Upgrade programs "1C. Upgrade programs "1C Upgrade for industry solutions

  • 06.05.2020

My office is not located in Moscow. Is it possible to order remote service "1C"?

1C service can be performed both on-site and remotely. In addition, 1C remote maintenance will save time and solve your problem faster. You do not have to wait for the arrival of a specialist. It is enough to call us, and the programmer will immediately begin to perform your tasks.

Why should I choose 1C service in your company?

1C-Business Architect is one of the top three leaders of the 1C partner network. We work according to SLA (Service Level Agreement) and have ISO 9001:2015 quality system certificate. The company has the status of "Escort Center", which confirms the high level of all services. We have more than 400 employees in our staff. We have enough resources to provide a quick response to all emerging issues within the framework of the 1C service.

Everything works stably. Why do I need 1C service?

Service "1C" is a guarantee of reliability and ease of use of programs. If you carry out diagnostics in a timely manner, update files and configurations, and make changes correctly, the program will function smoothly even with large amounts of data. Also, 1C service allows you to reduce the company's costs. The 1C service is provided at an acceptable, low cost.

I am already working with another company, but I want to try the 1C service with you. Is it possible?

If you cooperate with another IT company, we can approach you as a backup supplier to insure you against possible force majeure circumstances.

I need the development of an additional module in 1C. Can you do this?

The 1C service includes a service for the development or refinement of 1C programs for individual tasks. Specialists will study the specific business processes of your company, draw up a detailed technical task and agree on a work plan, cost and timing.

How to properly upgrade 1C? How to calculate the cost of an upgrade?

All licensed users of 1C products can switch to more modern versions of 1C or switch to products with a large number of jobs at a discount, this is called an "upgrade".

General rules according to which PP 1C upgrades are carried out:

  • In the general case, the transition of products is carried out from the version of the same name to the one of the same name (for example, from 1C: Accounting 7.7 to 1C: Accounting 8, from 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 to 1C: Trade Management 8, from 1C: Accounting 8 to 1C: Accounting 8. Set for 5 users, etc.). To find out exactly whether it is possible to upgrade from product "Y" to product "X", find the 1C information letter about the release of product "X" for sale.
  • From July 1, 2008, you can upgrade from 1C:Enterprise 7.7 products only to 1C:Enterprise 8 versions.
  • The cost of upgrades is calculated according to the formula: the cost of purchased software - the cost of rented software + 150 rubles, but not less than 1/2 of the cost of purchased software.

ADVICE: If you doubt the correctness of the calculation of the cost of the upgrade or doubt whether it is possible to switch from product "X" to product "Y", then you can simply fill out application for an upgrade on the site 1C(the algorithm is described below) without saving it. By changing the data in the application and recalculating prices, you can see how the upgrade price changes, for example, when adding client licenses, a server license, etc. Also, in the application, when choosing product "X" in the "Main supply" field, only those products from which you can upgrade to product "X" will be displayed in the drop-down list in the "Main product" field.

You can also use.

Shipment to partners of all upgrades 1C: Enterprise is carried out only on the basis of an electronic application, which the partner must fill out in the section technical support partners on tech website. support Purchase requests New1C:Enterprise 8 Upgrade.

All required fields must be filled in the application:

Main supply choose the product to buy

Main item select the product from which the upgrade is carried out, indicate its registration number

Distributor ASP company (by default, if you did not specify a distributor, then you must pick up the products by self-delivery from the 1C warehouse in Moscow)

Add. licenses if purchased simultaneously with the main supply additional licenses for workstations or a server, be sure to indicate this on this tab, for this you need to put their number in the line "number of licenses to be purchased" and check the boxes if you need a server license or joint licenses 1C + MS SQL; to recalculate the upgrade price when making changes, click the button "Recalculate amounts"

Client Information be sure to fill in all the fields in bold

Attached files be sure to attach to the application a file with a scanned user part of the registration form or with a scanned letter from the client asking for an upgrade "without submitting a registration form"

Comments leave your comments if necessary (for example, an incomplete upgrade)

ATTENTION! If you need to upgrade to purchase a product with a hardware security key, you must submit an application in the sectionLegacy programs and programs withUSB :

Purchase requestsNewUSB Programs of previous versions and programs withUSB Upgrade. Along with the registration form, it is necessary to attach to the application a scanned application from the client for the purchase of software with a hardware security key.

Applications for upgrades are considered by 1C within 1 business day. The presence of the registration form in the 1C database and the compliance of the user data in the upgrade request with the user data specified during the registration of the software product are checked.

If the product is purchased by a partner on an "additional payment" basis, the partner will be invoiced for the additional payment within one business day. Permission for shipment is given after receipt of payment on this account to the company "1C".

You can find out more about the conditions for purchasing 1C:Enterprise 8 products here:

Shipment to partners of the software product on the terms of the upgrade can be carried out from the warehouse of the distributor immediately after receiving the electronic permission.

According to the registration number of the product handed over for the upgrade, the consulting and technical support of the 1C company is terminated.

Incomplete upgrade:

If the client has lost the registration form, then it is possible to upgrade "without submitting the registration form". To do this, it is necessary that the client write a letter with a request to upgrade without submitting a registration form (addressed to 1C, in free form, indicate the reason in the letter, for example, the profile was lost during the move; signature, seal of the client is required). The scan of the letter must be attached to the application in the Attached files tab (instead of the scan of the registration form). In the Comments in the application, please note to the employees of the company "1C" that you are asking for an upgrade without submitting a registration form.

An application for an incomplete upgrade is considered by 1C up to 3 business days.

This method is suitable if the software product is registered to the client. If the program is not registered or registered for another user, you must first register / re-register, see the algorithm -

Please note that if the information that reg. the questionnaire was lost was not indicated at the beginning at the stage of registration of the application, after the shipment of the goods, this data cannot be changed!

Cancellation of a deal:

If, for any reason, after the upgrade was shipped, the transaction between the partner and the user did not take place, it is necessary to send to the address [email protected] notice letter. The partner will be invoiced for additional payment up to full cost software product. After payment of this invoice, the pre-registration of the new software product and the termination of the consulting and technical support of the software product handed over as an upgrade will be canceled. Subsequently, the new software product may be sold to another user.

Return of the upgrade kit:

Within 45 days from the date of shipment of the software product under the terms of the upgrade, the partner must transfer the upgrade kit to the distributor. The deadline is set automatically at the moment the distributor marks the fact of shipment. To return upgrade kits, please useaccompanying form (statement for the delivery of upgrades to the distributor).

You can always check your debts for the delivery of upgrade kits yourself, each application indicates:

  • state of debt
  • number of days left until the return date
  • return control date
  • return date
  • returnable parts

The upgrade kit, which you need to pick up from the customer and hand over to us, includes:

  • the user part of the registration form and the license agreement for the software product to be handed over (if provided)
  • security key (in cases where the upgrade is made within one version, for example, an upgrade from Accounting 8 to Accounting 8. Set for 5 users)
  • the user part of the registration form and copies of licenses for Microsoft SQL (server and client licenses) in case of an upgrade from a joint product 1C:Enterprise + MS SQL server

ADVICE: In the upgrade request, you can always see exactly what needs to be taken from the client and returned to the distributor for each specific upgrade. The Returned Parts table lists the entire kit that must be collected from the customer and returned to the distributor.

Please use reliable shipping methods to send the upgrade kits, it is the partner's responsibility to return the upgrade kits to the distributor.

Also, if for some significant reason you cannot return the upgrade on time, you can extend the period for returning the upgrade kit. To do this, you need to draw up an official letter from the partner with a request to extend the return period (addressed to 1C, in any form, indicate in the letter the specific return period and the reason why you cannot return the upgrade on time), send the scan of the letter to [email protected] , in the subject of the letter indicate the number of the request for the upgrade. Please use this method in case of emergency.

Correction of applications:

We turn Special attention the need to verify the registration numbers specified in the upgrade requests and shipped to end users.

ATTENTION: At the time of shipment of the software product under the terms of the upgrade it is pre-registered for the end user which you indicated in the application. Upon receipt of questionnaires software products purchased under the terms of the upgrade, the user data in the sent copy will be verified with the user data specified in the electronic application for the upgrade. Sale to another end user can be carried out only with the consent of the company "1C".

For the convenience of our partners, when shipping upgrades from the warehouse of the ASP distributor, the invoices (acts for the transfer of rights) must indicate: the name of the software product, then in brackets its registration number and approval number.

In the event that 1C receives a registration form with other data or otherwise detects a discrepancy between the registration number of the program specified in the application and the registration number shipped to the end user, a request will be sent to the partner to clarify the circumstances. The partner must provide comprehensive information about which particular software product (registration number) was shipped under the terms of the upgrade, and send a copy of the questionnaire filled out for the end user, if the questionnaire was not sent to 1C earlier. The partner will be billed, the amount of the bill will depend on the number of applications in which changes will be made. The cost of changing data for one application is 300 rubles. If the partner fails to provide the registration number of the program shipped under the terms of the upgrade, the partner will be billed for an additional payment up to the full cost of the software product. In the event of a recurrence of the situation, the amount of the surcharge can be doubled.

We will help you fulfill updating licenses 1C . You can exchange licenses with software protection for hardware (USB key), or for the same type of licenses with an increase in the number of users.

is a replacement for your current 1C licenses for a new set. For example, you have a set of licenses with software protection, for 20 users - 2 pieces, and for 10 users - 1 piece. You can exchange existing 1C licenses for 1 hardware protection key for 50 users, or with an increase in jobs, for example, for 100 users.

Have questions? We will call you back in less than 30 seconds:

Request a call.

License upgrade (exchange) cost calculator.

For getting individual conditions for upgrading 1C licenses, order offer (KP). In the CP, we will indicate the exact cost of the service, as well as additional bonuses that you will receive when cooperating with us. To order a CP, use the form below, leave a request for a call, or write to us in the chat.

The preliminary cost of the license exchange will be sent to you by mail.

Rules and procedure for upgrades PP 1C

Rules and procedure for upgrades PP 1C

This information is intended for dealers and franchisees of "1C".
Information for users to be
The conditions and procedure for upgrades are an integral part of the sales technology. It is important for partners to know the upgrade rules in order to optimize both their own financial costs and user investments in 1C software. This section contains only general rules and order of the upgrade procedure. More detailed information if possible, and features of the upgrade of specific software products are published in Information Letters on the release of these products (for example, No. 3524, No. 2329, No. 3569, No. 9966, No. 11151).

Starting from July 1, 2008, it is not possible to upgrade to 1C:Enterprise 7.7 programs! (see information letter no. 8405 ).
Products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 line can only be purchased at full price.

Upgrades allow users the option of a preferential upgrade:

When upgrading 1C programs, partners must follow the following rules:

  • The upgrade is carried out only through dealers and franchisee partners who fulfill the terms of the franchise agreement (DCC), pay franchise fees in a timely manner, do not have any outstanding financial obligations and overdue debts to 1C Firm and distributors (including debts for the return of upgrade kits) .
  • The upgrade is carried out on the basis of an electronic application issued by the partner in the technical support section of the partners of the 1C website on the "Application requests" tab http://partweb.1c.ru/PartnerSupport/SaleRequestList.aspx .
  • The upgrade price for products of the 1C:Enterprise program system is determined as the difference in prices according to the current price list between the purchased and leased versions, plus 150 rubles, but not less than 50% of the price of the purchased version. The upgrade is subject to a discount corresponding to the partner status.
  • When upgrading, the rule of succession usually applies - in the program purchased on the basis of upgrade rights, functionality version (for example, it is possible to switch from "1C: Accounting 7.7" to "1C: Accounting 8", to "1C: Enterprise 8. A set of applied solutions" or to "1C: Management manufacturing plant", but at the same time, an upgrade from "1C: Accounting 7.7" to "1C: Trade Management 8" or "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" is not allowed, because these programs do not implement accounting functions).
  • An upgrade can only be carried out from one software product to one. Upgrading from two products to one is not allowed.
  • Upgrade (and related discounts when purchasing a new program) from this program package can be made only once.
  • An upgrade of a software product to exactly the same one (for example, in order to purchase additional bindings) is not performed.
  • Upgrade-related discounts mean the loss of the user's rights to consult, receive reporting forms and update the submitted program, including a free subscription to the ITS disk, if it was part of the delivered kit (for example, “Complex delivery”, “Kit for a small company”).
  • During the upgrade, the user should not experience pauses in work (i.e., the upgrade should not lead to a situation where the user is no longer available to the "old" program, and he still cannot use the new one). That is why when upgrading from "1C: Accounting 7.7" to "1C: Accounting 8.*", only the registration form is submitted, and the user retains the security key and the user has the opportunity to run both the new and the old version (for example, while mastering the capabilities new program, to end the reporting period or to view documents from previous periods).
  • Upgrade to 1C products from products of competing companies is not performed.

Upgrade to the programs of the system "1C:Enterprise 8.*"

AT this moment to the main programs of the 1C:Enterprise 8.* system, the following transition options are possible:

  • On the " 1C: Accounting 8.*" - it is possible to switch from all versions of 1C: Accounting (with the exception of "bundles"), as well as from all versions of the program "1C: Payment Documents" (information letter No. 3524).
  • On the " 1С:Enterprise 8.*. Trade management"- it is possible to switch from software products of the "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.0", "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.5", "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7" lines (except for "bundles"), "1C: Aspect 7.7" (information letter No. 2329).
  • On the " 1C: Salary and Human Resources 8.*" - it is possible to switch from all versions of the products "1C: Salary", "1C: Salary and Personnel" (with the exception of "bundles"), as well as from all versions of the products "1C: Taxpayer" (information letter No. 3569).
  • On the " 1C: Complex automation 8" an upgrade is provided from all deliveries of "1C: Enterprise" versions 7.5 and 7.7 (with the exception of "bundles"), from all versions of "1C: Accounting 8.*", "1C: Trade Management 8.*", "1C: Salary and Personnel management 8.*", "1C: Taxpayer 8.*", as well as from earlier programs of the 1C company designed for automation economic activity(information letter No. 9966).
  • Ability to upgrade to other programs of the system "1C:Enterprise 8" see the description of the specific software product.

If, in addition to the main delivery of the 1C:Enterprise program, additional client licenses are purchased, the upgrade cost is calculated based on the total cost of the purchased set of products, that is, the discount is made not for one product, but for the entire purchased set.
The price of an upgrade for a set of the main distribution of the 1C:Enterprise 8 program and additional licenses is determined as the difference in prices according to the current price list between the total cost of purchased products and the leased version, plus 150 rubles, but not less than 50% of the price of the purchased set. A discount corresponding to the status of a partner also applies to such an upgrade.
This rule does not apply to cases of purchasing multi-user kits (for example: "1C: Accounting 8. Kit for 5 users" 4601546041678, "1C: Accounting 8 PROF for 5 users. Delivery for retail distribution" 4601546049032, "1C: Enterprise 8. Kit of applied solutions for 5 users" 4601546042903, "1C: Integrated automation 8 for 10 users + client-server" 4601546063847, "1C: Enterprise 8. Manufacturing enterprise management for 10 users + client-server" 4601546042095.)
When upgrading to such products, the discount is provided only for the kits themselves, and additional licenses are purchased at full price.

Upgrade to industry solutions replicated by 1C and other products, the upgrade of which differs from the general rule

There are a number of products in the 1C program line, the upgrade of which may differ from the standard rules.

  • When upgrading to multi-user kits (for example: "1C: Accounting 8. Kit for 5 users" 4601546041678, "1C:Enterprise 8. A set of applied solutions for 5 users" 4601546042903, "1C: Integrated automation 8 for 10 users + client-server" 4601546063847,"1C:Enterprise 8. Production enterprise management for 10 users + client-server" 4601546042095), discount is provided only for the kits themselves, and additional licenses are purchased at full cost.
  • Upgrades for industry solutions replicated by 1C, various configurations supplied as a separate product, and upgrades for a number of basic versions are often not provided or may differ from general rules. We recommend that you carefully read the information letters on the relevant product and follow the rules set out in these letters, because. upgrade questions for each product may vary.
  • Software products marked "NFR" (not for resale) in their title. The procedure for upgrading such kits is different for different software products and is set out in the description of the products. Conditions for upgrading NFR-versions of products of partner companies can be obtained from the developer companies.
  • Joint products, which additionally include products of other companies (for example, these include "Joint products of 1C and Microsoft"). Please note that partner discounts may differ from the standard scale of discounts for 1C products. See information letter No. 11157 for details.
  • Upgrades made under special agreements (“On the use of software products in the educational process in higher and secondary educational institutions” and “On the creation of an authorized training center firm 1C"). For all questions related to the upgrade of software products purchased under these agreements, please contact the Partner Relations and Franchise Network Development Department at [email protected].
  • The rules for preferential upgrades that were temporarily in effect in accordance with information letters No. , , , are not currently in effect.
  • There are a number of products that cannot be purchased under the terms of an upgrade, and also cannot be handed over for an upgrade.

Shipment to partners of all software products of the 1C: Enterprise system, including 1C-Jointly solutions, on the terms of an upgrade is carried out on the basis of an electronic application, which must be filled in the technical support section of the partners of the 1C website on the "Application requests" tab http://partweb.1c. en/PartnerSupport/SaleRequestList.aspx .
New >> 1C:Enterprise 8 >> Upgrade
We draw your attention to partners that from September 30, 2011, the main software 1C for self-supporting organizations, as well as all client and server licenses are supplied with software licensesWITHOUT USB dongles (!). These software productsclient and server licenses with USB keys are removed from the 1C price list, but are still available "on order". Applications for upgrades for programs with USB keys are issued in the section:
New >> Legacy and USB software >> Upgrade
We draw the attention of partners and ask you to fill out applications for an upgrade very carefully: main delivery option PP 1C for self-supporting organizations, client and server licenses is the supply with software protection
, URL http://www.1c.ru/news/info.jsp?id=14160

An application for an upgrade is considered by 1C within one business day. The presence of the registration form in the database of the 1C technical support department and the compliance of the user data in the upgrade request with the user data in the registration form of the software product are checked.
Shipment to partners of the software product on the terms of the upgrade can be carried out immediately after receiving an electronic permit, both from the warehouse of the 1C company and from the warehouse of the distributor.
Within 45 calendar days after the shipment of the software product on the terms of the upgrade, the partner must transfer the upgrade kit to 1C (if the upgrade was purchased directly from 1C) or within 30 days to the distributor who shipped (if the shipment was carried out through a distributor) .

Upgrade kit includes
The 1C company imposes a number of requirements on the completeness of software products handed over for an upgrade:

  • The user part of the registration form and the license agreement (if provided) of the software product and the security key (in cases where the upgrade is made within one version, for example, an upgrade from "1C: Accounting 8" to "1C: Accounting 8 set for 5 users" ). When upgrading to software products of the "1C:Enterprise 8.*" line from previous versions of programs (1C:Enterprise 7.7, 7.5, 6.0, 2.0), only the user half of the registration form is submitted. Distributions, security keys, and documentation remain with users, while it is not allowed to transfer materials from previous versions of 1C:Enterprise to other persons and organizations;
  • The user part of the registration form and copies of licenses for Microsoft SQL (a server license for MS SQL Server as part of the 1C:Enterprise + MS SQL programs and a license for client access to MS SQL Server as part of the 1C:Enterprise + MS SQL programs for 5 users) in case of an upgrade from a joint product 1C:Enterprise + MS SQL Server;
  • The user part of the registration form for other upgrade options.

At the time of shipment of the software product on the terms of the upgrade, its preliminary end user registration specified in the application. Thus, the software product for which the upgrade discount was received can be sold only to the client indicated in the application. Sale to another end user can be carried out only with the consent of the company "1C" and entails imposition of penalties by Firm "1C"(the procedure is described below). Based on the shipment of the application, a note is made about the termination of consulting and technical support according to the registration number of the software product handed over for the upgrade.

The forwarded upgrade kit is the basis for providing an upgrade discount, therefore we strongly recommend that partners use such methods of transferring and sending the upgrade kit, which ensure timely and reliable delivery.
The process of transferring or shipping an upgrade kit is
Problems that arose due to the loss by the client of keys or halves of registration forms, improper registration in 1C, late delivery or loss of the kit during shipment are NOT the basis to cancel the request for its return.
We recommend that partners, in order to avoid conflict situations, when handing over the upgrade kits to the distributor, fill out the statement in accordance with the form given in information letter No. 6808 , and require it signed by an employee of the distributor who accepted the upgrade kit.

The procedure for purchasing upgrades by electronic application through a distributor

Step one. Partner generates and sends electronic application for an upgrade, while in the application itself on the "Attachments" tab, you must attach a file with the scanned user part of the registration form:
. the right part of the registration form for software products version 7.x and below
the right part of the registration form and copies of licenses for Microsoft SQL (server and client licenses) in case of an upgrade from a joint product 1C:Enterprise + MS SQL Server
the left part of the registration form, including the license agreement, for version 8 software products.
Step two. The application is being considered by 1C. In case of a positive decision, permission to upgrade is sent to the partner and distributor. In case of a negative decision, a reasoned refusal is sent to the partner.
Step three. Shipment is carried out to the partner from the warehouse of the distributor on the terms applicable to this partner. The distributor in the application for an upgrade fixes the registration number of the shipped product.
Step four. The partner returns the upgrade kit to the distributor no later than the deadline specified in the application. The method of transferring the upgrade kit is discussed with the distributor.
Step five. The distributor, at the time of receiving the upgrade kit, makes a note in the application about the return. From that moment on, the debt for the upgrade kit passes to the distributor.

We draw your attention to partners that since September 30, 2011 all (!) client and server licenses are supplied with software licensesWITHOUT USB dongles (!). Client and server licenses with USB keys are removed from the 1C price list, but they can be purchased by filling out an application correctly.
We draw the attention of partners and ask you to fill out applications for an upgrade very carefully, because. main delivery option client and server licenses is the supply with software protection, licenses with hardware protection in the name contain the clarification "(USB)", and licenses with software protection do not contain any clarification in the name!
Learn more about switching to software protection in Information for users and partners No. 14160 dated 09/30/2011 , URL http://www.1c.ru/news/info.jsp?id=14160

An upgrade of additional client licenses (with an increase in the number of users) with both software and hardware protection is issued in the section:
New >> 1C:Enterprise 8: Exchange of additional licenses >> Acquisition

An upgrade to a server license with software protection is issued in the section:
New >> 1C:Enterprise 8 >> Upgrade

An upgrade to a server license with hardware protection (with a USB key) is issued in the section:
New >> Legacy and USB software >> Upgrade

An application for replacing software licenses with USB hardware keys FROM BASIC SUPPLY is made in the section:
New >> Replacing Security Keys
This procedure is not provided for all major deliveries of 1C software products. The full list can be seen in the application at checkout.

An application for replacing software licenses with USB hardware keys from additional client licenses is made in the section:
New >> 1C:Enterprise 8: Exchange of additional licenses >> Get free
A scanned application of the user is attached to the application, indicating the reason for refusing to use software protection and the obligation not to use the received software license. Shipped products with hardware keys are made individually and contain the required hardware key (or set of keys) and a printed application. Software protection pincodes remain with the user, but after performing a replacement for a software product in which software protection has been replaced by a hardware key, activation of software licenses will not be possible. In addition, in the future NOT provided (!) Possibility of reverse recovery of software protection. Therefore, we ask users and partners to make a responsible decision about changing the protection of the product from software to hardware. For more details, see Info letter 13823 in the closed technical support area http://www.1c.ru/rus/partners/priv/info-private.jsp?numb=13823

The exchange of licenses, as well as all services for users of software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8.* system, is carried out only for ITS subscribers. Partners can check their ITS subscription without contacting 1C on the 1C:Enterprise 8.* user support website on the administrator's page from the franchisee. The entrance to this page is carried out at http://users.v8.1c.ru/AuthorizeAdmin.aspx , after authorization, select the "Check for an ITS subscription" item in the vertical menu of the site page.

Rules for the exchange of additional licenses

  1. Additional client licenses (keys) of the 1C:Enterprise 8.* system registered with 1C are subject to exchange. If several keys are rented for an upgrade, then all of them must be registered for one user.
    We draw the attention of partners to the fact that in order to reduce the volume of correspondence, it is advisable to make sure in advance that the corresponding halves of the registration forms of the main delivery and additional licenses are registered with 1C for one user.
  2. The exchange procedure is carried out only for customers who have active subscription on ITS.
  3. Upgrade NOT subject to licenses (keys) for the main distributions, as well as those included in special bundled distributions of the form "10 users + client-server" or "20 users + MS SQL".
  4. The total number of workplaces of licenses to be handed over must be less than or equal to the total number of workplaces of purchased licenses.
  5. total cost upgrade procedure is calculated by the formula:
    Upgrade cost = Cost of acquired licenses - Offset cost of licenses to be handed over.
    The cost of purchased licenses is calculated by adding the cost of purchased products according to the price list of the 1C company.
    The set-off value of leased licenses (in end-user prices) is determined by the total number of jobs provided by the leased licenses, and is taken from the table given in the Appendix to the information letter for users and partners No. 9844 dated 16.03.2009.

Regulations for the exchange of additional licenses
For the upgrade, the distributor has two exchange keys (additional exchange keys may be sold to a distributor if partners submit a large number of requests for license upgrades through this distributor; if an upgrade request for a 100-user license is received, the distributor will be sold an exchange key for 100 users).
The distributor is responsible for the safety and legitimacy of using the "exchange key" to 1C.

  1. A franchisee who wants to upgrade additional licenses for a client fills out an application on the 1C website at http://www.1c.ru/rus/partners/priv/v8-keys/ , where he indicates:
    • Client's name and contact information;
    • Registration number and name of the main delivery;
    • Registration numbers of surrendered additional licenses;
    • Registration numbers of all products available to the client, which are subscribed to the ITS;
    • List of purchased additional licenses;
    • Distributor through which the procedure will be carried out. Please note that the exchange of licenses is carried out only through distributors. The choice of a specific distributor will be possible only after the exchange keys are shipped to him.
    • When choosing a distributor from the list, the number of free exchange keys from this distributor at the time of application will be displayed.
  2. The entered data and the fact of the client's subscription to the ITS are checked by 1C within one working day, and permission to start the upgrade procedure or a reasoned refusal is sent to the partner and distributor.
  3. Actions in case of rejection:
    • If the partner receives a message that the product(s) are not registered, it is necessary to send an electronic copy of the registration form to the consultation line and report it to the address [email protected]
    • If the partner receives a message stating that the user has not subscribed to the ITS, it is necessary to subscribe to the ITS and report it to [email protected]. In this case, you do not need to reapply.
    • If the registration numbers of products are incorrectly indicated in the application, then the application with the corrected data must be submitted again.
  4. The partner may require an "exchange key" for the upgrade so that the client's enterprise does not stop work information system during the upgrade process. An exchange key for upgrading can be obtained by a partner from a distributor under a special agreement or under a warranty. The cost of this service and mutual guarantees are determined by agreement between the partner and the distributor.
  5. The registration cards of surrendered additional licenses and protection keys received by the partner from the client are transferred to the distributor.
  6. The distributor delivers the registration cards and security keys of the additional licenses to be handed over to 1C, where each security key is subjected to verification.
  7. After verification of the keys to be handed over, a confirmation of the permission for the upgrade procedure or a reasoned refusal is sent to the partner and distributor. If the decision is positive, the ordered additional licenses are shipped to the distributor.
  8. After receiving the ordered additional licenses, the partner installs them at the customer's site and returns the exchange key to the distributor. The distributor makes a note about the return of the key in the database.
  9. If additional licenses were updated for users registered by the partner on the 1C:Enterprise 8.* user support site, the partner must remove the registration numbers of the surrendered licenses for this user and register new licenses on the 1C:Enterprise 8.* user support website on the administrator page from the franchisee. Login to this page is carried out at http://users.v8.1c.ru/AuthorizeAdmin.aspx , after authorization, select the item "Editing the list of user software products authorized on the site" of the vertical menu of the site page.

Distributor Portal
All information on applications of partners for license upgrades (keys) that have chosen this distributor for the exchange procedure is sent to the distribution portal in the closed part of the 1C website, where the distributor marks all stages of the exchange process ("Exchange key not issued"; "Exchange key issued"; "Key returned").

The partner's application for the exchange of licenses is being checked by the 1C company for registration of software products and registration of a subscription to ITS. After the 1C services have issued permission for the exchange, the partner's application appears in the "Exchange key not issued" list.
After issuing the key to the partner, the distributor notes the fact of issuing the key in the application, after which the application goes to the "Issued exchange key" list.
After receiving licenses and keys for exchange from the partner, the distributor must transfer them to the 1C company to the technical support department, where the physical compliance of the keys and licenses to be handed over will be monitored.

If this type of control is passed successfully, then the ordered licenses are shipped to the distributor and a corresponding mark is made on the site in the partner's application. The distributor transfers new licenses to the partner and receives an exchange key from him. After receiving the exchange key from the partner, the distributor makes a note that the exchange key has been returned.

If a physical discrepancy between the donated keys and licenses is detected, the 1C technical support department will make a corresponding mark in the partner's application, which will also be visible in the distributor's interface. In this case, the keys and licenses handed over by the partner will be returned to the distributor. The partner will have to return the keys and licenses to the client, and return the exchange key to the distributor. Having received an exchange key from a partner, the distributor must make a note about the return of the key in the application of this partner.

The key exchange business scheme requires the implementation of strict regulations. It is necessary to clearly and carefully follow the necessary procedures and follow the sequence of actions. Don't forget - if the change in the current status is not marked in the application, then the application will not move to the next state (for example, if the distributor does not mark the return of the exchange key by the partner, it will not be possible to use it for subsequent procedures by other partners). Therefore, before starting the application, we strongly recommend that the partner make sure in advance that the client has not lost the keys to be handed over and the corresponding halves of the registration forms; basic supplies and additional licenses are registered with 1C for one user; correctly subscribed to the ITS. After activating the procedure, the partner must complete the subsequent steps on time and comply with the agreed deadlines for returning the exchange key to the distributor.
The upgrade kit transfer process is partner's area of ​​financial responsibility.
Problems that have arisen due to the loss by the client of keys or halves of registration forms, improper registration in 1C, the absence or untimely renewal of the ITS subscription are NOT the basis to delay the return of the exchange key. Improper performance (or non-compliance) of the procedures of the regulation, the delay of the exchange key may result in the imposition of penalties on the part of the 1C Company and the distributor, as well as cause claims from other partners.