See pages where the term security threshold is mentioned. natural links. What they are and how they increase the security threshold of link promotion Enterprise capacity planning

  • 02.06.2021

Break-even analysis is a rather simple in form and deep in content tool for planning and making managerial decisions in commercial organization. basis for decision-making regarding production activities is to consider options for possible changes in the market situation. Since the enterprise plan is a system of indicator values ​​that the enterprise intends to achieve in the future, its implementation will depend on many factors. In the process of drawing up plans, the management of the enterprise will have to solve the following tasks:

- determine the volume of production, which will not only cover the costs, but also allow you to get the desired level of profit;

– determine the level of costs that allows you to remain competitive in the market.

Break-even analysis allows to solve these problems. There are other names for this procedure in the literature, for example: “critical sales volume method”, “dead point method”, “zero profit point method”, “operational analysis”, “marginal method”, “costs - volume - profit” method ”, or CVP analysis (Cost - Volume - Profit).

The essence of the method is to determine for each specific situation the volume of output that ensures break-even activity.

One-component break-even analysis.

The simplest is the break-even analysis of single-product production, i.e. production that produces only one type of product. In the general case, excluding tax effects, the operating profit of the enterprise (P) for the reporting period is formed as follows:

P \u003d VR - Z post - Z lane;

where BP is the company's revenue for the period in monetary units, BP = c × Q;

q - selling price of a unit of production, rub.;

Q - sales volume in physical terms, pieces, kg, etc.;

Z post - fixed costs, rub.;

Z lane - cumulative variable costs, rub.

If we designate specific variable costs in rubles. - z lane, then the formula can be represented in the following form:

P \u003d (c - z lane) × Q - Z post.

Break even (Q cr)- this is an indicator characterizing the volume of sales of products, at which the company's revenue from the sale of products (works, services) allows you to cover all costs and reach a zero level of profit (P = 0). The break-even point can be found from the equation:

Another important value that characterizes the cost structure of an enterprise is the value marginal income or contribution enterprises. Marginal income at manufacturing enterprises is the difference between the company's revenue from the sale of products (works, services) and the variable costs incurred by the enterprise in the process of producing these products (works, services). Distinguish the value of the total marginal income (MD):

MD \u003d VR - Z lane \u003d c × Q - c lane × Q \u003d (c - c lane) × Q

and specific marginal income ( md):

md\u003d c - z lane.

There is another way to determine the amount of marginal income. The value of marginal income can be determined by adding the fixed costs and profits of the enterprise:

MD = 3 post. + P.

The dependence model of the indicators under consideration can be built graphically (Figure 6.2).

Rice. 6.2. Break even chart

A widely accepted and highly illustrative representation of earnings growth above the break-even point is shown in Figure 2. 7.3. On this graph, the line 3 full is the x-axis. The y-axis reflects the amount of "divergence" between the straight lines "Revenue" and Wfull, i.e. the amount of profit. When issuing below Qcr, the value on the y-axis will be negative (which corresponds to losses), and above Qcr - positive (profit). The slope of this graph to the x-axis will be equal to specific marginal income, and its intersection with the y-axis is the value Wfast, which is understandable - at zero output, losses are equal to the amount of fixed costs.

Rice. 6.3. Dependence of profit on the volume of output

The volume of production Q kr corresponds to the amount of revenue BP kr, which, by analogy with the release, is also called break-even point, in monetary units only:

or otherwise:


where umd- the share of marginal income in the price.

The conclusion follows from the second formula: the higher the share of variable costs in the selling price of the product (ratio z per / c), the higher the break-even point. Otherwise, the lower the share of marginal income in revenue, the more products the company should produce in order to cover fixed costs and start making a profit.

Another indicator is calculated as part of the break-even analysis - safety threshold(otherwise called marginal margin of safety).This indicator is calculated asdifference between real volume and breakeven point and indicates how much output can be reduced before the company begins to incur losses. As already noted, the larger the output, the higher the profit. The higher the volume of production, the less fearful the enterprise is of fluctuations in market conditions - the more fluctuations in costs and revenues it can painlessly endure, remaining in the "profit zone".

Obviously, each specific volume of output has its own volume of security.

Consider the methodology of break-even analysis using an example.


The production enterprise "Zarya" is engaged in the production of dumplings. To develop a work plan for the next quarter, a break-even analysis of this one-product production is carried out. Planned variable costs per 1 kg of finished products of the enterprise are 3 per = 39 rubles. Fixed expenses for the quarter will be W post = 480,000 rubles. The selling price of 1 kg of dumplings is planned at the level of c = 67.5 rubles. Break even


Such a volume of production will cover all costs and reach zero profit. If the production for the quarter does not reach 16,842 kg, the financial result of the enterprise will be negative, and the activity will be unprofitable.

Based on the level of annual profitability desired by the owners of the enterprise, the following level of target profit is set - 100,000 rubles. Calculate how much output will allow you to get such a profit.

Having studied the market situation and the possibilities of their own enterprise, the management of Zarya planned the output of Q dumplings for the next quarter - 20,000 kg. With this volume of production, the level of profit will be:

P \u003d (c - z lane) × Q cr - Z post. \u003d (67.5 - 39) × 20,000 - 480,000 \u003d 90,000 rubles.

Safety threshold:

The flexible budget of the company provides for the possibility of an unfavorable situation in planning period, which may lead to an increase in rent, and, accordingly, fixed costs by 40,000 rubles. The managers of the organization do not consider it possible to increase the selling price of dumplings, since it is determined by the market. The easiest way to maintain the estimated level of profit is to cut variable costs. What savings in variable costs (s * ln) will allow you to cope with an unfavorable situation?

Therefore, the enterprise should achieve savings in variable costs in the amount of (39 - 37) = 2 rubles. per 1 kg of product. However, technologists and employees of the supply department, having studied all the possibilities for saving variable costs, came to the conclusion that it was impossible to achieve savings of more than 1.3 rubles. How much fixed cost savings would such a situation require?

Z * post \u003d (c - s * lane) × Qplan - P \u003d (67.5 - 37.7) × 20,000 - 90,000 \u003d 506,000 rubles.

506,000 - 40,000 \u003d 466,000 rubles.

480,000 - 466,000 \u003d 14,000 rubles.

Thus, in order to compensate for a possible increase in rent, the managers of the enterprise should, in addition to saving variable costs in the amount of 1.3 rubles. per 1 kg of products, it is necessary to find an opportunity to save 14,000 rubles in the existing structure of fixed costs.

Example 6.4. Security threshold

The graphical representation of the relationships, in comparison with their description in the form of formulas and numbers, is more visual and allows you to immediately create a complete impression of the nature of the relationships under consideration. For example, simply stating that a facility has a safety margin of 68.75% has much less effect than a graphical representation of the same fact. A well-designed graph can emphasize the significance of a high or low safety threshold without using complicated-looking formulas. However, the graphical representation has the disadvantage of inaccuracy, since plotting data on a graph with absolute accuracy is quite difficult. But this is not the reason for the complete abandonment of the graphical representation. In most cases, the data displayed graphically are related to estimates, which are themselves subject to the risk of errors, and the use of computers can greatly reduce the inaccuracy of the graphical performance.

What is the maximum issuance volume If this is not known, select a volume that is high enough to fit both break-even and estimated sales volume. This will show the safety threshold if necessary.

Based on the data in Example 6.5, determine the break-even point (in units of production), the threshold of safety (as a percentage of the estimated sales volume) and the sales volume required to make a profit of 9,500 pounds. Art.

Clearly, the original supplier has a better break-even output and the sales volume needed to achieve the target profit is lower (meaning they are easier to reach) and the safety margin is higher (meaning that profits are less affected by a downturn in demand).

Calculate the value of the safety threshold for two variants of the product range

Why, for the conditions of example 6.7, the break-even point and the volume of sales required to obtain 9500 profit, higher, and the security threshold is lower than for the conditions of example 6.6

The safety threshold is the difference between the estimated (actual) and break-even sales volumes. It reflects the exposure of earnings to fluctuations in demand. For comparison purposes, it can be expressed as a percentage of the estimated (or actual) sales volume.

For the bakery, the safety threshold is 40%, and the estimated sales revenue for the next year is £70,000. What is the breakeven revenue

Madame Q has two newsstands and expects next year's revenue to be £200,000, variable costs up to 40% of revenue, fixed costs £61,200. To make a profit of £82,800. Art., it is proposed to include toys in the assortment. If this proposal is implemented, sales revenue will increase to £230,000, a higher safety threshold for toys will reduce variable costs by up to 35% of sales. At the same time, fixed costs will increase by £2,250.

Safety threshold as a percentage of the estimated sales volume

To calculate the safety threshold, it is necessary to determine the estimated number of occupied stall-days (ie, estimated sales volume) for the analyzed period.

The value of the safety threshold will also be affected by a change in the estimated sales volume from 440,000 to (440,000 1.2) = = 528,000

For financial reasons, the best option is the original option, which has the lowest break-even point and the highest threshold of safety.

Thus, the enterprise cannot, without suffering a loss, sell less than 10,000 products. The difference between the planned (Q) and critical sales volumes is called the safety zone (edge, safety threshold). In our example, it is 2000 items.

Therefore, if the actual sales volume is less than the planned one by more than 16.7%, then the enterprise will cross the safety threshold and incur a loss.

Minimum standards have been developed to give an idea of ​​the safety threshold and,

The safety zone (edge, safety threshold), which is the difference between the planned (gm) and critical sales volumes, for our example is only 8 products (100 - 92 = 8).

When determining MPC, the degree of impact on human health is taken into account, as well as the impact on various components of nature - plant and animal world, microorganisms, soils. For some particularly toxic elements that are carcinogenic in nature, the effect of ionizing radiation

For some particularly toxic elements that have a carcinogenic effect, the effect of ionizing radiation, there are no lower safety thresholds, and therefore no MPC. Any excess of their usual natural backgrounds is dangerous for living organisms, at least genetically, in the chain of generations.

The difference between the estimated (or actual) and break-even sales volumes is called the margin of safety. The higher the margin of safety, the less profit is affected by a decline in demand.

Suppose the decision of the company relates to the normal course of business, i.e. providing £250,000 revenue for the month during which it is expected to fulfill obligations under the new contract. The danger then is that in this case too, we can automatically consider the fixed overhead costs as irrelevant, and therefore underestimate the value of the costs. This, in turn, will significantly affect the results of calculating the break-even parameters (see Chapter 6), ceteris paribus, the break-even volume of output will be underestimated, and the safety threshold will be overestimated. Hence, the idea of ​​the reliability of the profitability indicators of the estimated sales volumes is distorted, which can (in an exceptional case) initiate the stimulation of an increase in the volume of sales, up to a loss. Moreover, as will be shown in Chap. 8, underestimating costs can lead to an artificially low selling price. Although in some circumstances this is justified, it comes into conflict with

In cases where, in order to calculate the risk value by outcomes, they are guided by a retrospective (what was it like then ...), the given risk table is presented by individual authors as a regret matrix using the minimax principle, minimizing the maximum value of regret. In our strategy, the maximum regret is 35 > 2° > 15 units, respectively. Minimax strategy b has a level (threshold) of regret security equal to 15 units.

Topic 10. Basic methods of financial analysis when justifying prices.

There are economic and managerial models of break-even.

Economic model known from the course of microeconomics (see Fig. 10-1). There are two break-even points B 1, B 2 in which the total costs are equal to the total income and the profit is 0.

On fig. 10-2 the managerial model of break-even is presented. Here is the connection between total costs and total income) is presented as a straight line. Therefore, there is only one break-even point (B, break-even point). AT financial analysis The break-even management model is used.

Figure 10-1 Break-even economic model

Figure 10-2 Management break-even model

The break-even point is determined analytically as follows.

P \u003d P * Q - (AVC * Q + TFC);

0 = P*Q - AVC*Q - TFC = Q*(P - AVC) - TFC;

Q*(P - AVC) = TFC;

Financial strength (safety zone) It is calculated as the difference between actual and break-even sales and shows how many units of a product a firm can reduce sales without incurring losses.

Security threshold shows by what percentage a firm can reduce sales without incurring a loss.

Safety threshold =

The break-even formula can be modified to determine the output that the firm needs to achieve. to get the planned profit. To do this, you should add the planned amount of profit to the fixed costs. In this case, the TS curve will turn into a (TS+P) curve and shift upwards. Thus, point Q will move to the right along the horizontal axis relative to the breakeven volume of the issue. This will determine the volume of output for a given amount of profit, which will exceed the breakeven value of the output.

The formula will look like:

Consider how the break-even output of each type of product is calculated in cases where the firm produces several of its types.

In this case, the break-even volume of the i-th type of product is determined by the formula:

Trade enterprises faced with the problem of establishing breakeven volume of trade. First, let's show what parts the company's turnover consists of:


TS - turnover of the firm;

TC is the purchase price of goods (cost);

TN - trade margin;

NTVC - trading variable costs (as part of the trading margin);

NTFC - trading fixed costs(as part of the trade margin);

NP - trading profit (as part of the trading margin);

The break-even volume of trade turnover is determined by the formula:

d TN - the share of the trade margin in the composition of the turnover;

d NTVC - share of trade variable costs as part of the turnover;

The amount of turnover that must be achieved in order to receive the planned trading profit is set as follows.

Our answer to the blockbuster "MARTIAN"! 2037 year. We are the first on Mars! A scientific group has landed from the Leonov interplanetary spacecraft, and the first Martian base is set up in the Mariner Valley. The American “Empire of Good”, which is losing world dominance, does not like this, and it unleashes a war using a proven technique: “shoot unarmed with impunity from a safe distance.” The enemies did not take into account one thing: the Martian base "Korolev" is part of Russia, and the Russians know how to "fight for the Motherland" ... The first novel about the fight for the Red Planet between Russia and the United States.

A series: Heroic fiction

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Mars is ours! (V.P. Bolshakov, 2016) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Chapter 7

Earth, USA, Houston. Space Center. Lyndon Johnson

Butch Hogan let go of the automatic cab, and it drove away, spinning like a stupid hood on the roof, cut through by the sights.

Butch straightened his jacket, looked at the noisy crowd of tourists with distaste, and strode towards the Center.

About five people across the country were aware of the deals that he was doing.

One very sly journalist once joked that Hogan was called in as an ambulance for political assistance - to save someone's reputation, for example.

Or, say, extinguish the consequences of the stupid initiative of some senator. The same nimble McLain.

The joke failed - the body of a sneaky scribbler was found the next day in a cheap Miami brothel.

And silence…

Gallantly skipping a proud mother with a whole brood of noisy babies, Butch continued on his way.

On the sides of the entrance to the Center were the Explorer shuttle and the Space Cobra orbital attack aircraft, both real.

The shuttle was delivered on a Boeing to Ellington Air Force Base, and dragged here - thirty years ago, if not earlier, and the attack aircraft was solemnly hoisted up to eternal fun the year before last.

True, the newspapers were embarrassed to describe how the Russians knocked out the Spacecobra - it dipped from orbit to a height of forty miles, testing the nerves and the planetary defense station.

Hogan chuckled, remembering a Muscovite he knew.

He occasionally exclaimed, quoting someone's lines: "What is the strength, brother?"

And he answered himself: “Strength is in truth!”

But who needs it, is this true?

Honesty is bad.

Much cooler is to distort the facts, presenting defeat as a victory, and betrayal as a feat.

Lies are more generously paid ...

Passing the central hall with spacesuits, past the gift shop, past the cinema and the playground, past the hall of memory, where the astronauts' photos hung, past the training pool, Butch went straight to the control room.

Nuclear ships are no longer controlled from Earth, and navigators are always present in their crews - if you please, determine yourself in space, the MCC will not lead you by the hand.

And how, if the same Mars signal is a quarter of an hour?

The astronauts would yell, “Houston, Houston, we got a problem!” before they could be heard at Mission Control until fifteen minutes later.

In half an hour, a question from the Earth will reach the ship, but what's the point?

There is no one to answer.

Hogan went into the observation room and looked around the control center - dozens of operators were preparing for launch.

The tower of Ares 7 stood proudly on the giant screen.

Frosty clouds rolled down the round sides of the rocket - oxygen soared.

“This is the director of flights,” echoed through the hall. – Start checking readiness for launch!

“Understood, Houston,” the Cape Canaveral launch leader said from the small screen. “All operators are in place, systems are ready. Check readiness to launch! Technical control- one.

– Technical control – two.

– Technical control – three.

Seeing the glistening baldness of Langdon Macy, director of NASA, Hogan moved towards the glistening.

The bald head of General Vancouther Fox gleamed beside him, draped in the purple uniform of the Aerospace Forces.

Ripe, little doves…

Hello, Ven. Hello Lang!

Maisie shuddered slightly, making out who was calling him, and answered with a sour look:

- Hello...

“Are you not happy with your old friend?”

The General pursed his lips, and Lang grinned wryly.

"Let's not do that..." Maisie twirled his fingers in the air.

"Come on," Butch agreed easily, and then there was a metallic note in his voice. At the Russian "Polyarnaya base" the SOS signal was not received.

“Mr. Hogan,” Fox said in a cool voice, “this is top secret information!”

- For whom, how, Ven, for whom, how ...

“Yes,” the NASA director mumbled, “the Russians attacked, and…”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Macy! Hogan said sharply. - And it is better to explain why the hell it was to fire on a Russian ship?

I know who the customer is, Lang, but that doesn't excuse you. According to the plan of the operation, the Leonov should have been captured! But only.

Mr Hogan...

“General, make your face simpler!” You're up to your ears in the same pile of crap as Lang!

Butch looked at Vancouther's well-fed, bushy face turning into an unhealthy blush, snorted, and turned his gaze to the big screen.

– Control of flight systems? thundered through the control center.

- The first engine?

- Second engine?

- Air situation?

- Launcher operator?

“Houston, this is the launch control center. All systems are ready.

- I understand you. This is MCC, we are ready to launch on schedule.

“Understood, Houston. Scheduled launch.

Macy looked back at the huge timer showing 01/00/55 and said in a muffled voice:

- I was called to the White House and laid out all the cards. On Mars, right next to the Russian base "Korolev", strata of ice from heavy water have been discovered. It's deuterium, Butch. Layers hundreds and hundreds of meters deep! And tritium seems to lie even lower ... Where the superheavy water flows from there, no one really knows. Yes, and is it? The half-life of tritium is a little over twelve years, therefore, there must be sources of replenishment of its reserves ...

“I’ll ask you without lectures,” Hogan raised his hand and grinned, “We decided that Russia shouldn’t sit on rich energy resources again, right? Kind of immodest, Lang. The Russians built a single thermonuclear station in Siberia, we - in Alaska. But only. Is it too early to share the deuterium pie?

– What are you waiting for? Fox muttered indignantly. “We have to think about the future. Macy spoke like a true statesman and ...

- Like a true statesman's fool! Your cowboy raid on the Leons failed. Russian ship survived!

The flushed general turned pale, causing his face to become blotchy. The NASA director withered.

"I didn't think…" he murmured.

“Well, of course I didn’t! If you had even moved your brains a little, you would have understood that the president framed you with this idiotic covert operation, and our brave general!

– We are not alone! – Wen rushed to the counterattack. “It was the TsERushniks who developed the plan for a secret mission, and the crew of the Enterprise was recruited entirely from space marines!”

“Fool…” Butch grimaced. - Decided to play a trick on the Russians, right? They say that without the delivery of the "Korolev" will be bent, and then we will fuss and occupy the escheat base of the Russians - in the name of universal human values. Like this, right?

Lang shrugged and frowned.

- And what did Moscow do, did you think, statesman? Hogan asked softly. - Or do you think that the Russians will wipe themselves off and leave our arrival unanswered? Wrong! You can’t tease the Russian bear, otherwise he will pluck all the feathers of our eagle!

The timer showed 00.00.15, and the timekeeper started the countdown.


Butch squinted at the screen, where a huge rocket was trampling the ground.

Not long to trample on her. A matter of seconds...


- Ignition!

- …three two one.


Clouds of fire and smoke billowed up, and then the Ares-7 appeared out of this frenzy.

Heavy, majestically, the rocket was gaining altitude.

– Deviation?

- All right, CCC.

- On the course.

- Height is one thousand meters.

– The safety threshold has been passed.

Safety threshold... Butch thought and chuckled.

“And now, when it gets really hot,” he said slowly aloud, “what will our glorious president do?” That's right, he'll hand over both of you, with all the giblets! On you fools, they will dump this whole stupid mission, they will call you villains, who allowed unheard-of arbitrariness and betrayed the ideals of democracy! Hogan chuckled. - Yes, you do not be afraid, there will be no trial. You will be quietly removed and colorfully painted in all the newspapers, how the general, unable to bear the shame, shot himself, and the former director of NASA opened his veins while lying in a warm bath. Or stepped out of a window on the hundredth floor - I wanted to fly in my old age. But only.

Macy whimpered softly.

- What should I do? Ba-atch…

– Continue in the same spirit! Hogan advised rudely. “Ven, this applies to you too!” "Leonov" must be urgently found and finished off. On the "Queen" land space troops for a total sweep. Declare deuterium deposits as the property of mankind, recruit hard workers, and let them extract heavy and super-heavy hydrogen for the benefit of the world community. That is, the West. That is the United States of America, God bless her!

I think you will be called to the carpet in the Oval Office one of these days, so keep talking about it, Lang! Act like the most ardent "hawk"! Only in this case you will get a chance to survive. And you will earn a whole bunch of bonuses.

“But this is war, Butch,” whispered the director of NASA.

"That's right," Hogan purred. - And in the war, as in the war!

The general began to calm down. His small, sly eyes sparkled, and his heavy jaw moved as if grinding chewing gum.

“The Russians send one ship a year to Mars,” Fox said impressively. - Mr. Hogan correctly noted: “Leonov” must be finished off. Then interruptions will begin on the Queen, and the Russians will either close the base or send another ship there. In any case, this will undermine the situation and require large expenditures. And let the Space Marines protect our vital strategic interests on Mars!

- Bingo! Butch grinned.

- ... The height is one and a half thousand meters.

We're starting a turn.

- Altitude two thousand five hundred meters.

“Turn complete, twenty-two seconds to first stage separation…”

Universal Broadcasting, Russia:

“International tensions are back.

Emissaries from the European Union are whispering with might and main with the opposition in Turkey and New Russia.

Before the time, the autumn aggravation began in Ukraine - Bandera, who had already ruined the country once, are again raising their heads, demanding sanctions against the "damned Muscovites".

The United States is once again galvanizing the half-corpse of NATO, scaring the venerable public with the bogey of the "Russian threat."

Now we are already in space, it turns out that we are threatening ...

Russian Defense Minister R. Malinovsky reported to the President on the adoption of priority measures.

The list is long, but we will highlight a few.

The aircraft carrier "Joseph Stalin" left the PMTO on La Digue (Seychelles) and headed for the Gulf of Aden. Escort ships: three Leader-class destroyers and the heavy nuclear-powered cruiser Kirov».

A group of strategic hypersonic bombers "Nimbus" made a flight to the airfield "Punta Gorda" (Nicaraguan Canal).

A space infantry platoon of the Aerospace Forces, during a surprise check, jumped out on a landing module from the Gardar orbital station and made a ballistic descent to a given point (Berbera airfield, Somalia, African Union).

“Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours…”

Check Point has released Russian market new products: hierarchical security management system Multi-Domain Security Management and multifunction device Series 80 Appliance. Both products are based on the software blade architecture that Check Point unveiled last year. This architecture, designed to make the protection system more flexible, is assembled in a modular way, so that the customer can purchase individual modules as needed.

The updated hierarchical security management system was previously implemented as a monolithic platform for Provider-1 telecom operators. The essential difference of the modular version is the possibility of gradual expansion of the system capabilities. The product allows customers to divide the corporate network into several domains, each of which will be managed by its own administrator. At the same time, with the help of the Global Policy Software Blade module, a global set of rules is formed for the entire company, which cannot be changed by domain zone administrators - each of them can only add rules to their own domain. There can be only one global domain, but there can be several subordinates, and they form a hierarchical structure of delegation of authority.

Sales of the multi-domain security system will be carried out in accordance with the new pricing principle: by purchasing licenses for various modules, the customer will be able to turn a single-domain information security management system into a multi-domain one. To do this, just buy a license for the Global Policy module and required amount licenses for the Security Domain module. The protection system formed in this way can be installed on a server of standard architecture. However, Check Point also offers its own SMART-1 device, which comes with a multi-domain management system.

If the Provider-1 system, being aimed at the operator market, in terms of its price parameters hardly met the needs of business clients, then the new product - Multi-Domain Security Management - can be effectively used in corporate networks. The customer can build a hierarchical security management system using their own security devices and multiple security domains.

Along with the development of new products, Check Point's efforts are also focused on optimizing the pricing model.

Perhaps, in conditions of instability in the corporate market, this strategy is the most advantageous. The head of the Check Point representative office in Russia, Yulia Grekova, defined the situation as follows: “We are lowering the price threshold and we hope that this will help small and medium-sized enterprises implement a flexible security product management system.”

Another new Check Point product, the Series 80 Appliance, is a feature-rich appliance for protecting branch offices from various types of information security threats.

This appliance is equipped with 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports and, based on integrated blade programs, can perform the functions of a firewall, virtual private network host, intrusion prevention system, gateway antivirus, spam or URL filter.

The cost of this complex varies in the range of 2.5-3.5 thousand dollars, depending on the set of licenses - this is the cheapest Check Point hardware product that supports blade software technology.