1 bit 1s toir. "1s:toir" as a tool for planning and carrying out maintenance and repairs. Maintenance of technological maps of repairs

  • 06.05.2020


- industry solution, created to automate the accounting of repairs and maintenance of equipment.
The solution "1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment" is intended for employees of the following departments:

  • Service chief mechanic,
  • Chief Power Engineer Service,
  • instrumentation,
  • metrology service,
  • Department of industrial safety, fire protection, ecology,
  • Department of Logistics technical support(supply),
  • Accounting,
  • APCS.

Main functionality programs
Solution "1C: Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance" includes the following main features:

Doing background information
Allows you to maintain the structure of enterprise funds in the form of a tree, starting from the enterprise itself, site, workshop, installation, equipment and node. This type of presentation provides maximum visibility of the entire structure of the company's assets and a convenient way to work with the system.

Maintenance of equipment passports
The equipment passport contains all the necessary information, including the ability to visualize technical documentation.
The system reflects organizational structure repair services of the enterprise. For example, the services of the chief mechanic, chief power engineer and metrologist. Direct executors of repairs and their categories are indicated. The availability of labor resources is determined by the entire volume of repair work, as well as the cost of labor resources. This information is important for the formation of the budget and control of its execution.

The system provides for the maintenance of standard repairs, schedules of hours of work, methods of performing repairs, types of repairs, units of measure (meters), measured indicators, warehouses, manufacturing plants, repair performers, types of defects, condition of equipment, materials.

Formation of a repair schedule
The repair schedule is formed on the basis of a given repair cycle, both for a piece of equipment and for an installation, section, or the entire enterprise.

Maintaining work orders
All work of the repair service is carried out according to work orders. Outfits are generated automatically, along with the entire necessary documentation for repair. The system allows you to track the performance of work on orders, take into account the performance of part of the work. The package of documents includes all requests for materials, which increases the efficiency of management.

Formation of the need for MTO
The solutions automatically generate a report on the need for logistics for the year, a planned schedule, as well as a schedule for each month, with the possibility of adjustment.

Optimization of repair costs
When scheduling repairs, equipment downtime for equipment complexes is automatically minimized, which reduces the cost of wasted time. Due to the convenience of analyzing the cost of equipment ownership ( purchase price, the cost of maintenance and downtime), you can choose the optimal equipment when purchasing. The greatest effect from the use of this software product is achieved when integrating with the standard configuration "1C: Management manufacturing plant 8. Instructions for integration are given in the book "1C: Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance. User's Guide" included in the package.

Use the program "1C: Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance" only possible with 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.1.11 and higher.

1C: Enterprise 8. MRO Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment "- an industry solution designed to automate the accounting of repairs and maintenance of equipment. The product "1C:TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment 2 KORP" is designed to organize a management system for repairs and maintenance of equipment at enterprises of various industries, incl. taking into account the requirements of the ISO 55000 asset management standard.

Main functionality of the program

Solution "1C: Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance" includes the following main features:

Maintaining reference information

Allows you to maintain the structure of enterprise funds in the form of a tree, starting from the enterprise itself, site, workshop, installation, equipment and node. This type of presentation provides maximum visibility of the entire structure of the company's assets and a convenient way to work with the system.

Maintenance of equipment passports

The equipment passport contains all the necessary information, including the ability to visualize technical documentation.

The system reflects the organizational structure of the repair services of the enterprise. For example, the services of the chief mechanic, chief power engineer and metrologist. Direct executors of repairs and their categories are indicated. The availability of labor resources is determined by the entire volume of repair work, as well as the cost of labor resources. This information is important for the formation of the budget and control of its execution.

The system provides for the maintenance of standard repairs, schedules of hours of work, methods of performing repairs, types of repairs, units of measure (meters), measured indicators, warehouses, manufacturing plants, repair performers, types of defects, condition of equipment, materials.

Formation of a repair schedule

The repair schedule is formed on the basis of a given repair cycle, both for a piece of equipment and for an installation, section, or the entire enterprise.

Maintaining work orders

All work of the repair service is carried out according to work orders. Orders are generated automatically, along with all the necessary documentation for repairs. The system allows you to track the performance of work on orders, take into account the performance of part of the work. The package of documents includes all requests for materials, which increases the efficiency of management.

Formation of the need for MTO

The solutions automatically generate a report on the need for logistics for the year, a planned schedule, as well as a schedule for each month, with the possibility of adjustment.

Optimization of repair costs

When scheduling repairs, equipment downtime for equipment complexes is automatically minimized, which reduces the cost of wasted time. Due to the convenience of analyzing the cost of equipment ownership (purchase price, maintenance and downtime costs), you can choose the optimal equipment when purchasing. The greatest effect from the use of this software product is achieved when integrated with the standard configuration "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". Integration instructions are given in the book "1C:Enterprise 8. Maintenance and Repair Management of Equipment Repairs and Maintenance. User's Guide", which is included in the package.

The cost of updates tariff Basic :


ITS Construction


ITS TECHNO DVD subscription for 6 months. 7854 rub
ITS TECHNO DVD subscription for 12 months. 15036 rub

ITS. Budget

8916 rub
17112 rub

ITS. PROF budget

ITS. Budget PROF DVD, 1 month subscription.4818 rub
ITS. Budget PROF subscription 3 months.9636 rub
ITS. Budget PROF DVD, 6 month subscription.18600 rub
ITS. Budget PROF DVD, subscription for 12 months.35592 rub


Tariff Prof

The cost of updates for this tariff:


ITS Construction

ITS. Budget

9 081 rub
ITS. Budget DVD, 6 month subscription. RUB 17,952
ITS. Budget DVD, 12 month subscription. 35 880 RUB


CORP tariff(for non-standard software products)

Upgrade cost:


ITS Construction

ITS. Budget-

ITS. Budget DVD, 3 month subscription 18 081 rub
ITS. Budget DVD, 6 month subscription. 35 952 rubles
ITS. Budget DVD, 12 month subscription. 71880 rub


"1C: TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment" - designed for specialists in the organization of repairs and maintenance industrial equipment, as well as for all departments that have any relation to asset management, repairs and maintenance.

Implementation of 1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance will allow:

  • management of the enterprise and managers to effectively plan and flexibly manage the resources of the enterprise to increase competitiveness;
  • heads of departments, managers and employees directly involved in production, marketing, supply and other activities, to increase productivity daily work in their areas;
  • repair service workers to maintain an archive of all regulatory and technical documentation, calculate work schedules, issue repair work orders, keep records of repair work;
  • employees of accounting services of the enterprise to keep records in full compliance with the requirements of the legislation and corporate standards of the enterprise.

"1C: TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment" can be used both at individual enterprises and in production holdings to ensure the unification of production and regulated accounting for repairs.

Program features

  • Maintaining a list of equipment
  • Maintenance of directories: types of defects, types of work schedules, repair groups, repair flow charts, equipment passport, repair object
  • Repair planning
  • Accounting for work performed: maintenance of equipment, accounting for equipment inspections, calculation of the need for MTO, budgeting for repairs and maintenance, control of labor costs, personnel planning
  • Integration with accounting

Contents of delivery

The delivery set "1C:TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment" includes:

  • platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3";
  • application solution (configuration) "1C: TOIR Management of equipment repairs and maintenance";
  • set of documentation;
  • registration card and license agreement for the use of the software product at one workplace;
  • envelope with software protection pincodes;
  • the current release of information technology support (ITS) and free access to the materials of the 1C: ITS portal for 3 months;
  • PIN code for registering the product on the user support site;
  • postal envelope for sending the registration form.


Together with the program "1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment", we offer services that will help you fully unlock the potential inherent in the program and use it as efficiently as possible.

"1C TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment"- an industry solution based on 1C Enterprise, designed to automate the accounting of repairs and Maintenance equipment. We can install the 1C TOIR program remotely! Article 4601546050229

A powerful contingent of professionals working for you!

1. own design department. 30 1C programmers are ready to modify the program to suit your needs! 2. Service engineers are always ready to check out for current updates. 3. Demonstrators will come and demonstrate the program for free! 4. The head of the office personally controls the projects!

The solution "1C Enterprise 8. MRO Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment" is intended for:

  • Chief Mechanic Service,
  • Chief Power Engineer Service,
  • instrumentation,
  • metrology service,
  • Department of industrial safety, fire protection, ecology,
  • Department of Logistics (Supply),
  • Accounting,
  • APCS.

Solution "1C: TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment" designed to perform the following functions:

Maintaining reference information
1C TOIR allows you to maintain the structure of enterprise funds in the form of a tree, starting from the enterprise itself, site, workshop, installation, equipment and unit. This structure provides maximum visibility of the company's assets and is convenient for working with the system.

Maintenance of equipment passports
The equipment passport in the 1C: Enterprise 8 MRO program contains all the necessary information, up to the visualization of those. documentation.
In the system, you can see the structure of all repair services of the enterprise. For example, services of the chief mechanic, chief power engineer and metrologist. In each event, you can observe the performers of repairs and their ranks. The availability of labor resources is determined by the entire volume of repair work, as well as the cost of labor resources. This information is important for the formation of the budget and control of its execution.

The system provides for the maintenance of standard repairs, schedules of hours of work, methods of performing repairs, types of repairs, units of measure (meters), measured indicators, warehouses, manufacturing plants, repair performers, types of defects, condition of equipment, materials.

Formation of a repair schedule
The repair schedule is formed on the basis of a given repair cycle, both for a piece of equipment and for an installation, section, or the entire enterprise.

Maintaining work orders
All work of the repair service is carried out according to work orders. Orders are generated automatically, along with all the necessary documentation for repairs. The system allows you to track the performance of work on orders, take into account the performance of part of the work. The package of documents includes all requests for materials, which increases the efficiency of management.

Formation of the need for MTO
The solutions automatically generate a report on the need for logistics for the year, a planned schedule, as well as a schedule for each month, with the possibility of adjustment.

Optimization of repair costs
When scheduling repairs, equipment downtime for equipment complexes is automatically minimized, which reduces the cost of wasted time. Due to the convenience of analyzing the cost of equipment ownership (purchase price, maintenance and downtime costs), you can choose the optimal equipment when purchasing. The greatest effect from the use of this software product is achieved when integrated with the standard configuration "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". Integration instructions are given in the book "1C:Enterprise 8. Maintenance and Repair Management of Equipment Repairs and Maintenance. User's Guide", which is included in the package.

Use the program "1C: Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance" only possible with 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.1.11 and higher.

Program 1C: TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment 8 provides a number of opportunities for effective increase the performance of the work of various services of the enterprise and can provide:

  • the management and management staff of the enterprise responsible for the development and expansion of the business, the possibility of analyzing, planning and mobile management of all the resources of this enterprise, which is necessary to increase the level of competitiveness, is also provided with full transparency of all production assets;
  • for managers, heads of departments and employees involved in the direct processes of conducting production activities, as well as marketing, supplying and providing other production processes, gives the appropriate tools to improve the efficiency of the daily plan in accordance with a given direction;
  • for repair service workers, it provides the ability to use the product as the basis for work management, for maintaining an archive of regulatory and technical documentation, calculating work schedules, as well as for registering records and work orders for repair work;
  • for employees of accounting services at the enterprise, the program provides the means of accounting in automatic mode in accordance with the requirements of legislative and corporate standards of the enterprise.

The 1C:TOIR program Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment is easily applied to individual enterprises and in entire holding systems of enterprises, to ensure unification of production and regulated accounting of repairs. To develop the program 1C: Enterprise 8. TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment, methods of modern international classes were used, as well as the use of management methods EAM, CMMS, MRP II, CRM, SCM, ERP, etc., and the accumulated experience of successful options for automating the company's production "1C", with the corresponding partner community.

Maintaining a list of equipment

Buy 1C: TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment 8 is rational for the purposes of maintaining equipment lists. The program uses a directory of repair objects. It is made in the form of a tree of arbitrary structure. Here, all elements of the production and technological structure of the enterprise are displayed, up to the names and pieces of equipment that require repair and scheduled accounting. The elements of the tree also include objects of repair and maintenance, and each of them is presented with the relevant information and passport data of the objects of repair. Prices for the program vary within 72 thousand rubles.

System directories

The opportunity to buy 1C in Moscow can be done via the Internet. The program uses the following types of directories in its work:

  • Types of defects. It is intended for a bank of lists of probable types of defects in the equipment used at a given enterprise. With the help of such a reference book, an additional classification of defects of different repair objects of the same type is easily carried out.
  • Type of work schedule. This directory contains all the work schedules of the enterprise and information on the required amount of working time spent according to days or shifts. The parameters of such charts are specified in the Assistant system for filling in the chart. It allows you to set general parameters and, based on them, automatically fill in work schedules for the next year. Also, charts can be created according to the attached templates or manually using the settings.
  • Directory of repair groups of repair objects. It is intended for simplified input of information on the standards of repair work for each facility of the enterprise with similar standards for maintenance and repair. These groups are used for simplified input of information with regulatory data for each repair object and in order to minimize the size of the system database.
  • Cards of technological repairs. These cards display a list of all technological operations enterprises indicating the logistics and repair regulations. The relevant details for each technological operation are drawn up. This includes logistics, taking into account labor resources, as well as RD and related Instructions for regulating this repair.
  • Equipment passports. Each object of the proposed repair must be accompanied by the following basic passport data: the name of the manufacturer, date of issue, passport number, serial number, as well as technological and inventory numbers.
  • Repair objects. Each repair object in the program has the ability to save complete information about all repairs carried out with the specified technical specifications object. It also provides for keeping records of all benchmarks of existing equipment. A log of the operating time of all pieces of equipment is maintained. Each piece of equipment has its own operating time values ​​entered into the system by a responsible employee. The number of operating time types for each individual object is not limited.

Repair planning

To maintain PPR schedules, a list of PPR schedules is intended. When entering the PPR schedule in the system, you must specify the following basic data:

  • the date of the schedule;
  • the period for which it is necessary to draw up a schedule;
  • the organization for which the schedule is drawn up;
  • the department for which the schedule is being drawn up;
  • a list of repair objects for which it is necessary to draw up a schedule;
  • a list of types of maintenance and repairs for each repair object that must be included in the schedule.

For the convenience of the user, the system has the ability to automatically select a group of repair objects.

Operational planning of repair work in the system is carried out in the form of repair requests, which can include only the required materials and operations approved in the specifications and technological maps. When creating requests, planned costs are automatically determined, and when taking into account the progress of repairs, materials and labor costs are written off for a specific repair.

An order can be triggered by one of the following events:

  • Identified equipment defect - in this case, an application for unscheduled repairs will be generated.
  • The date of the scheduled repair according to the PPR schedule - in this case, an application for scheduled repairs will be generated.

On the basis of the generated requests for repairs, orders for the performance of repair work are formed. The outfit is issued to the performers (worker, team) before the start of work. The order is filled in automatically based on the information specified in the application, and contains the following information:

  • list of repairs and their technological operations;
  • turnaround time;
  • list of maintenance personnel and their qualifications;
  • rates;
  • forms of payment.

Accounting for work performed in the system is carried out by generating acts of work performed. The act of work performed is formed on the basis of the order. After entering and carrying out the act of completed work, the costs of MTO and labor costs can be written off.

  • Maintenance of the equipment: Maintenance is understood as the work carried out without stopping the equipment, the work performed by the operating personnel. Usually these are works included in TO 0, keeping a log of equipment inspections, entering meter readings.
  • Accounting for equipment inspections: The system provides for the possibility of automatic compilation of inspection plans. All defects found during the inspections: malfunctions in the operation of equipment, deviations from the normal state of the equipment, including those that do not require immediate shutdown to eliminate them, must be recorded by the operating personnel in the Defect Log.
  • Calculation of the need for MTO: To determine the need for spare parts, materials and tools for the required period, the system must generate PPR schedules for this period. Based on information about the planned regulatory maintenance and repairs, the system automatically calculates the need for spare parts, materials and tools. Information about the need for MTO is displayed in the report "MTO Plan".
  • Metrology: maintenance of measuring instruments: All repairs and verification of measuring instruments are reflected in the system similarly to the described repairs. To keep records of the values ​​of controlled indicators of equipment, the document "Accounting of controlled indicators" is intended.
  • Formation of the budget for repairs and maintenance: The system provides the possibility of forming budgets for maintenance and repairs and cost accounting. The cost amounts are displayed in the report "Direct costs for repairs".
  • MTO cost control: To control the costs of MTO, the report "Plan-factual analysis of MTO costs" is intended.
  • Labor control: To control the cost of labor resources the report "Plan-factual analysis of labor costs" is intended.
  • Personnel planning: Information about the planned need for personnel is displayed in the report "Planned employment of employees for repair work". When the system is operating as part of 1C: SCP, all the possibilities of personnel management are available.

Information for accounting

  • Connection with accounting for fixed assets: When the system is operating as part of 1C: SCP, if the repair object is a fixed asset, you must specify this in the system in order to be able to account for fixed assets.
  • Integration with accounting: Into the system accounting documents are transferred to reflect the fact of repair in accounting.

A single information environment is the basis of the EAM system

The greatest effect from the use of this software product is achieved when integrating with the standard configuration "Production Enterprise Management" ("1C: SCP"). Integration instructions are given in the book "1C: TOIR User Guide", included in the delivery.