Technological education of physics. What majors are required for physics? How to work in the specialty "Physics"? Description of the specialty technical physics, in which universities they teach technical physics, admission, exams, what subjects are studied

  • 29.11.2019

A physicist is one who uses his education and experience to study and apply the interactions between matter and energy in the fields of mechanics, acoustics, optics, heat, electricity, magnetism, radiation, atomic structure, and nuclear phenomena.

Carl Darrow

The popularity of technical specialties is growing every day. To become a highly qualified specialist in this field, deep knowledge in exact sciences Key words: mathematics, physics, chemistry, informatics. Any modern specialty is connected with physics. Today, every specialist should be able to work with the equipment necessary for this profession, as well as understand the essence of technological processes.
Physics is a fundamental science. At the heart of all technical sciences, one way or another, lie physical laws and phenomena. Physics is closely related to engineering, programming, radio engineering, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, aircraft and rocket building, electrical and thermal power engineering, mining and oil and gas business. Specialists who know physics are needed in the field of construction, medicine, mechanics, automation and electronics, high technology and many other areas.


Physicist- a scientist whose scientific research is mainly devoted to physics. Physicists work on a wide range of problems, from subatomic particles to the behavior of the universe.

Subject professional activity physics is a field of science and technology, including a set of tools, techniques, methods and methods for obtaining complete and reliable information about the nature and quantitative patterns of physical processes in the world, existing and new technical systems for different industries.

A physicist is engaged in the study of objects of the surrounding world and the laws of their interaction. He considers objects as physical bodies, and their interaction as physical phenomena. Conducts physical research through experiment, builds mathematical models physical phenomena, describes the basic properties of the surrounding world. The study of physical phenomena allows physicists to discover general laws and use them for the purpose of progress.

Observation and curiosity, perseverance and the desire to learn new things, patience and critical thinking, a penchant for experimentation, interest in nature and the ability for scientific creativity are important for a physicist. The profession requires from a specialist mainly intellectual costs. The activity is related to the analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, the development of new solutions.

There are many specializations within the physicist profession.

Nuclear physicist conducts scientific research on the problems posed in the field of nuclear physics. The subjects of professional activity of a nuclear physicist are nuclear physical phenomena and processes (nuclear reactions, radioactivity, interaction of nuclear radiation with matter, nuclear isomerism, nuclear magnetic resonance, interaction of neutrons with nuclei, thermonuclear reactions, controlled thermonuclear fusion, etc.); radioactive substances; devices, mechanisms and equipment of the nuclear power complex. A nuclear physicist develops, implements and controls the state of the production and technological process at the enterprises of the nuclear energy complex.

biophysicist- a specialist in the study of biological problems, the cause of which is the physico-chemical life processes.

Biophysics- a field of science that studies the physical and physico-chemical phenomena that occur in living organisms. This area of ​​science is associated with the study of various biological processes or phenomena using laboratory experiments and mathematical calculations. The main task of a biophysicist is the study of physical and chemical processes that can cause a biological problem.

A biophysicist studies the physical and physicochemical processes in living organisms at all levels of the organization of living matter, as well as the fine structure of various biological systems. A biophysicist also studies the influence of such physical factors on the body as vibration, acceleration, weightlessness, investigates the biological effect of ionizing radiation, performs a physical analysis of the activity of the sense organs and analyzes the work of the organs of movement, respiration, blood circulation as physical systems, solves issues of strength and elasticity of tissues.


The engineering profession has always been the backbone of world development. The level of technical equipment even before the beginning of our era determined the superiority of one civilization over others. And today it is technical innovations that ensure the development of civilization.

Today, engineering professions are the most numerous professions of highly skilled labor. In our country, more than a third of specialists with higher education are engineers. The engineer is involved in the production of all the material goods of society - from food and consumer goods to complex computers and space rockets.

A modern engineer is a specialist with a high culture, who knows well modern technology and technology, economics and organization of production, who knows how to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and at the same time has the ability to invent. The work of an engineer is a link between scientific discoveries, developments and their practical application. Engineers manage production areas at industrial enterprises, in construction, agriculture and other industries, work in design bureaus, laboratories and research institutions, deal with the organization of production, planning and economics. They design technology industrial equipment, machines, participate in the design and development of production control systems, production automation, business, management processes. They study the causes of deterioration and production failures, test products, determining their quality, etc.

For a full-fledged and high-quality work, an engineer needs mathematical and technical abilities; analytical warehouse mind; concentration of attention; abstract thinking; propensity for research activities; drawing skills.

There are many engineering specialties.

Energy Engineer- a specialist with a higher technical education in the field of development, production or operation of systems intended for thermal or electrical supply. His job responsibilities are largely determined by the position and the specifics of the enterprise. In design and commissioning enterprises, power engineers restore and design the power grids of enterprises. At the energy enterprises themselves, they ensure the uninterrupted operation of the system, repair it, and also determine the technological process of working with energy equipment.

Design engineer- an engineering specialty whose activity is necessary for the development and creation of the final (target) product from the products and resources of the existing material production. He creates new objects of material culture from available resources, organizes and technically equips the work of other people.

Design engineers create, check and edit drawings, calculate the design of structures, participate in the coordination and protection of the project, conduct technical and designer supervision over its execution. The responsibilities of the designer also include testing and commissioning experimental products and parts that are planned to be used in the future. Develops draft, technical and working designs and products of varying complexity, organizes technological processes for manufacturing parts and assembling machines, conducts research in the field of design, determines indicators of the technical level of designed products, calculates economic efficiency implemented projects, draws up technical documentation for the developed structures.

mechanical engineer– a specialist with a higher technical education in the field of design, construction and operation of process equipment.

A mechanical engineer designs, constructs and operates mechanical equipment, machines, devices and devices, automatic lines, means and systems of complex mechanization and automation of production, organizes and conducts their installation, adjustment, testing. He develops, plans and organizes technological processes, chooses the optimal conditions for their implementation. His responsibilities also include planning and carrying out repairs to machines, compiling terms of reference for the reconstruction of existing and the creation of new installations. In the field of agricultural production, the mechanical engineer directs the machine operators and manages the entire mechanization of agriculture.

The main purpose of the activity of a mechanical engineer is the design of mechanical equipment and technological processes and the organization of equipment maintenance.

An engineer of this specialty is a highly qualified specialist with deep knowledge of theoretical foundations electrical engineering, the theory of automatic control, industrial electronics and computer technology.

civil engineer works in general construction and specialized construction, construction and installation, commissioning, maintenance, design, engineering and scientific organizations.

It carries out production and technological, organizational and managerial, design and research activities in the field of construction. These specialists solve problems related to the design and construction of buildings and structures, systems and devices for water supply and sewerage, roads and pipelines, power lines and communications, and other facilities.

In the course of his professional activity, a civil engineer calculates, designs and develops building structures, foundations and foundations, underground parts of structures in various soil conditions. Develops and implements technologies for the manufacture and installation of building structures, projects for the organization of construction and production construction works with the use of complex mechanization and advanced labor methods.

The civil engineer manages construction, installation and adjustment works, controls their quality, carries out technical supervision over the implementation of design solutions and the performance of construction and installation works. Engaged in the regulation of labor and budgeting in construction, engineering support for the brigade cost accounting, draws up orders and costing of labor and wages workers.

Metallurgical engineer studies and implements technologies for the production of various metals. The duties of a metallurgical engineer include determining chemical composition alloy, selection of suitable temperature and processing time, control of casting and stamping of the finished alloy, welding of several finished parts. He is responsible for carrying out the technological process, offers new technologies to reduce the cost of the finished product and reduce energy costs.

The subjects of professional activity are the technological processes of the metallurgical industry, the processing of raw materials and the production of metal products with increased consumer properties, the technology for obtaining and processing metals and materials, the study of the structure and properties, equipment for mining and metallurgical production, automatic control systems for metallurgical production and quality control of the final product.

Process Engineer busy organizing production processes or the development of a certain technology in manufacturing enterprises. He himself chooses a set of equipment on which he carries out the technological process, the optimal mode of operation, methods for evaluating results and quality control, and maintains technological documentation. The process engineer leads the rationalization and inventive work of the enterprise for the development of production capacities.

Welding process engineer is a technology specialist welding work. He leads technological preparation performing welding work in the manufacture of products; organizes the development and introduces into production advanced welding methods; controls compliance with technological modes of welding, consumption rates of materials.

Electrical Engineer is able to perform any work on the design, installation, adjustment, repair and modernization of power lines and substations from low to extra- and ultra-high voltages, high-tech, safe and economical maintenance electrical networks, thermal and nuclear power plants using new progressive technologies, equipment and automated systems.

Mining engineer (mine surveyor)– a specialist in conducting spatial and geometric measurements in the bowels of the earth and on the corresponding sections of its surface with the subsequent display of the measurement results on plans, maps and sections during mining and geological exploration.

The mine surveyor works in the exploration of mineral deposits, in mining enterprises under construction and in operation, in the construction of underground structures. He is engaged in geodetic measurements and marking, and the quality of work of sinkers, builders, etc. depends on their accuracy.

Mining Mechanical Engineer is a specialist in the field of designing mining and processing machines and mechanisms used in processing and processing industries.

These specialists are engaged in the design, operation and repair of mining machines and mechanisms used in the development of mineral deposits in an open and underground way.

Metrology engineer is engaged in checking and adjusting the accuracy of measuring devices and devices. the main objective its activity is bringing measuring instruments in full compliance with established standards. The metrologist needs to develop verification charts for various kinds measurements, instructions, methods and other metrological documentation, as well as to check, repair and calibrate measuring instruments. He controls the compliance of methods and measuring instruments with the requirements of the legislation, conducts metrological examination.

Standardization Engineer is a specialist in the field of ensuring and evaluating product quality, as well as monitoring operating conditions technical means(instruments, equipment), fixing rules in standards and regulations to achieve resource savings while maintaining production safety.

Standardization is a whole science that studies, analyzes, generalizes and formulates the laws of production processes in order to achieve their optimal degree of order.

The standardization engineer controls technical documentation, develops new and revises current standards, specifications and other documents on standardization and certification, is working on their implementation at enterprises. It studies the technical level of products, the features of production and the results of the operation of standardized products and their individual elements.

radio engineer is engaged in the design, development and operation of specialized radio-electronic devices, instrumentation for digital data transmission lines, software and hardware for organizing digital radio channels.

radio and television, computer technology, devices for scientific research and medicine, mobile radio communication systems - this is not a complete list of those areas where it is impossible to do without a radio engineer. They are of interest to academic and industry research institutes, computer centers, design and engineering organizations, manufacturing enterprises, directly or indirectly related to radio-electronic devices and devices, computer technology, automated systems, software, various applications.

Software Engineer carries out activities in the field of design, production and operation of software based on modern information technologies. The main task of a software engineer is to develop programs based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, applied, economic and other problems that ensure the implementation of these algorithms and tasks by means of computer technology.

The duties of a software engineer include the development of technology, stages and sequence of problem solving; choice of programming language and translation into it of used models and algorithms of tasks; determination of information for processing on a computer (its volume, structure, layouts and input schemes, method of storage and reproduction). He is engaged in preparing programs for debugging and debugging, checking programs based on logical analysis, correcting them in the process of finalization. Provides support for implemented programs and software tools. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.

Physics teacher

Physics teacher carries out training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of teaching the subject "physics". Conducts lessons, additional elective classes, leads subject circles. Makes up thematic plan work on the subject, ensures the implementation curriculum. Participates in methodical work, uses the most effective forms, methods and means of teaching. Analyzes student performance, ensures compliance academic discipline. Builds skills and abilities independent work schoolchildren, stimulates their cognitive activity and learning motivation. Achieves a solid and deep assimilation of knowledge on the subject, the ability to apply knowledge in practice. Equips and arranges the classroom. He studies and takes into account the individual characteristics of students in the work, participates in work with parents.

Physics is considered one of the most difficult subjects school curriculum as it is a dynamically changing scientific field. Therefore, a physics teacher needs to follow all the news in the world of science, get acquainted with new discoveries, technical achievements and inventions.

The main task of a physics teacher is to teach children to understand the world around them, the processes that take place around them in everyday life.

Physics can be divided into theoretical, experimental and applied. Each, in turn, is divided into several areas: nuclear physics, micro- and nanoelectronics, materials science, energy, aerospace technology, nanotechnology, etc. Students choose one of them and, if possible, work in their specialty after graduation. And if not, then our list of additional options will help them.

Physics teacher, lecturer

The most obvious option: you couldn’t find a job in the specialty that you studied for several years, you can go. In order to get a job in a school, they may require a diploma of teacher education. But as for physics, it is more important to be a practitioner, to know the laws and their operation, to be able to solve problems, analyze formulas, and demonstrate experiments.

You can teach at a university without a postgraduate degree. But building a career without a PhD is almost impossible. Most positions require a degree.

Lab employee

There are scientific laboratories in universities, research institutes and design bureaus at huge factories of the military-industrial complex. It is worth going here for those who want to devote themselves to science and technology, since it is in such institutions that new and innovative things are created, researched, tested, implemented and developed. Employees are frequent guests of thematic conferences. The prospect is to grow up to the head of the laboratory, the head of the center.

Author of popular science texts

Practitioners become the best authors in narrow topics. Before a physicist who knows how to put words into sentences, and sentences into texts, there is scope for a side job or main income - from freelance cooperation by the author of a section of a thematic site to writing manuals like "Physics for Children" and compiling a collection of problems, from articles in VAK journals to editor of a popular science publication.

Project Promotion Manager / Grant Writer / Consultant

Recently, the Government of the Russian Federation, represented by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, has been allocating an incredible amount of grants to support scientific schools, young scientists and researchers. The account goes for hundreds of thousands of rubles a year for a student or graduate student and millions for employees with a PhD or PhD degree. But to get such a grant, you need to justify it. And this is not so easy to do. It is necessary to draw up a detailed application, in which it is necessary to list the final results of the proposed research, the required equipment and material costs at all stages of the project, the list of performers and a reasonable reserve on the subject of the allocated grant.

A competitive application is written for at least a month. But a competent drafter can work on several grant projects at the same time. From each grant received, the author of the application can receive approximately 10-15% of its amount. In terms of rubles, this is 100-150 thousand of the millionth grant.

Science show organizer and host

AT last years shows of experiments and physical phenomena became popular. If you have business acumen and organizational skills, you can open a similar company yourself and attract classmates to work. Or get a job in those that are already known in your city.

Children react enthusiastically to such shows. And it is not difficult for an experienced physicist to surprise them. "Rainbow" glasses, artificial snow, invisible ink... Any first-year physics and technology student can conduct such experiments. A minimum of props, a white coat, spectacular glasses, a bright wig to create an image - and the Professor is ready to surprise children.

Depending on the city and the number of children, such shows are paid from 5 thousand rubles and more.

Guide in scientific or experimental museums

The Polytechnic Museum in Moscow, Experimentariums, Einsteiniums, scientific and technical expositions, lecture halls… People switch to new level development. It is not enough for us to look at paintings and mammoth bones. We want to learn new things, learn, comprehend and expand the horizons of our consciousness. That is why such establishments are so popular. And who, if not an expert in a scientific subject, will best of all tell how the material world works?

Consultant in popular science programs and cinematography

Shows like The Big Bang Theory can get you a job for several years.

Explain, decipher and show by example, disassemble step by step, retell in “simple” words, see and eliminate errors - this is what consultants and experts do. Where can such services be needed? On television and film studios, in the editorial offices of scientific publications, authors of videos and texts for websites, etc. Or you can create your own website on a scientific topic - an analogue of the Polytechnic Museum.

Expert opinion

Cand. Phys.-Math. Sci., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Materials Science and Physics of Metals, Voronezh State Technical University

A physics student from the 1st year studies the secrets of matter, the laws of physics and the causal effect of any experience. He is taught to independently comprehend, propose and set up a physical experiment according to known laws and methods. If the results of the experiment do not correspond to the physical canons, he looks for the cause of the negative effect and tries to figure out what he did wrong, using the literary sources of the "great ancestors" and information and communication resources. Having understood the reason, he repeats the experiment. Usually the result is positive effect. But if not, he penetrates deeper into the secrets of laws, physical formulas and equations, takes into account his mistakes and introduces external factors. He does the experiment again, trying to achieve a positive result.

A physicist can do what is written in his technological map. But this can be done by anyone with certain knowledge and skills. But if suddenly there is a deviation from the technical process, a marriage appears, the entire batch of expensive products can be ruined and the enterprise will incur huge losses to the customer, then a person who understands the processes will be able to correct the situation.

If a problem has arisen and you need to urgently solve it, a physicist will help, who will find the root of this problem and eliminate it as soon as possible or offer a solution to eliminate it. Because he was taught that way from the first year.

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About specialty:

Description of the specialty technical physics, in which universities they teach technical physics, admission, exams, what subjects are studied in the specialty.

Physics is one of the fundamental classical sciences. A student can choose suitable directions for himself from a variety of specialties related to physics. Typically, training in this specialty is built on a modular system. In the mathematics block, students study calculus, linear algebra and probability theory. In the physics block, the student is taught theoretical mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, and atomic physics.

Employment in the specialty of technical physics

After graduating, the student becomes a theoretical scientist. Work to be sought in research centers. The working task will be the study of various physical phenomena, from the description and their implementation for practical use. A craving for knowledge, an analytical mind and a systematic approach will be the key to success in this area.

Salary in the specialty of technical physics

You need to start looking for a job as early as your student years. Finding a job on the ad is unlikely. You need to look for a place in specialized laboratories and research centers. Graduate work may form the basis for future scientific research. And the student's part-time job can become a permanent place for their own scientific research. Having carried out a successful scientific research and embodied it as a commercial idea, yesterday's student will be able to become a world-famous specialist and have his own laboratory, or develop his own business.

Priority direction for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 899 of July 7, 2011.

Students of the direction " Technical Physics» study engineering disciplines together with computer modeling methods and combine basic fundamental training with engineering knowledge in the field of oil and gas, and engineering design.

Direction characteristics

Characteristic Index
Training leads
Level of training Undergraduate
Direction code 16.03.01
Total number of budget places 18
of which places for persons with special rights 2
Number of paid seats 32
Entrance tests Maths - 42
Physics - 42
Russian language - 36
Priority of entrance examinations Maths; Physics; Russian language.
Competition for budget places in 2018 18,33
The minimum total score when enrolling in the budget for this direction in 2018 215
Graduation qualification Bachelor
Form of study full-time
Term of full-time study 4 years
Cost of full-time education RUB 189,591

Academic plan

Key competencies:

  • willingness to use physical and mathematical knowledge to solve problems of professional activity;
  • the ability to use instruments and equipment to determine the parameters of technological processes and the properties of physical and technical objects and materials.
  • Ability to organize and conduct scientific research in various fields of technical physics.
  • Perform computer modeling of physical processes and systems, including the creation of hydrodynamic models of oil and gas reservoirs.
  • To study all kinds of physical phenomena, processes and structures observed in nature.
  • Develop, create and implement new technologies, devices and materials for various purposes.
  • Understand the techniques and technologies of the oil and gas sector.
Academic plan


  • OOO Tyumensky Neftyanoy Science Center(PJSC NK Rosneft)
  • Schlumberger Logelco Inc.
  • OOO Scientific and Technical Center NOVATEK
  • LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "KogalymNIPIneft"
  • OAO Gazpromneft-Tyumen
  • JSC "SurgutNIPIneft"
  • JSC HMS Neftemash
  • PJSC "Tyumen Motor Builders"
  • CJSC "Tyumen Institute of Oil and Gas"
  • FBU "Tyumen Center for Standardization and Metrology"
  • OOO Multiprofile scientific enterprise"GEODATA"
  • JSC Transneft Siberia
  • ZAO TyumenNIPIneft
  • Tyumen branch of the Federal State Institution of Science "Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. S.A. Khristianovich of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
  • TyumenNIIgiprogaz LLC
  • Institute of the Earth's Cryosphere, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
LLC "Neftekom"


    Muratova Elvira - Gold medalist of the Olympiad "I am a Professional" in the direction of Oil and Gas Business, 2018.

    Legostaev Dmitry - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development software product for geomechanical modeling of oil and gas fields" 2016-2018.

    Bessarab Aleksey - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development of an in-line ultrasonic multichannel analyzer of the quantitative content of the gas phase in a gas-liquid stream" 2016-2018.

    Zaitsev Evgeniy - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development of a matrix cell of a wide-range in-line moisture meter for oil and oil products" 2016-2018.

    Yesenbaev Tair - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development software package"Intellectual gas condensate field". 2015-2017

    Buravtsov Andrey - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development of a controlled module that simulates muscle tissue based on a magneto-susceptible elastic material for the sphere of limb prosthetics." 2018-2020

    Kitaev Ivan - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development of a transfer film for heating automotive glass." 2015-2017

    Polovodov Vladimir is the winner of the Tyumensky Technological Business Accelerator state university, 2018

    Radchenko Milena - winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Theoretical Mechanics, Kazan, 2017.

    Buravtsov Andrey - 1st place in the bench press discipline. Festival of power sports "Golden Tiger - X", Yekaterinburg, 2016

    Yesenbaev Tair - I place. Regional student competition scientific works – 2015.

    Yanbikova Julia - II place. Regional competition of student scientific works - 2015.

    Tyulkov Andrey - international Conference"Arctic, Subarctic: mosaic, contrast, variability of the cryosphere". Tyumen, 2015

    Buravtsov Andrey, Yanbikova Julia - I place. Factory of scientific thought of the young "Resources of the cold world: Yamal and the Arctic". Tyumen, 2018

    Polovodov Vladimir is a winner of the qualifying stage at the Technological Accelerator from the Internet Initiatives Development Foundation (IIDF). Tyumen, November 2-4, 2018


Learning Outcomes

Employment and career

Areas of activity:

Oil and gas and construction complexes. Energy.

Organizations and enterprises of possible employment:

Public and private R&D and manufacturing organizations associated with the solution physical problems oil and gas, construction and energy complexes. System institutions higher education. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in the magistracy.

Where do our graduates work?

  • OOO Tyumen Oil Research Center (PJSC NK Rosneft);
  • JSC "SurgutNIPIneft";
  • CJSC "Tyumen Institute of Oil and Gas";
  • Schlumberger Logelco Inc.
  • OOO Scientific and Technical Center NOVATEK;
  • OOO "Neftekom";
  • OAO Gazpromneft-Tyumen;
  • LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "KogalymNIPIneft";
  • FBU "Tyumen Center for Standardization and Metrology";

Possible positions:

Engineer, designer, researcher.

Foreign partner universities

  • an agreement on cooperation in the field of education and science between the Novobolgarsky University of Sofia (Bulgaria).
  • memorandum of understanding between the University. Humboldt, Berlin
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Navarra (Spain).
  • agreement on cooperation and academic exchanges between the University of Strasbourg (France).
  • agreement on cooperation and academic exchange between the University of Lorraine, Metz (France).
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Toulouse 2 - Le Miray (France).
  • cooperation agreement between Bodo University College (Norway).
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Oslo (Norway).
  • memorandum of cooperation between the University of Wolverhampton (UK).

Physics is a vast science that is applied everywhere. After all, thanks to its laws, the Universe exists, the planets revolve around the Sun and there are all the conditions necessary for life. Modern man without physical processes life does not represent. If this science had not been developed by ancient scientists, then today there would not be many serious discoveries and inventions. The specialties of a physicist as a learned and interested person are quite diverse.

Which institute should I apply to?

First you need to decide on a specialty. What do you want to study? What profession do you want to devote your whole life to? The choice is huge. You can enter not only the specialty "Physics" at MEPhI, Moscow State University or any pedagogical institute, but also choose, so to speak, a differential specialty in the fields: space, transport, nature, household items, construction, medicine.

So what specialties do physics take? For everything that is related to technology at least to a small extent. For example, a schoolboy dreams of being an astronomer. He will have to take the Russian language (as a rule, this is an essay), mathematics and physics. As you know, at present, schools take the exam, so physics should be chosen as an additional subject. Russian with mathematics and so they pass everything without fail.

Don't make the wrong choice

So that the student does not have to rack his brains, torment himself with doubts, it is better to resemble open days at universities. Not only read information about the specialty you are interested in, but also communicate with specialists, if possible. It often happens that a child or teenager dreams of one thing, but gets something completely different, because he imagined everything differently. It is better to immediately open your eyes to the truth, so that it would not be painful later. A book on a specialty of interest can become a good adviser. Physics at school and college is very different from the university curriculum. Of course, you can endure several sessions and forget about a specific subject, and if it is on it that the whole specialty is based and future profession? The choice must be approached carefully.

There are guys who from childhood love to solder microcircuits, assemble models, design a future country house, and understand cars from an early age. They, unequivocally, should go accordingly: the first - to the faculty of microelectronics, semiconductor devices, to instrument-making institutes; the second - to the architectural or construction faculty; the third - on the road / automobile.

Unusual and interesting professions

There are many specialties, but not very popular ones, that apply physics directly: medical devices and apparatus, physical laboratories. At Moscow State University Lomonosov is taught various interesting specialties that are related to physics in depth. Graduates can be theoretical physicists. MEPhI also has a specialty "Physics". What is the job of such a person? It is possible for scientists if the student has proven himself well. The university itself will send such a genius to a suitable laboratory for practice.

A physicist can simultaneously teach a subject both at school and at a college or university, write articles, publish books. This is the minimum list of what a physicist can do. He must not only hone the theory, but also apply everything in practice, embody his ideas. A physicist in this case must think logically, have ingenuity and erudition.

Is math really that important?

It is impossible to solve physical problems without mathematics. For example, you need to write an equation of motion, calculate the current with missing data through formulas in which you can insert the available parameters, transform the expression, calculate the probability, integrals, derivatives, and the like. Without such elementary knowledge, one can not even try to enter a physical specialty. Of course, a physicist can simply talk about the structure of the Earth, gravity and argue "what would happen if ...", but there are no such specialties where mathematics is not handed over, but only physics. These two sciences always go hand in hand. Even the Russian language with literature is needed everywhere during admission to study, for all specialties. Physics and mathematics are almost everywhere taken together at the entrance exams.

Inventors of electronics, radio engineering and machines

Undoubtedly, all devices and machines are designed by people who are well versed in physics and mathematics. First, such people study the theory, the structure of molecules, atoms, try to independently find similar or close to analogy elements, substances and experiment. Modern man creates new technology focusing on the old one. Little is produced from scratch. Before creating any complex thing, it must be depicted at least on paper, show all its elements, and then check. From there, the scientist learns that it is here that the transistor needs to be soldered, what substances it consists of, etc.

What specialties do you need physics to work with radio electronics, instrument maker, machine builder? It makes no sense to list all the existing ones, because the names are similar to those listed, but they will have, as it were, a "subsection". You need to choose technical universities. Who is interested in building computers, Cell Phones and laptops, who wants to learn how to invent new things, he can become a design engineer in the same areas mentioned above.

Combining physics with other sciences

Let's take as an example a vibroacoustic device with two transducers, which treats diseases of the joints, osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus and other diseases. Undoubtedly, you need to know biology and physics in order to create an ideal device for treatment. Most often, a physician and a physicist will work together in a laboratory, creating their own author's idea. Biophysics is also a science that can be studied by a scientist, physicist or biologist. It all depends on the interests and abilities of people. There are such specialties in medical universities.

Physics can also be applied in the acoustic and electromagnetic field: ultrasonic devices, infrasound, various electromagnetic emitters. It is worth recalling that equipment for creating a microclimate is also not created without knowledge of physical laws.

Still, what specialties do you need to take physics? In reference books for applicants to technical universities, pedagogical, MEPhI, Moscow State University. Lomonosov and other universities in Russia and abroad have all the information about what subjects you need to take. The choice is huge, it is important not to make a mistake and not regret it.