Bird feeder project. Social project “Bird feeder. As well as other works that may interest you

  • 13.11.2019

MOU "Pronskaya secondary school"

creative project

"Bird feeders"


students of the 2nd "b" class

Classroom teacher:

Bedrina Vera Anatolievna



Introduction ………………………………………………………………3

Analysis of ideas and justification of the project……………………………..4

Economic calculation……………………………………………...5

Historical background on the dining room for wintering birds………….6

Analysis of the result obtained…………………………………….7

Literature used………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Application ……………………………………………………… 9-10


Relevance: a large number of birds die in the winter cold, a person can help them survive the cold.

Objective of the project:

Make an environmentally friendly bird feeder.

Project objectives:

Develop a product manufacturing plan.

Select material

Develop product design.

Make a product.

Conduct product analysis.

Preparatory stage:

Draw a project.

Creating a feeder.

Choosing a place for her.

Feeders can be different designs: feed tables, trays, feeders-houses, feeders-pins, feeders-hooks.

Uncle Vasya and I made a tree feeder. There is a roof in the feeder so that snow does not fall. Our food is bread crumbs, seeds, millet, unsalted lard.

Work plan

Before starting work, it is necessary to develop a plan for bringing the project to life.

Work plan for the manufacture of the feeder:

    1. Analysis of ideas, justification of the project

      Choice of sketch and materials

      Project execution technology

      Economic justification

      Product manufacturing

Analysis of ideas and justification of the project

Winter time is not only happy holidays, lively skiing, desperate snowball fights, but also hard frosts with biting wind. Therefore, our task is to take care of our smaller brothers. Wintering birds are in great need of help.

In the beginning of November in the lessons of the environment around us, the teacher said that we musttake care of our smaller brothers - birds, and make a feeder for them.Bird feeders can be very diverse: from ordinary bowls to modern automatic and semi-automatic devices.

Of course, you can take an empty milk carton orplastic bottle and quickly build something similar. Meanwhile, making a bird feeder with your own hands with the help of an adult is not at all difficult, and it will serve for more than one season.

The simplest feeder to make consists of a plywood bottom with sides and rigid supports on which the roof is attached. There are small sides so that gusts of wind do not blow away millet or seeds. A roof in a homemade feeder is an essential element, it protects the food from rain and snow. If there is a possibility that slanting rain streams will fall on the bottom of the feeder, we made several small holes in it.

Make such a simple feeder under the power of everyone. All parts of the feeder must be painted before assembly. White and brown paints were used for coloring.

All this work was embodied in the Bird Feeder project.

Choice of sketch and materials

There are a lot of options for making feeders: homemade, factory. We decided to make a feeder from an environmentally friendly material, spending the minimum amount of money and bringing the work done as close to nature as possible.

For the manufacture of the feeder we used natural material- wood.

economic calculation

In order to make a feeder, I will need:

1. Sandpaper - 10 rubles

2. Nails - from home stocks

3. Hook - 2 pieces x 15 rubles - 30 rubles

4. Paint white, brown - from home stocks

Total: 40 rubles.

Historical information about the canteen for wintering birds

It is difficult to say when the very first canteen for wintering birds appeared in our country. But “feeding tables” for birds began to enter our culture, most likely, at the end of the 19th - at the very beginning of the 20th century, when children’s “May Unions” appeared in different places of what was then Russia.

Here is how D.N. Kaigorodov, a wonderful naturalist, describes such alliances:

“Children of some city, village, school gather at the initiative of a priest, teacher or some other person and, after a prayer and an introductory speech, solemnly make the following vows “in the name of love for God and His creations”:

Never torture any living being.

Never kill birds, destroy their nests, steal their eggs and chicks.

Never catch birds with any traps.

Never keep birds in a cage, except for those born in cages (for example, canaries), or when keeping in a cage saves the bird from death (chicks that have fallen out of the nest, etc.).

Protect animals and birds from other tormentors and offenders. Take care of the birds in winter: feed them, arrange “feeding tables.”

Here is a little book by S. Pokrovsky "Among Nature", published in 1914,

and we find a story about a bird's dining room:

“Take a wooden box or board, put it or hang it in a convenient place, sprinkle bird food on it every day, and you will achieve that the whole company the birds will get used to coming here to feed. If you live in a village or even on the edge of a city, where there are large gardens and parks, then a bird feeder placed in a convenient place for observation can bring you a lot of happy minutes...
If you feed the birds day after day, they will get used to coming to the feeder and stop being afraid of you. And observing the habits and customs of birds (it’s good to do this with binoculars) will give you as much knowledge as you can’t get in any book.

The story about the bird canteen ended with the task: "Arrange a bird feeder and try to photograph, sketch, or at least get a good look at them while feeding."

The first of April is an unofficial adopted holiday, it is customary to meet and spend it with jokes and various practical jokes. But on this day, another holiday is celebrated, already official. Beginning in 1906, World Bird Day began to be celebrated.

Analysis of the result

The aim of our work was to manufacture an environmentally friendly feeder. For this, a natural material was used that does not harm environment either during operation or disposal. This version of the feeder is designed for feeding small birds.

The work on the project, the process of making the feeder and the result obtained gave us the joy of creative self-expression..

Used Books

1. Voronkevich O. A. "Ecology" M, "Enlightenment", 2011.

2. Textbook "The world around" Vakhrushev A.A., m "Balass", 2013.

3. Yashin A. "Feed the birds in winter", M, "Children's Literature", 1986.

Memo "How to feed the birds"

1. It is better to make feeders the simplest ones - from bags from under dairy products. And also from plastic bottles, reinforced upside down, so that the grain gradually spills onto the stand.

2. Hang the feeders in places that are quiet for the birds.

3. Make sure that the food in the feeder is constantly.

4. Feeders should be kept clean.

5. Make sure there is no snow in the feeder.

6. Remember that the main winter food: watermelon seeds, melons, pumpkins, wheat bran, oatmeal, millet, sunflower seeds (not fried, not salted), dried hawthorn berries, rose hips, crumbs white bread, unsalted lard, beef fat.

7. You can not give black bread.

Anna Bulgatova

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten No. 87 "Smile"

Project« Bird feeders»

speech therapy group No. 7 "Boys"

Completed: teacher speech therapist Davletkhanova S. I.

educators: Bulgatova A. V.

Kalashnikova S. I.

Target project:

The study of lifestyle and behavior birds in winter.

Object of study: wintering birds of our land

Tasks project:

1. Expand ideas about the life of wintering birds of our region.

2. Conduct observations of the behavior and nutrition of wintering birds.

3. Practical work (performance feeders) ;

4. Feed the birds all winter

5. Make an analysis and summarize the result

habitat birds: Kindergarten area

Methods and techniques:

1. Observations.

2. Collection of information.

3. Work with literature.

4. Processing of collected information.

5. Creative work.

Stages of work:

1. Theoretical

Tasks: expand ideas about the life of wintering birds in conditions countryside, about fitness, features of their behavior and nutrition.

wintering birds do not fly away from us to warmer climes. They feed on buds, seeds, and fruits of trees and shrubs, and look for feed around a person's home.

It is very difficult for birds in winter. Often they are starving. During frosts and heavy snowstorms, they die of hunger.

Especially often birds perish at the end of winter, when everywhere almost all the food is eaten. That's why birds need to be fed in the winter.

Bullfinch. In October, bullfinches migrate to the forests of our country for the winter. At this time, they appear in villages and cities. In winter, they stay in the forests, where feeding on alder seeds, ash, maple, linden and other trees and shrubs.

When frosts come, bullfinches move closer to human habitation, fly into gardens and orchards, look for rowan and sea buckthorn berries.

Tit. It tends to human habitation, often found in large cities and other settlements, in the suburbs, in gardens and parks. In the cold season, the great tit stays in the nesting areas, or wanders for short distances, strays into mixed flocks with others. birds and roams in search of food. Willingly visits feeders, where feeding sunflower seeds, unsalted lard, cream from milk bags.

Sparrow. The house sparrow is a human companion. Leads a settled way of life, which is favored by conditions for nesting and plentiful feed in human settlements. The sparrow's diet includes seeds of agricultural crops, garbage of various products that it picks up in human settlements, cereals in the fields, cherries, currants in gardens, and flower buds in spring. Crashes if there are no nearby fields feed in the meadows, forest edges, where he collects seeds of wild herbs and insects.

2. Practical.

Tasks: Make and hang bird feeders keep them clean

Follow that in there was always food in the feeders.

The children and their parents made feeders. A competition was announced among families to make the best feeders. No one will be left without a reward (Diploma from the teaching staff of the group).We will hang them on the site in kindergarten. feeders must be kept clean so as not to become a source of disease. Birds near feeders appear from the very dawn, therefore stern you have to sleep in the evening. During frosts and snowstorms, this should be done every evening.

3. Surveillance

Tasks: Watch for birds flying to feeder.

Determine which birds fly to feeders.

What kind birds usually arrive at feeders? Sparrows chirp in the morning. A large flock arrives every day to feeders. Tits fly often. Sparrows and tits play amusingly on the apple trees on which they hang feeders. A visit of a flock of bullfinches is possible. They're very beautiful. We even admire the beauty of these birds. Magpies come and chirp. Waxwings rarely arrive.

Conclusion: after observing, we made the following conclusions:

1. In our region, only those adapted to survive in harsh weather conditions winter. birds.

2. Satiated the bird is not afraid of frost.

3. Main rule: do not forget to sleep food in the feeders. Irregular filling feeders can cause the death of those accustomed to feeding birds.

Reminder "How to feed birds".

1. Hang up feeders in quiet places for birds.

2. Make sure food in the feeder was constantly.

3. feeders must be kept clean.

4. Make sure that there was no snow in the feeder.

5. Remember that the main winter stern: watermelon seeds, melon, pumpkin, wheat bran, oatmeal, millet, sunflower seeds (not fried, not salted, dried hawthorn berries, rose hips, white bread crumbs, unsalted lard, beef fat. Do not give black bread

The final summing up of our work was the exhibition in secondary school No. 7 in Vostochny

Related publications:

Feed the birds in winter! Let from all over To you flock, as home, Flocks on the porch. How many die they do not count, It's hard to see. But.

Came gold autumn. Migratory birds have departed, but our urban wintering birds have remained. And for such birds, the guys and I decided to make.

Master class "Bird feeder from a plastic bottle" ki With the onset of cold weather, it becomes difficult for birds to get food for themselves. According to statistics.

A cold, sometimes rainy autumn has come. It became warm in apartments and houses. But here our smaller brothers suffer from cold and hunger. Here.

Creative project for junior schoolchildren on the topic: "Bird feeder"

Introduction ………………………………………………………………3
Analysis of ideas and justification of the project……………………………..4
Economic calculation……………………………………………...5
Historical background on the dining room for wintering birds………….6
Analysis of the result obtained…………………………………….7
Literature used………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix …………………………………………………………………9-10
The relevance of the project: a large number of birds die in the winter cold, a person can help them survive the cold.
Objective of the project:
- Make an environmentally friendly bird feeder.
Project objectives:
- Develop a production plan.
- Select material
- Develop product design.
- Make a product.
- Perform product analysis.
Preparatory stage:
- Draw a project.
- Creation of a feeder.
- Choosing a place for her.

Feeders can be of different designs: feed tables, trays, feeders-houses, feeders-pins, feeders-hooks.
Uncle Vasya and I made a tree feeder. There is a roof in the feeder so that snow does not fall. Our food is bread crumbs, seeds, millet, unsalted lard.
Work plan
Before starting work, it is necessary to develop a plan for bringing the project to life.

Work plan for the manufacture of the feeder:
1. Analysis of ideas, justification of the project
2. Choice of sketch and materials
3. Project execution technology
4. Business case
5. Product manufacturing
6. Analysis of the result
Analysis of ideas and justification of the project
Winter time is not only fun holidays, lively skiing, desperate snowball fights, but also severe frosts with piercing winds. Therefore, our task is to take care of our smaller brothers. Wintering birds are in great need of help.
In early November, at the lessons of the environment around us, the teacher said that we need to take care of our smaller brothers - birds, and make a feeder for them. Bird feeders can be very diverse: from ordinary bowls to modern automatic and semi-automatic devices.
Of course, you can take an empty milk bag or a plastic bottle and quickly build something similar. Meanwhile, making a bird feeder with your own hands with the help of an adult is not at all difficult, and it will serve for more than one season.

My easiest wooden feeder to make consists of a plywood bottom with sides and rigid supports on which the roof is attached. There are small sides so that gusts of wind do not blow away millet or seeds. A roof in a homemade feeder is an essential element, it protects the food from rain and snow. If there is a possibility that slanting rain streams will fall on the bottom of the feeder, we made several small holes in it.
Everyone can make such a simple feeder. All parts of the feeder must be painted before assembly. For coloring I used white and brown paints.
All this work was embodied in the project "Bird Feeder

Choice of sketch and materials
There are a lot of options for making feeders: homemade, factory. I decided to make a feeder from an environmentally friendly material, spending the minimum amount of money and bringing the work done as close as possible to nature.
For the manufacture of the feeder, I used a natural material - wood.

economic calculation
In order to make a feeder, I will need:
1. Sandpaper - 100 tenge
2. Nails - from home stocks
3. Boards from home stock

Total: 100 tenge.

Historical information about the canteen for wintering birds
It is difficult to say when the very first canteen for wintering birds appeared in our country. But “feed tables” for birds began to enter our culture, most likely, at the end of the 19th - at the very beginning of the 20th century.
Birds are warm-blooded creatures. Their average body temperature is 41°C. This means that they can remain active during the cold season, but need more food. Therefore, many birds leave their snow-covered places and go to warm countries for the winter. The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are lack of food and cold. Flights are more characteristic of species of high and temperate latitudes: in the tundra, almost all species of birds are migratory, in the taiga - three-quarters of the species. The number of migratory species in certain habitats also depends on how sharply the food conditions in them differ in summer and winter. So, among the inhabitants of the forests and settlements about half of the species are migratory, and among the inhabitants of fields, swamps, reservoirs - almost all species. migratory birds more among insectivores and carnivores, less among granivores. This is understandable: if grain can still be found in winter, then there are no insects at all.
But there are birds that do not care about the cold. All year round they find suitable conditions for existence in their homeland and do not fly. Such birds are called sedentary.
In the winter forest you can hear how the woodpecker is busily knocking, titmouse, pikas, nuthatches, jays are chirping. The wood grouse does not leave the winter forest either, because he always has food - delicious pine needles. But black grouse and hazel grouse eat alder catkins, buds and juniper berries.
The amazing bird crossbill in winter even manages to make nests and hatch chicks. The crossbill feeds on spruce seeds, which it extracts from cones with the help of its beak.
Some birds, during a favorable winter, remain in their homeland, and in severe winters they wander from place to place. These are nomadic birds. These include some birds nesting high in the mountains; during the cold season they descend into the valleys.
Finally, there are birds that, in favorable winter conditions, are sedentary, but in unfavorable years, for example, when seeds of coniferous plants fail, they fly far beyond the borders of their nesting homeland. These are waxwings, Muscovy tits, nuts, tap dances, bullfinches, jays and many others. Nesting in the steppes and semi-deserts of Central and Central Asia behave in the same way.
Some widespread bird species are migratory in some places and sedentary in others. Among wild pigeons there are migratory, nomadic and sedentary birds.
The first of April is an unofficial adopted holiday, it is customary to meet and spend it with jokes and various practical jokes. Every year, International Bird Day is celebrated on April 1st. On March 19, 1902, the signing of the "International Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful in agriculture". Kazakhstan officially joined the convention on May 2, 2007.
Extensive Celebration Campaign international day birds is not without reason addressed to the youngest audience. The Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan, under whose auspices the events are held, intends to involve children and youth in solving problems of protection wildlife wide sections of the population.
Analysis of the result
The purpose of my work was to produce an environmentally friendly feeder. For this, natural material was used, which does not harm the environment either during operation or during disposal. This version of the feeder is designed for feeding small birds and will fit especially well into the landscape of our school.
Working on the project, the process of making the feeder and the result obtained gave me the joy of creative self-expression.

Rice #1

Rice #2
Used Books
1. Voronkevich O. A. "Ecology" M, "Enlightenment", 2011.
2. Amazing birds of the world: Valentina Miroshnikova - Moscow, Factor, 2007 - 192 p.
3. Yashin A. "Feed the birds in winter", M, "Children's Literature", 1986.
5. Animal world Kazakhstan: A. N. Formozov - Moscow, LKI, 2010
Memo "How to feed the birds"
Even in winter, each species of bird feeds on a certain type of food. The species composition of visiting birds will also depend on what you pour into the feeder. Below are the main foods that can be used in winter feeding.

Millet, millet, oats, wheat
The favorite food of some birds are the seeds of various plants, especially cereals. By pouring millet or oats into the feeder, you will attract sparrows, goldfinches, greenfinches and other grain-eating birds to it. Do not forget that pigeons are also happy to peck any grains.

Sunflower seeds
The most versatile food for wintering birds. It can be eaten by various granivorous birds, as well as tits, nuthatches, woodpeckers, etc. A large number of vegetable fats inside sunflower seeds makes them an important source of energy in cold winter conditions.

These products can also be used for winter bird feeding. They are very fond of tits, nuthatches and some other species of birds. But it is worth remembering that only unsalted lard or meat can be offered to birds. As a rule, pieces of lard are strung on a twine, which is hung on the branches of trees or shrubs. Top dressing from fat or meat should be placed in such a way that it does not go to crows, magpies, jackdaws, as well as cats and dogs.

Dried rowan and hawthorn
Berries of mountain ash and hawthorn attract the most beautiful winter inhabitants of Moscow - bullfinches and waxwings. The fruits must be harvested and dried in advance, in the fall.

maple and ash seeds
Different kinds maple and ash trees are some of the most common trees in Moscow's green spaces. The seeds of these trees are called lionfish. Most of them fly from trees in autumn and become inaccessible to birds. Lionfish are harvested in autumn and hung on feeders. Bullfinches, waxwings and some other visitors to bird canteens like to eat them.

1. It is better to make feeders the simplest ones - from bags from under dairy products. And also from plastic bottles, reinforced upside down, so that the grain gradually spills onto the stand.
2. Hang the feeders in places that are quiet for the birds.
3. Make sure that the food in the feeder is constantly.
4. Feeders should be kept clean.
5. Make sure there is no snow in the feeder.
7. You can not give black bread.
In the yard white-white,
The ground was covered with snow.
It is difficult for birds to winter,
It is difficult to get food.
Fly, sparrow
Fly up, don't be shy!
Do you see the girl? She is
Brought you grain.
Went up to the porch
Sprinkle on the board.
Fly, sparrow
Help yourself, don't be shy!
I. Belyakov.

Creative project "Bird feeder"

History reference

It is difficult to say when the very first canteen for wintering birds appeared in our country. But “feeding tables” for birds began to enter our culture, most likely, at the end of the 19th - at the very beginning of the 20th century, when children’s “May Unions” appeared in different places of what was then Russia.

Here is how the remarkable naturalist D. N. Kaigorodov describes such unions: “Children of some city, village, school gather at the initiative of a priest, teacher or some other person and, after a prayer and an introductory speech, give solemnly“ in the name of love for to God and His creatures" of the following kind of vows:

Never torture any living being.

Never kill birds, destroy their nests, steal their eggs and chicks.

Never catch birds with any traps.

Never keep birds in a cage, except for those born in cages (for example, canaries), or when keeping in a cage saves the bird from death (chicks that have fallen out of the nest, etc.).

Protect animals and birds from other tormentors and offenders. Take care of the birds in winter: feed them, arrange “feeding tables”, etc...”

Here is S. Pokrovsky's little book "Among Nature", published in 1914. Later, this work will lay the foundation for many editions of the remarkable "Calendar of Nature", which has become a friend and guide of young naturalists.

Here we already see a drawing of a bird feeder, which "turns easily in place, it can always be placed so that the wind does not blow into it", and we find a story about a bird's dining room:

“Take a wooden box or a board, put it or hang it in a convenient place, pour bird food on it every day, and you will achieve that a whole company of birds will get used to coming here to feed. If you live in a village or even on the edge of a city, where there are large gardens and parks, then a bird feeder placed in a convenient place for observation can bring you a lot of happy minutes...
If you feed the birds day after day, they will get used to coming to the feeder and stop being afraid of you. And observing the habits and customs of birds (it’s good to do this with binoculars) will give you as much knowledge as you can’t get in any book.

The story about the bird canteen ended with the task: "Arrange a bird feeder and try to photograph, sketch, or at least get a good look at them while feeding."

The first of April is an unofficial adopted holiday, it is customary to meet and spend it with jokes and various practical jokes. But on this day, another holiday is celebrated, already official. Beginning in 1906, World Bird Day began to be celebrated.

The beginning of the last century turned out to be stormy: revolutions, rebellions, reforms. But even in this turbulent time, there were people who were concerned about the disappearance of certain species of birds from the face of the earth. And it all started in Paris. In 1902, the "World Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful in Agriculture" was drawn up in this city. Why the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed on this very day (April 1, 1906) is unknown. Rather, it's just a coincidence. After all, some birds arrive in Europe and Asia long before the first of April.

Ornithologists have calculated that out of ten great tits that set off on their roaming trip in the fall, only two will survive until spring if we do not help these birds.

In the technology lessons, we got acquainted with the processing methods various materials, learned to independently produce products that would have practical value. I liked the lessons very much, and I decided to apply the acquired knowledge in self-manufacturing bird feeders.

Objective of the project:

    Make an environmentally friendly bird feeder.


    Develop a product manufacturing plan.

    Select material

    Develop product design.

    Make a product.

    Conduct product analysis.

Work plan

Before starting work, it is necessary to develop a plan for bringing the project to life.

Work plan for the manufacture of feeders

      Analysis of ideas, justification of the project

      Choice of sketch and materials

      Project execution technology

      Economic justification

      Product manufacturing

      Analysis of the result

Analysis of ideas and justification of the project

At the beginning of November, it's time to take care of our smaller brothers - birds, and make a feeder for them. Bird feeders can be very diverse: from ordinary bowls to modern automatic and semi-automatic devices.

Of course, you can take an empty milk bag or a plastic bottle and quickly build something similar. Meanwhile, making a bird feeder with your own hands is not at all difficult, and it will serve for more than one season.

The easiest wooden feeder to make consists of a plywood bottom with sides and rigid supports on which the roof is attached. Let the sides be high enough so that gusts of wind do not blow away millet or seeds. A roof in a homemade feeder is an essential element, it protects the food from rain and snow. If there is a chance that slanting rain streams will fall on the bottom of the feeder, you can make several small holes in it.

Everyone can make such a simple feeder. It is recommended to paint all parts of the feeder before assembly. For coloring, tinting antiseptics of different colors can be used. You can conduct an experiment: make two feeders. One feeder should be painted in a bright color, the other in monochrome and hung nearby. See which one the birds like best.

If you connect your imagination, you can build something more original, for example, a hut on chicken legs, a rotunda with columns or a telephone house. The basis of this design will be a frame of rails. We sheathe the frame with waterproof plywood, fix the bottom and cover with a roof. We make openings in the walls in the form of high windows, doors or in the form of arches. Estimate their sizes in advance. The larger they are, the larger the pichuga will fly to the feeder.

Choice of sketch and materials

There are a lot of options for making feeders: homemade, factory, designer. The choice of material is limited only by the imagination and material resources of the project executor. I decided to make a feeder from environmentally friendly materials, spending the minimum amount of money and bringing the work done as close as possible to nature.

For the manufacture of the feeder, I used natural materials - wood, bamboo, vegetable raw materials.

economic calculation

In order to make a feeder, I will need:

1. Bamboo napkin - 1 pc. 29 rubles.

2. Glue "Moment" - 1 pc. 10 rubles.

3. Broom - 2 pcs. (from home stock).

4. Nylon cord - 2 m. 10 rubles.

5. Nails - 1 pack 5 rubles.

Total: 54 rubles.

Product manufacturing plan

    Choose a box from previously made technology lessons.

    Attach the slats to the corners of the box and fasten them together.

    Coat the wooden parts with varnish.

    Sheathe the outside of the box with a bamboo napkin.

    Install the broom on the feeder using a nylon cord.

    Secure the product with plastic and tin covers.

Analysis of the result

The purpose of my work was to produce an environmentally friendly feeder. For this, natural material was used, which does not harm the environment either during operation or during disposal. This version of the feeder is designed for feeding small birds and will fit especially well into the landscape of any country house.

Working on the project, the process of making the feeder and the result obtained gave me the joy of creative self-expression.

Feed the birds in winter.
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is not rich.
Need a handful of grain
One handful -
And not scary
They will have winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

Anatoly Mukhin
Creative project "Bird feeder"

History reference

It is hard to say when the very first dining room for wintering people appeared in our country. birds. But in our culture « feed tables» for the birds began to enter, most likely, at the end of the 19th - at the very beginning of the 20th century, when children's "May unions".

Here is how the remarkable naturalist D.N. Kaigorodov: “Children of some city, village, school gather at the initiative of a priest, teacher or some other person and, after a prayer and introductory speech, solemnly give "for the love of God and His creations» next kind vows:

Never torture any living being.

Never kill birds, do not destroy their nests, do not steal their eggs and chicks.

Never catch birds no traps.

Never keep birds in a cage, with the exception of those born in cages (for example, canaries, or when keeping in a cage saves bird from death(chicks that have fallen out of the nest, etc.).

protect animals and birds from other tormentors and offenders. Take care of birds in winter: pour them feed, arrange " fodder tables” and so on. ”

Here is a little book by S. Pokrovsky "In the midst of nature" published in 1914. Later, this work will lay the foundation for many editions of the remarkable "Calendar of nature" who became a friend and guide of young naturalists.

Here we already see the drawing bird feeders, which "turns easily on the spot, it can always be placed so that the wind does not blow into it", and we find a story about a bird canteen:

“Take a wooden box or a board, put it or hang it in a convenient place, pour bird's-eye on it every day. stern, and you will achieve that a whole company of birds will get used to flying here feed. If you live in a village or even on the edge of a city, where there are large gardens and parks, then a bird's eye view exhibited in a convenient place for observation feeder can bring you a lot of happy moments.

If you will be feed the birds every day, they get used to fly on feeder and stop being afraid of you. And observation of habits and customs birds(it's good to do it with binoculars) will give you as much knowledge as you can't get in any book."

The story about the bird's dining room ended task: "Arrange bird feeder and try to photograph, draw, or at least get a good look at them during feeding».

The first of April is an unofficial adopted holiday, it is customary to meet and spend it with jokes and various practical jokes. But on this day, another holiday is celebrated, already official. Since 1906, they began to celebrate the World Day birds.

The beginning of the last century stood out stormy: revolutions, rebellions, reforms. But even in this turbulent time, there were people who were concerned about the disappearance of certain species from the face of the earth. birds. And it all started in Paris. In 1902, the "World Convention for the Protection of birds useful in agriculture". Why the International Convention for the Protection birds was signed on that very day (April 1, 1906) unknown. Rather, it's just a coincidence. After all, some birds arrive in Europe and Asia long before the first of April.

Ornithologists have calculated that out of ten great tits that set off on their roaming trip in the fall, only two will survive until spring if we do not help them. birds.

At the technology lessons, we got acquainted with the ways of processing various materials, learned how to independently produce products that would have practical value. I really liked the classes, and I decided to apply the knowledge gained in self-production bird feeders.

Target project:

Make an environmentally friendly bird feeder.


Develop a product manufacturing plan.

Select material

Develop product design.

Make a product.

Conduct product analysis.

Work plan

Before starting work, it is necessary to develop an implementation plan project to life.

Manufacturing work plan feeders

1. Analysis of ideas, justification project

2. Choice of sketch and materials

3. Execution technology project

4. Business case

5. Product manufacturing

6. Analysis of the result

Idea analysis and rationale project

At the beginning of November, it's time to take care of our little brothers - birds and do for them feeder. Bird feeders may be very varied: from ordinary bowls to modern automatic and semi-automatic devices.

Of course, you can take an empty milk bag or a plastic bottle and quickly build something similar. meanwhile, do bird feeder with your own hands is not at all difficult, and it will serve for more than one season.

The easiest to make wooden feeder consists of a plywood bottom with sides and rigid supports on which the roof is attached. Let the sides be high enough so that gusts of wind do not blow away millet or seeds. And the roof is homemade feeder- an obligatory element, it protects food from rain and snow. If there is a possibility that oblique rain jets will hit the bottom feeders, you can make a few small holes in it.

make it so simple feeder for everyone. All details feeders it is recommended to paint before assembly. For coloring, tinting antiseptics of different colors can be used. Can be held experiment: make two feeders. one feeder it is necessary to paint it in a bright color, the other in monochrome and hang it next to it. See which one you like better birds.

If you connect your imagination, you can build something more original, for example, a hut on chicken legs, a rotunda with columns or a telephone house. The basis of this design will be a frame of rails. We sheathe the frame with waterproof plywood, fix the bottom and cover with a roof. We do it in the walls openings in the form of high windows, doors or in the form of arches. Estimate their sizes in advance. The larger they are, the larger the pichuga will fly to feeder.

Choice of sketch and materials

Manufacturing options a lot of feeders: self-made, factory, design. The choice of material is limited only by the imagination and material resources of the performer. project. I decided to do feeder from environmentally friendly materials, spending the minimum amount of money and bringing the work done as close to nature as possible.

For the manufacture of feeders I used natural materials - wood, bamboo, vegetable raw materials.

economic calculation

In order to manufacture feeder, to me would need:

1. Bamboo napkin - 1 pc. 29 rubles.

2. Glue "Moment"- 1 PC. 10 rubles.

3. Broom - 2 pcs. (from home stock).

4. Nylon cord - 2 m. 10 rubles.

5. Nails - 1 pack 5 rubles.

Total: 54 rubles.

Product manufacturing plan

1. Choose a box from the technology lessons previously made.

2. Attach the rails to the corners of the box and fasten them together.

3. Coat the wooden parts with varnish.

4. Sheathe the outside of the box with a bamboo napkin.

5. Install the broom on feeder using a nylon cord.

6. Secure the product with plastic and tin caps.

Analysis of the result

The aim of my work was to produce an environmentally friendly feeders. For this, natural material was used, which does not harm the environment either during operation or during disposal. This option feeders designed for feeding small birds and will fit especially well into the landscape of any country house.

Work on project, manufacturing process feeders and the result brought me joy creative expression.

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

They are not rich stern.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And for birds warmly.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

accustom birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.