Types of staff training. Publication of the teacher on the topic Organization of storage and control of stocks and raw materials Instructing staff on the safety of food storage

  • 07.04.2020

Instructing staff on food safety and storage.

Types of instructions. Fire safety instructions.

Topic 4. Types of supply Types of storage facilities and requirements for them. Organization of food receipts.

The tasks of organizing the supply of enterprises Catering in market conditions.

Modern Requirements to the organization of supply: providing a wide range of products, complexity, timeliness, rhythm, consistency with the production plan, cost-effectiveness.

Sources of supply and suppliers of products: raw materials, semi-finished products. Efficiency of use of various sources of supply.

Tasks of commercial services of enterprises. Organization of commercial relations (territorial and local).

Regulations governing the relationship of the parties for the supply of products and raw materials.

Organization of contractual relations with suppliers. Direct contractual connections. Contracts for the supply, contracting of agricultural products. Stages of interaction between participants in commercial relations. Expansion of the rights of the parties in the market conditions. The concept of barter contracts.

Organizational forms of supply: transit and storage, their concept and economic feasibility of use. Ways and routes of delivery of products. Types of transport used in the transportation of raw materials and finished products. Requirements for the transportation of goods. Economical use of transport.

Organization and order of material and technical support of public catering enterprises. Characteristics of the current standards for equipping public catering enterprises with trade, technological and refrigeration equipment, tableware and kitchen utensils, inventory, furniture and other items. Contractual relations with logistics authorities and directly with manufacturers, use of the services of fair complexes, auction centers, branded, trade and marketing networks, service centers, small wholesale stores.

The concept of warehousing. Types, characteristics of storage facilities of various catering establishments, their equipment.

Warehouse requirements. The content and characteristics of warehouse cycle operations.

Organization of acceptance of products and material technical means in quantity and quality. The act of acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality.

Stocks of products, their importance for the rhythmic, uninterrupted operation of production.

Organization of storage of products and material and technical means. Modes and methods of storage. Implementation of progressive technology of warehousing and storage with the use of container-equipment.

The order of release of products and raw materials for production. Documenting holidays.

Organization of container economy. Appointment and classification of containers. Organization of container circulation: acceptance, opening, storage and age of containers. Use of functional capacities, containers.

Topic 5. Methods for monitoring the safety and consumption of products in food production. Software for managing the consumption of products in production and the movement of dishes. The procedure and rules for the inventory of stocks of products.

Methods for controlling possible theft of stocks in production.

Software for managing the consumption of products in production and the movement of dishes: "1C: Enterprise 8. Catering."

Topic 6. Rules for placing an order for products from the warehouse and receiving products from the warehouse and from suppliers. Types of accompanying documentation for various product groups. Documentary accounting of the consumption of raw materials in production.

The procedure and rules for the inventory of stocks of products.

Determination of the results of the inventory of goods and containers.

Responsibility of employees in the field of control of the availability of goods.

Main sources:

1. № 51740-2001 Specifications for food products. General requirements for development and design.

2. GOST No. 51074-97 "Food products. Information for consumers. General requirements"

3. Federal Law on consumer rights protection / dated 07.02.92 No. 2300-1, with add. and changes, from 09.01.99, .№2-03

4. Federal Law on the quality and safety of food products / dated 02.01.00 No. 29-FZ

5. Federal Law On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population / dated 30.03.01, No. 52-FZ

6. SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the manufacture and defense capability of food raw materials and food products in them"

7. SP 1.1.1058-01 Organization and conduct production control for compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological (preventive) measures.

8. Sanitary rules. "Conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products" SanPiN 42-123-4117-03

9. M.V. Volodina, T.A. Sopacheva "Organization of storage and control of stocks and raw materials" - M .: center "Academy", 2014.-192p.

10. S.Yu.Malgina, Yu.N.Pleshkova "Organization of the work of the structural subdivision of POP" - M .: Publishing Center "Academy" 2014.320p.

Additional sources:

1. SanPiN 42-123-4116-86 Sanitary rules. Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products.-188 p.

2. Litvinova E.V. Technology and quality control of culinary products from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. -384 p.

3. Catering. Leader's Handbook. – M.: Economic news. - 2009. - 816 p.

Internet resources:

1. Warehouses. [ Electronic resource.] Access mode -http://www.mfarm.ru

2. Warehouse equipment. [Electronic resource.] Access mode -http://www.solandtech.ru/

3. Organization of warehouse work. [Electronic resource.] Access mode - http://www.pitportal.ru

Variants of tasks for home control work

Option number 1

1. Describe the normative and technical documents regulating the order of supply and acceptance of goods.

potato food

Under normal conditions, the shelf life of sugar in the warehouse is 8-10 days, the daily need for sugar in a public catering enterprise is 50 kg. How much and how often do you need to order sugar from suppliers?

Option number 2

1. Describe the methods that determine the quality of food products

2. Analyze quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation

canteen carrots

Pike perch frozen unglazed in the amount of 500 kg. kept in stock for 10 days. The warehouse is located in the first zone.

Attrition rate -0.056%

Option number 3

1. Describe the consumer properties of food products.

2. Analyze the quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation of fresh onions

3. Determine the commodity balances at the end of the reporting period.

At the beginning of the reporting period (10 days), the balance of goods in the warehouse amounted to 35,000 rubles. At the warehouse on consignment notes received:

Raw smoked sausage - 9000 rubles.

Semi-smoked sausage - 1100 rubles.

Smoked fish - 1000 rubles.

Ham "Special" - 14900 rubles.

Boiled sausage - 7000 rubles.

Hard cheese "Edem" - 1700 rub.

Smoked fish -7000 rub.

Cheese "Parmesan" -5000 rub.

Option number 4

1. Describe the forms of distribution

2. Analyze quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation

drinking milk

3. Solve the production situation:

The daily requirement of a public catering enterprise for wheat flour is 50 kg per day. How much wheat flour and how often should be ordered from suppliers if, under normal conditions, the shelf life of flour in the warehouse is 8-10 days.

Option number 5

1. Describe the basic requirements for storage facilities.

2. Analyze quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation

fresh apples

3. Determine the inventory balances at the end of the reporting period.

At the beginning of the reporting period (10 days), the balance of goods in the warehouse amounted to 18,800 rubles. At the warehouse on consignment notes received:

Meat - 7200 rubles.

Groats - 3100 rubles.

Cotton products - 580 rubles.

Vegetables - 660 rubles.

From the warehouse to production given:

Meat - 5800 rubles.

Flour - 480 rubles.

Cotton products - 580 rubles.

Groats - 730 rubles.

Fish - 1120 rubles.

Option number 6

1. Give a description and indicate the classification of containers and packaging materials.

2. Analyze the quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation of wheat flour

3. Solve the production situation:

Under normal conditions, the shelf life of corn flour in the warehouse is 8-10 days, the daily need of a public catering enterprise for cereals is 30 kg. How much cornmeal and how often do you need to order from suppliers?

Option number 7

1. Describe the types of inventory

2. Analyze quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation


3. Determine the amount of natural loss.

Boiled sausages -150kg; sausages and sausages -250kg are stored in a warehouse for 3 days.

The rate of natural loss:

Boiled sausages - 0.60%;

sausages and wieners -0.75%.

Option number 8

1. Describe the measurement method that determines the quality of food products

2. Describe the quality indicators, methods and storage conditions of frozen fish.

3. Solve the production situation:

Under normal conditions, the shelf life of rice groats in the warehouse is 8-10 days, the daily need of a catering enterprise for groats is 40 kg. How much rice groats and how often do you need to order from suppliers?

2. Describe the quality indicators, methods and storage conditions for ghee

In the warehouse located in the first zone, pasta in the amount of 300 kg was stored for 15 days.

Attrition rate: 0.01%

Option number 10

1. Describe the method based on the regulation of various indicators of the climatic storage regime.

2. Describe the quality indicators, methods and storage conditions for butter

3. Solve the production situation:

Under normal conditions, the shelf life of semolina in the warehouse is 8-10 days, the daily need of a public catering enterprise for cereals is 80 kg. How much semolina and how often do you need to order from suppliers?

Option number 11

1. Describe the main goals of the inventory

2. Describe the quality indicators, methods and conditions of storage of beef meat

3. Calculate the amount of natural loss.

In the warehouse located in the first zone, chilled beef in the amount of 300 kg was stored for 15 days.

Option number 12

1. Describe the organoleptic method for assessing the quality of food products.

2. Describe methods for controlling possible theft in production.

3. Solve the production situation:

Under normal conditions, the shelf life of buckwheat groats in the warehouse is 8-10 days, the daily need of a public catering enterprise for groats is 80 kg. How much buckwheat and how often do you need to order from suppliers?

Option number 13

1. Describe the documentary accounting of the consumption of raw materials in production.

2. Describe the quality indicators, methods and conditions of storage, transportation of fresh eggplant.

3. Solve the production situation:

The balance of the commodity report in production amounted to 1089-50

Cash in hand - 160-40

Products - 700-70

Finished products - 90-20

Semi-finished products -190-50

Option number 14

1. Describe the centralized and decentralized types of goods delivery.

2. Analyze the quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation of spices: cloves

3. Solve the production situation:

According to the documents in the warehouse of a public catering establishment, there is a balance in the amount of 21,900 rubles. during the inventory, a balance was found in the amount of 19,100 rubles. The commission revealed damage to cereals from pests in the amount of 600 rubles. according to the accountant's calculations, the amount of natural loss for the reporting period amounted to 2200 rubles.

Option number 15

1. Describe the meaning and types of supply.

2. Analyze the quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation of fresh tomatoes

3. Solve the production situation:

Determine inventory results.

The balance of the commodity report in production amounted to 582 - 50.

The inventory revealed:

Cash on hand - 168-60

Products - 259-50

Finished products - 126-70

Option number 16

1. Describe normalized and non-normalized commodity losses

2. Describe the consumer properties of food products .

3. Solve the production situation:

The daily need of a public catering enterprise for rice groats is 15 kg. How much rice groats and how often should be ordered from suppliers if, under normal conditions, the shelf life of rice in the warehouse is 8-10 days.

Option number 17

1. Name the normative and legislative documents on standardization and certification of goods.

2. Describe volumetric and planning requirements for storage facilities.

In the warehouse located in the first zone, frozen pork in the amount of 200 kg was stored for 15 days.

Attrition rate -0.155%

Option number 18

1. Describe the types of liability: limited and full.

2. Describe the quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation of spices: coriander

3. Solve the production situation:

Under normal conditions, the shelf life of wheat groats in a warehouse is 8-10 days, the daily need of a catering enterprise for groats is 60 kg. How many wheat groats and how often do you need to order from suppliers?

Option number 19

1. Describe the conditions and modern requirements for the organization of supply.

2. Analyze the quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation of fresh sweet pepper

3. Calculate the amount of natural loss.

In the warehouse located in the first zone, chilled beef in the amount of 200 kg was stored for 15 days.

Attrition rate: 0.17%

Option number 20

1. Describe the following types of inventory: full and partial.

2. Describe the sanitary and hygienic requirements for storage facilities.

3. Determine the results of the inventory.

The balance of the commodity report in production amounted to 735 - 10.

The inventory revealed:

Money at the box office - 300-50

Products - 160-40

Finished products - 115-70

Semi-finished products -112-10

Option number 21

1. Describe the types of containers (paper, wood, metal, glass, polymer, combined)

2. Give an analysis of the quality indicators, storage conditions, transportation of fresh table beet

Deputy Director for

UVR N.M. Myakisheva


« » ____________ 2012

Program, control work for students of the correspondence department, 4 courses, studying in the specialty "Technology of public catering products."

Lecturer: Nikeshina I.V.

Explanatory note.

In accordance with curriculum students of the correspondence department of the 4th year study the discipline "Organization of storage and control of stocks of raw materials."

When studying the discipline, students must master theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the full scope of the sections of the program.

As a result of studying the subject, students should be able to :

  • determine the availability of stocks and consumption of products;
  • evaluate storage conditions and the condition of products and stocks;
  • conduct training on food safety;
  • make decisions on the organization of processes for controlling the consumption and storage of products;
  • draw up technological documentation and documentation for the control of consumption and storage of products, including using specialized software.

students should know:

  • assortment and characteristics of the main groups of food products;
  • General requirements to food quality and safety;
  • conditions of storage, packaging, transportation and sale various kinds food products;
  • methods of quality control of products during storage;
  • methods and forms of instructing personnel on the safety of food storage;
  • types of supply;
  • types of storage facilities and requirements for them;
  • periodicity Maintenance refrigeration, mechanical and weighing equipment;
  • methods for monitoring the safety and consumption of products at catering establishments;
  • software managing the consumption of products in production and the movement of dishes;
  • modern ways to ensure the correct safety of stocks and consumption of products in production;
  • methods of control of possible theft of stocks in production;
  • rules for assessing the state of stocks in production;
  • procedures and rules for the inventory of stocks of products;
  • rules for placing an order for products from the warehouse and receiving products from the warehouse and from suppliers;
  • types of accompanying documentation for various product groups.

At the end of the discipline, students perform one control work.

Students study the theoretical material on their own, as well as in review and installation classes under the guidance of a teacher.

Students perform control work within the time limits set by the schedule. Students begin to perform the test work after studying the theoretical material from notes, textbooks and additional literature.

Options control works consist of three theoretical questions and two practical situations.

Answers must be clear and complete.

The work is done in a school notebook in a cage, by hand. For the teacher's comments on the right side of the sheet, margins should be left. The work must be written legibly, clearly, without abbreviations, through a line. A special form is pasted on the cover of the notebook and all columns are carefully filled in indicating the student's last name, first name, patronymic, code, group number, subject name, test work number, option, home address and place of work.

Each answer must be preceded by a number and the full text of the question. The answer to a new question must begin on the next page.

At the end of the work, a list of used literature is given (surname, initials of the author, full name of the textbook, brochures, articles in a magazine, newspaper, place of publication, publisher, year of publication), followed by the student's signature and the date of completion of the work. Two blank sheets are left for the teacher's review.

The completed work is presented in educational part within the scheduled time frame.

The work is assessed "passed" or not credited.

A student who has received the mark "passed" gets acquainted with the review and, taking into account the comments of the teacher, finalizes individual questions in order to deepen knowledge.

A failed test is returned to the student with a detailed review, containing recommendations for correcting errors, for re-execution. The work is performed by the student again and is submitted together with the uncredited work for verification.

The control work, performed not according to its version, is returned without verification and offset.

If you have any problems during the performance of the control work, you should contact the teacher for advice.


Main sources:

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 1, M. Legal Literature, 1995.

2. Labor law RF, 197-FZ, 12/30/2001.

3. the federal law“On Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1, 02/07/1992 (as amended on 11/23/2009)

4. Federal law "On the quality and safety of food products", 29-FZ, 02.01.2000.

5. Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population", 52-FZ, 30.03.1999.

6. GOST R 50762 - 2007 “Catering services. Classification of enterprises»

7. GOST R 50647-2010 “Catering services. Terms and Definitions"

8. GOST R 50763 - 2007 “Catering services. Products sold to the public. General technical conditions".

9. GOST R 50935 – 2007 “Catering services. Requirements for personnel »

10. GOST R 53105 – 2008 “Catering services. Technological documents for catering products. General requirements for design, construction and content "

11. GOST R 53104-2008 “Catering services. Method of organoleptic evaluation of the quality of public catering products "

12. Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for catering facilities"

13. SanPiN 2.4.5. 2409-08 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education"

14. SanPiN 2.3.1078-01 "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products"

15. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover of food products and raw materials in them."

16. Kazantseva N.S., “Commodity research of food products”, textbook, M., LLC “Publishing Corporation Dashkov and K”, 2008.

17. Martinchik A.N. "Physiology of nutrition, sanitation and hygiene", uch. allowance. M. Academy Publishing Center, 2007.

18. Nikolaeva M.A. "Commodity research consumer goods», « Theoretical basis". M. Infra-M, 2003.

19. Radchenko L.A. "Organization of production at catering establishments", Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix 2009.

20. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. M. Khlebprod, Chudotesto, Mn Belforpost LLC, 1997.

21. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments, M., Khlebprodinform, 1996,1997,2000.

22. Trushina T.P. "Fundamentals of microbiology, nutritional physiology and sanitation for public catering", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2008.

23. Timofeeva V.A., "Commodity research of food products", textbook, Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2008.

24. Usov V.V. "Organization of production and service at public catering establishments", M. Ekmos, 2009.

Additional sources:

1. Krymskaya I.G., "Hygiene and fundamentals of human ecology", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2009.

2. Prozorkina N.V., Rubashkina L.A., "Fundamentals of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2008.

3. Reference book of food products merchandiser. M. Kolos 2009.

4. Magazines "Nutrition and Society", "Restaurant Business".

Internet resources:

1.www.garant.ru - SPS Garant website

2. www.consultant.ru - SPS Consultant Plus website.



Choice of test option.

The variant of the control work is determined according to the table, depending on the last two digits of the student's personal file number (code).

In the table, horizontal B defines the numbers from 0 to 9, each of which is the last digit of the cipher. Vertical A also contains numbers from 0 to 9, each of which is the penultimate digit of the cipher. The intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines determines the cell with the numbers of the student's test questions. For example, the code of a student of the GTS is 73 - 475. The last two digits 75 determine the variant of the test. The intersection of the 7th row along the vertical A and the 5th column along the horizontal B determines the cell of the variant with questions.

Test options

B Last cipher digit
B Last cipher digit

Questions of control work.

1. The concept of the quality of raw materials, quality indicators, consumer properties, nutritional value.

2. The concept of defects, their classification, diagnosis of defects.

3. Methods for assessing the quality of raw materials. Safety indicators. Factors that shape the quality of food products.

4. Classification, coding, assortment of goods, types of food products.

5. Definition, classification, assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and terms of storage of grain flour products.

6. Assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and shelf life of cereals. Quality requirements, defects arising during storage of cereals.

7. Assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and shelf life of pasta. Quality requirements, defects that occur during the storage of pasta.

8. Assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and shelf life of flour. Quality requirements, defects that occur during the storage of pasta.

9. Assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and terms of storage of bread and bakery products. Diseases of bread.

10. Definition, classification, assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and terms of storage of dairy products.

11. Assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and shelf life of cheeses. Quality requirements and defects arising during storage of cheeses.

12. Assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and terms of storage of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. Quality requirements and defects arising from the storage of these products.

13. Definition, classification, assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and shelf life of sugar confectionery products..

14. Assortment, classification, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and shelf life of jams, jams, marmalade. Quality requirements and possible defects arising during storage.

15. Definition, classification, assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and terms of storage of fish. Quality requirements and defects arising during storage of fresh fish.

16. Definition, classification, assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and terms of storage of fish products. Quality requirements and defects arising from the storage of hot and cold smoked fish.

17. Definition, classification, assortment, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and terms of storage of meat. Quality requirements and defects arising from the storage of chilled meat.

18. Veterinary and commodity branding of meat. Quality requirements and defects arising from the storage of frozen meat. Conditions and terms of storage of frozen meat.

19. Assortment, classification, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and shelf life of boiled sausages. Quality requirements and possible defects arising during storage.

20. Assortment, classification, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and shelf life of smoked sausages. Quality requirements and possible defects arising during storage.

21. Classification, chemical composition, nutritional value, conditions and periods of storage of eggs, chicken food. Quality requirements and possible defects.

22. Tasks and modern requirements for the organization of the supply of public catering enterprises. Normative documents regulating commercial relations for the supply of goods.

23. Sources of supply and suppliers of products, raw materials, semi-finished products. Organization of commercial relations (interregional and local). Analysis of the activities of the commercial service of your enterprise for the effective use of supply sources.

24. Organization of contractual relations with suppliers, direct contractual relations, expansion of the rights of the parties in market conditions. Analysis of the commercial conditions stipulated by a specific supply agreement concluded at your enterprise.

25. Organizational forms of supply: transit and storage, their characteristics and "economic feasibility of use. Methods and routes for the delivery of products.

26. Develop a scheme for organizing the supply of your enterprise with perishable and non-perishable products (3 items for each group). The result of the work is summarized in a table:

Name of products suppliers Supply form Way of organizing supply Delivery route

27. Types of transport used to transport raw materials and finished products. Requirements for the transportation of goods. Conduct an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of using transport at the enterprise at your place of work.

28. Types, characteristics of storage facilities of various catering establishments, their equipment: requirements for storage facilities. Modes and methods of storage of products in the warehouse. Implementation of progressive storage technology with the use of containers - equipment.

29. Organization of acceptance of products in terms of quantity and quality. The procedure for drawing up an act of acceptance of products in terms of quantity and quality.

30. Release of products and raw materials for production. Vacation documentation.

31. Types of stocks of raw materials, criteria for assessing stocks of raw materials. Analyze the creation of stocks of raw materials at your enterprise.

32. Methods for quality control of products during storage

33. Methods for monitoring the consumption and safety of products in public catering organizations.

34. Modern ways ensuring the correct safety of stocks and consumption of products in production.

35.Procedures and rules for the inventory of food stocks.

36. Situation: The restaurant received potatoes from a fruit and vegetable base with an underweight of 50 kg. Your actions? Draw up an act of acceptance of products by quantity.

37. Fill in the table, indicate the causes of defects and develop measures to prevent them:

38. Imagine that you are the head of an enterprise. Name the criteria for choosing a supplier of dairy products, list possible ways and delivery routes.

39. Fill in the table, indicate the causes of defects and develop measures to prevent them:

40. Situation: An agreement was concluded between enterprises for the supply of semi-finished fish products, but on the day of delivery of products, the canteen is closed due to an accident on the water supply. Describe your actions.

41. Situation: During the inventory in the refrigerated chamber for dairy products, 5 liters were detected. expired milk. Milk has a stretchy texture and a sour taste. Describe your actions, what measures should be taken to prevent damage to the product.

42. Situation: Upon acceptance of the goods, a discrepancy was found between the category of eggs indicated on the invoice and received after the fact. The egg in some boxes has a foreign smell. Describe your actions.

43. . Fill in the table, indicate the causes of defects and develop measures to prevent them:

44. Fill in the table, indicate the causes of defects and develop measures to prevent them:

45. Fill in the table, indicate the causes of defects and develop measures to prevent them:

46. ​​Situation: A public cafe for 24 seats opens in the city. Think over the organization of supplying cafes with meat products, indicate possible suppliers and develop shipping routes

47. Situation: A 30-seat diner opens in town. The company does not have its own transport for the supply of raw materials. Suggest ways out of this situation, specify the requirements for transport.

48.Situation: B confectionary shop premium wheat flour. Upon acceptance, it was found that out of the total amount of delivered flour, 10 bags turned out to be of the 1st grade. Describe your actions.

49. Situation: A restaurant for 200 seats opens in the city. Think over the organization of supplying the restaurant with food and raw materials. Suggest sources of raw materials and suppliers.

50. Situation: During the audit in the warehouse of the canteen, a shortage of some types of goods was established. Describe your actions and suggest preventive measures to prevent shortages.


by discipline "Organization of storage and control of stocks of raw materials"

for a group 4T

1. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible flour defects.

2. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects in cereals.

3. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible defects in pasta.

4. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible defects in bread and bakery products.

5. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible milk defects.

6. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects of cottage cheese.

7. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible defects in fermented milk products.

8. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects of cheeses.

9. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible defects in butter.

10. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible defects in chicken eggs, egg powder, melange.

11. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible meat defects.

12. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects in smoked meats.

13. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects of boiled and smoked sausages.

14. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects of fish.

15. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects in confectionery sugary products (jam, jam, marmalade).

16. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible defects in cocoa powder.

17. Assortment, storage conditions and terms, quality requirements, possible defects in chocolate.

18. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects in p/f from poultry.

19. Assortment, conditions and terms of storage, quality requirements, possible defects p / f from frozen meat.

20. Rules for branding meat.

21. The main tasks of the organization of supply of POP products. Modern requirements for the organization of supply. Organization of food supply.

22. Suppliers of products and their relationships, links with EPP. ND regulating the relationship between the parties for the supply of products.

23. Organizational forms of supply of raw materials, methods and routes for the delivery of products, their advantages and disadvantages. Progressive methods of delivery of products.

24. Types of transport used in the transportation of raw materials and finished products. Requirements for the transportation of products and transport.

25. The concept of warehousing. Kinds. characteristics of warehouses of various POPs, their equipment, the procedure for determining the area.

26. Requirements for storage facilities.

28. Organization of acceptance of products and logistics in terms of quantity and quality.

29. Stocks of products, their purpose. What contributes to excess reserves.

30. Organization of warehousing and storage of products and material and technical means. Progressive storage technologies.

31. The procedure for the release of products for production, buffets, branches. Documenting.

Teacher I.V.Nikeshina

Working programm

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Komi State Vocational Educational Institution "Syktyvkar College of Trade and Economics"
Working programm

academic discipline
Organization of storage and control of stocks and raw materials
name of the discipline in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
for students studying in the specialty 19.02.01. "Technology of public catering products" (code, name of specialty) basic (training level: basic, advanced) Syktyvkar 2015 1
The work program of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 19.02.01. “Technology of public catering products” (code, name of specialty) Level of training basic (basic or advanced) Developers Full name Qualification category Position 1 Serditova N.G. higher teacher Considered at a meeting of the subject-cycle commission Protocol No. _____ dated "____". ____.______ Chairman of the PCC ______ Ortyanova V.A. Recommended methodological council GPOU "STEK" Minutes No. _____ dated "____".____.______ Chairman of the Board _______________ Doroshenko V.N. 2

1. Passport

work program academic discipline
Organization of storage and control of stocks and raw materials [name of discipline in accordance with in accordance with GEF]
1.1. Scope of application of the work program of the academic discipline
The work program of the academic discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 43.02.01. Technology of catering products
[the code]

[specialty name in full]
The work program of the academic discipline can be used only within the framework of the implementation of the specialty 43.02.01. Technology of public catering products [code] [specialty name in full] in additional vocational education in the implementation of advanced training and retraining programs [indicate the focus of advanced training and retraining programs] [code] [name of the specialty in full] [code] [name of the profession in full] within the specialty of SVE [code] [name of the specialty in full]
1.2 The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main

professional educational program
This academic discipline is included: in the mandatory part of the cycles of the OPOP OP 03. in the variable part of the cycles of the OPOP 14 font [name of the cycle in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard]
1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for

the results of mastering the academic discipline:
As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should be able to: 1. Determine the availability of stocks and costs of products; 2. evaluate storage conditions and the condition of products and stocks; 3. conduct briefings on the safety of food storage; 4. make decisions on the organization of processes for controlling the consumption and storage of products; 5. draw up technological documentation and documentation for the control of consumption and storage of products, including using specialized software; 6. methods of quality control of products during storage; four
7. methods and forms of instructing personnel on the safety of food storage As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should know: 1. the range and characteristics of the main groups of food products; 2. general requirements for the quality of raw materials and products; 3. conditions of storage, packaging, transportation and sale of various types of food products; 4. types of supply; 5. types of storage facilities and requirements for them; 6. types of storage facilities and requirements for them; 7. periodicity technological service refrigeration, mechanical and weighing equipment; 8. methods for monitoring the safety and consumption of products in food production; 9. software for managing the consumption of products in production and the movement of dishes; 10. timely ways to ensure the correct safety of stocks and consumption of products in production; 11. methods of control of possible theft of stocks in production; 12. rules for assessing the state of stocks in production; 13. procedures and rules for the inventory of food stocks; 14. rules for placing an order for products from the warehouse and receiving products from the warehouse and from suppliers; 15. types of accompanying documentation for various groups of products [Specify the requirements for skills, knowledge, practical experience in accordance with those listed in Section VI (Table 2 Structure of the OBOR SVE) of the Federal State Educational Standards by specialty] 1.4. The recommended number of hours for mastering the exemplary program of the academic discipline: total hours, including the maximum study load of the student 63 hours, including the mandatory classroom study load of the student 42 hours, independent work of the student 21 hours; [the number of hours is entered in accordance with the working curriculum of the specialty] 5

2. Structure and content of the academic discipline

2.1. Volume of academic discipline and types of educational work

Type of study work


1 Maximum study load (total) 63 2 Mandatory classroom study load (total) 42 including: 2.1 laboratory work - 2.2 practical exercises 14 including: 3.1 Research work 12 3.2 Work with normative and technical documentation 9 Total 63 DZ 6

2.2. Thematic plan and the content of the academic discipline

"Organization of storage and control

reserves and raw materials"


sections and topics

student work

Watch Volume



Topic 1.
Characteristics of catering establishments

The concepts of catering, catering, catering services. Features of production and trading activities POP. The main types and classes of enterprises according to GOST R 50762 - 2007 “Catering services. Classification of catering establishments”, their characteristics and distinctive features. The main functional groups of premises of various enterprises: composition, purpose.
Topic 2
Organization of production supply
Content of educational material

Rational organization of supply of public catering establishments. Basic requirements for the organization of supply. Sources of supply and suppliers. Types of suppliers and their characteristics. Supplier selection criteria.
Organization of contractual relations with suppliers. Supply contracts, characteristics of sections.
Technological process of distribution. Organizational forms, methods and routes of delivery of goods. Modes of transport used in the transportation of products. Requirements for transport. Mandatory shipping documents.

Practical work

Drawing up a contract form for the supply of products (goods), equipment.
Preparation of technical documents for the acceptance of food products (Consignment note, invoice)

Topic 3.
Assortment and characteristics of the main groups of food products
Content of educational material

Classification of goods and the concept of assortment. The quality of food products and its evaluation. Storage conditions. Commodity losses during storage. Norms of natural attrition in warehouses.
Organization of acceptance of food products in terms of quantity and quality. Normative and technical documents regulating the acceptance of goods. Commodity stocks, their value. List of products that are prohibited from taking in EPP.

Practical work

Solving problems to determine the normalized losses during storage of products.
Solution of situational problems according to the rules of acceptance of goods. Work with documents for registration of goods acceptance.

Topic 4.
Methods and forms of instructing personnel on food safety and storage.
Content of educational material

Providing training to employees on safe practices and working methods. Fire safety training for personnel. State, departmental supervision and public control for the safe conduct of work.

Practical work

Solving situational problems for conducting briefings on the safety of food storage.
Topic 5.
Organization of warehouse and container management
Content of educational material

Warehousing: concept. Composition of storage facilities for various types of PPP, requirements for storage facilities. Warehouse equipment. The frequency of maintenance of refrigeration, mechanical and weighing equipment.
Organization of food storage. Mode and methods of storage. The order of release of products for production.
Organization of container economy. Tara and its characteristics. Organization of turnover. Use of functional capacities, containers.

Practical work

Solution of situational problems related to the assessment of storage conditions for products and raw materials. Solving problems related to the release of products for production and filling in the relevant documentation.
Topic 6.
Methods for controlling possible inventory theft
Content of educational material

Methodological techniques and methods of inventory control. Procedures and rules for conducting an inventory of products. Methods for monitoring the safety and consumption of products in public catering establishments. Software for managing the consumption of products in production and the movement of dishes. Responsibility of employees in the field of control of the availability of goods. General basis and conditions of liability of employees.

Topic 7.
Product consumption control in production. Types of accompanying documentation for various product groups. Rules for the preparation of documentation for the release of products from the warehouse. Documentary accounting of the consumption of raw materials in production. Accounting for finished products in production. Accounting for the movement of containers. Rules for placing an order for products from the warehouse and receiving products from the warehouse and from suppliers.
Registration of reporting documentation (act on the removal of food residues, a record of the movement of products and containers in the kitchen).
Independent work. 1. Study and analysis of the composition functional groups premises of public catering enterprises (practice base), their relationship. 2. Make a table on the topic: "Shelf life of the main types of products." 3. Make a crossword puzzle on the topic: "Assortment and characteristics of the main groups of food products." 4. Determination of suppliers of local products (manufacturers in Syktyvkar and the Komi Republic) for public catering enterprises, familiarization with the proposed range, their brand name (writing a report). 5. Develop a scheme for organizing the supply of catering enterprises in Syktyvkar with perishable and non-perishable products. 6. Preparation of a report on suppliers of material and technical means for catering enterprises in Syktyvkar and the work of service centers. 7. Develop a presentation on the topic: “Software“ product 1 C: Enterprises 8. Catering ” 8. Preparation of essays on individual tasks:“ Exotic products. Their culinary use”, “New types of packaging and methods of its disposal”, “Types of the latest equipment used in warehouses”

3. Conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

3.1. Minimum logistical requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline presupposes the presence of a study room Organization and technology of the industry [the name of the classrooms associated with the implementation of the discipline is indicated] halls library; reading room with Internet access.
3.2 Equipment of the classroom and workplaces of the cabinet

technical support


Study room equipment
1 workplaces by the number of students 2 teacher's workplace 3 Blackboard
Library fund (printed

1 Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (1996, 1997) 2 Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at catering establishments
printed manuals
1 Forms of documents for performing practical work 2 Guidelines for performing practical work 3 Guidelines for performing independent work
Technical teaching aids (example)

Names of objects and means of material

technical support


Teaching aids (ICT facilities)
1. Computer 2. Multimedia projector 3. Projector table 4. Screen (hinged) 5. 10

3.3. Information support of training

Main sources:


1 FZ On the quality and safety of food \ dated 02.01.00 No. 29-FZ 2000 2 FZ On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population \ dated 30.03.01, No. 52-FZ. 2001 3 GOST R 50762 – 2007 “Catering services. Classification of catering establishments. General specifications” 2007 4 GOST R 50106-2008 “Catering services. Method for calculating waste and losses of raw materials and food products in the production of public catering products. 2008 5 Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. - M., Khlebprodinform. 1996, 1997 6 Sanitary regulations. “Conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products” SanPiN 42-123-417-86. 7 Volodina M. V. Organization of storage and control of stocks and raw materials. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy". 2013 Recom. 8 Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at catering establishments. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006. 2011 Admission. 9 Sopacheva T.A. Organization of storage and control of stocks and raw materials. Textbook for open source software. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy". 2013 Approval
Additional sources: (example)

Printed publication imprint


1 Mrykhina E.B. Organization of production at catering establishments - M .: Publishing House "Forum" - INFRA - M. 2007 Admission. 2 Smagina I.N., Smagin D.A. Organization of commercial activities in public catering - M., EKSMO. 2005 Approval 3 Usov V.V. Organization of production and service at public enterprises 2002 Admission. eleven
nutrition - M .: IRPO.
Internet resources:
Network search Google, Yandex.
Information programs:
Consultant - plus, Guarantor. one
Warehouses. [Electronic resource.] Access mode - mfarm 2. Warehouse equipment. [Electronic resource.] Access mode - solandtech 3.Organization of warehouse work. [Electronic resource.] Access mode - pitportal
4. Monitoring and evaluation

results of mastering the academic discipline


and evaluation
the results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as the performance by students of individual tasks, projects, research.
Learning Outcomes

(learned skills, acquired knowledge)

Forms and Methods

monitoring and evaluation

learning outcomes


determine the availability of stocks and consumption of products; - draw up and conclude contracts for the supply of goods; - evaluate storage conditions and the condition of products and stocks; - to conduct briefings on the safety of food storage; - make decisions on the organization of processes for controlling the consumption and storage of products; - draw up technological documentation and documentation for the control of consumption and storage of products, including using specialized software; Protection of practical tasks. The quality of individual assignments. The quality of problem solving.

assortment and characteristics of the main groups of food products; - general requirements for the quality of raw materials and products; - conditions of storage, packaging, transportation and sale of various types of food products; - methods of quality control of products during storage; - types of supply; - types of storage facilities and requirements for them; - the frequency of technological maintenance of refrigeration, mechanical and weighing equipment; Differentiated credits by topics. Evaluation of test items. The quality of independent work. Protection of abstracts Report on the collection of information. 12
- methods for monitoring the safety and consumption of products in food production; - software for managing the consumption of products in production and the movement of dishes; - methods of control of possible theft of stocks in production; - rules for assessing the state of stocks in production; - procedures and rules for the inventory of stocks of products; - rules for placing an order for products from the warehouse and receiving products from the warehouse and from suppliers; - types of accompanying documentation for various product groups.
GPOU "STEK" "Syktyvkar College of Trade and Economics" teacher N.G. Serditova 13

Methods and forms of instructing personnel on the safety of food storage.

Induction training.
Induction training is carried out with all newly hired, regardless of their education, length of service in a given profession or position, as well as with seconded workers, pupils, students who have arrived for industrial training or practice.
An introductory briefing at the enterprise is carried out by a labor protection engineer or a person who is entrusted with these duties by order of the enterprise or by the decision of the board, and with students in educational institutions - by a teacher or a master of industrial training.
On the large enterprises Relevant specialists may be involved in conducting individual sections of the introductory briefing.
An introductory briefing is carried out in an occupational safety room or a specially equipped room using modern technical training aids and visual aids (posters, field exhibits, models, models, films, filmstrips, videos, etc.).
Introductory briefing is carried out according to the program developed by the department (bureau, engineer) of labor protection, taking into account the requirements of SSBT standards, rules, norms and instructions for labor protection, as well as all the features of production, approved by the head (chief engineer) of the enterprise, educational institution in agreement with the trade union committee. The duration of the briefing is set in accordance with the approved program.
An approximate list of questions for compiling an introductory briefing program is given in Appendix 3 of GOST 12.0.004-90 "SSBT. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions".
An entry is made about the introductory briefing in the introductory briefing registration log (Appendix 4 GOST 12.0.004-90 "SSBT. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions") with the obligatory signature of the instructed and instructing, as well as in the employment document (form T -1). Along with the journal, a personal training card can be used (Appendix 2 of GOST 12.0.004-90 "SSBT. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions").
Primary briefing

Initial briefing at the workplace before starting production activities carry out:
- with all newly admitted to the enterprise, transferred from one unit to another;
- with employees performing a new job for them, business travelers, temporary workers;
- with builders performing construction and installation work on the territory operating enterprise;
- with students and pupils who arrived for industrial training or practice before performing new types of work, as well as before studying each new topic when conducting practical classes in educational laboratories, classes, workshops, sections, when conducting extracurricular activities in circles, sections.
Note. Persons who are not associated with the maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials, do not undergo primary instruction at the workplace.
The list of professions and positions of workers exempted from primary briefing at the workplace is approved by the head of the enterprise (organization) in agreement with the trade union committee and the labor protection department.
Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the heads of production and structural divisions enterprises, taking into account the requirements of SSBT standards, relevant rules, norms, and instructions for labor protection, production instructions and other technical documentation. Programs are coordinated with the department of labor protection and the trade union committee of the unit, enterprise.
An approximate list of the main issues of primary briefing at the workplace is given in Appendix 5 of GOST 12.0.004-90 "SSBT. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions."
Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out with each employee or student individually with a practical demonstration of safe working practices and methods. Primary briefing is possible with a group of persons serving the same type of equipment, and within a common workplace.
All workers, including graduates of vocational schools, training and production (course) factories, after the initial briefing at the workplace, must undergo an internship under the guidance of persons appointed by order ( order, decision) for the workshop (section, cooperative, etc.).
Workers are allowed to independent work after an internship, checking theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe ways of working.

Repeated briefing is carried out in order to check and increase the level of knowledge by the employee of the rules and instructions on labor protection individually or with a group of workers of the same profession or team according to the briefing program at the workplace. This type of briefing must be completed by all employees at least 6 months after the next briefing, with the exception of those workers who are not associated with the use of labor activity tools and equipment.
Repeated briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers serving the same type of equipment and within the general workplace according to the program of primary briefing at the workplace in full.
Unscheduled briefing

Unscheduled briefing is carried out:
- upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as changes to them;
- when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;
- in case of violation by workers and students of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;
- at the request of the supervisory authorities;
- during breaks in work - for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 days.
Unscheduled briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers of the same profession. The scope and content of the briefing is determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons and circumstances that necessitated its implementation.