Interrelation of functions and management methods. Principles, methods and functions of management. The implementation of the functions and principles of management is carried out by applying various methods

  • 28.06.2020

Essence and classification of control functions. Control functions are the types of activities by which the subject of control influences the controlled subsystem. General (basic) management functions are inherent in all organizations. These include: planning, organization, motivation and control. Special Features associated with the mission of the organization and dominate the management of specific organizations. Private Functions associated with the implementation of non-core (auxiliary activities.

General management functions.Planning as a form of management involves a clear setting of goals and the development and implementation of a plan (or program) that ensures the optimal achievement of these goals. Organization is a form of government that creates conditions for efficient operation people by coordinating their efforts. The organization as the coordination of work includes authority, delegation and responsibility. Organization as the construction of the management apparatus provides for the vertical and horizontal division of managerial labor and the choice of a model organizational structure taking into account the specifics production process, the scale of the company, the existing staff and the chosen development strategy. Motivation as a function of management involves encouraging employees to act to achieve their personal goals and the goals of the organization. Content theories of motivation focus on the needs of workers: the theory of A. Maslow, the theory of D. McClelland, the theory of F. Herzberg. Process theories of motivation focus on the process of motivation (theory of V. Wum, the theory of justice, the theory of Porter-Lawler.

Special and private management functions. Along with general (or basic) there are special and private management functions.

Special functions are associated with the implementation of the mission of the company and dominate the activities of certain organizations. Thus, the mission of a retail trade company is the sale of consumer goods.

Accordingly, a special function of a trading company will be a commercial function.

Along with industrial and commercial functions in industrial plants and trade organizations private functions such as marketing and innovation are carried out.

Marketing how a private function of the firm helps to expand the field of activity and improve economic performance, create new jobs and better satisfy customer demand.

Marketing involves a reasonable choice of goals and strategies for the functioning and development of an enterprise (organization) that provide the most effective combination of various product groups within the range of manufactured and sold products.

Marketing is based on an integrated approach to linking goals with the resources and capabilities of an enterprise (organization).

Marketing activities provides for the most complete consideration of the requirements of market demand and consumer requests, making informed decisions based on multi-variant calculations, finding the most profitable distribution channels and stimulating it.

Marketing as a management function covers the study of demand, the establishment of an upper limit on the price of goods (services) and profitability, the preparation of marketing programs for products, the determination of final results economic activity firms - gross income, net profit, distribution costs, wages, taxes and interest on loans.

innovation, being a private management function, involves the development of new products and services. Innovations are, first of all, new achievements in the field of technology and enterprise management.

Some private management functions at an enterprise (in an organization) provide logistics, economic and engineering services for enterprises (organizations).

Essence and classification of management methods. Management methods are specific ways of influencing the subject on the object of management. With the help of methods, control functions are implemented. There are economic, organizational and administrative and socio-psychological methods of management.

Economic methods of management. Economic methods of management are based on the material interests of people and are used at all levels of management. Economic methods applied at the macro level are the main tools state regulation economy: national programs, government orders, economic (investment, financial and credit, tax, customs and price policy states). Economic methods applied at the micro level: intra-company planning and commercial calculation. Economic methods applied at the level individual worker: wage, additional material incentives, negative incentives (fines, rewards, etc.)

Organizational and administrative methods of management. Organizational and administrative management methods are based on power and legal motivations and make it possible to increase the efficiency of the company by the best organization management. There are methods of motivational and administrative influence. The first ones are legal methods, organizational regulation, organizational stimulation and instruction. Methods of administrative influence are orders, instructions, instructions and explanations.

Socio-psychological methods of management. Socio-psychological methods of management are the methods of psychology, pedagogy and other sciences that study a person and interpersonal relationships. Management tasks solved with the help of these methods: diagnostics of professional suitability of personnel; study of the psychological climate in the team; evaluation of employees' attitude to management style, innovations, etc.; activation human factor etc. The main groups of socio-psychological methods used in management: survey; conversation; interview; questioning; testing; included and open surveillance.

on the course "Management"

on the topic: "Principles, functions and methods of management"

1. Management principles

Management activities are based on the use of special management principles.

A principle is a basic rule, a requirement, an idea of ​​management and its basis.

The main principles determine the philosophy and strategy of managing the enterprise and its links. Following the principles of management is the key to the high quality of management decisions and, consequently, high management efficiency.

Taking into account the developed principles, the goals of the enterprises' activities are adjusted, priorities are specified, its policy is formulated, methods are developed. The implementation of the principles, goals, priorities and policies of enterprises is carried out with the help of appropriate working methods, instructions, regulations, standards. The latter form the mechanism for managing the organization.

Democratic principle distribution of management functions based on the methods and rules of the social division of labor. In accordance with these rules, a certain part of managerial work (function) is assigned to each body and person of economic management, from the director of the plant to the production foreman. Various in content managerial functions it is necessary to distribute in such a way that everyone does his own work, which he knows and is responsible for the execution of.

The principle of scientific validity of management methods and rules implies that the methods, forms and means of management must be strictly scientifically substantiated and verified by practice. Production is the environment where the laws of production are derived on the basis of the laws of nature and social development. The latter operate as inevitably as the laws of nature. That is why knowledge of the laws of production for each specialist is as necessary as knowledge of the laws of physics and biology.

The need for the principle of management efficiency is associated with the multivariance of ways to achieve the same goal. The leadership of organizations is in constant search effective solutions in all areas of activity. In a free market, the manager must constantly be on the lookout and even take risks in order to keep up with his competitors. In practice, it has been proven that sometimes it is better not to make any decision than to make a rash and wrong one. The higher the level of management at which the decision is made, the more carefully, all other things being equal, they must be justified. After the adoption of a management decision, organizational, administrative and economic measures should be taken to implement it and monitor the progress of its implementation.

The principle of compatibility of personal, collective and state interests is connected with the nature of production. Business organizations are often located in settlements and use local natural resources. Naturally, they should not allow pollution of the water and air basins, irrational use of allocated to them natural resources. It is economically justified that organizations are required to pay an appropriate fee for the operation of these resources. In addition, organizations cannot solve a number of problems without the help of state and local authorities. Many business organizations and entire industries need state support. In order to maximize the efficiency of economic activity and, accordingly, the entire economy, local authorities are obliged to take care of the employment of the population, and, consequently, of the development of enterprises located in their jurisdiction.

2. Control functions

Management as a process of managing an organization is applied in all areas of the organization. The range of management actions performed is so wide that in management theory it is customary to combine them into certain types.

The control function is understood as isolated species management activities, various directions of managerial influence control system to the managed object.

Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925) was the first to single out management functions. Among them are the following operations:

technical (production, dressing and processing);

commercial (purchase, sale, exchange);

financial (raising funds and managing them);

insurance (insurance and protection of property and persons);

accounting (accounting, costing, accounting, statistics, etc.);

administrative (foresight, organization, command, coordination and control).

Currently, the following management functions are distinguished:

forecasting - a certain system of probabilistic assessment of the nature of the change in goals and possible directions for the development of a controlled object in accordance with the available resources of the organization;

planning is the central function of management. Planning involves setting goals and objectives for the management system and the organization as a whole by determining the method and means of achieving them. This function permeates all types of managerial activities and stages of processes of the structural links of any organization. In market conditions, planning becomes a continuous, cyclical process of developing effective ways and methods for the development and functioning of the organization;

organization - determination and distribution of the scope of work to achieve the goals set, taking into account the nature of the relationship between management and production links to create conditions for achieving the target function of the firm (company);

regulation - anticipation and elimination of possible deviations in the course of the ongoing process from the main indicators. This function is aimed at ensuring the planned consistency and proportionality of the development and functioning of individual elements of the managed object;

motivation - the motivation of an employee to be active in achieving the goals of the organization with the help of a system of incentives. This function is based on the satisfaction of the complex structure of human needs in accordance with the operation of the law on the elevation of needs;

coordination - the necessary coordination of actions in the work of all structural elements of the organization. It aims to ensure rhythm and continuity in order to achieve the effectiveness of the interaction of all levels of management;

control - checking the quantitative and qualitative compliance of the planned process with previously planned tasks, decisions, standards and indicators;

accounting - accumulation and analysis of final data for a certain time period. Thanks to this function, it is possible to improve the control system taking into account the knowledge of past years. Control and accounting serve as means feedback in management.

3. Economic methods of management

Management activities are carried out using a set of management methods.

A control method is a way of influencing a control subject on a controlled object. The method of management is also the basis of human motivation for a targeted impact on the labor process. In this case, motivation is complex and complex. The composition of this complex and priority various kinds motivations depend on the level of development of society and specific people entering into interdependent relationships.

Economic management methods are a set of methods and techniques of management influence, based on the use of objective economic laws and a system of interrelated economic indicators, rules and regulations. Economic management methods are based on the following economic laws:

Supply and demand regulation;

The law of value, taking into account the needs of society, the team and the individual.

The main content of economic methods is the comparison of production costs and the results of the organization. Economic methods play the role of a powerful stimulator of the creative activity of workers (rational use of all types of resources, the introduction of the achievements of science and excellence). With the help of economic methods of management, the necessary conditions which are designed to interest people in achieving effective results of their activities.

To economic methods controls include the following:

commercial account. This method management is based on the fact that in most cases economic relations between individual divisions are built on the basis of transfer prices, which reflect the transfer of the product within the boundaries of the enterprise's ownership. In this case, the product is only a commodity in form, not being a commodity in content. Such prices are set within the framework of such a pricing policy, which is pursued by the management of the organization. This management method is based on minimizing costs at all intermediate stages of production of the final product of the organization. On the basis of legal relations between departments of the organization, responsibility for the quality and quantity of products, delivery times are determined;

prices and pricing. Price has a significant managerial impact on the organization, both at the "input" (the price of resources) and at the "output" (the price of the organization's products). Depending on the level of prices, the system of goals of the organization is determined and adjusted, effective strategies of behavior are selected;

financing. This management method is implemented as an instrument of financial policy - it is the provision of all departments with the necessary financial resources. Formation financial resources occurs at the expense of: own and equivalent funds; mobilization for financial market funds; funds received in the order of redistribution;

lending. The development of this management method is associated with the development of a network of commercial banks. The mechanism of the method is based on the growing role of the redistribution of credit resources through the credit market. In this regard, credit redistribution is increasingly decentralized. Credit contributes to the improvement of the consumer market;

tax system. This method of management is especially important in the framework of public administration. By establishing tax liability, the state regulates the state of the economy. The state, by setting high tax rates, helps to reduce business activity, and lowering rates leads to an increase in the activity of entrepreneurs.

4. Administrative and legal management methods

Administrative and legal methods of management are a set of means of legal (legal and administrative) influence on the relations of people in the process of performing their functions assigned to them within organizations of various types.

The basis of administrative and legal methods are:

the system of legislative acts of the country and the region - federal (state) laws, decrees, resolutions, state standards, regulations, instructions, methods and other documents approved by the federal authorities for mandatory use in the country;

system of normative-directive and methodological documents enterprise and higher organization, mandatory for use;

a system of plans, programs, tasks (their failure can disrupt the stability of the work of the entire team).

In management activities, the application of these methods is implemented by:

orders - head of free form indicates to the subordinate what exactly he should (should not) do under certain conditions;

popularization - the emphasis is shifted from direct indications to initiatives in which the leader is active, while orders and punishments are used as a last resort;

delegation of authority - the employee is given the right to independently solve certain tasks and is assigned functional responsibility, in turn, the manager retains general leadership, which cannot be delegated;

participation in management - the manager involves employees in solving various current issues, giving them all the necessary powers and assigning certain responsibilities to them. It is expedient to use this method where people are able and willing to work independently.

There are the following levers of administrative and legal management methods:

rationing - the activity of establishing norms and standards that determine the upper and lower limits in various activities;

regulation - the activity of establishing rules, determining the content and procedure for performing organizational work within the system;

instruction - activities to provide methodological, organizational or informational assistance in specific work within the system.

Forms of administrative-legal methods of management are:

short-term administrative influence through single administrative orders;

this form is designed to ensure a clear functioning organizational systems, daily well-coordinated work of the governing bodies;

long-term administrative influence through long-term administrative acts aimed at improving organizational systems.

5. Socio-psychological methods of management

Socio-psychological management methods are a mechanism for influencing the governing bodies (collective) and people through socio-psychological interests.

These methods are based on social relations arising in the production process and affecting the final result of the organization. Work collectives successfully solve their problems if there is a favorable "social climate" in the collective. It has been proven that partnership relations are more effective than relations based on administrative coercion. The mechanism of the method is that property inequality can be anything, but at work, employees should feel like partners. In the event of an increase in social contradictions, the growth of labor productivity and living standards decreases.

Socio-psychological laws of management are based on taking into account the laws of people's behavior in their activities:

a person objectively strives to achieve any results at minimal cost to himself;

each person strives to act in such a way that this would be followed by the maximum reward in an acceptable form or the minimum punishment;

each person does only what the management structure requires, which can actually punish or reward him.

Sociological methods of management include:

management of social and mass processes;

management of group phenomena (innovation, economic competition);

social rationing;

social regulation;

role changes;

social prevention.

Psychological management methods include:

professional selection of personnel (interviews, conversations, tests);

humanization of labor (combating the monotony of labor, the functional use of music);

the formation of an emotional and aesthetic background for the activities of the team (the general mood of the team, the culture of communication, appearance).

The use of socio-psychological methods of management is carried out taking into account organizational culture within the framework of formal and informal management structures, which are organically combined in the field of management.

The formal structure fixes the production-necessary connections and relations of the team members with the help of precisely formulated and formally fixed rights, duties, powers, and responsibilities.

The informal structure represents connections and relationships that develop on the basis of likes, dislikes, similarities of characters, mutual understanding, common interests in the sphere of production and outside the organization.

Socio-psychological methods are used to solve the following problems:

increasing the production and creative activity of members of the labor collective by creating the necessary for effective labor activity conditions;

formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate, including elements of a psychological and physiological nature;

effective application of various forms of moral encouragement using self-diagnosis and self-learning;

impact on the group consciousness of the team in order to form the necessary culture of activity, which allows achieving high labor productivity.


1. Zhuravlev P.V., Kulapov M.N., Sukharev S.A. World experience in management M., 2007.

2. Knorring V.I. Art of management M., 2006.

3. Korotkov E.M. Management M.: Infra-M, 2006.

4. Kravchenko A.I. History of management M., 2008.

5. Meskon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Management. M., 2007.

6. Orlov A.I. Management: Textbook. M., 2005.

7. Ryabtsev I.M. Management: Tutorial. Rostov-on-Don, 2006.

8. Filonovich S.R. Fundamentals of management. M., 2005.

9. Chuikin A.M. Fundamentals of management. M., 2005.

10. Yampolskaya D.O., Zonis M.M. Management: Textbook St. Petersburg: Neva, 2004.

on the course "Management"

on the topic: "Principles, functions and methods of management"

1. Management principles

Management activities are based on the use of special management principles.

A principle is a basic rule, a requirement, an idea of ​​management and its basis.

The main principles determine the philosophy and strategy of managing the enterprise and its links. Following the principles of management is the key to the high quality of management decisions and, consequently, high management efficiency.

Taking into account the developed principles, the goals of the enterprises' activities are adjusted, priorities are specified, its policy is formulated, methods are developed. The implementation of the principles, goals, priorities and policies of enterprises is carried out with the help of appropriate working methods, instructions, regulations, standards. The latter form the mechanism for managing the organization.

The democratic principle of distribution of management functions is based on the methods and rules of the social division of labor. In accordance with these rules, a certain part of managerial work (function) is assigned to each body and person of economic management, from the director of the plant to the production foreman. Management functions of different content must be distributed in such a way that everyone does his own thing, which he knows and is responsible for.

The principle of scientific validity of management methods and rules implies that the methods, forms and means of management must be strictly scientifically substantiated and verified by practice. Production is the environment where the laws of production are derived on the basis of the laws of nature and social development. The latter operate as inevitably as the laws of nature. That is why knowledge of the laws of production for each specialist is as necessary as knowledge of the laws of physics and biology.

The need for the principle of management efficiency is associated with the multivariance of ways to achieve the same goal. The management of organizations is in constant search for effective solutions in all areas of activity. In a free market, the manager must constantly be on the lookout and even take risks in order to keep up with his competitors. In practice, it has been proven that sometimes it is better not to make any decision than to make a rash and wrong one. The higher the level of management at which the decision is made, the more carefully, all other things being equal, they must be justified. After the adoption of a management decision, organizational, administrative and economic measures should be taken to implement it and monitor the progress of its implementation.

The principle of compatibility of personal, collective and state interests is connected with the nature of production. Often economic organizations are located in settlements and use local natural resources. Naturally, they should not allow pollution of water and air basins, irrational use of natural resources allocated to them. It is economically justified that organizations are required to pay an appropriate fee for the operation of these resources. In addition, organizations cannot solve a number of problems without the help of state and local authorities. Many business organizations and entire industries need state support. In order to maximize the efficiency of economic activity and, accordingly, the entire economy, local authorities are obliged to take care of the employment of the population, and, consequently, of the development of enterprises located in their jurisdiction.

2. Control functions

Management as a process of managing an organization is applied in all areas of the organization. The range of managerial actions performed is so wide that in management theory it is customary to combine them into separate types.

The management function is understood as isolated types of management activities, various directions of the management impact of the management system on the managed object.

Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925) was the first to single out management functions. Among them are the following operations:

technical (production, dressing and processing);

commercial (purchase, sale, exchange);

financial (raising funds and managing them);

insurance (insurance and protection of property and persons);

accounting (accounting, costing, accounting, statistics, etc.);

administrative (foresight, organization, command, coordination and control).

Currently, the following management functions are distinguished:

forecasting - a certain system of probabilistic assessment of the nature of the change in goals and possible directions for the development of a controlled object in accordance with the available resources of the organization;

planning is the central function of management. Planning involves setting goals and objectives for the management system and the organization as a whole by determining the method and means of achieving them. This function permeates all types of managerial activities and stages of processes of the structural links of any organization. In market conditions, planning becomes a continuous, cyclical process of developing effective ways and methods for the development and functioning of the organization;

organization - determination and distribution of the scope of work to achieve the goals set, taking into account the nature of the relationship between management and production links to create conditions for achieving the target function of the firm (company);

regulation - anticipation and elimination of possible deviations in the course of the ongoing process from the main indicators. This function is aimed at ensuring the planned consistency and proportionality of the development and functioning of individual elements of the managed object;

motivation - the motivation of an employee to be active in achieving the goals of the organization with the help of a system of incentives. This function is based on the satisfaction of the complex structure of human needs in accordance with the operation of the law on the elevation of needs;

coordination - the necessary coordination of actions in the work of all structural elements of the organization. It aims to ensure rhythm and continuity in order to achieve the effectiveness of the interaction of all levels of management;

control - checking the quantitative and qualitative compliance of the planned process with previously planned tasks, decisions, standards and indicators;

accounting - accumulation and analysis of final data for a certain time period. Thanks to this function, it is possible to improve the control system taking into account the knowledge of past years. Control and accounting serve as means of feedback in management.

3. Economic methods of management

Management activities are carried out using a set of management methods.

A control method is a way of influencing a control subject on a controlled object. The method of management is also the basis of human motivation for a targeted impact on the labor process. In this case, motivation is complex and complex. The composition of this complex and the priority of various types of motivations depend on the level of development of society and specific people entering into interdependent relationships.

Economic management methods are a set of methods and techniques of management influence, based on the use of objective economic laws and a system of interrelated economic indicators, norms and standards. Economic management methods are based on the following economic laws:

Supply and demand regulation;

The law of value, taking into account the needs of society, the team and the individual.

The main content of economic methods is the comparison of production costs and the results of the organization. Economic methods play the role of a powerful stimulator of the creative activity of workers (rational use of all types of resources, the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices). With the help of economic management methods, the necessary conditions are created that are designed to interest people in achieving effective results of their activities.

The economic methods of management include the following:

commercial account. This method of management is based on the fact that in most cases economic relations between individual divisions are built on the basis of transfer prices, which reflect the transfer of the product within the boundaries of the enterprise's ownership. In this case, the product is only a commodity in form, not being a commodity in content. Such prices are set within the framework of such a pricing policy, which is pursued by the management of the organization. This management method is based on minimizing costs at all intermediate stages of production of the final product of the organization. On the basis of legal relations between departments of the organization, responsibility for the quality and quantity of products, delivery times are determined;

prices and pricing. Price has a significant managerial impact on the organization, both at the "input" (the price of resources) and at the "output" (the price of the organization's products). Depending on the level of prices, the system of goals of the organization is determined and adjusted, effective strategies of behavior are selected;

financing. This management method is implemented as an instrument of financial policy - it is the provision of all departments with the necessary financial resources. Formation of financial resources occurs at the expense of: own and equivalent funds; mobilization of funds in the financial market; funds received in the order of redistribution;

lending. The development of this management method is associated with the development of a network of commercial banks. The mechanism of the method is based on the growing role of the redistribution of credit resources through the credit market. In this regard, credit redistribution is increasingly decentralized. Credit contributes to the improvement of the consumer market;

control system- a set of principles, methods, functions and structure of the management of the organization, providing it effective management and functioning.

Str-ra control- the cov-th links of control, finding in interconnection and subordination and providing the functions and development of the org-ii of a single whole. Str-ra control org-her - cos-ty special functional units, interconnected in the process of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions.

Control page differs from the type of the object of control, goals, sizes and its external environment.

Main elements: -levels of control; - subdivisions and links of management; - managerial communications.

Management activities are based on the use special management principles .

Management principles- these are guiding rules that define the basic requirements for the system, structure and organization of management.

Taking into account the principles, the goals of the activities of enterprises are adjusted, priorities are specified, its policy is formulated, methods are developed.

General principles management are universal in nature and extend their effect to all areas of management and sectors of the economy. General principles of management: purposefulness, planning, stimulation, hierarchy, discipline, competence.

Private principles of management are local in nature and regulate only individual management processes, industries, organizations and divisions. Each branch of the economy or a separate organization independently develops own principles management in accordance with established traditions, culture, historical requirements, etc.

Control method- the method of influence of the managing subject on the managed object. Control method also represents the basis of human motivation for a targeted impact on the labor process:

- Economic: - A system of methods and ways of influencing performers with the help of a specific comparison of costs and outputs (mat incentives and sanctions, financing and lending, salary, cost, profit and price). In addition to personal goals, a participant in the process pursues both general and group goals. -Soviet way of influencing by creating economic conditions that encourage slave-in enterprises to act in the right direction and achieve the solution of the tasks assigned to it. Allocate planning, financing, pricing, economic incentives and economic calculation.

- Organizational (Administrative and legal): system of influence on org-s otn-ia to achieve specific goals. The performance of the same work is possible in various organizational conditions, with various types of its organization: strict regulation, flexible response, setting common tasks, setting boundaries for activities, etc. Three groups of methods: organizational-stabilizing, administrative and disciplinary action.

- Socio-psychological: ways of influencing the object of control, based on the use of socio-psycho-their factors and directed at control of the social-psycho of relatives, warehouses in the team. Methods: -formation labor collectives taking into account the social-psychic characteristics of people, abilities, temperament, traits of character, which creates favorable conditions for their joint activities: the introduction of a system of social regulation (including the use of contracts of obligations, establishing the order of distribution of benefits, priority their receipt; social stimulation - the creation of an environment of socio-psychic interest in the performance of any important work or in general in achieving certain goals, results, development).

Control functions - types of management activities, various areas of management impact of the management system on the managed object: 1) forecasting - 2) planning 3) labor organization 4) regulation 5) motivation 6) coordination 7) control (checking the quantitative and qualitative compliance of the planned process with previously planned tasks, decisions, standards and indicators) 8) accounting (accumulation and analysis of summary data for a certain time period. Thanks to this function, it is possible to improve the management system taking into account the knowledge of past years. Control and accounting serve as a means of feedback in management).

25. Personnel Adaptation Management System.

Adaptation is the adaptability of the worker to the organization and the organization to the job.

Types of adaptation:

1. According to the availability of employment experience: primary (no professional experience did not have; 6 months); secondary (transition to another organization or transition to another position; happens quickly).

3. By nature: active (if interested - clarify); passive (indifference).

4. According to the results of adaptation: progressive result; regressive result.

Control labor adaptation involves the formation of three elements:

1. Determination of the structural consolidation of the adaptation management function

2. Development of technology to consolidate the adaptation management process

3. Information consolidation of this process.

Stages of the staff adaptation process:

1. Preparatory. Development of documents ensuring the adaptation process (HR manager), they are signed by the HR director and the director of the organization. Documents: information brochure, drafts of the general and specialized employee adaptation program, test for a mentor, adaptation sheet, guidelines on the assessment of the adaptation management of employees, an adaptation assessment form, an employee questionnaire, requirements for a conclusion on the results of adaptation.

2. Informational. Starts on signing day employment contract; measures are being taken to accelerate the acquisition of information about the enterprise as a whole; the manager introduces the new employee to his general and specialized adaptation program; on the basis of the adaptation program, the manager develops a draft specialized adaptation program; at this stage, to accelerate adaptation may seek a mentoring mechanism.

3. Introductory. A new employee is introduced to the immediate supervisor and the work team, the manager structural unit gives information about the functions, the structure of relationships in the organization; introduces the rules and requirements (characteristics of the attitude towards the employee. Features of the psychological climate, norms of behavior, methods of monitoring and evaluating work, rules for the performance of duties, safety rules, duties of employees in relation to work, features of enterprise communications). The manager informs the new employee about his functions, clarifies duties and responsibilities:

· detailed description current work and expected results;

information about how his responsibilities relate to others in the unit and in the organization as a whole;

Standards for the quality of work performance and basic assessments of performance;

The length of the working day and schedule;

the procedure for fulfilling duties on the basis of familiarization with the “rules of internal work schedule» activity at the enterprise.

4. Adaptive. At this stage, the mentor observes the progress of the newcomer; helps him solve current problems; in cases of need to bring information to the head of the unit, or vice versa; after a week of work, the mentor or leader fills out an adaptation sheet. During the first month of work until the first assessment, all problems that arise during the initial period can be discussed. The assessment of the current results of adaptation is carried out, it is carried out by the personnel manager.

Criteria for assessing adaptation management:

1. Objective: productivity of activity, behavior in a team.

2. Subjective: satisfaction with work and working conditions, satisfaction with the team, assessment of relationships in the team, relationships with the leader, determining one's place in the team, psychophysiological state (fatigue, irritability, etc.), employee expectation (professional growth, dismissal), opinion of cripples, mentors, leader about professional qualities newcomer, his labor and social activity, and his position in the team.

An opinion on the results of adaptation is prepared upon completion of the activities (provided in the personnel management service). In conclusion, it is indicated by the identified level of adaptability recorded in the adaptation assessment plan. Recommendations are given on the continuation, termination of work on adaptation. On the basis, it is recommended that the manager make decisions and bring it to the attention of the employee. Within 1.5-2 years, it depends on the result of assessing the level of adaptation, the adaptation process is monitored (HR manager, at least once a quarter, must meet with a newcomer and their manager to identify adverse factors).

Management is a dynamic process carried out and directed by managers through the use of various techniques and methods. It is from the latter that a system of methods is formed. Properly selected methods should assist in the implementation of the effective functioning of the control, as well as the controlled subsystems of control.

They can be classified according to various criteria. So, depending on the scale of their use, systemic, general and local General methods can be used in any management processes, systemic methods - only in any specific management systems, and local methods aimed at individual elements of management systems. According to another classification, methods are divided into areas and branches of management. This includes methods used in public administration, trade, industry, business, etc.

An important role is played not only by methods, but also by management functions in management. Their appearance is associated with the division and specialization of labor, since all management processes of the enterprise are carried out through functional division. Any function must create such management conditions through which the most effective connections between the elements of the managed system would be provided. On the present stage development, there are such basic functions of management in management as:

· Planning - the function of which is to establish goals and ways to achieve them. The end result of planning should be a system of plans consisting of corporate, functional plans, employee plans, etc.

Organization (organization) - a management function involved in the development and distribution of powers and responsibilities.

· Motivation is a management function, the essence of which is to encourage a person to an activity that has a certain target orientation.

Control is a management function that ensures the organization achieves its goals.

Management functions in management are carried out through a process - an activity that requires a certain amount of time and resources. Thanks to this, it was possible to consider the interdependence and interconnection of the management function. The management process is a sequence of functions, or more precisely, a sequence of initial actions to perform functions. The connecting processes in management are the decision-making process and the communication process. Recently, this also includes the process of goal-setting, because in order to start any activity, you must first establish the goals of functioning.

The process of communication refers to the exchange of information between a certain amount of people. Through communications, managers can get the information they need to make decisions and talk about decisions taken employees of the enterprise. When communications are poorly organized, decisions are often wrong. If we talk about the decision process, then this is the choice of an alternative.

Management functions in management lead managers to make a wide variety of decisions. So, when planning, you need to set a goal, determine necessary resources, choose ways to achieve objectives and goals. When organizing, it is necessary to work out and manage, as well as organize the labor of specialists and workers. The process of motivation involves the establishment and analysis of unmet needs, the definition of stimulating effects, etc. Control functions involve making decisions on the application technical means communication, coordination of the activities of structural units, etc.

Thus, management functions in management should contribute to the adaptation of the organizational structure of the enterprise to the tasks set for the implementation of activities, as well as the selection of employees for specific work, and the determination of the rights to use the organization's resources.