Display of sausages. Location of the department "Meat gastronomy" in the trading floor

  • 08.06.2020

The department of sausages and meat delicacies is usually placed in the back of the trading floor in order to organize the movement of customer flows throughout the area of ​​the trading floor of the store.

Along with sausage products, cheeses, pickles and salads can be placed. Small stores may have bakery products and alcoholic beverages nearby.

It should be noted that an interesting, complex layout of sausages is an important condition for ensuring high sales volumes. Products can be displayed in a showcase in three ways:

For manufacturers;

Laying out on a portion counter of sausage products can be presented:

In a horizontal way - placement of each product name from each category on a specific shelf of commercial equipment;

Vertical way - placement of each product name from each category on all shelves of equipment from top to bottom.

Usually, products on the portion counter are laid out with manufacturers, which makes it possible to track the process of selling a particular product and replenish its stocks. Corporate layout allows you to better present the range of goods and highlight trademark. Portion counter makes it possible to better present the product and save time for the buyer.

The layout of sausages on a weight counter is significantly different from the placement of products on a portioned counter.

Experts recommend forming a showcase of a weight counter by type. For example, three types of "Doctor" sausage must be placed side by side so that the consumer can compare the cost, appearance products from different manufacturers. In the process of selling sausages through a weight counter, it should be taken into account that within the display of each category there is a "hot" zone where the products are sold best. To determine where such a zone is located, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors: the direction of movement of the main flow of buyers; placement of scales; showcase shape and lighting. The main priority when laying out sausage products within each category is the sales volume. That is, in the "hot" zone lay out sausages using most in demand, then - as sales volumes decrease. It should also be taken into account that most consumers prefer to observe the cutting of sausages themselves, because they want to be sure that the product is fresh.

Main calculation principles sausage products are:

1. "Abundance". The psychology of the consumer is such that he does not want to take the remnants of products from the showcase. So, the more appetizing the storefront looks, the more consumers will pay attention to it and make a purchase.

2. Sausages are placed by category. The consumer in the showcase (both portioned and weighted) wants to see a wide range of sausage products, set out in such a way that it is possible to select the required category, brand, etc.

3. Corporate block. Within each category, sausages from the same manufacturer must be laid out as a single block.

4. Efficient use of space. The size of the space that is allocated for a particular product must correspond to its specific gravity in the total turnover of the entire category.

5. A clear designation of prices for sausage products.

6. All sausage products at points of sale must be presented facing the buyers.

7. Creating demand. In order to create the appearance of demand for a particular product, it is necessary to lay out several copies of it.

Sausages are usually laid out with manufacturers, which allows you to better present the range of goods and highlight the brand;

Each product name must be presented on the weighing counter with several samples: whole and with a cut, which is laid out "facing the buyer";

Laying out on a horizontal counter is recommended in the following sequence: start with boiled hams, continue with boiled sausages, boiled sausages, such as "cervelat", boiled smoked sausages and finish with raw smoked sausages and zucchini;

Each assortment position for the purpose of demonstration to its customers must be presented cut across the sample; sausages with a wide diameter are cut crosswise at a right angle, and sausages with a smaller diameter at an angle of 45 °.

According to the current sale rules, the surfaces of sausages and smoked meats are wiped with a towel, the ends of the shell are cut off, the bindings are removed, and the weathered sections are cleaned. Pre-packing of sausages and smoked meats must be done in the volumes of demand - no more than one day of sale, and meat and raw meat products - no more than 2-3 hours.

In order to attract the attention of visitors and the sale of sausages, certain requirements must be followed. On the left side, at the beginning of the showcase, you need to lay out the ham, then sausages, boiled sausage, the next row - boiled-smoked sausages, delicacies and raw smoked sausages. Having a large selection of products of one group, it is better to decompose it in accordance with the brand of the manufacturer. Thus, the buyer is given the opportunity to compare and choose the product they like. If it is possible to purchase two refrigerated display cases, then you can put premium products in one, and luxury products in the other: smoked brisket, ham, raw smoked sausages. Or in the 1st - boiled sausages, sausages, sausages, and in the 2nd - smoked and semi-smoked sausages.

Ready-to-eat meat products are divided into 2 groups:

  • sausages, ham, sausages, rolls, sausages;
  • culinary products - brawn, jellied dishes, aspic.

Products of 2 different groups should be stored in different refrigerators. Showcases for sausages maintain a temperature of +2 ... + 7 ° C, the second group is stored at T from two to six degrees. Sausages, cured meats, sausages, rolls and semi-smoked sausages can be stored for 72 hours. Products in vacuum packaging are stored for five to ten days.

The showcase should not be overloaded with meat products, but there should not be free space in it. It is best to lay out the sausage in several rows, leaving a few centimeters to the top of the display case.

Buyers evaluate products by cut, so the best option- this is to cut each loaf of sausage, and make a stepped display of goods, with a cut to the buyer. Stepped layout allows you to put on display a large number of products, and the showcase has a presentable appearance. Its neatness is associated with the freshness of the goods, and thereby increases sales. Each product must have a price tag.

Twine from all sausages and excessive influxes of minced meat are removed, windward faults and cracks are cut off. Sausage is cut depending on the shape of the loaf and its thickness. A thick loaf of boiled sausage is cut into thin slices - three to four millimeters, at a right angle. A slicer helps to make such a beautiful cut. Half-smoked and smoked sausage made from a thin loaf is cut obliquely - an elongated ellipse shape is obtained. The thickness of the slices for semi-smoked sausage is from 2.5 to 3 mm., for raw smoked sausage - 1.3 - 2.0 mm.

It is important to choose the right lighting. Showcases for sausages should not be illuminated with cold white light, the products under it look unappetizing. It is better to choose a reddish or warm yellow backlight. When buying a showcase, you should choose one that provides for setting the required temperature. Since raw smoked sausages should be stored at positive temperatures, and boiled - at 0 ° C.

Raw minced meat products: kupaty, Lyulya-kebab, etc. require sub-zero temperatures. In order to increase sales, it is necessary to include in the assortment not only expensive sausages, but also products at a reasonable price. Thus, in order to increase the sale of sausages and profit, you should follow some proven rules for laying out products.

The main principles of the display are: - overview; - accessibility; - tidiness; - appropriate type of front-row goods; - fullness of shelves; - attractive packaging; - price marking; - a certain place on the shelf; - constant replenishment of stocks.

The department of sausages and deli meats is usually placed at the back of the trading floor in order to organize the movement of buyers over the entire area of ​​the trading floor of the store. Along with sausages, cheeses, pickles and salads can be placed. It should be noted that an interesting, complex layout of sausages is an important condition for ensuring high sales volumes. On the showcase, products can be presented in three ways: - by manufacturers; - by category; - by category, where sausages from different manufacturers with the same names are presented together within the category.

Laying out on a portioned counter of sausages can be represented by: - ​​horizontal way - placement of each item from each category on a specific shelf of commercial equipment; - vertical way - placement of each item from each category on all shelves of equipment from top to bottom.

Usually, products on the portion counter are laid out with manufacturers, which makes it possible to track the process of selling a particular product and replenish its stocks. Corporate layout allows you to better present the range of goods and highlight the brand. A portion counter makes it possible to better present the product and save the buyer's time. Laying sausage products on a weight counter is significantly different from placing products on a portion counter.

Experts recommend forming a showcase of a weight counter by type. For example, three types of "doctor's" sausages must be placed side by side so that the consumer can compare the cost and appearance of products from different manufacturers. In the process of selling sausages through a weight counter, it should be taken into account that within the display of each category there is a "hot" zone where the products are sold best.

The main principles for laying out sausage products are:

1. Abundance. The psychology of the consumer is such that he does not want to take the remnants of products from the showcase. So, the more appetizing the storefront looks, the more consumers will pay attention to it and make a purchase.

2. Sausages are placed by category. The consumer in the showcase (both portioned and weighted) wants to see a wide range of sausage products, set out in such a way that it is possible to select the required category, brand, etc.

3. Corporate block. Within each category, sausages from the same manufacturer must be laid out as a single block.

4. Efficient use of space. The size of the space allocated for a certain product should correspond to its share in the total turnover of the entire category.

5. A clear designation of prices for sausage products.

6. All sausage products at points of sale must be presented face to face with buyers.

7. Create demand. In order to create the appearance of demand for a particular product, it is necessary to lay out several copies of it.

Sausages are usually laid out with manufacturers, which allows you to better present the range of goods and highlight the brand;

Each product name must be presented on the weighing counter with several samples: whole and with a cut, which is laid out "facing the buyer";

Laying out on a horizontal counter is recommended in the following sequence: start with boiled hams, continue with boiled sausages, boiled sausages, such as "servelat", boiled smoked sausages and finish with raw smoked sausages;

Each assortment position for the purpose of demonstration to its customers must be presented cut across the sample; sausages with a wide diameter are cut crosswise at a right angle, and sausages with a smaller diameter at an angle of 45 °.

According to the current sale rules, the surfaces of sausages and smoked meats are wiped with a towel, the ends of the shell are cut off, the bindings are removed, and the weathered sections are cleaned. Pre-packing of sausages and smoked meats must be done in the volumes of demand - no more than one day of sale, and meat and raw meat products - no more than 2-3 hours.

Location of the department "Meat gastronomy" in the trading floor.

The department where sausages are located is a traditional magnet. For this reason, sausage gastronomy is located at the back of the trading floor, which forces customers to go through the entire trading floor to buy the coveted sausage. A meat deli is usually organized "across the counter". In the form of a counter, a refrigerated gastronomic showcase is used. Sausages in large stores are duplicated in refrigerated cabinets, but for convenience stores, this method of organizing a meat deli department is not very effective.

Commodity neighborhood with a competent layout of sausages: We stimulate complex purchases.

The best neighbors of sausages are the departments "cheeses" and "ready cooking: salads, ready meals". If you're planning a counter store, the "pasta, groceries", "alcohol" departments are highly recommended at the back. Avoid the direct commercial neighborhood of sausage gastronomy with raw products, such as chilled meat and poultry, as this is contrary to SES standards.

Features of groupings for the correct laying out of sausages.

Sausages competent layout allows you to spread in 2 ways: by type of product and by manufacturer. Our experts are more likely to display by type of product, because buyers first figure out what kind of sausage they want to buy, and then consider the manufacturer. Nevertheless, in some outlets there is a pronounced inclination of buyers to any brand. In this case, it is most reasonable to lay out this brand as a group, and inside it already sort the goods by type. If the layout goes by the type of product, then you need to select groups: boiled sausage, boiled-smoked sausage, servelats, raw-smoked sausage, delicacies, sausages, sausages, brawn and pates. First, figure out which direction your customers are coming from. Boiled sausage and ham should be the first in the course of customers, it will probably be good if you start with sausages and sausages.

Varieties of sausages. Boiled sausages (product humidity - 53-75%). The basic ingredients are ground beef and pork, bacon, flour, milk protein, modified starches and a number of other specific food additives.

One of the varieties of boiled sausage is sausages and sausages. The composition includes minced meat, milk, cream, eggs.

Semi-smoked sausages have a moisture content of 35-60%. They contain a large amount of bacon, trimmed beef meat, bold pork. If we are talking about lower grades of semi-smoked sausage, then in the composition you can see trimmings, pork and beef heads, protein stabilizer, starch or wheat flour.

Boiled-smoked and raw-smoked sausages. Raw smoked products have even lower humidity - 25-30%. since this type of sausage has a full consistency and is subjected to a smoking process, the shelf life of such sausage is longer. Boiled-smoked sausages have a moisture content of 38-43%. They have a more elastic, but less dense texture.

Liver sausages usually have a humidity of about 48-70%. Intestinal casings, meat of different varieties and bacon, various offal, dairy products, eggs, spices are used for production. Liverwurst has a pâté-like consistency, is gray in color, and can be eaten spread on bread. There is also cold-smoked liverwurst.

Meat bread - humidity - 52-70%. Minced meat for meat loaf is similar to raw materials for boiled sausages. meat loaf is prepared by roasting minced meat in metal molds. This product usually has an attractive crust similar to that of rye bread. the taste is also very interesting, lightly salted, with the taste of spices and spices.

The pate is similar in texture to liver sausage, but somewhat denser than it. the color can also vary from gray to brown, the amount of spices is much greater than in liver sausages.

Brawn, the products closest to home jelly. Brawn is made from offal. The brawn is prepared on gelatin or on agar. if the brawn is prepared on agar, then it has a clear cut with a glassy sheen.

Sausages are laid out on a special refrigeration equipment for trade. They are grouped into certain categories (raw smoked, boiled, sausages, etc.). Each item has a section for demonstration to customers, which allows you to better view the product, compare its appearance and even smell it. Sausages with a large diameter are cut at a right angle, and thinner options are cut at an angle of 45 degrees and above. To maintain the attractiveness of products, it is necessary to periodically update the cut.

Placement on the counter usually starts with cheap boiled sausages, sausages and sausages, followed by ham, brawn, boiled-smoked and raw-smoked varieties, delicacies. Thus, as customers move, a smooth transition is achieved from ordinary boiled sausage to expensive raw smoked sausage, and the entire range of products is presented.

Despite the fact that the bulk of the goods are released through the counter, it is appropriate to lay out additional portioned units. Self-service markets often offer their customers pre-cut vacuum-packed sausages. They can be seen in refrigerators next to the "milk".

In accordance with the requirements of merchandising, it is not recommended to arrange meat and fish departments next to sausages. Cheeses are recognized as good neighbors for sausage products. Let's name some rules for their calculation:

  • Cheeses that are extremely susceptible to odors are placed in a separate display case by type (hard, soft, with mold), by manufacturer or price.
  • Goods of constant demand are exhibited in the "dead" (side) zones, and expensive and new items - in the visible, central zone. Each variety comes with a significant price tag.
  • Hard cheeses are not laid out without packaging next to elite counterparts with mold, which also applies to cheeses with different kind mold. For the convenience of customers and sellers, large cheeses are placed behind small and flat ones, which come to the fore.
  • Products are placed in the window so that buyers have a good view of the cut and can understand the quality of the goods. The expiration date should be checked regularly.
  • Started options are stored in plastic wrap in compliance with the specified temperature regime, and moldy cheeses are stored in foil. Too low temperatures harm the taste of the cheese, and too high temperatures destroy its structure.
  • Hard cheese is stored horizontally, semi-hard - next to each other, soft must be turned over several times a day.

Premier Analytics knows how to work with products that require cutting and fast implementation. The experience of our specialists can be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • daily saving of the calculation, in accordance with approved standards,
  • maintenance of assortment and warehouse stock,
  • proper documentation,
  • placement of promotional materials,
  • timely analysis of competitors.

There are special forms to evaluate the work of merchandisers. They are filled by the customer after visiting outlet or the solution of the task by our employees. Based on the results of the implementation of the plan, the success of the completed work of the merchandiser is determined.