Marketing of industrial enterprises. Marketing communications in the industrial market Marketing communications in the industrial market example

  • 01.12.2019

Work done in 2010

Marketing communications in the industrial market - Course Project, section Trade, - 2010 - Marketing of petroleum products Marketing Communications in the Industrial Market. By Communications I mean...

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Marketing of petroleum products

Need to know; how to describe the market and break it into segments; how to assess the needs, requests of consumers within the framework of target market; how .. Differences in the model of people's behavior when choosing and buying goods "for themselves" and .. The purpose of this work is to identify the features of promoting goods on the industrial market.

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There are many definitions of B2B (business-to-business). In Russian, various translation options are used this term: "company for a company", "business for business", etc. Unlike the B2C segment (business-to-customers, "business for a consumer"), where personal emotions of a particular person play a significant role in making a purchase decision, in the market B2B buyer choice is mainly based on rational considerations.

As a result of increased competition Russian market B2B has long gone beyond the production of products and services good quality. Now goods should not only be of high quality, but also meet the needs of a particular market as much as possible, which is also confirmed by classical marketing theories. The purpose of marketing, according to the concept of Kotler, is the most complete satisfaction of the needs of buyers in the most beneficial way for the supplier.

Thus, in order to achieve this goal in the most general sense, it is necessary that the following basic requirements are met as a result of the procurement:

  • - the product (service) of the supplier must comply with the characteristics declared by the client;
  • - the supplier (executor) must supply (render the service) on the terms specified in the agreement with the client.

Communication in the B2B market is not limited to considering only the relationship between selling and buying firms, it also includes relationships between competing companies, relationships with banks, government bodies and all other figures in the industrial market. This leads to the fact that the relationship between the actors of the industrial market, or communication, becomes the main element of analysis in industrial marketing, and the establishment and development of relations is the main goal of the industrial leader [Industrial marketing: theory and practice of O.U. Yuldashev].

The specifics of communication in the field of B2B are influenced by factors such as the features of the process of making a purchase decision and the difference between the business market and the consumer market.

So, one of the key distinguishing features, according to S. Minetta, is that "the development of products in the industrial market is stimulated by technical progress, while the driving force behind the development and improvement of products in the consumer market is changes in fashion trends. Therefore, given the presence of such different market incentives corresponding to different markets, groups of potential and existing consumers perceive the product differently and behave differently in relation to it.

Moreover, the differences in communication in the business and consumer markets are manifested both in content and in methods.

The content of communications in the business market should be purely rational, pragmatic. This is because marketing in the B2B market involves providing consumers with objective and rather complex information. A business message is designed to convey information focused on people (specialists) who are trying to find a product to satisfy a specific and completely specific need manufacturing nature, guided by a specific specification.

Communications in industrial marketing is "a complex of personal and impersonal communications aimed at the industrial buyer." The choice of communication channels in the business market, as in any other, involves the allocation of allocated funds between the main tools of marketing communications: advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling and direct marketing. The effectiveness of each of these tools depends on how it is combined with other promotion tools. Each of them "plays a role in solving the task of informing the client, the purpose of which is to take the potential client out of a state where he knows nothing about the company and its product, and to lead him through all stages of the purchasing decision process until the purchase itself" .

F. Kotler concludes that B2B companies usually prioritize in the following order: (1) personal sales, (2) sales promotion, (3) advertising, (4) public relations (Fig. 1.2.).

Figure 1.2 Relative spending on marketing communications in the business market

Consequently, for business markets, the main promotional tools are personal selling and direct marketing, and the supporting ones are all other marketing communication tools, including advertising. At the same time, it is important to effectively combine all the elements with each other, so the concept of integrated marketing communications for business markets is also relevant.

An integrated approach to developing a marketing communications strategy, as already noted, is based on the recognition of the fact that various communication tools have different benefits and in some way combine and complement each other. When developing a communication strategy, it is important to take into account all aspects of these relationships in order to choose the most effective set of promotion tools.

Advantages and disadvantages of various marketing communications tools from the point of view of the business market:

Table 1.2 - Advantages and disadvantages of marketing communications tools

Marketing communications tools



personal selling

  • - Facilitate the choice of the buyer. -
  • - Plurality of possibilities. Collection of payments, maintenance of sold goods, collection of information and much more - all this is possible.
  • - Flexibility. A presentation can be made taking into account the needs, motives and behavior of individual clients.
  • - High costs per contact due to travel, telephone costs, wage and etc.
  • - Difficulty in recruiting and retaining sales staff.
  • - Inconsistency of the message. Due to the independence of the sales force, the distribution of a unified message is difficult.
  • - They sell people to people. When a sales manager leaves the company, you can lose a client.

It is difficult to motivate salespeople to use the required sales methods, make all the necessary sales calls, use new technologies, and behave ethically.

Direct Marketing

  • - More targeted than other forms of marketing communications.
  • - Involves direct communication with the buyer.
  • - Possesses the ability to a personalized approach.
  • - Its results are measurable.
  • - All elements of the complex direct marketing are verifiable.
  • - All elements are extremely flexible.
  • - Not effective if used as a short term strategy.
  • - Failure to coordinate direct marketing with the company's activities, product distribution or corporate strategy can lead to a decrease in customer loyalty.
  • - Poorly conducted direct marketing creates distrust in the firm and creates a bad image of it.
  • - Able to create brand awareness
  • - able to position trademark or product;
  • - Contributes to the expansion of knowledge about the brand;
  • - Can reach mass audiences;
  • - Capable of stimulating large-scale demand;
  • - Can provide repeat calls;
  • - Serves as a reminder.
  • - Due to the mass orientation, it is difficult to reach narrow target groups, so most of its impact can be wasted;
  • - Can be considered by consumers as something intrusive, so they will try to avoid it;
  • - Can pollute the information environment

public relations

  • - No guaranteed control.
  • - It is difficult to measure the final result.
  • - Must be approved
  • - (audience tends to ignore ads).
  • - More credibility than advertising (i.e. the message is delivered by an independent third party).
  • - Great information content (information about the company and product presented as an editorial may contain much more details than a simple advertising message).
  • - Less time to prepare information for publication (accompanying information material can be prepared very quickly).
  • - Various, including hard-to-reach contact audiences are reached, and not just consumers - employees, community leaders, legislators and regulatory authorities, the financial community and individual interest groups.
  • - Can help the client in the issue of image.
  • - Demonstrate the company's role as a member of society.
  • - Can break through advertising noise.
  • - Greater audience attention
  • - strangers (editors, etc.).
  • - Single use.
  • - Not for free.

Participation in fairs, exhibitions

  • - The exhibition is a concentrated reflection of the current situation on the market in a particular area.
  • - The exhibition provides the company with an excellent opportunity to conduct an effective presentation and establish personal contacts with business partners
  • - A means of advertising new products;
  • - High price;
  • - Inefficient pr unpreparedness of managers;
  • - Creates a positive image of the company;
  • - Opportunity to find new customers;
  • - Obtaining information for market analysis;

Sales promotion

  • - Gives you the opportunity to penetrate almost any target audience.
  • - SP shares are available to any type of business - from the largest to the smallest.
  • - Short-term stocks have a quick positive result.
  • - Increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.
  • - Develops trading through reminders.
  • - Creates databases.
  • - Brings flexibility to the business needed to perform various marketing tasks.
  • - Buyers with stable preferences usually do not respond to "signs of attention" from competing suppliers.
  • - Short-term nature of the effect.
  • - With the constant use of sales promotion tools lose their effectiveness.

F. Kotler, speaking about the effectiveness of promotion costs, notes that it is largely determined by the degree of readiness of the buyer to purchase the goods. On fig. 2.4. the relative cost effectiveness of the main promotion tools is displayed. Thus, "at the awareness stage, advertising and publicity play the most important role. The buyer's acquaintance with the product occurs mainly through advertising and personal sales. The buyer's persuasion is mainly influenced by personal sales. The purchase is made mostly during personal sales or under the influence of events Re-ordering is largely determined by personal selling and sales promotion, as well as reminder advertising."

Figure 1.2. Cost effectiveness of various MC instruments at various stages of purchase readiness.

1) Industrial market and its features.

2) Products for industrial purposes and their types.

3) Strategic Marketing industrial enterprises.

4) Features pricing policy and sales marketing of industrial enterprises.

5) Marketing communications in the industrial market.

6) Organization of the marketing service of an industrial enterprise.

7) Principles of organization of marketing research in the industrial market.

1) Industrial market and its features.

industrial market is a set of relationships between market actors (manufacturers, intermediaries, consumers, banks, government agencies) carried out within borders. zah certain area at a certain point in time.

Subject industrial marketing is a set of relationships between market actors that arise as a result of their business activity- purchase and sale relations, technical and economic cooperation, financial relations, technological ties, business negotiations, competitive relations, etc. object industrial marketing is an industrial market.

Classification of the industrial market is presented in fig. 2.1.

2) Products for industrial purposes and their types.

Products for industrial and technical purposes include the means of production that pass through the sphere of exchange and circulation, as well as objects that represent social value in the non-productive sphere.

Typology of products for industrial purposes:

The main classification features of PPTN are: origin (products of ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, oil refining, etc.); participation in the production process (raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel and electricity, etc.); purpose (fluxes, diesel fuel, coolants, welding electrodes, etc.). In addition, PPTN is classified according to its physical state: shape, size and other features. In our country, an all-Union classifier of industrial and agricultural products (OKP) has been developed.

3) Strategic marketing of industrial enterprises.

The development of an industrial marketing strategy begins with the study of an industrial buyer (actual or potential) and his specific needs in the field of activity of an industrial company.

The implementation of the strategy is the development of long-term relationships with industrial buyers through the development and implementation of individual marketing strategies for each specific client, including the main components of marketing activities:

Commodity (assortment) policy;

Sales and service policy;

Price policy;

Communication strategy.

Assortment item is a specific model, brand or type-grade-size (TSP) of products that the company offers to consumers.

When dealing with marketing issues, keep in mind demand features for industrial products.

Features of demand for industrial products

Thus, providers of DPU should be prepared to analyze the possible impact of the purchase of their products on the profits and financial position of acquiring firms.

When deciding on the choice of forms of sale, it is necessary to focus on non-traditional forms sales - installment payment, lease of equipment with a return (rental), long-term lease with the right to purchase (leasing), investment in the production of equipment or its expansion through the issuance of securities (shares, bills), barter.

When considering pricing issues, consider the following:

In industrial markets, in most cases, demand is inelastic;

Can't set too much low prices, because the industrial (wholesale) buyer associates this with the low quality of the goods, or with smuggling;

Offering a product at a lower price than competitors will lead to an increase in sales volumes.

The demand for PCTN is elastic if the purchased goods are fully included in the ready product, and hence its cost.

4) Features of the pricing policy and sales marketing of industrial enterprises.

Forecasting is the backbone of any trading system, so done right can make you extremely rich.

When developing a pricing policy, the following should be taken into account:

The distribution system can be organized directly, or with the use of intermediaries (see Fig. 2.2.).

Wholesalers, distributors, dealers, sales and marketing agents, brokers, etc. can act as intermediaries.

Depending on the type of ownership of the goods, intermediaries can perform the following functions:

. transport goods, bring them geographically closer to the location of end consumers;

. store goods;

. establish contacts with potential and real customers;

. collect marketing information about the state of the market and demand;

. inform potential consumers about products, advertise them and stimulate sales;

. render Additional services to consumers - order picking, packaging, cutting, etc.

. incur certain costs for organizing the activities of the channel - to finance the channel;

. bear financial and other types of risks related to the functioning of the channels.

The company's own distribution network consists of the company's sales department and a group of dependent intermediaries. Benefits of creating your own distribution network:

1. Organization of direct interaction with end users of products.

2. Own sales network is focused on the sale of only the company's products, all the efforts of managers and sales agents are distributed according to the general marketing and sales strategy of the company.

3. The possibility of organizing a strict system of accounting and control over the movement of goods, sales volumes, the return of goods and its causes is increasing.

5) Marketing communications in the industrial market.

Communications is understood as the whole set of emerging connections and relations between market entities in the course of their activities. They may include industrial and technological links between cooperating companies, business relationship between buying and selling firms, personal contacts between company personnel, information links, etc. In this regard, communications in industrial markets are not limited to considering only the relationship between selling and buying firms, they also include relationships between competing companies, relationships with banks, government agencies and all other actors in the industrial market. This causes the fact that the relationship between the actors of the industrial market, or communication, becomes the main element of analysis in industrial marketing, and the establishment and development of relations is the main goal of the industrial actor.

Since industrial figures develop relations with partners more than they act in the market (that is, they try to sell their product by any means), they are ready to invest in the development of relations. These investments are of various kinds: in the technical adaptation of products, in the procedure of communication with partners (consultations, meetings, business negotiations, business trips) and market investments (creation of sales networks, branches, offices, advertising, etc.).

6) Organization of the marketing service of an industrial enterprise.

The marketing service can be organized in four main types of structures - a functional structure, a product-oriented structure, a market-oriented structure, and a regional structure. The choice of a particular structure is mediated by the characteristics of the production and marketing activities of the enterprise, the range of products, the location of the enterprise's customers, etc.

Creating an enterprise marketing service will require a corresponding change organizational structure management services and the establishment of new functional links between departments of the enterprise.

Organizationally, the marketing service should be directly subordinate to the director of the enterprise, which ensures the independence of its position in relation to other departments and an objective assessment of the capabilities of the enterprise in developing its marketing policy. In its activities, the marketing service should interact with the departments of the enterprise involved in achieving its production and commercial goals:

The interaction of the marketing service with other departments is shown in fig. 2.3.

The tasks of the marketing service at the enterprise are the collection and analysis of initial information, planning and forecasting, and operational work. Consider the main options for building a marketing service based on its tasks.

Organization by function takes place, when there are few types of products and markets, they can be considered as some kind of homogeneity. The divisions of the enterprise specialize in the following areas:

Market research, assortment and new service planning;

Organization of goods distribution and creation of a dealer network.

Organization by type of product - useful in cases where an enterprise produces several types of products targeted at different categories of consumers and requiring, in addition, the organization of a special service. In this case, managers for each type of product, as a rule, are assigned all of the above activities, with the exception of advertising, exhibitions and public relations, which are assigned to a separate manager.

Organization by Markets ("market" - this is any specific industry) is appropriate if specific knowledge of its use in specific industries is required to promote products to the market. In this variant, managers are also assigned enterprises of a specific industry, regardless of geographic location, and the entire range of tasks, except for advertising, etc.

Organization by territories is considered profitable when in each of the selected regions the nomenclature is not very high, and the differences between consumers are insignificant. In the structure of the marketing department of the enterprise, all managers are divided into geographical regions. This allows the manager not only to clearly imagine the picture in the region, but also to maintain personal contacts with the leaders of the wholesale and retail trade links in them. In practice, various mixed schemes for organizing the marketing service are often used.

7) Principles of organization of marketing research on promental market.

As sales, buyers, and markets grow, sellers need to learn about their customers—who they are, their needs, buying behavior, motivations, and so on. Each seller tries, having studied the consumer, to create a standard model (rules of behavior for the seller) that promotes sales.

Industrial buyers are all companies and organizations that enter into relationships with manufacturers and sellers in order to purchase goods and services.

The following types of industrial buyers can be distinguished:

Industrial enterprises;

Construction organizations;

Trading (wholesale and retail) companies;

Transport companies;

Non-production enterprises;

State bodies and organizations;

Non-profit organizations;

Individuals who have licenses with the right to carry out various commercial activities(agents, brokers, brokers, notaries, lawyers, etc.).

Industrial buyers are characterized by their size:

By the number of employees;

By turnover or gross income;

By the volume of purchases of resources, etc.

In addition, each buyer is characterized by its organizational structure, field of activity, skill level of staff, reputation, etc.

The seller must have a clear idea of ​​his main customers, their size and capabilities, as well as trends in preferences and needs. All this is necessary for a correct understanding and prioritization and emphasis on serving certain types of consumers, on the distribution of resources for maintaining and developing communications with the most profitable or promising buyers.

In industrial marketing, the Pareto rule also applies, which states that 20% of customers provide 80% of the profits. Otherwise known as "80/20".

The main value of analysis based on the Pareto effect is that it can help identify areas of activity that the company should pay the most attention to.

The next point to pay attention to when organizing marketing research- this is the identification of "market niches" of unsatisfied demand.

Solution options:

1) Discussing similar issues with firms representing the most promising market segments.

2) Development of a list of problems that the use of of this type products, then 100-200 customer firms (or individual consumers) are asked to rank the identified problems in terms of their importance, and in accordance with this ranking, measures are taken to improve the product.

3) Analysis of the structure of the required qualities and the degree of their presence in the delivered product.

Taking into account the interests of buyers often not only helps to identify needs, but also allows you to get new ways to meet them. In some industries, most of the new product models are developed by the customers themselves.



annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of scientific work - Zamuraeva Larisa Evgenievna, Kiselitsa Elena Petrovna, Mamaeva Irina Vasilievna

The results of the study are presented theoretical aspects formation marketing communications on the industrial enterprises. The features of the market for industrial goods are systematized. A refined formulation of the concept " Marketing communications» with an emphasis on the end goal and addressees. Extended classification of instruments introduced marketing communications according to the signs of direction and communication channel, attitude to the boundaries of the company, premeditation, frequency of use, degree of formalization, type of prevailing coding system, etc. The specifics of marketing communications on the industrial enterprise. It was revealed that for this type of market, the main promotion tools are personal selling and sales promotion. A study of the industry market was carried out on the example of the manufacturing sector of the industry of the Tyumen region. The analysis of features is carried out and problems of use are revealed marketing communications industrial enterprises. The results of surveys of heads of marketing services and employees performing marketing functions, as well as managers of supply and material support departments. A mechanism for the formation marketing communications for industrial enterprise, consisting of six consecutive stages: audit of your own communication policy industrial enterprise, audit of the external communication environment, planning and creation marketing communications, implementation marketing communications, efficiency mark marketing communications, control and correction marketing communications. Each stage is divided into steps, the content of which is presented in the article. For each stage, goals, research methods, input and output parameters are defined. Some results of approbation and evaluation of communication and economic efficiency on the example of Tyumen Plant "Metal Structures and Reservoirs" LLC.

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Use of marketing communications at the industrial enterprises

The article presents the results of studying of the theoretical aspects of the marketing communications formation at the industrial enterprises. There are systematized the features of the industrial goods market. There was proposed a specified formulation of the term "marketing communications " with an emphasis on an ultimate goal and addressees of marketing communications . The article presents a comprehensive classification of marketing communication tools according to the following criteria: focus and channel of communication, attitude to the limits of the company, the premeditation, the frequency of application, degree of formalization, the predominant type coding, etc. The authors studied the specificity of marketing communications in the industrial enterprise. It was revealed that for this type of market the basic tools of promotion are personal selling and sales promotion. This article describes the research on the example of the manufacturing sector of the Tyumen region. The authors performed an analysis of the characteristics and problems of use of marketing communication of industrial enterprises. The article presents interviews with the heads of marketing services and employees performing marketing functions as well as managers of logistics and material support. The authors developed the mechanism of the marketing communications formation for industrial enterprises , consisting of 6 consecutive stages: an audit of communication policy of industrial enterprises , external audit of the communications environment, planning and creation of marketing communications , implementing of marketing communications , evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing communications , control of marketing communications . Each stage is divided into steps, the content of which is presented in the article. For each stage there are defined goals, research methods, input and output parameters. There are given some results of testing and evaluation of communication and economic efficiency of the example Tyumen industrial enterprise.

Marketing communications is the process of conveying information about a product to a target audience. A target audience is a group of people who receive marketing messages and have the opportunity to respond to them.

Personal selling - establishing personal contact with one or more potential buyers for the purpose of selling a product.

1. Establishing the target audience 2. Preparing for contact with the target audience 3. Winning the favor of the target. audience 4. Presentation of goods 5. Overcoming possible doubts and objections 6. Completion of the sale 7. After-sales contacts with buyers. The main stages of personal selling

Public relations (PR) is a management function that ensures that effective communications are established and maintained between an organization and its public. Public relations

The purpose of direct marketing is the planned response of the buyer, expressed in the purchase of a product. The task of direct marketing can be considered in two aspects: establishing the planned relationship with the buyer; implementation of the sale. If you detail, then the tasks of direct marketing can be specified: attracting the attention of the recipient; retention of the consumer in the sphere of influence; development of long-term personal relationships with the buyer; stimulation of the first purchase; creation of prerequisites for numerous repeated purchases; study of consumer reaction; increase in sales volumes attributable to the buyer; expanding the range of purchases; increase in the frequency of purchases; growth of consumer loyalty. Direct Marketing