. L. Blevin et al. ., 1977; Soil Fertility Mannual, Potash and Phosphors, 1979; S. Jenkins, 1981; R.P.C. Morgan, 1986).

By improving the physical properties of soddy-podzolic soils, first of all, they mean density (P.A. Kostychev, 1949). Density is the mass of a unit of dry soil of undisturbed composition (V.F. Valkov, 1986). All modes and processes occurring in the soil depend on it: diffusion of gases, air capacity, water permeability, evaporative and water-lifting capacity, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, as well as microbiological and redox processes. Density affects the technological properties, traction resistance, the quality of tillage, which affects the quantity and quality of the crop (I.P. Kotovrasov, 1984; A.A. Borin, 2003).

The value of the optimal density depends on the type of soil, mechanical composition, structure, availability of nutrients (I.B. Revut, 1969, 1970; A.V. Korolev, 1970; P.P. Zaev, A.V. Korolev, 1972; A Tindzhulis, E. Grechene, A. Meshauskene, 1974; B. A. Dospekhov, I. M. Panov, A. I. Puponin, 1976; E. A. Reppo, N. I. Afanasiev, A. Ya. Boruk et al., 1984; A.P. Tindzhulis, A.V. Zimkuvene, 1985).

The optimal density - soil-zonal characteristic - depends on climatic conditions and biological characteristics of plants (I.B. Revut, 1970; SV. Nerpin, A.V. Sudakov, 1985).

Optimum density - at which the distribution of pores by their size provides a favorable water and air permeability of the soil for plants and the movement of water and air through the soil, providing plants with the maximum amount of available water with a sufficient degree of aeration (I.P. Kotovrasov, 1984; F.J. Veihmeyer, A. N. Hendrickson, 1948).

The optimal density (bulk density) of loamy soddy-podzolic soils for growing grain crops is 1.10-1.30 g/cm, for sandy and sandy loamy soils - 1.35-1.50 g/cm (P.P. Zaev, A. V. Korolev, 1971; S. A. Naumov, 1977; A. I. Puponin, 1978, 1984; V. M. Sorochkin, 1982; M. Suskevic, M. Kos, 1982).

When determining the influence of agricultural practices on the physical properties of the soil important indicator- porosity (porosity) of the soil, especially the ratio of the volume of non-capillary and capillary pores, which determines the water-air properties of the soil: water permeability, moisture capacity, evaporation, aeration, affecting the water-air regime and the biological activity of the soil (A.I. Puponin, 1984; P. N. Berezin, A. D. Voronin, E. V. Shein, 1985).

Moisture supply and productivity of barley

The value of the programmed yield by the arrival of PAR is determined under optimal conditions for growth and development factors of plants. But obtaining a given yield is limited by other factors of plant vital activity (carbon dioxide of the air necessary for photosynthesis; soil fertility; soil solution reaction; air regime; soil and air temperature; potential productivity of a variety or hybrid, the implementation of which is possible with zoning). Therefore, it is impossible to focus production on obtaining potential yields, it is necessary to justify the value of the given yield according to soil and climatic conditions (M.K. Kayumov, 1981; I.S. Shatilov, 1993, 1998; H.G. Tooming, 1994; I.S. . Kochetov, 1999).

Long-term studies have revealed that in order to justify the value of a really possible harvest, it is necessary to use the amount of productive moisture accumulated during the growing season of the crop. For barley, this value is determined from the beginning of the growing season (spring) until harvest.

The indicator of the really possible crop in terms of moisture availability of soils and plants is determined by the formula (MK Kayumov, 1989): Udvu - really possible crop, the crop of absolutely dry biomass, centner/ha; 100 - coefficient of conversion of productive moisture from mm to c/ha; W - the amount of productive moisture accumulated during the growing season of the crop, the resources of moisture productive for plants, mm/ha; Kw - biological coefficient of water consumption (the amount of water spent on the formation of 1 quintal of dry biological mass), mm ha / quintal; Kffl - coefficient of economic efficiency of the crop or the share of the main product (grain) in the total biological mass (in fractions of a unit).

The Moscow region from north to south has a significant difference in the amount of precipitation: in the northern regions, 600-620 mm falls per year, in the south-east of the region - 500-525 mm (Agro-climatic reference book for the Moscow region, 1973).

According to the agrometeorological station "Nemchinovka" in the South-West of the region, the amount of precipitation averaged over 3 years 202 mm with fluctuations over the years from 82 to 277 mm during the growing season of medium-early barley varieties, 208 mm with a change over the years from 85 to 280 mm during the growing season of mid-ripening varieties, 223 mm with fluctuations during the years of research from 109 to 292 mm during the period of growth and development of varieties of the middle-late group (Table 2.2.).

During the growing season different groups barley varieties in the years of research, in the spring, before sowing, in the soil layer of 0-10 cm, an average of 416 mm was contained, with fluctuations over the years from 340 to 546 mm. Due to different amounts of precipitation, the total water consumption by maturity groups ranged from 422 to 8 mm. Accounting and knowledge of all components of the moisture supply of plants makes it possible to correctly substantiate the value of the really possible yield of this crop.

When determining these indicators, we took as a basis the amount of productive moisture from 618 to 639 mm, which corresponds to the total water consumption of the three groups of ripeness varieties. Table 2.3. the yield of barley is given, which is really possible in moisture-provided years.

Scheme of experience and research methodology

The aim of the research was to elucidate, on the basis of agrotechnical and economic assessments, the impact of basic tillage practices and the degree of intensity of technology on barley yield and reduction of processing costs in the conditions of the Central region of the Nonchernozem zone.

The objectives of our research were:

1. To study the influence of tillage methods on the water-physical, biological, agrochemical properties of the soil and the nutritional regime of soils.

2. To study the influence of methods of basic tillage on the phytosanitary state of barley crops.

3. Reveal the reaction of barley to the soil conditions of plant life, which change under the influence of deep plowing, chisel, milling, surface treatment in comparison with conventional plowing.

4. Give agrotechnical, energy, economic assessments of various methods of basic tillage for barley and barley cultivation technologies, as well as the aftereffect of tillage on the yield of spring wheat.

Research on this topic is being carried out by the department of agriculture of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Natural Resources, in which my research concerns barley, which comes after triticale: 1 lupine; winter wheat; 3 barley + clover overseeding; 4 clover of the 1st year of use; 5 triticale; 6 barley; 7 spring wheat; 8 oats. Experience scheme: 1. Plowing at 28-30 cm (for all crops) - PLN-3-35; 2. Chisel processing for 20-22 cm (for all crops) - FC-2.5; 3. Plowing at 20-22 cm (for all crops (control)) - PLN-3-35; 4. Surface treatment (alternating plowing by 20 cm with surface treatment by 8 cm) - BDT-3; 5. Surface treatment for 8-10 cm for all cultures (permanently) - BDT-3; 6. Milling for 10-12 cm (for all crops) - FBN-2; 7. Chisel processing for 38-40 cm - PCh-2.5. The number of options is 7.

The size of the accounting plot: width - 4 m, length - 25 m, area of ​​the accounting plot - 100 m.

The size of the sowing plot: width - 6.3 m, length - 25 m, area of ​​the sowing plot - 157.5 m (Fig. 1). The sowing method is ordinary with row spacing of 15 cm (SN-16 seeder). The width of the longitudinal protection is 100 cm, the width of the end protection is 115 cm. The placement of variants is by the method of randomized repetitions. Repetition in the experiment on the territory 4-fold. Yield was calculated using the continuous method.

The object of study in the experiment in 2002 and 2003 was the spring barley variety "Elf", and in 2004 - the spring wheat variety "Lada".

Statistical processing of the harvest according to Fisher (B.A. Dospekhov, 1979), by the method of analysis of variance for one-factor experiments conducted by the method of randomized repetitions.

Mineral fertilizers were applied under pre-sowing cultivation at the planned barley yield of 50 q/ha.

The seeding rate of spring barley and spring wheat is 5 million viable seeds per ha. The analysis of soil samples was carried out in the agrochemical laboratory of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the TsRNZ: 1. The soil density (g/cm3) was determined by the volume-weight method. Samples were taken from layers 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm using a soil drill P.A. Nekrasov with a glass volume of 100 cm3. The number of repetitions is 4, according to the method of G.F. Nikitenko (1982). 2. Structural-aggregate composition according to the method of N.I. Savvinov in layers 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm. 40 cm, 10 points in 1 and 3 repetitions. 4. Soil moisture (%) in layers 0-I0, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm. In spring - during pre-sowing cultivation before sowing and at the time of germination, at the time of stalking (about 20-30 cm), heading, the moment of grain filling and before harvesting. Determined by thermostatic-weight method. Thermal drying at 105C for 6-8 hours. The results were determined as a percentage of the mass of absolutely dry soil in all variants in 4 repetitions, 4 wells were made per plot every 10 cm (G.F. Nikitenko, 1982) and GOST 20915-75.

5. The moisture reserve (Wo6m) in mm of the water layer to the depth H was calculated by the formula: Wo6tl, = 0.1(W, D, h, + ... weight percent; Db Dp - the corresponding values ​​of the soil density (g/cm3); hi, hn - thickness of the soil layer (cm); H is the total thickness of the soil layer for which calculations are carried out (cm). The moisture content in the meter layer of soil was determined by layers 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-100 cm per all options. Then the unavailable soil moisture (dead stock) was subtracted from the total moisture, which was found by calculating the maximum hygroscopic moisture M and recalculating: M x 1.34 = unavailable soil moisture. In autumn, spring (during cultivation) and immediately after harvest.

6. The biological activity of the soil - the cellulose-decomposing ability of the soil was determined by the method of applications according to I.S. Vostrov (1965) in the modification of the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the TsRNZ (G.F. Nikitenko, 1982) - by decomposition of linen fabric in the soil. The laying of the tissue was carried out in layers during the growing season of cultivated plants. 5 applications were laid on all variants to a depth of up to 40 cm in 3 repetitions after sowing, when shoots appeared.

7. Nitrification capacity of the soil in all variants in layers 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm - before harvesting. By the SP method. Kravkova modified by Bolotina and Abramova (Agrochemical methods of soil research, 1975), by composting 100 g of dry soil at a moisture content of 60% of the total moisture capacity at a temperature of 28-30C for

Influence of methods of basic tillage on the water-physical properties of the soil

The agrotechnics of growing spring barley and spring wheat in the experiment corresponded to the recommendations for the Central region of the Nonchernozem zone of Russia. The main tillage began with stubble peeling immediately after harvesting the predecessor - BDT-3.

2 weeks after peeling, the main tillage was carried out, according to the scheme of the experiment. In the spring, as the soil dries up, the fallow was harrowed. Mineral fertilizers were applied under presowing cultivation - NRU-0.5. Pre-sowing cultivation with soil leveling before sowing was carried out with a KPS-4 cultivator with harrows. Seed dressing was applied before sowing PS-10, fungicide Vincit. Sowing was carried out with a seeder CH-16. Spraying crops with Kolos herbicide at a dose of 10 g/ha was used in the tillering phase - OPSh-15,

The treatment of crops against pests and diseases was carried out: BI-58 at a dose of 1 kg/ha and Bayleton at a dose of 0.5 kg/ha as needed - OPSh-15. Harvesting was carried out on the plots in the phase of full maturation with the Sampo-500 combine.

In accordance with the research program, we studied soil moisture, bulk density, aeration duty cycle, soil hardness and found out the effect of tillage methods on changes in the water-physical properties of the soil and barley yield.

Soil moisture in May 2002 was satisfactory (Table 4.1.). In the layer up to 40 cm, the humidity ranged from 14.0 to 17.9%, during the heading phase - from 14.4 to 18.2%, before harvesting - from 9.4 to 13.8%. The moisture content along the soil profile was slightly higher in the layers of 10-20 and 20-30 cm, and according to the options - by 20 cm on plowing, 40 cm on chiselling,

In the spring (before sowing) of 2003, soil moisture was high: from 15.1% for plowing at 30 cm to 25.1% for milling. In the heading phase, the humidity decreased slightly - to 16.2 - 19.4%. By harvest, soil moisture remained high and ranged from 19.6% (chiselling, 40 cm) to 25.8% (surface tillage).

The stock of productive moisture in mm before sowing in 2002 was from 30.0 to 45.5, that is, it was satisfactory. By the heading phase, it slightly decreased - to 28.6-34.8 mm, and by harvesting - to 11.1-21.5 mm.

In 2003, before sowing, the reserve of productive moisture was higher than in 2002 and amounted to 52.7-72.2 mm; -74.3 mm, that is, slightly higher than in other phases (Table 4.2.).

There were no clear differences between the methods of processing in terms of the content of productive moisture in 2002 and 2003.

The density of the soil in the layer up to 40 cm after processing in 2002 was 1.00-1.49 g/cm3, in the layers of 20-30 and 30-40 cm the density of the addition was higher, even with deep loosening. So, after plowing 30 cm, before sowing barley, the density was 1.44 g/cm3 and was at the level of variants without loosening this layer (chiselling 20 cm, plowing 20 cm). This indicates a rapid compaction of the soil, especially under the influence of precipitation (Table 4.3.). Before sowing in 2002, in the 0-10 cm layer, the density was not high, from 1.00 to 1.29 g/cm3; in the 10-20 cm layer, it was higher and reached 1.20-1.43 g/cm3; 20-30 cm density was even higher - up to 1.27-1.49 g/cm3. In the variant of deep chiselling in a layer of 30-40 cm, the density was at the level of a layer of 20-30 cm and amounted to 1.44 g/cm. In the heading phase, the density slightly decreased under the influence of the development of the root system and ranged from 1.05 to 1.40 g/cm3. By harvesting, there was some soil compaction - up to 1.16-1.40 g/cm.

All technological operations are carried out by carrying out appropriate methods of mechanical tillage. Reception is a single impact on the soil by the working bodies of machines or tools. Methods of mechanical tillage are divided into two groups: basic and surface tillage.

Under the methods of the main processing is understood the mechanical impact on the soil by the working bodies of tillage machines and implements to the entire depth of the arable layer or deeper when it is deepened, but not less than 18-20 cm, in order to give the soil a finely cloddy state with a favorable structure.

Methods of basic tillage are the most energy-intensive, but at the same time with their help many problems are solved. Through the methods of basic cultivation, when deepening the arable layer, prerequisites are created for a further increase in its power and soil cultivation.

According to the founder of agricultural mechanics, academician V.P. Goryachkin, plowing, as the most common method of basic tillage, is the most important, longest, most expensive and hardest work. Up to 40% of energy and 25% of labor costs are spent on its implementation.

Currently, the following methods of basic tillage are common:

a) cultural plowing (plows with skimmers);

b) processing with tools of special designs (longline plows, Maltsev's plow, subsoilers, cultivators);

c) processing by a milling machine;

d) processing with disc plows, the formation of slots with slot cutters by 35-50 cm and others.

Under methods of surface tillage is understood as a single mechanical impact on it by the working bodies of tillage machines and implements to a depth of 12-14 cm.

Surface treatments include: hulling with shaft and disk (tools) cultivators; cultivation with undercutting and loosening working bodies, including rod cultivators and flat cutters; hilling kami; harrowing with various types of boron with different shapes of working bodies; looping with loop-drawers, loop-boron; rolling with various types of rollers with different shapes of the working surface; smallness; craft rollers, furrows, holes, beds and ridges.

Soil cultivation is the most important agrotechnical measure that helps to increase the yield of cultivated plants. As a result of tillage,

Destruction of weeds, water, air, nutrient and thermal regimes are created for plant roots, as well as for soil microorganisms.

The most important methods of basic tillage are plowing, moldboardless (including flat-cutting) tillage and milling.

Plowing- This is the main method of tillage. In this case, the soil layer is turned and loosened to a depth of 20-25 cm. Usually, plowing is carried out with a plow with a skimmer. The skimmer is able to cut only the surface layer of soil about 10-12 cm thick.

Non-moldboard processing is carried out by a plow without turning the soil layer. The depth of plowing reaches 30-40 cm.

Usually this method is used in arid areas prone to wind erosion.

Flat-cut tillage is carried out with the help of special flat-cutters, while a significant part of the stubble remains intact (stubble - cut stems of cereals left on the vine after harvest). In winter, stubble traps snow, reduces wind speed in the surface layer, and thereby protects the soil from blowing out and increases its reserves of productive moisture.

Milling- tillage with the use of rotating cutters to a depth of 20 cm, which allows you to thoroughly mix and grind both the upper fertile soil layer and deeper useless layers.

It is usually used on podzolic and gray forest soils for their more intensive cultivation.

There are also methods of surface tillage: peeling, cultivation, harrowing and rolling.

Peeling the soil is carried out to a depth of 6-16 cm, while cutting the stubble and weeds, as well as crumbling and partially wrapping the soil. Sometimes plowing is used on already plowed areas in order to preserve moisture. For peeling, share or disc cultivators are used.

cultivation- this is loosening the soil to a depth of 5 to 10 cm without wrapping the top layer. With the help of cultivation, weeds are cut, tilled crops are cultivated, and the soil is also prepared for sowing. Cultivation is carried out using cultivators or hillers.

Harrowing- loosening the soil with harrows of the structure to a depth of 2 to 8 cm. Harrowing is used to cultivate the soil after rains or winters in order to mix and level the soil surface with partial destruction of weeds.

rolling- a method of soil compaction, for example, after plowing carried out in dry weather. Rolling allows you to break up lumpy parts of the soil. For this, various rollers are used.

The combination of various techniques and methods of tillage creates a system of tillage for spring and winter crops.

There are basic (autumn), spring pre-sowing and post-sowing tillage. Autumn processing is carried out in the fall after harvesting and autumn stubble stubble.

Pairs are of great importance in the tillage system for winter crops.

There are clean couples and busy couples. Pure pairs are in a loosened form and are not occupied by any plants. They play an important role in the accumulation of moisture and in the creation of sustainable agriculture in dry areas. On busy fallows, crops are grown for some time, which grow quickly and empty the field early. Fallow-occupying crops are harvested early (for example, early potatoes, sunflowers or corn for green fodder), after which the soil is prepared for sowing a winter crop.

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Mechanical tillage, in contrast to the cultivation of fields or crops, is understood as the impact on it by the working bodies of tillage machines and implements at one or another depth in order to optimize the soil conditions of plant life.

Mechanical tillage along with crop rotations and fertilizers, it is the most important link in intensive farming systems.

Currently, soil protection methods of tillage are widely used and anti-erosion measures are being taken, measures are being taken to increase soil fertility and introduce intensive technologies for cultivating agricultural crops.

Under the influence of rational mechanical processing, the agronomic properties of the soil change, the water-air, thermal and nutritional regimes improve, weeds are destroyed and crop yields increase.

Unlike, for example, fertilizing or irrigating fields, mechanical cultivation does not in itself add any substance or energy to the soil. However, it changes the ratio of the volumes of solid, liquid and gaseous phases in the soil system and affects physical, chemical, physicochemical and biological processes, accelerating or slowing down the rate of synthesis and destruction of organic matter. Mechanical processing plays an important role in creating favorable agrophysical conditions for soil fertility, being one of the most important ways to control weeds, pests and diseases of crops.

To ensure optimal soil conditions and obtain stable and high yields, the following tasks are solved by tillage:

1) giving the soil at a certain depth a finely cloddy state with a favorable structure in order to ensure good water-air, thermal and nutritional regimes;

2) strengthening the circulation of nutrients by extracting them from deeper horizons into the arable layer zone, as well as activating useful microbiological processes in the soil;

3) destruction of weeds, pathogens and pests;

4) incorporation of fertilizers and plant residues to the required depth or leaving stubble on the soil surface;

5) prevention of erosion processes and related losses of water and nutrients;

6) deprivation of vitality of perennial vegetation during the processing of virgin and fallow lands, as well as fields occupied by sown perennial grasses;

7) imparting the necessary properties and condition to the upper soil layer for planting the sown seeds to a given depth;

8) creating conditions for lowering salt horizons and preventing the rise in groundwater levels.

As a result of processing, the necessary ratio of the volumes of capillary and non-capillary spaces between solid elements soil. The water-air, thermal and nutrient regimes of the soil depend on this.

Soil cultivation requires high energy costs. Therefore, its improvement in relation to zonal features and the requirements of various cultures is the primary task of agriculture.

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Culture Technological processes (operations) in tillage

Soil tillage tasks are performed using the following technological processes or operations:

1. loosening and crumbling;

2. wrapping;

3. mixing;

4. seal;

5. alignment;

6. pruning;

7. profiling, that is, giving the soil surface an extremely important shape.

Soil loosening is a technological operation that ensures a change in the relative position of soil units with an increase in pore volume, that is, giving them such a position when they are less tightly adjacent to each other. As a result, soil porosity increases and its density decreases. When loosening the soil, its crumbling also occurs.

Loosening is deep, normal, shallow and superficial. According to the classification existing in the country, tillage to a depth of 0.08 m is considered superficial, from 0.08 to 0.16 m - shallow, 0.16 ... 0.24 m - normal and more than 0.24 m - deep. AT industrial practice for field crops, the maximum depth of tillage is 0.25 ... 0.30 m, for reclamation cultivation of solonetzic soils and plantation plowing for gardens and forest plantations - up to 0.50 ... 0.60 m.

Why is periodic deep loosening extremely important?

1. As a result of it, a deep cultivated, that is, improved with the help of fertilizers and processing, soil layer is created. A number of scientists have proven that the larger the amount of soil used by plants, the higher their yield (Table 1).

Table 1

The influence of soil volume on the yield of oats (according to K. K. Gedroits)

Mass of soil in a vessel, kg Oat yield, g/vessel
4,6 19,8
10,1 47,2
13,2 65,8

And just in the deep cultivated soil layer, plants develop a powerful root system that covers a large volume of soil, extracting more moisture and nutrients from there (Table 2).

table 2

Mass and distribution of the root system of barley along the soil profile, % (Uchkhoz VGSHA "Gornaya Polyana", 1979 ... 1983)

2. With deep loosening, the soil acquires a favorable structure and composition, due to which the water, air-thermal and nutritional regimes improve. The fact is that under the influence of gravity, precipitation, destruction of the structure, passages through the field of agricultural machinery, the soil is compacted, caked, acquiring a hexagonal structure. Soil units closely adjoin each other, porosity decreases, water and air penetrate the soil worse, useful aerobic microbiological processes freeze. Loosening tools loosen the soil, it acquires a loose cubic structure, porosity increases, aerobic microbiological processes increase and more nutrients accumulate, plant roots develop better. Loose soil has greater water permeability and moisture capacity (Fig. 1).

So, heavy loamy light chestnut soil after loosening has a density of about 0.9 t/m3, and by harvesting it can be compacted up to 1.4…1.5 t/m3.

The main methods of tillage

The optimal density for plants is in the range of 1.1…1.3 t/m3. Loosening the soil and allows you to maintain this optimum (Fig. 2).

3. Deep processing is of great phytosanitary importance, as it contributes to the suppression of weeds, pests and diseases of agricultural crops, and enhances the decomposition of toxic substances.

4. Deep cultivation is of great importance on slopes, as it reduces the surface runoff of precipitation, which is better absorbed into loose soil, and thereby protects the soil from water erosion.

The question arises - how many times, that is, how often do you need to loosen the soil deep? This is far from an idle question, since each centimeter of depth increases the energy consumption of tillage by 5 ... 7%.

What determines the depth of tillage?

1. The depth and frequency of loosening depend on the soil and climatic conditions that determine the rate of soil subsidence. The faster and more compacted the soil, the deeper and more often it needs to be worked. In humid areas, under the influence of precipitation, the soil settles faster, in arid areas - more slowly. Structural soils compact less than structureless ones. For this reason, according to many authors (D.I. Burov, P.K. Ivanov, V.I. Rumyantsev, etc.), in the Volga region, a favorable composition and structure on chernozem structural soils after loosening persists for 3 ... 4 years, on poorly structured chestnut - 2 ... 3 years.

2. From weediness and increases on soils heavily infested with perennial weeds.

3. From the biological characteristics of cultivated crops and their predecessors.

4. From the applied fertilizer system.

Today it has been established that, taking into account the positive aftereffect of deep loosening, tillage in crop rotation should be at different depths and consist of periodic deep and less deep tillage (Tables 3, 4).

Table 3

Methods of mechanical tillage

A technique is called a single impact on the soil by the working bodies of tillage machines and implements in order to perform one or more operations (GOST 16265 - 89).

Methods of basic tillage

Under the main processing understand the first most deep tillage by plowing.

Plowing are performed with plows with blades of various designs, which determines the dissimilarity of technological operations in terms of composition and quality of execution. Plows with screw blades wrap the soil layer well, but crumble it poorly; on the contrary, plows with a cylindrical moldboard surface crumble the soil layer well, but wrap it poorly.

If during the operation of the plow the soil layer is completely turned around (by 180 °), then this is plowing with a layer turnover. With incomplete overturning of the soil layer and its oblique setting (by 135 °) on the edge, the treatment is called plowing with the uplift of the layer.

However, the best wrapping and crumbling of the soil layer, especially fields freed from perennial grasses, is achieved when plowing with a plow with a cultural dump and a skimmer installed in front of it. The skimmer removes the upper layer of soil 8–10 cm thick, containing stubble, plant residues, harmful insects and phytopathogenic microorganisms, seeds and organs of vegetative renewal of weeds, on 2/3 of the main body’s working width, and dumps it to the bottom of the furrow.
In order to cover and close up the upper soil layer well, the main body must work at least 10-12 cm deeper than the skimmer. It lifts this lower layer, which is well structured and relatively free from harmful organisms, to the dump, wraps it, crumbles it and completely sprinkles it previously discarded top layer.
Such plowing with a plow with a cultivated moldboard and with a skimmer to a depth of at least 20-22 cm is called cultural, or classical, plowing (according to V. R. Williams). It is widely used as an autumn (autumn) plowing in the Non-Chernozem and other areas in the fields where there is no real danger of erosion processes.

When plowing with moldboard plows, the soil layer falls off to the right. Therefore, if the plowing of each paddock into which the field is divided starts from the edges, then a detachable furrow is formed in the middle of the paddock, and this method is called waddle plowing. If plowing is started from the middle of the paddock, a stall ridge is formed there, and this method is called stall plowing.

For plowing, various moldboard plows are used (PLN-5-35, PTK-9-35, PVN-3-35, etc.). When using reversible plows, the field is not divided into paddocks and neither breaking furrows nor breaking ridges are formed on it. Such plowing is called smooth.

In areas subject to wind erosion, in order to preserve stubble and other plant residues on the surface, which protect the soil from blowing and accumulate a large amount of moisture in the form of snow, which is so necessary in arid steppe regions, soil loosening is carried out without wrapping, which is called subsurface plowing.
Such plowing to a depth of 27 - 30 cm or more, developed in the early 50s of the XX century. Academician T. S. Maltsev, are widely used in Western and Eastern Siberia and the European part of Russia using previously non-moldboard plows, and later flat cutters and deep looseners of various designs (KPP-2.2; KPG-2-150; KPG-250; GUN- 4, Paraplau et al.).

In some cases, non-moldboard plowing is carried out in spring or even autumn to loosen compacted soil in order to enhance aeration and microbiological activity, free the arable layer from excess moisture, destroy the plow pan, and also in fields previously plowed with moldboard plows.

In fields with an uneven surface and containing a large amount of slightly decomposed plant residues (annual plowing in one direction, formation of tussocks, weed clumps), milling provides good results as the main treatment.
During the operation of milling tools (FNB-0.9; FN-1.25; KFG-3.6, etc.), the soil intensively crumbles and mixes thoroughly to a depth of 10-20 cm, while creating a homogeneous arable or immediately only a sowing layer where crop seeds are sown at the same time.

Often, other operations are combined with the main tillage. So, loosening paws are installed behind each main body of the plow, which work 10–15 cm below the arable layer, contributing to better water resistance and aeration of the subarable horizons. To divert excess water from waterlogged fields, ordinary plows with a molehill are used, which below the main body at a depth of 35-40 cm form a drain 4-6 cm in diameter, which lasts 2-3 years on heavy loamy soils. On plowed fields, special mole worms (RK-1.2; MD-6, etc.) are used to form drains in the subsurface layer.

Methods of surface and shallow tillage

Soil cultivation to a depth of up to 8 cm (sowing layer) is called surface, and to a depth of 8-16 cm - shallow. The expediency of such treatments is determined either by the need to create the most favorable conditions for the seeds of crops placed in the sowing layer, or by the impossibility of deeper treatments for a number of agrotechnical and economic reasons.

Peeling stubble is carried out on fields freed from under grain crops that leave stubble on the field, or after harvesting other annual crops (millet, buckwheat, annual grasses, corn, etc.).
Harmful insects and microorganisms live and continue to multiply in the stubble and preserved plant residues, stubble crops (gray bristle, chicken millet, white gauze, upturned amaranth, etc.) and perennial weeds vegetate and bear fruit, and strongly sprayed and compacted with numerous passages of tillage and harvesters, the top layer very intensively loses moisture from the dry soil.
With the help of peeling, carried out immediately after harvesting the crop, usually to a depth of 6-8 cm, and in arid regions often with rolling in the aggregate, a number of important tasks are simultaneously solved: cutting weeds, it deprives pests of fresh organic matter as a source of food; planting weed seeds in a wetter layer of soil, provokes their germination; loosened topsoil as a natural mulch drastically reduces the physical evaporation of moisture and allows the subsequent main plowing to be carried out two to three weeks later without compromising quality (while avoiding excessive tension in field work Oh).

Peeling is usually carried out with disc cultivators to a depth of no more than 10 - 12 cm (LDG-5; LDG-10, etc.), as well as share cultivators (PPL-5-25; PPL-10-25), working to a depth of 12 - 17 cm, but sometimes disc harrows are also used. When peeling is delayed by 7-10 days, all of its advantages noted above are almost completely lost.

disking as a method, it performs the same technological operations (crushing, loosening, mixing, partial wrapping, cutting weeds) as stubble peeling with disc implements. However, it is more often used on plowed fields for cutting large blocks, filling wide furrows, leveling ridges and microestuaries, and before plowing for cutting and cutting dense sod of perennial seeded and meadow grasses (BDT-3.3; BDNT-3.5, etc. ), for grinding by cross disking (or peeling) the rhizomes of wheatgrass and the organs of vegetative renewal of other perennial weeds (field sow thistle, pig finger, etc.).

cultivation is intended for continuous (to a depth of 5-12 cm) or inter-row (up to 16 cm) tillage, in which crumbling, loosening, partial mixing of the soil and cutting of weeds and, above all, root offspring occurs no later than the phase of 3-4 leaves at rosettes of perennial weeds . It is especially necessary for continuous processing just before sowing the crop, in order to create a "dense bed" for the seeds of the crop, leveled under the loosened layer.

Being located on a dense bed, the seeds quickly swell, absorbing the soil moisture coming from below through the capillaries, and germinate together. Continuous cultivation is systematically carried out on fallow fields, but in arid regions it is combined with a light subsequent rolling (KPS-4, KPG-4). Most often, cultivators with lancet paws are used for these works.

For inter-row cultivation, both conventional cultivators (KRN-4.2; KRN-5.6) are used, which are equipped with a set of interchangeable working bodies (lancet shares, one-sided weeded shares, loosening chisel hillers, weeding harrows, etc.), and special cultivators for the care of crops of sugar beet, vegetable crops GUSMK-5.4B, KF-5.4, KOR-4.2.

In steppe erosion-prone areas, for continuous fallow tillage or pre-sowing soil preparation, a rod cultivator (KSh-3.6) is used, in which the working body is a tetrahedral horizontally located and rotating in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the tool, thus bringing to the surface from a depth of 5 - 10 cm plant residues. For the same purpose, the KPE-3.8A anti-erosion cultivator with a similar rod device is also used, as well as various flat cutters (KPP-2.2; KPG-2-150; KPSh-9, etc.), which retain up to 80 - 95% of the stubble on the soil surface.

Basics of agronomy

Harrowing Soils are used in all tillage systems and various designs of harrows are used for this.

With the beginning of field work on plowed fields, the first-priority method is used - early spring harrowing ("closing moisture", "cover harrowing"), as well as transverse harrowing of well-wintered winter crops, usually performed during the period of physical ripeness of the soil with tine harrows with a rigid frame (BZTS- 1; BZSS-1; BP-0.6).
Heavy harrows loosen the soil up to 7-10 cm, and light ones - up to 5-8 cm. By loosening the top layer (2-4 cm) of the soil of the field that has begun to dry out, they create, as it were, a natural mulch layer. It covers the underlying and more dense layer saturated with capillary moisture.
As a result, the physical evaporation of soil moisture is reduced by 3-5 times. A sufficient amount of moisture and elevated temperature provoke mass germination in the upper layer of weed seeds, which are completely destroyed by subsequent treatments.

To care for crops of row crops (potatoes, corn, sunflower, etc.) in the pre-emergence period in the "white thread" phase of young weeds, mounted mesh harrows (BSO-4; BS-2; BSN-4) are highly effective, the working depth of which can be adjusted within 3 - 8 cm and which, due to the independent suspension of each tooth, perfectly copy the soil surface (smooth or ridged surface).

When a soil crust is formed before and at the time of germination, the use of tooth and mesh harrows is dangerous for weak seedlings: when moving across the field, the harrows, although they destroy the crust, but at the same time displace it, cutting off the seedling or its root system. In such a situation, when caring for crops, the BIG-3 needle harrow is indispensable. When rotating, its needle-shaped disks destroy the soil crust with vertical injections and do not displace it, without damaging the seedlings of crops at all. The BIG-3 harrow and its modifications are an ideal tool for early spring harrowing and pre-sowing preparation of fields on a stubble background in areas prone to wind erosion.

rolling in addition to compacting the soil, it partially loosens it, crushing wet large lumps, levels the surface, improves the contact of seeds with the soil and accelerates their germination, which is also explained by the fact that during compaction, the soil heats up faster and its temperature rises by 1.5 - 2 ° C. Rolling is carried out with various rollers, carrying it out no later than on the 2nd - 3rd day after sowing the crop and in case of danger of severe drying of the seed layer due to its excessive friability.

Grinding or drawing, used for leveling the surface loosening of the soil (by 3 - 5 cm). In spring, its fashion is carried out one or two days earlier than early spring harrowed, and especially on soils of light texture. On heavy soils, a soil crust may form due to the "smearing" of the still waterlogged soil. The dragging is carried out, but more often with a trail harrow (ShchB-2.5), which has a row of teeth with an adjustable angle of inclination on the front bar.

Agrotechnical requirements for tillage

Soil cultivation.

Rack housing PNYaS 08.000 for plow PNYa 4-42, PNB 4-40

Price: 1752 UAH

Rack housing PNYaS 08.000 for plow PNYa 4-42, PNB 4-40

Rack PNYaS 08.000 - used on plows of the PNB 4-40, 5-40 and PNYa 4-42, 6-42 series. It is used to fasten the body to the frame. It is attached to the plow frame with a strap and a bracket.
It is made from a circle with a diameter = 75mm.
Rack height - 850 mm.
Weight - 26 kg.
The heat treatment process is underway.

A wide range of manufactured spare parts for plows of 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 hulls, both according to the drawings of a domestic manufacturer, and modernized plows with semi-screw blades and on high round racks.
We also produce spare parts for cultivators KPS, KRN, KPE; for harrows BDVP (Krasnyanka), BDT, DMT (Demetra), BDP, Solokha, BDN.
All plows are certified, have guarantee period.
We ship via New Mail, Ying Time, Delivery.

Price: 1752 UAH


tel.: 067-485-62-62

(Representative: Tatyana)

other goods and services of the company


A.A. Belkin, N.V. Besedin

Annotation. The article discusses the influence of various systems of basic tillage on bulk density, productive moisture, biological activity of the soil and the yield of winter wheat, spring barley.

Keywords", processing, crop rotation, bulk density, humidity, biological activity, soil, productivity.

In the complex of measures to improve the culture of agriculture and increase the yields of agricultural crops, soil cultivation is of exceptional importance. It should provide the required parameters of water, air, food and thermal regimes, as well as the anti-erosion resistance of the soil, the destruction of weeds to create optimal conditions for the growth, development and formation of high productivity of cultivated crops.

The creation of optimal conditions for the formation of a high and sustainable crop yield is largely determined by the applied tillage system. The state of plants in agrophytocenosis largely depends on the mechanical effect exerted on the soil by the working bodies of tillage implements. The role of tillage as a factor in the regulation of conditions for the growth and development of grain crops should be assessed in connection with other factors in the intensification of agriculture.

The main tillage is a very powerful means of influencing its properties and, as a result, the state of agrophytocenoses. Processing can cause the manifestation of opposite processes, the ratio of which depends on the method and frequency of processing: structuring - deaggregation, mineralization - humification, compaction - decompaction, homogenization - heterogenization of the structure of the soil profile, new formation or destruction of the soil.

The purpose of soil cultivation for cereals is to create favorable conditions for seed germination and plant development by providing optimal water-air, thermal and nutrient regime of the soil. Processing must ensure:

Optimization of density and structural state;

Uniform distribution in the arable layer of organic residues of previous crops, fertilizers and ameliorants;

Elimination of compactions in the arable layer, plow pan and subsoil for unhindered penetration of roots into the arable and subsurface layers;

Regulation of the number of weeds, pests and pathogens;

Preservation of soil moisture;

Erosion and deflation prevention;

Leveling the surface of the field for high-quality sowing of grain;

Energy saving and economy.

The design of specific technologies for the cultivation of grain crops in the current economic and environmental situation in the country requires the development of technological models for the main tillage, depending on specific soil and climatic conditions and biological characteristics of grain crops. Technologists are faced with the task of developing effective resource-saving tillage systems in relation to different levels of intensification of agriculture, providing sufficient and economically justified plant productivity.

The methods of basic tillage that modern agriculture has at its disposal are very diverse, and the functions they perform are sometimes impossible to compensate with the help of other, even economically more profitable methods. At the same time, depending on the complex of accompanying conditions, the intensity of the main processing can be reduced and reduced to an agronomic, ecologically and economically justified minimum.

A change in the agrophysical properties of the soil in a positive direction for grain crops is traditionally associated with dump cultivation, the theoretical foundations of which in our country were laid by P.A. Kostychev, A.G. Doyarenko, V.R. Williams.

The tillage system for grain crops in crop rotation should be built taking into account the biological characteristics of grain crops, the level of weediness in the fields, the potential danger of developing diseases and the appearance of pests, the type and variety of soil, the degree of its cultivation, climatic and weather conditions. The complex of these factors determines the level of efficiency of farming systems and technologies for growing grain crops. Environmental and economic reasons make it necessary to reduce the intensity of soil cultivation and reduce the number of work operations when using tillage equipment. Depending on the specific conditions, the solution of one or another task of the main processing comes to the fore.

Favorable conditions for the growth and development of grain crops are formed with optimal parameters of the agrophysical properties of the soil, the most important of which are density and structural composition. The need and intensity of loosening the arable layer are associated with discrepancies between the indicators of equilibrium and optimal soil density for plants. The study of the reaction of grain crops to the physical state of soil of different types and varieties in field experiments made it possible to identify intervals of optimal soil density values.

The density of the soil depends on the granulometric composition, humus content, the number of water-stable aggregates, soil moisture and is radically regulated by plowing. The equilibrium density of loamy soil of 1.35-1.50 g/cm3 can be brought up to 0.8-0.9 g/cm3 by plowing, after which the soil acquires a loose state, which is especially necessary in the early stages of development of grain crops.

The scientific literature is dominated by the opinion of a weak reaction of grain crops to the method of basic tillage. Numerous studies show that this group of crops forms approximately the same productivity against the background of moldboard and non-moldboard plowing, especially when placed on tilled predecessors.

Other authors note that the equilibrium density of soils in the Central region is established approximately from the middle of the growing season of grain crops, as a result of which, during the second half of summer, the development of these crops proceeds in adverse conditions. According to some reports, this does not reduce the yield, according to others, the yield is significantly reduced, or there is a downward trend. The insufficient duration of the studies does not allow making categorical conclusions about the unconditional equality of traditional and minimal treatments in the formation of grain crops. The specific and varietal specificity of the reaction to processing is noted when growing spring and winter grain crops on soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils. Therefore, this question should be clarified in long-term field and model experiments. There is also little information

on the impact on the yield of such processing methods as chisel, mid-depth moldboard with slotting.

The number and depth of mechanical treatments also affect the structural state of the plow horizon, which is associated with the ability to compact and swim. If the proportion of water-stable aggregates of high agronomic value (0.25-10 mm) exceeds 40%, then minimization is possible, and on heavy, waterlogged, gleyed soils for growing crops, traditional cultivation should be used and at the same time prerequisites for the use of resource-saving technologies should be created.

The role of the main tillage in the regulation of the water regime is to transfer precipitation to the root layer, to reduce evaporation from the soil surface in order to create and maintain sufficient reserves of productive moisture, and to reduce surface runoff on sloping lands. The accumulation of moisture is relevant not only for areas with insufficient moisture, but also for the Central region Russian Federation, since the May droughts here are repeated regularly, and the trend is increasing at the present time. The study of the effect of treatments on the water regime is an important direction in the search for ways to stabilize the yield of grain crops.

Mechanical treatments are strong regulators of the regime of organic matter and biogenic elements in the soil. The result of different treatments is the unequal degree of mineralization of humic substances, the biological activity of the soil, and the differentiation of the arable layer. For certain types of grain crops, the lower limits and optimal parameters of the humus content were determined, under which reliable cultivation of these crops is possible. At the same time, there are opposing positions of researchers regarding the direct effect of humus content on the crop.

An incorrectly chosen mechanical tillage system often contributes to a decrease in soil fertility and the irrational use of the natural and anthropogenic potential of agriculture, while poorly cultivated soil has a depressing effect on the growth and development of cultivated plants and gives room for the violent development of weeds.

The influence of various tillage systems - moldboard (generally accepted) and non-moldboard (resource-saving) - on soil properties and crop yields, we studied on the experimental field of the Department of Agriculture, in a field crop rotation with alternating

crops: annual grasses, winter wheat, barley + clover, clover, winter wheat.

The soil of the experimental field is dark gray forest, medium loamy granulometric composition.

Observations and studies of soil and plants were carried out according to generally accepted methods.

The purpose of our research: to study the effect of tillage on the agrophysical, agrochemical properties of the soil and the yield of grain crops.

The results of the research showed that the density of the soil as a whole did not go beyond the optimal for crops and was due to their agricultural technology and, to a lesser extent, tillage technology (Table 1).

Soil density during moldboard tillage for winter wheat (precursor of annual grasses) and winter wheat (precursor of

ver) in the upper soil layer was 1.2 - 1.22 g/cm3, and after clover - 1.18 g/cm, while with fine mulching it reached 1.25 -1.3 g/cm and 1.2 g/cm, respectively. By the end of the growing season of plants, the density of the arable layer increased in almost the same way for all tillage systems and came to the density of natural composition.

Small mulch tillage contributes to a more favorable moisture supply for seeds and plants of grain crops in the first period of their growth, which is especially important in dry conditions after sowing.

Table 1 - Soil density, g / cm3 (average for the growing season, 2008 - 2009)

Tillage system Soil layer, cm Crops

Winter wheat (forerunner of annual grasses) Winter wheat (forerunner of clover) Barley + clover

Plowing 0-10 1.2 1.22 1.18

10-20 1,3 1,35 1,3

20-30 1,32 1,37 1,33

Fine mulching 0-10 1.25 1.3 1.2

10-20 1,37 1,4 1,35

20-30 1,4 1,43 1,38

Table 2 - Reserves of productive moisture (mm) for 2008 - 2009

Experience options Amount of moisture, mm

Beginning of vegetation (0-30 cm) End of vegetation (0-30 cm) Beginning of vegetation (0-100 cm) End of vegetation (0-100 cm)

Winter wheat (forerunner of annual grasses)

Plowing 52.7 46.3 162.5 134.5

Fine mulching 54.0 47.5 163.2 136.7

Winter wheat (precursor clover)

Plowing 49.4 35.2 153.4 109.0

Fine mulching 51.3 37.2 156.1 115.4

Barley + clover

Plowing 60.4 39.5 165.5 126.1

Fine mulching 63.5 42.7 170.1 141.1

Table 3 - Intensity of decomposition of flax under grain crops in 2009, %

Crop Options Soil layer, cm

0-10 10-20 20-30 0-30

Winter wheat (precursor of annual grasses) Plowing 19.2 17.2 6.3 42.7

Fine mulching 12.3 15.2 17.6 45.1

Winter wheat (precursor clover) Plowing 30.8 15.0 18.0 63.8

Fine mulching 25.1 24.3 18.9 68.3

Barley + clover Plowing 3.8 6.9 15.2 25.9

Fine mulching 5.9 13.8 15.1 34.8

It has been established that the average content of productive moisture in the soil layer of 0-30 cm in the crops of winter wheat (the predecessor of annual grasses) and winter wheat (the predecessor of clover) with resource-saving tillage at the beginning of the growing season was higher: - by 2.4% and 3.7 %. Indicators of the amount of soil moisture in the 0-100 cm layer had the same trend.

In barley crops, the determination of the productive moisture content also revealed the advantage of shallow mulch tillage compared to ploughing.

By the time of harvesting, the amount of moisture in the 0-100 cm soil layer decreased on average 10.6 times in barley + clover crops, 5.5 times in winter wheat crops after perennial grasses and 1.6 times in winter wheat crops after predecessor annual herbs; in a layer of 0-30 cm - in 7.5; 5.4; and 2.5 times, respectively.

The degree of decomposition of linen during the growing season of winter wheat was 45.1% according to resource-saving technology and 68.3% - winter wheat sown after perennial grasses (clover) against 42.7% and 63.8%, respectively, according to the generally accepted cultivation technology (Table 3 ).

The decomposition of linen fabric under the sowing of barley proceeded less intensively. The percentage of decomposition of linen fabric was 34.8% for small mulching, and 25.9% for plowing.

Various tillage systems did not significantly affect the agrochemical properties of the soil. The content of mobile forms of phosphorus was at the level of 135 - 188, potassium - 98 - 130 mg/kg of soil. According to the acidity of the soil, they are classified as medium acid.

Changes in the number of weeds in the crops of the studied crops with different methods of tillage showed that the smallest number of weeds was established when winter wheat was placed after the predecessor, clover of the first year of use with moldboard tillage - 41.0 pcs./m, and 48.5 pcs./ m for small mulching. The greatest infestation of crops is observed on the predecessor of annual grasses with the introduction of manure, the number of weeds for plowing was 57.0 pcs/m and for fine mulching 82.0 pcs/m.

In crops of barley with clover undersowing, spring early weeds such as field mustard, bindweed knotweed, white gauze, field radish, field violet, etc. predominated. Their number was 26-37% of all weed species in crops. The share of perennial weeds in crops was not significant - 2.5 - 5%.

Influence various ways tillage on the yield of grain crops can be traced according to table 4.

Despite the high agrophysical performance on shallow mulch tillage, the yield of winter wheat sown after clover is lower (by 2 q/ha) compared to plowing. When cultivating winter wheat according to the predecessor, annual grasses, resource-saving processing

soil provided an increase in yield of 6 centners per hectare, barley with clover undersowing - 3.3 centners per hectare.

Table 4 - Productivity of grain crops, 2009, c/ha

Tillage system Winter wheat (precursor annual grasses) Winter wheat (precursor clover) Barley with clover undersowing

Plowing 48.0 25.0 35.2

Fine mulching 54.0 23.0 38.5

Thus, the use of resource-saving tillage in the cultivation of grain crops contributes to an increase in the biological activity of the soil, the accumulation of productive moisture in the arable layer, the preservation of soil fertility, and also increases the yield of grain crops in field crop rotations.

List of sources used

1 Bazdyrev, G.I. Influence of resource-saving tillage on weediness of crops in soil-protective crop rotations on slopes / G.I. Bazdyrev // Sat. "Crop rotation in modern agriculture". - M., 2004. -S. 180-185.



1.1. Tillage tasks

1.2. The influence of agricultural practices on the physical properties of the soil

1.3. The influence of agricultural practices on the agrochemical properties of the soil

1.4. The influence of agricultural practices on the water properties of the soil

1.5. The influence of agricultural practices on the biological properties of the soil

1.6. The influence of agricultural practices on the thermal properties of the soil

1.7. The influence of agricultural practices on the phytosanitary state of crops

1.8. Barley cultivation technology


2.1. Arrival of PAR on crops and productivity

2.2. Moisture supply and productivity of barley

2.3. Bioclimatic productivity of barley

2.4. Barley yield based on effective fertility of soddy-podzolic soils

2.5. Modeling of phytometric parameters of barley 64 Conclusion


3.1. Purpose and objectives of research

3.2. Scheme of experience and research methodology

3.3. Soil and climatic conditions

3.4. Weather conditions during the years of research

3.5. Place and conditions for conducting observations and research in the experiment

3.6. Agrotechnics of barley and spring wheat in the experiment

4. RESULTS OF RESEARCH 83% 4.1. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the water-physical properties of the soil

4.2. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the biological properties of the soil

4.3. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the structure of the crop

4.4. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the agrochemical properties of the soil and the nutritional regime of soils

4.5. Influence of methods of basic tillage on weed infestation of crops, grain and disease damage

4.6. Influence of methods of basic tillage on the yield and quality of the crop


5.1. Agrotechnical and economic efficiency of the studied options

5.2. Energy evaluation of experiment options 125 CONCLUSIONS 130 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRODUCTION 133 LIST OF LITERATURE SOURCES

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Influence of main tillage systems in crop rotation on soil fertility and yield of winter wheat in the Non-Chernozem Zone 2005, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Kiselev, Evgeniy Fedorovich

  • Improvement of technological methods of cultivation of grain and tilled crops in agriculture of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone 2004, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Shevchenko, Victor Alexandrovich

  • Optimization of the fertility of drained soddy-podzolic soils under the conditions of an adaptive-landscape system of agriculture 2006, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Abashev, Vasily Dmitrievich

  • The influence of the duration of the use of various methods of the main cultivation of soddy-podzolic medium loamy soil in crop rotation on its fertility and productivity of oats, lupine and winter wheat 2001, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Mikhail Antonovich Bugachuk

  • The reaction of crops of grain-fallow-grass-rowed crop rotation to the systems of basic cultivation and fertilization of soddy-podzolic soil in the Middle Cis-Urals 2006, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Vladykina, Nadezhda Ivanovna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "The influence of methods of basic tillage and the degree of intensity of technology on the yield of barley in the conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone"

Stable production of high quality food products and provision of high quality raw materials is the most important task for the life support of the planet's population. The problem of food is solved mainly through the basic branch of agriculture - agriculture, so the main task is to ensure the sustainability of agriculture based on the rational use of land, the preservation and increase of soil fertility and crop yields, based on the use of scientifically based zonal farming systems.

The state of soils has an impact on the environment and natural resources, the level of economic and social development of the state, and the health of the population.

Soil tillage occupies a large share in the cost of agricultural products, so the improvement of tillage systems, taking into account the reduction of costs per unit of production, is an urgent problem.

As the results of studies obtained in our country and abroad show, the long-term use of shallow surface treatments in crop rotation leads to a deterioration in the lower layers of the agrochemical and biological properties of the soil, the food regime, the penetration of plant roots into the lower layers, and therefore to a drop in effective soil fertility. . In addition, with the surface incorporation of organic fertilizers and their mixing with the arable layer, there is a rapid mineralization of organic matter without a significant increase in humus in the lower soil layers. With organic fertilizers, the soil is enriched with weed seeds, which then need to be destroyed.

As scientific data and practice show, it is not always possible to obtain consistently high yields without creating a powerful root layer. Therefore, one of the ways to cultivate soddy-podzolic soils is to deepen the arable layer. This is possible due to the loosening of the subsurface layers with chisels - deep looseners, flat cutters, plows without mouldboards, layer-by-layer application of organic fertilizers and a layer of perennial grasses.

Differentiated tillage should take into account more fully the soil and climatic conditions of the zone and the biological characteristics of agricultural crops.

In conditions of intensive farming and in connection with the need to switch to energy-saving soil-protective technologies, it is necessary to justify methods of tillage in order to maintain soil fertility.

The studies were carried out in a long-term stationary field experiment, founded in 1972 under the supervision of the head of the department of agriculture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Saranin Konstantin Isidorovich in the department of agriculture of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Regional Research Institute of Natural Resources, according to the scientific and technical program of the department of agriculture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences 0.51.01. "Improve low-cost soil-protective tillage systems for crop rotations of grain specialization, providing a reduction in energy costs" and in accordance with the plan of research work of the Department of Agriculture of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the TsRNZ on the topic: "Improve low-cost soil-protective tillage systems for crop rotations of grain specialization, ensuring a reduction in energy costs. "

In the course of many years of research, the theoretical issues of using cultivation techniques to increase the fertility of soddy-podzolic medium loamy soil have been studied, and cultivation techniques in the Central region of the Nonchernozem zone of Russia have been scientifically substantiated. Agrotechnical, economic, energy assessments of methods of basic tillage are given.

It has been established that the most promising options for tillage are: a combination of plowing by 20 cm with surface tillage by 8 cm and chiselling by 20 and 40 cm, providing a reduction in tillage costs by 4-12% with an increase in barley productivity compared to the control variant (plowing on 20 cm).

Taking this opportunity, I consider it my duty to express gratitude and sincere gratitude to the supervisors: Head of the Department of General Agriculture, Plant Growing, Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor JI.C. Fastyukov, Head of the Department of Agriculture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences E.V. Dudintsev, as well as the staff of the Department of Agriculture of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Regions of the Non-Chernozem Zone and the staff of the Department of the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University for their assistance, practical advice and friendly attitude in the implementation, generalization, and analysis of the material.

Similar theses in the specialty "Crop production", 06.01.09 code VAK

  • Influence of fertilizer systems, tillage on the fertility of cultivated soddy-podzolic soils and the yield of barley and oats when developing technologies for their cultivation in crop rotation 2003, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Peshekhonov, Vladimir Sergeevich

  • Ways to increase the productivity of soddy-podzolic soil when cultivating winter wheat in the Moscow region 2000 PhD in Agriculture José Fernando Rodríguez Mora

  • The influence of predecessors and tillage systems on the yield of barley grain in the conditions of the eastern part of the Volga-Vyatka zone 2007, candidate of agricultural sciences Glushkov, Vladimir Vladimirovich

  • Theoretical foundations for increasing crop yields and reducing energy costs in crop rotation with rapeseed under different systems of basic tillage in the forest-steppe of the Central Chernozem region 2000, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Gulidova, Valentina Andreevna

  • Optimization of the main tillage system and chemicalization means in the crop rotation of the Central Chernozem zone 2004, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Shapovalov, Nikolai Konstantinovich

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Crop production", Rassolova, Elvira Gennadievna

1. The studied methods of processing did not have a cardinal effect on soil moisture. Soil moisture and the reserve of productive moisture depended more on weather conditions than on cultivation methods. Before sowing, the 0-30 cm layer contained productive moisture from 30 to 72.2 mm. By the heading phase, the productive moisture reserve decreased to 28.6-55.4 mm, and by harvesting, the decrease was even more significant - in 2002, with a lack of precipitation before harvesting. In 2003, when significant precipitation fell before harvesting, the productive moisture increased to 66.474.3 mm.

2. The use of methods of basic tillage allows maintaining the bulk density in the arable layer within the optimal values ​​throughout the growing season. Before sowing, the bulk density was lower in plowing by 20 cm and in chiselling by 40 cm. In the earing phase, the density approached the equilibrium density in chiselling by 20 cm and plowing by 30 cm. Before harvesting, a lower bulk density was noted in deep plowing and deep chiselling. The tendency to increase the bulk density was noted with the use of permanent surface treatment, which is one of the reasons for the decrease in yield.

3. The hardness of the topsoil was favorable for the growth and development of barley. Higher hardness was noted in 2002 in the heading phase on surface treatment and milling. In 2003, during the heading phase, the hardness decreased compared to the germination phase due to precipitation.

4. The results of studies of the structural state of the soil in a long-term stationary field experiment show that the methods used for the main cultivation of soddy-podzolic medium loamy soil on

30 years of experience provide a high level of optimization of the structural state of the arable and subsurface layers.

5. The biological activity of the soil in terms of the decomposition of the canvas and the nitrification capacity of the soil depended on the methods of the main tillage. Linen degradation was more noticeable at 20 cm chiselling, 20 cm ploughing, and constant surface treatment. The nitrification capacity of the soil was higher in the control variant and deep plowing. On surface tillage, the nitrification capacity decreased markedly in the 20-30 cm layer. In 2003, with heavy rainfall at the end of the growing season, the nitrification capacity was greatly reduced due to leaching of nitrates.

6. The use of different methods of basic tillage influenced the agrochemical indicators of fertility. Moldboard tillage and chiselling ensured a homogeneous distribution of P2O5, K20 and organic matter along the profile, and surface treatment and milling ensured a heterogeneous distribution with a maximum in the 0–10 cm layer and a decrease in the 10–20 and 20–30 cm layers.

7. The use of surface tillage leads to an increase in the infestation of barley crops. Plowing at 20 and 30 cm and chiselling at 20 and 40 cm are more effective than surface tillage in suppressing weeds in crops.

8. Methods of tillage had a different effect on the infection of barley crops with diseases. The number of seeds infected with Alternaria was higher in plowing and lower in chiselling and surface tillage. Fusarium was more strongly affected by seeds on surface treatment. Helminthosporiasis - on surface treatments and chiselling.

9. The yield of barley in 2002 (with a lack of rainfall during the growing season) was higher in deep plowing and chiselling, where a higher grain mass per ear, a higher mass of 1000 grains and a grain content of the ear were noted. In 2003, higher yields were obtained with chiseling at 20 and 40 cm, milling and a combination of plowing with surface tillage. These variants had more productive stems and a higher grain content of the ear.

10. Elf barley grain quality was good on all variants. The nature of the grain was relatively high - from 602 to 655 g/l. Filminess - from 8.24 to 10.60%. Lower filminess was noted on 40 cm chisels and surface finishes. The protein content in the grain of 2002 (with a lack of precipitation) was high (from 14.19 to 15.79%), and in 2003 it corresponded to malting barley in terms of protein content - 10.04-12.34%.

11. Higher energy efficiency in the cultivation of barley was noted in the variants of chiselling, deep plowing and milling, where the energy coefficient was higher - 1.40-1.67 and more net energy was received - 31.4-36.3 GJ/ha.

12. From the agrotechnical and economic points of view, the options for plowing at 20 cm and surface treatment turned out to be close. However, in terms of productivity and economic indicators these options were less efficient than chiselling, combination plowing with surface tillage, and milling, where higher profits were obtained and production costs were lower.

On the soddy-podzolic medium loamy soil of the Central region of the Nonchernozem zone of Russia, differentiated tillage should be used more widely, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions and the biological characteristics of cultivated crops. Under barley, a combination of TsHOOM plowing with surface treatment and chiselling at 20 and 40 cm should be used.

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